Milverton Sun, 9 Apr 1908, p. 4

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§ , poe SPF ES TLR CIPD LAI LS) VLA AL IGF GAD rs Business. Cards Dentistry. DR. R, EDR EEN: Dentist, ni entiate of Denta ber tario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity. Crown and Bri ork aSpec ialty, m 0} ice above the Sovereign Banks, Milverton, Medical. F, PARK: , Honor Grad- uate and Go! oe Motallisg ‘Ta to rt, Office in Public re Store. one connection ‘with Poole runner, Moserville and Rostock. Legal SEES on Ro ae ea MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, |°24 Solicitors, Ete. Hen siire ior the Bank milton. Mone; = Milver- OD, it hnve been arranged for. be in ails tae every ‘hed. H. B, MORI |, M, CARTHEW, Veterinary. ARR, Veterinary Surgeon, e of Ontario Veterin- phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Societies. MI LVERTON LODGE, te 478, 2 Pi & A, eT Rie SG, iniveston, meets every Monday. evening on or their y Visiting Jweth- GSTON, ever; maith, at 8 o’clor Kor Visiting brethren always weloome, D. Weir, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Ree-Secy. 0. 0. F., “Silver Star Laie," Ne. 202, Milverton, every Friday night al m the hall over Publie Dar ing brethren always wel: Ww Finkbeiner, N.G., W.&,Loth, , B. Finkbeiner, R. Secy. x of the firm will 801 The Patronage System : Hon Clifford Sifton. “Tam sure tha Canada will Qutgrow this system very soon, a cople of Sandia wil annie that it he changed “aud it fa the duty ofa rogressive parliament to auusinte the enlightened sentiment country an ese reforms Se ea e-| practical shape before they are for? ed to do so by the abuses the peo- ple ill na laneee selec a Like a Thief in the Night open window get stiff neck ot sore back ‘Perhaps cool "off too quickly after exertion= rhoamatiad develops 5 Spend what yor may but monéy can’t buy anything’ better ‘than Pol- fon we guarantee five times more strength than in any other liniment Tnwardly, its pest peat age thie hex to ease a Toil anceuk = seentebents: for Ps ’a Nerviline which is the — one great household patnacea of today ped sce Sree Should Build to Hudson’s- Bay ronto Saturdey: Night Mr Sifton has aisees ae that ee i oul Bi Aas railway to Hudson’s Bay This line eal ee reader look a the anes ont soveries” api to the future possibili-|% ties great region west : aes hat Hud- Bay caitt pro} te Teale oan bo handlsa for some reasonable the year, of wide 0 aida "If that railway oan p the Dominion ‘eed of the at countries of the aaa with a front “door atl: 1s orl one ean tho West into aeeount without realizing thal in navigation ble on, aj railway to Fort Churenilt —_ oo Notary Public. W. D. WEIR, Notary Public, sos tioneer for the County of Perth and Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and me Affidavits. made. Village Clerk, “Oftice iy Weir ‘bloc! i over the Sovereign Bank of Canada. Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. Jol Gropp, Propristor. Best, liquors and cigars at ar, First-class ac- Senet allt Targe stabling. GRAND AS are HOTEL, we Following bank " aes Clas: is eee - the ene. ae He oe Melville Class TV Geitt “Stanley ner, Roy. Heres Sr.—Belld F path Welsh, Reid Gladys Kerr, Wesley seats MeAllister Pt I. Sr.—John eon Zehr John apse Henry Albrecht, wes e Robbin . Sr Bs iF Dowd. L MAGWOOD Teacher. Brenneman Gid- erton, First-cl: Gaiiiiersial teavsllees a others. iarge somple rooms. Good ‘tabling. Best brands brands of Hignare ‘and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprieto: UE! HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. e be: ‘st accommodation for commercial quors and Cigars at the bar. Good warm stables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report. of ihe Creekville school fo: March Numes arrange according to examination mark Jr IV.—Maggie Broughton Yundt and Minnie Zimmerman Br II—Enid Ros Connie Purvis, Gertie Zimmerman. Beatrice Opper. Spring Term Opens April Ist. Contral Business College rel, OF Canada’ S fesacnic busi- ness training school. Three departments —- Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, PRINciPaLs. rie Purvis ir II.—James Jones Viol: Jones Perey Candler, Christian nae ler Thos Foley. Jr I1.—Florenee Man! Tones nie i nee Char Yest they Ir.—Wa Da Roo, Martha Enc Artiu Willie Schywartzentraber cae mie Eb la ee rms Pt T.-Olive Tanne Houston rade r Candle Racbets of Junior =a) Millbank Sr Ts Emerson id Roe Tillic Broughton, Geordie Jones, Con- David Mank, Freddie bert McKee Edith Smith, Ceci i Bearinger,, Gordon Farmers Take Notice. Bafore buying elsewhere for spring sceds, call on 8. and see dis Grose ecksacadss | We bet 8 VEY Ranie's and. Stee & Briggs. Litigced Meal, Oil Cako. Headquarters for Biby’s Cream Equi- Da mit, tarry a complete as- n seeds for field roots, vege- ahies mid flowers, ete. i. D. ATKIN, |- Seed Merchant Milverton - Ont. Dainty Footwear e Spring Goods Arriving This ‘Season we have bought other m The tole “ie vieasing ond prices right, any foot and suit Heer vane or they will hands for collection. . WM. ZIMMERMAN: he Shoem: Alex. Me- Wil- —Howard Mason. Kee ciist Erby Lizzie Wagler, lie Gordon Gordon Grieve, McKee [rene Nuhny Harold N Nellie etait nee ‘a, Stevens, Watt Willis t Ge MeLennan Herbert Martin Janet Suitter ANNIE MacGILLIVRAY Teacher Are You a Woman h Alex eo long ago you were able to en- gate ou had vigor strength, ambi aid pe with zest and nee moot ago eee ed a zone doesn’t help and eure nothing ever will; your 50c boxes—Beiter you: ideas druggist sells it 5 try Ferrozone ‘That's how pain comes We sit near| ag: Medical | an »|ghuckling over a little jest by ndvin V i oiler hag aoe bee — Noaji ‘Albrecht Sadie elarone Houston, | grant x the month of} m Hazel | pi Needing Strength |é« t our cheeks was the hue of "Ul bealth in your eyes the sparkle of im san imation drudge pe Not aoivalls sick but if your work were less tive how gladly you would res You are brea Nervous system is out of gear gestive powers ara weal Bi eke ‘ Just one thing ‘to do—Build up—|h Win bask your health eis ee ‘ZO1 ne ca No remedy restores no fast builds Ir H. Wright of Enfield N.jand illness It menced with | ay The Cause of Sore Feet Examine them carefully and you'll probably find corns Whether haitd AOR ee DICED atnie Boatae Extractor It’s Painless it’s sure, and hove all quickto act. Insist on only “Putnam’s ee SS Keep it Degenerates The Pe passed at Brampton on emphasizes a degener ed of Scesalpeetnirg ok 16 arm World As Chit “ustice Meredith ee ld ye one ae sak ission to the country tnhe here however, they s decen' ated eee hanis and aistj-twa, ations admitied to t ooo ser hen care for them until death See ee aie The Por e’s Jest. Under Ss 4 Rome healdling ‘The Heb- rew Standar says} The Vatican - is aoe ie has a geived!-in endienea. man who is also a friend of th valid In bidding his visitor fare the:Popo.enlds If you see our friend tell hin 1 send him my Apostolic. blessing ” yi foliness,” objected ww the retorted right, : mattier ” the Poy oods: uae a though thé asking may ‘hough a expense of ot ere Jew- ish gentl n we can all laugh eo There May Still be Mixed Mar- riages ‘The regulations with regard t s in the Roman Catholie cairo which come perm: He spoke of the sanct and Galen thi 4 it w tion of the s' of the aerament the Fi ig founda- ministering ecient for The was Piva ttons coins in the ney' A a Pope Piu form dealin: ect of aes. marr ages, rly ay 8 me ther denominations officials, but in the ween Catholies the ee iage have to be made in writing 2 iluly: attested, botoco: witness a tar 3a poesible fhe tic be married i tn which they live. ‘or public rriages be- mar- and and contracting par- in: the parishes —— A Satisfied Immigrant | ‘read 80 reitens ‘of lntoey yaGlous pape cal and otherwis British immi grants SIncertine Sica Bent ne lp mit “in Candida. and in nearly every ea de- iene veted. the gloomiest of pictures might I respasy upon. your columns to answer Hetero 1. ever aot foot his. fair colony the brightest Jewel nk land Seonen, forte aie EB ing have ever bee torally when I read Montreal a set myself tho ta Ww a ar} em fics my subject which I wis How many of the British wh these shores utmost to immediatel country. and’ ita inhabitants Perhaps ve been one of the fortunalie in- experience s has taugh that they commaind our Sarnnistras i T-would not for one y_ fellow- motte yee think that I am standing solely by with me He ‘i hacs only allan nd “oli suc ing he will and must it before an be he Engliss” writes the letters, © haye ee: fu- serious feel confident splitting Headinhes “jul pains all also will be nd waineing 1 through my chest and shoul T| personally ajolee itt lay I came und it hard to get satisfying sleep I know opens up —would roll and toss and dann oppor tankting 10 these. 6 morning felt tired all ov r ambitious and you know rew nervous lost flesh, got pale alnd| brother emigrant ihia is h You had heavy dark circles underemy eyes | iknow the dear old land does not hold y strength got so low I couldn't] out a bright future do housework I. was worried and|her nada offers to you unable to and feared I would]and I fd losing, I would not not get well Ferrozone braced me| have igo. the writer turne in a few It ed to Britain no, supply wonderful strengt! gain- my heart and ed in flesh looked better and wa&| thoughts der Ber lp tune JIC able to sleep In all I took twelve|island three thodenh a sailed away for boxes of Férrozone and my cure was dos self-same little island cornp! ete n the greatest Empire this’ world Bae ever witness ours Faithfully W GR EEN. Wellesley Ont 8 therford Wm Sr rete Marion. Rutherford tay Mu! ner The People’s Store. E R The House of Quality. NGELAND & SON EADY! ‘es ( on no} SPRI The New Spring Styles ‘lin Men’s and Boys’ Ready- to-wear Clothing Showing the 1908 Spring Models in Clothes for Men. Engeland’s Spring Clothes for men and boys offer values that you cannot better anywhere. ment of fact backed up by the finest assortment of Men’s and Boys’ Spring Suits, Raincoats and Trousers ever offered. the style which is right up to the minute—the tailoring which is ex- cellene throughout—the fabrics which are durable, in rich and new weaves in handsome patterns and fine plain effects—and last but Suits, Raincoats and Trousers. teed. Some Speciais for age | In every point of correct styles, fine tailoring and perfect fit, “yooyq pue edeys AqoA0 This is no idle boast—it isa plain state- Come and see these great clothing values for yourself. Try any garment you like. We know that you will be pleased with t least, the remarkable low prices at which we have marked these A perfect fit for all figures guaran- Prices range Mens Suits $6.50 to $15.00 Boys Suits $1.50 to ........:........$ 7,00 ‘<peoi oie USI] SUNOA puw Us| doy ‘EET u0s}o1G oy} Arieo osye O\\ UY) ye pjos Ayyensn ese ueyy Ayyenb soyeq jo o1e syeEy [PMI ‘28S pue 9UIO7) ‘god sures 9 NG FAIR WEEK Thursday at 7.30 Wednesday at 10 p.m. April the 14th. Where you always feel THE PEOPLE’S STORE—The store where Pee are never under obligations to buy. same purchasing power as cash. Engeland & Son, Milverton, Ont. We are stocking Wallpapers and in order to get you to visit our Wall Paper Department (2nd floor) we will offer as an in- ducement four different designs at per single roll..........:....86 We have also received-another lot of those 89e Lace Cur- tains which we offer for sale this week. Speciai for Men. 2 doz. Negligee Shirts, quiet patterns. Special this week 39c¢ 4SLVH NI SATALS DNI4dS MAN AHL ay} yey) eoveriedxa Aq mouy usu yop, aAPY 9M 9SINOD JC) e sol ca Another lot of ‘iba 4 4c Oranges will be offered this week. 4 pounds Icing: Sugar fors.:.02..0: .. eases atk ote sees ss ROO Pink Salmon, at per can Ret i Pe rsa Cocoanut, per Ib... dic anaansasaebaid sys tabhs COTTER c (3 SS ey athome. CASH A ONE PRICE. Produce has the Oh, For a Clear 1A clear coniplexion is the outward inward: cleanliness Tn omes a sign at digeage within “Tf openly Whatever the caluse no ,remed, marvelous rosy tint to the cheeks brighten the eyes{ and establish health that defies nge ane everywhere im 25c boxe HOMESEEKERS' Round-Trip Excursions iG DATES April 14, : dune 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 May 12,26 duly 7, 21 mart 15, 29, si Tiekets Hi to return within GO days MILLBANK, Following is the standing of the porte of Boe Millbank suas school rr the m ch Names a: a order of, meri it Entrance. class—Bhima Tanner M MeLennan Olive Majrtin, Thirza Few- ings Alfred Hotimeyer, Alvin arle. Freebor! Jr 4 iWin, Fink Marion Helm, Fred Babb Sr 8rd.—Grace ae Marion Rau- Ad 8rd.—Cecil Tanner Noali W. ler Melville Danes Normain bibs mert, Simon, Fewings Best opel for monith— Enérani — Thirza Fewings Clarence “Dat Marion Helm Wm. leahy 3x Brd.—Noah Wagler Cecil) Tan- VERY LOW RATES f pont Ft meee Winnipeg and return $2.00 Tea ‘and. “tat Snformoation contained i vamblet, Ask nea © to G < Poste, sDistlt Pak. Me “GRD, Torate W G. Sa lersorr local agent. This Tonic Builds Up = Sar ae eee ee This brand—on a bag or barrel—i ‘Trozona is different—it's po barrels the. niathe mesa NSH oe sat of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall ee and vig pee ep! Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled than all tonics I stored “Better by the best millers in Ontario, found Ferrozone ” writes Mrs FB. F. Castelo of pock = “Ir was com- > Ask your grocer for a Blended Flour—and look for the above brand wherever you buy. am rauche gave me stret GEO. A. SMITH Principal. and good health” Nothing better ny Fertozons yourself 600. per’ box at alll dealers 3 E> “Made in Ontario” Z

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