Milverton Sun, 7 May 1908, p. 8

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Business Cards Dentistry. Dentist, Lic- —— DR. R. LEDERMAN, id mi cree P eallens of Dectal mau ai ofrge, sitting of tho court i te ion i w Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-/Revison, in respect nt Tow ours $2, 0 5 Pp. lice, will be held at the Ih tas ubsve the Biyebeign Beak, Milverton, Soe emer Township of Ellice. COURT OF REVISION, 1908 Hall, Ellice, on Monday, ah 25th, oe m. ‘In- tending appellants must pie the Medical. clerk in writing of their intention appeal within fourteen days after the hirticth day of April, F ¥, PARKER, M.D.C.M., Honor Grad~| thir te and Gold Medallist Trinity Medical |48°ssment roll can be bie at pe College, also Gold and Silver Medalist, |¢lerk’s offico at any time during of- ‘Trinity University, Tor ae au ssor | fice hours. to Dr. rt. Office in Public Drug Store, Telephone connection with Poole Justus Kreutea, Brunner, Moserville and Clerk's Office, Rostock, Veterinary. May 4th, 1908. Clerk of the Court. W. BARR, Veterinary Snrge Milverton, Graduate of Ontaxio Yotorin: OLD JUNK. ary College, Toronto. Treate all disegres of domesticated anima Is by phoné or other mise promptly « iteined to |, The undersigned will be at Jon Yundt’s, Milverton Station, for the Omer ae next three months to buy rags; bones, bottles, iron, rubbers and all kinds of MILVERTON LODGE, Xo. | motal All orders promptly at- M., | ténded’ to Svulverton! . FREED, Prop meets every M onday evening on or be-| ‘The squarest dealers on carth. fore full mi ofrees month in_ their hall in Ranney’s'Block. Visiting breth- ren always weleom LIVINGSTON, ZOEGER, SECY. i OXFORDS 99, Milverton, meets every: second at: last Noted for Stylishness Tae i ae always welcome, . Weir, C. R,, S, H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. .» “Silver Star Milverton, -y Friday night at m, in their hall éver Pablis Drag We are showing a line in both Tan and Patent Leather that for come, elegance of appearance and per- fection in finish i§ without a Notary Public. peer. Our lines will captivate W. D, WEIR, Notary Public~Auc-| You st sight. tioneer for the Gow mty of Perth and We carry a full line of Boots Office in the ate pblasle Maligge: eae ne and Shoes of every description. oprane Eres e . Petpet, Heat auwis he bar. First-class ac- cominodation and large stabling. Mil WM. ZIMMERMAN he Shoeman lees ait Chri Also will who will sing at both servi at Trini nity, Elma, at 3° p.m. Concert in Christ Church, ae Monte. ev lection. Other numbers are ;— Duet, Gon Ss by Campana, Sid Spencer ax . Sanderson ; a : wipes the tears from every Eye,” Miss Marie Banzley; and’ antheins oy the-snone rist Chureh on Sunday, May eee and andes a number of solos ning. May “uth, aiiver col- ~. CARTHAGE. ——\ House polnnioe is the order of the dave the ladies of our vicinity wring to the very r disagrees able wea- F Day will be r is at present vis- ‘foronto and New- friends in Mr. J. Curtis of Milverton’ pai short visit to our rab Stara Mr. Chas. Snider to Lode is ed eae La Gri a to ah * attack of —__-—_—_ NEWTON, wike of a oronito is GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, siti other, Mr. HA. Hawke erton First-class moda tic We ara sorry to oie that 3 8. commercial travellers and others, ‘Three COMMERCIAL. &. Lockig is laid up with a. spr od large roo! 0 bling. anki pe t hope to see ‘him roarid brands of liquors, ‘and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprieto EES Gt SESE Ge arian aa QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont Pee 6g ial | Flour, per owt, Fall wheat per bushel Barley per bushel quors ‘and Cigars ai tables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. Legal PHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors Bie, Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Money t “Miver: m; Ont. Permanent office arranged atabag of the line wil be in Milverton every Thursday, H. B.. MORPHY, |. M, CARTHEW, STECED Fall Wheat arley Makins @ Hanley Barristers & Solicitors Stratford Ontario |! J.C.Makins ~. W. J. Hanley an 1 meeting: was held on Mon+ np i Wittann “of Lan at P. MeDonald’ CARMUNNOCK. Owing ee oRneey ae ae nee the ers hava beer d atin and Wm ape ave. pur chased Re ively thie 2 rson, of Gowrie spent 8 Mr. son, i werk seit and ug in ne w [new _P. IR. station, Meo nt ay appropriate 14-4 “8 15 Siged les by several ames more riate od also more mogestive een Good American Corn at Pfeffer Bros.’ Guaranteed to be dry. . . Pfeffer Bros., Milverton ir ‘te reach tha station, as at pent the only safe way is along the railway track. WELLESLEY. Mr. Ernest! Burgener, of tl Acetylene Light Co. Mr. C. Mulcahy i ibis to be again after an atta BRUNNER, . Ci Doorr has ome of the finest welts in the county sized by'G. Gropp's pose. so cee four fine thead of butchers’ cattle. Mr. John Hartmann was in Strat- ford on) Wedne lay. s Mi felinda ‘Schmidt visite es at ae at Rostock for ke The Right House. HOUSECLEANING and REPLENISHING TIME! When the thrifty house-wife is on the alert for every money-saving opportunity the present is a most oppor- tune time to economize. With that object in view we have prepared a liberal list at Money-Saving Prices, such as Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Window Shades and Cretonnes. SPECIALS THIS. WEEK. 150 yds White Stripe Muslins, at per yard 5c. 6o-pure Linen Towells, per pair ..........1234c. 72 Bath Towels with fringe, per pair.......15¢. GROCERY SPECIALS. 300 pounds Washing Soda, per pound. ...1%c. 5 pound tin Caustic Soda, per tin... ........40C. 150 pint bottles Household Ammonia, at... toc. Remember we are headquarters for : WALL PAPER WE WANT YOUR TRADE. laufer of Sebringville nd Me. tt o Ne buies ‘of Rostock y ed in Brunner on Sunday. Mr. Murdock was in Stratford on Saturda’ The following. is the report of 8 v the eel on tend neo, examin work done. ae merit ;— midt.. Willie oz G arte Gordon Cha chnelder, Anthon ‘Woods Sorter Sure ore Taylor ie Ropp, . ne 1 ‘Daub, Irene _Beay. Rosella Becker, Wit Rope, Bu Bile oo Re 1 tT. Be-Annie Kerr. Willie ye Albert Becker, Florence Kaibtivisels Lavra Kerr, Wille Quipp, Gordon Reis, Andrew Schimids. SAM J. COUL’ TER. chor, The St. Marys Cream patrons reeei vd for the month of u pened Cares & fat; it teaahen me Tbs. fat to make 100s. encouraging td a ir er denee in working fo ata as well as profits in eohnection with the creamery syster suitable and sim ip cheese tory, whijher he went last Thee Mr: John fe Whtnelm estata rope like to dispose cot od collins cad lee oreh ‘Mr. Cyril Rogers of Harrow has ac- staff ag printer. deep interest in the welfare of the baer. Moses Schultz. who was 60 un- fortunate ti breaking his leg a short time ago while ha ably 1 hen expected under the circum- stam Mir islvaie Dantierdtcneer Josavie- burg, very unfortunately broke his hip bone’ but is doing fairly though slowly. SPRING * SUMMER MILLINERY Our millinery is remarkable for varities. of Trimmed Hats to choose from. We put on them nothing bnt the finest materials. By coming here you will have no difficulty in selecting a suitable hat or bonnet at a popular price. See window display for some of the leading styles. We have made special effort to obtain the right shapes and that we have suc- ceeded is shown by the constantly increasing sales, Scores MRS, KATE SPROULE, Miller's Block, Main Street, Milverton, istiant Gensman is on: the sink lia Early closing com: last. Fri day: Ase pullia Soil ates notice. —__——_—. MILLBANK, J. Winkler of Bamburg nee Sunday with his brother, W. H. (Wi Clarence and Miss Clara Me- fauchita of tralee spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Smith. Mr. S. Harron shipped a ot hogs from here Monday, price being id, six and a0 pests “td whip: A earload. “OF satile ‘| poor and your nervous system in con- cartond | stim; Life Depends on Healthy Blood ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. W. K. LOTH, MILVERTON, ONT. Jeweler and Optician if e ‘ : Wedding Preseuts : e uuegenne tt Brighten Up and descriptions. You will travel a good many miles before you will find a Weda rEg eee 4 - 4 waeweront pring is here excels anything ee! shown ; | ; | A littleepaint makes things look like Chinaware a bh have a full stock of ee ial i Gonslonn 2 + Senour Paints 100 per cent. pure, also a Racer Chase an 1 full line Robertson’s Ready Mixed Ohne Selling at prices to Paints. These paints are the best on the market, and we have a full ling of Cive u Brushes to apply them with : ; : : Eyes tea trevor charge. P. H. Bastendorff ?}} JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON 3 +4444 Milverton, « Ontario, 3 s NO HON NG NO GRINDING, ae r Sale The any of Perfection—Everlasting Shaving Comfort NO ZOR TROUBLE ‘S POSSIBLE ue Soa aaa tae Car marae agement reg —they are tempered by electricity, which is our own Is Yours Rich and Pure ? Blood is a Seo of life. ms once sap Strength cant peril life itself. its solid constituents, you Pionly tthe m: ee strength. you' are weak and When _ppetite is, poor—when menta} efforts seemd to Geb, ba ware ROU lood has grown i sd quickly stimulates tntormaatiots of rich, red blood a: es s Fer- ive power is immé errozone fortifies the action of the kidneys, liver and stomach, inoreases an by these. “ mean: A t the. blood a vast store of material to build up and io trons Revtonie dy, making and action, transmits ito the debiltatea brain cells, exhausted anxiety, or by sickness, the strength they need. of you furnish that disease- resisting! element we call Bren a So ailing = orth impossible, sleep hard|° th ihe 0 any pe eee bees upon the diges- t By Fa ES gi or demands agai ainst Trim late of 0: THE aoe e CUARANTEE Dated 24th April, 1908. Notice to 0 Creditors. the County of Peak, ried Woman de. ceaged, who died on or about thy Sony day LLOW.GROUND ovate con ron October, 1898 are required on or before ‘aocivernaraD EXTRA HEAVY BEARDS the 29th day of May (908 to send by post aid or eSsrs, n thal the Adm Wil proceed to distribute the ai secret process. “ Electric tempering adds carbon to fre (Cho only othr: which is the life of the steel; whereas t ann used for centuries) destroys on your part to purchas: Your dealer will deliver to you a CARBO NETIC razor on 30 days trial without obligation SET oF Two IN LEATHER CASE 84,80 exclusive eapating bY e carbon MAG- received at the COMPANY, LIMITED avidson, It’s Solicitors ESTATE OF CHRISTIAN ALLES, from here Saturday The beneficent action ‘of Ferrozone NORSE Sanaa onan ass of things you li Mr. Schmitt ‘Called fon, his bro-Jon thi ‘ain is transmitted through | Chapter 129, Secti 8, Amending Acts, Gee Bene Sutter: the nervous system, and a rs of | that all persons Taving.elaigin agaist sig A kodak helps you to i i # estate of the said Christian Alles, who died Rev. ‘Washburn spent Morday in| the body: are enormously increased, | Sttate,ofthe s aptncs en, Hs Bias en ley and _ Teenloy Stratford. Ferrozone enables the body to por-| are required to send by pose premaih, Gee Rey, H. PB. Westgate of Atwood will/form al its a normal and deiver,ea Mestre: Megey. Tung and Teor feature of any- ecenpy: the pulpit of the Anglican |natural way, and with an absolute| shes, Suny vie, HO, Bxecutors of ‘the thing that pisaes ‘ou. church next ath . a Tene ri ra Be which is th aC 380th = y oe ’, 1903 + Parente, mi y' fr. J. Pinders moved to Monkton| most surance that ‘the hody | dresses and descriptions and a full statement : on Weanesday, where ho has secured lis aitberetcivened: cnet ain ilnted: Les itanel Mie eo ee ee ik in the th weakness you suffer] And notice is further given that after the : Caines has rented. Mrs.|ia profound ong standing, what-| Sid last mentioned date the said executors Kodaks from $1 to $25. a Beoceet to distribute the assets of the Patesoe farm at Burns for onelover tho conditions are—if the fased's estate among’ the partics en: W: is impaired, {f jts redness is reduced, | titled “thereto, having ‘regard only to. the rite for catalogue. Glaister of Wellesley was inJif its activity is lessened— ‘Ferro- | “sims of which tors will not be Hible fo? the Villago Toesda: 2 Is an absolute and rapid remedy. | Shesaid or assctsany' part ny. pet from the Methodist mniss‘on- tig tion of weaknes gon orpersoaa notice sof whose cad salto E. A. RE A, Druggiat and ee sooiety here drove 10 Atwood cf | bility or ill-health in mem, wom have been a rerelved bea ratrord. Monday Yo the missionary meeting |onildren, you ean't find so nousleking | ete ae Milverton, Ontario, this 20th ere. tind strengthening, a tonie ns, Ferras| day ofAprit, 1908. Next Royal Hotel, Manicat Square. C. Grosch of Milverton. was Tin thee arias on Monday in the interest it, sold everywhere in 500. HENERY oh salt Executors. HENRY JUNG, Notice to Creditors. IN THE SURROGATE cour OF THE ci i ea IN THE OF MILVERTON, IN THE COUNTY oT PERTH ND PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, RETIRED FARMER, DECEASED, E VILLAGE is for—to That is what >: : A Kodak take den

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