oO ee ee ee Ee Te MD tr cy ai vg k odd Oy wae THE DEMANDS OF AN IDEAL The Man Gains the Crown Who Grasps at Every Shining Pebble By the Way. “Sell whatsoever thou hast and give to the poor and come take up thy cross thing beautiful to contempl iter Waicil ee bear | ¢ difficulties. The dreams ‘of altain. No matter of what good thin you may dream, it is the things you really, AT BOTTOM OF ALL, desire that will be yours. It may sur- fhe prizes with Pinch we shall at last be found, and yet they see will be those of our supreme But the ideal demands more \than the thon he who Leben it nét at all lives | oy, loward ‘his lowller_vision< Guin dreams must deteem ife were empty without its arenas: it were empti¢r still pay the price to gain any of Ul many on eae that ee must ee sainls pits ause ar rp tht so offen of eS & nee deal more than Woking: at ere to make THE HEAVENLY LIFE. Now every sincere man is asking the question, How may I realize the aneat ¢ 2 a alraid of paying the price. Mighit ‘wilt’be “high if the ond 4s also lugh. There is an easy descent to the things that.are below; bre ie 6 faallo wade, naiiekns of sliding up uncon- sclously to the higher levels. Every attainment means so much loss; good things that. we None cai pom thing if willing to lose other mae hes are not a curse of themselves; ep ng thoy were the chief good to hint he could make: no progress toward any greater good. Here is the imperative demand of every deal, that shall occupy fest place. The things you set first in your endeavors, iri your alfechion# ure ths things you will things mua bem of the ena seal ere un- ett, Aifections have there must be no empty fos: love iil must be there Sout directed into new thanaels: It you, would be great, you must do ings. You must tot sit down i= it price of achieving s atembliog, * pelter the humblest effort DREAMING: ABOUT HEAVEN for any attempt to everyday lives, love o} pessible for all others, It’s not the. en ‘who the dreams of co! dreams — the 9 world is full of people who wish thing in life, that. f willing to sell all else and-to take arose. By tel be HENRY F, COPE. lo some great, thing than tho most "And if this eome to the gies high ped picturing of th 1 Negi ie him, and that satisfies itself with the picture alone, cane py aleoks the Y high idealism become did’ as they) were: taught the foe of worthy realities, How easy it saying was spread abroad is to substitute God as a substitule for the prac- less co! life may be found for one’s self and made but the man records, ne |. light of that glory who is doing most this world and for his ideals. The nd great question is vhether you can it Wells it needs more who will work for ir doeds shall their ideals THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 7. wesson X. Jesus Appears té™the Apos- tles, Golden Text, John 20. 28. THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. (Based on the text of the Revised version, ms’ Chronological.—Mary Magda e had hastened to tell the disciples thew and Luke toention al also, ree be in company with Mary Magdalene, 10 rst, made haste counsel they gave much money unto the jens, saying, Say ye His disciples came by night and sto’e him away w among ths Jews, and continueth “until this day” (Matt. 28. 0 Luke that we owe our imowieage at the ap- ledge of the larger and fuller truth con- rie himself and his miss anion and guest, and $9 filled with happened in the way, an Known of | then in the 35), doors that pete himself appeared to them, as recorded in our re abo in ie Yoldet of thean, aod ballhy unto: thom, Peace be unto you” (Luke 24. 30). FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE |" WS BY MAIL FROM IRELAND'S SHORES, Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish- men. John Clyne, aged 100 years, Aled Te- cent'y at Dromodmore, Co. Cavi death of Margaret farngton, Coot, ns has just occ the oe The late Sone Dixon Re of-Wexford, re merchant, left person- al estate valued at $60,410. AU Oswestry, an. aged widow named jo Annie Lloyd was found strangled death. She had Leen robbed of Mr, Roll, Young, Holywood, son of Mr, Samuel Young, M. P., has been ‘ap- poinied a qaeuairels county I 4 millionaire, has made @ grant for the building of a Car- negie free library in Kil'oglin, Co. Kerry. ‘The tax receipts for the purposes at financial year amounted to $21,1 _amage roushiy Furn'sh'ng I . Dow Hundreds. of tons “of Company's mills a The turnover: last. year of the Lima- vady Co-opor alive Poultry r $i ‘® hall of residence for women ami sieet all ae aaa obtain n the sime ter si acrording toa docior's ‘evidence, hov- local government in Ireland during the LEWbsot be DYandite TOMSTOU AIRY VIVIAN was vexed- it 18, as vexed as a good fairy ete ut place Sa sy merle, it {s true, Ki, ee ‘antipala Sh who were the inhabitants anes: Ahelve a.without: Devine to depend care. Only upon ha intervention nec 0 gently chide forest king~ ual gcolding. ig sadly over a little brook that spemusdand rippled on its way be- tween mossy banks, the fairy gave way none that she responded, somewhat tart very well, peer ae which shall it be a be both a rosebush said the woman, with ed after See Shortly, however, there came a violent rainstorm. ‘The little folk ran in terror to hide themselves within the shelter THEY PLUCKED DAISIES AND mournful thoughts, when a rus- woman confronting . ‘What do you here, granny?” dee manded Vivian. “Lain tired and weary, gri see neey * saumbfed the oe peony ao Te aes strife of the id spend the rest i thie quiet forest Vivian shook her head as she Male ¥. say. good woman, the Q ‘alrles Saseneie that nono but lowers birds and live within ‘Seas come us “Then ohange mi beast or @ flower!’ the ag sed eset a bird or a eartuliy pleaded ‘airy Vivian at what site: bel bellovad ab Pie post foltga ee 1 fie TOADSTOOLS FOR UMBRELLAS of a friendly rock, whence one of th elves came when a ae hac passed, id begged of xa “Your Most Royal Highiog we soi —- be kind aoe = provide us at we may weather hs pak storm without seeking " laughed the fairy. And pear ‘sho created two new of flowe: 1° oats we wi rains isl sprite. plucked daisy, and each little boy elf. a toad- stool. tht] 000, by an outbreak of fire at the timber are sent | ¢ each week to E land from the neigh- borhocd of Palinecbe and Hollymount, Sounty Le The ti at at praia a fire ap- i Denese ta pane or aliyboy, oo ee is | ial Se ein pnd maker: would ‘i Bei. lexicographical.authorily, th ugh, mt Society, Lim- 0 ins: wwhion the child hed a placed in the en fire. Verse 19. The first day of the wee i forward obser by. om this time rislians as a day of t eh istian fellowship in £ the resurrection teoul on. that day. one and @pp ae by many of the best ish, Pu: po hag ace ot the B rat. eit eh effusions of the ‘Spirit? Whosoever sins ye—All those pres- Sn apostles and others ae are ae dressed. One apostle at lea: as sent, and others members of the apostolic group w sent; hence, whatever the power con! Ase by Christ at ts fine, all believers alike shared There is no w: serplure GE LD it fo the For !ain—The oa Soriede une interpreted in light of other New Testame faring on the When “so “2h. Thomas’, . . Didy aus tin Geter he Hebrew equivalent of the which is the Grock form, and whick- slgnities. “twin?” rhe twelve—Now actually but eleven hall and p : peso sige mad autlioey ih Phomas’ in- of a still closer examination, Uarmnake site int he with he rest shall nol be the vieflm of some op ie del Rell tot bellove Lit wise The negative form used is the strongest possi oe eck, £6. After Pat days—On tho next First day. abn The expression is one that was in paren use and wus equi i “a_weck ae Hi ie lently ee to ns had not been tirely Withatit effe = ometh—In he same mysterious LS La) and with. the ee greeting aS on the previous oc- "21. Then. saith he to Thomas—With reference to the declaration of Thomas Previously. reco 28. My Lord an a my of faith in oe confession is addressed direct- ri Blessed “are ha: ney ate aaa not I—Wo1 tthe Tall, not the highest kind our _Spintual intuitions ‘aso A WITCH DOCTOR'S WORK CAUSED UPRISING AGAINST BRITISH Medicine to Ayert Wounds—Was Intend- Afeioan protector at "3 = = lhe shores a the Victori man, surroun : nh cessful rads. They arg div'ded into sev- ae ee Secaete eae apn, ‘of the other, here i hho: Gospel inteuen, 5 through Sie ers ts [rove sco TpAnerEnopetes eae nes Alb oa at seme etring to ihe cl pute ee a per nod ceed: ing = | destsgetion. people that with the disappearance off Sr" the ‘third Battalion. King’s Afvican| ‘This oper and ~ successful Pees ext foren the nk eee eras ant ark Sane be/ rifles, under the command o} ‘officer ye up a portion of the protec. | '¢ : e | commanding the proteclorale troops, torale as remarkablo for the -densily of tual coniston trig ene Goan s fluence, doubtless, is to be attributed the| were hurried to the seene of the revolt: ils population 48 for the richness of ils c 21 seems to be added’ as fact that a enemy seemed bu Mite in nabpends or or tee es WITCH WOMAN FLEES. r Hy neve that Jestis is) nr, Smear ane the naprowest pos: r three days’ marching throu; Zea the, Chest voxred Purpose of the gisle escape, for as he role-cn his thule TooUerasunls cueNe hic opie] Tie hath a strenuous wife will pats men were — punis severely, it was }never ve thes simple life. learned that the witch woman had fl r is what you Fay reputation Sa for protection to Ndube's people, and| is canis people think you it became necessary to penetrate the la} “I don't want my hair ore over “Don't you thinks, major, yeung-mian in the front THE TWINS, Sa OF PRECEDING CHAPTERS. HE ee spect e mh Jocked_{n, Bene the night” a mummy high Egyptians appears, se ra. ther cle th or 3 ive have Mes away with them upon @ tour of cing. eee Il BEFRIENDED BY “DACKY.” CCOPHIS beats | alt sister's ear, as ho felt the wind rush Past him, however, was too busy holding 8e. “Dacky” sped forward, alr with powerful strokes of his giant wi The huge RG peas his flight high above the ut, presently, breath of the travelers upon his back. They somewhat resembling “Dacky, “This ts cousin, y cheopertyx,”” sai acky, politely in- troducing the remarkable E “His last 2" ful,” muttered du th, “b 2 suppose it'll be all right to call him Sammy." Sammy opened his mouth in a grin not quite so formidable as that of a Iwas just going to at- a meetin, toothed " birds are to hold ronaee a the hee and if you care est, for a time I shall ne nate Sera you thither.” “We'd be delighted!” exclaimed the twins in chorus, while Ray added to he nee extremely stem manners my What's-his-name ha: then, “how | funn; must have been to the twins. when, in proper order, they were introduced as Tomm: Tchthyorals, Bob Rham- wage, Teddy Hesperornis and acky however, Bi e & 8) a Eis for he knew tively he couldn’t a ae names Sammy told him. He would need ai many teeth and as big a sae as Dacky “But why don't you make us ac- auatuten with those birds ovo! thore?” whispered Ray to Sammy, point 8 roup of birds wh plans of bie Soren) tapnersene have insulted u: H Ge tapes aWRcarah ae 0 pretended oo be ‘looking ares in the distant hort: ‘ead pees Heal insulted,” scream- a Rufus Do- showing that the aot e of their as- Sracerag. and splashing in the marsh, then a scrambling over ground, as two im- mense creatures came into view, bat- TO ESCAPE THE BATTLING MONSTERS, FLED TOWARD THE SIA tling one with the other, One of the animals had a head like e covered with horny plates, an upright, bristling — ri down his back, TI snakellke head, a 101 and a huge body covered with thick hide, toothed’-awere in. flight. they Quick, for your iivest Ben Stego- si vied rH ida THEY MEET SAMMY and Joe Brontosaurus are of t the merry le in the creature's eyes reassured them. Neit a keke Yoice unploas. T peeped out of ane. water a 3 saw Dacky run you, my chil- dre’ He’ ought te, he aanuid OF himself for deserting you in such a. warner, me, ae acut be afraid. Come! it m a nice, merry fellow 4 —the a eaucipdb ter ONL ame’ rd tor yo sy.’ I think I like “tooer blo around dere Yery shortly, rved Zoogy, cause Tim and Dick will soon es have more to do than AGRE Gagne Ce ey 8. fu see that host swims glee. “You're goin; = Sue ee Regie battle of A, said hi e horse as the only animal ANd =) Bettlement of Andhelny ostriches are light vehic jouthern Se aines riish Bast tr iter and. less inable to. diseus ¢ hor: h e years. old, draws a little three-wheeled cart. peasant. This animal, now No bit can be used, so the reins aro Attached to the testh of the hours g ““THERE'S GOING TO BB LOTS OF TROUBLE AROUND HERE VERY SHORTLY,’ OBSERVED ZOOGY.” IN EAST AFRICA, ed to Render Weapons of Brit- ish Useless. ull detatis of 186 operations which cently been con: f clans of the K ‘open revolt, y the atlemp| ce theatre of operations was in ‘that rolectorate Romring. on 3 Nya mi saripiest ent and suc- and sstilily among the various clans that the men OTHER GRETCHEN met back affrightedly, but be 19 fero= ious wolf could eae pod her there came a scurrying of feet from be~ hind and a form passed her, eat {tself upon the terrible bi > fo have been in your nelgh- et it was something,” pro- swear.” bowed clumsily, muttered Be continu is on his wa} peasant € told lis friends of what had happened they pails Im re- jolce. Mother Gretchen Is a very ne old seek eald they, "Some say is women, who act as envoys. MEDICINE AGAINST- GUNFIRE. The attempt on the life of the British. able chief Ni game forwat the life of such a powerful scrceress.” ® TCEASUIER within an EGGSHELL Long and sent bhi ponderefl over these words. Then he came. to the con- 10 gain great aaah or otbse Nee Rare fa} upon me, 1 must b m. ‘Thereupdn Jullan, who had heretofore be een Somewhat of an Idle fellow, dill- “A FLASH OF STREL” set about Snproving eich » By day he night books utmost to acquire learning, Soon the pennle began to observe a. great change in Jullan, So well bed he applied himself to labor that he had accumulated much wealth, sions were now great any man erat outs applied elf to sar Cat he was the peer ia any in knowledge. ined ‘became Covernor sss tho had passed, 0 row had old Mcther Gretchen brought be- fore him, “Did you aot Fay,” sald ho, repro: fully, “that my egg should gain gor a jt” nnd has it not~brought you r: be A replied the old wom: for ft you pec not Pe ae now or powerful or fearied. You Pty be livin oO ‘yo ws eran eae i Immediately this and the other fut nown, armed pel ce an c:othes that he and his people “vere, re frend. oe | wing Meanwhile the flanking cel having arduous ¢: ences. On tho fol- day Ndub my forehead any longer,” declared Uar- old. “f want a crack in it like father’s,” i “Did you hear about lefacemen' of Skinner's ene cer oe What ‘as itt “tri te the epitaph “What wos the epitaph?” “'He did b's best frionds,’» A CONSIDERATE GIRL. have you and Miss Gadthwaite nt She said she was delermined that I should not encountor the danger of being the first‘on the lisk” Rees : SI Not only. is it less work but it ‘is more neighbor's. oe Bek fun to watch pons than your own. ee 0 Prof my lecture Se owlan't you ae tS visa, ist aus, pena