Fighting for Canada, _ Hamilton Spectator. E.N. Lewis, M.P., for West Huron, ; é : fan iv and}is bravely fighting the battle of Can- Se roe ~_|his tise to the 4 of Liberal) alla's forest wealth f an: _ DR. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic-|leader and British Prime Minister | Yesterday ‘entiate of Dental Surger ember is tie observation ;|Club of Toronto on _ of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of| "The party of all enthusiasms is des-| subject ad ed to be | by th f College, also Gold and" Silver Medallis,|°2, “where atte four, chickens t” Beaker Wire dee ine cet ieee ‘Trinity Uni to. Si tub. son, without | ouip # From Gahada.. Yet Canada is looking up. ‘some fool niggah left de one oe to Dee, Hubert Olea in Emblls Drag | a omen) efid dey all want nome,” (net mentioned. Where does she get her woo Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Ui ‘ins led. e main with | policy ak r a eRe Grows eas ‘ka 8} : 3325 ‘|sion of pulp into paper within Conic may y. Hours 9 a.m, tod p,m. Offi ne used. tho foll iMhustratti i ~~ < cA _ above the Sovereign Bank, Milverton, | A colored parson. calling upon one surely Gee ee Sue arn ne \ - Sie soe z : > sae ay a oie *_|ona off his flock, found the object of |fEument; “Hero. i an oljcet les : _ 3 : Ae eS ~~ [his visit out im ‘the belek yard work-| Johan imports 5.000.000 i ae riage : j 3 Se as : Medical. n is hen coops. He no-}th pager and $500,000 of Americin $ eer a ag Z ticed. with aurprise that there Were | paper a hot! aetits re é | : : as ame ee [oer an Fashiona | F, PARKER, M.D,C.M., Honor Grad. “Why. Brudder Johnson,” he ake ae imports $28,369,075 worth j Ds : see ; : x Brunner, Moserville and Ro | A certaiyt family. the most hope- ease = ees : 1 See for 2 ; ember of which wak a brisk Ready on the Shelf. 7 little 1 il hair, y -_—— 3 py aterinnys moved from one smalll city toanother.| ‘That's where you'll find “Nervi- “he boys in this town must haive | line” in every well regulated honse- J. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, |heaird all about me before we moved |hold. So pleasanti to take that even » Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- | here, it miny on the day |little children will ery for it, So ary College, Toronto. Treatsall diseases | after the family’s arrival. ,, certain t6 cure coughs, sudden colds of domesticated animals. Calls by tele-| “But there’a no one here thal|snd tight chest that thousands. o phone or otherwise promptly attended to. | knew us.” objected his mother. ttles aire used everv day. {Polson’s “Mhalt’s all right.” persisted Tom-|Nerviline does prevent illness. it does ~|my. “Just as soon as I came in the Joase pain and inflammation and by Societies. schoolyard this morning. they all | being handy will save worry and keep elled, “Hello, melee toa) Just the|}down tha doctor bills. Latge bottles ome. Women’s Spring x n MILVERTON LODGE, No. | way they used to do at home. sold for a quarter at all dealers, 478, A. F. & A. M.| he battle was going against lim. . RK. C., Milverton, |The commender-in-chief, himself the SE SS, meets every Monday eveuing on or be-| ruler of the South Americai repu ae fore full moon offevery month in their|}.¢ sent an aide to the rear, ord- A Plea for the Birds. hall in Ranney’s Block, “Visiting breth-| ring" Genera’ Blanco to bring up his ee é ren always welcome. W, G. LIVINGSTON, regiment at once. Ten minuies pass- Spring is with us. afnd with the ses ise SOBER: BRGY. ed; but it didn’t come. Twenty. ‘thir-|#dvent of spring come the feathered till no regiment, ‘The |songsters. A great injury is , No, 00, Milverton, moots|tude. came tearing back "batless |°rery year by the wanton destruetign Serene cater? « . 0. Fy No, 99, . Of useful os woll ‘as beautiful birds, Senter a bee a OeRaRY hy ety Paty regiment My regiment | Iunsctivorous binds, singing bids, There’ : ; f > in Ae ait atl ah and-| birds of beautiful plumage should be = > : es Tou oats hardware “store. | Where 14 3¢ 1" sured: the commit re ae can iineat ie here's a fashion world right here in our Women’s Ready-to-wear Section where erm ing brethren always welcome, ¥ 4 secti us birds the growing of the ¥, i MSocy. | “General” answered the — excited | scctivorous bir g i r = : ‘ . Dae ORs BE Beals BOCBSY: | sido, "Blanco started it all vight, bat Jorops, would become almost inpossi-[% YOU Can. choose the perfect apparel for Spring with the absolute assurance that whatever 1.0. 0, aere eSwnd the soul and. they| Utile village in New York Stave 20-(g. yOu decide upon will be correct, Madeerert Wrapup ee eee New owe miLigee: One mili, meets every Friday night a : ) F 7.30 p.m, ii i iblie D:; English club at H K rail and bolink were killed in the s . s 780m, in thee halover Fable Drag] to, ta Bash elu Hong who eecibrnood of Philalelohia it ne af es Spring Coats in strictly tailored and new novelty effects presents a wonder- come. W. Finkbeiner, N.G., W.K,Loth, |haid come down from some noxth-|monith labt year. A London dealer re- : ‘ : - A pan ate verter a Sine, whe seivex slneie ahem nts of 20 000 dead] § J UY -ITTE selection, They are simply “stunning” and we are proud to offer them to the ~|Ho Wad been brought a letter |Some. of the leading firms in London|§ Most critical dressers. Ree by asolemnfaced Chinese butler and|and Paris fit out and sond ships at he saw something on the ms rare pene betaine i . soa ie ae i | this letter which sent him downstairs |Guinea and other East India Islinds Tace i ‘ bionser for the Coren of Pani uni |twe eleyg off a time to intarview the | for loads of birds of parodies. Tt. js See our splendid line of coats and you will then be convinced that no other store Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and | haill porter. | When! he came back ie can ive b tt t ] b - 7 .. Mortgages drawn and Affidavits made. | told us what was the mater. Tb g you better style or better tailoring for so little money Village Clerk. Office in the Weir block | halll portex had inseribed con the on- é : : over the Sovereign Bank of Canada, | velope in Chinese for the be a BHD eng a! is is i f taboon withl white monstrous when we consider that ihe We specialize Northway Garments.” te fur.” rs r Unfortunately for the hall porter |pariies responsible for this cruel the little gentleman was 4 first-class} slaughter are women and not say- EXCHANGh HOTEL, Bronner, Ont. | scholait in’ the Chinese language. ages. : John Gropp, Proprietor, Best liquors} 4 «.,izz1ed old ‘Almericali colonel a : and‘ cigars at the bar. First-class ac- ae anges e ; dati is a veteran of the Civil War Rin commodation and large stabling. . ney Mie iad cine eae heed as Do your Ears Ring? 1 r 0 m 9 tive servico au seers Indian cam) when they buzz and seem slightly GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil|pdigns. the Arctic | regions, | "| deaf beware of rhal_inflamma- z verton. First-class accommodation for |Spattish war and the Philippine MS¥"- /tion, ‘This grows st commercial travellers and others. ‘Three| rection, did not view with pleasure Good stabling, |the recent! promotion of younger and Beat ere brands of liquors’and cigars, f est Le Shas. Ritter, ietor, jumped over . 8 ses apni ya JRout his camp in the Philippines one |" day, fondling a monkey. “Colonel.” 8: Hotels. g can be cured by rrhozone. J. A ae es Greenmount Ca P.ELL, prov: th Caitarrhozo a (4 Ou er “No one 1 have wo = ad. for Tt caus i a shia | P® dea upset 1 ji 7 " id the officer, “this | stomach. mada me sick all over. Ca- The best accommodation for commercial monkey I ever 2 cleared my nostrils, stopp- <a es d travellers'and others, Two large sample 'y. hé can take a stick and|' : SEO hat’s how we pur i a rooms, Only the choicest of Wines, Li-|7o"tnrough the mamitl of arms al-| 2d the cough and gave mo a clear Clothing Busi E ee going out for the Men’s quors and Cigars at the bar. Good warm |!®° s Tg oy as one of the soldiers.” | cling in my breathing organs. 1 othing Business of this town. stables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. } ™ am absolutely cured.” Doctors QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. “ponit tell |Pothing is better than Catarrhozone. ss a All the new blocks—Fi ; cae ing about in great alarm. Hi ee \ ocks—Fitwell English Derby and e ae Sgt Set OD ME tale A few reasons why we are American Shapes—await your selection, ae IAC ea % Parti any gs. ‘i ee ‘articular men will find in this wid f > fi To Appeal’ Against Burnett going to get it ! i 4 © assortment 0 MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, ‘he Londo 8 used to Pp i Sprin, j Bolts tie SRoliciare ie the, Beak | oe corre a see Drun Byoaw pring Hats the block that is most becoming to them. eee meer ree ee Re fT sucoting: at la oatopapore ji The average clothing stock throughout the country And furthermore, they will find that Engeland’s qiranged for, A member of the firm Wil hitaary. for whieh they demanded Sd inthe “Burnett: Drein was is ealleritg from a condition commonly known as “load- Hats are as superb in quality as they are smart in style. verton e jursday, seven and sixpence, One day Dr. : es . ; ed.” Inthe face of such a positi ke the foll 8 : H. 'B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, | Thomas Hume ealled at the ollice of | 40 afternoon about thiety farm: s t “1 a position we make the follow- Let us> shi = ___]u morning joornal and silen-ly placed |®"S being presont. ‘The question of | ing assertion. The beginning of our business in Milver- the Fintat katie $2 5O iver, bought Makins @ Hanle yogis, gaumter fhe monn on orn or atainst the |g ton found us yank the lowest, the smallest, the most sold . : in Canada. 5 Saha 2 clerk glanced | discussed. Mr. S. S. Rot t= out stock w il @ = + . ‘ Rees aausiass with fivo shillings. The clerk lene 1b ee eee d te ? e could possibly have. The presen: mom: It’s our winner—and a winner with every man who ait the paper tossed Pace EOS ceed att ent finds us with the largest assortment of new cloth has left two-fifty hi i go na Sixt y Judge to h [justnent clothing Wo-lilty here in exchange for one of th Stratford = Ontario|* ee ie : of tho assessment. secing that a large |¥% ever offered in this vicinity. splendid Derbies, ; Oy eee fe 2 Den pan ie a expenditure’ had already been incur- s x J.C. Makins Wed, Henley. | “hal, ootaston: toons Rr Rae rargoity cris Bese We wish to surprise you into a knowledge of the were in favor of ap; * a erat repeated, the clerk. without [© tha Referee to quash the scheme.|@ Perfection of our Men’s Clothing. BUY THE FITWELL HAT. ; ant you to king up. “there’s an added lin one meeting adjourned without eom-)¥ come in and let us point out reason’s for a belief in the to a definite decision, but we 7 Hashes vaderstand it has sinco been decided |% Perfection of our Ciothing. OLD JUNK. The undersigned will be at John|gretted” isn’t there ? Seven and toa = . = The unde: A ! ‘ nif wppead to the Refer inst the A pene. eat {Ico Ee T he Co ne oe eee reece cidelibertely by tho |cntire scheme. ‘Tho. lands affected There is a good thing in store for both of us, and Specials This Week. bottles, iron, rubbers and all kinds of | others, observing in his most solemn | PY [ho Proposed Burnett Drain in-1% to this end we ask merely this—give us a chance to try b: Comf tended’ tec’ AU! oFders promptly at-|tone, “Congratulate yourself, sir, thst /+4" iho sth concessions of Elma and|@ Some of our new Spring Clothing on you. It will do 7 bars Comfort Soap for - - - - - 27c H. FREED, Prop tors will never be pat to.” qcpartiort of; the Wtheand 20bs con: | & ie ower (Iking. 24 only Ladies L: i ioe a ee pe oe es y aces: Lawn’ Waists. “Av site . ship. The totail assessmen: ive = Maes ae + Sa Re in the Bylaw. is $22,826.76, Grey You'are never under obligations to buy. prise to all at - 3 portion bing. $2824.30. The oissess 9c Poisoned By A Razor. ment for the Burnett 8 --- 55, and for improvement. of Spring Teri ns April : $12 6! 0 P 6 iu m Ope April Ist Don’t trim your corns with 4 raz-|the aitland river $7,299.61. The Pe eG etcetera) 2M : or. uso a purely vegetable remedy expenses, without further litigation . ; Central BusinessColle ffs, Putnain’s Corn Extractor. Nofaro placed at $2881.60. "The assess- | WG et react mscinihcoues al at Gar 2 | Sow aor ano onver vevleacteonh . Stratford, ont. q “Put-| nominal to over $21 a 9 9 ° seid val oS rot 4 5 uarter. Every dealer sells nominal sum :, 3 ams.” siderable portion of thi Canada’s high-grade busi- es a eluded. being ness training school. Three ar gtsd ——— denarinienta = Conima Life’s Pleasures Rest rial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. ishi Poe oP |ion Nourishing Blood. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Prnoipace fs yours neh; or weak? alt Youth’s Vitality Sapped Away. SEES fi Your child looks poorly is tired and fretful. You would like this boy ebpeet Squares »« Carpets h- beautifal y a) service inv the --- hi -| musie followed by . ‘ _4f your color is poor. your blood attention. Coi hedral. is poor. ‘pation and indigestion must be 27.—Naw If you lnek strength can't get fat new life. and. vigor 0 sailors. Repr Ss . cohn't' da your work. it's because your the blood "slight -ass mbardment of Quebec by the I SASKATCHEWAN em tobe in endless demand, and blood is too thin to nourish the body.|necded for the kidneys : ‘leet and Ari there are piles of th beaut , J Your condition is like ain expirjng|Noth'na is so effective al Dr. and Wolfe «respectively. S BERTA there i S moss peantital s : fire. Fuel musi be allded or the ills, They put new ite julol “July 28—Childrents Day. Daylight GOING DATES pees rary all convenient sizes, eo oes ont. young folka as well as the old ones.| fireworks om the Plains of Abwhon: tsa i y - Noted for Stylishness Nutriment new building matcrial| Every child should use this medicine| July 20. — The Prince of Wales | | Abt th 20 dues, 28° Aug, 4 10 pee yy — Pater tO HE a : ue be instantly infused into the reeniatly because its benefits are not | leaves the tote Seid eaten ted room with a rug. No mismatching— a ood—the vit. ream must belto ba had in any other way. 250 he pageant representi ones Seca ie ae, some ai —| quickened and enriched. Do this all dealers. from Canadian bistory will bs given | | VERY LOW RATES from all points : $iaga poaaless fine borders ‘all snd your health is aasured, Seer ov several afternoons by threo thou-| | Feng Winnipee and return .00 and they cost less than carpet Simply take Ferrozone. sand pertormers under the direction | f| faite", tedmonten, and return $42:50° made y ‘ Its ‘mabvellously stimulating _in-| Quebee Tercentenary Program |of Mr. Fran Lascelles. who has plan-| | TOURS ape ree en ee oon (apy ie Ra ce fiuenee upon the appetite, upon the] Se tthe po. [teat etsxied out te most notable = eS coma Think of i i ‘ formation of rich ré makes iny people in all parts of the Do-|of the gieat English historical » Fun on each NK of it, a i i srallabl uildi a the sys-| inion ara beginnng to plan a trip (0 Jeants of zceent iNriparea eed (o< ped min pode : we Sr ne 4 om $4. ‘OOtt, Pee 3 z em tho very nutriment it requires. {Quebec in July while the t is also stated that the atirac- 0 4 ‘rom. > $50.00. We are showing a line in both The the { eles are im progress. tiona-in honor of his. Royal “High- heloce excursion leeves; ee ea a “OCite SB: bs Tan and Patent Leather that for [reused plies} be it of tess the program of the [ness will inelude « ball given by the | | in froefomescckerseeaatin, Senet ; egul: ; _ | Provincial Government at Pariiamont | J est CPR. agent for'a copy, or write to Com WwW iE ee elegance of appearance and per- pairts anf impetus to the circulating | The: Princo of Walles- will land at{tlousc? a luncheon. given by Sir G. B. FOSTER, District Pass. Adt., C.P.R., Toronto 2 to hite s and See. oe actin: Oe is < thalt ensures the proper discharge of | Quebec on the morning of July 22 | Wilfrid Laurier, the Dominjon Prera- ca fection in finish is without a all tha functions of the body. He will be received by the Governor-|icr. and a garden party at Spencer- : s> : “There very quickly sweeps throngh | General, ith | wood. the residence of the Lieuten- W = G. Sanderson toca agent. : : ‘ the whole body oj stream of vitalized {an address by the Dominion’ “Par-|ant-Governor of Quebec. There will strength giving’ bl liament. also ba a series of state dinnors and 3 HI’ I ‘E & co : e S th giving’ blood 5 Quickly color is restored to the pg July 23 the scene of the landing addresses will. be reeeived by the 2 z 3 3 g 8 3 S Tits L 4 ‘S. . of Chaplain will be reconstituted and |‘Prince of Walles from Quebec and| Hon. Richalrd Harcourt. th . ; _ Elast‘city. endurance and - vigor] the old navigator will be shown ar}ihe Paliament of Canada. orain-of th : Ha Fhe First Furniture Store g We carry a full line of Boots | come to the ‘museulae system. Kiving “with? hia Grew inal replied ot peat SECA ae East of the Post Office: x STRATFORD and Shoes.of every description, — In brief. the old time strength amd|his original ship. which is now. be- onte he same tituen ane 2 r ecsenprom | vigor re restored. and: in-|ing built A loyal telegram will be innamslye tek SO von : ae “ ~ the il : - “those _ Jestimable charms that spring from|iddressed to alth; b’gh spirits and end itulati ‘ined by ever E con: changed’ with differ- Empi Protect your Buildings hs. -ookabes at iowlris storms property owners will find pproaches ; ° ss rrnaierpecaiseter sae! LHe Milverton Sun ti ings ee tha lightning rod, are the : See s sda ly pity " » ft Fon poe cone Sixt fa tech g available and they may . $C)