THEY ARE MADE BY HAND PERSIA AND ASIA MINOR. Aitempt to Introduce Power Looms Not a Success—Carried to Coapt ‘ on Camels, Harris, Uniled States Consul e continues; le car- two coun- great eee exists Jn iy aap ie aes ‘unskilled in the. busine: is) nm the mak thet. at aegine The artic le cogs is scld i world’s markets as brated Sim ae a not te in Smyrna; i product of the vilayet of Aidin, aE which myers is the ca- pital. See CENTRES. “The canes of manufacture are ‘the iia of Uschak, Koule, Ghiardis, , Axar, an uation ‘of-carpels in inor “is at a house in- idustry, wud the eae tre Sceoreaiagl ja Mul i their handiw hears ustry gives ks and \a livelihood to foe smoking numberless ARES all in true Oriental fashion, Little girls work or 10 years of age and they keep at it unceasingly until they go to their graves. me aft & Ei} rin Smyrna than {t is country districts, and the girls and wo- {men must pay more for food and lod ling in this sily, then, in the 0 lag ance, On ve Pye: the expert- iment does not sce success, land the etentee is eu Phe increasing. PRICES OF GOODS. are od in two (Styles. They are made eit ~ spun. }wool or ae wool, those OF the ee costin, cen! $1.63 square aie the latter AS to $100, according to the design color and he carpet, web and jhe: wool of the Uschale eae are ide of the wool of the fat-tailed sheep, she He arash tlle aeons the river. ly in of different colors to lightly the edges in the came way a6 the differs ent tones on a picture, “The market for the wools which ir the carpe! ys ae weavers eetiasa l but by special dyers. rt time ‘at hice were “For used, but their use was soon abandoa- ed in favor of the bet tate displayed by the amateurs of Oriental carpet who desi the ancient models and celors, thus reviving the use of vege- table colors extracted from madder,]® yellow berry, and valonia, on os brought hence by ¢: PERO as ae Shs “More than 8,000 female weavers are employed at Usehak sie the preparation rpets. are Benerally members oe roduces in imitation of the Persian carpets. The dimensions o very ‘tne ci “hick y gue soft and very strong. , like’ ue ‘of the Persian and lis ‘artic icle, is of cotton. WORTH $1,000,000 A “It is estimated that tres of carpet manufacture of se Koule and Demirdji ete than the Uschak prises ere Bled & litte higher, for ter Sel) at not less mes $3.26 to $4.90. the square yar piaetn qualities at from $9.78 to § -30per yard, and for Sethe ola carpels which chive become very & ‘orbitant, 1 production of these car- EAR. der tents and the amels and their loads in the open air. ORIENTAL CARPET INDUSTRY OF aL : he bors. at ia their lives wer have per thus spun and colored ready |* the three cen- |“ packed, the backs of the camel 4 covering, Then the carpets arrive in Smynna they are spread out, beaten, oomed and repacked in bales, weigh ing pounds each for expor- tation. te ine harika oases of the New York. Tim SENSES Saens THE DEED OF A HERO. A Mere are a ‘the baa ot Saving Indian Em, - e courage of Not all war 1s expen at the Tsk x ie life, a "despatch from news of the outb led to eNEEY: Soya. which reached, pro Edward Vibart, i tells the story of Sees to ae a diciah commissioner of the Framed, ‘the is telegraph sayed India.” at es can close the tole- from the uprising gee Setlon, AL tour clock, hen the office was reopened, conn tines with: Meerut were found to. be ie on lelograph foree at Delhi consisted 9 young assistants, hand Pilkington, ‘The oflice was 8 city, ‘about a On issoveting | ae break in the con- nections, sent the two lads t found that they could signal to Delhi, ‘bul not to Meerut, aes alee ae fact én their return. ae eat he | anything that mist, pat the neat morn: ef, _went out ing Mr. Todd, the ze He fee un- was murdered. The office was ee sae hs charge of lads. to be evident close ae te oe Brendish, baad door, ne a sees Wi “For | God's sake ae inside ahs eee your soot v voll crept closer and_ closer. danger: But olor Pee fled to 0 parative safely. they. waited ieee man died es the India he had helped le preset — DRUGGING CHILDREN When you give ean child a so-called @ you are not curin. f elckness:” YOU ate merely ai ugeing il into femporary insensibility. S ing medicines contain opia co overdose may kill the child, WI you give your little one Baby's Own Tablets you have the guarantee of aa W. Smith, St. kave used Baby's Own Tablets for litUe girl for constipation and other mail at 25 cer x from ‘The Dr. Williams’ Medicine ee "procki ile, O1 THE PEANUT DIET. Four Ounces of Goobers and One Fruit Meal a Day Recommended. Dr, Thomas J. Allen, the man who ot aeons declares ubstantial and saan eine Sh a ” Yet he docs not advise every one to cling to goobers alone. “The exc! nists peanut diet,” he says uch 9g one doing v uarone nd work should eat. he first week T ews was See that the: pea- nul ; man Ser losing flesh rapidly, but was as well physically and mentally as ever. “Tbs letters began to pour in. you eat peanuts to veduge. oo weakly a or ae ounces of unroasted pea (Goll tan learn to-like tient thet way, for it's natural) daily 1s 0 good se est Alan to is the fore part of substantial fruit meal being 3 pleasure. “The peanut is a natural narcotic. tf v -pennuls an hour before retiring — g thom thoroughly. ERE REL eee CERTAIN. Sapleigh— ald or some- thing in_my feat Ele oe. * Miss. Cutting—“Well, if tbat any- thing there it must be oo ola Peele Fa oPo in Pe Pla a Pe, Pe Oe PPS Scott's Emulsio herve force; It provides baby nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and and mineral food for healthy growth: as ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00, F599S9O9S5SOSSS000 HoH! n strengthens enfeebled with the necessary fat Delhi to Umballa, which bore the first |® fo A SOURCE OF DANGER d| queer figures A MEDICINE FOR SPRING Do Not Dose With Purgatives— A Tonic is All People Need, tos eae sick—but not feeling quite ‘hat's the way most peo- ple feel in = Spring. Easily i ies, append ae sometimes: bt and af ‘of depression. n in stead of ae Estongih. what you need in. spring is a tonic a ao uild wy In us B new health and strength. Dr. williams" zi eee medicine that can ly, safely and surely. a fai this medicine m: es rich, blood, strengthens tite, eats skin, and ie aca depressed mon as Nomen, orient tive and strong. y = ales Oshaw: : think there. is payne ae to De Wil liams' Pink “Pills as a cure for nerv- run down For some time ue but no- me until I began ‘ain: Dr. Williams’ ans Pills. Before ing them I felt like an old man, but by the time 1 ae ne four boxes my take aS ength had relurned, my appetite im- oa my ewer stan ady and re was feeling a renewed iit = snetining tis nung aa 0S Benble do—try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Ww speedily they Wil make you feel like a new person. Sold by all medicine dealers or by roail AUsictertie’a nar on ais toes ee from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. N FIRE WITH COMRADES SCENES AT A BURNING COLLIERY IN ENGLAND. fo the Indian world the news coe the revolt. Splendid Heroism of Englishmen —At- whic at licked eadvard to oa meres tempts to Rescue Burning the “coe ge and at Mines, li iat. tue ‘rt ces tai ing While twenty-two imprisoned miners Message that was the means of | Toasted slowly to death in the Mam- saving the Punjab.” stead colliery, near Birmingha: The Governme vewarded Brendish ades with gra lest_ heroism not only fer his services by giving him a life | COUmed thea own lives as naught in @ the other day the ofd| tie attempt at rescue, but complained bitterly when com; fter the alarm secon! scent was made by the rescue icceeded a tittle later another af ee was made but the rescuers were driv: the smoke. At half-past 2s in is ae & final effort was made with the same result, rs. Wright and ee being drawn out of the cage = Suwly the night passed, grey light of morning showed a late scene—row upon row of men, “vith oat we Strained, eager fa ¢ muscles 0! their mouths Sitening. wit hee the long vigil and. the agony. o! emotions, ¢ men who had eanat all night ne to be held back almost by- forco, so eager were they to sain tip of rescue. a gata joss “WAITING FOR DADDY.” At three o'clock, his tear-stained fac ie ayy iis glare of a fire which had Loe na mound, a small eight r ineyea roll boy stood sobbing his He was “waiting for daddy, down ther relative, way spend his vigil in more comfortable Seah ings. Women waited all night through, DOCTORS STOOD READY. Beginnin; at four o'clock in the morning ‘on Thursday swondertully aa but fruilless attem fet which poor Welby lost his life, mei ade to gel to the miners. ir o'clock eaay, eee men went down the shaft, pping signals had ‘been ag aca sr ; the grim men at” the to fietened “ent mua called for “Stence!” as the daring quar- tetle were ee lowered. _ The after mae = was. ae is the othet hey. di nol net “the tom. ‘Whilst a were “stil fifteen yards away they gave the- earth, and the doctors stood ready with thei if phials and thets instruments. ‘The fou: pper cage end it wa. e that ‘Olt “ot them ve eee severely from the t ent. effects heir des When. they. went oat hey took with them: a frightened: tinnet. Pas they. returned the bird vas dea WAS RAGING ike pene fells descent was~soon ads of the men who came up said that eTnere was a raging fur. and that the ss set to work at the ead giving steal ts @ scheme for reversing the es which scheme hi ining experts called to the s The instant ‘the decision of the con: 46 eee le room. — Little they recked of the rain and fhe oid if their efforts could save ‘their com- es, HREE. MEN: OVERCOME. TE When Welby, {he —Yorkshire man, There iner. who would not have raed his ite to low. ove |PAzO oF case of Ttchi went to his death, groping, stumbling, ‘dying, in the hades of heat and smoke, thre il i aS of shaft t Noe 2 Ca pcught him eS = e. he went down eee up another. Sh ae t last he was overco! le svere horror: see and an- other rescue party quickly stepp ed. ii again and comrades. evidently ee a jong way into the workin; DEvorton oF ve OFFICIALS. ‘The courage mine officials ae ao For forty hours Mr. Insley, the checki= weighman, not close his eyes, and avid Ross,- the surveyor, during all ee feria “Gays fety, scarcely left pit's mouth. Five rescue epee eens tented by Mr. Water! manager, whose neble effortis vil not soon he forgotten by the English people, —_—_——* TRAMP WAS WEALTHY. Fad Five Trovsand ee on and Abo it His Per: The ae tramp" has. turned up othe shane of ealoce Halarans the Middleton workhou in, Hal- gab sqccork several days he change bis clothes. it ves Ue discovered Thal sewn in the lining of jous and numer- Gis sermeole Te hag gold av aeiane an scverelgns {o the value of more than. $1,000, He was reported to the guardians, who at fest wanted to tu ut, Bit be cut he an be r money be places and he was taken back to the work- ho} wk. REENENG PILES. Cured by y Zam-Buk. was so great aime scream. I.went ‘ had no appetite. tried arenes : het ‘of for piles, but to several doctors, but they Soke ai a little he ever getting rid of #) gave up in despair, ave me a sample of ve and told me of someo: n clined oT -deolded "6 try I ate lef I got was encouraging. 1 bought a box, and the piles kept on diminishing. I used three boxes ai pletely cured. One thousand dollars uld be none too s1 peta give for Buh ac iwish I could convince every. faites OF thecwalhook eareae Zam-Buk cures cuts, burns, cliapped un-| hands, cold sores, itch, ulcers, eczema able to reach the bottom ft, |pmning sores, catarrh. piles, bad legs, and returned, several Pelle 4 Au HSIN | Syeaeaces, Tacs gores. Vann eruptions: of collapse, and all skin gos Of all druggists DESOLATE SCENE. and stores, 50c., or from Zam-Buk Co., About half-y at nine a Toron' ee ek POs AS DRUMMERS. jus custom connected with the drum, slung ee one at the man who plays it, but upon a ae ae wheeled cues ee which has been so trained ace i ne iis place’ even through the longest and most tedious of marches. drum- mer fakes up position behind the cart, and performs on the instrument as it Tae along. —— i RAPID. ADVANCE, ry ago the Hawaifans rene ww ther: fio with the capital, pow cut their cane at night with the aid ‘ot electric light. aes The Flagging Energies Revived, Constant application fax upon. th want of exercise brings on nervous ir regularities, and the atomsats gonces, 10 assimilate food properly. In this dition Parmelee's Vegetable Pills “willbe found a recuperalive of rare flagging ener, Mother—"To. think { that my Uttle Eth- eS should have spoken so hat way Eibat eae but you him, and I didnt.’ Ses CAUSES HEADACHE. Fo May, Colds are, the mosb fre: He] of P| Quen suse oc ondache are ee Ho—How can I repay you for that delights walla?’ "She (whose train has jon't repay me, settle feith ae reaantee rf ITCH, Prairie Scratches and stery. form of contagious Itch on human animals cure eS in 30 manner by Wel. tord's Sanitary Letion. It n fails. Sold by all druggists. Even hard cash {s easy to get rid of. ‘ew people will ill take advice unless ee for it. Thos. Sabin of Eglington, Ne Fermoved ten, coms trp with Holleway’s Corn C g0 thou and do likewise. say Do not neglect to keep pours Beals polished. You can always shine at one end, if you cannot at the other, PILES CURED IN 6 TO 44 DAYS. Ai teed to foling, Bund. Bleeding. or ; Protading rs Lo money refunded. Piles in 6 to 16 a with 12 Tesul melee’s Was He-ma There pl Mother has no Some are. usu the best t ee is 4 *Y03, such an When slil! the piratory vineed. current j m: rant raly- tell you sumptive colds ES eS Glad; eer cet that tie suntect will and restored to happi NO TIME TO WASTE. cards. ‘Thoy children and, adulls he genuine when Sparneee who haye Weak ana siekiy ok om robust to stay slok when by the use of pu ean get rich blood ealth. No \d renewed strength und vii fe: 4! tees do, AT THE DE He aie at the ey table The soup so “No," replied: Mr. Bul if ite currant jelly oF eur. ae AE Han in See was operated part of thi oe ee and. thi ow a fastest train in Cani at 10,00 p.m, and Chicago at 7.40 a.m. U ATE, yer lamie—“Sure, Sleeplessness.—When the nerves are unstrung and the whole body given the mind is fill- o » when gloom and dismal It of for e-nile “aod te lemporary relief. Par- will act so. Lady (to caller}-—"You won't mind my going.on with my work while you're : here, will you Then I shan't feel I'm wasting time.” . uty, wear and teers Targe stock. Look at his color 1. Write A. Ram- say & Son Co., Montreal, for Gree See venir Picture Post © Cards of Hom are beautiful THE POOR BOARDER, Quile small was his bedroom, but he content as a saint ade no complaint for, you see, room for com- meek an-l was. really no aint, A shee FOR WOM r Graves’ E m Baie Ce ae See that you get decry very m, people ot ther need eRe CR 1 most estreordinary tain about hat he aly jo. the opinion of himself?* BES or Internally, It ts Good — able irritation in organs. Try it ie bread was baked The ie ee tay, the pudding weet, And the meat was much too fi to “I wish you could taste the bread and Bul aoe mother ae come And to-day she ced the dinsters? Lae UNE A COLD IN ONE DAY “Does your wife take any interest in @ earnest wo- ‘armon, polities?’ asked the » Fa poly, more things Sica you over dreamt 0! In ifs. initial apes a cokl is @ local ailment. easily wilh. in curative results as Bickisa r-famed ratiely Syrup. and coughs, TOO PROSPEROUS. ate here IN spring bal yet, a Me _mothi got it for ae three years ago External beneficially flere Remedy riches; but they respectful to thos those in aes “sigiteant tings.” that is be see il wera not so, ie ous could cn tte and be con- ER TABLE. ats reasy, 00, and. salt, "Twas hardly fit for the cat, “nN ll. improve beginner; fo visit BEING e Grand Shoppers and When You V tastes! ae fs ae bias where {hose wi eaves Montreal every day at 9.00 a.m.,{ find so hat Toronto 440 p.m., arriving at Detroit | highest artiste. taste, and in a Turkish Rugs Indian Rugs Persian Ru, me interesting up is Sone x and. beautiful; so mi in keeping with any style re aac Oral Oriental ee Russian Brassware Japanese Art Warce Visitors are always welcome and they will find our collection very ing. COURIAN, BABAYAN & co., ing St, Ent, Toronto, Ont, House Owners isit Toronto ‘ho are refurnishing for Spring, cai uch that is in the as to offer things Ne: pes! “our offerings consis variety The Great. French The Pange Company, WE QUARANTEE RELIEF, Will Relieve Those Suffering From Neuralgia Rheumatism, Ccut, Colds, Sore Throat €prains ar@ Pains Price 25 erd50 Cents. All Drugglsts. or by mail from Teronto ROTHING LIKE IT, ear. Your Providing You Can hearing devico The beat ward for using should be’ the best obtainable. ‘The Singer and ing restoration of vour hearin Sthoolor & Wilaon caine machines are acknow- atin importance. tho certainty that im, e lightest ning, Bost durablo and ie snomantou apple thie motrellous little instru ect ans< Dock ion a8. you will be ablo to hear clearly and distinctly ee ees engin a Singer crphis estantihe elocteient © ct for 5 years or is soientifie. electrical sound-conducting instru. ht Manning Chambers. ment fits snugly over jown in cut, and Toront 25 for deaubisiit se set we ten souvenir is so small that it usually ex observation. Ita views of Ontario. Rree for asking, mepose Is to, magnify sound waves and them directly on the eardeu mor aceordi a i . nature, he result Is your deat ear 1s crerelsed fase aie Da “Then Tm a Mar? faa well care are, and after ‘= while most Deol a Secon: the. contrary, my Ecroptone their hearing has become as: as ever, oe Talow, 4 a nae just spoken the while, howover, eae the. Elect rophone attached Sou init can Tear even fort increased by the asouraiee that not xterminator Sent on oe ay ae member. the. Electro} S you are only r cent. 0 Ase subject to one full moi Freo Trial to All Who Call. es. import. Excursion rates on on ru eh and pases Do You Hear Well ? We Agree to Make You Hear Ordinary Conversation onuace oven: zie deatost peo) will open y looking i: ehiboeseg lees Et you Will find that it * a do. much mare, the Electrophone Mfgrs. thes pote Electrophone Co. CANADIAN OFFICE ; THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE, LiMITED. 334 SPADINA AVE., TORONTO, Still Hear Thunder. & now electrically sensitize called the Elsoirophone, the ss 2a aang hear result we ean Drouilsc you ge mre the Bletteophons is the complete, last end tant sound without strain, ef- sm and anaes In Canada, up anew World to you, per- restores the Meet our aes because we sell nths’ tr Free Bocktet to All Who Write. ioe toe 16th to 2st. over - RAW FURS Sigpay highest egies Kinds, auiP TO UB eral assortment, Prom D. H. BASTEDO | & cs. Manufacturers and Exportsia, ‘17 King 8t. East, Torony¢ ‘Establishec 1878 _ |The Fember Store A SPECIAL SALE DURIHG ALTERATIONS, 18 INCH Natural Wavy Switehes in brown shades only aderd ha Pine send Cash with ordor. The Pember sey 127.429 YOHOS STREET, TORONTO, Single Fare uiuaton to Toronto April 18th to 20th. "twould her cake,” YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Buits our ton, Weta Cees, Mentront a St ours [your BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING .. WANT ED== to hear from owner having Not particular about location: Biosen give prow and deserption, aud ron: for selling. Skate wien possession can bo kad, “Wilfdoat with owners only. I, Darbyshire, Box 94, Rochester, N.Y, WELL DRILLS FREE pieces bap you then ‘TWO SOLID GOLD | ie Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quiniue Tablets, eerie el ees Dragetsts rotund money itt fal to cure. 8. W. | trait ohare Bake Dah Beak usveureame aa hadgraens ty i ‘GHObi's sizonture is on each box. 250. en vad AGENTS, $103, 50 PER MONTH solling these wonderful Bolesora. oh gs Hae mado $i. ‘she tum bus, She could | fro ‘em. than ret UT FIT. Spoctal indacrena to Canad Thomas M'f'g Co,, 802 K Bt. Dayton 0. REPARTE “Tim” Healey, sha Trish_ member af parliament, is qui ee, valer once ior practiaris Wau "500 devil than y. sera you would support fine M bene! You are right in rogardi angorous diseaes *Ansotat th <P ts ib Nenrods Corate;: slpel a nirolton, it And take Weaver's SS cee coh country is NESS, ISSUE NO. 45-08, POSED AS A GOVE! Tfow a Clever es Thiet Car- vie Bus! Blanche eee who is eaniilite years 0} of age, a oR uring the last Paris, She has fair hair, blue eyes, and an a| books, ‘With Ferre aeeaney iarge profits on the cal Bier are, th soi to this ia Goceaay the ney earning | Well For huntlag of target practice. The Kia ate ritio {9 s ath to small game. ive will wns this ea Peat bey ae will 4e tyre ackagen of Blaine Be us, Sond et THE COLONIAL MANUFACTURING CO., Dept. B, Mhmilton, Ont. she had helpal herself to $1 nee svar marked with every nies of the alpha- bet, and: a@ number. of say yings bank y forging the aera a of ich she hai to with draw the sums stand he 6 nee ereaits ae Honesty is the ex give for being gees Every thinks he coula go the aaeey if ie Hea: ‘handicoppeke Chewing Tebacco Rich and satisfying. black plug. Re Pg