Milverton Sun, 11 Jun 1908, p. 8

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WHITNEY GOVERNMENT RETURNED : SS ‘THE rH me on THE RIGHT HOUSE | ae z ; EXCURSION: With Increased Majority. Heavy Liber Liberal Loe —Hon. Netson| ——— ree =i ee ee verton football team were de- Monteith, Minister of Agriculture, defeated in South Perth. ae tec uss oA raepe To Toronto and < = ; ee ee ev inacth Ske pesiant Niagara Falls “Tha Provincial General Elections on] KENT, W. Sees , Inthe aia half ne visi- ‘é AF M ulted in a general sweep 5 LI a Saunas the home. teat who Via CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the Whitney . DA Exe mek seme fe, ln 100. seat Saguits saree pcivetiton ee EE OE NT eT combination of the Brussels seats ; 2 - = : eet - SATURDAY, JUNE 20 in carrying » 18. All i LAMBTON," es Siege es : Ee oe u 5 Mond: e , f Hon. Hanna eee oe - : : ut the 0 ee eee Tan Diane isu cleated a Hamilton. The only |LANARK. N- aa ; \ % Niagers [fl pis ‘in the ointmdnt of f the an a 2 ue Preston, : eee ere te oe | Friday & Saturd besos! 228 | ate i Perth, who - |. Matheson .. it . ri oe a ur ay EE gloat a:2 i sock. X EDS ‘ iality 1 g + Ba orth Mr. Ja forrance was again John R. Dargavel ... .. .... 188 . ‘ Vel: : i . ea fe Loarentationt dem anaged to make om intoad z eCoy N ; 3 “We offer afew money saving specials, oi i= | ke 5 | rural i Ag . ers ere “ Panaout, being put. eke baer Mil Re reals : be! jouty hie own town : chosen with a view of pleasing you. crippled poh from Milverton b, se ; 2 f| Hon. Ad: Sa eae e ME GRTOrbapaCyeiag sore apear crete When You see the exquisite embroid- R. nd ithe |, Gonnectl scan eae de eee ait ear Anes BAe Nea | poled ae Minion, hie home; n-| cam @ aera ~ 50 ery, , tasteful styles and quality you'll th ilod their last chance of win- ; il : 8 D a ; S . : they ie discret championship. The | iskets good to retira on speck i in, June| Vota shows. tb os : tame wangdls Neely, So oe ote = think as we think that this is a most ex gamd was fast thranghout, ‘both | ren between five teat at home. The city Earn ‘ ceptional opportunity for price saving. teams playing Oa élean ball. ‘The | adult rates. ford gave Mr. ranee James A. Rosa . Sy APE . 3 Are ‘id iis will most likely be the only excursion ek which anne his Pie impos- | MUSKOKA ‘ - to the Halls this year: a0 be sare’ and don't | hyo. “AL AL Mahaffy. . ace. _ \ No. 1—Ladies’ gowns, good. English Eipning era ee satires sererzbody MORNINGTON. NYP ISSING ¢ ‘ Pa ee at Tons neatly trimmed or reed and puters ore | Torrance flay 5 “ ‘ S camo as it out to besplayed, Seu pectces ES eee NORFOLK, 8. $1.2: bg ot Brus:| qn saith, pa 2 é : pc ees "iin ea, tak te pu, Woes SY sont $1 OLS See 2 , No, 2—Ladies’ Cambrie Underskits eae Lost Tie Bia. Z ag oe ERLA deep lawn flounce with tucks and wide 5 Sa : 5 a torchon lace, reg. $1.25 for............89¢. THIS YEAR’S HERALD 2 maj 1 NTARIO. N. : » Teg. $. _ EXCUR SION Majority for Torrance 1. « Fea ee No. 3—Extra value in Ladies’ 50c. . 38c.. Ty Noyth, Resthope, Mr Hayis aa a eke Dimwere all seston ce Dates Arranged for June 20th-22nd.—A jority was 283. ewe neared oma, ve ie 9 Al 422 in Elta, : ate ae Wellesley tovrnaiy nmin ee ee wal in Mornington and 0 PARR SOUND : No. 4—Special cut in Ladies’ White iC] The Stratford Hala’ popular sn: nie. Oe ea aa he Lawn Waists for Friday and-Saturday. © eouneits ame ert bt Mon: nual excursion to Sarnia And ete | ™ Next Week. eee te Tetra ike Set ee. "and Lae ay of as been set this eae tea Saturany Below, is given a summary of the | PERTH, bargain, All wisinbers were ini attendance, fo Meng raphy 006 €0 $8 tneluaives abd vate "ay tiie-xariond municipalities ;— eee 4 facilities have MD me "needs seared were | Whole length of Perth ‘county, and a LIBERAL Th } dene Jas. a easy taken ona, consdared af i ok Ae Ce ea et eg Ae aes Gents’ Parnishings The several a were wrove fete abi i eee 8 uf viene by P. a4 “ee Truax. uA meier seconded |° will not be) BRUCE, N. earris . sense Rae cen Panchen © erescorm + ne ie : eee Phatink sg ae ' Weare leaders in Gents’ Furnishings. G. MacKay. ............§ PRINca EDW. ARD - : AND Notinat goa wo oe Ae Call in and see our range of Straw aca 4 narNin ti VE 0% ef Hats, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Fancy is means a change from former c FORT FRANCES 7 it is believed will make) Wm. Prou¢ sie nee AOE W. A. Preston .... so Socks, Fine Underwear, etc. New ar- mo e N, EB * RE — W, 8S. arivals every week. -S, The cove “now faced Titets 6 s : es *r Greyhound, of the ; : rai ob sea maoved thy ule the Shlot excursion, steamer. an CG: Ross a |g witteave Sarnia on the 20th MIDDLE ESE 0 ; Mes ikotortaon te shadrman [28 ral ae ath Mn Ca rates it nal iW ves BONY Tag TR Hatt es coed ee | a ; od. Ese e beat thal veo ba See eke ms TORMON'D WwW, K, | OTH Issuerer of Marriage ey fetter hours’ baing Kept ‘both gol Olers WAS Milligan’ ... SOS pee a a a. Licenses ."« ‘ ‘ng and returning nd m a! ng De MeDougal “stair SS 4 3120 S. a5 ore Sena 36 ‘ip less of an ortis OXFORD, N S E, s tha Allen would say. Dr. Andrew MacKay... .. 462 Ferguson wie sees sane #00, MILVERTON, ONTARIO The size and sumptuousness of ihe OXFORD, 8. sTURGH ON FALLS _Baykerry SReiaed cnitrtge SB 9. Aubin 3 P ul TH, supi ny ar to the tr ople. elcnting: Block a 5 F. Cochrane Huhor, $000.00, The Berlin {telegra ra ererating RENFRE Ws N TE MISKCAMING with The H Id v 'd to Be R eS ateaes: 1 (Im doubt) 6 Cig. boo oe . $i IE eds Waterloo Petersburg, apd| RUSSELL TORONTO, E. ( Notice to Creditors der ae anon Ot i ee acres amounit of D. McFad as acres, amovnt SR anhns oe Hh Pyne is. 49 --- . as War SO rb. Da © jisee fase) ae hess soe - ee re taken, that s is exeursion will come as a/SIMCOK, E. - K 0, "E B) In the Surrogate Court of the County of AND 9 © nm. 2 W. S.. amt, $10,500, oe Rots r vei OS Kahl eS et ag * Whitesides i -. - 359) perth in the estate of William Ross |. - * np of the i a oy NG! : ¢ ee ree, Deesee tts : MeE wi ee ag HS AE one ere — late of the Village of Newton, Town- com. 14, W. 8: fommornt § he hecessary ‘al ICH 18 HEREBY GIVEN pursuant £0 ” MaPherson gheta. ppodd NOTES auates of On na ie Cas) | 1 ties to ames ‘cEwin = a0 i =| Phiends again “wade TWORTH, 8. TO) . Ss. (BY ship of Mornington, County of Perth ori tn vronerties changed Daniel Reed + = 180] Goo, HH. es and Province of Ontario, retired far-| MI INERY ine the « : 3 mer, deceased. Be Sie coi i nccauanc gh CONSERVATIVE Fon, 7h, Oravetord a ase LL ions ec yol © e ta 14 and col . 12, S. A pe ith ge tay - vac a nd he of Vis PAUL setber cosine ORE TORONTO, N. (A 9, a = hn ted ai Ts. for #1 A LGOM _ W. K. McNaught ...... tl rane Lan ogi ns on aye, a i : few ioe: We Rs hint ae TORONTO, N. (B) pakateo of the said Neh 1 Fn OI Os Our millinery is remarkable for varities. Scores ian D. Mokaj fo 5. M Washburn and daugh-| pp awy) pa aaa ioe ; al Tr aH h McKa 1-2 lot 3, con. 8, E. ‘tapel ‘ahd Mildred. are. Visiting oni We Fisher af oe 3 TORIA, ¥. 0 Me. Alexa ton, B. 0. Bxecit of Trimmed Hats to choose from, We put on them aguorcs hoe Mrs. Jos. Brenner te} :t the Rector: RA H. C jarnegis Ra Serr saebal yo, day of. ‘908, ames, thi + i Re ie we MF. aud GF Pel Max He Ros id spoiling W.fow days Be viezorta Ca Ist fot », 2008, thelr, names, nothing bnt the finest materials, By coming here you Fi 1-2 11, con. ‘A. ES. 8 ee is sister, Mrs. Thompson of BROGIGVILE will have no difficulty in selecting a suitable hat or tchells > si SS ane Bs watinnoo, ts as ‘i E i Pravt ‘spent Mondaf’ with her Mase at! Z : fore will | bonnet at a popular price. See window display for from ohn ne <2 John A. Draar, “lark 2 ATERLOO, be hatete ‘ i 2 i bs H added to Was. ah nd i] Do FEE Ha Pisa tne ; “Hugh ee Mis es ee sae 38 wie regurdonty fo he cla Hed some of the leading styles. We have made Special SL: Duistiok’s statute lm fruts excursion. to. the Experimental BA Sen Fear vELL! L Shore tovobtak ‘ its Hammond | Farm, Guelphy on Wednesd: June | pur FE RIN : oe ¢ said executors will mot an ef as . the right shapes and that let have sue: R. and GT. R. MeKenwnissas, Gaur as fe ‘of whose chain shalt | ceeded is shown by the constantly increasing sales, No. 2, Sy added: ty No tt parece Dey S eto. D ral 2 set be eo 68 | notihia Eicivea “atthe time of such | 7 iY betes 7, W. S., 100% fe a ts. MoCo loy spent a day Hon, J.. P. Whitney... 3. 9 Dat wton, Ontario, this 2nd day of | ton ‘Geb: MoKos, struck off, tnsé week with friends in Linwood.” | puRHAM, oD Dow ney Tbe Be Re goa Fed ; Mead 3M. E. M# MacGillivray spent the week| J. 9 “Preaton ...: Sea TW ORTH, N. Resnae dan aoe MRS KA I E SPROULE BS og,-as M. andL., sok with friends in Milverton. DURHAM, W. Riera i 8, 's , 4 esstne a} | Misd Eva Strachan, nen “2 lot & umday at Mrs. Re Nevrton spent Je FL DOVER ais ste {east Miller's Block, Main Street, Milverton. f the members| G, A. Brow. “eS YORK, NORTH 7 OR Pe LEMnGK ies. eigen Bl Macdiarmid: ... .... 609 | YORK, MERE Dr. sa ie tar Se sed a] ESSEX, N. tme driver. from Mr, Holmes ‘of New: Hon. Dr. Reauma SE Sli HAMILTON, '" ore ESSEX, 8, A. Studholme (Labor) »........ 76 r ND CLASS ¢ Farmers haye been so busy getting 3 5 ie eek ete » factory | ror ~~ =~ SE) the eleotion in the Province of Que- found -Telp Excursions 2 ral ‘ K hive Mi Ts Sara y . Bak- | sr thet the «cheese «fa —— = : ue: _ er and toriy Koob As the ing) has been postponed, le is ee eo on Monday resulted in almost a | 4g Awana Bd eee, KODAK PICTURES : werd no other appe seis counoil do w the 18:h, at 2 pm. ‘The stoe NTENAG lean sweep for the Gouin gove ‘ MANITOBA ee ee adios thar nncveke se: | teens steadily imereasing, and the sn /ment. “The government had 52 mem- Sieger ys ‘ rales ars sat revised for] prospect! of tho project wank els NGARRY | bers while. Mie, Conse: uy me Se are the best of hich is ro- | bright. MeDonald ... ss 50 | tive chad. 15 returned, x : 7 SNE nos TS GRENVILLE Cane —__—— og Lee § _ WELLESLEY. 2 Le Ferguson ie oe bes : ae SUMMER PLBASUBES rman. Y Seve amg GREY, C. CARTHAGE. ae: ‘ sd at Grosshill this first day of] Mr. Nick Wagner of Vermilion. Bo Bi LeUb06 oe chine Gt pe Sale TERE T. * e t 1908. penti a few days here with Seanad > Mr, and Mrs. Gallop and family of ¥ i With a Kodak, you can take pictures of — ‘on “motion by Messrs. Hastings we and frais icscieiaea ulverton spent Sunday at Mr.-Alex. f % PRR 4 youf home, your friends or anything else amy resumed in gpen oes ‘4 number of this vicinity ty i 32. 2 | Sean you like, an, a Kodak is so sept to use en aoa | Ciided the funeral of Mrs, Laut he xon, i ecko: BF wdon of Toronto was the a tad : “ : HTS mmeler seconded of Petersburg, who was Es HAMIL Tone Ww. aeat ae Sunday of his friend, T. Kola issued tall Nor ‘ i issued in |terrad my the Lutheran cemetery on} Bon. J.'S. Hendrie... «1555 Fe Jonnaton. Tourist La LE hey : Kodaks f 1 to $25 in sua attert HASTINGS, ‘Nir, Chas: Sailer returned home ov ist Sleepi pach odaks fois 0 $2: Heimpel, seraping in gravel, 2. ‘Tha Messrs. T J Le peice tnt Be 9 Saturday afte: i ® ‘ 9 Muntele 1 World, GS, E. Write us for our new 1908 sea “scrapii harden Catalowse, J ERER wile 5 s 3: rs ui A. Riel in aeonsere tos iss Clyde la § n leaves. led ie eraveiy: st Ke Wan. Millers ‘dieing tho oui er conyention at Bad. asin Ree vis ur burg. for flew days a in tea ad fe poration: Rikhet. f Hae a, y ec Wo dohnigotte sai nt coe est C.P.R. agent for @ copy, or w: ruggist an ic 15.00; E. Play. Mrs. Harry Kelterbotn | HURON, 8. ‘Miss Nellie Johnston of Milverton is} Gp, POSTER, District Pass. Aft, C.P.R., Toroate REA, aii be be +o 7 plow mea on publle ign Bletenk Sunday at Mr. Geo. Heintz's . Bi ona ; visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Simp- as “repaired, 2.86 He Knight, ass neaar’ Bainberg, HU > ee Hotel, Market Square, STRATFORD. © wor's salary We 8. ai andi Mr, and Mire Peter Jantzi: are A. H. Musgrove... 3: Mrs, I. Askin is home again after i starting “on weeks’ jour- | KENT, E. : a visit of two weeks with her par COMMERCIAL ney. the state ee Eerie vane this P. H. Bowyer ac) ws cute, Mr. and Sire: MoKay of Hxe- ter. es atoning court, eto. tyes ce ls a Bele - Fall wheat per bushe Ye ; ttanding pagar | 1h NEWTON. ats per bui i ' ply Gata cre res : evel ae aredigns and when arriving | n 80 : i frre the clerk hereby oa ae Weesurprise that the : Mr. F. Dunke returned to his home | Pe 4 : fo instruct C.D. Bowmel,| ttter had oat Rated nistabs doit Pir at! ice bate aaaetieaee? ESE Se ailonrs Rare ee bs ee : BEA 2. roceed and take all no | such Zh scl nd My Wee adie lene for Haloy- : y weanuremente, levels advan Basan Colle i s bury on a Satanda mayhiere: He had , and r to sourtGHi’ xelane “puteby: iitste, ssliool team m f a a pegeenn 2 fi ne 24 00 25 00 oe é : or atslgae weal fi face and played bal, and ron : ‘ “and read from James Birmingham and | sh hy Id. play: mae a ae ne eeaed 2 : ‘ ae the Municipal Drainage | ‘They “seated. tw pay 2 SHOE euerer Ses te says with Fronds in Tallow .. ear eas © hot.—Carr bene the’ 1 : eu y | Wellesipy was',theit.. sapexior they | ight. a tee atenhcApescenenel ‘The Perfect Dressing for id Mrs. P. Colombo and fam- peaae's ‘ay ‘of ‘Biratford spent nt nae days i 2 ne home of Mrs. W. , | givesn briliany saan lat wu sot |” Sate et icy Ages Ba 90 90 x Tub off or soll the daintiest ang Mea ‘Stratford. ates chs, None PES? BEE E 00 - We have a very large assortment of Lawn © r. Chas. Neil- | Butte ¢ : N; so of Stratford "spent. Suiay | Bays . a - Mowers. Our stock is complete and we can 4 ses respecti omes ry Lh ediinny "Hon ut irene ‘Mateja ly setercedt the game. We sleds 10c. and 95e. : . E. Wilson of Milverton spent | pan Ska ADEOR Das HCE TE __ Supply you with.any size you may ease takvas Act. ae ines ntry does fot * as sanay at the home of Mr. ©. Don-) Ba ey 465 * ee onion iin fo. BO Vee SAEs Daly ; / “Nir. F. Tank of Millbank spent Sun- ae, the Town: tp: ind oul ¢ retort / day’ at the home of (Mir. Wm. Mit- Ast “Monday in Bale ate rl pa Serer ee LET oppor ing | « ook in th E sc uiotae f Me. Be sce L. Kumpf of Stratford . PE nF. SCH eli bee : & , nding a few days with friends | Bu ms ans vicinity. Eggs.. Sl ‘Wilson ot fistowel spent with friends hi x erie Insti- Don't! ‘imental scan Biel

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