Milverton Sun, 12 Mar 1908, p. 6

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QUEBEC BRIDGE DISASTHR|#™e markets eae oer eem=lJAP WAR TACTICS IN INDIA ee despateh fi Boston, eye says} A senate to Lonson:says: f. BREADSTUFFS. te officers of the German steamsh:p | Armin ery, of Budapest, whove Be: Toronto, March 3.—Manitoba Wheat— aaniae, which ee eto ‘on Wet-] infora ee Me oe views upon interna- ee No 1 northern, $1.2034; No. 2 northern, }|nesday from India and Ceylon, report} tional poli ics command respect through- Report of the Royal Commission |ics Bi MN W'S culo of fais 288 out Europe, mokes a. gloomy prophecy. Lord Kitchener's Army at Work Against. . lake ports. He declares iat the recently mede An- ta ‘Whest_No. E witless 96e oul- 4 z yo-Russ'an convention will be repu : . It Ase Le ; No. 2 mixed, ted the British vo| ated by Russia Scushover she may aa the Afridi, Investigating It. goose O16 to 8 rel I 7 [Sider uch a course convenient, He 3 Firm; No. : yellow American, | Bri 2 in the vi asserts that Russia is preparing for a. — tye to ae Toronto freights; No. 3|8re on Ue aearee ‘open revolt, an ser against Se ee “ a a ns a eld corn, about 72¢; in many places they are arming and |of diverting at'ention from internal re- etn Ge oe BT a ies aleatibe 63c to Preparing combat British rule. Agi-|volution. He adds: “Nothing could be Rane NiGactonces at Ne Be ae cot that faatnesbes efialon pein) A despnich from Ottawa says: They span was too great for the oo ast Bale NEE Tie to 7c, “neconding | alors aro largely responsible for, the | more Laan arlpezur Valley against the Zokkaktel|that has been described a! niry report of tho. Hoyal Commission, ap | mevabors, ence the eollapee, Na Te 110, quality. nesen panaiapna: ey ate: anes tibesmen is making rapid. and suo: on end" and “an upside down aut pea to investigate the collapse «¢} was found in any of the material Sup: &Y the. natives to acts of violence. They 6 ree ‘of the | iry,” and robbing and murdering whens 1 Quebeo bridge, has been presented | plied by 2 ae Nalinrs. ae Sener et Hee punish ribesmen | ever the fancy took them. It was they. to the Minister of Railways. The find- t, in eta ber should engage in’ war wih Br eee mek Pe for numerous raids into Indian ‘Terti-|who hatched the plot whereby the Brite ngs of the commission clearly show | which the commission has i Oatts—No. 2 while Sor to S20 outside, ene Seer ies at Pan ton may serve for a time, bul it is pet ltery, and in a remarkably short cam-fish posts in the Khatbar were eaplured dhat the collapse was due not to any | the des! he chie! the sie ‘on track Toronto; No. 2 mixed, 49¢| ‘rious. In. the larger cities the feel. eee sheet anc g! ppost paign they have ‘been poster an atin deen Sik was ey We oe defect in -ma’erial or construction, but | Phoenix Bridge Company was primerily |i 50¢ outside. ing against the Brivsh and fore'gners treba: thei ie Re eer cat tye vesitinnia 1) BK fete $ to basic defect in the design. The cen-| responsible, his being afer Flour — Manitoba, patents, _specil Er poasea) hin lala BeOS a boy- ei. and many of the ibe have during the campaiga in Tira, and re ig eral details of construction were work- | approved hy Mr. Cooper, “|brands, $6; seconds, $5.40; strong |04"> and commerce is greatly hamper: — FR} teen killed. rained to the nconquered and pe ~. €d out with the greatest d_ thor: a ridge Com bakers’. $4.30. Winter wheat monies Cee eee oe Leer se The expedition is thought here untamed, Since that campalgn there Gughness, but én proceeding on the gen-| beng recognized as au‘horitle dull, nominal around $3.5! i: loutta waiting for her cargo. The} — aypos OFF COUNTY. ROADS. ert coredit upon the reorganization of| tis been almost no crime which the eral formulae now ado a -| continent in the matter of bridge 00 ran—Full cars, $24.50 ee ton pat gere Tetused to work on the Rela ley © Indian army as carried out by|Zakka Khe) have not comi |. Nel : ards for bridge construction, the steuction. Shor! uuyers’ bags. ey Kae wi td pide ea Drastic Lerten is Peeposed by Dr. a Kitchener. Tommy Atkins {s|ther the persons nor the properties of ‘ simone Ia: ee saa ot AAD 10 {the design ¥ was approved by the Call beard * quotations pep rt ie area yen aot Mii MP. P. profiting by the lessons learned from | dwellers in the Jowlands have been have lest sight of ono great Lasic point, | erm io, 2, & car olfered at Otc out | NMor et that ti Re aed it tation is to be | 2 Russo-Japanese ss The Britis’ | sufo from these highland: caterans. 3 hamely, the making of proper provis: [when once approved side; no bi ethos ay set By sine tae eee ee sine legislation is {0 P| troops cdvanced on the enemy in open| ‘The force sont against the Zakke iB ime thes Aebalnine sateen’ on the iL is seld, found no carelessness or any ers unable to get cargoes. _j one of the feal naar ae ae iy order, with vide tnlerval between them,|Khel consisted of 7,000 men under ~ 5 ss the river. In|.neason for critictsm. COUNTRY PRODUCE. DERE OES this: sesskin: Dis ClADRs <hr bar tage of all avail] Major-General Sir James Wiloacks, So 4n undertaking greater than ever fs That the dete ‘of the present design Boul BURGLAR KILLED = bring down a bill giving countics power | a9 cover, This method of procedure | far as British troops were eoncerned, fore atlempled in bridge “construction |ean be rem edied and the bridge fina! fy pe iia. are BY FARMER. t+ prohibit the use by automobiles of Surprised und disheartened. ihe natives, |enly three battalions wero engaged, tk he wears that the engmeers failed to constructed - is now ‘the opinion of the xeung ur HiaPe extra choice « ete Was Robbkig” io ian AB county roads during certain days i i Ww nocustoned for their sniping} but these wo represented Eng- eos gn the pre ene i engineers. eoietic wee ne a} sence | week. In order tua the ees. = alt factics to the t ts mi mo! id land and Ireland. They were weight and he commission, of course, makes geiaite of Its Owner. be most steestives Dr. Saat eae <@ less compact column formation em-| the Warwickshires, the Seaforth High- mapas without Anoawanie rod judicial finding es to the respensibllly Setotle) 4 aespatch trom orenmy, ue, 98: that the Beason” shall inchide| proved hy previous exped tions, landers and the. Munster: Fuslilere: < tim cation in the pré in The de-|ot svernment or of the ix Ses ; a Durgiar was shot an nd ktiled here on | Saturdays, “sunt NeRBEE = The Zakka Khels have trom time im-|addition there were detachments from sign was & beautiful one, and the de-| Bridge Company for the collapse be- Selo To + burglarising « Tae measure is the Teale result of aN! memorial been Uhe most troublesome| various Sikh, Gurkha and Punjab falls of construction were worked out|yénd the statements oullined ebove.| Bi sr by Mr, William Jenkinson, who yhtteationg petition on the subject) (+ neighbors to the people of north-| giments, squadrons of the ae Lanceray avith the flnest care, gee to the | Responsibilty for the financial loss in- bebe fe Laas 30cto31c |). away visiting friends in m at town ern India, They have for centuries i mountain batteries and sap} ‘est principles of modern bridge-build-| valved, etc., will have to gett do solid: Mr. P. yer also has an auto- Jag: but he we gh oF the A mlddle | later. Paley gmat ae i oto the "oneneae ies - EUs es rovides that mac! neat *. Three boys and three girls were i do 801 at funera! must turn down a s‘de lene or CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS - &? Steubenville Ohio, Soups on ne LAROR RIOT AT FUNERAL. SHAH ESCAPES DEATIL Inferior sirest or the driver be penalized by 3 AER } — — Eggs—Storage, @ic to 26 per dozen, | moned his Poles ‘and another rks fine of $10 or $15. ere *tvelea jurymen who decided a case q Unicnism ts Running Mad at Juneau, | Aut of the Persian Ruler Shattered by|in case lots; limed, 190 to 200; selecls, fellow and came back to the ie young HAPPENINGS FROM ALL O\~i THR] by a flip of a coin were fined $50 cactl is * Maske. a Bomb. jo; ‘new-laid, 280 10 29c, They ordered the burglar to rises some — 1 ‘a in New York and their verdict was set be A despatch from Juneau, Alaska} A despatch from _ Honey—Strained steady at i1c to 12¢}pundies he had, but he ref aside, ‘ f gays; Two Servian miners, one union| says; An atiempt was age a for 60-pound pails and 12¢| started to run away, with the ues MONTREAL'S BAD STREETS. —_ ws and the other non-union, died on Tues-| city on Friday. -aftornoon to stesasmuate 0: SE Foe, So perteae pails. Combs | young men in hot pursuit, They fina’ — Telegraph Briefs From Our Own and GENERAL. 4 Gay, and the burial of one precipitated |tho Shah of Persia by a bomb, Its] $1.75 lo $2.50 per dozen. seratirioaks his and: toate. Wat a The Cartage Terausnies Threaten to Sue ak Ny ee as 1 Seay fe a niot in which the police were called Majesty was 2 hurt, Feel ct the uo fr vi eady Sore ert large and | should give up the articles, but he re- er Countries of Recent pie a pity eel has pper r) 4 én to restore onler. ‘The union man |outriders, who accompan'ed him at is be wit Pn HL Saya fi A despateh a a Nevin says: Ih's Events. ree euaeebainl ‘ating cae bi peaceably, but when the’ time, were killed. He ves his cones ig very probable thal eclions will be taken fest in cl Bs $1.80 to $1.85 for hand y 2 CANADA. Buenos Ayres to ina Priest in charge of the funeral services |to a nearby town, where hy ine ce 8 the : : 3 Potatoes—Ontario, We inst the e:ly ow ng to the welche! SL. Catharines has been promised free Alcorta of ees ‘on Friday. ware, oe 05 to $1.12 in car lols on track | authorit tia aun) t, trad apne rt Wee a postal delivery. A number of the Kaiser's closest celts are fairly large and court, Manager of the Shedden Forward: |") how separate school | cost '$40,-| friends voted against the Polish expro- (i trade activ ing Company, stated on Wednesday |) is io be erected in ees pristion pill in the Prussian House of Baled Sirow—About $10 per ton on A VICTORY FOR WOMEN. mars. ths mae ut UP) “Phe proj ic Insti a build- . § track her vith _Montroste-body. siretis: 105 meny ing at Lenton wil salersyir ah ‘appeal on. constitutional gromds ft | Baled ie — Timothy is quoted at | Universal ba atm al Sullrage Bill Paes- fovor aa a Guare in| “Phe C. P. R, ralsed $20,000,000 jn less |is boing made at St. Petersburg to save teded invdragging a number of men|outewere, wounded the chauifur and {S16 to $17 in car lots on track here. anish Chamber. ac Reprecentatives of the Canadien | Man ai went Jn. tho. London markel,| the lives, of the “cn Tae js con away from the funeral procession. The | @ score ‘ot bystanders, an shattered ROVI z A a oe Copenhagen says: Sranster and Domin‘on Transport Com- Caines iran wk age ‘of ge Oe eres h Ta marshal attemp! o restore orler,|the vehicle. The Shab, however, was EROVISIONS: The alee Munioipal "sulbaye Bill [panies said thal if dhe Shedden -peopie | *, attend Turkey would: Ti Rare ar ban S$. {not in his automobile, Tas taken the | Pork—Short cut, $22 to $22.50 per |passed its third reading in the Lands-| took action against the city they were city. ) 1 fre yield ‘the Gave of Maced nia to. the | precaution to ond the rotor car alicad | barrel; mess, $18 to $18.50 thing on Thursday by 32 votes to 29. [practically certain to follow suil. 1b da propane ag aye ear tad Sear Ge) cemetery and made another disturbance| and ride himself in a carriage turther| Lard—Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 12c; pails, wen on duty twelve. hou i nag Hees there, Order was finally restored. N 20. : pears iB Sudbury resi sdenis. are sect x Ca Neat omer iaien Miniter ee Sitoies a0) iy Rellat Meate-Lare ; j | eer ae rene guilly of embezzlement and Ais “ORES clear bacon, 9% for tons and cases; : sree OIE ty ay CAN RECEAIM 3,00,000 ACRES. |The house from which the Dom's were | hams, mediun and light, 10 to, Toe nr Cro ae eet ion montis end tvenky-daye ia q : nrown An buildings near. were | hai rye, 12%c to 130; backs, 16c to fani la Vithel- ’ ea Magnets al Land in Lowerysearched by the police, but no arrests | 17; hous, ie: rolls, 10¢ 10 103404 Eevee the Manitoba LAH!) tha and Woe ssband Prince Henry North Saskatchewan, | Were made. reakfast bacon, 1c; green meats ou te. 5. HH Is reported to be pre-[were driving, was wrecked by a strat A ae atch from Oltawa says: Mr. ee af pickle, 1¢ “Tess than smoked, paring to build a railway paar te car Ta Hagtie, but the royal couple Wm. Melnnis, of the Geolog'cal Surve Nae eC. Po R. Brandon and esca) " . e FOUND FROZEN STIFF. MONTREAL MARKETS, Pps CD A monk has heed yantenead io hte ¥ : an Montreal, March 3—An active local ’ ‘A street car narrowly escaped being| years in nin tho. Russian. Dove a Harvey Spafford Loses His Way Walk- | business is being done in flour, Choice Mr. Ashdown's House Guarded by Detec-|enrcher vy a locomotive at London, | inco of Perm for murdering @ nim a ing Home. ‘spring wheat patents, $6.10; seconds, 3 the train stopping within a few feet of oe ‘of women who visited 1.'u in his i 85.50; winter wheat a 35.50; r. . Sees j she deepatod om Belghion 073! Hor ie ee tives During a Reception. We eta evelopment Company | The Canr’s specehs to the members at Laké Ontario; called: the: Bluff; about p $2.50; €: 16 $1.90. has passed into the control of Mr. Wi whom he received in audi xiat Macken and the Toronto Rail: | ence ts way inter pel ers ne System of responsible herb “council has’ decided to] ernment in Russia, ase the electric light Ds gas |. CK home. Spafford had been at Brighton $2240 to. $29 per ton, Sinladiie ee A despatch trom Winnipeg says: Ay went without enowing under what ba of excellent farming land would be re- ut oe res SB ea RR ot heey is nd pure grain mouille at $22 to S94 sensallon has been caused here by the|anxiely heir host v ing. Late pl ‘of the Sherbroke P. 1. 10. pk ti Lica ES claimed, ere aid lat ie rs anes Rolled oats, $2.75; corn, $1.60 to $1.70 | niea etails which have leaked|in the evening the “detec! ives captured | for $ ag gre f eiy tenia Gn: the inlend ease? ine vis ag. The Wecal demand for oats was {through oMfoial circles of an altempt|an Italign who was suuntering back. a “ Peller to-day, and light trading was re-|by the Black Hand to extort money from|ward and forward near where the| burned es doath A ‘Tigh Ban MEARNS cripples, vas DAD ITALIANS FINED. THE ALLOWED OPIUM. = lost his yee cand wandeida sound = ‘ am Recorder Weir, of Montreal, Ti reatened Eastern Cate Mayor Ashdown, under threat to dy-| money was supposed 0 be deposited, |by his clothing ‘ein ng are ‘wile he lor "Weir, of Monjtoah, Ri reaie Percy Brown Sentenced at Montreal to Lriperoanng ely bid eal Sh ‘te too No. namite hi if he refused. A|but they failed to secure any incrimin-|was cooking his din vi Five ¥ ee ng = wie eee week ago the Mayor received an anony-| ting evidence, although the secret cei General Oller ie he n offered the ; Years. re ~ he was found on Friday. His wiles! 46c to atc, and Manitoba oe le 490 | mous letter, siey toformed him, that|vice men are ‘convinced he’ wes. impli:| command of the Pitt Infantry Brigade) A-Gespateh {hom Monten eiyes 3 A despatch from Montreal says: Percy | becoming alermed at his non-appe a nder Weir sentenced six Ilalians who tore. unless $1,000 was left under a pa ested. He claimed he had a periect| at Aldershot, but it is not thought that ; : own, a dangerous thief and pick-|ance on Friday morning, walked ueross feature of the local dairy trade | cloth “on the sidewalk on Broadway injright to walk the ee if he chose, | he will leave Canada, were found with concested weapons on ae pookel, was sentenced to five years in| the ice to tho mainland, and came to]; ae very high prices of butter and {front of his residence, that night nis [hen and "where: fie Akon CEbver since | A MULE ee. samples of whl yield ‘Thursday, ‘The sentences ran from s peealien Paty on Hie by Judge er bs Srbel search party W3}in strong tendency towards higher fae would be blown up. The word-| the detedtives have en, at work en over $100 to the ton, has been discov- | 825 or one month at hard labor to $50, ‘ WF UCHR Nas EA Hace eta ag Ba ta sees ny chen see the | Mocs Chase goods are selling at 3io| ing of the Jeller Indicated that it em-|the oase, bul up to the present have | ere Srmsaiee cis 2. y -_ ach one will have te Beene, a 2 oe saying that he Ls w where they foun body, | {5 930 per pound, and current recefpts | anated rom Malian plotters, The Mayor|n clue to the actual source of the Seiten Myles, an old Yukon ce furnish two reliable securities of $250 had been used to taking between fifteen | frozen sti Rt io aie pee wont, was giving a reception that evening, and| threatening letler. This has, not tend-| An onder compelling el each: that to sll” eap the peace for be rae a a Sat 4 A635 and that m ‘Theré is a very firm tone to the local | his means home was thronged with |ed to allay the anxiety. ue By Shee lights on locomotives Is bei 0 e “yet fer the sentence was im- era x 5 ‘ supply were allo- aheese THAPLOL, Bepternber: weeterné are {P10 ns. Unknown to any fe ve the | plated by the Railway Commiss posd on he “allons a number of them gether cut off. Dr, Picott allowed him CASH BOX STOLEN. selin ling at 13¢ for white and 13%c for ot Naas: Peas detectives were at once | desp wot Fa sat dare to| who have given the Reade notice of | met and threatened ill Recorder, aes ae a grain every tl or September: éasterns: ie 28 put on guard, and the guests came and their. threat, the proposal. Weir, Their party was broken up, and’ see Bridgeburg peek Robbed by alwhilg and 1330. for. colored The sik AAG sent Rye ne ret: gt ea itonepeemrt iar ap ageer nt! ene ee i : . ils of New South Wales, as a | Mu ry Reoorder, IRADLES ONLY ADMITTED. Clever Thiel. les no change) in. ihe oe local SE | CANADIAN FORESTRY ASSOCIATION.| FORTY KILLED IN MEXICAN MINE. eri to Nite public school pupils of T ; A eas Los “aging Ont., #8 § to: 33 es 5 nie onto was présented to the Alox- vt 3 Government Has .Scheme to Improve says: Reeve Vahey was robbed Annoy ys ee (eas ert Annual Meola Will be Held in Mont-| ne Majority of Victims Were Japanese | andya perdine by. the LDulandApGors * : Class of Bei ares ot $200 on 7 mars night by a clever | fe'co 27 eee es ym March 42th and 43th. iatiies. ernor on Friday ROYAL PAIR HAD CLOSE GALL. A despatch from Ottawa says: An thlel. Valley fon ucts a grocery store | provisions—Barrels short cut mess,| Canada’s eS wealth and ils preser- i ; : — ea o Y tinnigation requistion Will be issued | the village, About 7 o'olock on | go1; hait barrels, $10.75; clear fat backs, vation and the perpetuation of the for-| rnfoametion, tron Lat, inert CREAT SBi Quata: Wilhelmine: dad’ Consens Ri shortly providing that after “April 18 GAAS night a stranger cleats the long cut heavy mess, $20; half |€sts are subjects now occupying a large | Federal telegraph sources to the effect The women’s enfranchisement bill ‘arriage Accide! Bs ext eny person coming to Cortada. o store and asked for a porcel he claim. barrels o,, $10.50; dry salt long clear|share of the public attention. Nob a} (nat tho explosion in 1 te mine | passed its first reading in. the British Jespateh from ‘The Hague silys: 5 n y spattet s is iday. Mscisled: passage drawn from any chari- | 10 have left-earller in the day. Va; ge a Dee, 818.5 Tile of the attention now given '01 at “gapinas. nea Deaitz, Mex House of Commons on. Fr 9 i fA el * fable or similar Insiitution wilt nc hey. could not find the package, and | 17) 24 725 0 Ness topics. is 40 be ascribed to the et |Thucday, has reculled ina large los:| The rilish. army. “estimates ton, he 3 subject to exclusion. it he is provided steed to a telephone a ask his daugh-| hcerels heavy mess $10 Hg AG forts of the Canadian Forestry Associa-| or hiro, ) Reporla: by thie - rien bya year call for $154,185,120. ae naval qvith a certificate from the Cafadian | 'e" Shit rin the mean-| aif parrels do., $5.50 a ie, compound | tion pag Ree plnca the loss of life] estimates amount to $161,597. i Jnunigration Department in London bat fem shipped ane ne outr a 1s ‘The Association is a national body, 9, ho 0. fo hs aae tate ay, representalives of the “enply ae tnd he will make a suitable setts ured the cash box, Containing $200, now numbering some 1.200 members. e Monteroy Steel Co., and ordin- sry ‘employs a vee of 250 miners, i ai Medion ae Aipbuilding w nke on {he tionality. The Federal Government has UNITED STATES. taken charge of the situatio e and haying on its roll representatives at every province and district of Can- 7 » fresh-killed abat. | 840, not to speak of Newfoundland. public charge. loin dressed hogs, $3.25 to $8.50; live, {the United States, Groat Britain anil to $5.9 "| several European countries Large quantities: if colored: oleomar- © the Prince mn out, $5.! CAE AE RES curringe’ was badly wrecked, thre: —— VA of each pee aearnaeeH ALL CARRIED WEAPONS. oe being sold as ‘butter in Chl-| \Whoels being i tt; but etter the BUFFALO MARKET. masking 0 Mele te Mon neater 5 — ; sae: nor the Prince was hurt ; a a » | ight Italians Rounded Up by Detectives —— an Bulla, March 8._Wheat--Spring are ‘eth and 19th, 1008. Previous ae weaizak steady: No. 1. Northern, $109; No. 2[o7mual, metings have been held in Ot- Montreal. 03; ales higher, Com — (awa, HeNcate: ku GbeusG A despatch from Montreal says: Act- No. 1g eer 6534c. Oats The Canadian Forestry Convention. ing on instructions oy the Provineial held at Ottawa, in January, 1906, has | Government, Chief McCaskill has made No. 2 mixed, 53¢; abe 2 cs Bariey= te to $1. ‘been the most ambitious effort of the}@ roundalp of suspicious characters 90¢. 3 4s done train ft is found that in Tor and disappeared. ‘The robbery was ee hi 5 eat and other large cities waeiiy In- | discovered until on hour later Gividuals go sent out have become a! sirangor is believed to have ee im Mr, Asquith Introduces His Measure in crs ey Pnace' fn Jo edsay ie ponmt re ‘ big eae NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET, Aare Baier ae en shies SRE Ne, eeerer ote ete hed ea i 7 . the British House of Commons. Provinsll Toray ennventons bavé whom sni¥es, stnetioe ant mci |Hardshing of Seamstresses in London _New Yor, Mareh 2. Spat cass the B Yarmouth, N. Si all : ksh enon rn, Duluth, $1.15%4 N. B., and Yarmouth, N. S.; all]eign population of Montreal the Attor- W afloat; Ree ae winier, 81.11% f.0.b. at eae Rive novel rune Aarts ammeter ‘ded \ orksnops. 1 Sie Cus No. 2 red, $1.01 f ney-General's. Depariment. has decided afloat. nd encouragement of the parent asso-}|. adopt energetic reason in conn es Will be the subject of local option, SNS ciation. tion with immigra' 1 poll being - taken when demanded LIVE STOCK MARKET. Prominent lumbermen and manutac- eS and a simple majorily to decide. A re- é: Re as turers of lumber, paper and pulp, have PEN YOUR WINDOWS The New York Herald has received sho sometimes drank to the extent of tusal to grant a new Ilcense will be re-| Toronto, Mareh 3—Limiled ieene from the first taken an active part in One 2 a ihe sae ng cable despatch from Lon-| fourteen cups a aday. At-night her cov- nec Chazsellle ad the Exchequer As-|scindable only af‘er three aire by an-| ot exporters’ cattle were made. A load the work of the Association, in addi-| “When men lived in houses in reeds a terview on Wednesday | ering was tho trousers which wer quith inineduced 1 te House of Com. |other poll... Public. houses outside «*|cf export bulls sold at $4 to $4.25 ber tion to teachers of forestry, scientists. they had Coa wisliony ot at whe: moons on Tiwi rates ternoon. It was|London will be allowed to keep open | cwt. -overnment oMicials and others. inter- jived in houses y ‘kuown ( in one or other of the many as- ns of reeds. Se coe pects of forestry. wrriter to ilustrate the ne A despatch from London says: country ae long been speculating « foe Gov promised Licensin, wm i. oe tonal Ro secon League, cited a} need see worker's hands had become. 3 { number of instances ot sweating pee ae ie ould fs a drastic tem-|cnly three hours on Sunday. ‘The bulk of the cattle poets soe Sood ys ene "but few it any expect:| Wilh ing: PROposels:: As -the:| {com -be : Sper Pesir Henry Joly de Lotbiniere, late/ tilation. E ) 4 Chancel abaouiy ced, and evading the law, they are broug! il ¢ , while choice loads brought from | jeut.. avers iF eau tish sea nbia, : ‘The modern. yee in many in-| occurring. in factories aod in homes | wish cheap ties are mado i as lik i aie esc Tet one Bed eect must renew tieie| $4.50 to $4.85; medium lots sold at $120 ae the tat president of the associa:| stances is to live in houses 50 closely parities. in the cheap laboring | Ue as sixpenco (twelve cents) a dozen, oC 3 se Lenn houses license annually. They must also sub-| ‘ $4.50, and common at $3.50 to $4 ‘tio on} ss Honbpedis’ hve conned that’ air, as well os Re and again one hears a Pook % J a Wetas by one-third; in other nords, | mit to police inspection, ‘There wili|ewl. Butchers’ cows wero selling @s| teen welldenown lumbermen, such es| draughts, cannot enter. Further, win- re ‘ersble slory ns just baon told to | Seamstesnes who havo pawned rea it will abeteh about thirty thousand Fo we mye ‘and the law will be} high a3 $4.25 per cwt., while a lot of i ‘of. Westmount, | dows are frequently curtained go’ heay- | Coroner in tho East End. A trousers terial given them for qairemaley 10 & ( Pats at which intoxicants are now sold.| applicable to the fashionable clubs in aes cows sold as low as $2 per!p. Q., Hiram Robinson, of Ottawa, and Ay that sunlight, which ts almost as | finisher created a seni ater ‘in court by | ge Re here wiil Uhus be one Ucensed houso| Pall Mall and St. James Sireet equally | owt A eremhe. Latbiniere, of Quebec, {important as fresh air, cannot enter, [seying that she got two pence (lour) “Tn homes in East London there are ‘ : te ovary #00 or M0 people in towns,| wilh the workmen's beer clubs. There was no market in feeders and | and officials connected with the admin- "Dut it is bot at all ncaa to have | cents) a pair. ‘Sn had often neat a number of comparatively small trades. of 7 ‘and one for every 400 or 500 in the} Justices of the peace will wholly act | stockers. Isiration of public forests, such as Mt, {the modern house unhealthy, and, by| until 4 o'clock in the morning 6. got | in respect to which there is much sweate ~ bial dustricts, compared with the| locally as the licensing authority. They| Calves bees slow of sale at 3 to 6¢|Aubrey White, Deputy Minister of using intelligense and thoughtfulness, | crust of bread, Sho had to fetch her|ing, The brushworker for filling a thuu- ~ e N present eae avei age of one for every iis stipe weno: igs order abticvers fe per pouns Lands and Forests for Ontarlo, and|a well-built ho ‘an be kept as fresh {work and take it back again, sand holes with bristles, which she has : Seon finely excluded from ‘bare, ‘to. Grainfed lambs were worth $0.50 to Kani, Slewart, tate Superintondént of [and breezy. as ioe rier the most pre] An officer of the Anti-sweating League] first to pack into appropriate bundles a wapansitan, will be aan to these} cm polling days, ani to decide sprit $7? per ewt., and ae m lambs, BES Forestry for. the Dominion. historic wicker hut. had found that a trouser worker lab-|and then secure with wire, gets six as are eee ed, this cm ng ‘a women shall be employed as barmaids. | quoted at $5 to $6 per vant Expo: Tho president for 1907-1908 is Mr. ele ‘air and eal anes ‘of the|ored very often from daybreak until} pence halfpenny (twelve and a. halt of 4 th gettin 0.568 upo ine of the essential aims of the Act] ewes were selling at $4.25 to $4.75 ee H. M. Pricé, of Quebec, prominent in} most necessary aids to health—are free free | She no longer was ay e see the gar- | cen! hes maining Isao” holders, but attr ti |{s-the recovery hy iho Sale of pto-| Er : the ranks of pulp woodinen, while Mr. gifts to all ‘and they should not be shut | ment upon which sho was engaged and) ‘The bill against sweating which tho years ne compensation will be paid|perly in licenses, which theoretically noe were dull owing to {he eet RH. Campbell, of Ottawa, Superin-[oul, even if the first is inclined to. chill she earned five shillings. ($1.50) a week. | leaguo has been promoting has pi &, ig a wher a lvense is laxca away. has always existed, but has been allow- | deliver Selects were quoted at $5,|tendent of Forestry tor the Dominion,|cne, and the second to take the color | When food: was lacking she sustained | its second reading in the Commons and : ay RESae The grating of all fulure new licen-}ed to escape its control. and Tights and fats at $4.75 Ee owt. fis the secretary, from furniture and carpets. herself anielg upon weak t ga, which ! will ee become lew this year. | . em 3 el ol siiy of veh:

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