Milverton Sun, 25 Jun 1908, p. 8

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OF-THE " WOULD-YOU-LIKE-TO-READ-THE-STORY _ —Just how correct peiciples say it | 8 fror al ‘ FARMERS "TAKE NOTICE Before buying aise for z seeds, call on I. D. i f Meal, Oil Cake. Headguart- ers for Biby’s Cream Equiv- it. ave carry @ col plete ass ent of seeds for field pte poasavice and and flowers, I. D. ATKIN Seed Merchant, Milverton Wedding dune Presents ris —Betore buying your wedding presents, call in and inspect our new and up-to-date, stock of Jewelery, including Silverware Cut Glass Chinaware Come in and see this stock, we are always pleased to show goods whether you buy or not. Cive us a call, Eyes tested free of charge. ; P. H. Bastendorff E Milverton, Ontario. H. MOHR’'S RELIABLE GROCERY BAKERY AND SPECIALS on our 15¢ Table ce 3 pint Stone Pitche: LONDON C se he certs ere MSClarys ites J. Rothaermel & Son, XGENis. CROSSHILL. Mr. an danghter ee spent Sunday kesville. M sometime and nd Eat) Pride SF Saas! James Hain and aes Stricker. A sited their daughter, vot, tdi: Mrs. irs, Gavin Barbour and aby: Helen -epent Sunday with friends th x Glen Mrs and Mrs. TR, aoa er and fatnily friends near Haw Ed, Petch of Berlin was.a.vis- ght ‘on. Sunday oma John Hastings was the though John has Pe : Bontetery were he . Haig conducted the funeral ser- vise and, delivered a pressive secrnans referring brietly to the past life of the depa The sym: ey, Pak the community. is extended io the family in their bereavement. > Mr. and Mrs. visited K. Mayberry, friends here ing eek, ic held in. Mr. Shearer's e auspices of the Mill- ureh ie tae ecided mong those ee enjoyed the fake ald’s € n etroit were Mis Adeline Bibeneie e Messrs, Hugh Me: Millan Adam Chollmers and » Oliv Large. Ai number from there were present at ac a arpe-Omond wedding and rewepts Mrs, BMihause®, Mra. Westman, ind Miss Westman visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J, Mayberry on Mon- Mr ner, of Wellesley, visited his daughter, Mrs, Philig Helm over Sunday. Wo ato pleased to Tearn that oe Jean Keating daughtes and Mrs: J. W. (Chalmers he as ‘ek nate: 1s nurse | tram the Brandon training hosp’ also that their son Jas. me ‘seed a highly successful ex- nafs barrister and solicitor haa Tes, called to the MILLBANK. as Be Seba tt and. son Cecil re home fn Batlen. Dr. = css Jobing attended Le sd of. their neice at . rm: psuiage enn took in the Eee excursion: to. Detroit. on Saturd: peouty beens weer. Miles wNisdoanie Mire Tape ane Mr. and-Mre., J, Harren, if. ke, of Toronto, is visit~ ng puree in tewn, Mr. D. and Miss M. Trowbridge, poent. a few their aunt, Mrs. Ritter. ‘McLeod, of days. with he (Gen aha ico Sabbath Sa eh he anniversary services in the Pri byterian church, Bright ast week. Rey. Wishart, of Brussels, conduct- rd Apis services in the Presby- terian epureh last he There H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce Noted for. Stylishness ‘We are showing line in both Tan and Patent Leather that for elegance of appearance and per- fection in finish is without a peer. Our lines will captivate you at sight. ‘We carry a full line of Boots and Shoes of every description. OXFORDS == present, at wo. very instructi ddroanee irere deliv Prayer basing his remarks er in theLife of Christ. upon Pi At night Gs dampene baseballl was pla, eind single men, the young fellows coming off victorious. Tha mid news of the death of+ tr \Ed. Th n, of Milverton, former- jy of “B , was geceived here esi ueh. sympathy is felt f Net Dabbaed ies ana chilean on tha loss they have sustained. jgaudde, ednumber intend talc NQP.F.1. Wodnesiay, The people of Giraes church are pre- ing for their usual bumper crowd rden party on July Within the next few day ing in excursion to Guelph on ands will ‘be peaked eaitE cleaned, also peautitally eee: ee illuminated Pebtleg silk ba act in de_on the rectory lawn and supper ser from 6 to 8.30 pm. Admission and 15 cents. ee Tho thunder shower on 10 WM. ZIMMERMAN) copious rainfall « nee pleasaint tim« Miss MacGillva pent. “Saturday | § with ee arater tral ¥ d Mrs, J. Sitter visited in ‘be.|chestra ai v= tan: pent Jee prerngirss w Mr. Mrs. He hen Sunde spent onan with the head- Sunda nite “retatives 3 im Walton ee “and. bel taste. in, the mout! Sun recently wee rs something to settle 6 stoi Nearly ed. vi and friends in Nebraska, Mrs. Reibling and Mrs. Hartmann took in the Herald Sarni: etroit ‘excursion Es W. Hf i eport having yy FURNACE? shagidt be. eontnoct yee Stemucker was home on Sun-|Nerviline—nothing. better. “Large ust cone bottle 250, everywhere. Just write pee ih do? re ‘ ; farmers in this vieinity, and the : : va e Rass S. ‘iherts abili villagers have alll leted their eon clon rei pa fel cck - son ie road work. lagers put down ESSON. nice length of cement sidew: a o pes i. ae Conrad Blunck is ‘home from ao iieaees ee Eenas Roche: He shas completed (his | 4, ; story is briefly told in a litle booklet of Mrs. E. C. Knoblauch on Tuesday. caed “Fapace Fats ” "Hest an er course at college there Mrs. Perrin, of Listowel, is spend: tisement. is mentioned, 57-62 The Critical Gritical Age |i & few works with her friend Mrs, sciyeanreabewiele seria mina Chas. Coot sin: at ¢ rs. elm ight. of vigor is past—nature’s sea To the party contemplating purchasing a fence pio i As slowing down-—vitality: oe Boclena on zope to see Mr. Helm’ pata Oh a weno pt ae 5 at plist oe away, endurance decreasing. Stop the]""Quita a rom hese attend pr lecay, ‘tone up the weak: othe YoltiBeknard’ weddine tify establi sere all You'll try Ferozone, 500, at ers. ~ WELLESLEY. Edn Alterman, youngest. daiighter of teman, who has beer eel months died isk BEE day evening of dropsy, and wak buried in Tuesday afternoon in the Lutherat sbove the wrist. sae the disabled merber for ot the or rales his ts facg very badly. to report the eects Gemise of the seer jolomen Ger| vening and was the Aciish _Mentonite cemetery ars ‘afternoon, Gotball team went to Pool on ottieadey afternoon to play fool, balls lawn social pite Buble Libre Bs ‘Thursday ev band ie going, t Clements bur uly te eAutib ona? for the foals in, the afternoon. and uso for the Engl'sh ohureh lawn soc’al in the gins at Millbank. under the auspices ry will be held A Case of Poisoning Not _unfrequently “eased PY cheap acid eorn salve. Be sate use Put- na actor. para veg- etable, armless a always cures. Insist on “Putni ELMA: A) meeting of the F diveotors o6%ths Elma Farmers Mutual Fire Thsur- ince company eld in Atwood on Tuesday the 16thday of Sunk 2808 Senibere ter ae all present Minutes of last meetin, ea eeon Claims were ved of and signed. Pee sented the » following—George Burst, nee Elma, $20.00 for aitwo-year iter killed by igntning- Moved by na 1 i arrison, ile and a, for eyear-oldchekter walled by nd lightning. Moved oy, ponerse and Paker -that jim be ade justed at. BC rie me ps Pool nes of Wallace, for $ year old fat killed ee Stantking. Moved. by eeiig aa ee Cle slaim be paid i d by Lichining. * tov that. elaim ihe id J. R. Haim- n + for damage to rnb Moved by ° elan be paid.—Cer- ‘ied, James Dowd, of Mornington, for $7 damage to barn by lightning. 0 Donaldson and. plications we od amounting to 6,750. bs Cleland and Gown that they be ace septed.—Carrie "Nesting adjourned {Ml Taseday. fhe 21st day samd time oo te BURNS. Miss Maggie Gray is visiting friends in ale and Mrs. Stafford and son vis- W. Glen's. week. 80 success- in medicine at Toronto University. | Mr. Hawke. vir ited for ys here with friends prior A “his leaving for the West. Mr, . Dowd was Burns’ repre- conta ta the attord, Heralds trip to Detroit on Saturd: Mr, Jas. Baird is very Duar wth ula ‘A number of our uptto-~date far- mera are purchasing gasoline engines for pumping, chopping, ete. e most successful lawn ° social held in years in connection with North Mornington Thur: evening ther arty ae very ‘owd Ww: interesting! football match was play- pape weet Newt Fernbank 9 resulting in a ie spirited game on boys in the lost balf, ton ae serv: the ladies the pee was entertained Jin ehirel until a late arf The. BY le quartette, of Lis- rt ethe ‘ood, glayed a speeches given by tora Spence, Washburn and El- fe and Mrs, Ab. Wileon, of ese engceare attending tho ‘Trinity: ehureh bs garden "Have you Stomach Trouble ? ates, braces tones, puts vim and si ta arg visiting Stintlves iy thie viein ity: pret = |troit. yout movements, You'll be it ted for a hard days work by taking] BRUNNER. Mr. and Mrs. George MoehImann. of Detroit returned home on Monday after spending-a week with his moth- rs. MochImann. nd Mrs. William Peters’ re- turned home on Tuesday after spond- ing a. three days’. visit with friends near St. e g rane mm here attended the airentowstie "footbal gi pionship of the Nor} Many from this vicinity ablended {te ever poplar “Herald. €xcurs|on ta Detroit on Saturday. foahiimia tin Visited ot her Farm: Zxeursion: was well ednesday. Schneider, of Woodstock, nis visited ait home in Brunner over Sunday. Mr. Charles Reis is renovating his nose €. Blunck returned home from patoas phiw on Fridaly. mber from here enjoyed the fienle Yn Mr. Struther’s bush on Fri- bays Have You Bronchial Catarrh Tt is cough and. hoarse easily reoognint by the dry Not ditficutt ia: “bronchitis tei ad ere that caused me A Our prices at retail are lower About 1000 yards of lovely Muslins for cool, crisp summer dresses and waists, Fresh summery patterns, every kind im- aginable, reg. 12% and 15¢ for..,..,,8c. 200 yards of plain white, striped Muslin, reg. 12% and I5¢, for.........9¢. ‘oo yards of colored muslin, stripe and floral patterns, reg 18, 20, 25¢ for 14¢ 150 yards of quality A Silk Mullin pale blue and pink, with or without spot reg. 25 and 30 cents, sale price......19¢. Week-End Specials in straw hat sold at $1 or over, we four-ply Linen Collars. Exclusi settled by cash or note. LREADY fines is half over, des we find that we simply must sell our summer stocks now. Note below the spec jal prices we are offering for Thursday, Friday and Saturday wholesale. Our Terms--All accounts due July 1st, and must be than other merchants pay at Boys’ Wash Suits. WASHOUT PRICES” 1 lot White Sailor Suits with fancy white or blue braid, reg. $I, for....,.68¢. 1 lot of Grey Brown style, re; Il. 1 Jot Navy Blue Duck Suits, with _ white stripe, reg, 1.25, sale price,...95¢, uck Suits, Buster 50, sale price $1.19 Call and see them Straw Hats — With every will make you a present of two ive styles and popular prices. W. K. LOTH MILVERTON, Issuer of Marriage «". Licenses .". ONTARIO re acking grew My was hoarse, md id great distess in my chest. Muche Phenols reached the sore spots iramedit alte relief. Since us ind. gave ng it ng it I 4 not had a ae at- ack.” Every ph je sd about Catarrhozone says sure cure—so wi Sold everywhere 25c. an NEWTON. of Detroit, and other is rela- Zoeger, visiting his mother tives of tag is vil ning ae “ork peti eal by i of Millbank, are spend w ES with friends in De nd Mrs. John Frame, of Cros ch the. ficinera Mitchall, sr. iddleton is <goending jew in town’ a guest alt. the ties nit napent Sunday wit Mrs. J. pian of Millbank to re e time iitelb son, Ross, spe homo of Mr. Th in Mr Notice to Creditors In the Surrogate Court of the County of hi of William Ross ship of Mornington, County and Province of. Ontario, retired far- mer, deceased. N° EN pursuant to neute Sotoatarle (2897), nd Amendin; TICE 18 HERE Our 21901 pu nd ith particulars of the esa by themduly verified. will have the bonnet at proceed t Seceasea' hereto, ceeded is SPRING = SUMMER of Trimmed Hats to choose from. nothing bnt the finest materials, some of the leading styles. effort to obtain the right shapes and that we have suc- * MILLINERY millinery is remarkable for varities. Scores _We put on them By coming here you no difficulty in selecting a suitable hat or a popular price. See window display for We have made special shown by the constantly increasing sales. aistcibution, Dated at Newton, Ontario, this 2nd day of 00) ae ewer bythe of Ue i w. The Newipi football team played here attended the funeral of Mr. Hiueting'’ at Cross pill. nd Moe Robert White attend: oa ‘the weddin sha Miss Om: cn Gt Topping, on Wed foe of las Miss Martha Jabk-and. Mr.’ Avenie Holmes are visiting friends in Detroit te ailler: Dante accompanied hia sister, Miss Mary, spent Barurday itehell. =Carthage—. he Saturday were Mr. Patterson “returned to his home in Toronto on Friday. Mr. an rs. Sam. Johnston of Toronto anaebe gy here attend- | June 1908. Aczander Jack . Shearer's grove e Ross, Exeeutors. leon Monday afternoon which chureh A> very. pleasatit™ time COMMERCIAL the North Morn-| Fall wheat per bushel..,...8 75 % ay on Thursday last Baas per busi hel. 50 BO in a tie. a 40 40 a number from fo “ ‘80. 80 ohn Blow, = ore 2°78. 2 7% Among the citizons of our vicinity |Z Mr. are renewing old acquain- | Po our vicinity. B MRS, KATE SPROULE, Miller's Block, Main. “treet, Milverton. sete S, 5 00 25 00 Conger, sie rd. 125 124 5 We PLUMBING Mowers. Our stock is complete and we can supply you with any size you may desire. They range in price from— $3.75, HEATING LAWN MOWERS have a very large assortment of Lawn $4.00, $5.00, Call and sée them. $5.50 Synopsie of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations homesteader intending to Peatdence duties in acco ee we hore w while ving, ath parent A if ase muse aoe Rieut tbe the distict of such at te W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minster of the Eo: N. B.—Unauthofized publication o| 3s rertitemicat will notbe bald for Le Ag bered. f De AN Locus gues setae, ok ates C. P, 'R. Time Table : ings, end 26, m0 : fay be homesteaded by any ‘person who 13 Westbound Eastbound the’ sole head of a family, or Por. male over “ See ars Se oe tent es one-quarter Lite 10 M, rere Pp a! section . TAMA e Bones Eah| 7 108k Miliaok ba So Kgen’y‘on SutrAgency for the district ta|722 1108 _ Milverton 9 14 3 48 which eneiand i situate, ‘enter by proxy|7 86 11.18 West Monkton 9 00 3 30 Su conditions by the father, mother, qaniedt lcNaught 8 50 3 20 fue brother of eifaetesy mothe, Sate 51 118 Walton 8 41 811 eee ‘Dr ater At least si: ths side uponaad ¢ allivation ofthe land ingachyeat .. @, T.R. Time Table. JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON 2) A Home eat adet m: desi: : = requied eesidkneg duties by lee Buel end ae eo carts farm land owned solely by him, pem., mnie 5 ped meat net ieee than eighty 80 acres tn extent, 1x [8.00 a, m., Pe re am, 7.01 p. Bol D the vielalty of of tl is Homestead. He aie also jo. 30 by father or mother, on] Newton, going south, 9.17 a.m. : rtain c¢ aise » Joint o hip in Li af Mir ter tp wilinot secet thisreuutremene 110 p.m» 680. p.m; going. north a.m., 11.06 a.m., 6.56 p.m. No. 4133, Vol. st “ees ap Bred wd Clydesdale Stallion J. GC. HA AMIR TONS Station Store - Milverton. OLD ) JUNK The ae will be at John. Yundt’s, Milverton Station, for the next three months to buy Tags, bones, bottles, iron, rub- bers and all kinds of metals, éto.° CLYDE party Pres evening. wil Mares this season at. st x verton, going, south, 9.28 ted ta Tot 10, Jon Gon 2, Mornington. “Fes $10| ¢ 41! orders promptly attended to, 740 Sm 1088 tomy os Reduetion for 2 Mares both in foal. JOHN FREED, » Brunner, going south, 9.27 a. m.,|Robt. Fleming + Prop, 1.20 p.m, 5.00 p.m.; going north, ~~ TAB a.m, 10.50 0. m., 6A2 p.m ”

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