AGENT OF THE BLACK HAND ‘A New York Boy Cuts the Throats of : Five Persons. _A despatch from New York says: A oy known Is Carme: Jo and maples a * barber shop in Brooklyn, early on Wednesday cut the throals of his em) ee ‘Antonio Pera nae Le ps and three barbers, a) asleep in Perasos apart- nient at to7 Fulton street. The wounds are serious, but era fatal, Tho y escay ‘The police: have a theory that a els {of doing him in- jury, and that the blackmailers placed the boy in the shop in order to punt ish Peraso for his tefusal to satisfy their i pins biter of scissors and | ™ a Michael Rebento and Joseph Ma‘ the fey barbers, were first atincked strain ‘was awakened from his sleep | has again co he neck,-and before he| Many of the most Tesh ona dresses Ceuld resist the boy drew a razor across | this Spring are mon y braide inflicting @ severe wound.) Never hus taupe enjoyed a “larger He was still conscious and saw | need: of popularity than it will this sea- as he crept to the bedstde of Rebento | so we aot oe eo ond one: and cut their throats while they Per in an adjoining room, was suskened yy a stab acon in his neck a and a hey drove t inroak had was lying in bed only partiaily conscious w while the fight was in progress, LEADING MARKETS nine erage Pee May 12.—Manitoba Wheat— Me 60c, Georgtan Bay port panies Wheat—No. 2 white, Ofc | %5e, outside; } ed, 40 t0 9, aul side; No. Bey g Corn—No, yt mee whee ark We. To- rento echt, Xo. 3m Buskwhcat No. te 8: Shorts—$25 at the milla. COUNTRY PRODUCE. nee qu a Eggs—The pr: firm and un- sae nigh for this time of year. New- 5 os are firmer again on + 290 to'3ie 0 $1 r primes and Be hands ice ed. at Lic to 126 is ae for 60; Boat pails, and 12c 1 (0 pound pails. Combs 0. $2.50. per dozen, The new oe eS not offering ary frees bie gine so to meet the demands le tae and 14% for b lots here; nen oer 120 ‘and 12 sec for tw! Tup—$I to $1. i. fer gallon. Reed to $9 p mn. imothy o ated ee Be 2 81550. - ne cae on (racks hei PROVISIONS. ork—Short cut, $21 to $21.50 per bar- rel; mess, 817.50 to guareaTierees, 11%e; tubs, 113%¢; pails Se r bacon, 100, Salted een ong tons a medium and light, igo io a pee cert . 11% to 120; backs 18¥c; : valle, “toe te ‘hace 10 150; akfas! green fei aut of Giese: de less than smoked MONTREAL MARKETS. 3 LAE SS Sg 12,—An active local $. siraight rollers, $5 to bags, $2.35 to 52550; ‘extras, $180 to Millfoea—t nitoba, bran, $22 10 8 shorts, $290 $24; Ontario grain, shor ts, $22 to $22.50; middlings, $24 to shorts, Sb a per ton, bags, ind pure grain mouille as Onls—Rolled oats, $2.12 bor bagi cornment, 81.67% to $1.75 | fives shout iota now aaling aL 280 and jobbing lots to grocers’ at 20¢ nce w make is selling at Line a: 1 okd make is quoted at 12¢ ola per 1 Provisiatis-Retrola hock Gut. me $21; half barrels, $10.75; clear fat bac Bie. to S25;clone cul: heavy, $20; barrels do., $10.50 dry: salt to bairels heavy mess beef, $10 fA sus Tall dozen, aingis sh ea will probably sail o: parrels do., $5.50 to $6; compound lard, ae 30 to. $0.75 UNITED STATES MARKETS. eae May 12, — Wheat —— Spring strong; No, 1 Northern, ai. 0% car- loads; Winter higher; No, @ rod, 81.07. Corn—Cas! higher: No, ae wal. The. 514c; No. ‘Boney to Be Rye Oats—Stron 2 while, Bone. —=No. Rear: Mos ay 12.—Wheat—No. 1 81.11%; No. 1 Northern, 8100745 No, 2 Nee, $ oy to S100 Sept., First patents, 85.45. to $5.00 tents, $5.35 to st elas, om is $4.30; second clears, Bran—In bulk, $21.75’ {fo Rye-N simple, 58 10 Tic, N 0824 to Ges 3uly, tage id. _—Wheal at—Spot ir- tape 4 fo d, $1.07%4 in elevator and $1.10% ey oat; No. 1 north- ern Duluth, $1.16% f.0.b, LTasck No. 2 hard winter, $1. te f.0.b. afloat CATTLE MARKET. ‘oronto, May 12—There was not m ee a couple ae loads of export attic? me of these sold up to $6, and on or two a en age eet heavy export bulls in severs sold at 3. ere iee specimens ot ep ntinees reatlls, moked $5, while anything that hPa a than. $3 was of very poor lily. Even cannars ‘were higher at 81. Not 1 the demand continues steady, but price not. advanced pete olferings of ealves have been very Of late and the market is becom- tne “Toaded up’ with them, The prices ave eased off considerably. Sheep and lambs are steady Spring 1a cel ; | mand is rather quiet, tbs sree trade is dull at this season, oo SERSLERS EX PAY DUTIES. anadian Authortty. A ion from Ottawa says acknowledged . Canadian nee a son Bay, the undoubled & ih northern lands me the British n FLEET TO PRECEDZ PRIN Your Battleships ‘and Two Cruisers to Visit Quebec, A despatch nt Portsmouth, land, si Eng. stated that the batt! all cruisers Venus. and paroge ol, under the command of Vies Admiral Curzon Howe, will precede Ihe Prince “ot W: uekec. Two war shis will also escott tho Prince; who ‘on the ae The report that ne ‘vill 8y* an. sattniral flag is uncorrobor: GREAT BRITAIN'S BUDGET Estimated Revenue for, 1908-9, $¢88,850,000--- Estimated Expenditure, $764,345,000. ‘A despatch from’ London says: Tne budget was presented in cS Hone af Commons on Thur: Asquith, ay eae) Teed or is the Chancellor fo} $1.25 reduction of the national already been reduced b; y $90,000,000 using the the past year. ith es! -1909 at wore 35 000, eo existing bas's The new budget reduces the duty on sugar from 4s 2d to 1s 10d per. hun. Se reduction will Paton May 18 on raw and refined on a ie on articles manu- ey with su; 5 The budget mai for pensions of rweek for sons. over 70, excepting criminals, lunatics and pau- It is estimated that the maxi- r | mum number a i Mees is not like- exceed ly e cost must TOE eet Ae one BH Married couples ‘are “to Nea $1.80 sae c= come will b be ‘sdmissible. oe who with his wite was asleep in ia will outlast q lockers were offered and 5] Amoricans in Hudson Bay Acknowledge 2 a Outbreak of Dread 7 ma Fashion Hints. eb FADS AND FANCIES. The coin spotted foulard is service- able and-.also is popular, The {foulard in alk colors and designs Whatever else be the figure of 1908, the shoulders must be broad and droop- ng. White is scheduled to lead in spring se though edlers will not be neg- 2 ‘impor dans (eatice hone tate 8 return to favor of os- trieh. tips, ,h lecidedly novel trimming scheme fore has Paris so persistently iL the season's ESSninnable silk, Long straight tines, reflecting ihe Greek idea of feminine drapery, are brought out prommentiy in tailor mades. eaters fuli—a kind of raised T | Shanter. The Eons as taffeta and cloth|Couver on a is not a novel ertheless it forms most exslusive lypo of sostamie; and ‘color. An important innovation which has crept into the: ateliers: of Paris and ag a trimming of imported blo e most etithusiastc milliners at the “Merry Ayan say that the furore reasoning, and already ete be » coming “eo Reefer smar' natty cutaways are so becomin The vogue for soll deve. and mist gray, with brilliant splashes of lied by embroi- slate gray was parsley green will also be in high favor. There is a. demand for the seperate j this on. aepount of the many odd es vorn seems to think of U away model, it is res i “tis is the smi mel ele Haare s are more beautiful than fine, and finished with a Seas tha led ee ‘sl een, a all fhese cloths are re- uired “or draping purposes and must Ma resent tho Sure tailor made S latest adaition fete the mor mint, the raffla be- ing woven and interwoven i nany a nine or twelve stran tight ith a huge buckle of the same shape, like the frame of a slate. Phe bird of. wisdom, is. still persona grata in the halls of fas and owl s, cleverly fashioned: w: ah stay or al oul in jet beeds w:ttr gleaming are playing their part in ing so many. different designed in two or three dif- farent anes of the color with sigual success. ENVILLE. Disease—Two Ani- s Were Shot. Brockville say: among the A ce‘pa'dh Glandeis bh Waites ; siiot forth: with, ‘The esi ng horses of the farm were placed under quarantine. —_ It is thought the epidemic has boon nipped in the bud NO fanpeto IN WAGES. Grand Trunk Management. Gives Denial to Report. despatch Monireal soys: The arnt Teunk management ennounced sday that there was no truth Gri port toathe effect that a general decrease of 10 per cent. een ¢e- ceded upon in the wages of employes under the rank of superintendent an the higher officers, to come into effect on June Ist. j JAPS ATTACK FN MEN. ee sti Outbreak ope Bh age of Timber Factory, M A despatch i oe says fieai sport from s that a mob of eighty pers imber iG Frenehmen; in the Village o 5, doing epee amis 8 the factory and the reside: Prenchmen, who either took refuge tt {he mountains or left for Kobe. person was injur Forty arrests hav been made it ection with the af- fair, The motive for th k has not yet been repor' he ae done is estimated at about § 821,000 FOR SILVERWARE. Record Price fe erates Ounces at Lon- lespatch oe an auction sale at chistes aS the tate a am’s art collec: | was silverware and dishes, weighing tegen | 90 ounces, @ gift of George IV , | jn: id areninness 0 yng) e ‘an ancestor of the Marchioness, so! r $21,000. This is a record price. ably so in black of a subdued 3 3 Canada : ae ah in brown with white} by CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS) IGS. FROM ALL 0)... TOR GLOBE. BAPPE! Telegraph Briels From Our Own and uer Countries of Recent CANADA. oe is almost. completed in the wes! Nurses at the Toronto General Hos- oN a asked ee an ae -hour day. ae United Slates customs. office at tratford will be cl Bae Port Hope Sante light and pow- er Ste was burned on Friday. here is reported to ke a large deficit aS vthe Se eS Quebec, one ns have eet a federation which ee the] ¢, who m1. me Daminion peperninent have offer- rd o} for the capture ef Moir, the London mu eer a new telegraph company, which pr- payer the whole Bom is fears ‘at. Montreal aebee ePravincial held on June 8, the same day as the On- oa iste Oa | columbus ‘On, for peving eiaaa ie arrested at Ham! are willbe | Swered mammi YOUNG. FOLKS A GAME OF: MARBLES. It wos prelly hard fo stay in_ the house on a rainy Saturday, especially w me a reat an y new mar- bles with which to As ard Reese Joo! thoughtfully at “his. col- leotion of "Jaspers," “alleys” and “glas. Sies,’ he said, “I wonder “who ‘rst thavght of laying marbles ‘A 0 Siar cua that you have asked the same question," replied mamma, but no one zeally ue ue is pretty ceptain. that boys oe more than two thousan years oa “I don't see how any one can tell what fas a ‘so long ago,” said Leo- ee doubitu “As I went to mar @ said, “I found Wey back of How do you suppose they Sh ¥ the boys must have been pla} ving there!" nard, eager! m to the boys? “We'll talk about that presently, an= rst I would like y how you can be so sure they telong ta. the’ bayst” mamma, course they do! Who else would use them?” the ‘boys?” persisted Two. Japanese ae acquitted at Van-| mamma, charge of stabbing three firemen on New Year's mornin; sand apples, Hon Frank Latchford hasbeen Pointed Judge in the Ontario nh Court tm sucgession 10 Mr. Justice Mabee Sendwieh has no police arotelion and the Council reluse to pay a. Con: stab $150, per year, Soot announced in the Ross Rifle Company had arded @ contract for 52,000 bay- Hon Se eat nal ie been awi onels, minfon Gavernment has en- gaged two French &perts to instruct the tobaece- growers and curers: Init proved methods. nan, the only survi Sir Soha Rrgniat ag is 82 years ‘he oe v ernment, “steamér rammed by the C. is in Winnipeg. Monicalm R. Sess 0 a Penta after those to eee the Asiwautee ee Quebec on ens aed boat was badly Sans GREAT BRITAIN. Monley's new. title is, Viscount ley of Black servaiory reporis the discovery “ot the 8th setelllie of Jupi- er Owing to the slump in business 209 : not seeking re-election to change. Dill-to re Tepeal equal n n the ee States will visit, agian 23 winte UNITE) A tornado has STATES. done great damage in dward Boeck has pleaded guilly a New York to a ae of stealing jew- els oes al $2 les _Kuppe, he 60, a music teacher, er Cleveland, killed his invalid Ys hop of ‘vashinglon ersons were killed by the plc San of a kitehen gas stove at St. Johnsh ont, on Friday. aN e soemuacltess are e ers should u Eee black paper an ink. New York boy cant years old has confessed that he murdered his chum ‘Thirty ve miles of macadamized highway are to be built in Oklahoma, Carter end Slimay ‘counties by coh cts, ‘The (realy providing for the more somaplelecdan t aaedacr veneer are United States ahd: Canada wis: ratified ‘at Weahinge ton. Angeles, afler an unbroken sleep for a period of 85 days, Mrs, Beu- lah Hawkins, a patient at the county pital, awakened and asked for a dri inc of milk, GENERAL, Mount Etna is pouring out clouds o: stones, and ashes on the village “of te. Acire Picking buttereups is injurious to children’s health, and in Holland pick- ing them is forbidden. A. hundred and twenty persons were er boat. on the River Deeper hoff, hee B. Japanese Government bonds have fal jen below 80, 80 great is the depression tn the country ssia, expecting war with Turkey, is hurrying Teas and supplies into the Caucasus. Ree iy HE HAT PINS. LED Pittsburg Burglar Routed by Young Women. A seule sen Piltsburg says: m ON SOOT of the pers womens Christian A on Coittns See early 01 ably tianking his Icky Thirty tiny ‘women, armed with bi ng irons. hat pins and similar wea- ssistanee, “The burglar his kit-of burglar’s tools. BOMB UNDER CARRIAGE. Russian Governor ahd His Wife - Es- | /. caped |—Passer-by Killed, Di Veronezh), Russia, : A bomb was thrown on Wednes- of the expealuon of 1853 to aos rch | bo: hl on. Wednesday. “No, but I'm sure they were there peviny marbles and lost these, for no- boys care for marbles. "Very likely," roplied mamma, “and 1 presume the men who shod marbles t a sure as yo with them. But these first marbles were only water-rounded stones, very to. cally. do you s’pose made the first e asked. Holland to england “and the little Duteh oye had aleve with them for years before that tin e are marbles made?’ asked at quninily “Nearly, perhaps quite, all of them ate in Germany, and the little Ger- man children do-a grea work.” “How do you know they do that, mam- ma? I once visited § mere nike {cry in Germany, any saw the ee mon Fointng to sa “tore e made from a ‘ing af. sione found sett me nae 1” said Leonard, eagerly, “Phe stones are quarried. in: large blocks and taken to the factory, where y are broken: into many as a hb Ss are id in circular grooves in a round s some. thing like the millstone in oy By means of water, or Teen aeees this stone goe: and. round all the time, while tiny streams of water are Mowing: thous, the groves and over the bits of “above this. “awed stone ne is a second Why idn suppose that was the way lo make then! Its just the way the sea makes the round stones: i find on the beach.” “Yes, the principle ts the same," re. ied ane “but these are only. e| cheap ae bts ss y marbles. “Whel nt to eae them a lit tle belie vied tiny § spheres are put into ask lined srith stone ine these are made to revolve, the friction makes the marbles very they are. afterward Polish: pws dust mixed with emery powder. how the! talied ‘polished grays and cost more than the others. Selina they. are stained different colors, and they are then known as a red marbles. it ans considerab’e aber doesn’t il?” @d at his. marbles with ‘Are the alleys made in asked Has yeah ‘in fine cirales ‘or broad rigs, and afterward. bak “Phe the pores kinds; s mo'ded, painted and fire-glazed. ‘The jaspers and agates of glazed ind unglazed china, Hed with blue,green and brown. AS for. the ee marbles, some, 1 beliove, are ae while others are rounded "eM called away, and Lead “found: that the sun was sidewalk dry again.— Joulh's Companion, wo: od SUGAR REI ERS FAI. Largest Manufacturers in the World Owe $20,000,000. A despatch from Odessa fi announced of two says: The ‘of the lang works in the world, neko and Sons, andthe my efining Co, ‘The liabiltties Facets $16,500,000 and of the later to S Se, TEN PRISON if They Struck Down Their Gua Al adits ‘sk, Russia. A fare om. Alexani A group of made-an attempt to regain Some of them were 2 zig g a mai Ignatieff at “Tver, They altacked and disa pons. risoners then mad fer liberty, e pine and a ae was begun, during which e escaping tien. were killed r were wounded, Three others sheludiag Mlinsky, were “recaptured. ene was serving a sentence of elev- imprisonment for the murder knows, al-} dale, Ont., rai seem {o bo that boya hod been playing | Milita the different trom the’ fine ones. you have] Dee looked at his marbles oriti-) '™ e f deal of the i me U nee: EIN: Government ela igur mumufuclusitg and refuing | $y at TRAGEDY AT Nelson Smith Shot His Wife and Committed Suicide Me A despatch from Huntsville, Ont., says; A double tragedy was enacted here on Friday, resulting in the death of Nelson, Sule formerly. of Allan- is gong wll, Formorly e, ae Miss Martha, Golde as b for somes foe of her parents just utaide: the town a Hunts: ils ‘at ‘the murder’ and suicide low Mr. Smith, who has & been. for: some time past. an employee o the Galt, Hespeler ce oo ‘Railway, arriyed in Huntsville morn- ing, and aller. breakfasting al aa. lol pro his wife's par- On the way he called ry ar the tistelat schoolhouse and inquired of his little son, who was in attend- ance, if his mother was at home, and ie upon receiving an affirmative answer, proceeded to the house. Upon) being J ucla sill in his hand. She altempt- HUNISVILL 3 2 3 8 3 z 52 a 2 eae © £ ‘mo he engaged some timé, exhibiting ne sgt ‘ot anger oe citement. Mrs, Goldie, sen, left the. Nala: ie o few TORE nis, and was horr terrified | screams and twa Bind rv the body of his dead wi ed to disarm im, bu her out, to the ground, and, ‘pulling hs revolver { head, blew his own | brains out. The cause of the: tragedy is not defl- is believed to ery DEUS: and highly re ope ted = this her native town, JAPAN IN A BAD WAY. Long-continued Financial Depres Increasing. atch from Tokio: ry expenditures and: by sallecve the State railways as security for a for eign white it taxation. This may be a ‘Imperialist See dh favor. of inainloininig ‘ne fmitary prestige of Japan at all costs. FELL DOWN THE SHAFT, He a a Robert Ces Killed in the Nancy : Melez. Mine, A des} cobalt says: Robert Levigne, a Seana single, aged 22 ine a We being removed tothe Grose t ial. was work cee unde ground ‘at the 100-004, level, and fell 5 ft. Sues the company for not having guard rails at the shaft. & MONTCALM SUNK. Lies on Bottom of St. Law! rence—Likely to be Total Wreck. spaleh from Quebee Monin: ‘when ay night with the © ~ Te steamer Muikes, is now. lying at the ath the baat House view to designate her siti need river men declare that the vessel is pe ee ‘loomed: to bo a total loss, as is badly serethbs AG the slarboar 5 ABE SMS Nal SIXTY AFGHANS KILLED. Result of the ele ee in Khy- A despatch oe ate says: Sixty pas Afghans were Mies in the fighting which took belween a darge force of Atghans find the British troops last Salurday at a point in the. Khyber Pass near Landi total according 10 @ despatch sent in by a correspondent wilh the Friel coh. A neaeauoaie Publish «d here to-day Afghan dead at 300, but this communi- e| cation is discredite: od. oat British rsburg bas slated Charge d’Affaires al St. to a journalist w says: The Tie nesoinaue wall be —— SHOT HIS BROTHER. Two a 2 Hunting co Aer sholm, Albert A despa ea from Cureton, Alla, says: George Millen, 6 and Wi vil Pvce ime wal JUVENILE IAIGRATION. Nearly Forty “etapa Children Came. oe from Oltawe says: Durini cme uae tal of 2068 rn nada ‘via ocean orts, 122,293 were ieee twelve years ‘of age, 43,541 were females. 38,323 were children under twelve. ok THE HOME DOCTOR: ay prevent the skin becoming. discol- the tak “This should ke dene immedJi- mee g two teaspoonfuls of gly- cerine with one -Lablespoontul oe tine water and one leaepeont) of BARRE See ui have an excellent gargle for a so anal out, which will ke in ten or fit teen minutes. Relief will be almost in- stanta Olive oil is very good for weak peo- ee r those ries ite from ind‘ gestion, oie possible, anda “lablespoonhil taken hefore ie fog: 16. bed will ao. wander the aueue organs in works. let tham dry: wil na bot ile ae gin the wash- qoflen, and it will, id, take ‘away’ the largest warts. kinds ‘of croup, the fat ‘the troubles in Afghan'stan are dua |. NO! fa. the fechleness of the Ameer, who oe authority over his subjects, hat: they are not caused by the, Anglo: Russian agreen S —_* FROGS TO EAT GNATS. 11 | Seven ‘Thousand tnported to Rid Rosort | of N from ane Germany, ae serra thousand: trode have. been is eer and keep up th’ te’ all trace of indiges! are jon has disay VICTINS NOW NUMBER NINE More Bodies Found in House of the Indiana A despatch from Laporte, Indiana, The horrors ae us murder mill Belle piles increasing wh he finding 0 tional. Lodies, and there oh ae daub nay be b was added to’ the lst-on Wed when diggers stranitnpd {he remains of amas, and w:thin-an hour. Hie-delach- ba victims wee t dhaging goes-on « ones Ol! found. T hae ‘the bores a human lers were committed » then Fraverd, re also found on hia among a pile of stones on the Gunness premises, A search ef the ore) and Gunes is now Assassin. barnyard iis aflernoon revealed two. more four for the day; eS a eerie of nine, eMet is’ growing (hat Mrs, Guns eee was not burned in tho fire at her ny s’ is missing. The immediately after the fire rheeied white the head was appari bo topsy. hold that 282 Ma any eles ey nk glein, who» camo South Dakota with (he purpose’of marrying Mrs. Gun- Sohal and the other that of Jenny Gun- ess, a Chicago girl, who was aCe Oy Mrs. eee and who aya uae i {three Sahota be taken with the food when-/~ with them tor eos ee