Milverton Sun, 9 Apr 1908, p. 2

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Te W444 444 44444444444444 $4444-449444444444444-445 seis there, into a gest cf Hore hollow cheek-resting on the pillow, and Peet ees tette tte thts . pial} in thirty-two to thirty-five gal- KEE FOUND A FRIEND. 4 ae Joa opened her ey2s, eh roused her-} the lids = gully over her aching | T wns of waler; Shov ew times — es 4 eee E self with a eiden elforts then along | eyes, che ankest applytn the solution jhile th 4 Young Man ae ‘the Pigeons and Was. Dae a es the broadest. = the ae walks she | Inoods, nlauing of Narcus living, of |} : dy) Dog ie aolie on: ipa ate : = e saw “somethi reus dead, and.of the awful burden } | damped, shovel the grain 4 oe luce ween ein soe tue 4b hare wen toes as destined jor anee on her grave ol mn 34 pica and cover with old Blankols eres nly clad young man was walking . d 9 a film over s‘ght, ani everything | avith: t re r three hours. along a cily> street one winter morn- ‘ dazzled her; bulby degrees objects grew ory to her wont, she started | f banks and spread the grain out to |3Ps; callng peanuts trom a fve-ce maore distinc, end then 2 yen four Br Peat opened her eyes tot 3 ary, stirring occasional tier fi bis coat pocket, in-leu-of a breale . < men coming dick ly. alongs lest ex! FPF 44444444 $444-44- ‘9 mix each time just sate a treal he BS a nu CSSOSOOO a burden, an arently a heavy one, | gaze sae ue ue 8 tae nee ler +t: 33 the grain that can be sown within three an ae altract the atention of 4 Slock= 4 are San Dausety Agd-Yeulels ah feos eae LAMBS MAY NEEL. days, “Aten treatment, Moore ihe weain of hungry pigeons in the 9 Se af as they emorged into a wiler ayerve, “uaith, asl: he exdlsimea in ag- 1a tin inh eonck eeceing 6 free frony reinfection by con! cracker. crumbs He =~ p padi an hs a Hee i loliowlag | ony, for something about that ory froze}! te lato Rar ica hase nae oe ae oe in ee ue stopped and joined in-the fun by shel a the part Lis. K dail sweep ing ve ii » seed ha. ntains som his peanuts, breaking the ; © $ ¢ : Or, The Curse Of The Family | mournfully o ting chil uae oe oe ee ey lets tee te ponember that either Jor-| kerne’s into small pleces, and throw- T ‘a than enough for their own, and letting inalin; of bluestone, “usedt strong, | ioe them cn the ee : never: (ell afterwards—whet She ine oe arene | seriously weakens — the vitally of ‘te | Binds. : FHF +44 4444444444444 + tH4444444444444444444% | iat moment; she 4 ew er lamb, she may be made] feel. In 1905 a subseriber. reported || Recognizing a new benefactor, they CHAPTER 1X.—(Continued), gil faoo, and found it wet with tears pees {o, adopt ihe lille pauper by rubbing |72ne weak CireegURTIETS of @. pint of | Uke re at: keeping en, eve OF R IX. el fac "all ter wn-the staire . over ik give it he malin in five gallons of water to|}s © rings ot keeping A 7S ee “We were all born in London, and | nigry ig ee that felt aa a geile smell of her own, or by rubbing some | eat se a aS Ae iat ae Te Wiest nis oe : § : e ask I | 2 Use eh Rep in L of us ab least— Gantt Tenet eee ee of the bearers; and they said altenwards [aS £9 fearfully shatfre d by any | Dee owe uk On ils back and timp: \ccording to directions, the formalin | familiar, Long experience had: taught with an. inheritance from one side the} a5 listening to il.” And then the poor |) J i thenbied, her voles |N2S5 60 tolally broken down by her quickest way, as a rule, 10 get treatment is practical harmless to the | them Suspicious of strangers, house of wayward coquettish. natures, | Sing told her tale in a few bret words, i mover embeds her voit? ltrouble, so changed, so wrecked, Deve We take another. inh jst0_tske, and ¢ oa of Bui looping down and ‘hol a tempt and strong, al igovernable wills, | nq finished by dec! ae pageant oe to another, {M2 Sight of him moved Judith when [ihe Sin off her awn and fit it om the} contd an item that wilt usually repay [ing morse ne ee and from the other of personal beauty | never displease sand Cea at Lp Aus enone ou) perhaps nothing else could have done, ie lopled. The ewe, in such | ta small expenses and trouble of the {Called the pitas ane oped disease. Judith, my eldest | that she was — very sorry—very, very and aiee tried to move past her with- ~and eRvedsti case, should be tied in a small pen | yeaution: A Toh atta a Al ts tthe shrank Sine but present: ter, was the handsomest;, and she |. : ‘out_answering. : ae mm that day forth, her eseape trom |t & few days. It mo. foslermother | fre-avoor A pound of formalin, eost:| At Hn Uy shes Octal inspected Bight nao Hai Aint eeu etne ‘This was the Sie ie Ridsdale | ong sy ai it oe =the Fslepped | the 8 he of @ more fearful foe than | CaM ee oe for a cab Tak 5 nea any drug store, will, _seconing to Dr. ae Se is ‘one eye and then verse our r ath ensured; she recoyere . % ; Fletcher, sum with the other, stepped forward gine and even when she was {)'% shen, Shah oe se ee oe forward to examine the nature wf te trai Sense as {9 be able fo get up and | ® bottle with a ter nipple, Mille and | ate or 90 of w foe ae VDE Ol od geriy, plucked the tibit from his oe engaged to a man for whom she reall; Peri hese Sica as cate oie the girl's pee 2 ene e = the men mnleree eae walk: & use and grounds. often at first, of the warm milk of a ger: wat ndin| fared, sho could wot sesh the templa:| ho was aller alo noble, neturer | oon hela Miss duditiy: be 8k) put the Judith Renclle of gid was as ESTES Come, Scent vave Tigi the ook the experience 80 very terrible, the ol ieee A A ehehy ho ny (pre with which sense and kindness |™ ety meme hand Judith. pushed ee ene Sie Dee Se ey ARES conc henoiptndec caer hy : ame back, and was reward- Tee's Rae tae te ould accomplish almost anything:—| yin ‘aside as she lifted the cloak that | 2d, 5utt and Se ae tie dung adhering 40 Ute weak The | THE BAST AND THE WEST, Toth apple cholee bit of peanut; 2 as 3 ee 1 hand 91 s ‘speed tot ear it patiently, but Reaousiraiea, ore vay any, ‘he lady. 30 Inte, |povered ject they carted. She EN arene chai sed hot bodily and {Soul be removed, and a little -ofl or The clue pigeons ily followed the and ihn Judi! et Bae cua Tose soon beopien upg ae x Te mentally, The gay, \oyant eesri the | Breese Shes he oe pre: (By A. Banker, “Thats more: then they'd for any of ie ca fi > me_you could “hi iy? | happy, joyous < sion; ts itd Sore mouth some- Ss dale raising her clesped hands despair. |, G00d i dau my, own deer ehilldD she shit the men stood gazing pitifully ending Be Re eee fehl: | times causes trouble, a sort of fungous —_ : eee Sone ae es ie placous: oe s ig ert then, without a shriek or t ace = AS Pst e fem growth forming on the lips and Perhaps the line of demarcation be- oe at eae ot peuniites fi ae she fell heavily to the ground. rece they were dead and buried, | (he. or thrush, A mixture of | {ween the immovable East and the ad- lon airelghtene ed up: of help us all! exclaimed the man | remories of the past; things which had sul id Ta) ped info the parts | vancing West can be observed with} “wpnatis ail T can stare you this tinge,” ia A moment, nt Tudiite ould set's who had previously spoken, as he lifted | y oon put which for never | Will generally remedy this, or a mixture’ greater clearness at that cily of con-| pc ssid starting away. ¥ afterwards she marrl ed Solbaiotidery arose she-walk-| er frome en and carried “her |) °° tore: Her. beauty gone, {cf slycerine and a solution j trasts, Cuiro, than at any oll lace Kk. She never Mee enn nee Ae tl back to tl bul its character wes altered; sho stood | °! one of the coal-tar dips may be u. in the world, For, within five minutes’ waiclitig the: performance ae pare the mo of Se Rescigno aa ae prea ide aoe a, on the very threshold of life, looking | Sore are sometimes contracted. | walk of eacl * one side is erable interest tapped him on the shoul- died of the malady she inherit ery bumly Ais eee ee Bee with sone tired eyes on the scene be-| This ean also generally he cured by }the squalid, unclean. native quarter, our mother's fami til her behing hea rate z tex using a moderately-wveal solution of one | rocking in. gaxbage, and crowded with |“ Ceang tine he said ars orieae “And Eleanor, ay. next sister, fell in tine aT chek ets ‘i mut-|, Weeks afler, Judith Renelle awoke to ‘Abt ‘Heaven® she once exclaimed, | a. motiey throng of lurbaned Arabs, ing for work?” Sogn seen yas ars ing a gee ants et : eee a eS iuid, or Litll’s, letting some of the | negroes from the Soudan, and orientals | ETO" pO “rye father's consent, and reinained in at Wl that consent wi 1 tel} you the plain we, Sjoatthe ae it meee not as it was glossed over to the world—she jilted him, and then, se ther Eleanor did ‘actu angry the pair, oven in public, which ended | he: w tn my r taking Captain Maskell's arm, Sire at uesting her carriage, into Shich she got, ne A by her mother-in-law, 2 a discussion then ensued, | a. Eleanor vowed she would not re- main another night under her es and that she pus aan er husband family yen 1 ty Ey acted wards 1 ee na: to he rashly uttered, but it ee fatally fee 1 sailed for e fo the condition of a slave, and it ren- de father painfully anxious to Jondseape, It appeared th. tl} he could not answer for the conse-| Miss \ gnerd against ity ditieavar lo-sow clean haye his youngest child placed under |<ome fascination nel te churned. to | a Dee Solty not et Heys a ke ee es a smutfree crop. Beas Epo eae He Rae’: beats sure guardianship; up to this point, the indow that co} ommantel wot the entire of her et Ha aa ‘This is not y to secure, tected from the rapacily of the ete ti amoney hi all-he thought of—but | the path by whieh Ma me Renelle ou watched by his er's henee, as a ee pays to treatlcys tax-gatherer, are acquiring wealth then an early settlement for Lillian. be- back, t, True, she ear Cay ene couch; he never left his post a ee During the stoppage of the traffic in the #0 wd grain wilh fungicide Yetere ond Jivin in reter segue came the one eae ‘object of his life, stent at a time, but stii}| tili tho aes was past. But. Nise the . busy thoroughfare a bus-driver, r differs a f ef- oe ae plight of I and s0—it is hard to say the truth to that oe sulcient poor, Set tise anniely of her life was over, he |r the look-out for @ chance of display- | fective. ireatnent pave Nera en nee you, child, because so near less Tittle eark that h rs 5 he was confined: to. ag his wit, espied a group of Italians} cd to destroy the sm He Stee ‘speedily arrive when: Shee kin. to yott—she was Lterally sold to iin wien hak oe e by sine: for days Judith, af-| €mplyed in laying the asphalt: road-| grain, viz., hot lee bluestone, Be one acknowledge as their Mediator and father. She did not e. aces A 4 consciousness, never | V&y. ig the attention of one of! formalin, Formalin is faethe Hin who as a young child jove—she almost aes him, and when RS relurn—poor lifVe girl. who had not| Saw him. { last he came creeping ne ee ‘the Ses hoa ue of all, and, of the two wi ae svas: taker nt Died ho in very despair, bring iemswn the value of the thing sho was | back to hi iid; very pale and wan, your monkey?” S) 1 ing it, viz., sprinkling and ERs. cape the fear ber here thinking perhaps that when }toying with till che had flung it ee and altered, with wasted hands and sharp came back the stp epriving the former is favored by the 001 cers et 0 she was away from us she might es ye ‘h, she Fegan to to cry Haggard face, and many grey airs, He @ bus.” ‘opinion. Spread the grain on | nullify the effects 40 love him), she tore: the wedding ri k to ne her room, and dropped into i Faeroe the barn floor and ele until ae m tonement on the Gross of Calva from her finger and cried she would ue at ian eek case ooo er ft tat Judith| Every time e man borréws: trouble t-with a solut ind: of | fov the transy: of ‘iy with him no longer, been ae while {} Mid not notice him, While, |he gets the worst of the transaction. | fermalm’ (a pound is a little loss thea come to Him for eternal life. lo not know now which r the love which could not won, I indignant at your father. I fee] more sorry for him he only one left of the four, the same with a dif- inexor rable tank enoug) him—he was: Sir vie sition in ig ve and at last obtained a le ppointment in India, I had often ry my power over cent,’ he said, ‘I once almost ewpro. (hat swould “Hever beh Je fwvico—but a It port taking, take it Stat you: Tike well-enough, to think of me as<a Alves husband, hme so, for Go's bake, at on “But 1 would eran Still the Jov> or the. man's a ah bis ide ant = una in the m et: r hin “For ‘the ‘Thiva time, his -vole: woman s, ant 8 a last 14 uss ve me pee me! tome by ‘h isi them loo tiently at last, snapped In my finger: With avery, ee stig herssif on her: kegs bes er aunt, and: hurled her face i the “ells of her ress, Miss Tidsdale passed. an’ “arm: around 3 nod! 1% and proceeded will: ft oe ea ni am an Sand oa = a heré ‘preach- itis that Tclim lo pass that 1 ld “ald. ng, fo so0—then and good gia to ‘the darkness, % wil es ‘he night's e—|me a e e: she hed lost him for ever, and mourned out me ly, a then of how sorry I Iw Sond vane eee ‘that odious wretch had five milions 4 year. sa warning, and try never lo nate that noble heart of his again 80. long as I live; and I will, from this time forth, turn over a weer a het- ith. all: my De rtee wale wie | ip m iB Gall “of that re ‘i when Marcus came Towards morning asleep— silting gn the floor with her ae buri- is, 5 troubled Daier awoke with a sta @ kin hte daylight bed ava a Me white rs Digs was very col; though ae a? wi oben a heavy shaw! about ¥ ching, leeth Snape; she felt shool- ing pains through r head, and flash- emed ‘arg across her Tudith’s eyes. grew somehow row before , © _ start wildly up. ea of the wo: be | and ravings of delirium, from dreams at pain and terrors of im- stil able. fo thing and Ivwas during riod she acquired a habit which Sicae aici lee toile See Ps eerning iigilan nigh eat morning, tlk their eter: oF erpowerel her, and she shricked aloud It was the most mendurabi form of Sh remain appar ae ih stale of apathy for half an hour or so, with out moving a muscle; but then’ waild ome that short, sharp cry, in some mortal agony, when, she wold and seem meditating nue apart some ‘ind-—perneps out. rid, poo rom her own suds = ine doctors shook her trem her meditations; Lil iked io her, bul Juduh. disre zard- ing them all, would still give utterance fo that horrid sexeam, whieh was sut- Yieient to chill the blood of every per- on who heand it, At intervals only, if eeiocd through the room, but during the intervening periods no asta avoid listening for it then when it did come, there was a something about its peculiar tone which caus ie in { Ww: I wor affirmed, b Yelter for that—a peculiarly pernicious m of gnict—he feared the effect on Miss Renelies s intellect—the shock had frightful; it had injured her eerie. Sodiiysand mani les ome change very speedily took pier it only for five min- ules, He haun(s me, aunt; hi ye Sa she said it eo. very wearily, thal Mis Havnie sned: uae oe Bie ae human being knew pencetning the man- ner of his mmntmely. Barly onthe paring gpa dat {PI tied ny ight, a to a stand ang plleously, ne: was Hae me the spot, which proved a kind Mhied sith deep, drift of n't tel me the ssi e > here broke ih Tad th, “I know it all; he had strayed from the path, and—I was ihe tause of his death.* (To be Continued.) ; a SYMPATHY. reamy Youth—"Haye you — that there are days when we ain ue qi see e es, ik always that way with me on. pay-day “it-sould plese ime mighlity Stout,” said Mr. Mugley, “to } go {o the thea tex gute Able tun ing” “Have you secured the seats?” a: o “Oh, come, now,” essary firs: may be due to germ infection t ena wate! times t TREATMENT FOR GR. ie isever'| Solu wil to trim away the parts of the hoof from around et rompt: attention on seeing sh Jame may save much after- rue: as, if » get an ounce to ‘a “arta wie with ten. malin, and apply cords thre oh ines “dally ning a piece of wi mile lon soak in- cotton ue letting the solutio: ally. wes having sore te a day. ese fe welds aoe at treatment in case such trouble may occur, SMUT IN IN, Every year smut spores are t less heavy: tolk in our field: r two of formalin als, use a mixture of olive oil and glycerine, applied three While lambs are liable nithough Judith’s eyes were dry ame ‘ ee k me oe blucst os Months passed away hefore she men. vdered fone e r oned ere” sare ost a par hand in a = all phial, ich, Ausiee mnibuses, or public pair-horse vic- liculars.of his death; but at ‘on the sores, will generally effec vias, Ridsdale told her all she See eure. In the case of the ewe, it is nee-| Visiting first the native quarter the 'y gesticula- f the untame- If one buys a half piastre some unsavory compound or horny he sore. laborer. cross: he 4 s beater tates Tee AS , [Hegleeted, it may develop ‘into contagi- | @uother, a very war of words lasting tisk cigns ae a aumy brute | US: foatret, ond eproud Caiguma. tne | pune ascuer ee of sa cae bould, that his human: friend was to|fcck. Navel-ill or joint-ill_sometimes | sue, resulting possibly in a reducti Sa ath and 4olaw dims “which enuses serious ‘uve ah ae This |¢t the price by a Fare about the pccordingly the men did’ for is due sometimes to the o eae the | value ofa farthing. Or if an overload tance of about twenty yards; when the | 2°) f too. cl0s0. to tho belly, or it 6 camel of ass passes plate te ee guide coming till and whin- fect row street, blocking it up sometimes keep: Jtraw. | Gnly afew feet wide—volleys of objur the | Bel oiciod aublinee AE Rae be a polite and refined pl arts { the aie or ass ren ust be forme ‘of gutta. ae ta withstand the Sees weet eee none to the opening. If the joints are swol- ng Bites night, Bh ap ate: heated’ vinegar two at a contrast, too, between > three times In the case of the oa of the European and thos: Ise «f the Arab eH The former like of tl the best in lon or Paris; }enarians to bi icled the latter, ae dismal cabins, dis-|¢ay mus a ts they | Playing for ‘oily ooking ‘garbage | Occurrence, says the Westminster G : good | WB ow El veneers could touch with- |zelte. The names and but it| Cul a shudder, D| 1, or | Yelerans are: 4} 1 to use| Sheep's tails when: a ae part at the } 104, Samuel Gol world grow ti is'size, or per. | lsnor Coleman, haps the primitive egatenienta 28 an | feels of a fa’ | Arab’s house, consisting of Bee much | 107 years, thus recalling the similar SEED nore than a pail or two, a few wooden | fate of the famous eather modes ind an-iron ooking tripod. © mond, whose life of 140. yeai happily since the British protec-| was brought to a eee ee by a fall t more Gan over condition of the| {vom a cherry tf To There are some who look wit natives is rapidly improvi ing, the fertile response, boen. -tramping over actor are fob.” “(ma sort of jack of all trades, 1 ean carpenter a little, run an engine, repair bicycles and—* “Can you take care of horses?” x “Can 1?* said the young mani as face Wghting up. “I was raised 0 fart, come along with me. 1 noed 1d I'm not afraid s trust my {thoro ugha with you. I'll take the ey Hirde have just give) u work for me for bir dias a month and board {ill uu find something better?” * vould he? Well! man is now his middle gee employers trusted man of a wage to correspond, ane ihe Streok s have nover had occasion to retract their recommendation. LIVED TO BE MORE THAN 100. Some Authenticated Cases of Extreme Old Age. For the eee of three British cen- than suspicion on any age which claims — the. cententarians, i aepesially in the sriabiee walks of life, would net bear close examina’ Bul the, retords prove. sonclusiily that § 1 Pr lis Hyed ‘into ee Seat ey 4 Conerbe, a. French farmer, survived his 112th _birthdays 3 Soule, another AS ied -at 115; that a Se atiecncat et at Jerusalem at 17 and never passéd its threshold: t the day ath, ninety-cight years later. THE_OETEVEN_yoUNOSTERS GO_ IN FOR PHOTOGRAPHY WE WILL

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