Business ‘Cards ELLICE couNciL. “Dentistry. he council met at t the Township Ball, on the 30th ult., pursuant to pbers were all LEDE RMAN, Dentist, areey Surgery and Meml DR. R. surat Ae - iglty,” Hours 9a, m_ to 5 p. abovi frreg Sovereign Bank, Milverton, .C.M., Hon Fr ARK M.D.! ad- uate and Gy old Medalist Trinity jor Grr: Medi ical Tel Soha connection with Poole Branner, Moserville and Rostock. pr Lie- m esent and the reeve took the chair. =| Paar Mr. Bngetz, Mr, Geo. Culliton asked the covet on requested to ae and. te examine thi a Bleck Creek “Drain, lots 10 a ee 8, Ellice respecting the location of said drain creat said lots and along side roxd 10 and 11, con. 8. Councillors, Brickman and Ehgotz ao sani by pe 2 ones to ‘Drain laces z | contglained of by Mtr Culliton and re- tto the eoune! » Petition 2 Messrs. Jas. Crawford Veterinary. J. W. Veterinary on, Milverton, Pacadaste of Ontario Syetnia. Treatsall dit 8 Calls by tel phone.or otherwise promptly attended to. Societies. M AN. LODE, No. Ee ers meets every Monday evening on or be fore full moon offevery month in their hall in Ranney’s Block, _ Viting breth- ren always welcome, . LIVINGSTON, W. J. ZOEGER, ancy. 99, Milverton, meets pe ‘Tuesday of every o'clock, in their hall over Rothaermel & Son’s hardware AES brethren always welcome, D. Weir, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. eit store. Ww. » “Silver 8 in! “F, Secy., E. Finkbeiner, R. Secy. Notary Public. W. D, WEIR, shee Public, Auc- tionéer for the Gounty “of Perth and Waterloo, (eo, Deeds, Wills an lavits made. ice in the Weir block Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. Best liquors and cigars at the sie class ac- commodation and large stablin, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil First-cliss accommod: commercial travellers and others. Inrge somple rooms. Good stabling. Best brands brands of liquors;and cigars, Chas. Ritter, Proprietor. QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, ‘The best accommodation for commercial tavellere and other Two large aample rooms, the choloest of ines, Li. quors and Cigars kt tha Jood wi tables. George F. Panll, Propriotor. Legal MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors, Ete, Solicitors for the Bank been of the frm wil be in Milverton every + Tho ‘sday. H. B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, Makins @ Hanley land other ratepayers on the Maitland ing the completion of took no action hi Tender: Hall ae received as follow: Fi Normani Ratz for the ‘sum of mom Brickman for the sum “Township Hal sign, Melville Diehl for nee sum of From 75, ~ (Norma: inoluded repairing of black board, ete. in their tender. mders for erecting stone wall ui der Township Hall were received Shoe Ge nea ot d e former at 19.7: 145.00. from 00 per year and fro! Me cries st. Willan repair said The eauinel ley and Henry 4 ooh tation to examine said drain and r Messrs. otto. Bro d Pries- pointed age pad grader for the yeor 1908, a ay. to appropriate the oe ae 08, Nios introdu tires: times and passed. W No. 525. to appoint pathmas- ters, els undkeepers and Soceyievrens was read three times, submitted ar passed. council passed Seeolution The = that all ratepa ms from where the moneys ed. yunts were passed es of Revision on the ip asses: peasy aa for general busifiess in the after J. KREUTER, Clerk. For Sale House and lot for sale. Apply fouse al Mrs. Geo. Finkbeiner. Milverton. iin. Barristers & Solicitors Stratford Ontario J.C. Makins W. J. Hanley Wedding Presents have (ine a all kinds found in isplay of Cut Glass ‘anything ever shown erton. in our store. Chinaware Just received a consignment of Fancy Chinaware which we are aniig at prices to suit all purses, ~Cive us a call. Eyes tested free of charge. P, H. Bastendorff Jeweler and Optician Milverton, Ontario, LIGHTNING RODS. in mind the following facts discha: selects the path of least resistence This eo us need teoted by jiethindns and reds ma: ‘obtained fi WAS. Ww. SCHMIDT, Milverton. ex-| wig and a sti! a tor painting. the. movinship salv. n Ratz and M. Diehl had not $65.50, and. from|scotland va top rie jaweeden: the ees to fur-| ¢, AY \lieved 16 -|the so-called “high-pr iced grocer and | wai n the Court |a w! to | it SHORT STORIES RETOLD. oS English magistrate who chad akeni Es Senne se the eaohae n you here before on a ge.” nik and Disorderly ‘om: a youn fork sEaH ae never! ‘he last time I was up afore a dald- headed old cove not a bit like ye. coctains court funetion. Harrington “wae ‘edisoned wath!’ monds and jewels, and looked, like ‘a stage queen of indifferent character, and sha bitterly Sees, George elvyn that shi to walk awith Lady Rortampnth Tio wad ierete Lady dia- er mind,” he svid; “you will only look as\if fen epee kon up by the constable This a9 repeated everywhere, un- der the impression! the reflection was au Lady Pema Cyrus Townsend pars the author I leave a Sundeed thousand ehureh will eae r bilnton ‘anaweced. oautieqiel ys ‘wouldn't like ta be positive, bul it’s well wort visited 0 a given in his honor at a private residence. A little daughter of his host, who was to star: de eres present nally ventured to remark ; e really and truly An ‘English “lor a a answered, “really and truly.” “1 hava often thought I would like see an English lord.” sho wont on, pleasantly, to are eae at last,” laughin the ten little T'm a goo deal disappointed.” Short Storie: Said tha editor | to the ne Red to. I. ‘st Ward And this is the report turned in by the younj who heeded the edir tor’s warnin 8 giv eré la: of reputed Tadic rs. Smith, gos: the festivities are reported to have continued until 11.80 in the evening. ‘The alleged hostess i be the wife of John Smi i, It is related of mS — oe nethy that one da uble lady took her daughter, See daughter,” eller vie ethy then put stra niga ther began Aberhatiiy. told Hor ote repeated his quest jong: 8 quiet, een e girl. : A post time the woman began a and a second time he told her , then, Ae panes hjm r ftongue ont.” there’s nothing matter she exclaimed. onever ee put your tongue out,” he comma Thoroughly ove awed, the omnis obey yed, Now keep it out,” said Abernethy, and ha proceeded to’ examine the girl. A strang@ story comes from one of ¢ Balkan St: fee sial ie lity At cenit Banquet given at house of the peiine minister, « dia- .| tinguished diplomat: complained to his host that the minister of justige, nexit whom he was sifting, had inken his ree Ar the = he: get ime minister sai shouldn't hiavd done that back for you.” Sure enough, towards the end of the eran watch was returned to its ow wand What did he say 1 asked. the i will White Star Line. |: UND $2.00 "ON p GODERICH to Saturday, June 20th Returning Monday, June 22 Steamer GREYHOUND E. H. AYER, Excursion Agent. Children Ordinary Half Fare Baggage Free OXFORDS Noted for Stylishness For Goder' Leave Dave hE Goan a0 a.m. Friday, Central time, arrive in Goderich 6 p.m. (Leave Port Huron 12 n¢ , dune 19t We are showing @ line in both Tan and Patent Leather that for elegance of appearance and per- 8 P.M. FRIDAY, JUNE 19, °0 Goderich Band|« Moonlight 8°" fection in finish is without a peer, Our lines will captivate youatsight, =~ ‘We carry a full line of Boots and Shoes of every description. re Goderich for Detroit Saturday, th, rive in Leave Detoly tor Goderich Monday, Jun m, Canada T ‘| Leave Goderich for Detroit 8.30 a, Mey Tuesday, June 23rd, Canada pe Z 8.30 June 20ti rangi Times ae etroit 4. 00 p. Return t Goderich 1,00 un 2s Central Time (2 5 Pp | - Return to Detroit Detroit! the whiaky TT aieed. Wis aha thou Sa was have “ath He does not know i minis got ib back,” said the pris An old gents is in a village not abandon the struggle But his stubborn nature . , So he from the eup- glass and placed it that racriall voit ide, that me ys stuck again. at the last spoonful, bit, Keeping hib-eyevete oe ‘on the glass of whisky, he made. rave effort, and got it down. he slowly and carefully poured bac! the mabey inito fie: botitile wiith broad grin, as hi to himself ; “Sandy , my lad, 1 did ye thot time, ye auld ‘falel” “if ye eal whisky, id, | % a clon 8. Cox, Speaker of the Ten- tor Cox, says Iudge’s v- Fse John,” says /he, “I'll just *elean dese winders dis maw- wc right, tor. “tse Bol to hab a half tumbler of hisky, Mar: "re a nui Vik whiekeytor oleanin’ wine Caesar,” replied tho|h “The half tumbler was promptl ae Caesar, armed ime ee to ee room to begin eae few had occa: esar sai ie was busy pelishing SFG Tat tli PR lard in this wor! mswer. wm. ; ZIMMERMAN : The Shoeman WHITE STAR LINE. ans pa DEY, ane ag’ winders." cian, ani t culty bs Odes to ith aaa as vanished into his own bedroom. 4 will absolu’ tes afterward Sonat r Cox jy er dows. ‘The tumbler was on tho tables| ton but ae Bese was in it gestion. It alw Marse ota so I done, e ewe strength, ite, 8 see, sah House of : oe Engeland’s S May § Sale! OUR MAY SALE meant a Money-saving Tie for the ee with arush, and the customers found everything just as advertised. It is this ‘keeping faith with the people that has made our sale such a success. If we advertise an article at half price, that is exactly what it will be sold for. We Do As We TO MEN FROM MEN What we aim to give you and what we succeed in selling is: Men’s Clothing embody- | : ing the good wear, the good style pointg of Ordered Clothing, People’s Store. It ee ° Say. We are selling Men’s Clothing today because we recognized fully that there was a great, a vast field of opportunity uncultivated, just waiting for some one to come and stir itup. That iswhat we are doing now. That is what we have been doing ever since we 0 ened our Men’s Store. ste is what pronounces our Men’s business A SUCCE : Conquest after conquest has been made. Men and still more men have been Jead to our way of thinking; ‘ck ao our — but by proof positive ‘* The Bi n the han You give us an opportunity of trying an Engeland’s Suit on you, and no amount of conversation or hard wear will lead you to believe that you have re- ceived anything other than a sadere deal. You will have the proof on your back; proof of smart style, worthy workmanship, staunch cloths, and general dress proficiency. Men! Give it a chance. Two to one in your favor when you purchase our clothing. Style, fit, finish and a square deal~This is our Guarantee. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Las RONEN 3c, 4c and 5¢ Embroidery and Insertion, 2c 6c, 7c and 8c Embroidery and Insertion, special yet) 100 Men’s String Ties, new stock. A bargain at 5c. Don’t fail to see them. Half dozen Rugs, regular $2.00. Special at .........ccccseecctessessesesseeeees 1 BD special PINEAPPLES 2 for 25c, also at 15c, 2O0c and 25c. Special price by the dozen. Engeland & Son, Milverton, Ont. I€ is not évery one who proves the ineffeetua lness poe insomnia cures at Notice 0: Creditors, seven years The tathar of dhe Ja was about sever years old, was a physi- vehen the bila found diet | 6°32 es ready | 7 hihi that will] orc said. “You and. count aoviy. op 0-100, md. then oe hundred, and. so on, fora know. it you'll Bri it tenight When you that | § ina ined) et. nigh ‘until the father reat ito retire. the poy’ ‘sg bed a little - dag wis SPRING = SUMMER MILLINERY Our millinery is remarkable for varities. ai prepaid or Davidson, B: d ie Deceasec «ta, to of dic Secisitien hs any) le by; them. [O 3 net fase eee tat will proceed to distribute te she asse Bai ag the parties” ent thereto having afters only oe ee Slaton oe o which notice shall or any part there 0 any. person cr persons of whose clai notice shall not have been received at t time of such distributio: THE ee t ‘uaa sna LIMITED sy MeP! Tes Scores of Trimmed Hats to choose from. We put on them nothing bnt the finest materials. By coming here you will have no difficulty in selecting a suitable hat or bonnet at a popular price. See window display for some of the leading styles. We have made special effort to obtain the right shapes and that'we have suc- ceeded is shown by the constantly increasing sales. — MRS, KATE sores : ‘Miller's Block, Main Street, Milverton. EESz30R8 my boy.’* comes after trillions #” ut tha wakeful youngster’s qu was not answered ; ais father had . ‘Dated 24th April, 1908. ea Tinea nerves, with that “no ambi} Eggs for Hatching. feeling that is t at dthode Island Barred _ Ply- mouth Rocks, Bitver Boangeied Hem urgs, Black SLinoyas Red, Gas Bantams. Apply to C. R. ‘Hondesich, i within. 48 Kets after, beginning estorattiv oer ~The bowels| ‘The Ontario Legislature oes x the d nerves ; il ay ing appetite, and u ins tor find any latter “oat Mae sd 3 asic Beings te urred, o ine which shall then | be payable: by tl tsa Bebe “prunes 2 gonna seta municipality in ent of thax oe