_ WEAK, ‘PALE AND WORN OUT WOMEN ‘Can’ be Saved From a Life of Misery by Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills. Women are called the “weaker sex,” from the time they ar , untiy age begins to selits er aver one period of pain and distress than andither: loons up only & few says ahead of them. wonder so many omen. become worn out and old Jeok- ee ial WN, Pills are sort thet ee ams: of every girt and: every woman depen: Mrs. Welland, Pas cos of he many woriatwht ‘owe present health and strength to Dr, aoe Pink. Pills. ~ Mrs. Webber ‘Abou xirs_ ago; while tring in Hamilton, my ‘health began enactmet » decline. ‘The first symptoms were me 8 and general weakness. After a time the trouble increased so rapid), ‘They: aro no scon- great PROGRESS IN FINLAND POLITICS ARE VERY MUCH ADVANC- ED IN THAT COUNTRY. Women Haye Equal Power With Men —Drastic Liquor Law Has Been Passed. ce the emancipation of Finland fear -Rusaein sulestieg 9 acted prompuly and enue upon social problems. As soon as the Pewee wtec conlorecd poh them the people adopted universal suftrag> and miade> women equal n shoots ta the body. po! There is no stonon, Cor sax sa © parliame sere re ied ures of hat 1 wag, “unsble: (0 -atlendto my ‘Tousehold duties. T lost fle bloodless id frequent ‘niting fachplouh: pee eoniccay We when, a ts. I was. constantly dootorings but }it- is” probable thal they will have a without any benefit, and.t feel larger number of représentatives in the That my condition was hopeless ie next pavliament—a feircr representation day a friend asked me aie Pata not af tbe's voting siren net are 8 fey. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pilis abd’ men: | kuindsed. membe: ‘of that bo new sent a ‘only Josten ot see ne ek tthe great renefit inal hod rollwod thelr ae. “After core urging T desided $5 Ney: the pits, and hed nly. used them a few weeks when n to feel bene- fitted, ond trom mabe cine wie lke te Dr. Williams’ Fe Pills will cure ‘ali troubles due to poor, watery blood, ‘tenia, pectoral weakness, skin troubles, eiictine? caller eesti? oh Je su nervous troubles os Vitus dance and pertial pi be te all medicine dealers ee By mat mis a box or six s for - Williams’ Medicine ©o., Brockville, Ont. See DEAL IN BLACK MAGIC, Londch is Suffering From an Invasion Clairvoyants. The West End of London, England, © again overrun by an army of cvoenis, erystal gavers’ and soo! The. “police prosecutions ot two or threo years ago caused a temporary stampede from the Raneeale furnish: ed t has died away, and with the pint of the London season the Cee v8 the occult have established thet ence again in fashionable West Ene streets, At Oxford circus, within the space of ten minutes, no fewer than six W pecially the weekly: Deriodicals, indicate that busi- nes jurishing. Pregsnveus ociee: ihe story of the e effo 1 Polls, prosecution of a palmist car and, Sy RNA gi pp et reised an oxtraordinary — influel arith verona atte cer he nines of Liane lly. Owi righ, ond the are Ae indemnity an anh att inexhavstible supply of pure |! her predictio coming disaste i Sat ee ee NG os water, Very shortly, the corporation soores of miners tefused to enter the neta mice pied the chair, | passengers, with will start the conairton ratiway | £° mine at Trinwara., The fashionavle ean na croaiat annonce | eee eee ose thal wall’s gralivot co {othe meighborin akhla, thentele-of the West End dealer in tu- | be vee may be expected | she King, the Vieeroy of-Tndie, the Vibe. the whole composition Phew equally. Walvable: frost have urity is similarly under the spell. t ME HACGHRIAE Fie veto tes Beene German Emperor we 38 his ee r AA Woted et shenige tae Salgorsa eit i. cf Se thal spo aaa Ge werd piale bi Satara f ‘ed to change the date on a ticke! Sean Gelh GS elegy WOW. ake ite beaten out of vat rus-|- The Oasis of Kharga was in. ancleat because the intending passenger has} taf i paced in tint busters: and | EBOW gig soem hr sate the teapot is made cul times called the Oasi been warned by a clairvoyant not to under SRAMEFy: epUstibnas Seiten oe th the Rega Albee Hah foainy un- [of 2 German Hatthings end the tiny: cus {and 1s best known ns ae 1 ona certain day or art eg less: sevare, Nicholas 11; undoubt-| faction at Toarning a es ete fe om coins of the different German prin- | It boa cular boat aro constantly occurring. Sua SpRnave LkCeaee at cin ee seen ee the cipalities: Soucy ihe Gal MIM wte M Rife Bb Ni aE a Lame cite fons, ‘and the, @urse: under, whieh the} niemorabte Indian Mutiny of 1807 sis Teun Ae Denne ee ; e “ : se: peasants of Finland have been living| able to be pres 1 eresti ery . ieeiawi a suing 0 tomes cb cot [for generations would have been re- fie proton ssh a ntesting BABY’S OWN TABLETS ars wers banished fo. the on der stone of ill-omen, but jewel- | moved, self and the Roman occupation, and lars are treqventty toll by inetr fenin BE = AP pee ot ae ALITTLE LIFE} tamerous ruins ot Roman hulldings. © customers that certain stones woul Fs nSpi ¥ ‘There are fhe remains of a Roman bave an evil influence on their parti- CAREFUL Mi aS a the conspicuous. ee Mrs. T. Osborn, Norton Mills, Vt | gon Rigor ne $ gular case, ¥On, 1 must not wear sap-|- Speaking of eavefulness in business, a rades who een passed away under | Moy°s" 1 do ae eis: Meret impessihl> to tell to wha phires, ned ine against eoiaewte S contly said that some men} mos ances, and the gal-|y sv ca than 1 th fates es aes : eset the two oasis will be able to se them, * ie sort of remark aan fa were earetul in only one way. the $eoy mt fess a iatt wane ae SOE SBN je i" aa SES mest net | developed. This a t the Oes's the jewellers’ shops. influence means, under Providence, of saving our) T2ve eon Rae tees ake Sharca nia 400 00 peyeee ted Tho teahionable West End physician, peta He ies this aia i “tho Indian’ Emp panty sas Ghand peri: | eee tthe TAD ey 88s eye? dan equals mare yards) and foo, can eifo rom his oxperienc> enses following | C mapa ous See ek ee Onais af Dakss. 27,000 feddans of land Raves tiatiorts or suggestion has re-| “A coal seek whom T used to Ienow Garzon, in. proposing “The Sur. cof nything._-In-this “condition. available fur cultivation an him the Tablets and the pulled in a nervous pol ent frigh’encii re herself into illness, . POLICEMEN'S CAST-OFF UNIFORMS, Stange as it may scom ty is made out of the London’ police- men’s casloff uniforms. Quantities are bought by African traders and export- n, a lot of mon- thandise. is tommon sight to Aressed: in the unifoi pelleenia, and velmet of the for form “ot a. London weuring: the. regulation it's no see a awarthy savago | 6" won ABOLISH LIQUOR TRADE. ‘The: mest reoent act of general in terest aw passed by an almost Grane vote ie i abolishing the Ugur, baie. “AV very saloor y ry i: Fin- wt ‘sit Fae ae 4 WO 05 the sale of ve e es ne ae fopriiuane lies to Ww as hotels tind restaurants, See itera tears penalty. forbids ‘the importation: or the n of distilled eae cal purposes must be so Reuiiged “upon This portation into the count they cannot be used for beverage. HEAVY PENALTIES. police are given unprecedented They have the right to search ngs upon information is combealed there or is in of the occupants. ‘The p ‘The mi maximum powe private dw. that liquor | possession © allies are-¥at is a fine penal. 56 rita provision is rat ‘intlians = eien ior, pevatocinalvicifale soho “property may ke confiscated or rendered us hy the law. “Every distillery forever, and the Joss upon the & ment falls upon the owner without any indemnification whatever from the Goy- ernment. TOO STRINGENT. This is the first law ever passed a national legislature prohibiting A loxicating ae and in that nm. the recent ions to follow. It is tno nate, however, that ve law is because it will be emplo, on there, Jim! eed yee mat eet ge for * gin pups Re ‘This ain't a ton, ss! I's: tvs “Oh, all vi e dealer, in a mollified ene seg ate pardon, Go 5 3 z ih refortings fo he On ct another BOR ue hee the most. suspicious fellow f ever fant He reminds me of a farmer 1 used te know. ‘This farmer, whenever he bought a of sheep, examined each sheep Wy to make sure thal its fieeca was. all wool” 1 standing 16% $0560000000000000000: Rapid changes of température are hard on the toughest constitution. 4 The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car of the platform—the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and ther walking against a ‘biting wind—lmow the difficulty of avoiding Scott's Emuision strengthens the body so that it can danger of cold from changes of temperature. Kt will help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUGGISTS: 60c. AND $1.00. PUDEDogesGooreneseoonene fo the icy temperature cold.” better withetand the it has | E frat , | Were heard from sans ire ther end of the jayed bi who was driving out of yard. Held |W A Frank Statement) Pe-ru-na is ee pee Medicine in the i RECOMMEND PE-RU-NA. Eatare “Monte a}, Canada, wrile ine bottles. of = MV R. cel, vus Pélletier, Dept. de way On1etos wriles: ic _eflle nee aie am Ss a the Perun: e th pable - medy.” "| JUBILEE OF THE MUTINY ‘VEN HUNDRED iS. Survivors of Indian Rebellion Banquet- rans a found “to be in hese position to be Present at the dinner, When the gallant fachment of Chelsea into the hall, continuous heering | ‘rect: ei their ogee ins of cet aR Coming survivor of the y the only ho went throug! indian Mutiny,” ged to be pr 1 wrote tie names upon | in. their ee hey would recogni: F > os oh W nA his litter ish nir Gate, who res finn Wott the ements 1 colors on 7 of ate mee rouse ss wes ae mies hit. ‘ia. Cross the pattiedokt near Oat 1, side night they not also feel! t ig i ag are ae cee w ve y 2 out that oti it of pered® and hal in lg ae paiiticd resolves (fond oberts said many. who utihy be ong, before “the call b $ old a pee ana Ben Davies sing th a < ‘and Hs Bowis 4 ‘The. fant of that. de: Which ¢léansed our st i v nf Steel: Hing and Taree We pteet gaithere Will (cars-that none wil-sc Ties Siyee ae Se ali ation Thetuiie Leach ‘Ghemea Wow ty Eopeparenine noi VIRGIN: OL iy PINE will break up a. cold cough that is curable, The LEACH CHEMICAL CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. i th uses and directions with every. Yi ( bdvchon ja te young woman whose and ‘then MARRIAGE LOTTERY IN INDIA. in tie Rumal country, held, gener- mnaringeble Bins, aud af the young are tired of a bach me Ze Se ak slips of Les shy Meee i arate earthen. pols. ‘of each kind is, drawn out ato mame accompani ast all thet remains for (0 do ig to start uriship. with ai ae ardor of which 3 is capable. ‘D LIMIT. He—Did you see where a judge some where said that the bad cooking of the oe ; i to excced the speed lim ,|There is Only One That is Always remember the fall name. for this signature on every bor. coven 25e. ‘Laxative Gromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY. Diem ee ENTS 3 Saget te a 0, es of the house a old, Or ever we were born One neitee pate we dare to ask, Pray for us, heroes, pray, That when Pate fe Jays on us our Task We do not shame the day. ireland MARVELS OF WOR! SHIP. Remarkable Ingenuity Shown in Their Construction, More than orie pees imagines him self to he the poss of “the smallest watch in the fon & aogh the watch now owned natl man ere tainly Taney 1 of beating. tai measure ese than Gno quar: lan Wiel In-duametar, a} is Giana woul both hands, laced end nct be more an five PURE Ag an. ind he second-hand is nea teenth of an inch in jengih. mi erals are in Arabic, and are engraved in red, + ore easily. disoeruable The work: made of and-hands finest tempered ar aula eens set Jreuginut in diamond chips. m-engine s its engine-house, and its weight parely fifteen grains. The stroke of the peor is a little over cne-twelfth of an inch, en aed Eee: fastened by’ “at. three drops of water the boiler and set the engine in mo- ‘Another marvel of ingenuity in the made of silve: and gold. ted—New Poem by Kipling. in dlemeler, rahe The Royal Aber Hal, London, Eng: one. mid of, ane inchs ie why secant be The. balance sete i “eset d of an Hie cog ttecret ot ie-jubee ot ine aa Septet os May hee “opal Teton mutiny brokesout Ge A876 thine tke 160 revlon a minute, ough tt of the London n Ttaltan he 3th Lose nade et B(arainae bon lis all the surviv-|¥n gold studded with a ign: a paaielightoaieine ab the Pm isa st complete ist whieh petal sobre na eoeenie 8 1 its stand is a sib. of wor less than half an ounc is said to be £1.000. rudder, € tt REFER S s of HSS and sees ee a mustand sced and pieco he the head of a shirt stud. with su nice adjustment of del color thet minute flow: that ef in letters. thal any baby. can ifs sn pays would never. die; vs were there in rly all the tine and Jets mo ansiver lo the last roll-call. they woul work’ without worry. 1. would hear ‘oust pon earth fn the es al: molers who have: sick ta niee gi of t mrades and before their | them Baby's Tablets as I did Tine sla colt and. you will Fe ee happy hee The: Tablets ‘will cure all ( nen a ol late onesand, s yall. Medicine 5 cents a box Medicine Co,, Sat "0 Brackville, with ‘only one iusiea Rit A were fo attempt fin The lightest bag be woud abomb down on his head? nud 9 ae ae same line is a little engine: the up- | brated eae see bed: Fr. since, eile while living pimp ies age cont racte would Aisappeae for a short time and contact we believe Zam-Bul Fe Fenegiort fs| Vam Buk = TORTURING SKIN DISEASE Afflicted this bright little anf p Miner, of 311 Suffolk Street, Guelph, On Ont. iny htle fe danger Lo Nsciatay EY fs on the I 3 tiny cnr Diistery aera or wi with pee = set aR ey vi severe irritation of any more eruptions breaking tind ‘complete eure.” ak Detce cuts, enapped hands, Buk be a) joe Naaveat eno NEW EGVPTIAN RAILWAY] RESULTS IN THE ADDITION OF A NEW PROVINCE, os Makes Travel Possible to Two Almost Forgotton Oasis — Were Known to Romans. h is to bring are into clase felation with Baypt has been opened oe the public. ‘The 1:ne, “which 8 some kilometers in length, and has been under the A neee ot the E The new pay, wh the ancien! if o et ucted through ear eee wcounty, ountless | Ro- the line follows the old great deal of difficulty ies suring the onstruction: ono ad places the Yemen ha be ‘pai hp “athe level cl Ine racks: feck tbat: it the re in periods of the year on account o} the sand, which drifts with the wi and covers up all apertures on the face of the Peet iiss work will result in the addition of a new province — to Egypt. that of Weslern Egypt SOIL IS FERTILE. The new province Is a most fertile fiat Sa Someerie WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. m October to May, Colds are the mos nent canse of Hoaacho, LAXATIVE BROMO ULNINE remavaa cause. %, W. Grove on box 25a 223 sald laboring unde r “hal?! exelalmed but honest parent, with Voiee, “ye don’t mean it? “yhat Jasiar lias boon. workin’, Many patent tre: ines have conte Bic $s Ant ns Is, and cay at the Iungs. standard Se that widens its aphey ‘of use ful year by- year. If vou ure in nec XS nf something 10 rie urself of a cout év cold, you cannot do betler than: try Pickie’s Syrup. pte eS aoe DON'T TURN YOUR HEAD. napy. peapls tun thelr As eas "aC whieh the on in do. and Nee I reat an na “ral in eyeryedinection ns the ett. d your. iy « abo os ¥) i the hs phan: VELL Di ailed sufficient, wash te obebat join Thea bocing will be ade: light, ‘ocks. | when inv! A JUSTIFIA ABLE DESIRE. Judge to say rua the verdicl Prisoner tencey— if out 1 r (who. has. Sa life sen- jy that itt ent tlive fo serve put my at- 2 , Are Always ea hs life which is not made up of pleasure is largely composed of pan Nd to be y shupie | 5 medy . Thor lee Dike You cannot do weong ih Seat rit a trial when required, to tek “Are you in favor of elubs for wo- en?” asked the womnan will the square contagious Ich on human sea'in 20 minutes by Wel It never fails, Tow, many. times have you won out ted to go up against another man's at Be ait ay Troatment with Allen's Lang Bal ps thee on Bae ates. fhe couch and load to consumpti don. pe NOT WonTH IT. Nodd—"There was to be a meeting ae my, creditors to-day podd—"Well, wasn’ “tenet No. ‘They unanimously agreed that they couldn't afford to spend the time.” of Ex! Sure Regul Mandrake and Dandelion are “snow to 3 ert a erful. influence mplete powel These valuable Ingredients enter into the composition of Parmelae’s gelable Pils, and serve fo render them {he agreeable “and salutary mast ine hey are, ‘There are few pil eflec- five as they in thelr ac jan “No you think your dad would say Re fo) anything. ae nd him we were going he married?” “I don’t knows but! cy ned s8y- mething if, you told him: we- weren't.” PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. to cure any th jPAZO OINTMUNT Is gnirantent THE FIRST STRA Wher a. yous wonky asks a young man’ 6. tet ewe on a button the word tlds is of = eS breath. Phe at anne be happy while you have Phen do AY ‘delay in geting-o a nothing-he or-of wood, Just -becauso a isn’t neve “ffave you anything} | Mrs ds Mrs. tow lazy few study for hisself" Everyone Thin! ‘The wages of ges Baye LAXAT: No real hustler would give two cents es he things that come to those who Puts You on Your Peet and koe aro covering fro fonts ticexistonce. Te stimulates, builds up the system. the eatinlsee Dr, Garaner. Robb, of bottle oe Holloway'’s Corn Cure, “Tt row anes all Kinds “ corre wishgfll pall Failure with it is unknows acre Wh por cont,, cent, A LAZY M. D. ayriae-“ Want, be yore. on city?” Mrs, Daraeugiigoune studyin’ fer doctor.” Hayrix—“The: idee! Is th’ enclok MOUNT olde ane MICHIGAN. nt Clemens is 3. throughout moriea a8 end all heya ‘round \d health re- f people bear verti: its mins e chin, “Yes,” answered the ol shes jor. “Clubs, sandbags, or any o! EXPLAINED. thing.” She (on the Atlantic liner)—Did observe 7 Ea at appelite of that Sout IreHt, Menge raise Scratches and Han at re Ke "ims “be what they call ‘a stowaway, kes is the heayl “gy no a pain in jee ts aa be ma pee forgot ni Che D tenet "Menthol Plaster was applied, They only cost a tridle, why not try them’ INDUSTRIAL NOTE. i not beenrals- ed, either, in pile ot the fact that prie- “generally have gone Up. yolp your children to grow stron, and 1obust by counteracting anything {hat causes ill-health, One great cause disease. in children is worms, Re» move them. with Mother Graves’ Wornt terminator, Sat never fails, Ocensionally a woman is so. decep: tive that, she will even try 6 make she loves him when she To CURE A cou IN ONE DAY ROMO, ee uinine om if it falls to cur es sal Son each box. 250, as what Foro oes. for all shop Goodin n (impressively) —“Only ink, children! In Africa there are Tourlahes [Gabo ot toning, Bilas Hibedin oF Frowdiag }yovs and girls can spend their Sun. Bice fn oto tare or money retuned days, Now, whet should we all try, an Can't you wait a yenr bfere mariy-|save. up tir mnoney anc dot” Glass ing my. daugiver?™ “I can; But my ere-{{it ecstatic unlon}—"Go to Africa for's can't : See —_—_ They Wake the Tor Torpla nee ale, you. who Machinery not properly. superreél “an tama atta ste romorivot Hiatt. annct Me eed Reh eR sour RUDE ih teach ity Weavars Corele oid poi (in, sls work (Ie the saute vil tis ted wich Weavers Syrup AM drageiots|(P Aigestive ori Unregulated tro ae fo time they. nee dkoly. to bey aie Jtorpid und throw tho, si gear, . Parnctoe’ we made te" meet such. cae estore: ta. Ie. full tho Gagging fapn}- 1 bring into order all paris. of great sudee 2 hind been 70k ed to 90 per it. was now red) t mich” more but -his. “ol dou , Bae: h ae paper re visions woul for life ta keep him for By ae ones nit} hous fully, ho Mad subvutareaus ne Wk Oita te Saale eld a W and erful Nout 2 ‘to | Coughs QUICKLY, LEANING aa Cas be ate perteot | Shiloh’soe es oe e sha agh, Cure nd Colds : WALKIE OR QUTINe Sy errant AER GAN oral 8.00. NTRKAT, TORONTO, OTRAWA ei Quatre ah {roves Se ith