NOTES AND COMMENTS Two years ago the question of oun ‘ers was very graye in England tution was widespread and ea ioenie 2 there wero demonstrations, eee sions and spectacular marches to. press m the shape the need of romedical legislate Public and pri- vate. charity did iat utmost, the queen starting « subscription with @ liberal gst was talk of farm colonies, es, great slate fad man cipal ae tens ‘and so on. with the advent of spring nee so improved that the problem solved te self largely. year there was comparatively ie aka in England. Parliament had placed half a million dollars in the represen- tative in the with care and intelligence. ‘of the winter he had a balanco to turn ad Little was heard of farm colonies other un- eT the experience of the people government during the two win- ters had influenced everybody in favor experiments, though of small holdings legislation and had emphasized the importance of the This winter, owing to the business de- question British industrial centres. been a revival of “radical” and aed dinary schemes, and the march o! litile army of men from Manchester me Windsor, with the alleged intention o| “squatting” on a section of the royal park and raising vegetables, is one o! these. y against sures and pauperizing makeshitt y it moved for the unemployed, and amendment was rejected the minis'e majority in that division was only 4 the Irish representatives and many 0} “back fo the land’ movement in Great Britata. matter és sure to be agitated in an amendment ‘a @ latter of any refer- ence to the question of providing work while th a A LACK OF REVERENCE We Are Dropping Pious Phrases and Ob- solete Forms of Expression, d master, what good thing shall . © that 1 may, have eternal life?” A Manes s and practice that al- It in es a of the seve day a man ta ela to holy places «persons, le religion of his. fa’ thers, is |Does it not signify that wine has hap- there any religion for fae in this, the pened se pc te appening Now, er An new generation? Is religion ) men a religion that proves ‘thing of which one may have ei- {ils seat e Mis relation to our own eee the ald familiar form, the type re- ized by all men, or have none ab fcre imagine that the moral universe has jumped the track. Religion simply !s man’s search for the larger, more complete life. Its rest- lessness, ils change, {ts continual new- ness is the best its development and its vitality. If it is larger life that men want they will find it not by look- ae back to ideals and standards that have paren unchanged, but by look- ing forware sufficient for ne level of this. lite ‘vill prove pears ae ee NEXT. pila nae jarger saint [ita | his | ‘athens bs i Pais far below {| ‘The greater part of the genio ot not a little of the > services an imean_¢0 much spiritually to ot inj that you ste destitute oe ‘tatth ih but indicate hat you canno! i uw vith ihe forms that once held ste! (ee ne piety, you demand the fact for. to-d We are ‘oie. ‘tet: there. ts 6° tack ot ¢|feverence for ancient institutions that bodes only ill to the future, that the Pein developing life there must. be | or" ait our ue going to save the world intelligible to the have faith that ceased itself ©: grave clot! the: pask in ‘oars rship- YOUR BUSINESS IS LIVING. yeur great reed is larger life. Seareh- tng, al ligion that justifies itselt he qu sation acrelbes ‘one has relig- jon or not is to be delermined by whether he ie aed through some terday. thas intetleetually ‘as they di whether Te sets his et toward more life. It makes no difference if he be labeled f ii mn develops: the: passion [or-16- ality, tty love ae truth, the ser the need of every good thought, aspira- tion, example, impulse and force that the “world: eee es iow fe comes (0 ory seeker after ute: oiente world rt kindred spirits, the good and the great of every he interprets his daily life in. new terms: he finds new joys and compensations: he feeds on the bread of heaven, no cares whi y ‘be the estimates or epithets flung at him by those who pre- ; ruth’s, garinents of enn to truth and life iself to- REN F. COPE. ot the radicals, together with most of the THE S. S. LESSON with nuse he willed this to be the eats ‘Sik PUIBBTONS HOBIDAY INS WIT TIE IGl2AND He = it’s come! I can s in mumsy’s facet" shouted ne ah! Hurrah!" echoed Bess and this enthusiasm. “Yee, see eae sald she, producing the r just received from daddy, Be wishes us to joln him just as ed Silanes, Ha wee as others summer—there were certain proaitoatiaa apeslaily desire however, the dwelling = completed, and he wished his tamil session at the earliest Th ‘was no one like daddy, you a they had missed him sadly during bis “WITH BILLS HUNG ROUND THEIR NECKS" abi So you may imagine how de- Hghted they were to see him again and to inspect their quaint little home. t like the Swiss cottage e've seon among the toys in America," comme ‘@ thorough ex- seiipation vot the’ chalet. plied Marian, “but I never the source whence Jesus derived "hi miraculous power. His mises but ef- fective. argument, howe ves but THE PROCHSSION STARTS even dreamed of having {t in such a piace race ‘Why, looking up thi roug! your dormer window that great Tnountals see) jough it were about 0 fall on us. How much snow it car- ries on its su “es “Big mo utain gurgle Billieboy, more See ans any one else. ‘At luncheon Sid told of his rather dis- couraging experiences in attempting to make the natives him. “I tried both French rman at the village, but didn't seem. to March * races oe rn -of spring,” explained Mr. dra. on the first as ie ve Bhortiy before cntetary Soke morn- ere. awskene: the mu- streets ringing gather about the fountain square, after which thoy will have thelr procession.”* wended {ts way from. Pees: to house, where gifts of frutt and nuts were col- reaiat Mr, pe larga. the others wit eats te tho ne a fea, ‘that. att t villagers. and tnt the mag: would hae in on and 8 w days later Billleboy heel into the house, eluitching In each chubby fist @ bunch of scarlet poppies “Oh, mumsy,” cried he, announcing noth. a important discovery, “there's x ing but grass.” “You's re an observing Ga piiators hi ‘but, as lo ponies the y have no grains of any kind, or hae and clover thoy, have, and that ts Sid visited the Raeaboting town quite * certainly shan't miss seeing this, ‘What interested \farian and Billteboy ost turn of the cattle from | celebrated, tern Switze eran, se the Seed “rae of Engadine, all t 8 had survived. ae the Serie fostival wo said Mr, Burton. Sid climbed all the way up the mouns firing’ thé summer months, ‘Th Sar qua woendtscee packet Ce neato = large baskets, 2 which they mn thel¥ shoulders and car- ‘mountain all summer, were now the long train of cattle began its march toward the vill repared to welcome t) lega~ eaths ¢ flowers, while tho older members of the party bore banners Sa rlous de al made of colored pape: ‘hen they met the train, rghe ehildren pa oe ae sides su 7 ma erg a and sang the! decniktaa oe inde me f the ane with wreaths, and packed themselves upon. ‘the great piles ae Simete with whi ‘ ich waving tus a8 with the en =) yet as the pt oa 4 the village. His ae others cheered him a the villagers united 1h non ado sung. it thoroughly pleased with all rtons entered thelr ort sing softly the first dine of oe venus wns. arse for ie ae Sid threw aia Alpa and Switzer- Wi In, Burton Joined in the rahs that fol Towed, while. Mrs. Hharten Whispered: to “and hurrah for “Radiueren fort land.” ‘of his power. Perhaps also these ma-| fo augment ‘the saa tibae Se a ae Revacit conservatives, voling the labor- es means were necessary as a ieee: upon him the severes judgment WGN seaeitge oe re beaten Sante DECKING THEIR HEADS WITH ucha happy. le, iles. There was political strategy in cag 5 Be easure whereby Jesus entered as in the 0 pronounce. “res, 1 ee ae oe een WREATHS Ancor Gf the. coineerealves, wi INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MARCH ts i ect personal contact with [ihe excommunication from the syDa yp Bu : Lace Coats for as certainly are no more ready than the y is blind man, emphasizing by the gave. whi et nts had feared is Bi ae at. 1 a ot frequently now, and had gene mado 3 y the Aaa at is shand the f rot that U penk tant was Aispoeed Stee ° ne fact that the cure | his d fe ae alralghLorwardress soon they were in the vill The uite a number of friends. y ha party in power ts to embark apt costly eee. ot as he Daas ninealee en once O asked his father if he could not sian and doubtful’ public v ang | Lesson XI. Jesus Heals a Man Born|™an’s fait 3h him out—By force from their Tea eather ot ate cate tothe the the national athletic carnival, which ha of relief for the feneaisily eae Bind. Golden Text, John iis gyradd tion ha is gs ae oe and undoubtedly also by for- summer grasing grou Be OE ee makicgee. ed. ith allowance for par' 9. 5. =A Tie asan meaning nal procedure from member ship inthe one-of the largest of t sheets Sas sre oh emt peouilad 4h conte hi pelilics made, the situation is af ae “eusting forth.” The eynngoave. rrepeet.alb:: Usey Tneesareeohe, we and then gave a very interesting talk fountain | Finding him—These words Jon a stockings, old-fashioned wooden shoes aeites ficult enough to cause much anxiety. card eferre weet, abundant} gearching on the per ot Jes Se ee ching Hae PERS SCL EE - THE ‘LESSON WORD sTupies. |e" ™ aie extreme southeastern part 8, bee Not “the ‘fact of pail on his arm, and was supposed to soapy SRO: ee rie ined santobind recently in Bagiand ef the clly, Like the fountain of the | gudg but erd. The others fol- of the sports with which wo Ar tains and table co ie aesoek ie the eal garvecrutien board {y, Easet, 08 Ane- tet: "of “the Revised Singin wile hit sh . its water: is by Fs seguaintod Rieger os ideas aa Ciauy le a very benuticul and ces a A Version.) By a baie ebb and concerning tuberculosis which contain- 6 : “This Tranletaton of latent i = 8 ‘A Group of Discourses.—In chaplers| flow, resulling from the peculiar ‘sub- 2 1 sc intial ve ns e a s pee ac! Hor was one of the en: ithou large boy, dressed in rough clothing and mt éd some interesting statistics on the}7 and § Get cea coaaied | Setaeneny. character pars aati eer puptenio-pr siti aithough Yearing @ broad-brimmed hat. Ia his Controt Ptmtoyaacarie tac ON eclally, appropriate as a ai Soap death rate trom the disease in the United 'scOU Jesus | Self. his, coming info “tie ® ant cartied a atatt. This boy 13 branch cluby pidinlen rearrgnansi ost! tion for linen dresses. At tho same x Kingdom taken in comnection with the Terusalem. during ne ich is by interrelation, Sent—| They that s ‘who recog. {88 herdsman, whose duty it 1s to #9 gyory town, Th er yet grasa aes ey ignnge ee ensive nor : re i, ish crochet. statistics of paupers. as shown ¢ pbs The He eng ttn en monly | nize and admit. thelr jenorance. likethe _ tat none of the cows of Une contests and reunions which are moro ary vic Ne ee that ; bab Or Vets s Greek by a word having] pind man who had ingui 8 Bes ae es a ee eee Se eat Se Be Ee Tc ek ae fat the rdortallip trom ‘conedmpllon | erhacies, “At Inia point. in John’s ‘nar his “elanifieshi pind man who had inquired of Yesus, Gy steay from hele accustomed PAR Sat cmvinge, hen pinnate fa oof tan, while others of had declined from 3.99. per thousand |rative we must insert the synoptic re- ving 40 ihe: Buerigees hin bileve oq buAT” (oo a hay be- ~ tures, S Bpocial, 1 vente are. Dt a gifts by eo Jina arith ablie fnseoue Cae living in 1838 to 2.77 per bord covering the later or third period | that’ aforetime was blind : i = Biking a “yéate-song.” this procension the “orowned maidens 7 ¢ cluny wil ing in 1838 to 2.77 per thousand in| roy Galil egee: Eee oy hae IL poe tee ot deceive ——__ ses en ta of embroidered filet 4855 and to 1.15 per thousand in 1906, aio tho begining of th 50 veel ge ives tres SatP ie a a a a magine that. they nat from coming tronaly Into oR ‘an actual decrease in deaths from 59,- es e . ee Dt thor gees at light, like the Pha - or the nee ms we a tean_ ministry 's of these | he pa ed his sight; all for the Dur sees, who 5 and Rent it may always has d: “We know, .. 1 ee while aie should pas fo 99,716 in sixty-eight y periods ae roar in Matt, 15, 21—| pose of pee ae aa Scoond series of figures indicated that} 19. 2; Mark ze 1; Luke 9. 1 I Athy aver bing: Ge i x bar e : were hlind—In the sense of jook Ike during fifty years the ratio’ of paupers | 10- several seatired be a aienienne an I Jeng] teing eonsclous of “ignorance as. was Tt in. yet. too ently to tell ennitety ay ham rags Seet ir Matthew. ae the most import-|in discovering, since he Sab- | jt . a how smart tho lace cpats will bo per 1,000 in England and Wales had| 441 events of this period m on in-|bath on the day roe eis ase ha dhe man who a ies n blind. ery Le Pat pertain at RS Fae 5 rapped from 48 to 25, while the death | cided the visit of Jesus to Tyre and }clay, and opened his SG NF cae ee te i hey ie hey, ae roma 0 pa | rate from consumption had declined Sidon, the healing of the blind man} 16. Keopeth not tho Sabbath — Jesus Gude atthe age i Abe Ricas Sone EIN VANS fromm $7 (0 10 in. the 10000, Compart.{Ueat Belhsaida, the (ransfiguration, the |did not keep the Sabbath acoording 10 | Setv p pan : 000, vending forth of the seventy, the ‘par- the=teaditi ang Selves, thus making impossible a fur- peri gctORt St Me 805 Ore niche aolgit bi on the Jows | ther reveldtion of truth to them. Monograms on Gloves sons were given also for Scotland and : : able of Which sougitt by | manmade ‘rules. to & Ireland. In Scafland the ratio of pau-| visit of Jesus to Martha and Mary at|regulate the minulest details of con- ORCGRAMS ot Nee ae F Pers had fallen trom 28 to 19 and of | Bethany. At t se of the discourse |duct. ‘The rabbinical lead n in- bet bl age res ee inal deaths by consumption trom 40 to 22.| of Jes Ges Spain Rat mtaions and hair. year in the Rumai country, in Soach: Yarpacssom Ha Vataniac: Whardctha “calla ol: patiiers | 2°" h officers sent ta, lake Aimavotare | pling: Con tovetateseaboUL ino right | India, a marriage lottery is held, gener- new glove-marking {3 no pueN z33 has risen in-forty years from 11 to 23, eo. empl handed’ and m™ ade their te- and wrong of even raaebaeary actions | ally in October. The names all the le. It consists in having one's Depianterslactane aareninpucn: has Tone, ee omen, lear Jesus |on this day, Pierebeaige ait asa sat tis) sound initials cut in the upper part of tho kid, Bees increased from 17 to 20, Snag eet neg: ate ee ae fo the natea men who are tired of a 5 r oe te ane cae . val, po 1 neighbors. and | are ‘ ae ie mare ae ae vhs - qsolatbors at ne o sips of paper and thrown Tis cate ByPsehGhe work, Henle enn These figures do not-establish a di-|tifying of h of | A. prophet ee Gat repre: each ki tee nawh aol Reey ‘4 brpline eai rect connection between poverty and es and iife, Stiho atant ec the world." | sentative a: mouthpee. acl Es we wi ‘on tie by cloves “the satin matches the dress, a 1 disease, but they are highly sug- A dom afterward be oe ss 19. ee shen They inauleed of the seme or sie ie obtalis a letter of in. exactly mkie, incerae pedi look r+ i gestive, and they permit of some gen- hadly, though Meneepyent ahaa f non ung woman whose eralizations that are snatructive fo all mutes ear, dpponmnis the Poe man ta the ‘I Hiss a TST ee ee aw ana eae ik pe teebirtte hn a xpla- : o ivilized countries, As regards Grea | among tho Jewish offciary the more. jnatian of how he bas Pegeited He Dis eae ee Uae ot aan pac apapres somes ad tte any, and ‘lain, it id a 4 aah ian nes. his| courtship with all the ardor of which sng away so . - Britain, it is evident that the statistics | John reful to note in ight, he is capable, Te 1a wurpriee us a whols ee totais) Bremen ‘on ? ¢an be explained by immensely improv- | Hon that among i who eat on} 20, 2t. the first two points the RRS Eee when in the very next cli 6 went Jesus a his rst_a few | parents answer without hesilation, but seo whom shoud -we find But Plerrel <4 tie hy b ei social and industrial conditions, 5 tho Jewish hierarchy, ot une be abe ible point they declined to ex- SPEED LIMIT. BRS AS Bordure Chiffon era that has Daag nee panitation, ae the test whion bor ay ; pplies to thelr} press an opinion. joke to Jimm e better housing, a ion in the bours| faith, and. which was intended to We iow not—The le—Did you see where a judgo some- gia: 3 Tist tat eohbee” P j : not Af eae ! tw : Bi of labor and an Reais min the rewards {strengthen that faith, the latter proves abquathtaniea Sih kHidaises shor sald tht the Bd oooking ot the ett io ee mecer oa invcne uate weteee 1 Fa! fot | Saved life and diffused | insufficient and breaks down complete- Benlfactor. Pig tendon tePANe denietl cece ert ved ATA Soon es ataxia. and T get to be as big : comfort and prosperity at the samo time, | ly, changing to bilter hatred and hos- | is explained In the Tein fy Baas Alger a AM tesa Sac a aaptocge reer ep f the value of the hangs eau Be Cs events menti ‘our lesson pas- Be pst Aree Se, the men feet ak their necks try. oh to joina hla hes without walt- timated in terms of money it y s follow closely after the visit of a 8 thee agogue——| ing to exceed tie, the vee limit. in’ to grow as funny as Plerre. Ganaiibuiiies was ta tania: in paint of curonotogieal order | ga net ate ee Boy Mkely weld havo to wait’ a hundre th ° sus to Bethany. They followed | phyaso. to. shes pery ee A TE! oF RICHES. years to be that funny. tures ond concessions that were consid. [in tum by. the discourse sof Tetunion “How do yal! Know that, young: man ered ruil by many. mistaken oppon- ihe Coad shepherd and the events con- support. y ue way you hav ents of progress. d with his presence al'the feast of fveryone in good standing belonged ai} been ageustoine ea dedication. ne and the same religious: profession, | “Oh, father, ton sure of ile the aod . s¢ 1. Blind from his birth—a fact The rabbis at a Inter date Fdistinguishied | St PpOr ed on auommabile for six months RR tee Boe see Since Columbus found his new world,| which the man would be likely to em-|foetween several degrees of excomnnnun and thal’s more than’ you have ever been Sty ee) vrikh the niet 424 lons of gold have been dug from Phasize in his appeal to passers-by for} cation; but geben arene: eae a le z Kaa ny) the nines of the earth, ‘Their valuo ig | 8'MS. since he want aes i a excommunication’ meant an Sree ee: tae ov ¥ upon) as ay unfortunate who in. a |trom the social and weligious over $12,600,000,000. Of this. vast tolal | propabitity was. suffering for’ the rave teenie Valo sivileges oF Glory. Ere cry ‘aniehs 1) per cent, or nearly one-fifth of the} of nis parént rem ole eee 9h, ‘Give. ploty te. God—Ret RPA Ns a a nas «fisntea | es : rf whole, has been mined {nthe last ter Who sinned, this is par- | tothe glo wot the: tn ae ence, ey Maugnior, Anared, “wav” a “child sh “years; 80 per cént, ot” alinost a third, question reflec ting ak Uinpeild eee se ivi, bub to the hemage Wok tee sae bathe mornings “at ge Long Sleeves sai bie i the Jast awenty years; 41 per “o sash belief: (1) that physical suffer-| he paid to God by the confession of the Nenana ao BINT ee = at pees sleeves 2 Pei PRsSAAtiete ch vaca Sip och nj ey NR cS tal Feith fobrap bry. fashaia's cominand, 10) ta dpe enrdsh aarti s igor Moron popularity, Aik nak 10k. lien , : ment for sins committed: that the ue Josh, 7. ah “why,” said the little girl, “a suns ese will t be wrin} : @ Inst forly years, and 68 per aaa sins of, pins were often visited upon ‘ould become his disct-| beam ust got, on, my spoon, and T she a er over fwo-thirds, im tho last half een-| hein that even an unborn autious at and cael Rave sWvatiowe | first toward rank and author ily tury. Assuming that an increase occurs | ° mmit sin for which some ting Punishment. Ak tn anna outpuly’ (hia ameunt wi seta at birth aight, be the pun- |icners,. the nun acetal Ae ipa ‘a Bostoe! Boohoo! berdoubled in thirty. years, while If an | Suen ent imdet a -examinalon=which |s 2%osgesiet. he aid serial etna af § por penile ohtenne tS 2 Aalihab aiap this midnt sin ai te reves the seh ‘and indecision | avy? the doubling will, take place in less Parents-—Words in. which Jesus epu- )f his ques netecnins tisce era fran. twenty. yours. He FoVan Wage,| distes in an: emphatic way the belfet saun Wo tie ona? Adload Sokod ba, pen predicls that os a result of the ere: Ved in the question of the disciples | what purpose ts to b take at 19, 15), ‘Tho actual sia-| into the malier again, adding, doubt Hight into ne uke tines either of the man himself or his | less in a tone which betrayed the in- ints is, of course, not denied ty tended irony of ‘the query, the words eah: Not punishment (justice) ae: of our is, & general advai price of all commodities may be expect: CALF LOVE. “ rf will ly de- ut something higher, even a le know whence ho Are yc - Cline, Wages should rise, for with this | wtlon of the works of God. Shorty before, this they ‘nad ela mr yimnt habia Bi ota Ms so of this personal ninletion, irae v ime Seamer, 4 a love good beck, amount of new capital arising in’ the | PO rake oe ‘ail about his parentage and eRe wEbeell She_ Well, Y ‘tke veal, also, brief perlod sit i department ot human evens i dee ern eis ansdh, to EA ite, using the fact of such ie Dy ge urpose in harmony ‘claim Ls Sein hship. in is the marvel—The haugh- ty and smassionale abuse slirs the man. Missionary—“I have come to/intorm BS fust the horso for little Dieky you that the Cannibal King says he witt ‘They say he hasn't got o tricky pnt your: wes utes!” Mr, betty aaa plans. Sap —Or, “why,” or, “as long as.” fiat machinery ahd art can produee, Bev A Caa a ey nes Welt Ito. ok He ful algo for ‘ fhan con only be} & yes W! clay—| i indignation ot slow “Well, there's one consol Ce aspen ier ey Pe nghl Iolo being by human. hands | Not that emus. e6uld not have. healed ‘take advantoze of the opening atlord-| —Ti ket she'll disagies ane witty neae HE AID etl Bh, Bitar pas oO and human service, the man without these means, but be-ed ‘by their profession of ignorance of | ways did with ‘m1 Such gentle wayal Fe mt ty “