Milverton Sun, 2 Apr 1908, p. 2

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ae SPRING BLOOD IS BAD BLOOD |" Yow to Get ew Health and Strength in the Spring, winter months are trying to the ‘The ee ‘ot even the mest robust. | Con- indeor in overheated and near: Maxes the vitality a even the strong- he DI ‘est. The blecd es thin and wat- ‘y, or clogged wilh impurities, iver sluggish, ys weakene se aro all spring 1@ blood is out of con- mt cure these troubles ith purgalive medicines, which mere- Ay gallop through the system leaving you ill weaker and strength to is “the te hea: with headaches, had a ba Haste in my.mouth, my tongue was coat- and Wan easly: lined and sullered eaten ‘of depression. I got ply of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pilis; and box! r $2.50 from The Dr. Williams? Me- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. iTHREE PAST EXISTENGES bition natural to the young, innocent 1. is yel in her teens when ao 26 years old; and then, indeed, she fe and love could be, and what sorrow could be. The reincarnated fisher girl. of the hypnotic trance—the girl who, as the guarded and shellered young lady of ‘his Pee ie was ignorant of the greatest. fact of- woman's life—passed a baby Bas 2 years 0) COMMITTED SUICIDE. ‘he! no other children, for Bee her nvstand, was drowned pw Lina, “in wild despair, quae herself into the sea from one of the precipices of her native Brittany. of Colonel de Ro- tocation until, in mercy to ‘the living before them. i ent of the obscure tragedy under the waves of the Brittany coast had to be mitigated. ‘Again and again, Miss Mayo, hypno- {ized by Colonel de Rochas, rehearsed her lite and deat Lina and her formless, peaceful _ existence “in the her sathers Mayo, some moi er new birth took See put the. life of Lina was only ae beginning of her memory’s regressio Belore “that she was a man—treach- plood-thirsty. be id hood, and heads were eut off in the tent nin I took Peruna. better thi tht ageries, committing murders with his|trouples, A fowe He Publis thoroughfar uve: Miniaelt joined ti (he s0¥- own han ause he lov. i. lived aut ‘his petty, bloody life, hated by all who knew him well, until he sustained @ chill at ia ue of 50 years, and died of pneumon. AT COURT OF LOUIS XIV. tor 1 icone Sha n “the dari 12h East, | tire Or "I suffer ieee wil fh se aa It is wonderful how nine | Canada and the United States have been nothing Tecred me until | practically made new again by the use 8. wy m iserable “he! ‘{-dead, half-alive con- dition, “IT am now in good health, have nei- ther sous nor pain, nor have I had any | work, from being an ne every eulleriig woman woul But Mauyille was not the ultimale|Peruna, they would soon ki tage of soerpesion in Mile. Mayo’s ae and never Sh i take | Slattern in her hou: he Mde. Seah Beaudoin, 59 Rue oe Her Ca Backache, Headache Internal Pains. Peruna and aie ae fourth bottle of it 1 was perfectly For. this wae = mmend i all. those who are sullering with ie it terrible malady, dyspepsia. I hope that all who gre afflicted in this way will take "Party a-and ss in as I did.” Chronic Nasal Mr. Chas. H. oD a ee SL, Detroit, Mich., writes: “it affords me great pleasure to testi fy to the merits of Peruna as a rem edy “1 suffered for some time with m entirely well, there ke foe the slightest trace of catarrh | Prue: a without a doubt, in my the gre mind, atest. remedy known for catarrl k, Tired Feeling. rari ser, 928 W. 6th St., chee tI, 1: mals “Iam glad to give a good word for fernecanat hope that ell who see this who are troubled-with systemic catarrh Worthy Secretary 1. 0. fe friend was more than pleased and surprised at the reculls perfectly well and strong, That weak, fred fecling has left. me, and I feel like a different person en- ely. ‘The Slavery of Disease. many women in Not the Victims of any organic disease, fo ul just-a halfedead and halfalive, con- ait Miserable, dragging pains that keep a woman always from never fecls quite right. She gets the reputation of being sullen, or snor- bid, or ill tempered. trouble is not a moral one at all, eo of a gentleman attached to the court 0: ue! it is simply. se ase one, as such 1 ) Louis XIVs “Peruna is wonderful for inalgeston a woman well and she immediately be- OV ERP OUS Lives IN BYENOne 1 eat whatever want and no-.longer | comes. transformed into a new being SLEEP, —+.—— feel any oppression. Having had ‘dys- | mentally. Ege WHEN BABY 18 SI0K GIVE BABY’S OWN TABLETS an. The little ills of childhood often come | knowing in the Vic very suddenly an {Marvellous Case of French Girl—Could Remember Before She Was Born. Some wonderful results, seeming to Mhrow some light on fers through the medium of a young woman, Mlle, jengineer, who, havin: {gf his life in farang, ea eee an e East, died there. ‘fled again, the second husha jan engineer alco, engag yonstruction of eastern railways. read and write in Arabic. Being brought to France and placed ‘under the care of an aunt who lived in 3 <2 aiudy of varying pases of Perso Yunder the influence of hypnesi: WENT OVER guises i There were thirty seances in all. It|ence, had to be seventh seance that| Court to k = ah No fashion has more completely chang- | of the Channel as he was in the air, and fvas not until the nye ete She enaaten. 0! ected, fifteenth “hid Col de osha el ast “ever: J [ered it his bounden duly fo pay to h mperor the i ‘as also a lover 0 ne oe ee ee Reneerrsc coe aicne | Henny es A Br story is told aa the in her condition of france, patially Mrom 18 years of age to 16, to 14, 2, to 10 years of ago She saw her astral body transform he allered age, and her memory” re- vived coun els. whieh she. had forgotten in her Wahine sta BABY AGAIN. bi - At § years of age she was at Beirut, ium for some timer sent hove aeoy | tion ofthe s r all her Turkish, fvheh had slipped away trom her dir: ng the years she had lived in Franc: tthe age of 1 year her eneueie failed © could simply nod “yes er, ae Then she went ie: epiiiegnes. feel- |, i hat she ¢: She was faniher when she “ail in the gray,” and remembered having had some carlier existence, HAR PRECEDING TXISTENCE. With the seventeenth ceance the full | TWsile dishes were served at her table |SUtely to relieve he facts of hose earlier lives of hers mnie eau}d be evoked ‘began 10. ap- ar. to the moment of her Fe time before Ler 8 am 6 woman, she ca}is herself “hie you living or dead?” am dead.” “tow did you die?” f ed to be more WAS BRETON GIRL. convineed tan anyone of the vanity ‘The tragedy of the gin’s preceding | f riches énd earthly magnificence. Her : a : fexistence Has dishigsicsthe datighlee desire seemed to be 0 ive like M10)‘ GURE SRONDON'S Nee: {of a fisherman in Brittany, she led the |!umble, and find peace and happiness | 1. ais. ‘ fe Rasecite: hard life of the fisher child, |in the routi sr ordinary lives, | Hnglish Doctor Gives. $850,000. to. stab. syet i to is] 8 ustin McCarthy is now living in lish Se. ehools long enough to Nata tee ict retirement at Westgate-on-Sea, oa le. AB a ebplinds ead his withdrawal from ac Tr id wril SI v ymaidentwood she hoped for marriage, with the simple, natural desire and am- tre ‘e problems of [Wise mother will keep have recently been at- |lets always ot hand and lgnes an éccasional doce to p Marie Mayo [ness or to treat it promptly, Mt it comes tinexpectedly. (Snes was the daughter ote Eres all the ininor ailments of children and : i ste Mis; AH Benny | snd (he young Victorians were in their N jaby's wi Tatiels tor jeanne all. Mr nd being constipation and; other ills of child- Hamat and poen have found: themnén. ale ant mer excellent medicine.” Sold by all medi- re i cents Her mother mar- | used n The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Brockville, Ont. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. nee Gossip Ab About Some of the | 2nd the ho-| The Kaiser's moustache, in its pre- hegical a scientific }sent form, dai basis, nad. Ter Yeats Deen, en engaged in}® development of that sure of ehazlatans and in AG which he definitely assumed his in 1888, although the credit| nauliés, and one of tis many ascents Of the actual “discovery” must be given| was on the ion is marriage, the Kaiser's own private perruquier,| when he spent the first day of his he: who, in the early weeks of its exist-|eymoon in navigating a big balloon a e in close attendance at| from the Crystal Palace to Ely. fo keep the moustache in place. |was as much at heme on the waters pepsia for a long time and having tried Periaus-aiher remedies; Tdecided to ley This is exactly what Peruna has done ‘in the multitude of cases. hes Inown every man worth torian era. It must they prove | seem an age to Mr. Mc scarthy since he sled _prompliy. | The vse ‘of London, in Hyde Park 1 in his blue Lord Jol cure | Russell was passing Reform ens, Carlyle. John Bright, porter knew oe ms too mal The “death of ee Si sintee cis a an Bs a es tee surveyor, balloonist, explorer, author, achisman, and photographer, he seem- 5 RS i ki: ee of a brilli 's Leading People. ae shack to 1894. dt was} half-pay. aes ing became a fashionable pastime, Sir “phe Nick of Time,” the Guards’ play udley, in which the ura- t Chelsea Barracks last yea -|ers Company, may be be ead lence to one of the county asy- Jum: Insanity can often be cured in its can slages by special and individu. can be separately treated, of a hmatic asylum: will not, in an: Way, rest upon patients who have been in the hospital. It will be simply an ordinary hospital where insaaly will receive medical altention, just as other diseases are treated in general hospi- tals. “We jemew now that insanity is caus sete ss Slotie will beTiande te aeons ante toxins for types of insanily.” —— + aa i. | IHE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE CO. E 1907 a Prosperous Year. The annual statement of The Broke - | stor Life Insurance Company issued r sdeutiys bnleate a yenr’ of Ancedsed business. ‘The total income was $/27- 80. "That the Bxeelsion Life Insurance Company is eee policyhold- judged eae the iar sidpeneiee Hore paid very. satistac- fact that for three nial periods it has tory profile tits pelicynolders, and further its record and present position The popularity of the “Excelsior Life” “ took Peruna | a ite suggestion ‘of a |and smells pereone inclined te Sse Japanees jugglers, Performance at a Landon’ musie-hall a canary which constituted a part —— MAGISTRATE FRAISES ZAM-BUK. ae their stock-in-trade. The Countess rm formance one of the jittle | welle cet was) safely conveyed to. his house in | back 1 noliced a re Al hough her fortune has been esti for ‘wills “hat de Tothschitd tive : a sinpie|! fo sce her take the tram | herbal healer, Zam n all the eplen dor which Magistrate Rasmussen, of Montreal, fears ws rouble Witha serious erup- 262 Mar- “Fe of the Peace (Magistrate Perry, J. P. d been cured of a chronic skin disease by Zam-Buk, and |, termined {0 give this balm a trial. ‘The mest ex | Before this everything 1 tried failed ab- & 3 a 3 fates who are bs aes to try this “running sores, bolls, en scalp sores, een Spay eruptions, itch, “chapped ind diseases he skin Zam-Buk ‘s without equal. “ail druggists and Se eal it, 500. ial posifi oe ee eee rao tena Buk Co., "toronto. kin. "This was not only un- | "°°" Lal ~ | Strong Canadian Companies, ms polisaliay: ie the may be judged rom the fact that new Gnauvalics “applied Werod ashes (re: yeur amount: 2,711,000. ‘Th ie, fetal amount of insurance caches cise Gane Heel mi lon dollars.. The assets of this Com pany amount to $1,411,330. Reserve Fund largely in excess of Gov- ent requirements. Althotigh it as been only ei rs in ex: jstence The Excelsior Life is one of the ds indicative of shrewd and capable management. ¢, fo be-found the names of gentlem ir integrity an yusiness capacity, it is largely ow {6 thelr executive ability that the faoister figure on te pantie illest. ipformetion maybe oblained on Head Office in To- mpany want good active ee a Bee ple wie ely Gat represe! EEE SENS CHURCHILL'S RHINOCEROS HUNT. The English sf oS oe of Wild Game Mr. Winston eran aged Rod of te a Ji 5 Be more ol-life than. ihlg brilliant trish for Pe en a afattaRe if nown specialist in mental disease time has- sce to- wards ‘the establishment. Se * hospital @ treatment of meni illic didi lnla da icici dada attach 2 00'T$ GNV 0S ‘SLSIDDNUG TIV 4 that he had olfered the money so th » TBM ur Aep % 2 Sey © poured oys Londin might have a hospi ch y could be devol to: three ial synsoy 1. The early Sattruent at insanity CUOISINUT| £32095 yoo o4g oo} J9Y WOIZ JUSUTYSLMOU yuapyjns yeyxo jou pip oys osneseg : PS ek Susie SUES AEE v. es CGR 1 diseases, was recently acce| e_ Council, see passed a resolution of thanks Maudsley} > jend m ental sible, the Hoey: iy of ne cases to Hone h work: tye the cause anid pisvenion ot insanity, 3. Educational work; a medical schoo! ent of insan’ “The hospital said the seenttans sanity, 1 will not be an asylum,” “Incurable cases wil) to | elose to the Une. . un and the blow, and then bore ee the train pass with placid as or scamper a hundred yards farther away, and turn again. Many are quite «» At Nakarw sfx yellow Hons walked in leisurel; "ys Se Maudsley stated in an interview Bite the rails in broad daylight.” Mr, Churchill tells an’ interesting story ot a rhinoceros hunt. a the ‘rain ot sinner inthe treat- qT ‘ey down upon us in a Pea trot, nearly as fast as a horse’s gall eath of the nae beast fs de- plored thus: “Here at the end is only a hide, a horn, and a carcase, over which the vultures have already begun to wheel.” aaah ae tes 2: HAVING THE MONEY'S WORTH, Having been in use for 150 years, a fine old Axminster carpet is at present in the carpet factory at Wilton being repaired, Richmond, -R. i We eal Tnlerecting BrUsls oC the time. He hates ugliness as much as fe also stands for pure air in London, jome he has as guest and student every third Sunday a markable painter-prodigy. The. famous Royal eee ian was himself one of ndon’s boy prodigies more than fifty w {rames—up- m anything, in fact, wih would bear the mark. of his penci Queen ae of Norway has been de- scribed as he cleverest_mem- bers of the ‘British Royal Family. She nted ond {) rafts, sews and spins weil, can carve wood, bind a book, take a photograph, knit @ rea » Play chess, and uae lypewrite: Queen Maud a good athlete, te well, can sail a boat fait an oar, skate ae that once, sehen a school class was undeeeramtnstian for tet ssausement, he’ took "a aby ile git On re ers instantly show: ed a marked improvement. The secr- ret, however, came eub-leler om, when tie allie aoe elds tes hes teacher, lease, ramanjs We lady: (ul rie whet ay. ‘USES: tober to May, Colds are the. most RR tb oatse at Hendechs. aes m0) Mo INE removes cause. K. W. Grove on box 250 WHEREIN THE DIFFER. Little Willie—“Say, pa, what's the dif- ference between an-oplimist and a pes- fhe Pease optimist secs only the dough- . my son, while the pessimist sees nothing but the hole theretn.” Something That Should be Rubbed n.—Whenever pain is felt in the limbs or back, take Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil; pour a little in. the hand, and ap- plying it to the surface Denar ‘which pain ee Tub briskly. Snatch does aL ation relieh, ‘nich is not usually the case, ‘The Oil will gradually penetrate to the affected part and relief will come. An emply head contains a lot of use- less information. Experience and real estate booms ere great teachers. Physteal Pain and mental anguish affiict tho iets ot diseases, Got rid of both by rub- i Werve s Gerate on the heated, Stoning, ae fgured face, ‘The relief given i among the Moniers of modictse ALAS! AS! He went to the doctor, lown a ot but use the poor rhyme) He was made to cou up. ee SEWING. MACHINE REPAIRS, at eo Tedy Rasind aeed ona" make of sowing inaching. for 6 users ‘or more uxite Sinoer Sewing Machine Co, Manning mbers Terents, Zar “beauttfut set of fen of Ontario. Free for asking, 2 souvenir views TRUE PREDICTION. “And the clairvi told you that you mous be swindled?” “An races es, She horas me $2.” REST AND RECUPERATION. ovide a restful environment without sanatorium restriction: 2. change from worry and-care, to ese at moderate cost, is the mission of ‘The Welland,” the home of “The St. Cath: arines Wel ply the manager, St. Cuulaciaed: OF aay Avent of Greud Trunk Railway System. Here's fo our wi They fll our lives, Like busy bees, They They darn ow “ks And spend ines a ae money. @ merits of Bickle's Anti- cai jon disordered in consequence. deal of suffering. ali EXACTLY. Little Mrs. es ae heard so many jokes about 1! who couldn't market ciel that she made up de Price 25 cents, at a| her mind that the first request she ma Pi a sophistical uusewife. Please," she said, “two Se and 100 green peas.” French There is Only One «Bromo That is Always remember the full name. for this signature on every box. Quinine’? ne Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD aan ce CURE A GOLD If ONE DAY. - Latin term signifies in pain go, medicine. - human ailments. Th to which all are more discovery. The com This remedy is not a It is not a specific for all of the WANTED Our readers to note the facts regarding the recent important discovery in medicine made by an eminent French physician, and the formula endorsed by Canadian phy- sicians and druggists -PANGO. ‘This the English language atent e company do guar- antee marvellous results in certain cases, These cases are amongst the most painful or less subject, and hence the years of study. resulting in this pany will refund alf moneys paid in any case where Pango fails to relieve, and any purchaser can upon ap- pliserion secure the benefit of this guaran- , Gout, R ism, Colds, Price 25 on 50. cents. he Pango Company, Toronto MOST OFFENSIVE. Captain—If ‘ = ur face in my house again I shall slap ‘it.’ Noble feeigner=An but it ees a pun- ues apta! inne ‘course itis. That is why I " a os! it. When you use Ramsay's Paints, you are astonished to find how far they’ go, how beautiful they are, how long, they last, and how reasonable. They work so easil; auzbopy can apply them. | Yous dealer ‘a range of fine colors for your house inside or out. Write A. Rameay é& Montreal, ‘for pack of Souvenir Picture’ Post Cards of Hom How a man does hate to be grateful for an ill-timed Teven m after years a courtship may be converted into a battle ship. Holloway's Gorn Cure destroys. os kinds sof corns and warts, crate branch. Who, then Souheen with such a cheap and vpectaal aa within reach? Annabel—“How queer! Here's a.story about a man who made a fortune out cf an attachment for sewing-ma~ chine.” Arthur byte tes nates formed an attac v swee! fest litle e- cate ine in Os world, and would canal my fortune Ls she'd have me.” (No cards.) PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS, FASC CHSEE una ago? Sad sare crn : funded, JUST LIKE A <i A WOMAN. “Isn't that just like a woman? ~ She gave me no peace until. bought her a pit jay.” Now she’s ie lazy to play tt, and ix afler me to buy her an automatic player,” ‘Those of Sedentary Occupation.— who follow sedentory occupations, minty deprive them of fresh air and exercise, = more prone iso el the iver and. Bidneys ‘tan those who. le active, outdoa 1 former. will fin in Paraneiees Vegotable ne, ractorative. swith tio the most efficacious on the market. ney are easily procurable, easily taken, “act expediti they pens cheap considering their ee ON HIS KN ) “This will bring your stainee Mas knees,” remarked a woman to her chil- dren, as she showed them a can of floor. paint, ITCH, - Mange, “Prairie Seratches. ae iol {erd’s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails, Sold by all druggists. cople can’ even sce the silver lining to a cloud of adversily—if it is hovering over others, us are out of sorts got a bottle of: n | te beet fortes and Joy will Bo. surpri quickly thay trod fooling will wear of ies, All dealers in medicine $1.00 THE NOISY EATER. Of table manners such as his ‘0 mortal could be proud; The, greatest trquble with him is He will eat soup elu! distress and sickness in chil. “aus yy worms. Mother caves Worm Exterminator gives re- liet-by removing the cause.. Give it a {rial and be convinced. SREP E Cs es PUTTING IT CON rELY. 2 iG Lawton was iwont ie oe sort of lana which vet Rearete ik aaticeabie bE as to his ack ‘hier leaning, yet when he ee ‘put to ae never failed to make fe himselt un ONO. P shouldn't want to live in @ cellar, now—it’'s mast desperately over- dang whenever the » weather i is anyways fist what do you mean by desperate, Wy overflowed’ ag} i Mrs, La get “I mean,” sald ef Nua, mildly, that all they had to do door that froma the ki at Tare tae on pees eae ees Bani oe Dril ng Machi Loomis MACHIHE 60., 7 Themas M'f'g Cc., 802 WELL DRILLS © ‘in America. lo wv how. oon Sank “ourerr, Special inducements to CanadianAgents. St. Dayton, 0, mn this at IFFIM, oud. FEATHER, DYEING ot ouGHe | cn lol ey, is it, Maggie,” asked house. tear ot yours is with you hears a sound ” “Oh, mum,” said cook wi smile, “as yet the poor fel ner ful he can do nothin’ time _he’s_here.” TOO FULL FOR oe use, “that when the new he mis- one never ith a broad low is that but eat the aston te find how fi ri (Co.,, Montreal, for pack Picture ‘Post Cards of Homes. ee, ms the most people’ are ‘each box. HOT WOOIN By simply burning mon: Sure Cure the headache. ‘Try THE SMALL Bd boy's J asked the inquisitive “Yes, my boy, rep! ee “he él T who are so anxious W be the lawn mower run ever hen you use Ramsay's s Paints, y When it comes to speaking ill of their CURE A pois IN ONE DAY i gett (ies Cite Lover wooed with burhg words-+ called her his clover honey 1 he other made her warm eye “of Headache.—Bilious A headache, to which women- are ni distressig ef mn the LAS es causes, then “Pa, is it true all See is grass don’t ee fat folks amaay & ‘of Souvenir there with, to him JOKE: io ape proud pars thin’ have. then? Biack. , able for Rema Was eet une eg, The Ps black

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