‘ MONKTON. NO HONING NO GRINDING = Mr. H. A.. Doupe « ome. 4 pile is fhe, place to go for The eae of Perfection—Everlasting Shaving Comfort McPhorso Pete ues cite picnic ham, a D e e) 5 5 5 i ‘s 1 cts. a Ib. i NO RAZOR TROUBLES PossieLE | |i Chaise we eee ft | The Right House 2 ~ at re A “ fest e fas Erie fice Rraxbra:hats bercincioaizea reese uiektiy neve tate blackboard was as : , t —they are tempered by electricity, which is our own exclusive ‘ oa in the school on Salturday Mr. ae . cently Lt trccess. ¢ Miss Dow! of Exeter wal the guest secret pl is at sate ne s MeNajught over Easter | smit! Me ine ah’ White left to visit her] and ae fee put up when ¢ é can will BA & fire, method used for ceneccied aeateooi the carbon fae ie Alf Travis in’ Pontiae,}be able to conduct a fleet ole ie pti eng Mich.. on) Tuesday last. ery. a Your dealer will deliver to you a CARBO MAG- = eae Schaffe has for some * weeks been engaged as wine clerk NETIC razor on 30 days trial without obligation \¥_/ at the Monkton hotel in tthe stead of on your part to purcha - ROBO OK: of Mr. ee Te, who i : is here—a reminder of a New Rug, Linoleum, Pliclats: Lace ic Neos wottow anounp BLE CONCAVE FOR | SETOF TWOIN Miss Mima Schenek had retuned a peat neke a ate Blinds, Matting, etc. ‘Ae ILLUSTRATED eee EXTAA HEAVY, BEARDS teatwen CASE t i relatives in Strat Re ‘$2.00 ‘82. 84,00 ce in Stra a a : . Brough: : : ; ° CES RS HE. sb A s : ae John Eggert and his danghter = wen eli poke 2 at PIE =a Mrs. F. Messerschmidt were. visiting ee Hee weak in tha village and vieinity for several ai iss, Lizzie Broughton left on Mon- ~ All sizes, various designs and positive bargains—see Adafn Steinacker and children |2°Y *@ spend six weeks in Toronto U Ss them. You can get a rug as low as $6.75, or as high as id iteinacker Chicago a = Mi Yr A z a . “a i rp 9 opera $15.00. We have them in Tapestries only : et W. F. Finkbeiner, Agt. Milverton. Pe pga Linwoop. pe of by tiie edheranta pits. D. Po elec Reg of Orie Tinbsaraie Siniareeetion be ainae Ae on spent a fe is week . i. erzille om Good Frag at the residenco of the former's fath Lace Curtains! Ladies Skirts R pabtor of the Evan |r. Mes C, Paxstll geliceil-ohurctl in the village, 13 at- id Mrs. Musselman of Bimira vending co conference alt, St, oe Me al lay or two with Mr. and PENHORWOOD BROS. | i jee | pr begertatre home fine ‘the summer. y ° iss Etta Wingefelder and Maste David Wray is visiting trjonds Whatever you desire to pay you make a hurry sale for one week. = Eber Eedy of the Stratford C Collegiate ae chatted this “wee = can be accommodated here—the te homo for the. Easter holidays iS nuady ene Giadey ond i - MILLB ANK Miss, aithal Ch adlenger Is spending | orday with ‘ends in Berlin newest and most desirable ef $6 and $5.00 Skirts for $3.50. her vasation at Mitchell. Me. W. (J. Lytle is spending the fects at the lowest possible price. $4 and $4.50 Skirts for $2.50. lic, Albert” Hattmat of Gowans- holidays ail his home im List town spent Easter with his parents | — la ‘Naismith ts fslidaying and brothers. at ver home in Milvertor oP neelitida #te: e Ida Koel wine ‘ae her hote here. 5 2 Another arrival of Men’s Shirts for this week’s sell- Fish Salesmen ! ATWOOD. Ae LEE ore alee Men s Shirts ing, coat style if desired, at from 1.00 to 2.00 penal is aft his home on. his holiday Mrs. S. Mitchell spent the hol ane “ee ae oe win her sister. Mrs. Moore, of) Ot- rinity ry eting Hi Hi 2 mater seers he ae Special Grocery List For This Week. Intend calling regularly on custom- Mr. . Klinefelat. of ry | The annual Easter vestry meeting e Easter y vacation with f nds} was held in Elma ‘frinity chureh on Moi ae \. Messrs. John atid Burns Tepe INA pte, everest oe eae Celery Relish, per bottle........................15¢ or 2 for 25c. M > Mowat” Forest were in town j-}opened tha mee u ver, ie ic Si day. 01 4 siness. was pro. 5 Ib. can Caustic Soda for.. : 40c Our Terms: Mr. Seott Peebles of Stratford spent ae wee aie " 12 Ibs. Washing Soda for. abation ‘at 1 state ved the church ito be EES FISH wood. vation athe home in of healthy « inaneially. ‘The Quaker es per package foe —— tT . W. H. Jolly of the Mth con aay Palle jingu ae aa Quaker Pj uff Accounts ren- isit hy ends in S reecived any p ea fat LUNE Ae EEE aa co oumtlttee Sie anes fof Reo dered aely land RECEIVED DAILY FROM COAST Mr Thos. Carte: ae Stratford. for |tery improvements reported all ac i 30c. dant nuary merly of Newry. ea%ied on friends in| counts paid and- a Ce $ Atwood and Newry during the past ake neces: . week. ‘Tom is looking well after his| procure the deed o ihe chureb re long attack of 3. perty opposite the church. fr M Mr. Levi Bolton, carne of the z. Barrett ag eS seep WE WANT YOUR TRADE. RecA ° ers in this and neighboring towns. onio street ca company visited] Warden and Mr. A his mother Sha sister. Saturday and ante ited by te rector: BRUNNER. WOODSIDE. Sunday. ele delega Lite 4 are =——— Mr. J. 8: Moyers. rhahagor of the i the cee aae Pee Mrs. Wim. Peters is spending Eas- tare Bowmait of New Dundee spent| cement. works. was in ‘Toronto on Gans ere ee nae - ter, ywithy friends in St- Malye part of last week the giuest of tho| Good Friday. Ha co pear ane a ] | Miss Blan e Walker teacher at melee Siegner. Miss hee See of Alma La uitons sc Ne and = motion was , | wee mw, h chi ° a greturned|cetried to make her remuneration in a eagle Ape vnsels ot Mise math Hainmond eae Ke ena a mora substantial form ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. MILVERTON, ONT. tae and Mrs. Christian Lichty re- s z and 3 Agnes 2 SS ERS os n. ently Visited with their many friends PERS: toacnen gee eget se cr is spending the holi-| in Monkton. rth. spel a heir re] ‘Tavern Licenses Granted ca at bie aoe im, Hensall. Mrs. Hughi MeMillati, of Hampstead] ®: Cs mae tw Rossman and M illy|ia visiting at the home df her daugh- The Li Do: baie Sunday at the Tattor's ter. Mrs. D, W. Chalmers. Uk | North Perth heme in Gashill, Dr. Glaister | bee last week|iné of the scarcity *l)Saiturday a ing te Peet hte atten: days con will ution ore so rneon to gran a ses for sui icens m 2 tne i feiatite afrloads of pressed h d pane be fee nae res y 2 B: i etinn nee to bre |e ined trom Gola cu AA Rt DAINTY MILLINERY W ; HESSON. s ottice in Wel pore. | ine mn vt Bel edding Presents ‘of Cobali -| th meee eae Anderson afd John Job Bren ner of St. Clements | ing Faster holidays at the home of fter esses. W. : Abbie i} 3 “ ‘ ER home on Sunday, a nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew |ston of Donexel ete eee oe. ited The Inspector reported that he had week with friends in our burg | Bydt. morning for Crystal City. Manitoba. | oes Cole dhaw Weise Goa FOR EAS | ER nnd vicinity. iss Aleda{ Ottmann. accompanied}, Miss Martha "Thompson leaves ou} who, : Mr. G We have them of all kinds \l where necessary had directed. ropairs er aid Miss Agnes i Misses Ottmann iu ucedey for i acieay v er ae a wh “i [sind improvements to be ade to lesley aire spending the holi-|Sh° we pint her. peter Mrs. C. bring them up to the pro Paha ee a ee Siew Folin Haniflton, of (oronto for- hen “oronto parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ottmann,| | Me. eon Soe Th ssioners diseusséd th ; oe : isplay of Cut Glass _— iii at her toe Pea ae US JOR a ato Cae poe a eet ay Jt egerae rene Ps a ee sf © 40 Easter is only a few days away and it is time to excels anything ever shown Siete cx pretty id Mrs Jno. Little, of Luckvoy|ment works. Mr. Hamilton started tr aver es EE ilae Geen oe Consider your millinery for that occasion. Careful ae end d: ith bbis bi af i ae ed NSesoe: Whe hee A ent Le atoll whl driller am tia biel, pal cere op sa thought and time should be given to this as a small spending a sy lays wi ro- jaf Mis. Sarah Ham aFe oO nliness heating, abling 4 Fe j ther, Mr. Wm. Girodalt. ” r. and Mrs. Irvin J. Siegnier of] left this _ week. for Si Shea sig te tlieds at; rouclying-convide mistake made would mar the effect of the whole cos. Chinaware Mee TehGiia Moss. of Radin, 1s | Stra strated gpent Good Frida ithe spent ee bac el a ae hiding ttiol tume—Simple effect if the gown be simple or elabors ee ee Mrs. Nicholas ‘ i outfit. He re e ; 5 y erante ca her sister, rs. pane of re ere. parents Mr promised ‘him in thal locality for this SS Tis stint ions wee ernie ate if the gown is einboietesahd aiideseives just as aa rochleet A Constancy Liss _Margaréé. Schiebel of Waterloo seakion. anieaTe peing anes Following minute attention and consideration as the rest of the we are selling at prices to ay under the parental roof. SS Mr. Will Porter has’ been engased| is hq | 3 f Suit all purses Taint 7 er at New srr ATFORD. garment, ur new importations from some of the ae ark evening PenCWiNg Evangelical Association bod toa ont SCE eE dsto| _ Hotels Jacoli Fricker most fashionable houses are now in stock and the pick Cl¥eugay eran a rrison, - returne : Hose - ald aie tt her Phe convention of the Evafigelical t week, aftwer spending the “a ‘ Faines, : es ee of these means exclusiveness. A visit to our Millinery Eyes tested | tree of charge. —+— Assooiattion which’ closed at St. Jac-| wir itil relatives and friends in| gi Gao foot WJ. Mille Parlors now will nsure a good choice for your Easter i obs orj Tuesday made the following fer : CARTHAGE. atppain ments i the Bast Distr Mr. Whiteford Morrison and is Sa ee ae Hat in designs and prices to suit everyone, ie Conference. cousin, Miss Cecil Brown of Ford City. T™ J. Phelah: 0 oot pees oa ae tp ween ee or Apo intent are. as folloy ich.. spe ie 9 H fara: nt ine 5 Meier ; P. H. Bastendorff e as Knechi .E.-|in Atwood aid Newry e 2 i : Miss Kathleen Robb is. spending her 4 wate; = : Americaln 2 arlim, 3 bon D. Mr. D. G. Anderson principal of St a : ae Eualer, holidays at Cher home itt Strat Wing: Moron eae ee ee, Pails school Sowdayed. in| Commercial oy euigs ney: Crown yi ri, Cag ok den, W. 0, Hehn; Rainham Al ‘ einhair . ‘ * shooting eit ere teed WT a A og Cea ae power i Qu ¢ gregh x Miller's Block, Main Street, Milverton. ; J s na Jeweler and Optician xX wi : Milverton, = Ontario, 4444 Higcocks’ Morrison. Blenheim, L. fin Win. Tonvaton returned home on Saturday after a visit of a few pie ce ‘ Shops— ‘Ty J. ee Walsh Bros: ’ ie 3a with her daughter, Mrs. J, Grey,] 5 burg. We Yeager Lingetbachs Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wilson. 10th cor Hotalaa Gay eg Pauli Chas. Rit- er. 8. Burn; North Eabi Strat iim ; € ¢ e e: k with} os ab ey a ‘ing-| during tha pass! ecks has urriv T d f i Mir €.s Be spent prepeere = ee ga ate ie eby i 6 is week. We alre glad te} (6 Hishon ‘Schr ville; J BAR( ALO’S Pp ( “ enders Or Drain A large number f) Breast ate 05 w that she is progressing favor | pioi Wairtburg ; “Mary ‘Avinsetelaoe a OOse ri iS Ast 0 funeral of the late Rev. Li epr' OM. Ginnie hace Gai sae aN going through 2 very eri |Rostock; Robert Hunter; Brunner f J. Boyd. Distowel, on Sakiurday. ‘Tho] P10", SM. Gischler ri operation. ELMA. : ech Mrs. man ; Pombroke Mr. G. Forrest, traveller for the!” ‘ Riwosit uae io eet soli ay? hem their] A: Geiger; Golden Lake F. B. Meyer | win City. Oil Co. of Berlin. w ee Rae Me Wee yaa) A METAL FOLDING ‘pest. sympathy in their bereave-| Rockingham, E. H. Dorsch. home on Thursday, Sundayed in Newey LISTOWEL. CRIB with Sliding ‘MENDERS to be opened on May ath ent siro pleased to report that ‘The cement plant repairing has been| yotelg—Ciafad Central, R. S. Paul; capes ire at 2 pm. will bo 2 Jack Woods is able to be out atten HAMPSTEAD. completed aind the pe Ra ES ce i . Brignall; Arlington, P ORE ides which lock, up or ‘iy attack of appendicitis ialhe meni wal ry |Rit siete SS areeeee : w attack of apps ho 'W. ‘t, will h hing will be run by experienced men Shove Aone "Ringler: q a down—baby can’t move _- find’ -¢ fea obtphi is looked for th WALUACE. 5 Vick “Vi { POOLE. nigh MePavish on Tuesday season. GP. Nickel” Gowaistown. f eae il them. Folds to flat Neches 28th, ah ee r. Re ker who supplies ‘the MORNINGTON. ; belek : : essio, Chalmers’ of Listowel “Cleanliness ania OF he, Dalaliogta, te ie ct] Cnee:. 2 Dailey,» Newton os é if 4 package 5 inches thick. spent its latter part of last’ week |Home Surroundings. wars steal bologna, pi eadeheese | Gatschene. ‘Hessoi Ht fh Rs at her home here. Bulbs. isl i re wl ng to the tpressure of busi-| rott. Newton) Touise Wieke, Poole St Come and see it; Usual Oliver Large, student of Medi i i xing.” 4 engs. ha ie 2 . yn Buse! alex. Ballentine. ‘opping ” x ‘toronto; apant’ Good Friday with | doimohied, ‘by tocelp| me baledt, off List er and as Yundt, Milverton Station Toh price Sp solid metal crib. The handiest, most men in tender. ‘The lowest or any r Yr. and Mrs, A. Large. |Sewing. “Interchanging cot irt-| 9!8tamt in the shop. Bob has an up-|Gropp. Brunner; Rachel Muleahy tender not necessarily to be accept+ berry spent Sut-] Waist patterns led by Mrs. D. Me, |to<ate shop and deserves the patri fate nik. perfect Baby Bed ever made—the Pappoose Crib. Ci ys on. business. Mile MAM ladies are invited to in |a@e of the town. and immediate: viein- NORTH FASTHOPE. Cee Yorn Andrew Bain OF f Waterloo visit= | present ite. nry Hitzroth, Amulree; Wm. J z Her Wicke last] Rev. ge concert ‘given by the young. or Gadshill fas ee a eeve of Mornington. oa is Molughter, dire. Le ee ORI Soe ae a eRSUDIC! | con, of Atwood ohud Steimiky: inci] tet oe RIGE $6. 00 NEl Ave Be | | Nowton April iain, 1 Meet Kaaid Kerk“ot atitverton is aj}and will sontinue to take charge, shells Halt “ons; Wertndeda y. i saat ita ins ha CROSSHILL. t the home of her une! Te bal Lub, © boys Serr, y’ He © 0 teas Magwood is spending is Tae soley i wa Bi ci J. Peich who hals been, out Vv 3 week with feriends in] Mr. A. McDonald “| Wiih very littl nly West fa “tor he pafst two years is visit- e COMMERCIAL. "Viaitings welat iver “ih to pick from: ahd the fact that | ime er ‘andi ere teat oe eaters Lite eake atti id friends her th ladies in. eonncetion| Mrs oJ. 1, Knight Cs at ELAS ¢C Fall wheat per bushel. e aie with tives ju] Mr. Henry Sage chad the misfortune] ith the ith the exception a at Mr. A. Knigh e @ 4 g | Fall wheat va Le el. tins visinieys Jona “Fala mare fea of little Alma Holt, who furnished) Mrs. fP. B, Williams Aste gee Barley per bushel ie i ry ind children are ag ye aval” accompa vhile sree age ae eae fae spending a fewt days at the home of sini the Holidays with friends at is i ? Mi rs ee ee ee eee Additional Local News Eunice and Master aeeonnent Pow, per ewt,. ner mother, ie oe Baton inc ialte ioe agence es - J AY gs H. Mundell of ‘Mitchel! Lanstord of Gtavelriige Aue to ce s Honierioti o! Malbork, Alls Anderson Dewar 7 crediable tree spent ‘a fewcdays at Mr> Was: Mun-|SHorees thr gale Apply tor, p,| their Bons: on. esd: ay th wen ee aa id Miss Gra se eiiea’ of Wik teins geamnie ee, aell’s. Heseathe Delsag apes ing their’ holidays with hei ster | Stratford Cobeginte are spending the} Brook Farm. é abe 3 bene Spas ee Mics whi Mts Chas. seis einen Ester ieee acation\ at their home here. Our teaébers, Miss Hurlburt and] °? © 44 Me ee Des isiting in| 2aster in: Listowe A! program of gongs, speeches, recl- nee MoMillan of Stratford [ate Ames eee mending the rection ns shows, reat Tie paliss Mabady: Docring is visiting in Fast Be Am tations ato Will be given onvPiesday’ 2 "Mi 5 nee on 2 ig visiting her" grafamather, Ms UE Re OLE release 12 prevattea throughoee ‘tne chthee| Mt. Bendeny of Listowel ‘has open-|fhureday evening: “weather “permite| Wen thon a ule 8. 3 w. tedher, is spend- = erase Sra age ed: un | general ktore here. and /in/ting. der. All Foresters and ladies are in ing ‘th, bolas Si hit betas in the geo Pi@he Atwood Spriniz Fajr which wa |fedy now. to supply the needs, of the eu ee ee cee : i Mir. a ing held on wean esday last was one of the|Strrounding cow vera Hever ‘of London spent Easiea FARMERS’ AMMTENTION.— oH to per to: 4 Bi ibs sais bulise Chaltinrs 6 spending & . MARRIAGES. bent inv the histor xo of the oppoei iety | Mr Crk eee vot “to-onto is visit- u tha home-of Mr--W. Guenther. sae ake r. R, Donald- horses a bog GL her Cneiee aie at Milverton ‘on Monday. Bho rn sor the ait ferent | sleeeae and 1|, Miss ees a8 ma pies fed ee Tho featoal boys will’ eommenee | s 15 fi nig saison — eb —On Eres. 17eh| wa difficult for the Mr. Din; , Her’ duties terminates ‘actice on /Thursday evenin) ‘o-| thy 3 Cet array Mowe nerds oe April, Miss Susie Pestson. of Grey |ma of Maplewood ie a ee Raster ys, Sho has taught here| viding tho weather is favorable, > [lowest " SanF OR psn s: ey aa to Mr. Emerson’ \Vipond. of ae f x for tho last two years ahd her resi. oa sike 1 “fiimothy 2.50 to 400° per ALR $ 8&8 Ed. Whitney, ; ‘ ‘4g deeply regretted ee ordship the Bishop. of Boras bush! arley. oe a! teacher she was) BAe cst t of Dr. and ae WV Pat util na his visit to: Milverton hint BIRTHS. in large numbers and some| VCTY. faithful in. the Memento of her} “ ae ei gael io wore heard to say that they never saw| duties ind her efforts were crowned] Don’t miss the musical! program to For Sale brace Ea et ae order} Nable—On April 9th ait the Bur-|s0 many good horses at, a Spring Fair] With s be givens in hp Foresters Hail. nc ool gear! sal "vntteriam Ltd? vansobreie. stots. Miss Tinoiy has been engaged ax] Tuesday evening. ‘Foresters and Nobl Ste ibe eee ES “| House afid lot’ for sale. ‘Apply to . atid: Mica: J. (Fred. B her successor OME cordially action to attend. wee ‘“staudo Sarast ge : : atten Mrs. Geo. Finkkeiner, Milverton, im.' Bg 2