Milverton Sun, 11 Jun 1908, p. 6

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with absolute safety in a An Uncapsizabie Canoe ‘You can take your children, your sister or your lady fricnd for a paddle “Chestnut” Air Compartment Canoe 2 It Absolutely won't upset—won't si light to paddle as the extra weight is We are Ontario Agents. of sty! Canadian eee) FORGE & lors of Engi: Write. fer catalogue and prices. ink, is high grade i quality and is ssi Complete range aunches, imate, Toronto Lau ines and Now for Strawberries and Shredde “Nature's purest and best and healthy body. d Wheat. food, insuring a clear head 1s sk Deth Without Being Heating. Try it. Sold by all grocers A PAYING INVESTMENT, “I T suppose to educate your daughter in costs w great deal of money?” ‘mus { but she’s brought-it all back for me’ “indecd " T'd: been trying to buy out my oh ae ag at half price for years and r ¢ bring him to terms until CHILDHCOD A} UARRERS No symptom that ind indicates any of the Bilnlents of childhood should be ‘lowed y iss without prompt altentio ; tag ailment may Tal sey Ne the es And equal or tho wel Gendron: "Martinvill, ave used y's have eae en a every way TL alw 1 safe when I band. 3 hid by mediene t 26¢ a box Wiliams" ‘Medicine Co., Brock- avertec ge with 0 a I i child. Que., Tab- grown Mrs, Jets and era: ve ther ville, Or nite (Tn Scala RUSSIA'S NEW WATERWAY. Russia is, ,coh'emplating the construc. tion of a new waterway across eae teaeiy persia wot the course fhe Trans-Siberian Railway. It is Prope oie Bi connect five great. Siberian fobol, lishim, Irish, Ob and nd other less important canals or light railways, this the Russian aad ap fas ordered extensive sur- veys to A A SPLENDID. PRESCRIPTION, For Rheumatism, and all y, Liver, Bladder emd Urinary peeks An eminent physician informs us that ho has following prescription used. the ic a number of years su pains in disordered kidneys he prescription splrits of nitre, one ounce of com- Is one the ¢ ounce of BEYOUR OWN BAROMETER HOW TO FORECAST THE WEATHER WITHOUT INSTRUMENTS. Here ave Some Very. Interesting Hints to the Amiteur Weather Prophet. ather prophet, “thé man in the street’ might be described as a dead. failure. Not that he admits his..ignor- ance for one moment. Indeed, he ther prides bimselt upon what he siders 10 be his: ability’ to forecs ast the w the next twen Gf the siels 3 8 when you. comment upon the fact that nine out of every ten of his forecasts are wrong, he blandly remarks thet, of course, cant ie sure of anything in this work of 5 Dleceselaad sbpears i wind-e the observer. on the contrary, bins cloud has clear-cut odges and r trawny atroky hie m. tis general aspect the chances ‘are that it-w without causing any ever in its passage. are Such clouds as the COMMON being. generally which is found in ealerpillazs “on thelr pass Bienctie einot ora cl cloud, under a slightly different aspect, may signify wholly different meteorological condi- IN SUMMER. with blight. the shape of flies and and plants after pieces, ‘it is indicative of very ane ae ther of prolonged duratio ‘Then, again, the appearance of. cir: ri {pound idee and four ounces of syrup | Tus—t the technical name of > rhubarb, taken in’ dessertspoon'ul| those pee feathery clouds, some- 3 n water, after meals and ‘at bed-| times ‘seen in fan-shaped groups, ow- ftime. ‘These meaionis a ‘are harmless| ing to. the sitesi ot -petspaiive—in — oe) Anskpensive and can be obtained at| Clear sky may have two meanings, and yay Sra drug, Moreen srkicen to-| those quite differe: ie ie Peerless Dried Beei Unlike the ordinary dried beef—that sold in bulk— Libby's Peerless Dried Beef comes ina s glass jar in which itis packed the moment itis sliced into those delicious thin wafers. _ None of the rich natural flavor or goodness \escapes ordries out. It reaches you fresh and with all the nutri- ment retained. © it | — Libby's’ Peerless Dried Beef is only one of a Great number of high-grade, ready to serve, pure food products it are prepared in Libby’s Great White Kitchen. Just try a package of any of these, such as Ox Tongue, Vienna Sausage, Pickles, Olives, etc., and see how lightfully dif. ferent they are from others you haveeaten. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago i * tag aa a. as gi the gain, leaving sky an even deeper blue than before a long term of VERY FINE WEATHER my be eonitidenity antie!pated. It, how ary, i ears in long Dini stretch:n; a Gut Vfaweshaped’ froin the hor:zon, and being apparently “welt rooted” (if the ter ing way be fairly safely concluded that.rain, ‘and probably wind, is situated in “ ection to which the rool-ends coi try fo forecast the weather by the Sie ‘of the moon, a6 = 2% oe $s a & howe $ how aman. may be h own Eavomtio teh even by rémembering certain old weather savings, x which have slodd the fest of practical pplication i the present-day inn ie ease out { ten: nstance, the o!d saw, *Ra'n belore ieevin fine before el a: “proves y verified hunder in mater true saying. a ae ie aventencat toor Hoxy true this is may: be found hy ak tew'ng {ko thoughts 16 Uavel bck’ few years, and f! will-instant'y cecur to anyen® who no takes: any intelligent. in- terosy 'n th> weather that a sprang with frequent thunderste n March and Apeit is Heayent (ong tight sa ae ways) follow:d by a co: First Leap-Year Girl—"“I'd propose. it could ant jiyman I thought T could not live witho ‘Second Cierny Girl—“Hunt ta o ables wit @ man I thought I eould ive wit Demon, Dyspe ib was @ papaian “pellet "nat ‘ie mons moved invisibly through the am bient air, scekin; pie a dislodge pe himsel w that a ssessed 5 valiant ta send to do, battle tor bate gath the unseen foe is Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, which are ever ready for the trial. servation is moving in the Specs of | S| DEATH DAY OF KINGS. January. 28th .is the Fatal Date in History. Jan, 28th seems re been a dealh ous and_ patriotic ad affection: m by the different historians; der any view, he was a man of vig ovous infer, strong passion, ew copies Byeake oes of England” during Selene Waleu wasstrsnenoraled. will England, and Ireland ra‘sed fvom a lore ship cing Another anonarch who died on this e le the head. His great reforms also.ex tended to all departments of the state, only own unconquerable genius and ener; 7. INDIGESTION CAN BE CURED After Other Remedies Fail, There are twenty drugs to help your {or 6 time, but there is only one medicine that can positively cure your indigestion with indigestion ohne" xes ot Dr. Will ne Pills are worth all the. i mixtures . in the at After “all these things have failed ‘br. Williams’ Pink Pills red the worst cases of acing straight jo the ras! le ® blood, have take a purgative, to through pas Dowels and make a clean tear Sweep 0! + Whe! ee it is digest- él or 4 You oan take stomach lt ie to cre don’t care w what hap) A ns Icw your meal. You. can drug” your stomach with tablets and syrups. to di den himself with ee things ‘Until he | gest your food. to r you—if you don’t care has carefully exomined the edges of that how soon you ruin your system alto- black cloud. gether, You can do all these things— If key appear misty above, and in but ‘ont calh it “curing your indiges- the form of long sweeping “curtains,” | tion.” ‘There is only one way. to curo sometimes called “cows! tails,” below, | indigestion, and that is fo give your rain of a more or dess heavy nature wi h + pure, red blood certainly follow, if the cloud under ob- rer wail have their natural Work in a healthy and vigorou é tis why Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure indigestion—they actually muke ew R. blod od, ell _Here:is the proo ‘Thomas a year, ago my generally wrecked ach wa: always in a sta i of ni ne sight of any kind of food otten “turned my tomach and I wou! ise from the table. without eating Doctors advised different. medicines which I took with. cut benefi a me "un down that I had or! Awo thonthe! I ted re 8 th the aid o: conan h is stron, & good meal three Himes a fe now really seems ceva new, cure sucl m noice! i pent a since) , with al: its headaches and backaches. mati: neuralgia, the Dr. Williams’ Medicine £o., Bi ville, Ont, RIGHT. Teacher-—“If a panels Avith Be: ee is a bicycle, and one with three a Pavesi what is one ‘with, sone heel holar—“A_w BecuErtay, Corns causé in‘oler able pain. way's Corn Cure removes the’ trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pain is saves Hollo- SELFISHNESS, “Why do you say. that Brown is sel- eh?” “Because he always wants the things that I want myself, PANGO. Money paid will be refunded wl Tere, Presonmened ral we Knox K Clarkson, wholestie aegis: -0- ronto, HER DREAM. Lady (engaging cook—"Why ad you lea last pl y—“Whoi, mum, the stir: eudn’t do wihout me, $9 Oi came ee the conclusjon that Oi was worth more than she was givin’ me, an litt at wanst!” William’s Pink Pills Succeed | ng indigestion by tof the trou: | DaNDRUFF ISA ; the forerunner of Wowaw SHOULD Wi Pal nd Su Sutherland pistera St. ‘oronto Spepheet iris ike Three hundred times bet tor than sticky paper. NO DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT Gold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON. ONT, GROW RHUBARB IN YOUR Cki To pear ne Pe fine: you do not m ise a all, “bul dian old age, Then place in it a layer of eine ders about two inches dex garden. side by s co) another ear Water them occasionally, and keep the fop of the barrel covered witht a. pice is true that rhubarb can te bought very cheaply, ‘but that grown in the way described \ er han any you cou “THE NEW FOOD” } “Have romero PIERO ‘HE NI FOOD”? It is Wane ot of ay Chek est White Wheat, then steam-cocked-and ked, hen can. produ oa a bet- Ee made or cleaner ame for ee consumption. In order ‘oduce ae = Y 000" @ prize every pacl age. crotay THIRTY-SIX We ey ‘S' GOLD WATCHES, eine for LADIE: Been PVE Eac} cards tae te Fen in id enane ot may FOOD.” The give. the finder the choice fs ane Tllseine art Boys’ Nickle Watch. “Our Pride” Gold Nib Fountain: Pen. Bureau Cover, Duchess Paitern, Foul C ay sau ae Sev ‘ENT Y- | Mex ey ng PARADISE FOR QUACKS. Free Play in ee 2 Patent Medicine in. England. Great Britain a the happy aun ground of the medical quack, if one i iso tne Pealtines in Geese Beluia amore $40,000, In the United States and in most Eur- of proprietary limit o1 les. given to has been found expedient for the safety of the public to regulate the sale 0! poisons, but:.patent medicines, cur- iously enough, were ex: from. the provisions of the law, a privilege which they enjoy togsiner with legally quali- fled practitior ii miosk counties tha dealing in medi. cinal drugs and chemicals is reserved only to persons qualified by training, studies and examination—thal merely Pa who ple: medjeines: the ‘de ntity or purity or.there- apeutic valu solutely ign: by vice of packing them as a medicine and keeping the composition secret he is able by Means of advertisement, to. ae mself for competent and qualified s io GRAY Sat wa WARNED BY HIS WHISKERS. Of what use are a cat's whiskers? Are they mer a handsome, Bt i Srna 4 cerca with ibeg oS a the: slightest conteot of thes: ny bstacle which ma: feet, enable him to move (hrough the thickest growth with a dead- silence. 2 Gcagre cor might rustle if-he touched it in pass- So his whiskers, in conjunction 's pa SENOS ee ES A. J. PATTISON & CO. REPORT. June 3rd, 1908. COBALT ORE SHIPME “PoMI6Wing sre the weekly ‘shipments ‘obalt camp, and those from Jan. “HEADACHE, WEAKNESS, - HEART TROUBLE" “T Suffered With for Vears—-Pe-ru-na Cured Me Entirely,” Miss Albina Chauvin, No. 50 Rue Agnes, St, Henri, Montreal, Can., writes: “I consider Peruna better than any other remedy, as it cured me when nothing else could. I si headache and weakness. saw one day, in “La Presse,” ny Poruns was excellent and I tri bottle produced a change in mo and if the price had been $100 8 a bottle I would have paid it sladly. E bave talstacls betton’ent am entirely Please accept my thanks and best wishes for your Peruana.” 1 in nets May. ey since Jan. 1, Ore in th: © Cobalt Central City of Cobalt Drummond (cern wal La hoes Table Cover, One Yard Square, Da May Ring, Solid L ite - Gpen. a Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling Sik Cola ‘Neat Fork, Silver-plated, Rogers! Best Make. Pho ae With Brilliants, met Rng, 10k Gold, Place for [wo initials: A new lot of prizes have been placed in the pack ‘ages. mur gr ‘ocer ie e aes of NEW STILL POS POSSIBLE. Clara—“When Tom proposed to me he admitted that he had more money than rains. Maude—“Well, I've no reason to doubt. it, although I underetag he hasn't a dol- Ier to his nan A Magic Pill yspepsia 15 a foo with which men are nstantly grappling rit cannot exterminate, ring. se Parmelae'y Vegetable Pils ato re pcmmondog MRTG ie: Uso your precious lime as - you the value of it—which nenns-that yo should nol erack nuts with your gold watch, PANGO. s Highly recommended as affording in- stant relief from pain—Neuralgia, Head- ache, Gout, Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample, 30 cents. | All druggists Lyman , wholesale drug: fists, Toronto, Sometimes a. womar atler paying $20 a hat tells her friends it cost $30, and hee hvaband Red S10, LAZY OLD SORES, ainful alts inful and distgurt Nie iar seater on with Woaver's yn. Mrs. A—“Men are so. queer. afl mey-moon, If y growing cold t eine ~ The superiority of Mother. Graves! Warm terminator ‘is shown by. ts good childsen,. Purchase Sotto and at ae iba GRAVEYARD OF THE ATLANTIG, Many people have heard of Sable Jond, “the graveya but few pes ig really miles froma. Halt ae as its name {n- dicates, if island of sand. Though any. teahte entertain the that it is a rugged, rocky island, upon wreck cores, the tis that shipwrecks on Sable. Island. ea rarity. Le occurrence now an import: he unit in the vast wireless’ system of ¢ North Atlantic. Gold. eboard. Covers, Two Yards Long,| t Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place tot ce k Comb, Tortoise Shell, Set | 7 ey ter. and sel ib ‘ g." ming & HB. iskaming ‘Trethewey < Watts 180,430 The total shipments for the week were 919,030 pounds, or 459 tons. shipments from Jan, for pounds, or 6 fons, valued at $6,000.000. 904 the camp —pro- duced 158: tons, valued at $130,217; to 1905, 214% fons,’ valued at $1.4 i; 1906, 5129 tons, valued; at $3,000,000. —— 4 pune Y ATTENDED TO. ‘But I don w you, madam," the bank cashier “sa io ihe svorhonvhe had Presented. a. cheque. But women, instead of saying Taughtily, “I do not wish your acquain- lange, sin merely replied with an en- gaging “Oh, yes, you do, I think, I'm the ‘red- beaded old virago™- next’ €or to you, hose ‘scoundrelly lite re, al- ways reaching through the fence ‘and picking your flov four money, madam," said the cashier, pusting “it; lowands ‘en end ecughing loudly. feceee we ee s the Farmers § tale ener ally, it a conven‘ent friend in treating injured ponscs, cattle, ete., or relieving thent when attack colls, coughs or any dundredailments to which they are sub- ject. POOR PASTURE. Something is preying on my4 paula min * Professor—“It_ mush be very hungry.” PANGO. «‘Please Accept My Thanks and Best Wishes For Your PE-RU-NA.” any cases of bes trouble are caused| | Such a condition of tho scm ts he refiex disturban also Hable to produce headaches of the spaenbenen oe. ae stomach and | worst sort. Medicines Ceestae thesymptoms Guiarch of MDS emumaaeia very fre- | Will never lead toa Rs cause of sympathetic heart dis-) r¢ i the effect which ice Neatoon the Se shortness of breath and bedi and resto. bloating after meals are the most prom- | tion of the stomach, that causes Peruns inent symptom to bring such Pmt gel fy Manufactured by Peruna Drug Manufac turing s, Ohio, U.S.A. DIVERGING, ZED. Sete = f rm becoming} Papa ‘Tilero You want’ te paar ROME ae oak PRE Err Pern EIN mensly litle Wite"The ideal " you thiak Sey 5 at Bit ol that?” ‘ollie ‘Husband-—"This thing of trying to look feclly lovely. His inioinet ‘bomaplenien h my new spring suit-exaolly, sa at my income and our expenses at the s there? same time is slowly but surely gelling its work n Abyssinia, the ho house and its con ak belong to the wife. ‘The change of dietary that comes with g and summer has the effect in weak stomachs of sollting up Ioflainma- tion, resulling in dysentery and cholera TONS OF TRON sonmumed waz’ Year ta meat. Heverty sranipulaod that, the weak dnd slekie ‘all pe yent-and Donodt trom te morbus. ‘The abnormal condition will continue if nob attended to and will GENTS WANTED Aretiable man in 6 a austi ve drain on es Bys- when pach na ge is Dr. it Ear building. 's Dysentery Cordial, uh aay the stamach and bowels of i1@-j ?°" ‘a day. Siet ol tants, counteracts {he inflammation and a ‘Swen Hound, Ontark restores the organs to healthy. action, CARPET fC DYEING ‘and Cleaning BRITISH | AMERIOAN DYEING 02 DELAYED. pe ate i She (in evening costume)—"Is not my aaa Fei a enirat ar Sg Bstoittl dea Well, lf may. bo: coming,’ bul ‘6 "WANTED, fae at of it thes late?” A_ responsible. agent in overy city in Canada to represent The Larder City Gold Mining Qo., Limited For full particulars apply Henry R. Dare 8 Coll sare we |.» Toronto, one Withetminn beatry te eet Pea KC ealieg jor eczema. fi tar td i very bad on his hands and ate CANOE co were swollen very, to try Zam-Buk. the Ri i were ver mmjch improve: He therfore conned using 2am ay hee all lig 2 Ba and ie pene ee 2 elm is Healing, Soothing, septic ‘Of ail drug’ Will “afford instant” relief from. ps caused by Neuralgia, Headaches, cout, Rheumatism, ee Colds. Sample 50. cents. druggists or National Drug Co., ‘Lonneke GREAT RELIEF, i. ollier day, When Mr. ASH mar- ied as Small, a sub-editor heade: ine report of the Wading,” but the compositor jnehachobe very Small Wed- Wateh *" eng ee flavor. The big bla plug chewing tobacco, ran ConBor Tu ha have a provential reputation for style and dur. Jot sce yon Sate No. 48 catal Do uy until reiage Agent and wet fu Dactealars, a write for logue, showing our new and han lesigns for 1908. The Conboy Carriage Pree ‘i tmikea Tcronto, A. J. PATFISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDE. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin, Cobalt orders executed for cash, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, Bran

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