Milverton Sun, 9 Apr 1908, p. 8

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aitage for bell end how bavling, tor ee CARTHAGE. ‘ Be ‘Chas. Murr and| ait : bullae chimney, 9 ei pe Heit -wAbe| 4 tered ctiber obout vitizens foot | We ar 2 forey es reer the ac he ilies oonnail fast the towne Jas. Le Re Tapers s al =| Pada moni thy. fair in Listowel on (em ic ell M nnie the Sap ot health tw ship hall 3 20th ult +) ings 20.00; G aa Gonets halk aaa toe ‘ rk 1 nN. G. road 2.35. Alex coe : is ill again. D oe nelly Tall socols toneeonies - Mrs. A alk Se ond vey fe iy 8 crushed ‘We wish | road between. cate of Stratford. ‘and | home on ‘Friday after a visit of four | i BE. Wernet ‘and Ot-|months with Bit sister Mrs... Hub- 20 atid 21, 11.-}bart Chicago. for. work | Mr. ae Mrs... 8. Webber of Waillace 3 2 : ne Taine oeee - — - - - p a Time” in tne Hall "the "reeve TR ear ee ee aim iofried “1/005 ioe aot a ‘sl fore long. _ ; ies» | on . road Robert Henry, |¢a © number of their friends rs. Ha Bros. ag te, Rowoa fae meeting | fr Work om seria: 20 cna oi Sere bare aaa ‘aay last ghased “,¢ ‘Tine- ‘heavy - hor Jouse-c leaning d aopted end signed Merritt & | cost for lumber on| * ROME and: Maree Tobi: Daniel Neubauer ined that |N- G- tin, 1.51; T. fe - ohn Frame and M ‘CARMUNNocK, Vera Frame of Crosshill Aare tie e rovided for in 5 Sh eee RS : petals the eee Me a : ‘The last ‘evidence of winter is fast disappearing the entry Mel ipel of Wel ‘ i coos to fata ile Ey ig ee ue spony. MeNaught hag left for of Paiipsbosg last uesday Sb | spring is fast one for spi ae head of the family is reminded that it is “ime Mir, A. a $4 i 21 Hartmier spent Sunday Pere 4 trom ere” attended ae make preparations for spring c caning: 0.00; A. i I funeral of the Srayetiy Macatee set ie ball SODAS ae sere ae Ree ‘the sum Petersburg who. w: 5 = myers ‘ pacha, F Scotteet een vs a Stratford general hospital tro 8 - |ien at Berlin last week. $ 4 ee -o-|50; David Latvrence as | RB: onths. ‘ Cora oe aaa with [ters gravel, 90 cents ; « “Taitt and TD aoe eee Baittin has purchased a) 3 LACE CUR’ T ‘Al NS Schlotahaucr for work on roads | bandsom “ : Sarit to Cee eey Peale y, for Keeping The aeons OR 6 Jocal come NEWTON. ey Eaiooamonon iis |s a are very prevalent in’ this We have them in all widitte and lengths at fon 50 cents per pair up to Bee the accounts gril not, be resoe ed tine Bice an cae 7.00; Henry |mediat ly. nee ee Ae ee BO We give a4 ft.Scurtain pole with every pair at $1.00 or over. We sell Prime = cee paid a Ae bent Sacred at-| 2:0 Chas work on side| sick list but is ‘slowly ale tertoo sttaiing the uneral © of is Rankin’s celebrated Swiss curtains by sample only, if in need of something special aes fo a cane, was read, the | road ‘so apa 21 1.25; Tole Megs for W. Johnston of Carthage spent }gou'e™ and etm cee in this line let us show you these samples, prices range from $5 to $30.00 pe: eatery aoe to action, in the melter {two men SERN aE Aa BUR prwesaay vith his friend Are Teatph Mise Annis Murtay “hes returned und the letter was ‘filed Any per-|83 EB | Aw eon APD ng |" ames ene 5 pending ‘a few Uvecks : J son wishing to read rae letter may | side road 5 abd 6 3.00 au a ee ithe telendia ie Binettont. RUGS ! RUGS. ! hiave the opporta £ doing so ‘by| © our me eee POOLE. Mr. Chris. Yost is attending thie asking the clerk for fit alt his office ih ‘ownshi on y i eee County Council at Strat: ot t Rostocl He ie earer spent ai few da Tr. and Miss McK one a ‘Miss ¥ “phe comet omanimonsy Scena Doninese, ke Gyport of Zohn Roger Jest wack wit frend Linto wa Gatmon of Hensal st spent Saturday at We carry a large assortment of clin ied Tapestry — in the illowing eaolves he n xo ; i an irs. J. L. attended | the ae M : i = S = v ras" proving Letter RI cn fhe Bp] ove tonaeal ef ‘Mtr Jes ae ene Ee pe a ee ee widths 2 1-2 x 3,3x 3,3 x 3 1-2,3x4,31-2x4. Prices range from age ‘$12. and Kort 1 ‘hos eens we 21st. day o| ae ook place inSt. Agatha last {on relatives ae on Friday en ronte ee fi eee lock tthe sai riday. to Teesw: ; let as follows viz — Justus Kreuter” Clerk.|" Mrs. John A. Chalmers entertain- Wedding ‘pells will ring in the near SPECIAL ON RIBBONS No. 1 $375, work to be let by fed a large number of her friends | future. . cee ies , - Bai i A very piece tine lise Magi Rosa is visiting trends iv 5, worl vi neine. i ondon. a Mr Leawey: Millinery Open-|_ Mr: Earle Matrwood bas returned to] Miss Lily Kalbfleisehl has returned All our Millinery Ribbon at cost. We have about 3000 yards which 15 Div No. 8 875, work to be let by ing his studies at othe Stratford Business|to Milverton after spending ai few were 2; 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40c. all go at one price per YAP erseseseeereeee J Brink ate retace College. weeks with her sister Mrs. Wm. “'& 875,work to be let by] Pho disabppea Sie guow, and] We are sonry to report the illness | Reinwald. Mr Cn ey. the ga ecns wari and beauty of as Mr. S. Morrow who is at present] ‘The Misses Hamel of Eater aan County roe ea oa ae $1200 | these spring dad which precede the |*t his homa in Straitford Our s a oy, Rais at the home of M nd Aes to be let by Mr D. 8 Tureiowe forth ao loort of lovely ip been closed for the past week ow-| Mr: eh). GROCERY SPECIALS Moved by Mf: E ae id seconded | spring flo ore and fragrant. verdure | ine y to alte Aiea Davidson has been con- 2 Mr of leafy ees is accentualed | duti acher in 1. fined to ee house for some time éarnatt who hae pipes sae ae the lbealy ‘display oe spring soe Liss E te sp on a ~ with mum; : y. In former yealra it n the | eo ae Mrs. D. Waughi of Bright isi hi pata of our general soeretaatd Sees ilbani - nt aR. N 5 Ib. tin monte s Caustic Soda ing hor daughter | Mrs ; conduct in connection with their busi-| Miss L. Yost of Nees si sorry to hear of the Meat t at the home of Me. and ut _ é yy ithis . eurre: ae : of the tall ogee ried. a branch was out of proportion to the ae day evening last. The fan’) 1 bottle Liquid Vane regular 50c; for..........a ved Dy Mr Henry and se ponies profits derived ahd it was disposed of have the sympathy of the commun- Household Amonia for housecleaning reg. 15 for Z Mr to Mrs. § Meese who HAMPSTEAD ity in their bereavement. Bi 1 in due ti ured froi As Z Mrs. P. Miller attended the faneral - Alymer Pork and Beans, large tin............. jure. Miller “and had. thera fitted yeup making Is the ob: Maple order | Of her ee Cal £ Seb- Friday and Saturday of wsi|% tHe ds here, Quite of nomber of|Mysville on, Thurs ee wats WE WANT YOUR TRADE. “O t @ ni Mr. Area Mie Boronia aah her opening Bh nomena have tapped and report |wraiio Giles ot “Limrent ca on ay. klipe sisete (eu nyiaw FF rec [end trom. are Snapentian’ Of a able | ttiends here on Mond: Petne oneal wt. UIE Scmucie We couiene ae the dle" Mee | gos aeeount of the allmost impassable Ge - . Elli the sum Of} sidi the department h: le ony ‘Moseipalty o ae j. [fding, over the de: ave go [tite meetin held ‘eae aMcelay at he portion to. be contri! thered a wealthi of ideas ves pur- ee °y % ee ee mmpleting’ sak |yait of thle vaeation the resoit” of ut amne of Mrs. Stewart wi MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT. A ¢ work. Carried. Ahi i ark: : Ee aubiect “Hat ine” reat on «. Brickman, afd second-| 4, a ti . C ‘Housecleanin; ISION 1. f T Mve:| a tuendnhieteome non Fred Hias- ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. s iiireerinc ont. é 7 “s e ug ward Herr, A —- sven tale errs Fetteets|® resent to to gb o sity sugar of Uis|Helen MacKinnon Jaines Contis, Hy make Albert Reis, Lenore ‘Pr an indigent for one and convey-!an appreciation of all that is beauti- rim ng. him, to) House of Refuge Strat-| 2” ae millinery at. Good tas is Mr Andrew R. Wilh yelin ad a ven ee Standin; pe ‘ow rooni green [euccessful sale last bee s ae Class V —70 per cent.—Eddic ict aennued tos t offes,| Wilhelm will mova to th home: | go Conrad Schmid Helen Mein ote ci eeeters & feo" Jatcad and will work it with his fath-|noni 80-—Addie Kerr; a0n Frea i er Hasenpflug eae yay ate & (Fz ; 2)" Mr Richa kiKnox College alas ery satisfactory Shae ures ae Re pulpit here last E 5 Debt 2. ane pt Ms, % : ol tee cage D. MILLINERY mong this vicinity _ deliv- | 40 _w. Teh uritias Gar 5 - a a ae a Milverton on Monday William Eydt Albert Reis; below 40, Henry Pauli Simon Noll, Percy Pepp- side “moa c tmx. con. Nowance be} whi { her. hats in va xe : . d and 9 6 28), aro displayed which are pe s and 27 waly presented and read. very smart retty. i uae LIGENSE DISTRIGT OF NORTH PERTH R Moved Mr. Henry and seconded aides a: ch i: videnee as a ATWOOD. This is one of the most unsatis- x E at the petition of fare th i nhage i e drainin ; 23 : factory classes in} the school At the NOTICE. is hereby ne. graduate of ‘Po-| present time Moody Meyer is the only | there were 40 Ta icenses a Bis Vetinary College nis |one who could be recommended to the|3-S i nspee ‘ anty of Perth dur- thi ce oe le igus: che oes current license year 1907- Easter is only two weeks away and it is time to : ain be exaiminatior i me Petes ees sa sah oor. | whi cornest work ‘will. be done © are 40 Tavern Licenses 9 d consider your millinery for that occasion. Careful pointed ‘ovrnstin evainsen oe with jen) ribbon ings| tien im Mitchell vsvhdre «he has] im that tine tlook is very far] Shou Licenses’ applied for for the thought and time should be given to this as a 12 said drainage area a and flowi e: pought a 2 = ‘ — na oa _izsinage area Eee 8 aE 8 ae re KEMP Insp: etor A mistake made would mar the effect of the whole cos- inten: co is a’ Richard Coghlin’s 1 fa vipa sa! Listowel this tume—Simple effect if the gown be simple or elabore The following ee eer eles pa ae hat i ith|the 4th con. He mov a} house: 4 20s > ate if the ee 6 cd pathmabte enaevigers nd | Wen = lily hold goods implements, ee a lie ee ee gown is elaborate—and it deserves just as i r P ‘s ge bunch of white o- |aveck mon howe : tho! Boni of Vioense, Con minute attention and consideration as the rest of the Div. 1 Richa ar MeN Div. 2,! preys standing’ perpendicular on / the R . M i Me ams Listowel. a6. a ont 40. pe s jcense Distr gatment, Our new importations from some-of the Je mimlan Divs 3. Te left. ached educational sermons SE eee sa eo IS be nae Sidhe sity re = : “aes mning one of black plaited Methodist church om Sunday. A large| Mi : slow, 40. only pve eae rca es 7 : most fashionable houses are now in stock and the pick as alla with areas taffeta bow cut coveregation was pres “1 Ali iltom et “Schaefer | 1th day of April 1908 a. the bour of these means exclusiveness. A visit to our Millinery glass pins anc rV | wie e he leader- rene an equal, Ni £1.80. o'clock eped awd. would grees, tur uel: tan len ee Mec Boa Riast rendered sorte ; erp aie pees hase ibe for ae Parlors now will ensure a good choice for your Easter ious. eral selections in a very accept- rT. ie Schmidt. Hes ses for the year 1908-9’ All Hat in designs and prices to suit everyone, ain waa the ‘Pusan lace lat )able manner. ter Gunther Viola Zimmermann, Wil-} persons Se will govern thom- ith of lilnos with|" Mtr. no - Torrance of Listowel, oF:| te id Gros selves accordingly, L's 2 tate pica Ruston Ri nt. it the _meot mg ot the Ate reirese KEMP Inspecior ‘ was 9 | wood. Court om Cla’ plex: over. 60 Dated att Trees Nie lat day of OULE, 3 aon eee FY 5 ne sae ‘Mr. ar cent Elgin Hargreaves, Vertion Lin. | April 1908, ne ai 4 ffid i gi 5 nee is in town this week in dor Pea 1 aailer, yer EO patentee iJtimmed found the crown finished interests of the order and. expects oe : iller's Block, Main a Steet, Milverton. “| with a larga feather aigrette on the}ta eincagle Ay waster oF ae ONE Ge dhe ba atis Gene M mbers. ae i Here -|side mem] 2 : 28. Pat. Tora Bi. o ‘Dan Crow- ree ‘thing was the child’s fairy i aarti this antuen MERE. : ne a poke bonnet faleed. wot white tucked a plant on Friday | ta: ele Ri 4 feb 5] chi with white rosettes is Re fi evernoutihe Evel ee ohne Karl Scbneu Silverware 5 eae on: ie a x j idly pu yes, Dorothy Ranney ‘b Ls ri for the new 151 DA —_—_—_—_—_— R:[ ory pretty eed with soft beets foward he neino has m= gene So e you seen our fine line ae bow ruchings were greatly 2d-| pjotea by Mr. Chas. K ain es ie. Bee outeane ae of ails erwa re? new engine will arrive in Sr Pe oe ave all sorts. of | da 3 “| Atkin. Wilke. Paull, Perey Coulter, If not you should call ani “abe See et es odie OS pane Waar inie oe ee wilns we Jenny Kerr Dizsie’ Raeso, "Bory! inspect it before buying else- jer. daisies Oaten Beverly Oaten; over 40 — cl Meking euch dainty trimmings. Sinidh are olso nearing completion. Clara Rothaerinel Edna ‘Zimmerman: Ouicalese ate tuRiowe. dam ES cao Eavina’ seated eke Sines ae Bal Over 60 per cont.— Viola us rrives ui Gowi . ¢ ar WELLESLEY, _ After an illness of abou ft aa ik lntavacs oR iusal” Guamtier Ge Jewelery is i a endicitis A n M if ie. Zi a ehberg ; Div. 52 Jas. Ara ee ales cron oe abd aus. D. rath AS ro — Bdyein Ri 8 dozen only 12 Quart Galvanized : ctaPaA lane Wriday froma visie| Bt ter A Alvin Weitzel,. We also have a fine display ails 26 Guage Iron. Guarante Div. | f re ih eee aay eve og tee Allan was | Wilfrid Gowine Clarenee Hosenpfly of Jewelry such as Watches, Hot fasleake whlehrwe Will -e5ll hi a eet ag Sr et Pat: E<St, is, seventeenth’ ye: te oe was at-|Lena Schmidt ; below 40 Mairy Chains, Charms, Bracelets, ich We nM = ay ile io Meenrs, ‘Henty) Tate 0 tending Listowel °|Schmidt Dolly Taggart, Arthnr Jac- Rings, Stick Pins, etc. A i they last at | Clements lam Ratz of meek i sland J. E. Ratz of Ca he expected to write is ¢X-/obs Gordon Hoffm: choice assortment of Cut the first k of ’N: Glas: Stock. Gi,Hiny with thely brother Er. Ratx,|Mmimation: Dusing the fiat week, of DELLA T ONEIL ae “22 Cents Each here. fi Pas ae es ti ‘Tho Messrs. Jako Messinger of Han: eee = Pee | Second Book Class —Ovér 60 p Cive us a call Quipp W. re | Bue el ape BP lent rates Ranney Wilbert, Kel| $ Eyes tested free of charge. Geo Katbtleisch ; Div. 70° John. E.]y ae day last his mn became al ° ; co 71 M.Babn; Div. 72, Jno. a doy. yy fing and although: everything possible G. Mueller Diy. 78 P. Bosbart} Div-| wieisetaus mils apent a ay] as one for oo a ie i e Wi. A. Smith omes here. ; Caeane ana > Henry Seba ver 80— “Hasta Biv. 76. Coss. Gilbert and] afr Geo. Milter of Walkerton and | frond and Woe the oe mie ueben Hoffman; below 30— Wil P. H. Bastendorff 11 Jobxi Kooh. Philip We spent a few] s Peekie Monet cat hier ta Cantts, aay Facade, Wilmot Bundseho For Crs — ‘ Jeweler and Optician Milverton, - Ontario. fo - id you ak record the ° ; enka nthe Semi Wits ichaedson, set 7 son of Mr. and Mrs. Miller ees ‘yoy.”” Alvin MeLer hae) pager Se Lanes ner Whe remains wero interred in the| ze - - Smith, We Seott, an = 2 o'clock resul tainly y plot inv the North Mornington|Grimm Maggie Ja¢obs, Ma 2 x 3 egan. a of apperdieii. Deceased was 18 yrs | comets ee afternoon: the Alfie Bi Loth, Tr WARTBURG, y STRATFORD M " FeneeviewersP. J. Finnegan |ana'@ old and was ic ny neal see a vie Boeekner Gordon Finkebeinen abe ‘ pe eena be ee {ran ue stain Conway Chas. Peat mer 0 ‘al took place on & very-|nent iS x Barle: M MeDONA The many, friends of at Win. etn Pah exten 0 tho bere: Fa lbsAr tl ees ti Shoat 5 acain ‘after his, long. eos fof oh + hea: % ei thete aad ‘ftliction ‘by the whan es es at a ee SCHOOL REPORT. : oa - eonmu ber. from Iyer th in. Pi le, |~ Another very s sad death we have to] oe oor icnox church, Millbank; A| Following is the of tunedal of the late arate ees Sinith, to pay for Ule|report ia that of Mrs. Barbara Koch |Fitiow. trom teaehera a ‘ No. 6 for Mornington. ‘or ‘oe sani on Monday las agreement drain con. beloved wife of Mr. John C. Koch | Pil High school; An anchor “hie |Of March Mrs. Harloff returned home Sunday * George Mille cost for] near Lisbon wi r | travelli ‘ rah Tv tery Waddell Edwin} from "a two weeks’ vistt ce ends arene drain at tgrnine 46, Aare i the _bow- ath 8. 8. for, Mervyn Dowd,| in Bornholm. . * L- rranee, -| Phe “Eckert ms ii ok ‘Kena Manele ‘Mekenzie RF. ie in this vi 1 lari a . x [e] ‘te ‘canteen! zs : spect in i a Sigg The wiitia Wadaen Tessie Wai- cl ren turkeys per pound... with oe imei ‘which the deceased. 5 | Sehm: ae Mie an Winnifred ison, Anna Wat- : ee are Otto “Murr were | Hogs, live weight... 3 es a $1; 85 years of age and leaves a mag + {20% wi Mornington line with | Apples per bag. board of | sorrow r loss | + Sse . ere coals Ft e8 per ay TOR re

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