Milverton Sun, 13 Feb 1908, p. 7

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, ‘ | CANADIAN WOMAN SHOT DEAD. — : GONDENSED NEWS ITEMS| me LEADING MARKETS Daughter .in Alabama Thought She aes : Had Taken Cartridges From Gun. he i |} HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVi3 TEE] 4 despatch fom Birmingham, ia Z ¢ She sce ‘ GLOBE. says: Mrs. C, J Shanshan, ‘wite ot a| «Toronto, Keb. 4-—Meniloba: Wheal— talian A Four-Year-Old so Nabe spear ah tamor) Ct data aoe ae"| S | J . eras and_ Nashville Rally teen miles + No. 2 feed, eet rrested fora oe a Telegraph Briefs From Our Own and [South of Birmingham, lest night shot Ontario= Wheal—No. 2 while, fo Sp endid Act of Bravery of Walter a Scott ; £25: £ Babar ween fend killed her mother, ‘Mrs. Rachel’ Me- stn No. 2 red, 97¢ to 980; No. 2 mixed, Cc " Hi ‘i Li fe er Countries ol eI Kam, of Canada, here on a visit. The 3 im Murder. z Events, killing was accidental. Me Shanahan | Barley—No. 2, 74e to 76c, outside. 0s is 10, removed cartridges fro gun, she} | inter ee patents, = CANADA. thought, but one shell veniained: a PA Se She ere cond: 0 les! irom Montreal says: while a eels ‘A despatch from Montreal says: In a walk out info the woods near the vall- Fa soute stock ot west is now z 4 eT pe cent 1g | Sade sttong pales rs ee oa lo gre at the little wooden shack in the eastern part ti Seeplees 1c: c8008 Hope alice court fines tor 1007|Toronto, Ont., for burial. Poas—Sic to 85¢ ouside, ol the cily flve of Chief Detective Car Gather aes Caro No 2 ene va, ue ; merican, Lae ae captured, Lor ‘Thursday i « h lle | oat crock THREE MONTHS FOR HIS JOKE. | 63740, che Met OM corn, bs, ie sllened perpen Hite Sab Ae Cal ihe ‘According to Mas Directory, the Weore BREADSTUFFS. ae Nest mines at + 62 Beamsville Boy Who Gave Poisoned wats 4 i ta 50¢ out s é : pock’ wee Candy to Another Sentenced. i ni ‘Toronto; No. 2 mixed, ook of Suntiioare. When her Against him that on the 15th of April, ‘1 dying London is sal AY. nea ~ ‘| tion was reached she started to get off, aR OH aeALEORLS He Ruvedetet Dhaiaea aid him nCTOes. | Fi ull svorke. at Conon be : la despatch from St. cilities says: 2, 05% to G62. and in some» way descended on: tht 4i1 a fellow-countrymen nazned Pasquale Shar He ce ip ome Rey nes er OL eee : 5 swrangnide. of the arabs just ay the 1n- Barthoni. - Nea‘ly four years have elaps vere just in op an on-| fe é ‘ints : : ot sald at Toronto, rive. ternational Limited from Chicago came} a. coming feat and to heal eles havea a 2a v Ci 8 Hons thundering through. The Limited did igeani out lary. 0 ; = nV idleness. ic a wed test —Oalaeie Noe 2 white, “900 ask- | HOt even slow down at Strathmore, “n patiently tracking tle Nast breath, ‘The murderer fled and |/ 708%. ey techie eniaol eh bie bia, ask Beery eee eat ice tenn intaked Tron worn. -SUGBY | hn Tee areret “i se ze | Giuseppe Baron, the murdered man's) nse in ‘Toronto to 110. months 1 ral Pileen : At nE | ¢ there see ‘ari was pennt-| cousin. prisoner appeared pofore Judge Dr. James Douglas of New York has|cffort is being made = Ns tase ot io tral hein. almost Sr : sr way fst. ent isoner appea 80) given. a $42, farm to the Verdun, is 7 3 yo—No. 2, i y of St. Henri, engl friend Pasquale Barthoni in the town| Choquet, an ex jon commissioner, | jue, he 0 ae cae: eh remitted by the ‘hints as aus rit BOR usleed “OulshiG: She stood rooted to the middle ot une neon at the International, admitted tia 4 Conneaul,Ohio, and knowing that] and protosted his innocence, but waived | ~ qi eaaoner indemnilly of Manito: rack with fear, and tl who saw her Haribon! had money, ‘persuaded hint to all objéction ,to ‘extradition. be _gsitons is to be increased from : COUNTRY PRODUCE. tae Be, lovplanitenly closed Their eyes, | : 1,000. MISSING LINK COMPLETED. Ene. Hest aon Seating sae Shea 8 aH ae re ai arceiganulignsnen lake poet sine: nail > continues quict, -and }foars, Mrs. Legault whe lvitia: lo sine evi hese meeseen. thes ralay slate pe de | cigce of & number of mulual fire insur-| Grand ‘Trunk Pacific ‘Telegraph Built} Drees, 0 he Sou or Dak SE bg HR Ok ee eee een ae great tree Lrunk, the chill struck thro é Young -twubkeve,: 2 ae lbhote YOUNG fim se a “knife. ‘Petheps: he would|*9Se COMpamless op to Winnipeg. Oe Ue i : a Sci rez leath before any. one found i oe ‘A cespatch from Winnipeg says: The ate eases ‘9610 11 hese new. velveleens. le they are FE him, 7 set him lo shouting, | he Corea ara died at Guelph) Ging ‘Trunk Pacific Railway oat Ss fucks ses soft and sheeny, they are immensely FOLKS “Grandpa! Grandpa! —Graid-p-t-a-at" EBay Reed Bi veane gine plated. ott Wednesiiey. The. | Chicka iS : = . superior to, the ‘chiffon velour, which UL hurt him to He still, with, his arm |) r. E, H. Alien, claims agent of the |).5 eet ilar Sains ened asnion ked every. time its wearer sits an t Regn to shear , duis resigned, 10, became |, rae ure ~ 6c 2c resign Z more of his weight on the hand in tbe < y of N ew Brunswick. d 2 “One ‘of the new features this winter The Eset OELY ete a under fie hand et, hie Royal Se ui = Coxparation of hing lo a ee pee ca are moderate, and * Hints the white clotit =o panded auth alifax smd Montreal P i i nd Wi @ summer when Hugh Greenwood | fr Fant [chased: by Toronto. capitalists and will towns otis capa Puls Wein peg. nt Gr prints. z thats Beers sl ng be moved ts Toronto. ears 2S commune ee wo. las : 28¢ The ta i Soe + 20 to 26: Fr u while, | “Atter a long tin ie scenes 10 ae fe 20 miles, to. Melville, the iS ze ebb bib btre : FADS AND FANCIES, high for in (he ae pe the fields S at Monir and woods nearly all of every day, | Hugher Mis orm ee that he Just | (cwatds resioring HRTENS Sonat point of the rallway. Taian ‘That wes why Mughle was left on his SEE ee ee Bibiote (hes bows {aD cases Cheese At 19%4¢ for large Tricorno hats are coming agai a putea Tae Ted ot tulle ch ae gral S$ farm when the rest of Sane i e a G. in » clerk in Aes Re CARIBOU ON THE MOVE. for ‘twins, in_ jo! pass ner Naltier blue is becoming one ot the | edged with a tiny band of fur, Is eno. the "tatully went back to the city in the i sditor’s fice: at Montreal, =e Eggs—S\ , ale 2 per dozen | favorite, hues. ores mene a caiaiiied anny a ait, and his warm hand, resting on | ed & s Batonstey a ihe. death of his | Herd of a Hundred ‘Thousand Cross the in. case lols; selects, 250 to. 26e; Mufls and short cravats of glossy | iris with long Hecks,.:bul tt 1 nob for ion, oR edi cin dates Se aes) Wukonniver, laid eggs are sughly See ay oor 1s ae a SEL any an 4 ae rd nderson was foun lead im gray hair can t fi a ee tank ey ho, gat near Fillmore, Sask., with his face jespatah from Seattle says: The! Foney—Strained ab ie to We per | bewutifled by adornment with lovely Gof ne fshin seas whch shew a kinda of ens ’ w ed awe. ning | bruised a “his throat out.” iit tone tates herd of caribou ever. seenin Ne | pound fo pills, arid 120.49 | Sivek puuet Gk. a cendadl ots atlves. ett 0 was entan in a wire fence wilds of AL laska is now erossing the } 4 5 Combs at aie ad ee pe st Net yotieed | George ie peeKuonpae Oeics Nate Yukon River, workings ils way south: | §1.75 50 per dozen. . gts pretty tailored gowns are mado |} was because | 9 the others, and pulled them up, 100, Canadian Company at Now Carlisle: N.| Sette region. BS ~ eas $i: to $1.75 for primes : oft colton velvet that is called} show a wie etait Uncle Norman back to Bs een arrested on a charge ¢f| ny to hundred di 31 for hands pice Repos be warn in Florida wine tinea skirt, ? * Y vats {Stealing $1,200, which ree nee “trom | Moving for one «hundred days now, |. po ae as ‘We per bag in car « Neulilee sacques of ae Shy and ere is a cretonne parasol © a | the aale. Rnd bers eeetnt e a ene ae Sok ave. Bist NASI ESeH, V-|mateh, while the straw hat also has @ Ontarin Board 6 g. itis estimated thal more than aled Saw 810 ‘per ton on track lly. as well as for. thelr detighttul touch ‘of cretonne. Health are to the effect that smallpox, h warmth. scarlet fever, measles and diphtheria are Saas See way: into the lower led Hay--Timoth $16.50 lo $17. in} ‘Toqu gues of swansdown and ermine ire revalent than they were @ = * car lots on_ trac! over youthful faces are even lovelier D rT e : : oF than the dark fur hats, . HEALTH HINTS. AA a course, in.a way, Hughio was glad. se si andma, “because now I kn how. ct feels 10 be caught in a (rap. Anc rman had said that Oliv ay caught the S Hughie’s pene hase body e ee es a Bore ag hina oft then ag Rang he, grand: F ited super ae ok. ps ean ra Pork—Short cut, $22 lo $22.50 per nt co ealaae eka : times ‘there were mink; and now and| “No, my boy, not if the hunter want- ditt Se Ty C. oe “ ‘with offices at | Started Up on Friday With a Full Staff ey me to $18.50. tie but not offen, an otter. ape ea mine tat way, Nelso: a of Men. |—Tierces, nugee, tubs, 12c; rolls, mu tng meee een aSCNEEAS pull “Why, just think of it, Unele N oe puaek 2 ‘ . 32 lant earrings devarate the a acking, then put on rubbers i a aia Hughie.—Youth’s Comp: GREAT BRITAIN. a an edie: We ate ice post Or and Dry Sulted Meats—Long ala ‘of many of the most fashionable is ota gesting a ° EPEC Sir Henry Tyler, fon Fa President ot {ed at t lant, clear bacon, 9%0 for tons and case nen. i If you have a “Woothache and wont to COAL RAD >LODED. sng ‘Grand Trin Rel pps Ate With a {hams, medium end Light, Mo to 1 lligoats no ‘longer “stand out”; mn | put Some eotton in. your oth. wind a Nin uve’ Scalia. “gonltra sta i ; " {haths, large, 12%¢ to 13¢; backs, 160 der ew French gowns; they must] cotton around a nut pick; most peopl * | Strathroy Man’s Miraculous Escape) were oad in the South Seas, hat she uunced that. the 2u : 2 16 }60; Sh rs et Tolls, See ore as limply around the feet as che use a toothpick, and | the cotton aivate AP cat From Serious Injury. reached Liverpool on thelt_ way on! rar Le breaktast-bacon, 15¢) gre s slicks to the wood so you can’t get it might get poh eerie artiue We See Hing ail one poaesned cast Was Mel ak athe {Cul Of Pickle, do less ea ehiebens iy Ptinglike silks ‘shimmer already inin the tooth. I have aired: the nut lek pani ana Beau) he DUETS: robe, BONE at Seay Fae ie rey fer the ides | lane would’ recone: in: tha Course ot hop windows, and. checks anil and it is much easier to get Into cav- fakes an awful lat of muskrat skins to}! H. Dampier ager | oe ae a iin jewel ST ermvck ikea la fen dove ia. neaamtance’ We ith thea ots ‘AL MARK i hulfalostobe." And then. 0 ‘i 2 es Thad mos Ne | o¢tice, se TaN Youle ne a EE Ay a ae “|. Montreal, Feb. -4.—Flou ho alsd said there were| cable escape from instant death on i = é ; Mane ak ete sedan oo | Tauro. Me, Dampier ‘had bean ‘in| yA! noua Set pacoeen of to Sane So tn vee ae vatents, | 224 mostly It isin two tones of the ade SR Aste as inact Pee sem ain eet pages Hed /alaclava bugle and the Chesapeak WELLAND CANAL TRAFFIC. B5; do. | Same. eolor. md showed Hughie how to set a tie bee renee in. the sich. whieh | 5° “ aie Lyre ros Cae ie 8E ger Stripes are Feltior wiaeta and they sil. pico paste had been oui fat : day allo) al ili ee it is said, day for Hugh when he | tbe waterfront and pipe tos : Fasiped Aba pois ae eee begeiseeey Salle foie Gisgenane arouina site Nae ore aig igh first time to visit his | {he water to the pathroom Yo te - ‘ i ee te Boal ae 99 A pretty stripe is in right blue, Nile line of traps, ‘The sun wes bright end Dampier was sitting in the kllchen ch from Welland says: Inter- | 50, Shorls., 3% . . ‘4 e green, a pearl, the latter stripe being Manama ot ethaeciowe inva hand 6 for the fire to burn, when ae eat Fineoln, 9 2 We ve bees ak lings, $24 to the widest. that walking was easy; but it was ay $a trer mendous explosion, | curl Carri : ali z Be ee ad An. interesting departure in style is cold, 1 tell you, those fur gloves felt ands the siove was blown to pieces. one| ish Board of Agric’ uunced | Aur e mouilie, $32. | Dare eager c dS hued good 1 so did the woolen mut | Ua tog ‘blown {rough the ceiling, ephatienly { n : peste Sey ee 3 ave; diritigy sete, SM aul Uae ey tos svhiet taatipoteee had tied about eek eut. The fire eS tthe embargo on Canadian cattle {rom vessels passing through, amountéd even from ve A to 1,669,135 bushels in 1907, an increase |," : Yo. dy 4 ioe es ais i gies? Hh ssa alt it 3 Ps vells with border a fn Wy untliak coals: ary with & rough: towel, put on fresh stockings, havo a © | change of shoes, w all wine ‘iist trap, to Hughio's-disappoint- | {he Plaster Pe att the walls. Str z f slat held no muskrat, and. had not|‘ say. Mr. Dampier was not hil by the UNITED STATES, spi ea were nO Fe ° Pe ee ; ven been sprung, and it was the same ng i escaped entirely un-| A receiver has been spat for the 1d. December 907, Provisions—Darne A i at en mess The lose ll berabaut SIS Chicago & Milwaukee Railwa: There aioe ciate Tei aie <7 e 89450: eS aah ae Warner Miller, a} es U.S, Sena. | Teceipts ‘ot er rain long cut heavy, mess, to $24; hail ef understanding: in ten’ minutos, ESS IN GERMANY. tor, largely interes! ae and cop- vee barrels do., $10.50-t0. hee dey; bull ne ea terre iS aide a Wing ti Jong clear backs, Angee to 16, barrels; | conf i +, BURNED TO DEATH. ; Ne aa bai ed in mourning fogs ane namel, | CHILDREN ARE NOT CRIMINALS, arrels Is heavy megs shed away into a hole at the roots|Pepresston in Trade is Producing Seri- - - Shig:t ous Results. tea files kcrsaiie- Ilan send 3, : Dk Fatal Accident in a Montreal Shirt 5 Aas rushed fo tren, and koseling a opal os eee Ages HES PAWille MeBride, a twelve-year-old boy, Factory. lee cay i ta bactee o., $5.50 gowns th ho dows ! Ravieal FaHeenpEs of Egypt, near Rochester, ie his déspatoh from Montreal says While | lari Me fp 5 kettil is ey peda Eero Sing rate : he ar-year-o / jun dur. oF ietiaeslans e 4 3 be to 146, aceon | TE, Dab oniy ibe plain ones, ih ene " i 3 i ¥ x [Emden not Pat his hake oe ane s, ile place, rea I Wind: ae “bacon, Se ae eh i vork int ing room, when. some. | killed abaltair dressed, 498.50" to 85.75% sla Dees appa 10 pay. Tee | thing want ene a the steam ue live, $6 a % ee in the rear of the firebox. Bailey went) There are no He developments in’ the 6 h in Berlin . GENERAL. ee ind. wi a d lceal. cheese t rade. November jan ae ly all made with lace sleeves, and many Hit | Skilled artisans were out of work, At i brok (eae ve Oe Spee: pte Mt.) a meeting held on Thursde : There are ‘enlais famine conditions in see 3 the chie! ‘ e i “dis. | the i ning district of northern | man. was es like a rat in a trap.| Good ens le iets in ths butter mar- miss the Ialians in the employment » 1} 1apland. Owing to mmable nature of} ket, Gross woos, 26¢ to 28c; current {tho aiuinleipallly In order to, provide|~ The French won a viclory over tribes. |the material, era cigmay tie bili roeslgtae se yah work BF distressed. Ger Germans. A large mer in Moraeeo after fighting for: four Jeeey ss of flames 8 -| ‘There is a vithle “femer tone in the ae tho | * °} mass meeting of ui ayed also took fo saat ic to 36¢}} vance 5] ein "” models; these are ie ti me 8 aught ane ey wai | place at Dusseldor! ‘Thun lay oa Ree Jameson, Premier of Cape Colony, | unfortunate man was frightfully nia het - d Timed, 206 fe Nat teaepate pulled hard it might give way and co ‘ ned, owing to the defeat of| ali over the body and died shortly at- beg Shag es Se: it; but he knew that if it did it would Me cpisty et Ine pola: ‘enacts tly at-| 220; No. 29 ti ca Dues. ot thle allt: drop away down into the hole, and hi DRANK LAUDANUM. pasty m eee between Russia aukeetnat tne a aoe ‘or t nev eee ide “t ften poor boys ans p punishes, ‘ PFA KI : ees bs ger ‘Traveler From Hamilton Dies 4 i ria aver a railroad which ar ee . m0 : nec haaed aH en a my get his knife out and | 78 lamilton Dies ina Win-) sustria proposes to build through ‘the THE METAL BOUNTIES. uffalo, » Feb. 4.) af re cut the hole bigger! But no, his knife nipeg Hotel. re = Spring, lower; No. 1 : 3%; a eyout Sai oth: right-hand pocket, and it A dospsta h from Winnipeg E. Taher of the leaders of the Re- | Amounts ra by Dominion to Iron and | N red, $1.03; Winter, firm. sear a brit “— iranriartlg that was caught lek hia: ‘amnion, n Portugal. wil Lead Industries iaceake ae seataae i a Bowers it Or ts | ‘anspo Bdcs 08 x y He way aud tn an out a Wie way, but [oats y Tepreientt Re si Fea ee ants dite: 2 A. despite Tei Sg says, UTNE LN Os Lis ee pi it ie Hott on Friday mighl. He dra ink two} A Persian mob raided the Governor's the A Eek oe io rere Bild 5 Huanie Degen to-feel oA cold, When ees er fahderriuinitss. 1: ont died thie: | Counties ‘Bave been in’ existence the Do- 8 apparently minion has paid a suih of $5,108238 as NEW YORK WHE! be Be felt warm enough, but lying! city: the 1 i us “night, wh nneontirmied report is. current at | VOURW on pig. trons, on fences Feb, 4.—Whoail—Spot easy; Gi Peloreburg-and: Helingétors that a tr ste SATs manufactured ‘ Re ean mperor has resolved on thé. partition |)" Vine ate 2h. Act Dldles astern oe y York, rmine. sf r boy and sa == No. 2 red, Me, i ee ‘g “Velveteen aii ta er Wi pe G hoi n readily and win 9 bo : -0-b; “ato ely. A wonderful vari us stich { Finland. ¥ | Duluth No “afloat No. 2 hard ; ft holds: ow : i ae pon Yood amounts to $742, ae 3 4 3 e eaving. ©) boys id vote mo i AVE THR De A} SPOKEN 9 aewe re Se eee ine the cast four yeuts her n | Winter, Bia ae checks, Some stripes ure in) fo, sucoesat pi sn the tat €! + 2 iM i harmonious! onl 8 y love and syns 1 to Sue the fate. Sir: John paid in bounties on. the SrosuslIon 5 Ty OMAPKET, three colors, ig Me ee RS rs pt y sy eas Br enida pateoleuni & gums of $1,204,195. Charming afternoon gowns are made of the. Re’ ilo on Friday a vay in, through uid just! the high discount rate, push hls-hand. horns the rabbit had geotared. that ‘Wheat same cltence ces. bul same Sheehy nad been: running or walking fast qo ide. Hear the }oner named whom they Soliant. 1 Export cattle are i th "Germon _bovetnmnent naval" pro: See = SRR demand. Qu i f ise i 5 operas provid ng or ae oan fer sion | SUNDAX: LAW. JN WINNIPEG. tition were chee, 1.7 19 8 Sir Oliver Lindgo, Distinguished Soiontist [Resse Watt eee "tae ar tomar walsh “LM LINE 10 INDIES FROM CANADA All stag. ; x Ga sat Sinuls,. Colonial ‘Seotdlaky: of Henceforth be Prohibited, A select lot of a for Hulcberatg Has Had a Communication, the. ‘Transvaal, has warned the Natal| a despaich trom Winnipeg says: A por Dies 0 per Gevernment to Saute Other. | tho. meeting of the Police Commission oa Soe 2 wise the other South African colonies.) i, was decided that the police. be noti- as ; - ss ke tion, : 2 ver ba wall take fraction, ol al brenhes of he tere an Sereda te toe @ “:| Montreal Corn Exchange Will Press for nis f Re ho: die andere 5 ee % {eho tee 2 $3 to $3.75; y ceded in ubialainy co: Vaseoni SIX KILLED IN CYCLONE. e sith “next Sunda ; 5 ‘ 5 eee wet in bn mh ieubere ot the] ce a et fas ee har’ sensei eee i 0.89 Direct Summer Service. London Co their death, wy means “f|) Sir Oliver aioe Maia: Wh Rare We Strip of te Be Wie in Mississip- | heid on Sunday will be breaches of the ie BLS aa bans we cet tests nr cantly con-| have received what investigation has Ak A Eine was éoing in feeders He Sieh in connection with Spicttualigin, messi the di xX pti pay esson, Suhel -y SAYS! BURGLAR SHOT DEAD. ers, Quolations were as follow: i Six persons he? ae pees He j Bere és lo oe a 5 to $3.! 50 raned i: ‘A despatch from Montreal sayst cyclone wi of ea " ‘ ‘kers? $2.75 to $3; common, $2 ‘as decided at the annual meetin; taltarming countr Be Po | Pour Men Assaulted a Nightwatchman as . “s 1 2 mile wide hs ane miles long just at Montreal, Milch ‘ows yas ae “quoted ab $25 ia of pee ei worl ie have. di neted north ‘of her Friday A despatch from Montréal says: Be- | to $50 fo} I-known | that ther 4 ee gee tween 1 aude 2 o'clock Wednesday morn- tu ves ee easier al 3 to 80, per} steamers betwee! p rt a a DEATH OF PREMIER PETERS, ing a shooting Sr ocourred ai Ae West Indiés, in one to increase. trade} mer ss a R. yards, at St, Henri, and Pht and denis are quoted’ ‘ag fol-| Pelations between Canad and those is-| opinion of the fet Alfred Ga is dead, He Pate Export ewes, $4 to $4.50; bucks | Minds, was thé general opinion Montreal wi * the W. Passe 2 companions. assaulted the night an ‘culls, $3 a oak eae hehe this was the only | where sucl een ET : - purporting: to. é a in, wha. fired in self-défence, |#¢ to $0.35; ordinary Jambs, $4 to $4.50) way lo ino 4 Han walter |e e with us wi 3 dekpatot’ from ali Ne S., says:| hittin; in bdomen. Gosse-| per ete i 3 shipm ig. em uurpase patic roving Te Arthur Peters; K. remier of | lit time -burglar, an¢ d| Hogs continued to be quoted at $5.40. vo smoved from celvi eat the Corn meee iczived hi eae and eunge prided Prince Edward Island, “lied. at Char- na for selects, and $5.15 per ewt, for lights to build up the trade. keep He ue canioes for a ding ‘sit, knowledge Uae seas os lottetown on Wednesday evening, sed! and fats, Figures produced showel that the’ treal ‘oougt th me re aire Inds Head of the P, ee pe Laisa Has

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