THE CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS YUE TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL SES- SION OF HIGH COURS. ‘The Most Prosperdus Year for the Order om Ms History — A Large Dele- gatlon in Altendafce. -ninth annual ty “me nigh G pe si the Canadian Orde: ed in Fe aly of Nieg: eS re showed the order to be a a most flour- hn Chiet Ranger, J. * ee Rios y to ing et: 3 the 1st of a eteare , the order had a membership of 64,055, “and there ing the year of 68,424. in the insurance reserve amount on 174,872.45, and at the close $2, ‘The amount paid in death 24. feat fs also in a flourishing condition. ing year no less a sum S13h4I8.44, covering 5,03 ald in thie branch, The amount. to the it of this fund at the close of the nee was $112,864.48. ‘The High Chief Ranger, in concluding that the Nome 8 rged upon the that in them lay to make 1908 the ban- ner. year of the o: he report of Faulkner, High Secretary, covering the general work of the society, was next in order, and el large volume of throu; gh the head wre anes ot the order also showed a mated ad. vance, The amoi received during the year was $151,650.01, ‘and in- lenpst, 2:10. receipts bed ta aes Oe. “year sium There we aoe m ea tr good aanding Rive class gh year, carry- 053,500.00 insurance, There were issued nae pes teal office 8,064 fi Treasurer, showed receipts, $910,669.71. ture in these funds The lotal expendi: amounted to $2, 187.339 59 peminii of | Canada stock | "150.000. 00 RO banks — 20,000 00 ences eos tered bi atthe Be anew coos $2,426,690 87 he total assets of the onder, tela to ot 587, Vghb and bilities over abilities, Dr, U. M. hb et the Medica’ <7 S = S25 ry oe on order now doing business for up wards of 28 years, and stil] more markable is the fact ty eaineueing the Jast half of th ears with the first sa Goes death rate is in Kienorian of 5.17 to 5.07 per thousand. ‘There e accepled and: the re- rt of W. G. Strong, Superin- tendent of Organization, a: ie during the sent there were hss largest in- the hist new eats insti- tuted, with a mnempershi’ At the elose mlario, 175. rogress made | end han ims, was | W Cy he High Stanley, who |“ GOLD TURNED TO LEAD, How a Credulous French Peasant Was Robbed. irvoyant’ named Mme. Salmon, who Swinaied a credulous peasant Aone near Bol France, of the whol his savings, was sentenced to fi pee nment, besides being condemned to pay a fine of £120. The victim hed ae affected by gout. Despairing of 0! his presence she sopacenily, ut the “eo into a box which afterw: mder the mal cee easi eat eae of health did not improve; and at the e._specil @ quantity of white lead wrapped i paper. POOR BLOOD BRINGS MISERY Palo Facss and Pinched Cheeks Show That Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills are Needed. baht is written on the features of ninety women and girls out of every hundred. ev ynmistakeable are the signs at “too little rhe weaker sex is assailed at all ages in; is ale, pinched fe improvement Hea ee andy the tune 1 had taken seven oF eight Loxes 1 was again ihe -besb-ol Health. andonle to frien Sold Riel at Moo. $2.50 from The De Co., Brockville, Ont. yy alk egiene peng hs or xes for W ‘jams? Medicine SIGNS OF BAN. The hollow winds begin to blow, The clouds look black, the glass is low; sky. *The-walls are damp, the lleies ‘smell, Closed is the pink-eyed Hark! oye the chairs aii tables: reek; Old Betty’s joints are on the rack; Loud quacks the ducks, the peacocks cry; ‘The distant hills are Jookting ni igh. sporting ssuinel sings, bie o'er her whiskered jaws, stream ishes ihe incautious flies. The powwerras numerous and bright Ilumed the dewy dell last night. qual ad was seen, Hepping and crawling o'er the green; The Mion! wind the ua eys, And in the rapid eddy plays The both as aanget his song vest, And ‘tia russel co coat is dressed; Though June, Wie air is cold and chill, The mellow eh ird’s voice is shrill, fered in “his ard m es on grass to feast; @ yon rooks, how odd their flight ‘They imitate the gliding kile, -|SRIQH? LIPTLE ONES MAKE HOMES aRIgE| Babies that are well ani play swell well Gee sell aa young children sulfer. The mother who uses this medicine has OF eSporeninene: altaya it ‘d Baby's Own the Teast eatiaractoey medicine sed for constipation and brea shoukl keep this ‘oubles, fi Sold ir ail at 25 cents a box from o7 in Manitoba, 56 in Saskatchewan, 3 j : a All nd 17. in British Columbia, | The PE) ius’ Medicine ‘Gy Book Among those in attendance are™ the} ¥!%. 0" ing:—J. tewart, High a eae See Ranger Porth; TN Meh Vie LIFE UNDER THB MICROSCOPE. Chief Everybouy who-has used:a microsco ner, High Agecretmeye aeiittonds Rob ne +8. doubt regretted the ditions Ot Eliiott,. ep eee ‘Treasurer, Brantforu; seeing small insects, and other living ob- Dr. UM. lanley, Chairman Medical jects no’ ere microscopic ‘dimensions, Board, Banton M. Carroll, | magnified while alive and moving froely lontreal; Be PAH.GR., Gan: in A recently invented * iL. John; J.| English instrument, called the vilascope, Cait temo Harntheat? Mark Mundy, | is Peaid to supply @ desideralym, in this i le Executive Com-| respect. It is shaped like a telescope, a mil foot Jong When closed, and an inch and ‘ rs Brontiond AaB Hoag, High Au ra pare) peg; Di E. Peel 4 22 = nipeg; R. G. Affleck, ®, Winnie Gnd: RH abawen Bab +} @ half in diameter. le lenses are so iepcombtted that an oe “20 he ae may magni diamet mi distance of 5 inches ‘the magnification 5 6) diameters, — A squadron consists in the Army. of tivo troops af men, of trom sixty to one a fleet on ‘special duty under a iy myself as well ay any of my young 4 by |t PERSONAL POINTERS. Ditecealing: Gossip Ab About Some of the id’s Prominent People. Lady Avene famous alike for her complete. carpenter's and wood-carving, shop at Abingtony Lanark@hire, sroband. Hi e has not only turned out 601 scul and shares will band a love of all that is arlistic and ful, The new King ‘of Sweden has few hob- bies, bul, curiously enough, is very fond of lawn-t tennis, at eases game he excels. le is frequently to been peat with the ordinary players club, and he is always eae for any hints or information they. may be able him, A short tim pe an inter- is held at e then ean Prince led him to honorary ae Cmigeselpe of the Crown Prince's ig the thousands who have worn and ou wear the Royal Humane Society's of the Tower es. Ite'a wonder thet the poor lltle Grand Duke who is the heir to \f nearly three and a half years He i th Het of All-the ee chief of the Regithent Hy! the acts that his greatest. joy in lif i wog dressed in blue and red, for posses- sion of whiehhe occasionally fights with his youngest sister, who is six years old. ¢ tragic figure among the prominent people in the world than the Emperor Princess Anastasia, 3 3 He was alia to the throne during Givi il strife, in*which the Minister of War irba is rata the enly bearer of an heredi- tary: title born deaf’ gs Seni He has Seoisa this life cor and relief _ tisnts, objects rthur tells, with great glee, a story of an occasion when A friend had inyited him to dinner at his ible tao alee strangers efch olfier, had Ukewise been bidden lo the dinner, ea that he would meet a deaf man. Sir Arthur, arriving Jate with hii hest, was astonishe other guests hy. the fire talking laboriously on their fingers, cae eel, that the other was rthur: man King,” has cessful as a circus proprietor. that ho has ahsorbe Creme liers susiied oreia te runnin the depleled exchequer. ‘Then cireus vy ek rinidable competitors with Bar. hapa low there are oyer § ‘ ployed by the firm: they own 400 railways ears, and will pay any price for a -novel- ty. SR OE ES TOO SWIFT FOR HIM. Mrs. Stubb—“Gracious, John! We n er will’ got through with this house- clean- ou have only b--"Well, great Pluto, ‘Maria, Ym no moving picture machine,” he ‘The best thing you can do is to do your t. - Open, Canopied or Cabined. Our and equi with our ‘Own eae in all e rite for catslogues Canadian “Gas Power & Launches, Limited, Toronto 1 ‘corations for life-saving, Lient.-General | & v | Sir George Bryan Pane a Bor * me see sean from one of his ser lo | me to si John ‘Tingling, America’s “Show-| 2 WILSON'S THE MILK IN THE COCOANUT, — There is No Pleasanter or More Refresh- ing Brink, the world, but , “In the Souih Seas." Every mative of "Tatts apparently bom with the, tick. A stick is sharply pointed at th ends, and one end is firmly set in the ground, The nut is then taken. hands, and ck with a hilling = tearing move- ment combi point of the sti the. $) as to. splil the thick; intensely tough covering of. dense. coir fiber that. protects the nut. nut comes -forth white-as ivory, about the sai ot want the islands for copra-making, are gen- export erally used to crack the top ef the nut all round, like an egg-shell, would drink. {vem-old nuls,, for see ‘as ae are considered Sy FLY == PADS -“*=- DRUCCISTS, eacry a ; CENERAL STORES Lepd ee ene a last a whele GAVE HIM PIECE OF SHROUD, ith 2 | Seotch Za Folowet cons of Four- h Cent Some time ago the New Kaetine are at eburch minister, F .in a pineal caly < sae a in Glasgow, and he wa 8 somewhat mays and- culting of the ae Naturally he pre the reason of the gift, not tell <5 dance the rich, red blood without which ‘oman eun have. perfect health, | celebrated his eeniyen fifth birthday, is the c They fill the ested eluk lity sae only man, ibis said, who has been award- oie ser a acyae ee males 160d 9 that enfecdled bodies are|@t its gdld medal, ‘and that close on| wilh a bit o hroud on similar oc- strengthened, weak, systems sixty year t nn June 25th, | caSions. An an BAUR friend has been are forlified and robust health restored. 1858, at the Maurilius, that he was the | !eoking into the matter, and finds that Miss Rose ‘VrAraaod, , Que, | Means of saving the lives of five officers | SWay back in the thirenth or or fourteenth fcliows the - professi jeaching, | of his regiment, the 5th Fusiliers, who, | Ceneury an acl, was based for the pi which brings more than ordinary | ‘gether with himself, went for a sail, eeokatde oon oe he wool trade. strain to all. who follow this calling. | A Storm arose and the boat was capsized. | Scotland, which erdained that every Miss D’Aragon say: ilman, then a captain, swam the pice = aoe ale woollen gar- though I was gradually going into a de-| Shore, ¢o1 jles away, ured an- wos fis make certain that eo Cline. 1 lost_all my strength; my appe- | her boat, put off, and rescued his bro- inn Glacwas yews were ee vel ther officers, who had clung to the keel /@f the parish fered from frequent headac | Of the coracle. Ten years later he was | $}Touc, Delon ‘offen dizzy and the leas! with Campbell at the relief and capture | down. uf Lucknow, and was mentioned in des- | being o the clergymen who officiated at the “liftin’.” the old. c The fact that mat their genealogical tree had a fairly respectable antiquity. " Clergyman Creates a Sensation. -| Tells His Congregation There is a Cure for Drunkenness. It ts generally admitted among. medl- , that dr ener is a disease. is by saying that it is Now, west: the mae for liquor is a d:sease its is only necess: e proper cure, to be rid of ihe 420) uble. A well-known Methodist divine, inter- made "hy find that the ose of Samaria Rem- edy for the cure of drunkenness is ee ily increasing. Wives—who wish an banks inet Misbsoda “anc mnathiors Es 3 Isading hospitals, Samaria Remedy is ordered for those who express an ¢ar- nest fee to stop drinking. It delig...s is do- Ing a hearty eset for man’ fdas lifelong dissipalion and degrades ion.” le and pamphlet giving full paTllclleige tectncontaberee price are nt in plain sealed envelope. Corre spondence sacredly confidential. En- lose s! for ress The Somaria Rem: vers, Jordan St., Toronto. PREPARED, “Now,” sald the physicia: to eal plain feos! end late at nigh’ “yes,” replied the patient, ‘that is ‘what I have been Anning ever since you sent in. your bill. They Never Failure.—Careful "Kn new oft eta can be oe antiated ho haye used the Pills, and nedical ‘en speak highly of thelr qua- T nour IN DAY. Business Time ae Most 2and 3p fc lest ne Fi the gay?" asked S$ man. of ant quaintance. ‘ou-have none, You have, although you may it. Everybody has. Of course, reckoned by actual measurement, each hour is of i Ss, yel; notwith- standing that chronological. exactne: hours vary in length. My shortest ad is Sit 2 a saiiey a the after- hal js the feclest Feri ie Femmany ao abate In my case so swiftly do those is minutes hurry by that I'try to crowd into them as many. of the disagreeable, yet ewiiatle things of life as OSS ‘an. If ve ens;!. therefore agony of diso greeable scenes ‘seems shorter duration,’ ple Polk at hell -grown nuts is used for drinie a ven the: ‘ill sometimes ss the refreshing and’ restorin, panes a3 heaven's best gif to man in the tropics, the never- failing cocoanut. So “THE NEW FOOD” Have you tried a package of “THE NEW FOOD”? It is eae ‘of the Choic- est While Wheat, then steam-cockedant flaked. jaked. No kitchen can produce a bet- ter ‘or cleaner article for ht consi tion, or troduce “THE NEW FOOD” ize pl ‘every pack- age. Already THIRTY-SIX Blue Cards ling for y GOLD WATCHES, have been redeemed, and SEVENTY- FIVE Red Cards. Each one of these bards has found in a package ol si te : ds the giv Rates ite ioiowing ie Boys’ atc your Pee” Gold Nib Fountain Pen, u Cover, Duchess Pattern, Four ge Be Table Cover, One Yard Square, Da Baby Ring, Solid Gold Sileboant ‘Covers, Two Yards Long, open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Steriing Silver T: Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated, Rogers Best Mak Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place for moto s. Ladies’ Back Comb, Tortoise Shell, Sel a Brilliants, net Ring, 10k Gold, Place tor Iwo ine A new lot of prizes have been placed in the packages. Ask yoi uur_grocer for a package of smallest bulk all the: Simply a Shredded Wheat wafer, containing in the ae pant and strength-giving material of the whole wheat. Appetizing and always ready to serve. - Deliclous as a isu cates Butter, Cheese of : ‘Bold by. on ae, -|PANGO: For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. _ 50, CENTS... ALL” The Pango Company, Toronto WHOLESALE ~ LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and Mot GLARKSON, :Toranto; NATIONAL DRUG €0., London. DRUGGISTS, OR ntreal; LYMAN KNOX & you see caer nearest Carri: logue, showisn« re new TEE CONBODT Cop ris have a provential sopeata for style and durability. Don’t Buy fe Agent and ee ae particulars, or write for 8. until ome desig’ A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin, Cobalt orders executed for cash, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, NEW FOOD." EASY. AT. LAST. KNEW BY EXPERIENCE. *cor-| | Hearty Parks "How, are sou Haven Bach—"I have my. doubts about BPS Belt ie Apes seen you for years. How's the wife?” | this hacen aaBt tho more: you give away outside my door whether a client or a OW neat aumance—"She's all right. the more you as n is coming.” i. P.—Ha! 1. brought you lwo ‘Mr Phomlelgh--"No. question at alk Gown—"How?” ether you, remembers" iit. 1 gave away my daughter two Wig—“Easily. No clients ever come.” A Purely Vegetable Pill—Parmelee's Negelable Pills, are roots, herbs and solid extracts of known 3 Ee & and in ging quire no testi lo Avge to biliousness who are in quest of a beneficial medicine, TWO OF A KIND. “Fur hiven’s saks, don’t shoot, Casey! Ye forgot to load yer gun!” “Bego! must, Pat! Th’ burd won't wail!” ery Fever the Curse of the Tropics- In the slow and tedious recoveries from this and all other disease “Ferrovim” is the best tonic, Remem- ber the name, “ ¥ERROVIM.” NOT ae HIM. Dr. Fissick—“Well shoukb lake some mi eagerly) — iow a about beer?” Dr, F'ssick—*Oh, no; that’s Teutonic. _ Parents buy Mother Graves’ Worm ax termi ne er because cate medic f llectunl expeller’ of worms, ul NEEDED AT HOME, ae didn’t notice you at the mothers’ ngiess.” yeplied the woman addvessed. “Im nol a theoretical mother, you know, T have six. Dr. logs Dysentery Cordial is compounded specially to combat dy- senlery, cholera morbus and all inflam- matory sisi thal chang food or waler set vi 5 suerer will find speedy relief in’ this ‘ondial. that happen years. “anh years. before She was bor Black. _Watch Eneoas Tobacco Rich and satisfying. The big black plug. 2258 st suppose you - Fare i's you, is it, I owe a grunge A Medicine Chest in IHself.—Only the: cine chest, bul s Oil, which is a medicine chest in itself being a remedy for rheumali go, sore ‘throat, cok and within the reach of the pi 2 tn its eboapness, It ehourd be Ih every house. pektaeak Pen A SOUNDLESS ROOM Beas lad sg juaehile of the Uni- versity ol rmany, possesses one of the most remarkable réoms in. the 2 ge 2 Z6. £263 “Ee a = 2. 2 3 img mater sons. Wh the rooth expe ular sensation in the eai every effort has been ade to that are not wanted, oltouree the abject of construct nomena connected with sound. are made. in the Soon itself; others are Introduced from o1 by means of a copper tube, which ts es with lead when not in Ise, iain lad asi Mirrors are an In the house of a, ma whose face is traded it, worn tion Tat his annein? hi ete te’ and purity his blood with NO PAT! air nance is ft not?” Wild and improved farm acre, near goo Fai land from $18 to $18 an market id Wankel of the WW, Bags tol wan Settlers Land Agency To Keremoos, the Hub ‘alloy im Southern eri Britten Dota st ootenay’s Boundary ‘ana Okanagan Vall The Amithamegn it Cuunda’s most, favored sp Olive.alimand, peach, wine grapes ne 3 melon, awee ropleals deat spanoehh ‘ja thoopen a wind a nd ail northern fruits row porfoc ot ye No i Four etops clover yoar. strawbertlos, cherries, apricots, ys Host fruit district in Dominion. mosqul frlt posts, Dry. al Taydof health and. sunshing; Dullding of Great Northorn Railway. 0 coat nd prairte markets | Open prairie Tandy, free of stumps, for plow. 43 10 T soe if its the est parts of tho. erat Jn July 10 and 9. At PRAUTIFUL VALLEY LAND 0.» 108 Colony 8k, Winntpog, Man. or Keremeas, B.C. Phone 7878 as e Chane Cure! * one esis mantis ago sh ae rit returned lo ioe with her me oe alread of my more of it for my. friends. So -wriled Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Méster of the house {finding one, of his silver my % a) 5 a guests has a hole in his poekatt” ANTISEPTIC OHENILLE CURTAINS Uo GURTAIAS > Ps ry Sinan Date NeW coe Box 168, Mantread “HIS MASTER'S: Aas VICTOR-BERLINER CRAMOPHONES All prices and styles from $12.50 to 8240. Write for freo calatogue, Dept; ). TORONTO GENORGORRS easy 294 Yo bsg es Agents wanted fen fo ae - Was se TRO wan 10 ‘ANOE C ‘aNDE, 7