BAe Of thése little oties a cup of col hort was one tenth of the Roman ie- disciples, oF, fea even. see inclost EXPRESSION OF No Healthy Being Can Be Content to Sit RELIGION and Listen to Sermons Forever, And whosoever shall give drink unto Zs. oa olganet” Yorioe. of teHglon. because i ar 8% the damage to the lie: “rhs fe of ine feelings deeply stirred, ft aly that we may be moved to do things which we dream an bau the wi toe over which we weep. scrrow!-he knows ils impetfeotions and his own; he is HITEO! ee ee crying, What can we do about tee seems that all that is being cane, as definite expression of religi- leals, to bring about belter condi- that, the ses master himself began to ‘amongs All. these movements for the ‘better- ment of our neighbors and our ra are good and it is not much use our i religion unless. we are daha oe part atong with all those who seek wipe away needless tears * spirit of sacrificing love for his intae: if he is giving himself ed to them. Ye momehnes ne that such mal or the full, wes li the religions life. We only touch these great problems gasionally and in spots; whatever. we may do through organizations, there still remains much of our fai WITHOUT oe EXPRESSION. Do: we not here need to who laught men so well the religious tot he best way to put our religion into ra lives is to live his kind of a life, ee ae eee eo ae of pag to every one anes es mee “pu at ee ue friend- ap is the best avenue for the expres- of the best in any re cA oe ee faith that does friend amongst men is aoe gi faith ot a2 more than mover and impersonal machinery for their re- at look into thy, lif hearts and raise their eyes to better things, to hope and cheer and happiness. How sean it all is, how sufficient, thy, and hel iphulmess of the friendship that litts and en See F. COPE. —THE S. S$. LESSON ANTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 17. fiesson VII. Jesus Betrayed and De- nied, Golden Text, Matt, 47. 22. THE LESSON WORD STUD! Hine on the text of the Revised as Prayer conv. from his complete work with the Father to the glory awailing him. and his earnest petition se the Father ‘s that his follow.1s also may with him in this glory. His 4 which @ world of unbelict upon then, Jesus, therefore asking* that ue be kept from. the evi ersonal struggle in prayer which Fosus andst nave bed. immediately after. iM and whieh nm of in the na Haylig comfseted et wlth an for is discip pr heat; he nba himse! by a little distance, and white -they oH went forth—It is usually the events and conyersa- 15-17 st rod. after. Jes Toft’ the Upper oe sberteies of rin w tue ast Blinper: Tis ased upon. the losing Ww les TA: PAfise, let-0S fo: het a certain, however, whether this sug. : sus was followed, or whe- et having SURES sted ita they adjourn ier place, they stil tarred aa ome ual after se had evertheles ora thes Sertiag ‘ot the fatraives ee this point that the little yet crossed over the ravine of Kid- ae ka that ‘his eee with his disciples 0 the ivel was according to 22. Or, “coliort.” ‘The co- gion, and the term Seems fo refer to fa considerable portion if not the en- pnlene Probably, however, only a rtion of the cohort was sent from the i fortress to assist Judas in his treacher- ous erral jesus, From the chief prists and pe pened eats mn to use the Roman soldi- ers, hat ranted at the request ot he dow aul rare spears and the ha} - iphort it usually aoaired by ‘Roman 4. et pees ‘the Fa? ym 5. Jesus of Newzaret—Lt., “Jesus, the fitting Nazarene,” a title of contempt (compare ans Ree Mati 1: Judas also, who yed him cg Kiss of belt yal mentioned in the noplis mutratives - 25, 49) was pros bably give tht ent. 6. Went. “tiara ‘anid fell to the cali dignity: an st ¢ himself. overaw- Rely nines them into ‘ Again therefore he asked Ege order o bring out the fact that it lone, and not Tor the = also, that they S| 1° the request in th § “eet , ye Seek me, . anf ant of his own inter- ory prayer (Joh 22) 10, Simon Mice the efore— » as Luke points out, he “saw ait Syul ollow faving a sword drew: it. high priests. servant—Greek, “ion servant,” that is, one of the high 'S household. The mention of the Retails including the name of the slave, is peculiar to. John, and is one of the many little illuminating touches which this record of an eye wit- s of Me eves narrated, he tive expression, peomitien Inthe et aepticalecurd. oF the events Stic occurred in the gar- a. os To Annas firs(—For a preliminary re| examination Prooeding the regular trul before nnas himse! ad one time ‘held “ollice of high priest, O nas, put to dea the Lord's brother me! Jar years later, Another disepe doin 116. Wha was ‘mown unto high riest—A side light on the influent Position which John's family apparent. ly held tn Jerusalem. 3 as crvarming himself” at ‘his open fire in the court. cily of Jerusalem lies 2500 feet mbove sea level, and the nights during the winter and “un pees ‘and for the priesthood in aS nas therefore sent him bound unto. Caiaphas igh pr this varse and Verse 13 ‘above we should infer p Pd in verse 19 was fight jg-(elaphasy byl incaouss Were tf uot thal. througheut Sohne atric tt is the former, not the latter, who is. re ol have had apartments in Iughepriestly resllence, ond that there tht th i i conte, And strains the is EN eek with the Hoa of eatin Ton Peter's immediate - rez he cir DI ty Ss not ree eer ntane ‘apostle: ie prelini Fotis ara ive, proces 5 yoint to. the tepuent ot the teal telees the Roman authorities Telephoning eae you e r rs to telephone to your hink A ory | is Bi ‘of & eat wi which lked at la at their places of in Some eg ho cane ote walking it deal amiss Fie owen a ie able Pal mn found to get rid sages him on tl oe MISSED HIS Hse If Aetbyeh eb had bi as wise as lern anarilbis a Would have ante the TAS 101 ak fore he wai ‘We had not aes Fey tie ‘before the ft se. ‘After a time I broke the strings that and of the Tittle men ieoh rete Duar spd vose. ‘hers were legs and loins of lamb, bat “I TRIED TO GET UP, BUT COULD NOT” 80 small that I ate them by two three at a bite; and the loaves of ‘bread ere no bigger than a signs to beg it free, but they shook their heads, I tried gain fey sg again they shot the darts into MYKt last, tired out, T fell asleep. When I aie aes being moved to what Bee to clty. I learned later thet rs a ‘thelr chlet town of Elle all : “BUILT STEPS UP TO MY MOUTH” put, the country of these little men. carried lights, and half bows and darts to shoot at me if I tried to stir. The king-and all his court came to eee We stopped before an old church, ‘abishowar tie Pigeoseaics they a8 in their whole land, and here I was to live. ‘The gate was four fect high and two feet wide, so I was just able tocreep ‘through’ 1 They” chained me here with what seemed to be lit- He watch chains, at crowds Of the small men came to “Took at ‘The chains were long nh to allow me to stand up and to, atk a few steps. were very much frightened The Man With the IRED of eases People who bored alk ant he changed into stone a little tortpise, in order that he might use it to sharper: hig razor. beautiful toys and nethine = ton all aay 3 Little Princess aiters 66 A ND as lost your crown A™ my daughter?” asked The Siena "hung her head, “It wi heavy old thing, anyway, a-\ Je e petulantly answered; “ai “one must think of the more impor- tant matters.” But the queen ae didn't agree don that o princes te altogether spoiled in char- “One day, however, Princess Tatters | order for them to seturn to thelr duties, and then, her daughter, she maid annot permit the men to forsake thelr work for such a trifle, ‘rifles are trifles, you know; and there's really no use in bothering about such a small matter."’ eerinorss., i bowed her, head in —— CELEBRATING. ue Age ‘My husband aie takes a na he has a birthd 2 Pr diee ttre ee have one i on you take a couple of years oft," y set me free when T ot thelr” pails of water was not suck of a drink, and a round of beef tae thought I was a wonderful Sere one day I saw = man who took ee at me with a sour lool e than sual, I Boe oS i my Ses my, ear, and he “The king Spake you to do t T told him that T would do all Y could, Granny’s Cottage HOPLE said she was a witch. Not PR that she had ever harmed them; on the contrary, many wonderful he m: ‘ong the sick o! this little village m Brittany. But ve ill in such matters wrought her reputation ill, for the townspeople heir heads and asked one an. other how such miracles could be per- formed save by the aid of the Evil One, Ai not gather mysterious herbs in fleld and wood and meadow; al 8. she time mui her ite cottage—doubtless weaving her magic jo the children of the village came to avold the old woma: he lad: No one wished to be captured by the goblins, who, no doubt, helped the witch in her schemes of evil. : t the ‘smaller na fi Soe ee by the side stre: whispered Sana Piet: "nla poate by the arm. Sether they: stole. aan the tangled underbrus! through high ‘era: enti “they reached the brook, Satine skipped Nightly from stone to stone acros: Jacaten slipped. sivisted Pita ania ean, fell with ‘he ld Sorina beard chis cry of pain, ae now pereestad th boy and girl for fhe fst "me. ‘She hastened toward them, Jacques tried to raise himself, “OUTSIDE THE CABIN DOOR” but his ankle refused to support him nd he sank to the ground. Nor would jeanne leave her brother, though he de her ‘Then, to the surprise of both, the, old woman spoke very undly to. them; she rubbed Jacques’ ankle ialve sho Earried, end hound it neatly, 20 that ine pain vanished. She helped him to the cottage, and, while Jeanne ran to fell her 1 tithe of the zeeldent, she told h TAWA 80 Jacques: andssesane Vexriet a thoreatter they came 19 vidit “Granny =? s they called her, and listened to her Wonderful fairy tales. Nor were they afraid of her from that time. ——— STRAW FOR HATS. How the Wheat is Pianfed ad Garnered Bleaching the Statks. Few people know ‘where the straw for making summer als comes trom, A great part of it is grown in Tialy sown “a8 it as ‘possible, in order thatthe growth ot the-plath may” be impoverished, as well as to prodtice a thin. stall having toward the end trom the last knot the lest and longest ti wheat bloams al Us Yoginning of fue, ad is pulled up by the roots by. hand when the ia is hall developed. iy alto ae fo remain in the ground a longer Une the straw would become britte, About fsa dozen usracted branches, he Heahing the see is put into small undies and cl} ae itis see ee above the first joint from: the and again tied up in small bundles containing about sixty Bui of) pasts teree Smith—"Exeuse me, Jones, bul may r on-my knee mith—“But what does your. wife Sry?" Janse "Oh, iar doest abject She's the cook." = t ‘ “TAKING THE END OF THE ROPE, I STARTED FOR LILLIPUT’ “~ sia started off to capture the enemy's Beet when I came up to the fleet, the foes shot many darts at me, and these stuck. in my han Cy went on with my work, though, and in spite of thi fleet move oft in a row, they set up a ‘When I had got out of thelr reach I stood still to pick out the darts that: stuck in my hands and fac fastened a rope to the ships, and taking the other end of the rope, started off for Lilliput. “JUST ABLE TO CREEP THROUGH" ‘The king and all the court were stand- They gave me great thanks for this, but not long after the ing De a shee and his court told me I c fo keop, “and begged me to. ecto anie 6c OW very carsiess my ‘cousin must have oe) to fan ree sich & vory murs mured Humpty Du 5 gaan: gled his legs over oe ledge. iTo whistled a merry tune, erie éng his Sek from side to side In to the melody. “Why, it could sit here all day withe out the slightest danger, he. But before he had time ito say it) aloud, he swayed a little too tar to the left, lost his balance and landed on the BagHtonex Delow witha eroah and a smash. eared, But they could do nothing for him, and left him in worse state ‘than befor A band of good ue peers that way, however, tapped him with her magic fue and he was Qs good as new. it of Ho resolved neyermore to trust wall. And he resolved. after to assisting his brother Humpty Dumpties to ao accidents. In their behalf he summoned the hons before “Oh, good ghickens, knowing how easily wo Humpty Dumpties © aro broken, why do you not try to’ make 4 a adhne Inake the ghells much more service- able to us. n his eagerness to enlist the chick- ens in his cause, Humpty Dumpty for- sot bis eautlousness and climbed on a. te il behind him. ;Soon ne estures: became so violent that, before he could save himself, be toppled off his “"Oné kind little hen sou he th ueen of the Neem and tol rot nme, S°plieht, But’ the fueen ra bo her head as she ane He was 30 vain ag to ima ine hd could help his, brothers, hg couldn't take care’ of ‘Dimselt I think he ‘Giservea his fat ae 0, when the sun came and ghone warmly upon him, Door ake a tx Dumpty was “scrambled” : land. No words can tell what Joy 2 thought | Little Goorkha Warrior. 46-\3, THAT father were al!ve oF I could learn to be ford" A deep Sn escaped little Rama, Yor he was the son x @ soldier—a; Goorkha warrior who had been kited! anda marili spirit had iad aueeihes to him. tled in t cloge within the shadow of the hut! a Kked reflectively at the snows He army, was ic from service, gud had been. “ra a x from plac g the, ttle amit ni hi Fs thet si Teatly incr tira Roe old soldier, now ough to Pe out of bea rd 8 2 et) 4p 8 > 's Tips he t ini 3 snd isi th, na fa uld be soldier oe ently, to ,feave the house, | Then. Ke hin about the use, of a linte pon show! Pa _ (ae ae roviding her with| SBS os oe can ht, a "th bo Ie pro=! ‘Now, the lads of tho village, fed, were enthusiast ft officers. w: | Rama was ag hela at a next elec:, ) tion. Putai suggest tbe alt site od that a lad ask the'e sed Lamput,, egceeaee to sh a r had ed fh alicke ea ae feat high. baok'a ae he ploke an fro ° he hind a Deftly whirling it, Rama, cast ri stone of the stakes. | The head of th atick was cut off ant, Tou please. “Ang, in-sucee cut off the h ert edge, the lads mi aftea ‘him upon the back, and enthus aatically showered complims time a Wpdy of troops pas exrob the viflage, (the ttle ¢ marched In! Bone aslwes, thute weunl conan: HOE cat thelr” head | was © new captain, Keen-eyed lad with @ proud, dignis ‘pearing every inch 9 ao! alae, Sa ‘woul have as Rami pear Tan nn Occasion for Rejoicing eesiey X the usual m @ note which had been principal announced that chers would be what woul 2 salt “the teacher, 9 a rence Gage “Count your RES " wae the wick response, 3 A BATTLE foyer Two African lions and a royal tiger, g 3 nS 2 o 9 s3 the a mals fought, and the lions killed th tiger, severing its: wi atop and biting” Bott its front legs 0 F MANY. Mrs. Mifkins—“Your ‘husband told my a that his’ word was taw at. Ms, Bifkins—“Yes; it Ley oe Sa thoso laws that the never seinen Cat eae Only 34 out of every 100 Englishmen are married, An absolutely new. dog sto been found, Here it) is (salt ital tin ie com in its mouth—its own: ‘all, whe, been shot clean olf,