» ly of the specialist. we Reh pes are not only they aj 1c 7A SHBER WASTE OF TIME, especially when there is so mueh to be dcnein our short lives and for nH needy wari beyond us you meet the other man, who, vith ar his eames 2 his (a ee tiindedness, stil gets his chief pleasure in relion. ten will zsicny insis| La gion is the only he 9 “a olhe 's_ belt fnita tions designed to your ean un- deing should you ever regard them with favor. . Perhaps, you have come to the bails forms and philosophy, for yourself its controversi ’ ty iti “fre Amy tabrepréecr tatloris, maketh rethee d iuinarinee than a help in your life. PHENOMENA OF RELIGION A Man Could Not Live an Hour of His Life in Any Worthy Sense Without Lt, Es es press toward the mark.”—Phil. iif.,) Yet religion is fhe. aaa simple. thing im the world. We are all a good deal Sone richer the meaning ot 207 word } mora, religious thai we think, except the greater the likelihood that ideas ig-| when we think we are wholly and exclu- a le unworthy will Re etands n- | Sively religious. Ib its subtleties and ‘ der it, How many. ‘conceptions and prac: ntroversies rise from our attet Fs tices, mean, contemptibJe, selfish, and| analyze its phenomena. In itself the re- eetdden. wih sin, re claaked Themeelves alesans ife is as simple as the healthy who tries in any way (3 iia this world, hat geod and t No matter hat his pretensions may be, an is religious who does not soe the ascending way Sis not striving along that w relia so long a estly ein the life ots ‘ruth, and nes: t that is on that way soon shines a iets bas ‘oan our gyn, and we Aes we g with the best tone coieiay eal the great and good of all time Every ‘ie nee has lifted the world has and often laid down for ‘Sanh lives are our heritage, their aims our i nett seem: The sun among the stars, t to follow them BnpNted is { aie way of religion a pe Ss 'Y F. COPE. THE S. S. LESSON 14. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE Risen Christ by the Golden Text, Matt. 28. 30. The Lesson XI. Sea of THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. (Based on the ext of the Revised Version. ‘An Appendcd Chapter—The narrative pt John’s, Gospel was. formally brought 30 and chapter 20. 21, th an opilogue, cf upper, to the , whic tent balances © the pi Rita: “Loweve “heen bark 0 docs nol scem to have original ptan of the Gi t that hears wife 2 30 of his testimony to the divinity of Jesus he culminating point in the Reon ne reason for mor perag aph eats the apostle’s part o, a Salt apa aeepraleeccounl af Christ's words cerca fumes uy hrist's possible phen. gives tn detail tho clnguen hh led to its being uttered. turally. into four par fo the even, and the ing nded testimony to Of the Gospel (4, 28). othe futhentieity 1. Aller these things—A vague as occurs re- A BMbdisciples on tioned, by the author. Mine Name for the 1 Galilee, occurring only.:tn tei persons 0 t Palestin name with, BRIG Gono mget felling tram, the eynoplle records, ‘There were together—Probably all percent tbe disp referred fo resided tn the, neigh alled Didy, mi it * a planes) and John. sciples who were nob the ope group. n is stil! then Ng Joe ew temporarily {0 their for- , mithey. Wook nothinge—Bven though the beet tine for Mshing was afler sunset 1 bet re sunrise, Jee the simi tae incident recorded in Luke 1-10. 5, Chulaebne ti expréssion rv “lads in © the th Jent in a fate ehich “elther of these terms might.-b ‘applied. by masters to their workmen, ‘er by men to each other, Tlave ye aught to eat?—Or, “Have ye 4. @ny ce @ righ. side ofthe boat-sThoy had enpacenty ig op Peat left, ake vn a “hie Rplght. tha tne Steaniger'a atviog. Wes based: upon his having observed a. dis. asbaios of: the waleva's resence of fish apes their Hotice surface indicat whi iple therefore whom Jesus alth- John was the first to dis- ranger, whise to act upon making discovery. This circumstance wel: between the two men, John being the more thoughtful and having Spparentty PX deeper intuitions, while: Peter was mors, impulsive ‘and, demonstrative In hs attachment for his Mast ndred Giplts About one mune phics fire “A fire of of. coals—Greek, words of this and the fol! eee ee verse contain testimony to the genuineness of Joh spel added by other maak mony w ental Saran Sport on the Gull 0 lor of the par explaining that he wee ftselt would es font which gully, though eaumare tye oh Ore iG pS DEVILFISH. KILL of Monies Entails. Muscle Rackingy Hard Work. ¢ task of hitting a devilfi mae ees foot boat was left to the ache: mbel “with the ° ion, We need s at home exclud fever fo remember thal truth ia not ess Relig ion isithe life of ideals. The re-|thing that smacked so of suicide, says ‘true because a lie-steals her name. ligious life is one that moves on into its }.a ish in Scribner's Magazine. Ac- It is not strange, away wh A -bige- ideals, realizes “and constantly develops | eardingl: the try, hypocrisy, greed, lesign: beni: It is the spirit that moves us all i ing humbug droga Be Eaaaeelyes the | with divine discontent—thal Teaves no ‘spearman. as in the ae vite i ition! eligion, and even claim ex- rar satisfied with himself ath is the pate stood the big boat r clusively to re fie resent it, that honest men | world. Ale perfection. e the fist xe clear field. “aL the $ ~ who love truth and kindness, garner seeks the ideal in s an ness, look askance ‘eli giol Religion is the ca whieh, ae each developed perfectly—the and prefer that their virtues shall NOE fay not 6 only in the light of things as good, the fish half filed the ’ tte to ilg credit. are but 5 sage ee tor things his first splash, and the Still ainsi feel that religion is so re- they ought lifts Re - a great sw-nging c:rcle, mote from their lives that they have no non visions of ‘Sign aracter. n fifteen thinutes it was pos- time to ry lo its consideration. It ma, s ive noble nem tinselffsh liv- e sloop cut across and be well for per of leisure, sentimen- jing. of social paaeitians and a hen by some mancenyring ta! or slothful, to dream of spirits and, more apne yaa social order. ame possible to pass thé inboard heaven, of the soul and ils salvation, but him on to the possession ‘of thes ; Fend-of the line up to het bowsprit. After most of us need our energy for the every-| He is 2 velige who does anything for | that it was a fight to a finish, with the day business of livi ia the sake of a hig! al; who t Jakes one | devilfish on one end of the line ae the it religion is made synonymous waith step forward where the light Beet fen ton sloop <n the other, lon; mg theology, it seems i. be the concern 01 THE PATH BEFORE. HIN hile it seemed as though:the cevilfis Had the beller of it. “He towed th tg pct steed ly out Into the Gulf for Tarce lo fonane that killing as much genuine, muscle ratios hard work as any task ns It is much the same ss pul ling for hours against a yoke of © who, are moving enlirely Indifferent. 0 Lue Sullle effor' devilfish will let simple fie tire hin i hiss ‘he pill ecules bat must, work constantly by hauling. the tow in ceatenteler 1G he s rained {othe Foint of w oeaenne he n auled close enough to poott ape har- aie People who stick seldom get stuck. Only a dark life treats lying venlly. ‘The meek man is the self-mastered man. You are not dof dis ipl e. r for eternity is the relig- a disciple if you are nee “A fish.” bread Oi, “a loat.” Up—Greek, “Abroad,” that is, back . a hundred and fifty and ree. a Tnante John never f got the exach number, and the fact the fishes ha med to him at the ime unusually es 42. Break your fast—An expression the signiicgnco of nl ieh is preserved 'n ‘ord “break! at the ise ples durst inquire ot Their curiosity no doubt. wou.’ prompted: many inquiries, 1 ui their reverence, foe, thelr rig compelled silenc! 13. Cometh, “and taketh the bread, at giveth them—The'r awe ferbade their approach to us, fou necessary. {0 breax the | spell which his presence had throwa 0 was. not pail, <onparalive thou me Reterrin ig apparer bu fallible ‘adpens to gage aright. love thee—The word “love” us bl pale sath sarees and by Jesus in his thie rd qi (Vers wot the same asl io first a second 15, 16). a ia tie a term ex fortunately. the but one verb to express the Wattiaa st bath of the Greek words used in this assage. gs Feed my occupation of fishermen 1s pa are pies to that of the shephe yest theta me?Jesus. drops. the cies more than: the: which the himibied disciple had hé milated fo an- it retains his own word for “Kind of love he requires ny -ahoep—The limbs'al the figalé neeil nourishment principally; the sheep require careful guidance as well vs food. When thou was yo haps Petes ula alivedgepaal the in of Another shall gird. thee, and carry lee whithcr thou wouldest not—The ref- fence: tiers, seems to..be-lo: (he! prelini- inary preparations in the case of ¢ The Master here’ foretells fixion. the manner of Seath which shail come to Peter, as it had to himself. The timo und quack a the gpastle’s martyrdom ane ot -certaly tnaeh. early tadition points to the tinie “of the serntict under Emperor Nero, All the riiest fefereiices ig. the apa That he wtas-crudlfibd: JOrigens One ot t “arly church ee ers. says thal. at his own request Peter wa ed with is Head downward, bot ‘ec ing him- self worthy to die in y the same manner = which Mad fer had wed. 21. Loni, and st shall this man i Greek, “Lord, nd this. man wha Having outa aa intimation as ve nis ath to ‘oncerning “the future of another = promigent member tion. rebuke Pragiost the ant SBLsfeane o-felbemhipas the, dae gentle ny of each individual dis“iple, » That the ‘words of Jesus were: misunderstooil e than one present is:explained it in the next-v nts recard- — the difference in character ed in’ the fore anpeniled chapter bub in the entire Gospel. 1 It you Bane? a winsome soul. No can slay strong by holding dewn a pagal ‘snap. A crooked walk discounts the straight- at sind = fly ‘attow ue ungrateful to givin an og oe are in souls you must be that we wes; ws his full aie! uml he turns t ae anes Folks jo. the works of Teligin jiaveuiiutat Gouna deer te Ae high: pltonse Hes gt Shae jing lines of otherwise dangerous lei- ure, The only time some men love their enem‘es is when they embrace their wha are willing to gota heaven Goerecne 6 get Toston the ‘Tha stllest price you cell pay for pcre things is ta get them for MOInnE he rliecol-redetulion is na}_much e "iho! the! bridl> of str e sign by Y if oie ae wingdomt ot: hen Drowning your troubles in di an <ffective way of watering: the a vor, There is in every life a {allisman that urnssall advers ly and il to advantage good nk is weeds Be PITH, POINT AND PATHOS, A genius is only a fool that happens : a tad wit the world. pails lor a woman to take in ie nth “ott before she sees it, Phere is nothing that pleases a wo- tan Se ch as being able to rose as a mia Avhen in Galbl a8 tp Ube alliey fellow! 5 atvengib, apolog'ze instead of starting ns “funny how much more a man expools his wife to believe than he does of ist vis vine retult of making ue wor re s high an eee aenratt “Unless a man hts something a’ wee bit bad about h'm he fs mighty uninter- esting to the average woman. TRADES FOR BOYS. Jt is time that the modern father awoke to the fact that boys should be taught: trades, rather than be allowed {o drift along as.“clerks” of the inde- While cleiks are e: much m re edvanPineans i iL an world gener: had be turned into ‘ Td thoor nasi trade: see, it is a lucrative one in same the prospec pract‘cally nil It is g striking fact that most a the in- nates of Co! prisons. t ere un- skilied. wor kers=anich who. have had no regular t adetar prolesclonstdught nem So. wise father, let your sons learn a FOR THE CONGREGATION. zyman was. taking ‘sWwhen, quite by withthe local minis- it ete wht “Well iend, 2 must preach { and beliege roe: 1oy 41 a . el nondell “ihe! visiton, gravely. “pat 1 rend relieve your congregation.’ eee eet Most of the men peed the bars be- bees at one time that they were clever, / “Pa. did-you ever hear money. talk?” “yi? “MVhat did say?” “Goodbye!” ‘The able-bodied tramp: fad ust asked as: ne the nted: oe Brey ih i, “Tively ttle, ml nt, how delightful-0, was Under the Spell of a Mummy Sorcerer @ipped his nose in the. water. there was ‘Mr. cuteness “Do you feel very very funny this rning, Mr, Cuttlefish?” anxiously questioned aS ieteatak T SRYERETE iid much appre- + cutttetifh aes r into Zoogy’s eye; in creat as shes *ranntest ever saw? Now, WASN'T ae funnier mee anything he nan Raymond had a very Cul pbeninias pon ave said.” Peithe r Ray nor s #2 5 2 y 80 to Lirik ieee they offend hi “Oh, there’s a kangaroo on the shore!" exclaimed Ray, clapping her hands in don’t know me a kangaroo aa responded Zoogy, dublously, “but w that the chimed over there ts ure, nn ee Oh, way for? SYNOPSIS. use) ais beet Bey betore then end in’ great an mn hack ioe eg ‘and on te ‘anim: em S ate ae anaes Coat LAST Chapter IV A WAR OF MONSTE Some unaware of approach, Tim anc in fie He grinned so wide al ple: -yaoptnets teeiga you bloos Ae ee Zo by them. Dick, except han he. wbengt in Geer Raymon mi ptians appe phoaa tl a Dick they were talking, two! great They ing out shat nd, inand wi on @ tour counci} of a as SUNDAY.) RS lr foes? continued Zoogy was enjoying himself to the that lowed barrels of water, as or) he ogy!" ex= some- that they himself furlously upon. th and pro a ntwist ee Jone, snaky neck from about Tim. ceedingly stort ime he had separated the And then he talked very to and disliking to spend a sin Ble Now, Barot was a carrie a sleepy, o! 3 wi at ie ce final Bai ders and laughed lantern! I never used 6. Fes awe shal see," angrily ret delicem he policeman, in high fess ho, Fraten, for Barot nigh return to Me hut ne lclous of the policeman: £0 gone far ne sti th nen ed. the 0 he the spot here: tire policeman “An! T hi 5 you now!” erie Aa, / apringing. with tthe ule inaide. “You old arrest_you yet.” nee knowing ‘the me BE GLAD. he Dig spring hat, Gee whizi iow: wide and fat is. We'd better smile, Not curse; Be glad the sty le Ain't wai ‘A bee can ee pigeon. Some afrai wrong that ‘Digy “don't do. an: A woman just has a rule, whi Kn Toa he overestimates hi yway, een n didn't have. ite akepag ie cavpets a b pro eee os a es ‘Tm john spn at me. rice was twenty-three last Apr reached @ riper age than. ber § married atthe ages ol afier, in disgust. “Well,” pele es tramp. PHU takes all sorls of ke nsbenlacofiefe pour Wre don. een tc beg, while Vm too proud to work.” eighteen respectively. on. Uge, and you will not -be-tl the policeman e Barot pulling the ‘cart! ot Saxé-Coburg, who Miser apd Polisemsn in -a poor, little old man. Hi name was Barot, and he was a very miserly. fellow, ae his gold coin. A rua a Ronee: pended: in he one to torted the displeasure, that very 4 a clump of bushes along amie, and Barot, prepared to as his= efore he e car, un- nd fay hidden. ied the offi- from hi ou gue!” cried he, “i shall. t Bart was trudging merrily on policeman woud not dare to molest him furthers of doing ything. some mat to love ae if it’s only her own husband. a man begins to look is capacity. to help his i house their vie they |, John- a cana 2 aantien 1 mammal! ae who entecn and. jMRS. HOPPY FLEES FROM THE SABER-TOOTHED CAT most fool! fight was the could se mbes Ae ene ‘Tim = nowiedsrd ‘thele error themselves In read! Besiae the Atlantosaurus and the Plio- sh snivs, they mies were al- and Dick in shame, ness to fight _ouering the dismay of both the saurus, ins, he hastened to add, apologetic- Great ekcltement stione in Zoony's aly: yes. “‘Ah, the enemy has come!" mur- “I hadn't .eaten any breakfast, y mured he. know; and they looked just too nice for Indeed, the huge waves, topped with anything, You don't blame me s am, now almost met ‘Tim and Dick much, do you?” and their relatives, aymond began to think that Zoosy “You see," explained Zoogy to the was a wicked old fellow as well as 7 aro the last of the armored witty one. fo, winking ia, he ar jome of them are over twenty “It's done pi oid eh ies * eat za feat tn longth,.‘Thelr bodien are in-_ forgive you you will.call Mrs, Josed in large bony plates, and they }LOPRY OUND DREW AREER RC ae aoe are chee aie ce whith nora Gress between, a scream gigantic chaps b@Rind the fishes are re- W! Jated almost as closely to Tim as to the 8nd & stunt and “eit are ae shes. ‘They are the Dinlohthys, Some- meant’ no harm to times ‘hey Aght for “Tim; other times, “I, belleve I Shall "jeave you for a t against him." ee of his cousin, the Atlantosaurus, would shoot up to a great heigh' the alr, quickly to descend again, Everywhere ound about the waters boiled an surged, until the swells reached Zoogy. ‘I’m afral dren,” remarked Zoogy, ‘that the waves will sweep you fro) back, 4 jo not see! quieter resting place.” It was a great sacrifice for Zoogy to uu ever fight, ae re} “ate your brother? surely Shee Peas not hav sea, as_apparentl: at the vrecatect ion. him;. si Otherwise, we T assure You, eat hey traveled ing over his brothers nd, “what! A Soest mie Uke me pee ae Reet oe time I oy my ere detain to As he ‘ly. Zoogy?" asked Zoogy. Weve ve do! Z00BY, that?” 1y much m BILLY AND MR, TIB ‘I really loved Uttle “while, with Mrs, Hoppy, Jt you course, we had to fight. don’t mind,” “wh or é'never would have fought, confess that ee “fooling rather never would neve hays Sithout my. loncheon, and f think 4 it ys and T pever, should Hille po back aud have two or three Dinich on in silence, The if you won't gat any more of your Seni ic ninedazovny res a forrow brot ers will you?” opp erst and they. did ni Troe apne ea eidaned wish to disturb him in his. Theres hig tal on the: bea ch, in order that the Bet Shor were ‘somewhat. surprised ie right down his back when Zoogy, with a loud laugh, sald: into. the i ‘AS a funny bet, wasn’t it? Ah, okay my. brother was a funny fellow, too. But now that he’s gone, I try be ce ag jovial and comical. You won tell anybody, will you. if I whisper that I'm taking. private ftinny lessons from the Cultehsh? “Til tet you see him you Mand Ray’ than to see the tlefish, ‘When they were near Ra mond admitted that noth- ine Would give them greater pleasure marvelously Witt y Cut- the shore Zoogy from ips Jove the more-a girl seems to enjoy: Ray and Raymond sald politely, “Yes, erin? although much re- sented Bee called a baby by a creature: to be nothing more than a it ce ‘Whereupon the twins had to listen to: ae et had Aare them into her pouch, possible speed. was hopping with all across the sand. ~ aymond. cranag role neck as far to one side as he could, “It's the SaberToothed Cat!” he mut- tered, ‘Mrs. Hoppy now quitted the seashore: Mrs. cer the are ofa high aut SeGhapter Voss ; FAMILY REUNIONS. M oust they, and! . upon a broken by forests in the the right there towered RAzsad ra eeege een the wildered, TIb ike. sharp muzzle, It pos- eo with ust morale is goths t yonder. But fam! boast of as ‘many ilving ancestors aa I possess.” vparting De twine. aeTy as i! added, solemnly: "See scene have improved oar ane sare a.” stnaulterabe conceit!” sniffed “Mr. He went on to queried Ray. "No, mever. ienew him ‘personaly; oung I had many, many centurteg etore the zeugiodon was one oribed, our Raventtre, with the Saber- ‘Too! ust, have happened, till- fone of years ago,” mute ay. There. gertainty could be no, doubt of that fact. ere "Svhat nonsense sou folks -are, talk: ing,” interrupted Billy; “what do know sibel eh Blyth Pe! greatest diMeulty, ake a pathway palms grew hing of tree omen them, was the helr surmise thet the ne Mast even his, Seg the peakds . was just al and Raymond chatted the Mastodon, nd liked ‘the big fellow: teas mensely. Pa bs pret : ee feel dissy up as, ead!’ exelal) iooting. 12 ndmnbvation at Se ma head ahd wonder: Kan tu Mr. win ne ‘ The ne the, Poiue ona great trunk encircling them, Raymoed. shout jee ag. they gehtly Ufted high tho alr, when hey were deposited ‘Ightly upon the. § back of the don, een, to enjoy sp experience, ‘When thelr friend ul ;' the pee Raymond sald anthuataatips ally: t have a circus? ie ays there'll be lots of gine animals. ‘ before tong. e enough to aa jim-dandy one!" @ clrous? aon, on mined i have be; asked the Masto- Lois Bae . vs whére we “te ymol his as er nudged him aia unasl: me 1. Amertea, long, . Jong. his “Don't: bo tich a goose won't bo discovered for time to: come: eareoet a a at the, sretully, Sata his, just a nice bead for all of ther. aie uid give us. t deal enjoy’ { othe eR families enacted the mate i ry shall havo a Wek as soon aa other friende arrive xf a The more of an idiot a man isin mals. es