Milverton Sun, 7 May 1908, p. 2

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A despatch trom Montreal snyss La- pany ond the Montreat age Gata trade still “Wwe. can afford to be ae Me wire till SN HON “Six Thousand Cotton Operators Went Un Strike on Monday. the autumn without any great suffering. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS MAFPENINGS FROM ALL OV... THE Telegraph Briets From Our Own and ther Countries of Hecent Events. CANADA. ‘onto count struck the’ rate of ital at 18 ustoms ‘rolurns at “Teronto for April | * We will never accept the reduction. of aioe a decrease of s. 1 fail to understa action'| Four’ Wotel-lindases: were’ aut ol by aploy ause four weeks} the Board of es issioners. bah the Monicest Collah Comniay de The Scott at Fro s'ared a dividend of ep: i cent., 208 selon N.B. Hee - ar fought Pons t inion Textile of sev: | test, en per cent, It is nob going to make Martin Price was sentenced at Gustin Giiee roveeston then We are prepared for % long si Four hundred and” fifty ues Lwent on stri ke here on Friday morn'ng, They cents an hour. change will class. an eless men. nemasons contemplate folow- ing he bricklayers; example. thirty, e ae to se pond: A despatch from Easton, Penn., says: A corgner'’s jury at Nazareth, near here, sts i Sang ‘ssed of the “devil an that he killed fate zc with sever ‘al fits rita rolled trom THE Ml WAS SACRIFICED Uncle Killed Her Because He Had a Com- mand From Heaven to Do So. his cot to the floor, where he tossed happened and was directed hand, is and wails piteously over the trag’ iid. She declares the religlo on 2 an uisband adopted Soybicotid {hal (hes wera nat acting by 4 of God. She faith in the teachings of would Yo Nazareth last Saturday to attend t ended i the murder ce dmilgines sano tive ake had Ydea of the indent oni ot thes barey 16 kill her child Thrds Armed Men Suspected of Being Bandits. tewn, at tt Reed en asked for food. TI inl nt path ee | Unsuccessful Attempt to, Rob Bank of Commeres i A daring: but junsvecdsstul Metab ws a hol are tu oe “Trani the cite wall of he Was Fares sae se When Weapon ae: parents the boy took Ane pun dans it © SICK-HEADACHE. The sufferer from sick-headaches — migraine and mogrim and other names ty which the pain is just as bad—has ng need for a description of the symp- toms of his malady. ‘The racking pain iu the head, the wap the sensitive es to light are all too real to call for menticn. The dis the class of what are called “Tunctional” ich there visib'e structural ®| changes in the body by which the symp- toms can be exp! rained. character’ bit. in; most cases ie recalled Maes Ie nervous defect of de- ree, perhaps a itching at “the face GF an aim,-Or ai oddity of speech manner, or it maybe an actual fee. ieee sath nb apie orthe defect fo he nervous equilbrlum mast common- The irritat kngge the Aap lasts the “more dif- cult it becomes to cure, sine if ew i youth, oe a habit. ablished, the: result of | M2 By} has neafmient tp ation anos “| Astigmatism or some other visual ¢ fect is often the 1oot ‘ot the Conte at he ey We first atten: rd no Fever, then hg other organs should be examined iu tn. older aultests can ly reliev- hilso, even if it is he ite fora per. fect cure.-Youlh's Compa g a % 5 Ge ey 2 = 8 é at Laporte that may al any moment A TIRED MAN'S REVENGE Burned Farm House With a Woman and Three Children. na, | failed. Late in the afternoon the bodies of Mrs. Gunnes and her three et ag e| Myrtle, aged 11; Lucy, 9, Phillip, aed 5, ere Sef from ‘te einduideriing ru There wae ig remor that the home. had been fired because of malice, an isthe day advanced: the Lice up. thé story and began an investiga- t of the arrest se o | Say. emplo: wn Galt’s Bracedi, an Ilalian. woman, on bebweon hi re We had been husband, and had given kee wi ned ‘his revolver ne Souatons nov exp! Domysion. _tastoms ‘pup the caution e-t% G the petlod of depression, to fifteen years in penitentiary for burg: 0 boys named Dyell were drowned ae Blue Bonnets, near Montreal, on Friday. Auievicans are making heavy purehas- ¢s of pulpwood along-the-line ¢f the Temiskaming Railway. Commissioners pxp- Dosen sal Men: a extend the waterworks, 000. Gia nge, New York, was scat 1 Principal of the Ontario Ve erinary Colle; The police are looking for the perpe- tralors of four jewellery robberies that oocunred on ingston for forgery, | © was sentenced at Guelph to an addi- ae isle years, "s handbag was found at : nat Montreal with $25.- 06 worth a seqelie in it, ‘The own- er summed Roxy F Fai el was fined fifty dollars at Brantford for pointing a revolver ut union moulder during a tow at the | Buck stove works. ss Ethel Skitch was brutally Friday ni beds fen on Mantreat for a time, and Quebec mines unless the lon men_modera! eir Mikes Aron ian, bein fused admission to a street car at fam: ilton because he was drunk, drew revolver aa ene at the conductor, but missed h GREAT BRITAIN. Sir Antony P. mecton nal eta Sec- telary for Irelan Five men were ion on the British, lueskie ® Balan British torpedo-boat destroyer Gala was cut in two and sunk by the Scout “Attentive e during_manc-uvres in Pies Nofite ie e rule, old-age the education ai DI n with a eee outfit for Cane felling French rentes. UNITED STATE: Ital:ans were sept Six ated in a Ne n an American scientist, claims to have discovered. a of lransiuting the baser.metais into gold. Two Yale students have been suspend ed for shooting needles into a horse which was being driven past their boarding house, A New York Slate school teacher has been awarded $32,500 damages for the loss of a leg in a wreck on the New York Central. GENERAL, Honduras is concentrating. her: troops m_ the aut atent Two a ny rene nat Henle ovganizing theisend troops, 16. puns in. Armeni Ut is reported in a fot e ten ish the stants Teheran that a have massacred two thousand The unions sok ersons in Persian nia. W of San ine ey ITALIAN WOMAN KILL due! AOE eraOne about See ve. ce Ses oO) : rid sch r the re- Murdered .by a cei Miner Near] IRbOE8te ott a eee ot lie sons ne dean vill "not be. interfered with, als hbridge, Alberta, A ee ch from Ls a coal miner, galy, a Pie ae Ze ie mines on. Friday. her and dee for When he met. her na r r d 0 incensea shot her and then mundered ing himself three times. Nine small are left motherless, 7k GREAT SIMPYARD LOCKOUT, . . Every pale bee aL in Britain to cg hod cea a Says: The settleniont of the slupbuilding dispute have failed again, ud the lockout went into effect on Sat- rday al he yards. of the United Kingdom. ESSE AES S ey $73,000 STOLE ROM TRAIN. rreon, Mexico, from City of Mexico says: ere Say that when the else. Express Car Kobbed Near ma co) A despate) 9 Advices -fror thbound pas: ican Railroad Friday it was Weberraria, ess package sonia $73,000 express car. There robbery and so far as st has -been made. IMPORTS stone OFF. Returns. for .the th Show Decrease, lespa nae “trom Ottawa sys: The Sage revenue of the Dominion for ae Maple ao ote was, 7s v419.947, a ase 018416, as es wit ApH it Task year, due to’ U inued decrease in imports, conser quedt now bein, lesale saerata ani vhiives Soredds ot ae whi tt the] su! -| slacies placed | submavines G. T. PACIFIC BUILDING. Winnipeg to te eke to be Opened A despatch tes “olan ee Collingwood ‘ber, Ww under contract, with {h exception of about 500 mil ul Mountain section. ae ne prairie | PO: in from Winnipeg ockies, [Mucluaing about 1 ities wast of Ek in, would be open for. business next fall. aid from last year — FELL TWO THOUSAND FEET. An Aeronaut’s Drop, Ginging to Dis- abled Parachute. {ch trom Fort Worth, Texas, says: Plunging from a. heig! 2 Wednesday, Si ieee qpatdenih, Hewes pldkeds ug) uncore scious and wi ly injured, bi ‘ick had made | and as he cut loo: from his balloon’ a had no parachute, which at times Ness ieee lear over the iron rin; Once he hurned a complete revaton, and the spectators expected every m2 ment to see him Tee teen his erip, but he hun, sae ee NUDE DOUKHOBORS KEPT IN CARS. Yorkton Aghast at Arrival of the Vag- runt Pilgrims. A despatch * from Yorkton, Sask. ecial train on Wednesday. hem were recently released from Fort William jail, and were ship- Ped. here ny the Onlaric Government harge of an official of that Govern- LeSe 0 to an er of them are perfectly nude. Thei are a few rs in this vicinity, but they will have nothing to do with ny three-quarters. of a 30, 000 manalities, House before the s in. The Protestant Alliance th © 700,000 Com ssion of Bni of conventual and. mo fullons; will be presented -next Hite 8 Pe oS” Step Cc. N. Re ae ACCEPT. Reductidn of Wages in Mechanical De- partments. and with the spirit shown by the men, dit is: Believed’ the ve sult will have an important bearing on the C. P. R. negotiations. ———_* THE TIDE OF EMIGRATION. Effort an be Made to Turn It to Au- alia and Other Colonies. lespatch from “London says: Distress Ganinesyen Committee _ha asked. the tral Unemployed Body stele, in view of a IS ‘ob- in the way by the Eamatan Gove pee aun men and thei ts Australia and! the other ‘he discontinue» emigri at ae ‘Lelief that while the type of men Canada would be beneficial ‘on the Domin‘on, it world be a disad- vantage to Glasgow to lose them. for ar Eaton TO SeRENGTHEN CHINA'S NAVY. A despatch. ae can says: The Board of Wan has each {6 consis! if one Deulshipe me sels four or five second-cla id five or six third-class cruisers, several Bunbontss destroyers, torpedo’ boats, one r_ two Bete ors. nded to build and maintain ie nae with revenue as the coost provinces, a WILD DUCK DYING BY SCORES. Small dees Found in Head’ Feathers the Birds. ria Ae os Ohio., is: Again, for Deals: red He a Se alike, Tn the head feather id duck ig f a a smal ihaead Te sire’ ‘but schetee 4s ig responsible for the “wholesale de: ae that. is going | per pound. the vagrants. The Town Council an Board of T nave taken the matter | ; up oe ee Government ges at Re- Sye| half barrels do, \d reading of the | © oO despaten trom Winnipeg says: The | ma N. $1.0734 4 emigration | — 6» few offered. Large Number ot _Batlelips to be Bs framed a scheme pi last week cows ranging isn Sa. in si to loads that were «ffered s 1d ° wea as ted was The Math price for sence Dalrolt wliclesate mene (0 Merftesthe bounty ‘Relive Grade has not been det. LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. feed feed, 590; Bere ‘ian Ontario. hea Nas 2 white, 9c ut ponl-of shipment; No. 2. red, 91340 at pa of soma No. 2 mixed, 910; BI EC NG. 2, non eolfering; worth about Yc to arrive; No. 3 y. low, 720 a 780, “Toronto freight; No. 3 mised _ Ei Mantaba patents, _ special brands, $6 to $6.10; seconds, $5.10 Mel ; oie bakers’, $5.30; winter wheat patents, $3.40. Bar jarley—No 2, Sie: {a 55c. Pe Rye-Strc ‘ong; No. 2 87¢ to 880 out- side. Buck heel ea 2, ee to 65: ite, 463¢¢ outst A8c 0 | on track Porcine: No. 2 mixed, 5 on track Toronto. Sere Scene -b. mills. COUNTRY PRODUCE. WMitalosate guotatiqns ave: —New- laid, 16¢ to 17c, Seine tends to be weak- igh co aac rolls do so. iment Potat ntarid, 85¢ to 90c; Dela- ee %e to $l, in car lots on track her TK 70 fo AL 75 igh ephintee and $1.80 to nen Sirained ete al ite to 180 for 60-pound pails and 12c to 13¢ for 5 to 10-pound pails. Combs at $1.75 to’ $2.50 per dozen. Gheese—i4e for. large and i440 (or twins, in job pe new-make, 136 Baled Hay—Timothy is quoted at $15 fo $15.50 in car lots on tracks here, 0G PRODUCTS. Bacon—Long clear, 10°t0 10%0 pet pound in ci tsi, moss pork, $1810 $18.30; short cue S2L to $2 Hams—Light tp medium; isto 13 Me; o., heavy, 11 rolls, 9% to 10¢; stioulders, 9%; “nal $, 16c; breakfast bacon, te, Lard—Tierees, 11%; tubs, . 1126; pails, 12¢. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal May 5.—Local and foreign ents, $6.10 boa winter fat 23; lang cut heavy mess, $20; $10.50; dry salt long bee! backs, 103¢; barrels ‘plate (o. $15; half barrels do., $7. els heavy 1 Deel agels dc lo 8 Be 8XKe lard, settle "pendoedy “tige to ending 10 eaniilee Gana ba te 150; ‘indsor ba 0. 15340; fresh killed abate $9.75 to $10; live, Se y ate denen for single cAses aS Tee tae eEIS woloied quoted at te 24 new is e ted: t Qe e tov In in round lots aa "paxge. to lo 29¢ to grocei UNITED STATES MARKETS, Buffalo. Wheat = Spring, steady; No. jorthern, 1.0934, loads; Winter, merece No, 2-red, 03%. Corn—Str yel 720. Oals—Lower; 2 while, Fe No. 2 mixed, 52¢ pariey_38 to Rye—No. 1, on Ga pa Sav at iee —Cash, heat- May, $1.05%; ‘sh 3h 0% to $1.04%; Senfember 90K C3, hard, $1.08% ie Bl. ee Netthest 81.06% to 963 2 Northern, $1.01% to $1.- Routes patents, $5.35. to patents, ay 5 to a8 L% cond ¢] fst ‘at "8k 10 to a 33.4 Bran—In Dull, ow "6 bari waukee, mt seat rola it Northern, $1.09 to 0 9; stay, 8 Com oak May SL. stead: valor; No. ee Hee 08 te No. st north Duluth joa; cal winter, ia wt SR ie CATTLE MARKET, ‘onto, May 5.—Choice calle: wer fannie’ @ little einer, as. thete. were o exceptionally fine cattle were on the market, 0. ‘bulls were neha from t anton mis of and prices nate a lo in rings of sheep comparatively. light ‘wih ‘pt t pass steady.” Sprit; a little more plentiful, Bea a sUghiy ee ie hog market is ee bu rather: a large tun of hogs. as $6.40, fed and watered, Toronto, and $6.15 for heavies, —_—t—_—_ as. President Roosevelt's programme’ for | stern the construction of four new battleshi yoled down-in the Senate at Wasn- r Johnson of Mlomesots an a to and the pe States, re to get in and out of the p Y)bblo. The long block was partitioned | 4 eI nla Title flats vo rooms each, few | dian dance steps, h) Two Brothers atest First ‘and Be at McGill and Won a a oO two brothers, Th be S. a md Stewart, ua ‘ spectively first rie second in th clas: ni ho) 8. totally an ot an oculisl, Nine years ago he ine ured ae of his eyes ean a knife, and Specialists declared that e- the care! Pecans took | y sue the good eye, with the ae thal heb the patient came. oul of the ether he was completely blind. Undismayed William ‘Macdonat scholarship, ae YOUNG FOLKS A LITTLE INDIAN. BOY. quan was a a pe po never roamed the Pans and forests, those others ‘outhwest, hundreds of yea ai The 5 word for “village” On. 's “pueblo,” and 50 1 ndians. have | fre @ to. be da ueblos, or vil- iipe: acts “thera ave about ten thou- sees Juan lived wilh ‘his sea 8 father end his nas Sister, Rosita d of the pueblo, to was a large ta fol in cach flat lived one family. On top of the fist sion 4 ‘was snolher £0W t gil the Doukhobor: being | gy" ge f houses, and in some parts of the Reps escimeeeearice Inanouens exit ‘si Agora pueblo there was still a third stor hee? a The ot uunted Police are —The market for Ontario bran ie r Bi 9 live the apeCr Bande ae mone, is cunt tds veer take eee Bi ParMO ria telat 2 I ge Aa { 23.50 per ton, including bags, which |OUSe 5 2 i SF ahaa 8 Gee iniedntG) bert Oil oe bres uses: were made oul, of jadola PETITION SEVEN MILES LONG. | ous les, OL $1 per ton.on Brevik cay, which was just the: ditt from 1Ae sis st SO Bran $450" si mid plain round-aboul, mixed with. water, 650,000 Signatures on Protest Agaizst| Giings, $26 to shaped into bricks and dricd in the sun. | uno Licensing Bill ser ton, Juan’s mother uset sprinkle {n9} s A’ despatch from =) | mouile, $94 to $35, and milled. grades, feaaa ony, Mere Keep i da, pers mammoth London petition against the | $25 to $30 per ton. Phere” Ure a tiles? lille thneaaeneeneete Licensing Bill, seven miles long and cron Bbrals Fp ne Bek fireplace in the front room at Juan's assy and here they us:d to burn little logs. ly is iisear Now j “Soreading, ever- f resin, which makes hat grow dancing flames A bit of wall ean Ant Hae on one side of the firep’ it n and women, chatt’ng and laughing, fes. They were a very ‘happy. people, ‘and the ne ne si the e Sina Doings; there were avitelics and demons and goblins of all Wen Say Juan a always remembered |. (old in front of the fire in i ane cient: But the greatest excitement in the pueblo would come whon there was to fe a dance. nctans were busy and tel o'd people ther crops, they will have a rain dance. which 's a prayer for ren. When. they n tt they “Holds the torn is a t for a1 good ary vays had a buttalo dance in Juan's Saree: used to he a prayer for) godd luck | &%! when they started on their annual ate Talo punt, here no buffabs now, hut they still dance the o' dance. e many peculiar figure: the dance. of whieh no while man undpretids the exact meanin srg lita boys, (eke: @-premninenbpeRt and ae year Juan’ was highly ave he was cbiesen for one wf the Bae Alors he had learned the is father ening ike In- h rooms where {he men into ws -MUSiOY OF Ne =i fwo Hundred and Forty” Killed on a Japanese Warship. ‘despatch from Tokio. says: About ise hundred and forty men ‘and officers Matsushima, The explosion took place while the cruiser as BeBe &t-Ma- kang, a harbor . inmedinaly ater es sexnesan unl ridge ible. ‘There 4 mans about 855 men and. fifty endets and oMcers aboard the INDOMITABLE. ‘SWwierest ST VESSEL. A. despatch from Glasgow says: It is domitable 48 fitted with arbibe ph ANOTHER SLIDE OF RIVER BANK. Further Damage at oe Village fs Feare ee occured here af nt Hus sday “gh i BURIED UNDER MASS OF BRICK. Two Men Met ies in Mine in Brit. en be See pues ee seach here of a fatal CAVO- CR Ta 3S MINE jp Le »D ON wi om The uh iba ‘mabe in tthe hits a] = cruiser at the time of the uc ee Ore uted magazine of ‘the training cruiser however, it latter were the sons of Pr ines Gani

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