Register ae of Geese. goose fair held at | Miss J. Davidson ett or Friday to {umn tens of thou- ae see in New for. 18, Ty. Mornington se Alex.|sands of pes are exposed for salle. = Lillie Kocher. Everything goes the|T< has bee proprictor is quitting the heat Pucsday, Feb. 25th.—About 25 or hond of steers and ;Nslfes 5. good | re mileh cow: cs hs abi pigs, | fram 50 18, eatarhintcn Tp.,| to rable thei “feet + Feb. t implementa and eeed, on lot 16, Waraate io Eidt has left for his home eee to . ashi ood, after spending a ie Milverton’s Greatest and Best Store, ote We do as we Advertise, is about 1 male sont of Hesson.— Wm. |mareh they od atier a | weeks with friends in oar villag Bee Girodat, one fakhione: ie birds feat | at te A) ale alert ot ‘ildnoy y c : . Th Eiet s Beri Sth, -Farm, spony a day ai the home of J ator me implements, eaualit its Wins Reinwa : as John Donley of Elmira spent oh thoroughbred coattley” oad heavy] orscs and new implements on lot Sunday undor the nd-ready foots: ie! tal ne on can int es stead on the hard roads. | ‘Miss Adline Gatschene ra iecs New cee Goods il é is pencil a few id’ thalt 8,000,000 geese avy ine Stratford, the guest. of her been veghlected sri thabsoity. ut Mrs. EB i (Seigne: 66° 99 incredible, ‘These oese "Aled Flesiio’ Donlsy pent Sat liday ad ren 1 se ne uae as Be Saito rd. a fe a y No. 1, con. 2, Mornington,—Alex Kelling: te : le About ‘Time Hm fy gt Pare oe a feridays we ther seine ~ Tuesday, March 10.—Parmstock _an¢ Sp eee see to Buy the tee implements, on lot 28, con. 13, N. ath of Mr. Andrew Metis says father from the stair-way, ai mee —Samuel B. Yutzi Prop. BRUNNER ronmerly one of the 3 about time for brides, birthdays Pak Wednesd: Sar Sy oN Ant a of iafornington. < ‘ 5, . Morn Sere ine thanythi. (0 ‘ake ivan implen is : cre 1 rudell Every The 4 ‘Aliso and Maggie An- —_-——- A age of our splendid assortmens of hirer gocs as the proprietor ha jor» “returned home after visiting 1 men O Joas-¢ his farm for & term of years. ‘ 7th. Con., Wellesley sia SUBERB JEWELRY, wee : visited her : 5 iS RRS manta Quito’ a number attendéd the = exquisite des Bra clets ‘Mr. and ae D. Sieckly and son |ty at Mr, Geo’ Gibson’s on eed ° Stisk-Pins, high-grade Watches, ect OARTHAGE f attending, the foneral offe cas ew rin oOo Scce’ ‘ake time fore-loc! select Ta ang is visiting with trom this sp lendid selection at @ say- 1) atca, Weatherineton of Listowel “hs Pouanoredde Teenie aire - Af BO pee BeDL DS pales, ‘coal syent the past week at ‘Mrs. 0 fir. Win Gibson, who. hag been ill, ; may y lots more cleswhers.for Jewelry {ltor."s present |yeo are glad to report, is recovering. a : hee Nahas, stipe Caza Gamble or vee dow: H Man- | mr. Wm MoPaddin, of Shakespeare “ Isaturda: sit of two weeks |sor ig spon : f H. BASTENDORFF | Sati friends in. Stratfor ane Ke ot afr forts in $ leweler and itician jilverton . S. A Johnston left Monday condition. oy Literar D ) ing So - eS ua es : for her home in Carp, after spendine | Pinata peeetee: is Now is the time to do a = throw weeks with her relatives ) on: WW getting |tate of lust week wan. & ausoéss “in ; ; 4 served Auction Sale, “Wo are pleased to report that M ig noVaTG = {lles Leone gpa tbeUlde es EMCEE £00 dae ir a on’ Ss your Spring Sewing and we of horses. pedig ade | tor Stanley eget ii oe ne ate this week: in ee Nie san ee 18 it Ine de v wish to announce to the ‘a after an attac] vi i a efit to the laboring x i . Thursday. Berane. Steplementy, 001 aah earn gnrE Srey ise k= Soe face Meanie Gen. butler lanctaets Ladies of Milverton ‘and Pe ea 3. Erler, who last week reeeived the = amd Fowler Young. Debates or oth- se és po Ml Atle! homented sad newa of her brother, Mr, Leh; Oarmunnock. cxtertainments will be held. evory ri ni be) vicinity.that we: have itjust rout 2 » Alsp on the | Pozen some. distant is hoi a. John Eon is suttoring trom | eye ee i eee passed into stock the finest bs. inka wane is 130 acren of land Viaty, and Mrs ee grinded: the oke. How ve are | ow line of SPRING AND SUM- sy » aap easion, | Fa noral. Ha thatt ae is reaver + at Elina, 25 ores clear, balance. timber ‘Albert: Reiner has again tart: —— MER DRESS. GOODS ever s tind, good dwelling home, bank. bain, patinseltenne cy for ex, Coulter who has been an it i will be rented for al term é RSM ai her mother this winter re- Crosshil! : shown in Milverton such as ° Prime, oe et cattle, sale on |My OY ‘in is. Mate Stratford on Wedni - ini A ; ho lot 1, con 2, aforn’ngton. |, 8 vitae in etree i visiting et Nnere she has been. spending «| ‘ntigs Byers of Mitobell, is visiting Prinis, Linens, Ginghams, F van - Wen “Au, scum na ‘Drochlech is in pales oe a oks with her brother. | [friends around, here. =F Dress Goods, Silks, Mulls, ‘ : LE, a: om ' . Baktin entertain- | fr, Dhos and Miss Mary Hammond The Celebrated Fine Musling Be, she “pattentis » EtC., a oper the ‘millinery open- Saed nee friends to a lon the ah aoe spent Sunday at Mr. ng. ‘The ev ‘Miss Shephard, one of ow D kB T Fe Oa rust “who haa an 4 was oie e present, “Mis ey anenkk a vlatiing ia English Grafton. Prints are particularly handsome “4 ar rown asie Pee ica winae: Se ee liertaton ora Font and beauty ats Mabel Foster of Manitoba are postively the best this season. S Your Head Aches pie but nas scoured "a substitute |gn(hered at the home of abt aid Mrs pent ast week ma aeRO aTne J : Tongue is Coated teint, of Morota:[Bel in social shat. and dancing. Hiss na Mrs: WaisMundell” 9p prints made. Every Mr. Wm. Irw s oe s led at = her depart- a Mouth Ta heey wal take, charge ae lo of days last week with their i 3 : istes Bad avon for 8 day oF two. a comple of days teat, week piece Gaticee eG Colors. Perfect Wor y r G n. Stomach is Sick. ‘Mr. F Ottmann has been ‘ near Glanalla: Unequalled for Value. our sad duty is chronicle the tor in Toronto for s wesinss eran of Miss Ellen P! The Grastic Juices Are Not Doing Their An u're in the Gri Nervous Dyspepsia 2 365 2 - Be BRS hte return, visited his unele, Alex. Dingwall in’ ee e! Ha PNY Dear Mr. Editor,—Will you kindly an- Ri pe sence fet “a Tast | neurco ‘tisoush Bie columns of your SESE THA Eb tlly have ths ele S ie rine fare pathy of tho community. bitter fluid and sour indigest- oe n your mou These prints are sold 4 everywhere for 15¢ per Ladies’ : : Nii aon swith specks that float ye ottmann spent a Pais aber week’ in the Twin city ety shortly, you'll have “nape fank breath, and sleepless nights, ae re ee yd. We have decided AY eg ane seein, woopsivE. pes 4 diges gives the aid that's M slogihload of young people went wes Open: ther easen we aists s|from here to the lecture in B ehureh, Milverton, on Bondy George Eydt endor, fhe M ‘Foergzon0 is es sai prints by selling “Graf ton’s’ at 42 4-2 cts. Beautiful Shirt Waists in ee) Other. “ fine India Linens, Lawns, per. ya. ther~ prints Muslins and Silks. Rang- at-from--5¢—per_yd. up. ing price from 50c. to $5,00. we ‘ ble, reed conditions that cause dyspe " pepsin rene reby eures per- ec roti ided for Ay Bie attend i aie v hands of nor: ad tie: expatt| + more Dow Sherbarth snd IF Fred aesCHiG: owe B,D, Davidson, a. well after trom, Brodhagen._ v : ee eats of Bortland. who ate, Albert Sherbarth’s Pvadioedsy of pant ‘ozone is beyond doubt) taat wee! r rare ace tee for padigestion ‘Mr. Wwelen ae ca pith agen NE} ino their names in order that T Tene tomach. was a busin Monkton | & ‘ time. ‘The Presbytery 8 with me that “vas aliost thie paket See sees 4 If you want proof, i og Mr. 8 the LIMON Mr, Jol “lasers aobie a. lin, Sebneider, Jr. eb Benno the conten home of on that day, ae Sherbarth purchased alo.) Pie on” , caused sour risings ee from ‘M e, of Miteh Yours sinecr« me x adaches, brown taste }he is a fine Gece of the y N. D ytreath, I'grew weak, —m; draught, MCKINNON, Laces and Embroideries Direct imporiatio Rie rine anwar tittoes pounds and iy ‘ooks. fully indicated all that was wrong. Ferrozone put me on'my feet nguin, Tv braced me up, renewed m, ade enry Ritz, Logan, is “haul- n (Mr. Johnson's yard = rn to be erected Hex) present Session of Parliament. sold his ga of Fine Valencienes, Swiss Laces, Embloideries 33) by Fresbora” Bros., 7 and Insertions of all kinds from the ordinary 1c per yard to the finest Allover Embroideries for waists. We import Allover Laces and Em- broideries, so have the pick of patterns and at lowest prices ..... . oT of North Easthoy me eit. “xbout April. Iski Bros. edd a reeord-break} ap. se ark will be ee sake with all tion, | according to the arr angements: x ce rt Meeks Mant tg apsonieah all thelr . in 6 custom sri —__—> — de shied Site cll ath or Mrz Philip Rock of Brodhagen mad?" ing th aireh uainess trip to Monkton last aH official soure fea Teaened HAMPSTEAD « ‘ Misd Maggie Bettger left Saturday }Ortelt) sonny tt me oye cod NO MONEY AND NO a visit i ‘Mrs. Ed-|ijng most part now before the Legis- ee . Alex, MeGillawe' Le ; ture. ‘Pha reports Q eo and Jolin Parkhill id were visitors a Extra Special for This Week $ Over 50 pieces of Muslins, Ginghams, Zephrs, Fancy Summer Dress Goods, Etc., regular ages 121-2 to 18c, Choice of any at only... eee) cos Re 9c per yard g a 5 ciety met at}. ion and ¢ “Ministers FRIENDS the home. of sian Magate Bettger last | Sg worle: Byars ste’. cal imatesn we ghlin of Uxbridge onan. aE rUIRS, Sete bought e which will be brought in at the ee sas pulpit very acceptable ‘Mr. Simon Angler bought a thor- } possit ent. There will e eS nae 7 “iat page tt hens 2 nie Hampstead brajnch of the Wo- men "4 Institute will hold their next oughsbred Jersey cow at Ar. ils debating. pos A Sad Story of Gon Consumption in am jie last week Simon believes uP wil bee Se good s, and a:pr races Albert Sherbarth ploughed vp | igo nf for the fist week boundary weat after the storm. °Sy°Sr toyle, CPI P, has-two more dion are cordially invited to attend. The Local Hospital U Unable to Care ra put the road in good state for ; 0 hig aural ont at mee of the youth and beauty traffic ag toad ae iittonde: y on Thursday even- for tho Patient, and the query A larke dgngtegetion «met atthe other rural constityent erford’s, given in Lutheran. shureh a week ago Sun-] ona | : sand brother, ‘Mfrs. is What to Do? day, but o Ds ’ ine nd ‘Mfr. Rutherford of r rs Mr A most enjoyable time Watch this advertisement every week—we will have something of In a little booklet issued by the to permit the s an. _ returned on Sat Plaids cakerucsiaoe amar brat ing Oa eere ceanine? urday afte ing her daughter, special interest to you by which ycu can save money. We invite Ns ts t nay ro- | Mrs. Bony of Sebringville. t nan accoun 5 ies subir ae hie established |"0¥ | “havi eae uke np-sots only a) rnin, Hoyle would also you to ope! t with us, e will use you the very best. . . ~ the Muskoka Free Hospital for Com: | tov 1. ‘om the weigh scales, mend the Landlords’ and ‘Tenants sumptives, we have the story told of @ | avoid bee third he made. 38 loads eat hae: A present, in case of © a long sad enso of consumption, of the te {enant hes to goon pay- = 4 : e4 ¢ i § Welles! ey’ Council ok : i Wesley Holman tended ‘hein re ane witdings mn t young woman, apparenty etna. | att. Healey, Hai, aPocot [ing Font though ulldngs, hy Re less, came in on a trait reaching Fort Mr. James Mol iis attended the laiord Zoe he a Aaivatoa! tc, | Sesond scesioni* ot the euely A ‘ Raclene ows eras :}oouncil, held oni ‘Monday, the 10tb ere ey oe Guinentery Miaas * 9| Hovla wants ‘hg: Heike this part of the day of Fob., 1908 Fi ger } law so that t will be an AS by 40th on Bima, visited Miss ‘Lizzie Ee ia aera ea ng mu Fetpal council of the town- S Terry of the village for w few a Pilate. . , ship of Wellesley met, pursuant to tae “week buildings, adjournment, on ee the 10th Soe day of February, 4 0 o'clock a. a a R called in to examine ber case, as EINER&BRO.|4 appeared to be a consumptive, and was at once pronounced @ bad case Mrs Riehard Byers of| 180) a uuberculosis. xia a alted Mer ana Meo Henry ea naa a was placed in the small local |Sherwin Inst week. sind called on Honesty in Business. hospital of the town, and everything | Mr. ind OE oe ee ea han wea Woah ontreal hi n , possible for the moment is being done | Mii NroNt on for the remainder: of] Tn business toibalp hapatien st ° tho winter and is the guest of his for But writing to the Secretary of the } jnughte ynal Sanitarium Association, the ‘ha Ladies’ Aid of Knox chureh in- Secretary of the Board of Health aake: tend holding, their next meeting at “fa it possible t to 1 m for this |the residence of Mrs. Andrew Ban- tha 3rd to the aforesaid dai count of Opp kod: (and * impassable members were in, attend- Robertson, the reeve, pre- : Tho. minutes of the January ——— and opted. Gory . t spans “ull ‘and accounis were| Coal and Groceries. Col sidered. more need niny people 8 “ nae never time ews more nee ndeal - "pases road ‘mous coal) always on There is a World of! 0 an, 14th ogan, on Wed- , aad there no a ne “pet oe signed by 3. G_ Rei- Scranton, (the fano fn Gonstin ntives. ioet nowy, Feb. ‘ Hime when it paid better to be hon- |nor, and 68 others, praying ‘this board | hand. A fall line of fresh Groceries in ero Tf, t in his fee last to ose a by-law authorizing the trus-| Stock. Salt in bulk or by the ban ore are ideals in professions also. |tees of the police-village of Wolle DELIGHT name stands to colle oi at “lJ. G HAMILT iO: N, has: i other rates, instead of | Station Store - Milverton. ina And | pen forming said labor as’ heretofore, ved for ro 0 ito placefor this week for the ice cream trade next Continuing, the Pore ‘William official | summer. ys i adds “I may say that as far as being Rev. J D, Ferguson intends preach- pele st aanong his able to py is concerned, she, as faras jing to the young! people on Sunday Pre ideals than mere Fel ay : g 5 5 = zee a & g g we can no friends who can |evening nex 23rd Subject — docs a wa ideals 1] wag recsive cy afford to pay for her in an institution.” The Adult Bible Pas eae outa ‘s amuch difference | ‘Tho council held, this ‘mattor over It is to mest just such cases ag these | study of the Bible. veiaeoonk lawyers a rae int aaenesnd bon alee RIG a AB EAEKe pb: SanGEe COMMERCIAL. \) a that the Muskoka Free Hospital for iss Ethel Holines of Atwood, is members. of sae other profession. | ing. ti ae wg her uncle, Mr. James Holmos| li ha tof the num- | ‘Moved by J. Reidel, seconded b Fall ark fier anh) 90 ee ent rts of inte village. f Ieee sectaiil Hastings tak tnestalioneina: weno Racer i then If oh sett hee’ ‘Mr. James Dates aas and his’ ete their otto i were guil ha padi and that the reeve issue or-| Oat: 7 tution wer tig lai L BRU Car ancitaic ideas REBertoNt cok tor sanin alta: Pe ee and Hele’ aiaintenance’ not «viz * é: cost i itens a single farthing. . Stanfor, assessment on Tp Hall, Ben aoe tah er hers only paid « nominal sum rang- >| than Hergott, putting in and ro-| manitoba flour. it is so \simple to use. We are sometimes asked; ig from $i. 5) to 6,00 No hers eulvert. 00; hocts, per. ton, If I buy a kodak can I learn to take good pictures?” fow ‘baying ¢ Innger ti Ely Mtuneipal Wor! We answer, “Yes. pueencot ach a nt yan Tan than | hon iter ‘otelis, ws Tie est oh, Gies : : nance to the institution ie over {OF, Mrs. James EUiolt Horne visited Ish n {sos We can teach you howto take and finish pictures adily show roo readers can | 417, and Mra John Biekmeier-of Brod-| sho Dias loat the nove of Sosa a. - in fifteen minutes, so that you will be proud of your- ‘ out b; sin their hha ge to Cee ner ing iicaes ne 12 00 12 00/% (self and the pictures you take. ae make provi fo for ust such pal patient to. a wholy {wor thaw times, UA i ae Capable sem ha arate Kodaks from $1. to $25. drain sion, uurts site for the judlee instead. of alt whens WRITE US FOR CATALOGUE listoning to the argument may. be w croved UY a Resto), booonded ty R y looking for the me les. Lintick, that this council do now ad- _their journ, to meet again on the first Mon- sous ; Contributions on behalf. of this: work ent to: Sir Wi redith, 3 nalist a | day ae ot die SD cn the. Coyer aiid greit [lnil,’Crosanill; nt 10° o'olooky in Next Royal Hotel, ne ertson, mor i with ‘Mrs. James pie prlifee ce Eaundon tava ruggist, Market Square, fational sriacion ‘iti , 347 Terry. 3] fc is his responsibility 1 ° et sing Street W., Tarento, Fvery Snturday for several weeks|he spe ot truc, or submits to PETER F. SCHUMMER. ° O) 9 Oateae Stratford. Me. has boen stonmy. _ ie Eribba ute: nilbuoe: . Clerk