Milverton Sun, 11 Jun 1908, p. 3

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LEADING MARKETS _BReabsturrs. ASSISTANCE IN DRAINAGE, aS CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Farm, Drainage Demonstrations by the Ontario Agricultural College, MURDER IN RAILWAY CAMP HUDSON'S BAY RAILWAY A despatch from Winnipeg says: Mr. W. G. Matthews, General Manager of R. G. Dun & Company, reached Winni- pet on Wednesday, returning from his] good times, and the lumber ble are very mi ‘of the anon oath my running on’ short look ing Joram ‘vith a rte at deal 0 terest fo the crop in the three Weslern Provinces here, and they are very hope- Tu! in consequence ‘of the excellent con- ditions. ab pre “prospects: Sr he fruit crop there a) ming a very vipat crops all thro been over are sioking splendi itions have been very Drone for gelling in the seed: rains in the west erp Provinces have tome earlier than usual this year, and all they want is warm weather ‘now to produce what all think will be a Pr crop everything points to increased returns for the farmer.’ HUNGRY SCHOOL CHILDREN. Destitution in New York's Lower East Side. New o¥ork say: Terrible tch fi Has tapi that hu ° ublic sehoals Olio oll notify the aa ation ¢ Ln rege As a resul wll be sent cle | dr y ai et ig of homes aSs0- es ° ta vie rable poverty peice eet 50,000 FIRE AT WINNIPEG. Big Abeta Cs a and its Destroyed, dion. from ares fateh pee sf ated ter of Gon- 5000 carcascs quaiter were destroyed. —-- #-— EIGHT RIVER DRIVERS PERISH. Boat in a fsa pa Returning Sak ee es nae 4 Ae bianca ann bak eau while they wore shooting the rap ds ar ‘ he inoue of the ae. Black River nTue: Madawaska. They had recuret an old” balon, wd were cn their way home after tae drive. BRIDE. WAITED, GROOM GAME NOT. Cut His Throat beep at the Wedding Hour. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Al- exander Scott, a young foreman of the Winnipeg Paint cormtallied esday Scott ‘was! (9. have boen S company, an. appearance the bride's brother of the gi started for his Toditigehause: 0 learn whi ri financial straits and mental derange- nit, Se MURDERED HIS STEPSON, Farmer coms and nced to A despatch om Prince Albert, Sask., says: lt was found guilly ot fiiraeade i js alepoons farm near Ewe Lake. and was on Wednesday sen- tered by Judge Johnston to be, hanged on July crime took place last October. Skeet Sen pa OER Beat 8 RUSTING TELEPHONE WORK. Manitoba Government Awards Contracts for Supplies, despatch from eon says: Con- tracts have been award the Govern- ment Telephone Departineng for poles, lines, supplies and 0 ¢ carried On i ‘The tolal.amiount.set aside for this work is . & gS - OIL STOVE FIRED HOUSE. Prince Edward County s tol- aily-dlestroyed on Wednesday: by. & fire Nhien resulted from {ihe ‘explosion o ‘oil stove, ne * the morning. xterm awoke fo find {he house ii fees; und hn. to jump from-uppor windows. PENNY POSTA GH TO STATES Arrangements Have tween Britain and Bistis for * ele “Pest praties io 6 United States mee GGluain a and tian 10 Became: maeete cl. 1, 1908, stat- ed ee that the. British Pianvanae General, Sydney Buxton, wes re Kit like a ncement 10. tha Hotize cf me Gaye, aslel becau: nas a naar letter rate resulted in the revenue. He: is also pStates, olfective ly | nounced Been Completed Be- the United States. nf on them ils for orcers end Mertase Rui et he state: ¥ient Ldon to our Speaking cilizens anc here; particularly ee ot tin oe as it io fee ther respondence with thet Telalivsy and ents in “tbe O'd Country at domestic “t's will be: a “opted lish: ng a] rate: “sssouscD IN ers SAUSE: lespateh trom London : Penn: elie ene BE lair hg ak United tober 1st, was an- aarsdeheres ee i the House @f Canin ns on day. He “expressed his ¢onfidence that this Peduslien es greatly increase a} th» comrmere‘al ji the that a lower Pee. eal Tend to “e ereased morcai soi Our ea hee UReea r-sa‘es | yore ent of in Engl ae and Sit co o : ee ex: [stele with Soe tual good fe sling already existing be} Fi ines tha iw countres. The announ the" Postmaster-General was hearty cheering. vhs is DI i | Ming the overthtow of the prinoipality. le Mont as Friday ‘amily Had to | mil lo’ eu ve eat of the first Slaton out, on surplus for 000,000. complaint from Carlyle, grain sent there by the Tegernsien Coen esionar ies (ue. 40 germina Prlnods at MacLeod; Aleria, cotr'ed away a house belonging to Hon, Peler MoLaren, and the Packing ceieeees factory is in dan, Justioe’ Mathers ot Winnipeg fines the Plun Nanni aera tn perpetual injunction and saat nst breakin Th i €. N. R. will secure an entrance to U: ¢¢ States territory over the Niagara River. using the Electric Developmen Company's holdings for the pur; GENERAL. sevens, oar ile 3 shooks were pose, Four at at Yalta, in the C1 powers have aiuocinay the Porte that Tutk'sh troo| from rues as resto: must be withdrawn soon as order has been hiwara, © Leinalo: newer, wos ae to 12 years hard labor an ights for eeiling ak loss at civil military secrets to Fra em a “yas meds to assassinate GREAT BRI BRITAIN, inches of ce Arthur of Connaught is reported netrolhed to the daughter of an English Duke. Bishop Brent of fais Philipp'nes has de- elned. the ment to the See of Washington The Earl of Crewe; Colonial Secretary, was, banqueted by. the Canada Clu London, of Thureda ‘our men were and’ six probab- iy talallylijurad-by the bursting of a boiler tube on Ten- nessee, on Friday, UNITED STATES. an-year-old. boy al Pittsburg was etna by a baseball and killed Mrs. William B. Leeds must ‘pay $206 00¢. duty at New. York-on-a pearl neck: lace. € capt, Joshua Slocum’ has brought: to Kew York tiger oC cone weighing’ two The sisi Trust is negotiating for a| > (100,000. ae for steel rails for the Siberian Railv: Hundreds of ferhilies. in, Miscouri lave been driven {rom their Homes by. floods 01 the Missis 1 “booktnas: show that the Atlantic tourist traMe from New York fo une is normal, The fone Island wheal _Jovomiotive, Railroad's new 10- made a speed of 108 PO navedlaitata™ stormed of 4 private banking concern i had Closed its doors. France, on Fi the village and U: Ss in rid $ kibled by. the pol Beant. ‘bans wile waiting for an operation 49 rostoreh ean John Crane, i ‘wenltby\rolired erat, opm the andae ot a Philadelphia hos- pital, nnd was fatally injured, A CHARIVARI SHOOTIN Farmer Fires a Shotgun Into Unwelcome , Visitors, A despatch from, Peterborough says rt has reached the city of a chari- vari shooting affair at ane at mid- might ene 3, n of Mr, James Byers ently married and was staying he “tather's house, which was invaded om elling- tor: Balemarf received . pellet inthe eye, which has not yet extracted) ‘There oew ies EIGHT WERE KILLED, Head-on Trolley Collision Near Anna. fe lary! A despaleh fro napolis, Ma. Enght persons ees ‘le outt ght ind as many more inju me of thom fs head-on “easton on the & “Annapolis is city and en rumored at Niagara Falls that the c snow felb in Butte, F the. pamphlet ticns,” Personal Probation 8 System Will be the lext Ther inspiring. coming personally. qin ath the and family. on “ which m: 2 SS CHILDRENS AID 'soct e has been ‘Farm Drainage Ope! ay be Wee nie application. iacaier in Physics, Step. In Ottawa the Society has taken. up probation work and s strated its is teeta sons 1d So- re attention. —J. J. Toronto Nurse Weds a Wealthy Phila- delprian, ‘Their all Europe, anaes a lengthy Sweden. ~On their return. in will A HOSP! despatch Mise alana the Uae lnepre, honeymooi live at PI ITAL ROMANCE, from meriki n-will extend over nearly stay: *hiladetphia, where Mr. Burgh is President at! the Commercial Coal Comp: WHOLE Mother and Th pany. asphyxiated by stove. he Ahi tey ‘the children of ue Siete |S in hono of her eldest daughter. pra ta lies was . Doe eee MILY EX ABPHYXIATED, ce Children Dead geet erman on ‘Tuesday n birthday about 10 o'clock, and from ine ge were fow {ube whieh “iat ais ing Stove was suppo: foun sed that it a pvecineeds Ly, Wi ne hbo of night, the house filling with gas. Sailed on bate veonn on the yal Yacht A despatoh, a Londo Edward and Qu cess Vitoria startel for Reveal, usin, the ror atdinge, Perm the Foreign Office; ussin. conan the royal ee KING OFF TO RUSSIA, een ‘Maxande. large Sir Ar- tt Peace sory pee Sit te ae St. Peters! 10 oie aehty = < thay cipa'e in ball. ight. burg; « Al iral_ Fisher ai rench, ra- some excellent work atuay ot teen play: New York | says: 6 lo the Hotel Bel- mont tau ‘har galling oa Thursday on tl in the fall they rhe conipany the nothing Appel ‘ott Guring.the ys: Kin; and Prine party, incudng anent Under- PROVISIONS. Pork—Short ul BEL Ne $21.50 per bar- Tel; mess, $17. $18. Maids, Loge tubs; 113{c; pails, ES iioied wid Dry, Salted Meats Lon, clea RON TOMES leek eee hams, medium and tight, 120 to. 18%40 hams, large, 1140 to 12c; backs, 16340; shoulder ee 9% to 10c; net a to 103%e; breakfast bacon, lic to 15c; green meats, out of pickle,’ to less: than smoked. MONTREAL MARKETS. s "er evsiane ine Se ound iols and 32 2240 to grocers. Che: Egus Selected. 18¢;_No, Ize, and No. 2, tke per. dozen, D STATES MARKETS. Bute, tune —Wheat= er; Northern, 1. 11, Winer mead ted car sat ger; No. 2 see Gate “Sletay Non : mixed, 0. ee Rye— 9. fee eae ese: freights— Wheat, 3 to New York, Lr: Milwi aes ag Norther $1.09 to "ty No. 1, 79 9.=Wheat 10 $1.13; No, ae Nowtnin, ae 0. 3, cash, 72% td June 9.—Avheat — Spot red, $1 00% 0 81.02. in ano offerings lately has been. ver “ or ftarge’ offering » Boer No. 2 rs ts ts he wheeled his cart up. with He and seated iimealt ap, ile come,” he litte ste wes not very poltia el The big brother smilingly lillie one’s cutly head wilh a loving car- $22.50; half barrels, backs, $23; dry salu lane clear backs, Hie, barrels plate beef, $15.50; half bar- | “My Is do., $9; soutnoas tard, 8%c ito | Now. 6c; pure lard, 12340 ; kelile-ren- : 0 13340; 13340 to 140, DrsakTist Bien the | ¢ Nn, 15C to 160; frésh- ssed fous 99.25 to he: iceal butter market is | finest creamery quoted al a? 1 heem no Go said Mrs. Good him until he gets So the banana boy rout his little rs, nurs him for hours, if and th 46, 0, evening: lime the singing wis resumed: “Sing, and the eat notes would avert and soar ally mow, because the Iie brother OCK MARICET. was bette aio was, Nappy. ronlo; Juno 9—The quality of ne | ¥*S, Suen 8 brates wo cut do enough in every hae "tor the nitileslek “Ho Ge odwin to asl Carlo. js singin, So Mrs 0 ny nd youre?” io, ma'am. Da woman nex Bho up away lo worked. T musttigo iene id the banana Aah i a box of food from ae cart, le gre. said to the child, nd the brother snuggled at the big broth e 's side and s bread—never once-laking his. gave can Ned's face. reached up for a piece 0 fell Geer and bashful, To have ith! what fun! But he bout it—he turned as fast as, he could go to his Montreal, . Jun —Flour—Manitoba | "0! a spring paeni, $040 to second, “he shouted. “A boy! ee 20; Win seo Tg aller, oodwin went down to the gate Soe ee ee ee te st fhe lille boy who had come to tra, $1.50 to $1.75. pla; h Ned. When the banana poy | 8 Rolled Outs~-$2.75 to $2.00 per bag of = hor he a stood up, pulled off his cap and smile oe 8, 8c to S8cr No. 3; 49c tol, “MY, leetle brudder,”” he explained. S30; rejected, 46346 | 116 all Iona. “Got no mudder—jusa me. ree a ASA | L taka hem away. froin sineeta boys. $1.85 por bag, "| YoU Jeelle boy, he all lonaP too, Dey playa so hh Ba 4 cava i fils namie?” asked Mrs, Gaba: answered the banana boy, she ask mame Carlo. We ‘Mexican boys I talka ‘Mexican to hem all time.” stroked the ie lunch was over, Ned and 1: play e running and shouling dinner there Se bet ny?” iter a nafa Tee ees all ion n't there ony one to look after nie right. home and fetch him to me," meee iy pal ae care of sal Be the litle brother began to mend, he big one ha in the bana: the sing!” vole e loves that Rea said Mrs, the doctor. “It is like a fa- elon agreed! and said that such a bes as a rule did not derful voice ought to be cultivated or Seth a ea h myself,” said Mrs, Goodwin. bane ep Cie ad thinks thet anythin beautiful s': broug! ee ee should be rlo has a| with ae Pe aie Otte as the ¢n- | veice, wari dee a ve tow nd to teach tthe the ot qu ati | him. L will write a note to our organist, q rr ; ver found fairly ready sale at the and ask him to call this evening while ‘Then, | s} -| witnessed the affair, but a la some negloc' The symptoms preceding the attack are Paihor indennte: and unceria:a. Phe chi'd feels dull and disinclined to play. He may be pale or sal!ow; there are dark rings under the eyes, and often the lids en suddenly, and without preceding nausea, vom is profu the effort continui mach is empty. — After whatever. there may be in the stomach has. expelled, mucus is thrown up, ai a: pile. The attack may last, with occasional been of ae ion—of mncbe ism, as these in- ternal rotesses 8 call As. the pinta paces up these atacks ce often succeeded by. sick- es E same, al taal action in the aused or St ravaled es ‘some other fault, sucht as ¢yoystrain it is probable, indeed, that most common cause, The child set fo these Feriodical attacks of vol ong fore, _exal mined db: ——— READING IN BED. Réading in bed, like most luxuries, can to. ba overdine, in fact there. seems only on excise ve this fase nating wa ohonding ito day, ‘Corialn people find that their ss aot accumulate in. tfeir = brains after bedtime; their nerves are al high Yapetory ane their minds ane actively work: try fulness may be the result, Such a soa, we think, wil find half an hour's reading in bod a’ grea With careful attention paid > the qua- lity and position of the light so that without, Mlekering it bit of has sometimes a very Bention al ‘fleck on a tired and overwakeful brain WALTER SMALLS DEATH. ‘The Sere ed aes Alberta, Sho imself. A despatch fom E ae says: Post. master Walter where he was wailing for nail.. As far as can be learned, the firm of Erskine & Small in order to foodwin wrote the note, and give his whole attention to the post- office. still unchanged, were very heav. figmers fd 4 hay z 3 a Sead ee NS DLY OWL, CAN. men’s: pu ife Was ees by rosene Explos! A despatch from it Hi The wile of A. J. Olsi plosion of a coa sen had used to elit the fi ares Se TWENTY WERE DROWNED. A €loudburst in Me: Does Very Great » . Damage. as Mexico s just reached. sys: sity that Aiea. Sees were. Jest this al e aged to | ‘he ee of $20,000 by a cloud- burst in Juananato, Pay iss ie the main tu aie <= BORTY LUGGERS WERE LOST Great Typhoon Struck the West Australian = , Pearling Fleet. A despateh from Vietoria, B.C., says: aster dia on Wednesday: aflern:o1 the fk Bringing news of an unpreceJented dis- to tho pearling fleet off West Au- beh ee the loss of 40 luggers is ee a typhoon, the Cana- Liner Manu a arrived isaster thet of the bearing Tggers oc: av Thursday Islan :001 e fleet just as ny ae abit ono es pearlers we Te other victims w one Nie Meanie ons Tapeless and The red. mEeutE sxperien: “higing been picked up in the nak’ of exhaustion, after Re: cut axiny eit masts and having beo: in, vrecked hull, aunty shiek followed. paling for. the @ men ie Sic as recking some , bau p UACPENINGS FROM ALL OVW THE) 1), Department of Physics at the On?) nronio, Je 9. Manitoba Wheat <7 ; GLO! tario Agricultural College desires to an-| yg sheresa eh : pounoe Te. conlnusnce- of 5 DESHOUF No: a, Bim: teed, Seat fone a : : : z " , ; = fer of assista: mers in matters | No: 3, $100 f no.|Ch = ith = ering, quotal: , No. | rOVernmen a ake Arrangements Sevious Stabbing Affray at Reynold’s COn-|recscapn sviets prom oer Own and| teriining to drainage, "For tho. past | S308 Nomal alolat on yd ang h S Otter Cousin of Meeent fine inser of Agriculture to go out and Ouvane Wheat So. while 9s: No the Canadian Northern Railwa rl ; ; a t the Minister of Agriculture to go out ani > 208; no o struction Camp at Iroquois Falls. ate Sie any tarmes taking: he. Teves | =," 902 Outside; No, 2 mixed, . J: at ‘ f ‘ : on The Mest dena Laioom apatemns | <CoPB—No. 3 yellow, nominal at 8to to i <A ran “ CANADA. : pining the at Bes ie 7 ia 880, Toronta treignt, ‘Dut no bus:ness Sr Tee CtS ee ERTS ERS ~oaniaing for o|0l drains, and in calculating the gr ing. Price too high. ae 5 ith gina Senos are organizng izes of tile forsthe different drains, lespatch from Ottawa says: It is eval survey of the rest of the roule to pe Avdpd ida Wensibed hide Diarapes [a sews eae ear Lee ‘that Prov imeial sangertest. butt 08 ev. a hntahe map bearing al the informe: a ee dae: 36; Mints eS See widesood thal in Hew of Government the terminus hes Leen te he: Gove a seri- a | A new fire hall wi i : : g constiu \ership of no- |ernmient's: plan, it is stated, ie to ous stabbing allrey at eynokls’ con-| day. The men urged Wight nee enfeonth avenue, Calga : Bie Bante utes Henge We 18), $5.20; Sb e Palen a ee tain bay, dae ABS eee erica Sabie Gee ee fe) ales noth of hive, on Saturday three returned to the tent, where the}, ‘THe bounty on load expins this year, constructing the drains; second, it may be ba lied ‘ fiually suggested, it isthe intenltiny af Neribern: Ratiwaye Compand comaDlols see a resulleBrite Young, a boat | fight, in_-which they. all took part, en. PUL 1s fe te renewed for five oars.” 1 | preserved farol teaxect lope: 9 ee a utsiae, _ | te Government tow ene he Yoad and to guarantce a a : y ee pamed| Canada's so that if for an structi the road and control of] the 3) TE Gute et Ties oe ine B nae tent patie aged | Ported upon by Sie ae erry ain, necessary in seat Ryo—No. 2 saree: ee wanted, 88. /rates in an oqilally effective manner ure. contol of ra‘es on - bis wouRids; end_Thomes s.-Welght, a} Brisson. wes in the ten he went| A Hamilion Dank was swindled oubot See ace pe Parain could be | Buckwheat-—No. 2, Axo to Coe. |entering into an. arra t-with the] nee mena tee alice aie ghey Ai Boe ee Ta Young to put him out’of the tent |@bout $200 a pee ee ee coals Hane eoctretsl moment's notice. | 0 . Sas ite ee io Geel ide; G NR. to complete. the. construotion | and the open ening up : . : ing| _ Regina will have ie ist. their Ene. towards: ritery. of -mear Two other men. from the camp,| he found thal man was bleeding number of applications for assi “on iracke, Toronto. 1 ; , the | Dewdney i , igsveo hak Dy from the Pas to Fort Churelil, The good land. ‘No land grant will be made alo ner erfsk chergod ith aiding | stor mone See 2 saints in Lethbridge fom May | fe? Ne Res hore Capen ae ne WN. P Hudson, Bay line i» now ‘com-1 1) the company, bul the cash bonus wil stk n < r = ; tla 38. r a 3 pleted ae the «Pa istance of 48] probably ts: 0 mewhat over ‘usual MI eT es Ree ke adel Doogie Chee ipcio ne med ‘be at | Nicol. Brs Ss sawmill and_ 20,00 fet on Naenenoetg ice COUNTS Ry Phopuce. miles front Fort Churehill’ and &. gen:| sij0o per apetlintee let eana see oman an tne anced. ty a cortge oa iis tnen sepa OHMS VEE bummed al Own Samd | ree culture has ear given us jail at New Liskeard, him up in a. blanket and started in | ou, Frida auger, who cosazen trom | sresal appropriation whereby we have Lrg prise ‘errs ee ssi 0 tae gr oP hy | ih Jey ave |v oi or i or te hee 1 ee oi ae Ass hectier Taha'o on Frida : he marke! y he does not peddle -bananas, cite egg tal] na, ls we | that to year Ane alr Dang ad ene et i YOUNG foo ie lee a hag th % Figs Mh Mt nm Say was in too serious a condition pees in Toron' ou in the vicinity of the farm be. solid: evening-school. The little brother goes RULE aa std hate eee tute crak bceoveds oo. they. lait hime'in’ the falling off of Lae eae ‘Toronto | ing surveyed were interested and wished | Paty, prints FOLKS te stool. too- ithe Ned rhllesbelh if iat ik The total rainfall Ly in Torol zi i 4 i: 8 ths boys live al 's. we tent to where the other two men. boat. SL aires aia Page eons was 4.36 inches, the grea¥és! in fourteen see ee Ee ete is SuBBest: eo haven clohely/PabA: Gare nines saaeentis Quinn-end Morris, were silting and ing they found th s donde «| wes ne desirability ef mating. these. de- Honeys “Siraine aioe aie satieearianterd T a movement on foot to inter-| monstrations public, ad. ibis wl ter. | Det pot 60-pound pails, ge 126 THE “BANANA BOY.” es! Cansdians e contributing towards | dene wherever possible. “Anyone inler- 4,13. Tors 1 10-pound pail bs at * the British ested will be welcome om all occasions. | e195," to §2:50 per dozen. Lonely little Ned Goodwin stood at the : Dougall MeN €. P.R. section fore- means hall be able cies Polatocs—Ontarios, 80c to 85c; Dela-}B8le, watching for the “banana boy.” RECURRENT VOMITING. pas ee ead at Winnipeg. It ie to 9c in car lots on track | Twit week, at noontime, the bana is ip 4 curious andeotien aast was ler boy lumed aside trom is route long], 7hS is 8 cuticus and-ofien most ~ snort Hayden, a contractor ot Co-| _ Anyone ee Spee RE surveying Ox, 136 for laree and 13440 the main road and pushed his carl up to} ones sutter—oltan nes ly. Datratiael Bs feseh ONE Oh Dy Ca qartaient ob Prveies: “Ok CGD. Eee eee Ache “tho “hand-cart_ appeared | Th? term, recuinent or oyelio e vomiting, ee mane oe the ew $100,000. Cohegiste Tete Co nle ea See Work A 2 for primes, and ound the comer, and then Ned sav with tg and ies ete ae ce ae Py ; S 0 S- 2 to $2. 10, “for ean pick 8 Ist a lil 3 inter or rk! 4 Everything Points to Increased Returns) imitse i» pesos, mo test in Se inting meatse cargo of instruments re ane ge ane atte lal [feel ntrealo-afte alee wating Tho Dominion revenue tor “the es eS rallway fare at one cent a mile each Ha joth, Say “at $14] heade eertan about as large as Ned si Kept incat ak year | to $15 por ton in ear lols on track here, | himsoll ‘The Tite boy was chattering} ; ae for the Western Farmer. econ EAN 4 ue HN ee = ita Department ae just lssued a new ee = By ae tehobl writing =," making up foi

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