SCHOOL REPORT. ‘ “Following is the repoct of ‘Rams ~ |bank school for the eg lass 1V. Jt.—Nowh Albreeht, Sadie The Milverton Sun ogc eeameger (ee | ene tad Cash. and lass ITT. “d—-Glnd One : One Un et Allister, FI Rouen Rey See oe : Ens e and S Store News = # : a) ~ EVERY THURSDAY MORNING stisome 2 aia ae SG, ‘ 3 Emma Reid, Solomon Z Zola Mex. TCory ab- ‘he Sun Printin ffice sent for one examinatior T Su : 6 0 Je. Allan. Reid, Rébocea Wag- Main Street, - Milvertoa, we pea s it.—Henry Albrecht, Wil- C.M., Honor Grad- | ( a fred ‘poh, Gideon Zehr, John Bren- ICRIPTION RATES ian Laan i Donn One year, $1; six months, 50 cents; three| Average attendance for the month rare, in Public Drug mont, 28 cents, in advance, Subscribers | 18, rs connection with Poole |!" &#*eA"* willbeliable to pay $1.60 per year LAURA MAGWooD, T +, Moserville and Rostock. reac ADVERTISING RATES Rega the Frc eee. ee oe S tute exeursion to thi we. yee W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, : Sce posters for time, et 0 >A, i Veterin. Bight cents per ine for first eaters ane se Bo) Raontor™ 2 Cal hte | fon a wlll be charged for all transient adv SCHOOL REPORT. xe or otherwise promptly attended to. ee bie? B we cater to all tastes andall Incomes., ; ecau se the buying: public have patronized this store very lib- erally in the past months, making it, as we believe, a popular store. We have reasons to expect this patronage just as long as we deal fairly and honestly. Our -store position is that of public servant-—-if we earnestly endeavor, to please the public and to give good values, our position is. secure, but if. we neglect our dut- ies and do not deal sack, then we ‘lose our ee se a “parmesan enna tert Pa EOIREREIE E3! , ‘Advertisements without’ specific directions| Following is the report of the stand- ee until forbid and charged ac-|ing of the pu of Millbank public moniatew> cording! school for May.” Names in order of ant a ee shenece aoe contract eae must See aa Thi a in the office by noon Monday. is MaLenmien, irza ae ae No. ayer tis meyer, Bhima} § Be are & «A M, a4 ‘nner. Utara Ba vim. Lowrey. : sy 1 Sins Berle: Fossum Olive ing « 4 MALCOLM MacBETH, ig ee Monday eveuin, trees 129 ‘Publisher and Proprictor We mean to “Hold our Job.” — Engelad’s Square Deaf talk ize proven true, Their suits are first-class through and through. : If their is.a better than the best. ih. —Addie. Lowrey, Marion J Helm, Wm. Fink * Engelang sells it. Go their! be at rest. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908, », Sr. 3rd. —Marion Rutherford, Gface 4 im, Thos. Mason, W o Bi aeweeweee= £1 A Rew Points About our Men’s Clothing | with Miss Maggie is last week. by ne Se othaerme! H siting Preihee tae welcome, R. K-| tanner, Norman | Ho ry Noah > ., 8. H. Pugh, Ree-Secy. Mrs, Earl 2 ed Wagler, Nora Dike ALGER ove. WHICH WILL LIVE IN THE LIGH gy: s ings. Tuesday for a frip t west. Sr. 2nd.—Edith Smith, Albert Me- » Vielor MeLennan, Eva Ruther rey Hotfmeyer, Alice C ay 24 fake xperimental i i which there is no exception. It has proven always. I meets every Friday night, ai | Farm. Guelph, nesday. June There is a rule of business to which there P' pi good always. It is this in their hall over Public Dra c. P. R. and G. T. R. ing brethren aivieves wels tn posters for time, ete. oe2 i Loth r. and Mrs. Jas. Danbrook spent ates a Rohe é. s Wnkteieae R. Beoy. snaday with friends in Poo! i ings, Clarence Mr. i ra th Mont. d 5 Individuality and Common Sense Means Success. ngue of rill atriting him in the shoulder and W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- | ‘islvcating ’ _ tioneer for the County of Perth and}. 4 very astlous accident occurred. " foal Wrigter; Waterloo, Conveyaneer, Deeds, Wills and | Atwood cement. sit eral this vits made, | Morning, when*SMr. Paraal the Woir block. z ane the Gavereiga sg ‘of Canada, some hours later. ‘ar: aut GEO. A. SMITH, Prineipal. M Notary Public. oath: The. tei cepted a8 4th.—Marion Helin, Addie Low 5 ae at Ae Marion Rutherford, Mafy b4 We-have struck out into the open—have moved into a field of operation, where there is most room—at the top- Norman Bs yer. nd.—Perey Hoffmeyer, Walter] § To Escape Criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing a se is She Got : i, | Jr. I—Harold Aine The reason why we are always on the go and have usually something to say, is because we invite crit- on Lizzie Wagl Ch i icism. We are not trying to chloroform customers that we may put suits on their backs, but we ask that you come in and give our Square Deal Clothing proposition a fair test. b5 We don Grieve, Gondor ifort ing Beas in three places, . Alex. ‘ol f tis ns crushed to a pulp tlso| Martha Hoffmeyer, “Graham McKee ie McKee gke 5 If their is a shadow of imperfection about our Men’s or Boys’ Garments, we are here to find it out. P' n : Live in the Light---That's our motto. - I.—Lor! Lennan, Janet » Herbert Martin, Willie Mac- 24 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil Much sympathy i tole tor tha boner: @ e i wife and parents. A. MaeGILLIVRAY Te nae Ee fe eee rooms, Good atabling, Best brands brands of liquors apa gare, as. Ritter, Proprietor SCHOOL REPORT. (ia aye gS What we assert and prove, is that. our Men’s and Boys’ Garments are well souldad and trimmed to a stage of perfection, which guarantees you a dressy, gentlemanly suits, not only for to-day, but for many days to come. Inati- menital — toa pane is Sine si ae of the Ros- 8 cedars ti + publie school for Ma ee posters for time, ete, QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont Lh shaplons Fe at @ best accommodation for commercial trees and other room AT RE SRP CRP AR ELLICE | COUNCIL. nations during the m The names of those below 50 per ce The co are not given hall on the Fourth class. Class I. honors, 79) bse of fae . Crowle r oo per cent., nos Lilie Giapak Our Clothing Advertises Itself—We give it that careful attention, which tates of our feel- itis roe nship ing sure that it will behave itself, when out in the world. eorge F, Pauli, Proprietor, fot. ne? RS SEP Sy Our Collars fit snugly around the neck and will stay there a ieee & CARTHEW, » Basriters |? Coats are roomy and well cut. No catching under the arms. No tightness over the chest. Our Solicitors, Ete. i Our = Blase Thy 60. vase maton shoulders ore concave, hand moulded creations, which give a coat a classic appearance, worth seeking. ads se Andrew Debus 53 court was declared op for the hearing of appeals. ‘There rs, — Sarah] wera ae a few formal appeals maite ec éssessment of lands and buildings eat be respeoting the Yundt, ratepay ; Geo, Melchow 04 {belonged to Roman Catholic separ: st School section No. 7, last year, bot 5 Barristers & Solicitors 0-60, Sarah Ried). 56 | whieh section Yas now eon diss od Stratford 2 Ontario ior “Denestn vnd are now eeseaied a as piiblic school Sr. 1c 1a "Dich a supporters of S oo and o te WG: Making. 45 Wews Haniey Class raed Weitzel 69, tr Yuna‘ | spectively. 63. The first appeal taken up was Dr te II.—E, Kreuter 54 , E. Zu | Parker's, lan t id Our Men’s Trousers are Shaped---not merely cut and sewn, The Engeland’s Glothing Individuality te e ° sists of our ability to serve you with garments whic! S | Th W k 7 are a credit to you and to us; Garments which no one ecia S 1S ee . can point to as Ready-made truck. kad dhe ds HE TRE ST ERE ERS SEP NES NEP Ne ee nee ake ote oh EIS ga EE Ladies’ White and Black Long Silk Gloves, at...69c. Come in and see this enormous clothing stock | 2 jhs, Soda Biscuits.. ..13 cents of ours. No better time than the present. Engeland’s Corn Starch, put up especially for us with our label, introduce..,..2 pkgs. 15c. Suit Prices $6.50 to $15.00 ae Select Valencia Raisins for......... 25 cents me ; pair Men’s Braces......... -. 13. cents Men’s Furnishings, as you like them. he Leader—2 pair Ladies’ Black Cotton Hage 25c. celbsiatanssisscisssss 11-—Class 1 the attention of the mem- S +o. Ces 1c. PRS ae 73. G: Rei |bers of the court to section (Lt, wat § W dd ‘ \ beling 68, E. Malchow 63, sec. 3, chap, 28, of t ment ne y e in, For Class H.—C. Ohm 51. G, Schaefor| 19 which meron ex er mp si 5 50. ment of private telephone lines. wot bi If. Class 1.—G. Yundt 82, C.]xeceding 25 miles. The court allo low= 81 dune F - . Ma . EB. Austrong 78; "A. /ed his appeal oo ith assessment was | $ Presents Brides f/x ct, onal : 2 Class -L. Sonmidt 7% C.. Mai Mr checien: Panenee sppiel: was chow 72. heard, considered and dis ~Before buying your wedding Gina IIl—M. Wingefelder 50. A.| the ‘ Presents, call in and inspect Fol ‘our new and eee stock iid Ist. Cl Meas ees ‘ Besker 89. 4 = Class 1—J. 8 77, L, Zulaut 6 : : of Jewelery, includin; Glove Have. beat a Phe ae gas atepayors casts The 2 : Se ne asse shool’ sap-| $# > ¥ Silverware = Perens iatssait eerste ee People’s . House of z ‘cursion to Detroit porters was taken up beard, Y 3 Cut Glass s The following changes were my Quality a i m Goderich Sera by the. comnt; ts Ni & a 1 t Ia c rod hee Ant conortanity Pst rl i Mickigan’s “net opoln and 10 | etieo ghd vee eee visit friends. The t ime to see Detroi 4 Se aus ~ Come in and see this stock, mubday nfcerrean and evening ond | fs Pa nde we are always pleased to show $|Bella Isle on Srrardy He : mic 's appeal as ioods whether you buy or not Wa tiew Grephoand ta_one of _the| '24 8 bee aid es gi Dctes ta al large, speedieat, and tn eek We alent na Struck by Lightning r e he cedva age 850. ee ‘ s x esas sesh sss sheaf Eyes tested tie of charge, Spring Ferm Opens April Ist, or et und Fe ; mn —— When a cox ane oe tl 4 S wn f their ae in s sng it is elit i” P. H. Bastendorft $i irre ws Fw ie eh ies cuit hf Contral Business College Jeweler and. Optician excursionists ow: of | 4; Mr. Ja 3 sand we k rn re Ww . delightful way of v’ Mich ict ning red en f Mr. “Milvert ROD 2-8) OMATO,. Sl asteorolts: Caen thee trip wl higan's ‘a Tan Eishbn: was dessseed tee eet ikget the bagh eh Chiidi's Ss higharade busi- t ° ‘ fea ls enioute 50 cent ra. on, pls Tot 80. con. @, for #100. the globe, an owed te training sc Three | Th Ww Grephaend il leave hae of Messr: nie io fur’ Schmidt were dismiss Guitt Good American Corn at Sone! Doce dae] | Geparimen Aa Gener is net prove. ot djourned t t f ». Hal) i x ae ‘Monday if tot ee ute inet Pfeffer Brds.’ Mill at portance “Bins ons te a rabtainea Catalogue S KREU! 75c per bushel. : Bac Pp sie count went “me Guaranteed to be dry... fs W. Schmidt, - Milverton, ee baat ss Een will be charged half faré and ordinary ND of - baggage fre ruction of a drain, : Tha Elmira band will accompa hy empow- [ena easwraion, "and make “the erp tia te ntove and te carn to bok ee : . NO HONING- NO GRINDING ,' jidditionally attractive, vow on, i unicipa lity 7 $ Arrange %, © take Vite a you can-|tho sum of $2567 20. het completing : “The Razor of Perfection—Everlasting Shaving Comfort not ea a miss only $2.00] the said di rk wa M Bee Age Awol : sa a : : : NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE uy ys wi pi isi 1 ¥ 2 Weare showing 2 tine in both [$120 te pa.000 elena “ha petition of ae ieee Gow. Pfeffer Bros., Milverton } Al i ‘ mead ; ; F Carbo Ma een JaZOrs have revolutionized razor maki Ta a Pat hi ne, ial train, will leave eee a t ¢ —they are tempers z mony, aks isour own Beis . oe day nee ‘atent Leather that for for Wingham, Guelph and Str. onsidered by e cou secret ies ance of appearan way ations on arrival) ‘of the joil a f t _ A © oamer, from Detyoit Monday even-| dviee from the township solicitor: ion ing. ‘ge ae respeoting the legality of the said E eng eno nui e'p “The Seana me “Hon H. Shir-| works in Cape Breton. Shirley pre See Net oe used for centuries) de: trary eres oNrin “peer. Our lines will: captivate. excursions, st ing » w No. 527 to. borro ice U. it Charlot Bae ae ‘on the Le thor- I | which is the lige of steel 0 in, 1899. [hey hi 3 ebrin oee Peanut Lerten Pid é Your dealer aa deliver t at sight . i wvieding i rent @ ae irawn by the British Borer ene is] Sydney to give th pany a free sean popular, ture until the taxes for on [tat heated been phase ne dee spear Pes peien eee taxation collected: was read tree wz {inently in commer ‘enterprises. other privileges. Sinee 208 and: passed, The withdrawal of ae exbauator, éf tow 'ef the Leal iain Hs e i is understood, made at ‘the re-| e come to ter Shoes of every description, nee ee Taree hea ieee Ot “che uUuifod: Bates” GSeay pres: ~ ee t, which does not i mye Cone 2 excursion: Tome | oon sh 1s to their ectivit eyond nat as a toni ie to. tiral waoekarg - for weral tp a uties of | ley: wé ren. Vashi 5 I ie ail | pales! after” the alestions on sesive enters er the: ection of 4 eee of Besth ‘on account of their representations | — : =| ER nig] tia] that (2: Government has} y=] witha shi i ator.” Sees uN