Milverton Sun, 14 May 1908, p. 7

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PEF+S4FA SESE +E+ E+ 44444 444444 Sa a Judith's husband descended with a| you make inquiries about hi 4 it pted 3 "3 - : sh NEGRO RAR AARMOSAL braggart Mir. trom: wee quia ge, and tebe Se eae: Procite ih i Saree oes Senet eceeriet ee Seen Seen ie a ae Senin ee oe On ay ee 3 i i jorris was made to under- + ge: Dale re rec Rn a ual leven ae some kia on The stranger lod him, nol toa bar, {and the lives of twenty: betler men than {sland fhe situation. | fie staggered ‘on mained in the carriage, listiessly Took: | for hus benea? Ttyis but: iui yet it Bi 4 e : shee 2 bull to an office ut a short distance trom|me itll be for money dowm-cash, uo | dedie and. the alr. woered bane 4 ing away along the dreary vista ef that | may cs ae credit.” we Jberes @ little. 4 af London street, and thinking about an: g 's a‘ thief, any lady,” inter} (he ay. A. glance -at-the doorplate mel wr ¢ He oy the Maranaiko Bar in the dis- ~ 4 9 thing, Heaven knew, but the scene shel rupted the man. who of course poneiuda | Wied tke. Captain that it was the Ste WE KONE UOTE the | tance—one mess of foaming eo 3 was gazing al. et the lad a thief and dudith a] Ce of Berens & Taarn, ‘Shipowners.| amount. Now, Captain, Jet me on You | The supercargo stepped up to the Cap- 7 Until her eye chanced to fall, by mere| “my Jady,” “where shall I return the wieward, Captain,” said] What we want y: ust | tain’ and whispered, “Nob eae or iL! is E sepdent on 6 feure covery ra une fe” the leases ae the Covlatn paused al| Keep fairly sober Mill the vessel sails every soul will be Jost.” es eeeeeeoo ieigering. dorvay a buy batefooe aes a6 thick she anid wine ane | "8 door, Mihavels plenty of liquor bere? Give us the chance of saying you've sort Instantly the Capfain swung roun the clad in a ragged shirt, and, if pos-| gtily; then” checking herself, added, “it| , Directly “they were in’ th and with one blow ais ae En stk th Ba! sible, ‘still more ragged pair of trou him, well; if not, give the ranger produced: a bottle of: wh unfortunate supercargo. to eck. 3 . 0 ie one who. needs it—1 SAA. giissosifvoar «Ayo Ad Oe el es a wip Fact, tates men at the witel cried © ¥ | do ‘Now, Cajttain, help Sie ad 1 @ super-cango on ship} the Captain, “a man like me-ein’t afrai q Or, The Curse Of The Famil He never looked up to beg. He seem: |“ what the deuce is the row?” inquir-| Norris swallowed a. glass of whiskey | zine. Seu erenuen he Cantal. ae foes bo Bar.” = & ad as if ho had sat himself down there ‘ The sl eared th 3 with the ilenton of never stirring trom |e M‘ Mazingford, making his way up!1a a gulp. and then crete glass| The shipowner ignored: the. interrup- hesiialed; tut lie. Caplan 3 that doorstep al sig ery) she carriage ab ibio-tunclure, ied. “I wanted that drink | Hen. See protest against your pulled out a revolver ‘ond: ordered. them ~ porwws nor even moan. Judith did not know] Only ® child being starved to dea! he said simply. soR ic their pasis. The ghiel officer wie THHPT Ht Ht ttt ttt ttt THEFT ted ETE eo aie of him; was he hurl? es Non BS ii sag ae sou Alkes Caplin =e get} (iil clap hin in irons if he does.” Jajured an expostulation, ‘and was. or $ CHAPTER a, ‘ “Yes: for Judith told me he and she momes.” ‘she finally said, turning ro oe {han be hanged aller otited, ant thon weil talk | “Then wo think, it would be awe ered below at the revolvers point. zi AM ME-Gis al silent elk Aiecany alted ccluiad at RSE ee eine ak Ge Whe otions “ask, Wat bay whet 1s SoRne yee “roid eee al to scuttle the ship ‘Suilormen talk |"Then. wiles great seas smote the yes- : 2 ; Aaa eae y 2 fee Grn Sieh ae she had oe Gi ie eee eee eee tes angers “obedient to the order, the}, “Let them: die,” one in_repeated ee sus made Fenty NGS ees the oceans talon turn Pola ti oes ae pa abet Ae : \e arts me fs ra @) 2 mse! " * et noe avstrrab—nad ie Pertinpes* aininied Wise Risa, fellow got down, and stcoping to. in- ie don op ees See tO ie Nac aL his stumseer GR uo: So you'll be drunk when run- |jine ot aes Set aoe Maranai- : i time professed to know the way op aires as she turned to the window and: looked | spect the boy, as he might had 2 been. ee "she answered, inher usu:| “You'll be. Me.. Stevens, 1. suppose! ning Poet eee Har ieee s but his anistress's Instructions speedily | Vacantly, first up and then down the|® bundle of rags, instead of on imper- é nae You needn't. explain to Don’t : Pucalled ite Whereuhnate 16 te feooties, [teary ‘street, tor whieh Judiins hands | fetly clothed inass of fkesh and, bio xd, anythin Cetteabout or sympathise ote eS ar oe de with mor [2 know thal the channél at: the Bar is tho. (re ere Age tient eee ee tion, and accordingly he drove on with-| some carriage nad only given a mo-| he commenced operations with the en- any ee ewe nee mewant with, me?) always shitting? Don't-Idnow that any| boots go that they might stand o chores ; eee Bera an Palen eames oe thundered Mr, Mazingford 9} “Look hyar, Captain, 1 want to talk! cpip that: touches there to plecey | boOls 80 ey. might stand a chance cae eo ene ee ie Me é | Hallo. you sit!” bie usuthvian tor ean eerfully de-}atraignt fo your Yous Nght up| incide of hall-an hour Sy eth when the smash came. But much ‘ acreeatent, a leanin ig back 1 ber and- : “Ged help the girl,” she thought again] /{0ll0s, baked wip, and as he did go,| escent replies of his wife utterly dis-} against. i i. Lost your ship, Jost your x le out-| they ee a angry seas they dread- : 2 equipage, gave herself up to'me-| for the nundeth mer Hahe 39 steering | = gacidg = fron ver ee concerted him. He never understood, bepwiation. Do. you oes there's a d the angry Captein ‘more. . “Thera dilations Lilian thought her somewhat] a dangerous course.” ; mootily absorbed in this occupation;| And for. full five mimutes the lady caught a sue an his pee oh! such but Judith was really forming plans | s‘ood silently communing with her own &M one, So, worn 2 for her sister's convenience and eom-| spirit, much troubled concerning Jud-|™arked and pinche ” poverty. fort. She knew the operations gould| jth’s face, and Judith’s position, an’ vhat are. you sitting there for? con- rformed in Mayfair; for’even | Judith's modes of - procedure—whilst| “nved Thomas, What ails -you?? eiipow ner Ga bev ee Const. who'd he stood, ainging fo the rail with one trust you with a vessel? “Give me ome whiskey and tell me had Mr, Mazingford been neutral on | Mr “It does not signify,” said-a low voice, 5 the subject, they were not to remain] London sircels lo Thal house which she| and the red head dropped again, and drink, and you can’t got that. For all The vessel came nearer and the» summer in town, and then what| cal'ed home. Thomas relumed tg js, mistress. T know you've folk dependent on you the mass of foam, ‘The Captain ME : could Lillien do? Miss Ridsdale’s Tog] “As the conehinan, however, was ariv-| {\Well she asked, fs 10" some ih the men at the wheel. with his revolver i were unsuitable in all respects; | ing his unexceptionable bays in his own| , “He says eit don't Hrs re am,” re- | oO The Captain weleeles fs he istened | “That won't do now you re in my em- che eo shen bed “Stra Re 7 clearly nothing remained. for it but to] unexeeptionable and peciiliarly tip-top | tuned Thomas. She nad given tor the {Ooo Somtence thought “of his} ploy. See, Captain, I! you vost he Swouldhirve:-shot hon : fake A furnished house, or a portion of| manner, past one of the Clubs, Ie ve| “Open the door.” she said, “I must |i tthe had ven | rath het wife and diree children sealer “and @-couple- of ‘hundred dollars tom fh A biind mass of foam and spume surg. : iy one, out westwards, towards Bromp-| ceived a sign from a genteman ‘stana.| $¢e what it sally is;” and the next mo- Gey fone of ir raga e ren wondered a hal hought- when she| Smart youtself up a bit, Stay al me od-over the vessel's deck, the shij a : ton, S would give Lillian| ing on the steps, which. induced hin, aes silent ee WatB SIGE DOS ea Snaiiare tet che had St Bee Wa eeu Dee ine [titnetane about by the waves = nee at once healthful, pleasant, | in sasideaton Raves signer: being ‘his maeeain s an M. P., they hod | Been dis ischarged and-that she could no the sort of man we could employ, So{*s # she were a plaything; out of th a Lely Boaentn da les ull up. short, greatly to fat. ‘i ugh left to appreciate | Suger draw against his pay. dont drink till_ you are out of tho han | Union the port side-8. great ipaeor : bees Rides, and fii Judith’ S dust a A kindly action, even when performed] “NOW, T-con. give you a chance—the | or, | Now, shake" hands van our ban [SOCK Pose not five yards trom the ship's : a “tat eas thes niet sp es giord was about the last ya fechionable lady, And so. they | Command of a ship, and as much. drink pe Ee, TES SE smother, ake immediately: so Judith determined, | person sho “desited, at that. moment Bee é . as ike shipped aboard, for the } "ca, the vessel turned nearly on : ere the carriage turned inlo Great Crow-| ta meet; Mr. Mazingford’s club friends | id she, D, ick the’ esniment. Heya Tadastly Grunker you are the better it’ will suit fad coop aoe ens Bb ae jand Slivet, clattering over the pave-| were always the Ins individuals to|!8¥ her hand pityingly on the young (ttang ie sti jn a slid me On cllert. exleried his hard end tt smooth. walers of Maranaibo. Bay, a hel me. i e beg Sarsines e : ji h ca isk as ancl © had doae one cold} whom she desired ta be exhibited—but, | hea a pe beggar me and say ina ¢, “how soon the vagal ae recog: | What's the game?" thundered Nor- gripped it, Then the shipowner count and sailormen on the quays and on the next veember's evening a long time ag | as no escape was possible, she resigned | Vic 's own loving ton : Pe ah aeeG amming his fist down on the table. < z vessels in harbor were cheering the Soe No. oe Mc. Hanky. paul balls ci to be stared at treuh head to Toot achat the matte, ay mea oie dual thee Do you hear “Theres a ship if ours loading ab the ae ks we Sees collars BOE otic evel who had faced the y' new by st yt owl ‘- s ‘im ” si vere a _fietty. Couk ou take Ma i. de sar. Tete colt marvelling concerning, Miso | sre syn teee aee ta cls | very much to know,” she added, seeing | en oe edie SG = turn Pt” uid you take her to Maranai-| “puring the next few days the captains Oe we Ridsdale or her visitors now, for he As Sees that Mazingford’'s wife was a| 4 tpair of large black eyes scanning her | 78 her eb ds eae STA itterly. “There ain't a ship éolling that 1 iin ina es were in a Bee! Bid an Gb cn tre| sete” ottet fa [meant Fi nt) gO cha Ma en ha a | te were single, was jus + ho} mis 2 ptain. an loyd’s agent came to congratulaia red teubosly: meres! in the lonely | ywoutd choose to dive in gouble faenese | The while: |ipestremblakforees-toslant “That's what 1 thought.” saia Mr. |‘ find at pees cE eae {ho Coplatas gu hie Ab COR IVE Cap: With. |_Mr. Mazingford—who boasted, | with mote powerful, emotion than Slaven: “Thveabitecticwe wtaekey Cone aproad’ ouoaeas Norris tad thrown ain. Norris was standing on. the bridge, ih his usual thong Tenement] any whieh could have Inen caused hy tain?” seb Ragen oS A whiskey bottle in hand. He: accept nee Ne We minieanes. carriage! ates Dodily suite fad “then ibe ; : MAS much es you 1iko—it makes me| Muitp sme to wel o ahie Seon. They {belt congratulations as if they. were na | the handsomest ieee and the hand- | wards, s0 ae were dropped H Last Shi feel a man again REE: AR Fay, the Captain seore(ly | Zov~. than his due.” When they. had bepress We St ane commanscncr. ay ino than Epo Is _ “Well, this particular vessel isn’t what ‘died whiskey into the bedroom at | eit him he noticed a smatl, darks Spani- ie dion—pade good-bye 5 nib iencrn Poo a bak eal p within & You might call a profiiable speculation, Fey de uN for Iie eaber | af wWhisporing eagerly, to the supe L Sy si ew ya en t in. - She's old and cranky, end aioe A cargo. were “ eat” in Great “Crayon d Street. wife, informing her: at the same time | ther signal from-Mrs. Mazing- days by drinking all the night. : iene = teal e Mrs, Maz Sh vant, any Sayles iam eaten nae fas paid |, THe est moment the Spaniard come Twenty winters had metamorphosed =, Eives| rd Sah procured a Supple hae ee money agreed upon, was poll] yy ig the Caplan, “I a : Y ve e in il wo bod rout hs dren of Ape ees ‘a first-class | {a1 Pott owner of this ann: WHAL toes ‘ i jounged idly on the}1 thought that you, “) fifty, who had brought his dreams of A thought he might as well ts "ru b vs Mapas, Atenas fi eh On Hilo tncione eae ase = Se ae on a ‘Hogwmes, aon i oe this mean? We paid you five hundred here with Judith, and then they could] clutched a precious. morsels that some acquaintance would heave | wh) isLE aie the o y Swi J pounds: to wreck the shi 0 the sunken eves glanced ravens, wp seni n or frst Oo see: Bion eres fe ust Pike te ate 8 out. People might wonder pls he ship, and here she on them; but the nex Z r who would be good for Uiienvens aned MAS: aes Gack aiekranaea’ Le of a different kind swelling up in the be pau: sega SF avens!" ¢ he Captain; “see| “phe Captain glared at his employer. ntrue solate wliey of the greengrocer oppo-| tively, when the “nobs” Sage tie # A afier dark even, he would ae what drink brings a man to. Last aer . iptoyer= J with: hes Ti hand. That's the worst of SOU TOE AO. OR eS ae te whiskey-—makes aban forget thin 1 knew there was something all the time I hed {0 do, but 1 couldn't ae : ‘ 0 be sent fo a Tittle woman at Poplar: ; : LORS sa Shpguiier fees aig aoe we bn tS BRE i ee youd [Uae to rote. Newey Hee ay . e pevtlculry Se Hgee Scanlan ir vata eek late to look a sight Tanta Koes me if T hadn't cont every penny of it 6 the gent the hospitality of = man before} ] cadged drinks from a steward, is thirst hed today a Ce Yankee asks me to = i the dignity | my firsts Bite, who, having died, and left hor his ised. ame, his perishable stack-in-trade, and) “sajo was quite correc” replied Iudith. | exclaim, not ina tone of churlish pride, the money they had mutually made and] “Ang where have you left her?” was|but in one of earnest protest. agains saved—she speedily took v she snoxt ques Gen: ee ass step matrimonial is. called in “With Miss Ridsdale,” answered Jud-| “I am not a beggar, ma’am. do with this ‘money’ its going to be paid no at circles, with Mr. Bultin, bestonlig” ae Be who never called her relative, aunt, “T know you are not,” she retuened; < ile up your rotten tub,” st him ker hand, her guineas, her 16 Mre Macingtond: ieee Heller. Orti'ts vel ne: Aran with tse} trom any then ANC and et =f ShieeR ame eu A ie eo ee ears cen cue will, and her’ common. sense. te miemberniléred an exelamalion, i whieh caused a paralyz-| but take tal a ' MER OER eR a ing amount of per at the Board of Trade inquiry ina eerie had been suspenc Hed tor a ye the | in ‘hat Mime a sii ip that as Captain Norris had reform- | yout derned Ship ont and pile nen uonn The ot “sited ie tha‘command ot |>. S--propenty s A waa “ Scar tet Ono or wo wily persons you fairer than that, can enone The Spaniard gave ne a oo ‘Most, Deo ac g n ominious Tho first Mr, Bultin honored her by saioare salistqition’ an this intelligen la h she would stay theref” he ex-| hand which never closed upon ‘it. “Oh! ma‘am,” he cried, “don't give me| <nd of aw a se be gratified |money; let me work for ee Be earn | knowing hat CajMain. ti without any; the third he disposed of to advantoge; the fourth he made us glance, Sut left him without saying a of for Wielr joint benefit, and the result i ee nted “udilh.|it but don't-dontt give ae money, I| Sine sailor and could had Sune | nord, Sy thi hilst oo ‘an remains enor ste nths with}am not a beggar—bul a teatime had given him another chance. But ae ge ob Wah ocpecl Bly ja Roe ‘That right Captain Norris spent nominally Tuled eh ah tee, | Miss Rids as at. my request. A gentleman of fifteen summers, with| !be shipowner's ane in Vatparaise,.an. didn't ¢ a black mark eae iat Celi eOvMl Hee is ees 1s that worthy woman's actual demise,| “afr, Mazingford twrned and stared at] prefect aml roadod cirt pick Ireuserst | Gnding that the Chain had never heen week ae past PCH nee: -when ‘he staggered down: Builin attorney had his name painted! nis wite, to, discover, if possible, trom | Cine, {cct Ane nagsed shirt ar something sobe” during age out, had cab- e8 in was ready tor {2,202 U0¥, 10. go abontd his ship. He on Pea een SE AR what new cine ier the wind was blow-] jydicrous in the scene, had it not been led to Liverpool end. had iim Neco. y eee ry sos cee ir Ait oF ‘or, Was singing loudly as he swayed his aa eo tna es eee forgotlen tho mort | Patt ‘of a teal” tragedy: one” which is] #2: lets “Now te could’ give uo the mas So aR ee ‘aime dent hiss rials i | enacted overy sep ta oka tes STH oh tae te dui erable abstinence which had made his bamtdon enife Moston the eee Cae aS Gis J ride and. povel a in-} & Ship, or ots sib, Will theses, Nevor AIL 4 command @ Mig line eee ne Bret ACE etn ee Thus it came fee ‘pa turn I his > oe one of such perfect | dependence. Sudithe cole ee with | Cut Be sc inte atone stranded | again. What's it mean to you The officer look after the ship, whilst he shig i the harbor. ee Be | sndltrerenca thal he could “anda nk swininn ng eyes on the lille figure which }¢n Velparaiso Quay. ull Value of a rotten ship and all You |humselt could spend his time sn ena | fiaareade ie die ae ee rely of a See ok i thing out of it, potas was compelled, | stated itself to be a gentleman, and yet| Night was fafling, and no one came] can get trom ma ae cargo. 1 a ceasing Tuddle the Oregon, leaning idly over the ship's tie regurded her. carriage ay “with| bon. gre mal gre, la rest sallsiied, as | ccurt: reluse, whom the Captain knew. He had sold Godges, HH be. fen or | “All went el for ihe feat tow weasa | ae an™ yt body floating in the water ‘only a moderate portic st, [he did not choose to ask for an explt-| need, man all tis possessions tave the tos he Son one ae eee Capi hot | eding tide brought it alongside, Se ee en Se ee oo ies ag |p ork for me,.m se | P00 te te money down Twant. I|cabin, and rarely appeared te slated With horror When he saw th as attorneys ultimately do learn re a aid hist of the word, ep oat, vse coming to the |Tho wea i 1 accordingly when en} wile aller a maments pause, us they |the trie without a shedow of honest pondenng tbe Ty ‘Wis: God gelling wide leaker aia Ree Te cen “it was Caplain Norris's relum to iis last ship.— ly. ‘was nob ill the -vesse) | “St StuP<—Pearson’s: Weelsly, 4 G ve hundred pounds |was within a day's sail of Maranaibo es @ewn, “and Tt wie her or pile her ow baie untoward happennd, Then the country who | turned down a dingy thoroughtate, that | scruple disturbing you, For the fulure,| able seaman whether some crimp would | ae out of ih ie dai = x e with him on the day in| but for os name of the thing, might} work of a different kind aot Shall have} advance him enough moncy forone big| mailer fe a a ae parh een ui pagel inquired whose. equipage that tie b: rin! ph to ong ate es pes ss a OAT POU Feet oy gut outh-westerly gale sprang up HIS MONEY'S WORTH, ia h . whol the carriage bac ~ ae SW wit 7 ao Ohler comer Seas the i © wait ‘ane ce enh ae “Wait ~ art ‘he = strange eto, ain ar | ot SETS ete pe ee Cxplain ie oneness os in repr tos gument wi SEL (ilietepircutterenia ce a er : ‘owner, shaking his head, “Run hefor 5 5 ae ae the Dera seal aR a eae Fcan't put a name to you, | “Five years ago I'd have laid any man| So the oun sped on her course, | “p,favewing results same,’ replied: Mr, Builin, “and | Pleasure—as the en ant the scout coon and spit alin? ote! me Ally thousend |and early the next morning the ook: | sin Vie at ob shes ee that handsome woman just now oight-| @ lemendons elaler, before the’ door ing a policeman t Be me and spl a Pounds 4o sink any ship 1 commanded? eo sighled: Maranaibo lis Customer—But here T have just paid De n Messrs, A e’ 5. a ge he g e] ey e ing er People sy Recor ot yeombe's 0 i 1 am inter st a oye bit 0) = sptain coe ee gone any waite the dol ie in advance and half the chiet Ome Berea ee ee ca ep tal cents fo dong itu a FS thought here with any ody fora drink o& that! when the job's done.” n to the cabin and Tene nthe laundered it before ee poe be ge lwo oman intpntaminr el MUGGSY HAS SOME FUN WITH A COON AND CAPTURES A SNEAK Taaa's speech. Miss issdale Troant c! ; : i more lovely Snes and ¢ OBE utoo > x cert se did lec ies very best FOALL 1N GASE OF ae . TOALL Eben et Parcs ee E ALL 7 ered her aunts silling-room, TRAINS e HELLO SLEUTH wid SEO ng Pheer: OrrA‘Bsboo Ten J { aS Been deep sich. color on. het’ cheek | . see Hees 7 erty on mai and that strange brightness in her eyes. i oS 4 = ; She came, she sald, to tel Miss Ris fale (he oculist's opinion, and to eon. sult ene was best to do, and a at SWONDER 15 DAR) Y N Jast it was agree that the es oy 3 - en 80 opus hunting, and that. Mr. DEM PAIL: ox = f were to Be vealed 3 » > ‘ al Wh: ¥F Judith, & ‘The money 8 i 2 A cme mont ie Bs et all {hese expen- ? » th s aS) inquired Miss Ridsdale. > cM Jet me menage that, was, the < a y oT ah get it f , : “You are persisted the other. : ie (Mrs. othe answered, “Cer- tal, Pl had reached the ak of ae siaircase; on, her y back to Lillian whom ae had ‘at ‘n the — oe ing her view, when a sud- den Laat aes to strike aan and Leo ee S iS , s 5 é Id, -ceoule you keep : Lily here, an a few days, and T will get able house 4 ep 1 wish you ; seat was willing to do gford ©, DB coo: TvRnin" WHITE! rt rs uy or sito <n Jingly Lillian, wie Bs fi ae was assisted out cf Ca ee GIT IT INDE HECK Le weit FER Dis. Muses se HEY MULLIGAN, 01515 posited on the sofa tn net aunts sit. ingroom, that<very sofa whereon an. other aunt had onee wearily: flung her- self. y hurriedly Judith took leave of both, and ‘acparted, promising to come back again Le ee 2? sal fan, “what do° you thin is the matier with Judith?” *Songthing for. want of Ketter Fame Ne call a begkeh heart; Lidian.” was ‘he ae st least so it seems to me 0 nov whelher Mr. Mazing- is unkind 10. her?” an ou night -to be beller informed. on. that point than 1," answered Miss Rids- dale. No?” said eae “She never tells nything perh she may. hon Benen nek rare bub Me. Mozing- | b ford a as been very gencrous | 5 oe edi". exclaimed. Miss Ridsiate, 4 ‘sudden interest} “ave you quite f thal”

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