H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer oF <> Marriage Licenses ything Confidential Z Sao ae S 2 ‘Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO ‘ é ae z 4 = % ¢ 3 i Fi yenrou + ONTARIO “It Shines For All.” ia “Vol. XVII—No. 10 : : MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1908, Le ee Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher sh ebb bbe |e Ga ts a ane inti LOCAL NEWS {| tev, ar, ont wil aco “afar THE CANADIAN BANK Job Printing The Metropolitan | Si cisesstaaaes ee OF COMMERCE. Mr. Arti ; Reserve Fund and Soeat ‘ela for a anata HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 Look over your stock and see i | Capital Paid Up Bank Undivided Profits iueoee medigines of all kinds | 9979 ia. mer at r you don’t need some printing poeaEy, B. E, WALKER, President adie Sack ue $1,000,000.00 $1,241,532.26 1 Sake ak Lingeed Mes] at lon: Seyi in eta per on bane | ALEX, LAIRD, General Manager Sng up capiEAl, $10, 0,009,000 @ est prices Finkbeiner’a hardware. z i saan H way 53:15 i ea Superinte (i 7 guss the subject ; ‘Mi iperintendent of Sea Savings 4.00 spmecysgem ap eset ose fla. Merl 2B sgn [ce NS BF [Toca Assets, = 118,000000 Letter Heads allowe: at pest, Monkton, paid - the Sun Ragen Sig ee 5 Dip nent == compounded FOUR times a year. eal. bes Riridany ea oe al ae Branches taught Canada, ‘aad in th in the United States and ‘Engiand ote Heads, : ; FOR SALE—100 hens pr more. Dif- | chances ING BUSI a & rer bine a special.“ Deport Accouns” oe a iat. en buy ft . ‘A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Race aeang Envelopes, Etc. ee ‘by which money may be deposited Tale Aeeacuees Bus ee. os Bens ners) ‘. Smith. aftlverton. "COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS’ PAPER DI - It yod-do, don’t sent: itout of quien Oe Hoffman—In_ Milverter Sat Se eres Ue eiestan career 1 non Sal town, but to... MONEY ORDERS AND DRAFTS SOLD AT LOWEST RATES day Merch 29th, to Mr and Mrs. J.| Cleveland ier aee ah SAVINGS BANK D! Eesha ‘ARMERS’ SALE NOTES COLLECTE et Hoffman 4 son Be eae ip ae i seasoy Deposits of $1 and upwards received ; interest sce ‘ I ? ES FROME COG Te Mr W. Kreuger formerly of _the|*" well by buying at once. current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to — he Sun MILVERTON BRANCH, A. J. Cundick, Manager. san stati pod fying vist to Mil-|| Tbe, engagement is anounced of| delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any Pao of verton last week Miss Edith Carolina Orr eldest daugh- deposit. Richards soap chips. a favorite. for eetak fee is Crea Wit MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH h Saat Spal an oe take place near the last of / this ‘hose wishing to make majmalade secure the lawn of an orange on aos Campbell-Bannerman has ou ship of Great slicer free at Engeland & Son. Britai ont? Harker ‘4 Mr Geo, Westman is to return wie hi his family from Regina to take aj met at Bititz where he position on the Stratford Herald been Gear abroail. ‘ BOY WANTED— Fifte The Eh Methodist ch h ie The Satisfactory Cash and Produce Store. eee hare tee Puede RE dais att say ilar es noses ove ov: ness Apply to R. Miller Milver-|ing on Mon ton w t ‘Wester ‘jioneer erie: oe your ashes and old iron for 5 xperie) “ OUR s Fe eee a oa et ee musie by Milverton, talent. THE MOST IMPORTANT : Yau, bots See Pay : ‘ HEA FACTOR IN THE INVEST- = ANTED—A limited quantity of|, ‘ohn A. , Chalmers returned MENT OF SAVINGS Is Dit Getta: @ conte per pound also| home. 1 & orem lee i; 4 mee opie th cate per pound : a Ee Se wet Shea Sa ts SECURITY Cc. “Witt returned home on |emp! in untry. He saj: ————— a y affer spending a couple of| that o{ threshing| machin Starts Saturday Morning, April 11th. rey gna nto Bele Sa ate Bank of Hamilton “Look Here” § wire eats Fence | 175 tons ah pa celebrated Scran- all I Noe 9 ote 8 Se per rod. Take ad-|ton coal which has a world-wid Capital $2,500,000 . G. these prices at ae Fink- | reputation shes ved at Mr. 2 z beiner’s hardwatre. Hainilton’s. 25 mora cars are also on Reserve = 2,500,000 Mrs John Davidson of Monkton we) We aire now prepared to put in . are glad ta know ig Improving and|¥our coal at April prices. First or- . WB, : hopes are entertained for her ulti- | dered first ee oh Q >» also car mate 1 signment while s i ~ mate COU iS test SOLE: ry the ipokatenaercenigie lee co Deposits of $1.00 and upwards recelved. “A Little Clothes Talk ee tee She se Grand Val-| ig capily kindled and au excellent y is at present learning the opera lomestic usa during the pata: - ing. with bis brother Mr W. H. San-|months. (Pi . IR may be called MILVERTON BRANCH You know as well as we do that while every derson C P. R. agent. up from the village free of charge. A number of eaters of the Sil] About fifty friends and pupils of ver Star Lodga 202 IT 0. F.. at-| Miss Lotta White’s music class met tended a lodge of intetion at St at her home on Monday ae when Marys on Tuesday evening a program was given er Wil Fred ie and R. J. RANNEY, Manager i sdmonto : 0 5 intend spending tha summer playe 2] z? ttle: ¢ Bal T LE EA epmenparearrhs |. tees "2° The Farmers Bank of Canada. Sa aah way oa ay has again been ine ve Eee 2 e clothing we sell are cut by experts and Fe Ne Ae eo tae | BEE emt - EMDR ESE RE RY Handel" 's = Largo h tailored by skilled tailors. The clothes that Bente PUES. bua ipape ine pilitie id in duet f : know their place-and know how to keep it. Miss Mack! fe teacher, wil! fd hitini Pretier and Miss || Member-of ‘The Canadian Bankers’ “Assonitiah. 2 Ale P P Sy eer her class in Millbanle at [|W ee Chore s “Ho Hil uy Ho,” ne Dleacing Hose f ‘3. ay 2 ae he es M. Pfef- i . pens ee re, Guem|| Head Office . - Toronto. aster Specials wie, lensed Eo AE, With a ei eeeaparied Mes _C. A. MeMahon Toto of Porth. [played from. memory Pridhania 1 W. R. Travers .. General Manager 15 only Mens Fine All Wool Serge Suits in spendin few days with her|Chasse. Miss Minnie Pfeffer read a “A Borsa ‘ol thie Bonk bas neat Gnenek in GATE UTA Ee black and blue, double and single breasted Parente Ce ae Bee a pane wal pene ee. on tanner |] eral banking business will be transacted at this Branch. style. These are the celebrated 20th Cen- oeroceve awill: reside, iw future’ Many oe by M F, Pout Interesest allowed in the Savings Bank on ONE DOLLAR and up- eS } e wards at the highest current rates an: i r ti . tury mak and they are ht up tothe min)" ein noc, fats |i an wha] "Taman te Rowe Gn, ute for style, fit and finish, sizes zer for the C0. F. has cot-| before the rendering trol “rant 5 Special privel ented. Townshi teat, Horn eS 15-00 “al a | otore the render tin ic? aenesperil Priveleges extended to accounts of Townships, Farmers and esent Or . Mr. ra, Will Grosch 17 only Mens Fine All Wool Worsted and eee marr eearr » tnembers of: the: eles MILLBANK BRANCH e1 bri i evening with i Tweed Suits made by Canada’s best tailors. Salgatia R. G. GRIEVE - =. Manager, J. W. Barrett the Enalish- tasteful voeal selections. The even- The celebrated 20th Century make—not Ten ie. propared. to take. contricts| lie. closed. with’ God Save, the Ting many suits of one kind but al sizes in the =a By ee paverste! i ne] “It's nothing mora than a country itewashing Mr. Baw i ire ee Regular $16.00 to $20.00. axpert in hig-line. and. will. no doubt seat M Coxon-Kerr Our Easter chance for yon.....$12.50 give. satisfaction Ce wae eee ee lee peat Air Geo. Bundscho was the success-|t . ful Saat for the contract of rae . ‘ ing the mail between Milverton C Ladies Spring Jackets and Raincoats. Sepa are ate st oags | hen Be, "late Mie | ah e - tk ad itel 8 t when * . * r D ass rT ‘e sell McKinnon made erpen we — where be ed Herter = ue Seaview A Hattsty A696) a ores the ball | Harris Smplement det ere s via fae ne selighinjoe aps poe ee sigle garment ne baste Eo se ioweae posible Pie ee a ae eg Torrahee MBP. loll | or ariiverton Mr. Ro he Seapets sated eee We SCHMIDT Milverton po ana eu ees y 5 i i | fongs to the pretentious city of Stralt: | Kirt van ortistiea ; 2 Timely Offerings and Special Values. s Ase prose: eek rt tora here things are ain’ a ver 8 only Laies Bis oe 7-8 length, i : a and : , i dark Ox! s and Fawns ey a ay vill i ine he Preece it forty of | th n ; a light au full eae a b hency cuff, trimmed : Jon ae eat mind Since Mr. Rober ene ine bride who That Camera * with buttons and self strapping. with buttons and self strapping, reg. ; w: a Easter Sale Price each... se 5. 5 $10.00 Easter Sale each . $7.50 : ; Why are you waiting to lowest prices, Red iA ag. -t0 sbelles the ik ribbon and lace She carried a buy that crmera_ that Sat sfactory Prices on Your Easter Needs ko 13; Timothy 2.50 to 4.00 per | pi ide. spreail as gs kp Sureles ‘ va ae eats ae eee os bean pal sunbarst th you promised yourself ? i é Every housekeeper wh! 4 Ladies Easter Neckwear Men’s Kid Gloves ae mony ahd Why don’t you get it y i pell’s Vat Stain is delighted ay ewe stand i now ? Lawn Handkerchiefs A complete daving here Copies aes Nothing and_penury We a ‘ a erlial rook. a ; ae : < a ig ie A else like it they say So eaBy to ap ‘ thriving basi: > are. ou Wi ave more sol- 10 doz. Ladies Kine | 5 4o7 only the new “Merry | °492,Men’s Fine Dressed Biryani ‘so durable, William Fink | 025 oq tha way of aati as eolietor|SN sealing of a auits#n array — id satisfaction and plea- Lawn Handkerchiefs Be Kid Gloves in the new OE Se ea a full line Ot Ybie: Posu- tae te wumleroan 4 Sens 2 Nau P note this low price Widow” Silk Bow Ties. ; : Reg 25c. ach 15 : E 3 4 ab] which evinced * tan shades, reg 1.50 value lar stain ing skilled int the art of high finance th.4 ivwhich thoy wore hel sure out of it than any- ach, c Easter Sale for......$1.10 16x20 erayon portraits ee i os eee stl oat tha 5 doz only | ome ned ved ents ee See : ced the Peek ge Gri weathigp Milverton sasy bs pe thing you ever bought. " sb) Let us show the latest | +5 ‘or to make the! IsiNess e loth Since their wm abs. se 400 per ce ee ver 233. without pedaling stoke ell sete tat ek. hee Dive gan ae in Kodaks, Cameras Reg 25c. Sah Ladies’ Linen Handkerchiefs ae f lover the country th saenee, on auessspples Corset: seer home to thei. fricudls jorsets eS A ae only Ladies’ Pur SOR Ge a AE ator Mot “ist Hees Free for the ; We are sole agents Ladies Best Kid Gloves 5 dozen y kin M eer ies who for some As! Linen Handkerchiefs lin- a v1 cast has been. visiting with ROSTOCK. —_+— for Crompton Corsets. | 10 i Sas “Ethel” Kid en embroidered. We her day rs Jains EB Boat] age, Wim. Ra fa ad sooued = A Popular Member eg guarantee bought these at a bargain. Boat ee : eer ae _ 5 doz, only Crompton’s pair to give entire| Wepassthem over to you fity im Baltimore Mrs Sestty, | | tenvo to make prepurations for Uh : erfect fitting corsets eta pericia Iways sold| at a special Lae price. Se es peng oS daa a we Pe : hla fo Druggist and Optician next Royal hotel. aster special....35¢ | at 1.50 a pr. A 10 per| Each.............. 2 1-2c sey saver ani acm preva" een : te | members han haat ee : Market Square oe : d cent saving. Pair...$1.35 : Se ion wag een jo City after tak 5 vin-| Lei islature ‘ds ona ‘| } Stratford, = ont. ; | priday of. last wee i ter term in the Business College. " v 4 1 : ae =u aa inches but beni Bernard Stock is bnek to the vee war ays of Sa boners sun Hee ere Dundas. Star Eat old friend Jas Torrafice, ne yucen: Mr. eDrast has engaged Shor who has taken charge of is a day he! ° Londen. w cee man of fe Bring us your Produce. Do your Easter buying here. jeh stil Tiea upon, the ronda (o | He, mi Se SP acenntu 2 yell BIRTHS. s ; ronsiderable depth in many pl Pe cspeeaelh Mollowine’” Col} citi Milvebbat onl Pdi gs Ape salo of fsirm stock {implements and] ,tisnson whieh proved dl beirs proved that he couid|3rd to Mr and M Gideor ES You will be dollars ahead. . : - Bi} wemurchie’s private’ bank of Blyth | household siiteste om ‘Thursday 2nd : Aetna, Geer, ‘Mrs n Beir, a Disa son n Wednesday ent sal beat eer Sicinacker hag reburned (wore an Bom ei oe ee Rostock to oe and from a visit to relatives in Chiexgo.| S04 ie » Wm. Kreuter a daughte: q d robbed 2000. Mr. SS ean ss “i __ Miss Lizzie Debus of Stratford Dts] Stover a 3 z ns j 2 0 home for : & Whale ace Pah iss was done, Jn. | O0me n ties Bowed of Health tield a _ SEE E EN ws “A lnitronivesrine “Bw ee es z ns sue T i lea out meeting yesterday in Wingefelder’s| Messrs. Knechtel & Smith aie se- Hall. cured the serviced of Mr. Hy, Has-| ae pena ae ts MIR DIGERA Es Mr. Henry Weitzel Jost a good mare| enpflug ahd Misa L. Noll. . ol ee © Mefho and : 7 “ nd colt recently. ae tha ond oe che