ae : _D. ATKIN, ee Synopsie of Canadian North-West 1G 5 oe ‘Station Store - - Milverton: (he famou: ; I line of fresh fetes ck. Salt in bulk or by the! Spin Farmers Jak Notice. Before buying elsewhere for spring| Bees: man aU i S30 D Arline and see org brands viz. Brigs lel Li ‘o also barry a comp) panna of seeds for Yield. roots, vege- tableq and flowers, ete, Piateet Seed Merchant _ Milverton Ont, “metals, ete. Spring Term Opens April Ist. Central Business College Canada’s high-grade busi- ness sain school. Three departm -- Commercial, Shorthand ad Telegraphic. Catalogue free. EvLiotT & MCLACHLAN, PrinciPacs Homestead | | Regulations ¥ even numbered section of Dominion ther or sister of an intending ‘The homesteader is required to perform fie sac duties under one of the followin; jane. 4) At least six months’ residence upon gf cultivation of the land in eaeh year for (2) A homesteader may, so desires perform tne encieed reside dies by, ing on the farm land owned hey 80 the w feinity of Mis homestead Joist ‘owner- in Jand will not meet this Fequlrme he ntered for by ‘i in’ the such omesteader ene etc ie ny dence duties with the fa - "in the two pre oe a3 mieaniag. met ect line, exclu- d allowances crossed easurement (5) A homesteader intending to perform Hla seals efoe Autive tn nccordance by Tae Otlawa ofintention to apply bepaty, of the Minister of the Interior B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad- ‘yertisement will not be paid for. CANADIAN PACIFIL Ratu hp VERY LOW RATES & bat its return $32.00 Edmont t soheaWersee TOURIST SLEEPERS Ls, joa Tourist Sleeping Oars willbe runon gerbe eres ose thror Tea eens Patey aad rae tained sand ion cont alee ipreny Up eG B. FOSTER, District Pass. Adt., C.P.R., Toronto OLD JUNK. emeiniemtn The undersigned will Yundt's, Milverton Station, next threo months to buy rags, bones, bottles, iron, rubbers and alll kinds of AIL orders promptly at- be at Joby tended +t |. FREED, Prop’ The squarest dealers on earth. Pain in’ Pain lscougettions pain is blood sliousnally, At izast, so says Dr. Shoop, and i ve it he has created a little pink tablet. That galled Dr. Shoop's Heads za ‘Tablet Hciectise gly Gel eful, Gently, though sa safely, tat ests en lation. Fics you have hendacho, it’s blood pressure, . That surely £5 a eae ie es Paaeat ‘unnatural blood pi the Angers ‘and. doesn’t it get red, and in you?” Of course it does, It's’ con. pressure. Sout and it where pain Jes simply Common Senso, cents, and ‘chocrfuliy recommend our Dr. Shoop’s ‘Headache Tablets _ THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. AV Shoe Polish Don't be deceived by imita- tions, It means long life to your shoes to be sure Ce P, R. Time Table ane e ios ree ee ar 6 26 6 16 Mi. Wallenstein 8 49 i 8 40 8 30 6 BE 5 5 G. T. 2, Time Table. Be pes pate 9.12 a.m. going south, 917 a.m, Poms going mort - m., p.m. > going north, 1058 a.m., 6.49 p. Bren, going south, 0.27 a m., p.m., 5.01 going oe i “2 6.42 p. a.m. 10.50 @ head—pain an rere, bas I cam MM. ts onthe aa | the Milverton Sun 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - SUBSCRIPTION RATES One ve ree rt advance, Subscriber: Tn arrese pei bellgbte to pay $1.50 per year. CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES . 3 Mos, Mon 40° $25 $8 eared iB Right cents four cents per ine for each subsequent inaer- Hon adves will be charged for all transien! dvertisements without specific directions wilt pe inserted until forbld and cherged ac- cord’ sumed Milvertoa, Ont Ta perline for Grst insertion and i Mitchell's tox rate this year will the dollar. ‘|be 24 mills held in ie Music meeting wi all ‘on Friday. evening for, the pur: ring the mai ae Tae decided to hold a celebration. Wak Vania sintered my “Book men.” It was written te De p, Racine, Night Cura ‘s sold by The ‘Public prog ‘E. Gibson, township col- oe at ili SiR xpi tha as slee whieb To- assessed, “oT 250 to tal assessment on buildings, $1,000, it for business, sessment on tele- assessment on otal 4,460; persons in the homes, @ new Norwegian cveD when husband and vite i ogether th: wite needs The to prevent coll sion at the Hewat rottios between pat fect sues era a Pink Pain @ablet made i a ‘thou that will positively stop in 20 minutes Droggists aeerraiata sell them as Dr. Sh Tablets, but y as tion. Sto, Shoop’s Weadache! Tablets a is instantly gone, 20 Tablet 25 by The Publie Drug Stor Protect your own town and thereby wha io ager’ buy value sot an land. there atrength,"” Let us protect our ‘oun Mothers, Here It Is. A friend and comfor' ee an une ri ‘rom your dealer. paces age ge Japan Feels Boycott. ‘The ill-feeling: peewee ee pad er Fmpress of China took sly with this occurrence or ith what ts it with w fall the eet ( Rr ‘ot China's. indep’ ndenea and. ihe action ‘of ane ihe in a oe ‘saat sa for bein the office by noon Monday. MALCOLM MacBRETH, Publi she rand Proprietor The Milverton Sun H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY. AND BAKERY SPECIALS ! a Recor Granulated Sugar 5.50 Ingersoll Cream Cheese in pound’ s breks 25 ets. hall Ib. 15. cents. E Prime sipegaar cies the very icest 20 cts a ge} ings Patent Medicines. But- eggs taken in exchange. We are offering nlondid es on oa “13 cent table. Cis, call and oH ue voter pjed structure, the price being H ammourit it fa Sedarainedy ci t $300. th THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1908, GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL sources |* Anyone who may forget is remind- ed that the ‘law forbids the killing | of robins and other song bi The fle of) Uhrée, robins boys $6.4 It is now settled that Mitehell will \Carnegi accepted, and re Not on ‘on whieh stands it: ne an’s old cooper shop has be chased from James” Coslquhoun of | # Stratford, as a site for the 1p et Of this Council will gra: t Dr. Shoop’s Ah cert Ointment wot id stand the test. expressly wollen ainful, bleeding or Bae er in Toronto i nthe -| plying tter. Recurring Headaches. Do They ‘Bother You? You find }ife a eens affair, be-|* —You know if you could only vent headaches you fect health. indicate general lowered com because they arise Hs Seen decay of the nervous] Yo" "ais ‘depressed condi vous system has its o the auotion of the ely ana cane res othe Blood is thin—its red colorins contains no nourish- digestive organs are not it with sufficient nutr Tf you had sed’ Ferrozone ; 5 x h would know how powerfully all one °) tego and assimilative: funetions body : bute to the formation, of rich. fen a Weise as nt treat ‘ ase— and "a treater will that's rane a mont edi of re- remove every vestige : e Te ae May. much a Tappines and pearson el eee you féel new bey Sm by all TRE eEIA {| son, Jolin Gallop ; Sr. | Awfully distressing is asthma. o. most oe spot on 1} lak ‘apt. Chambers. of. 5! Manitou Island, a weather. I it: “method of catia be for res easurer was authorizes d k pre-| would enjoy per-|:, jon of the ner- 10% t up| oy “UNIONVILLE. - ’ The Be Seine is the report | U. a and Mornington, att of ersiih ‘Names © in|} Ba © mont AR eae Ss, v= Grants, vata babiterts TI.—Car , Barbara Toth, Bhith Sanderson, Violet Rawanda, B Wilson, Jacob Albrecht. Il. aaa Go, David Ohm, AL Jr. se Bobasiaa —Ru aan Edwards, aon lone, . IL— Janet Bry- Albert Ohm, Jobriny Roe. ae Brydone. “ToRachel Roth, on roll 18; 1 M. B. ROACH, A Teacher. oo Shake Hands With Asthma Bui worse if possible when. combined ve es. Try @wo sizes, $1.00, at Arg dealers, ns Twelve baccake on a Rock r twelve. years , atationed on the the chain of | 2 nd has resigned the annard rock — lighthouse. Lake Ear out Ks a pimesis of rock, out of si ud, nearest are on the mainland—] ; 6 miles etl ane 25 miles dle, # he Night at Stannard T ie miles The with a ten-inch whistla to ee warnings thiok weather ‘ock takes its name from Cs oe ed. ago Wied the eraft came ua @ the apeninis of the w trading Fchoon- fin- Whe rock oe miles distant from the nearest path of siemshie The rook: itself rises from two thr and is fifteen meter. I extending north by, sreat for 290 feat, with aw ith of Linge, azchund: i, howoret tannard rock in oe at 8 night o forey w eather. Teach dition Dae tite tha —— Rosy Onoeks, for Pale Girls. be ‘ed - from eee ne A don 3 give in to’ illne F vigor ‘hrongh “rhe ae functions v ar bi ined and toe M ph influence of Ferre ful, my ea has been ena and lee cod a the nd che <i consumptio} ma mM: ee an Taxall mt cure, E ee s health a tho best.” all deale — MORNINGTON COUNCIL. t gt Newton The Souneil en y, May 4th, at’ 10 a.m. township's account in Bank, sees Aa to tiers drain be now openc ved thy A. Begas, seconded b fae Lines that we accep ot Crowley, MeDonalel fo der ffe r the sum , of sib: ne Mil bank bridge; A hol, 1.00, store gravel to cen- ee road on Ae es boaneaeys cost ; Geo. Li ae - “ smit; er 4. Nae an gravelling on i ease and for gene era) nsie are at onrt o! vision. on the eld WM. ADULT 9th, 1908, ig average attend- with 1 Mackinac] mated. f wh Lake Superior, medi an t] near being wreeked on the. dan- reef over which the lighthouse | y) ri z The Tighthouse ie i literally °| Pinicham’s Vegeta Clerk. Wh; Thorn$ In the FI Even» worse is the agony Ag corns. Way suffer-—eure is waiting drug stor 4 in 4 TE streotor : a cures thoroughly and Teithgnt For good resulis use only “Put- Corn onee, pain. nam’s. vi Se eee ane Trade of Canada. Th gregate: fe Sri ee of the Dominion of Cana rr end- ing Feb. 29, 1908, rate nd to $642). 728,955, as compared with 907, and ee Re aR = re 239. sae S005. 103.3 $2, The total imports v 4 aor inerease of $87.2 50,000 6 101 of "339 or (mports as rom abe Lritain. were 95. 998.842, and ro} nt an inerease of ee 018 over 1907. and: $29.863.000 ¢ 1906. Exports to the United States of $113 an bees of $4,319,009 4,1, 000 over 692.768 0 7 ¢ 63.000 over ecieead, $48,, 150, P00 over 1906. t = When You Eat Too Fast you have indigest: ys perhaps eramps every ne forin of Botan : ‘lJ. Rothaermel & Son, Seas SR sss a clean, record-breaking job. Ee Se "THE FLUE DOORS Situated “ singly.” over ces door some furn: Situated “doubly,” same distance from eacl nes er, same distance from feed door—on “Sunshine” Furnace. ~soncernee ADVANTAGE: Warren Operator can easily clean every bit of soot out of radiator. THE OPERATION Fire put out, smoke-pipe pulled down—on some furnaces. [is S Fire stays in, smoke-pipe sav up >on ~ “Sunshine” Furnace. - UNSHINE” ADVANTAGE: Furnace can be cleaned out any time in season without trouble, dirt, or “fear of chilling the house.” ss. M‘Clarys ~~. VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, NBs HAMILTO! LOCAL AGENTS: In connee: aa Qniario Government ly one and three-aric ame from bsidies. € ni es first ted b tigress te Satins toe > fund vat thd Brovines. cannons rom ty c Nea Ey hon se, “ieenges, 0 pe which wera issued in the organized ‘counties oO the Pr nce, Close om $840,000 was derived’ from succession duties on the those dying rich, n $700,000. in institutions wielded x half a million, almost al in being, obtaine tary adbttl of the & 3 items of a Squares aa Carpets Seem to be in endless demand, and there are piles of the most beautiful squares hére in all convenient sizes, It's a perfectly simple matter to fit a room with a rug. No mismatching — some are seamless—fine borders all round and they cost less than arpa madeup é 5 > Think of it, a complete carpet in one piece at any price from $4,.0O0}to '$50.00. Come to White’s and See. R. WHITE & CO. The First Furniture Store R STRATFORD East of the Post Office. 3p five sales’ dotlaes or s tro hi Brovines, bul 9 the whole 1 fercover, the value of this property has been largely created as 1 f development, work carri older 01 Se reambuugeisicey ifs eredit ven and one-half the wi calth in n provided whole and to ihe elder sotitie- a Th ‘policy ee Hel be pursued in dealing with tha cers of the Northland, but study of ithe ‘Provincial nee should Jassist those pioneers in ar; rivinj a more just estimate of the situation than some of them seem to entertain at the present time, eer \ = The Leading Tailors Try Us For Your SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT Knechtel & Smith Milverton’s Up-to-Date — Tailors This woman at she liad x iavae on ie Come T ras a very sick woman suffering froma Heinle troubles. Thad int Vegeta a aiiar using three otis of iby Ditael Tew new t heartily recommend Lydia E suffer with fanaa we re mos women troubles. FACTS por six felt da For ade ‘Pin! hams Vegeta sors from roots and he: Every person who admires PICT should be J in this pri PC 100 assorted of andeontaly mou unte ted. colorgravure piciures—all faithful repro- ductions in{colors oficelebrated paintings —on specially embossed heavy photo mounts. Will be 10c & 15¢ while they last at in to ‘No two pictures alike, an nd! 100 choose from. The assortment “contains different styles} and,sizes—see window iepliy, Biggest ponent in i sta ever URES \ GR. HONDERIGH and SON. Tuenitupe Dealers and Undertakers, \ dvervis