& reliable local salesman for Linwood a joining country to represent “Canada’s Greatest Nurseries” Largest list of aounerts and domestic Sade eens and sm: ornamentals and de trees 3 Homering shea, ines, roses 5 ine seed po} ties: BUSSE Thab aed cane eit A permanent situation for right man, for we ym territory will be reserved. | Pay week ‘Pree equipment, Write for particulars STONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (850 acres) TORONTO ONTARIO s18t Coal and Groceries. Scranton, (the famous coal) always on hand. A full line of fresh Gro ieee in Salt in bulk or by the barre J. G. HAMILTON, Station Store - Milverton. 500 Acres in Nursery Stock. Agénts wanted at once to sell for Ww Ltd, Ridgeville, Ont. 6t, APPLICATION 10 ) THE LEGISLATURE ioe that an ap- grter behalf of the lage of Milvertos NOTICE is nes lication will be mi ade 1. To ce ne No. A 19 o! the reget eile ot of Mi Need id ra the 1 nt ot $8600.01 To confirm ie Agreement baee! ities id J. G. Gros Rheumatism": Thave found a tried and tested fre can now sureh ‘this deplorable disease. a HIG Sar inazelene “ly cases of Rheumatism ; Barney, aoe ek "formly eure ell curabh ‘cases of smh dreaded sense. Wastes, founc Rheumatism is gone There is now no Teal aint ofene ta longet ‘ub help. We sell, and in eonddehco recommend Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy ee THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Bren cutg & uhar country. Wes at ones for ‘eulrs, oye hare have cut our rate‘one-third ore SANDERS DRE DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL 31 Erie Street, Stratford, Ont., Canada, drcar Tee Renvon ¢ your. whole time | em: 5 ene ean from now until-Jan. 1909. ‘or 60 ei rena it "yetin Bruce for the the faco of all rs. will con- mmMons in n ould be better ito ‘eal a little ees C. P. R. will have a gang “lay- lig ates on their now line this weak al_will be able to bring: up a train wood by week. Tho inlecior of the: station’ “inatldoig 5 ie end of next Month.- eS Liatow el Ban- rs population of Huron County steaidily on, the decrease, inereabe. on’s Popslition was red' and from 1906 to 1907 by 1529. The decrecke rs to be attributed to the laudable desire of the sins of Huron G. T. R. Time Table Trains oe Sepsis eligi Nortb - gach Felt: Shoe Com-| and South aa t ation of the Village of Milverton gatered PAs South. Going North bus ae che May: ‘and xpress 7.80 Express 9,85 a,m, Roc auch other rposes a3 may be’ nec-jEXPress 11.58 am, Express 8,26 p,m, essary for tl ae earring out of said Express 3.80 pm, Express 1,21 p,m, By-law and. Agee 5 itohell, CODE ARGS DS fe: MORPHY & CARTHEW, et im, 8,52 p,m, 5,55, vs ms . going west, 10.22 a m,, 12,25 p, m, Solictors for the anes 5,55 p. m, 10,84 p,m, DATED at aa one 1ith day o} March, A. D., 1908. Synopsie of Canadian North-West |7- Homestead Regulations ¥ even numbe red section of Dominion hewan and ca By an ay heen ily, or any male over 9 of age, to | he extent of one-quarter section of 160 Tess, try m on cer tals condiflous by tus tacher, wether, ane, daughter, brother or sister of an intending homesteate “The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following lan '4) At least six months’ residence upon and cuttivetion of the laud tc east year for taree years. 2) A homesteader may, if he so desires grates the required teeldenee daties by, Hv. on rm land owned ‘by. hin ney uties by (4) The term “vicinit ) TI yin the two prece ding paragraphs is de as ‘measu: iremé (5) A homesteader intending to perform Fealdence duti-s in accordance with the Pi rghould be ven to the Commissioner of Dom! inion ande at Ottawa ofintention to apply f paten! Deputy of the Minister of tue nee N. B.— Unauthorized publication of thi ‘Yertisement will not be paid for. G. T R. Time Table. Peffers, going south, 9. 444 p.m.; going north, 7.01 B. 7 a.m, Pai gains 2 north, verte going sonth, 922 a. m, 56 p.m.i going north, 10.58 a.m., 6.49 p. Bronoes, going pee MET =: tn, mM. ¢ sone oes Tae “m., 10.50 a.m. 6.42 The Milverton Sun 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING eee ees The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - mMilvertoa, Ont faemara to RES “homes. tortsthee | om Shoop’s Pink Pain ‘Tablets : Parker s CGlepuink Aine. is opened, all dust in ash-pit ascends to dome; then, when selves in the West. cone ed blood away from Donald, Montreal, re deepening ie ence” mht coer aulvert nee Re oval Petts direct drafts are opened, all dust passes up chimney. Piles are eazily ana quickly check- by druggists as Dr. Shoop’s Headache | di ea : it spores aia : Oe Tablets — say ize the blood “Fudge, Barron = eee aoe pa he Always the elean and quick Write to us for ‘ ° gato te ; 5 amall ae as a arntee teat. reain in 20 sainutes 20 Tah Bay cn tara Saran eeacuenent: dust route in ‘‘Sunshine” «“S, 1” * Biol: ee WA not cond tt tree| cents. Write ir Shoop, Racine, Wis.,,| M yA. Begga seconded by Furnace — via grate, to pan, runshine” testimonials eee carerhat tie ancora ee Aen Sold by Pub-| io. Lines that all applica: cena gene df Pe ree phasor ene lic Drug Sto Sistine het wine ues eee to dust - pipe, to dome, to | *eseived rom your own Magio Ointment would stand the test. nad2 to the epresentative ot the 5 it ig made expressly and eal division not later than June 1st oth- chimney, to open air. townspeople. alone for swollen painful, Bee dewise no alllowance will be made un- or i piles, either external iq {ti moxt year.—Carried: : ORBAN internal. Large jar 600 Sold by the A Cheese PBarary, for Millban! Nicholas Hergott was appoinied ie: C VANCOUVER Public Drug Store. ae ui onmere poundkeeper in place of MeDon- TORONTO a S: ST. JOHN, N.B. itor Milvert Bylaw N py MONTRE ‘The government of Alberta, has fol-| Daaie Sir.—Tt will be of interest to] qin, Bylnw Ne, BIT fo th es WINNIPES Se lowed the exajmple of Manit: by your, reaitera to know thet the farm-| time, buying out the Bell Telephone C: Moved" iby, As erse Seandal we Ly ig Rg hi pA oe Troms Dover chat bw Xe. 3771, Rothaermel & Sak ont ing. end when that bill is put through bectineliy = read the eS ae 3 » AGENTS. the whole of Western Canada will bo : i Geont thie control oF tha eae for i ert ae m a 2 - ety ly ad- ee ‘olambia it Lge ee pted ; tha Court of Revision for tho only. ai of time until this 2h S 2 pints Newton. on May. ple=throvghout ts whole, Domiitton. he emigration agency at Toronto Reset a loca K. pa superintendent of erates and misfits Ee ot this Sie: r, The Government of the baby pro- apkatchewan is grappling apublic supply a very coataniy ¥ be given up by so a supply of coal were not evasatls t not Farmers Take Notice. Before buying eveimners fe spring seeds, call on 8. kin, tone Ok deeds. We ewiia the ary best branda viz., Rannie’s and Steele Lalke omplete a: o sortment. of, seeds ves Tie ela roots, vege- tables and flowers, etc, I. D. ATKIN, ine t must be in the office by noon Monday. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1908. GENERAL NEWS CULLED-FROM ALL SOURCES y this pl me Governm on- ‘SUBSCRIPTION RATES ly makes the settlers erates ee 3 ¢ prattically makes this One year, $1; six months, 50 cents: three | the winter, but : months, 26 cents, In advance, ‘Subscribers | district available for settlement. 0! in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year. | cow eon] ould fer eke Siirrkaay eames |G cat efrain from sudh public works. Space Mon | Ste $§| ontario a evidently now infested | 4 Column, 3 |with gangs of desperadoss my n naeets i | Zoubt from abross the lines eer aans Eight cents r first insertion « and unhappy homa preducts. _Hereto! rare sete rentenestne.n for each burglaries. hold-ups and such like ER ONREE fi SES have confined to cities mostly + of the couniry districts Sa Advertisements without specific directions it ee tthe aiitention o qilllbe inserted intil forbid aad charged ac speared ina y are much ui her il eit! household belongings to ses: them- re a it they. hav hin eleapion, the Senet t languid, lifeless feeling that Seed Merchant [he ville of Tavistook is apply- | Tit finter nearly. aw Milverton - Ont. ine to the County Councils of Perth | leads to sluggish! bowels, afd to slug and Oxford for incorporation. The pe-|gish circulation in general. ie cus- tition ee likely be gramted, ry lack of exercise and outdoor Cat. Geuigealiide wie haal| OC tle ue: the livers stampaten fhe |i festy’ atte ip Dom Fae ere LE aca hee a y" i inio: orm-| Heart's action. Use Dr Shoop’s Re- be appointed il H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY SPECIALS ! Redpath’s Granulated Sugar 5.50 per 100 Ib. sack. Ingersoll Cream Cheese in pound ricks 25 cts. half lb. 15 cents. Prime gppeciber waleek the very choicest 20 ct All kinds Patent Medicines. a ey a But- ind eggs taken in exch: a We fina altering 86 splendid values on all and see fer: yourself, H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce indies of the Chuadlan Navy othergy th the Canadian Fishery Pro- limie of the Listowel Benn deserves well at pie Franady ‘of ney of reaider: Weak women get orem and last-|°™ hhoop’s: Night |. ney told of in my epi Thr book and strietly con- medical advice is. entirely ply write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis., for my ook Ne 4. Sold by Public ee Sto ‘ishop of Sarrehety who somé efused to obey ee ible hi ‘om fidential free. Sim D m1 trouble «arose over. the. Bishop claiming he belonged to igh: wt thant any civil one and. refus- ing ta obey or: a fron the eg civil courts. ted, by the io the chazge from daly t ol the Public Drue Store. ‘A dearth of local news often Igads ose who all else, and ys noighbor gino how it would Took in jon't criticise the news for what they print. but uive them great credjt for what ‘they ews: the best citizens. woul considered unfit t ™ exchange tells a horrible tale ott oe ENTRANCE TO MODEL “d Distrioi Advertising a a a Necessity. There is only one calise—of sronety people ebout the ee oe received every aay. weather ound the city looking for something cool ai re! Bho ha no time and lose Snaliaation, If sha Lari sciertined that a certai store hi ing ald soon, fesan an area a tor | it. Pain, anywhere, Pink salted nl ie Cee jon of a carry into effect this laa ile deatre of ihe tarmers of this neighborhood. It hajs been de- Be manufacture of 125 cand w the grav ed curing ey $70; anitied well end pump $100. This would the, sum of fe zone i |The whole sehem an ‘nought tally aifoat: Uiebgaslont ie parteipated in by the ara amber who have not yet taken shares dome are intending to se and others ES Be the eth and 7th decade life are Spe of retiring; in sither case it hi -y addi spre in its patronage. A be held a8, Bes Hell. on the first Saturday eestor: qu neatee: ie pe present in person or by pro: — + Educational Notes of interest. Following ia the time-iable of the oxafninations that are to be held this summer. j— HIGH BCHOOE ENTE ANGE. ne . 845-9. ‘00 Reading “instractions Helesaiat 57.) it Certificaite. Juno 28rd— . 11 10:12.40—Eelmenteiry ssssnte ts 00-4.00—Algebra and geen vans 24th— Me 9.00-144 bed le ‘composition end writ! 11.10.12 0 ness pap PM: 9,0-11.00—Arithmetic end ine- Rooksepinic ond baie ration. ae i018, Peper 00—English literature sr orn 11,00—English gramaiar. pik ares AQ—Art. 2,00-4.00—History, British and ‘Goheads ign. mime- table of Normal School En- trance or Junior Teachers’ Hxamina- 10.20¢11.40— P. M. 1.80¢-2.45—Geography 2,554.10 (1.80-4.00) . 9 Od: 11.80—xArithmatie + 1.30-4.00—xEnglish grammar 2nd— SM. 9,00-11.80—Algebra: P. M. 1.80-4.00—Englieh composi July 3 8rd— ~ M oun 80—Physics History, A B & C, » Me ‘Jaly ae M. piven SO Obentey: P.M. 1.81 ‘uly es ACM. 9,00-11; ee authors ‘M. 1.80-2. itixy eompoaition xThe papers in va jeography ee metic and pian Grammar. , un h mal Sebool Brann Mod who hava not yet iP new dues Seine: pe third-clas: Ser is ie: o above itema should be elipped owe The Sun and pasted vp for convenisnt referenss, .| that waste ies been ra ean be quickly Loss of Aopethe: and Energy Singly they are bined they hecom a worry — © a burden telling immensely Bf id. y y and system just what it needs to mafntain the a health. Aa: sole better than Fe1 zon2 50a per box alt all dealers. MORNINGTON COUNCIL, The council met at Newton pur- sunt to adjournment on April 4 1 r=) Eagee Be o g a 3: $1 E¢ The oe ovine communications were McPherson & Davidson Stratford. te opening Park street Millbank, Miller & ee ear he re sdune on behalf of Mrs. htor = bylaty, ed providing the those pes drainage on the Klock- men ain. ‘The Mornington ahd Wellesley Teler phone Association was g: ays a 112 shares hav: applied tore ees ae authonh with the essurance that the remain-|tondors for the consiretion oe the ing shored will be shortly taken up | pfoffer drain, said tenders e each share will ensure the opened in council on Mi ante fature of ba. of milk at cost. | 4¢) at 2 p.m. . C, Brent’s rise we 6 committee Siatioeaely “<pgornied the Whitney drain ‘debentui esti ff buildi Ss uccepted. id tender being $2363 equipment eeded admirab-} nd accrued interest if any. The fol ly. As first requisite they have ae|jowing ordera were issued ;— sured option on the building at} ¢. Kuepfer, $10, grayel contrac esent oceupied by Mr. John Wattleon. 3 lot 12: Geo. Miller, $12, as ai furniture emporiu his isa Sis Cen mies of agrees nt solid briek building two atereva bigh | drain 66 ft. by 40 ft. for the sum of El ane An estimate from the Rishar law Mairys for a pone lant B. g se and installment of the ‘he | houndairy pont ie 1907 ; aiaias “Atle 5.50, repairing ‘plow broken ing pi oles; Wim. Wad- bylaw for the Wm. Garbet, 4. Geo. L. h : on and Mank drain at by Geo. Goon. seconded by é again cen May Mi ak 10 art toe eT i aoe? Carried. US poles Sie aca ired to declaration of office before “Clerk. Burns. April 14th, 1908. iy American women i Hones to-day long for this ‘to come into their lives, and oa al ie Me ae these words, but mnie derange- Lee t this ac Ttoees is denied idee LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE das ie Com not only restored but to my delight I am a mother.” Mrs.. Speephiine Hall, of Bardstown, Ky., writ fale very great. sufferer from is ee me. Sages S $5 fae 's Vege- as ee y restored me ealth, ores aproud FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. Fo: ears Pink- Sunshine: e= a ce Where Shaking is Respectable 4 arte off furnace dome, with no other ce, Is power sie itself al bulk Hae Into. erat and unless Tegiti- mate ons ts therein provided, dust will e through ash ~: poets slits and Into seat ‘face. In “Sunshine” Furnace the legitimate dust outlet is pro- vided. It's a great big dust- pipe running straight from ash-pit to dome, thence to chimney. When big pipe damper CORN Good American Corn at Pfeffer Bros.’ Mill at Sc per bushel. Guaranteed to be dry. . . Pfeffer Bros., Milverton The Leading Tailors Try Us For Your SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT Knechtel & Smith Milverton’s Up-to-Daté — Tailors Brighten Up Spring is here A little paint makes things look like new. We have a full stock of Martin- Senour Paints 100,per cent. pure, also full line Robertson’s Ready Mixed Paints. These paints are the: best on the market, and we have a full line of Brushes to apply them with : : : : JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON PARCHMENT PAPER Farmers ! When in need of butter ‘women who have been troubled with wrappers give us a call. We handle leap ene a Pee i tion ae nothing but the best German Parch- odio pains, backache, that bear. ment Papef. Neatest designs Pan: down fe esting, flatulency, indiges- ed on shortest notice at: sae don’t you try it? Pinkham invites sick 7 pues to write her for anos. | 4 iz Soe | THE MILVERTON SUN : s§ *