ING: and Thoroughly in ink on these things."—Phill, iss OW sil frees you may old your @ held mm sos eter possib! le} they. noth consequen- peris! blind, e-| men must table, x split up the. reli as ee into DS OR DOCTRINES. It is not only a question as lo what you ‘@re thinking about and what your con- clusions may be; there is the deeper) o question whether you have the energy end courage to think through your pron- at al lectual afral cowardice and mental have the temerity to think about sacred ‘subjects. Intellectual stagnation and slqth guently calls itself spiritual het. ley a affairs, us as hea: th mind id} we better thi ‘The N a Is That Men Should Think Deeply Everything. 8. disturbed ea mental slumbers by ing to sn this nev It is to te teatea aie there are self-a) pense Scan ae he thoughts of the Pie he faith who, if racise, will bring ing but thete “hs along, all ote SRA Yet fanny mouths. wi aving ey such ould have pelleve that they are the oracles of na the Moe inds a There never has Rivest ites a ake 0 think, Ted Files i iiaie wateneiieee walk alone while the mob abuses | q High. Leaders. always The world Rook camps, each fighting for its cwn} who saw that each day bi ewiawe larger light, .-But the te, of es ‘when one contvonits ts religions this sill $18 thesd who love aries rejudice’ he 4 inclined to ask better than light to these tactics of th vse of it allt Why worry aeuttescumon tha rors saa Hcg airapend ae OLD AS RELIGION nTSELE. y Shing, itis to life and action as riot] Every man must Pk sata ae tot As a man thinks in his heart} rey Le en Bp that king Sn e erent Wee of destiny | he thus obtains for himself. ‘There can | ¢ It {6 of no little importance, then, that] be no: living. taitit swith maT there shou’ rigat, inking. | thinkin, er nee Pid eee i In fact, the habit of clear thinking is/3f tig ond for ourselves but to; malin: greater value than th ul uch . : pew lo liberty of conscience, to discover and thinking when formulated m tout ink! ow al man who 45 a true id or ‘the tut, EN religion can en. with wondrous life of all = the Lord of al has plann HENRY F. COPE. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNAT: .L_ LESSON, JUNE 28. wie L — nt the pres sion.) if The Epistie to the Ephesians tes pused in the epistle are thought of as being surrounded, —Words lacking . the lousness, the apostie has just enumerated Hee ives disobedienc : : who a1 Peeces ots 2... eempecenge “Lesson, habitually dibobedient tothe higher Golden Text, Eph. 5. 18. laws of life and o 8. Yo were once daskeas-60 utter-| ly ‘encompassed by ddarimess a3 to be reo ES. lost in it, and. themselves @ part of 1t. ‘THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. Ree gi ll pea ee {Based on the text of the Revised) children who are in the light, butsuch Vers whom the divine light of truth’and holt has so ‘penetrated that the a time when |S# bi ss from investigation. ose sarily involves. meditation on the good- ness and Estee of ae beaventy Father, consequently y toa erin oF appreciation sale thankfulness hings. 1. e Subiestag yourselyes one to an- Shee aD exhortation to Christian hu- mile “In honor preferring one an- other. — EHN FRUIT FOR ENGLAND THE DEMAND IS FAR IN EXCESS OF THE SUPPLY. England Consumes 4,400,000,000Eggs 9 Year, Best Is Raised in France. Raising eggs for the English market offers ‘a great future to French farmers, G. Labadi 5 2 ‘supply. ie opportunity for France comes in, he Tho hens of England’ itself, after re- r country, even Egypt, Morocco and iberia.. They are called. Belgian because Belgium is so near they can pretend to fresh, USED ON LEATHER. sa matter of fact, ie eee roy 8 prices by bakers and confectioners who aro not ee ‘he End bakeries in London advertise that tee use only English Sage and they generally tive up to their di clarations. But {¢ ment are used to get them to London. Thero are several retail purveyors ‘in London whose trade calls at lea: 40,000 FRESH EGGS A ae © surplus from the British henneries rate egg producing country, and the is service to England is inadequate. impossibil 3 ap CD ae eet ag For the fenit of: the light ts—The neh farmers wi counts 0 » Epldlie to Abe oaviansoe ai the Epistle] statom nse gives in paren- hundred aes ofthe Channel ports to go to tho Philippians are companion thesishhe apostles weasde for exhorting | peavily int oo jeritten by tho apostle {rom Rome dur-| his readers to wall as children of light. | tra urahe thems racine <“ing this same period of. imprisonmes 10. Pr Not simp! maine eee GEHL oh ieee ee Though bearing the title “To the Ephe-| end testing, but also demonstarting tol errs with dane ve ect a sins,” the leller seems to hav others by thelr example what. is. well ait ANG peal att eeeet pe rather a circular one, addressed pleasing Vite: the Eon ae iaaliee couan at wucieccic mn carers eral of the churches in Asia Minor. This |" 41, Ha Tellowehlp-—this verse ee eS salen advance seems 0 be Indicated by the fact that] ecntinuss the thought ehyerie? abe eet ee me ancient manuscripts of the epistle Untruitful works he a Apes Won ve ay 71 7 Smit the words “at Ephesus” f und Jn |destitute of any. go orks | BLESSINGS ON NEW BUILDINGS. verse 1 of our present texts, while in one Bela 0 the. ‘ulfinment ct Ra Lact ey ine yardss at Lacdl- (ites intenced i ose ot ils upbuilding, | Russian Custom hat Got a Scoffer Into cea” seem fs boen mubatituled. TU} ” Repsito t jot. only shal fe not unlikely, that tho letter. waa re-| curieuan silently abslaln. tron partic is a na in ua to open all ig eit vena Wot onig tn tbe cturhe |natnig tin tonne “of widetiner, sui | ney. bulldings-and Wslluuoass aston ¢s of Ephesus and ea, uk iD] whieh he 1s, surrounded but, rather, | private with rel gious dedication, writes Other” Christian —conifiunAies in Asin | as opportunity affords, shall he cook 1s the Odessa correspondent of ihe London Minor a .ike several of the apos:| improve and correct the liv hers. | Standar tle's other letters, this one also falls| ‘The word .“reprove” in classioal usage} Even the proprietary builder of a small naturally into two paris, of which the] always hos the argumentative sense in| collage or workshop who cannot. afford first art is davolod to a doctrinal ds-| the origina, io pay for the altendance of a priest to design, and the second to 2.-A shamne even fo speak bless and sprinkle with holy water a new T admonitions, It is unl fhoaning of the anithe-vers6 Ih telalion| struciure siwoys holsls @ wooden, crese he apostie"s other epistles, how t what ies and immediately fol-| nailed fo the topmost pole in he sealtold: the absence of the spirit of con lows (verse 10) is, probably, as suggest Ing, a8 is dwelling or workshop” ap. ig Father on epstie of yredation:|ed by Abbot as follows: *Tlave no par-| proaches completion, symbolic of an ap- which Coleridge regarded as “One of the) Reipation wiih the works of dar peal for God's blessing upon the new divinest compositions of man’ « Father expose them, far ine fides beretulaes he mo auth hol do secretly it is shame even t This c1 m appeared somewhat incon- braces every doctrine apron but all these “hu ings when gruous on the establishment of the n tC those doctrines peculiar to C ES by the light are mi nade manife: Aeslis Ne then those precepts com-) in their true character.” mon t it with natural religion.” The| 14. Wherefore—mtroducing the rea- eae Hcp ‘ol the aposile's..argu-| son for the entire~ pre: ceding exhorta- mystical union of Christ} t Ae a hts eh Techs ion. is = that his cet aa may have measu! hough recogn: with) fallow thanks, iving og a that tit, love, | apos sit and good worl eady abound among |. source me ie calls. tho atanton st tn ated. readers ta sie past oxperionce jaa "tact | ex manifest in the 2 by tb has yel a upon (he fiona ot te apostles | good, Gnd propiiels, Christ Jesus himselt be-) sir rel Nao! bens. fellow: embers of the, cody; Ie fellow-piclakers of the theo the ge sled “iho. g ac 2 ston » desi may be until they abAlL rewioh The “statute i Lvods of the. fullness: is re 3 ent 17 that toc: olf yo ving itea boo a Gentiles, are still surrounded by ‘the ig nerance, the. wickedness. the idolatry, and the resulting ea ng ot heath- pas, ee te a9 th pro- ae alibitallons 3! of 5 Eyal jeyhot ore tnvching tne nec realy ortation ne tere Tole ae the nitted in the Eaten ‘intended bysthe quotation, the Seisieeant is not indt ie e ob wi hich, Look Uigreiare The more. genera] to holy ing is resumed ne iy bE this Bolo after he warned hi Behe void, and ta ence for ame. tim a fic those who. dwell in garcness and bout them. Redeeming the time—G: unity.’ eve eek, “Buy- 8 are onment and i the ning Paclip—ylew the of the w Udupi lig words hevelan ch his. renders ve a perman: ond the a presentday signi- Be ia Snon * @o not pern > your Sea ur guard, at Bos ict hai: valehtulaess “be not-taken Muniven, arith =We is only die of ws Aa any Why. neta ‘pnt sites adnoni a $0 é eed ot Pro elas cat t. hes © fy “the mis- nts to| erable exaltat ¢ drink an- ‘know sid vi fill wall tad tec acaue po-| nuls {he hely science pitions in life, and rei all} with fatal case and’ certainty" (Moule). Ertiafins walcniuineas cn courage A their epiritual wartare, concluding. his epistie with prayen and benedielion. se 6—Our Pay passage is taken i inte Sreat the chorlatory porlion...of Ae ing of the amar Apostle’ letler, ond the temperance’ ap- 1h plication made ine ils study must t feng bi lines. of eon a enrich Sel abstinence from all things. hla will} REXt verse, wilt” i this saine t pee with the. “highe: more}. 19. Speaking one to another--Or, “T> us purpose of iif 4 pSolrsclyes, no man. decéive sp i} Oe +; cies natural fic reference is to the ‘dota us neigh e life on te bons by whom, the Clitislious. ude pat vstsa “disciple neces mente} ou very @ was solemnly opened with a religious ceremony. At Kishineff last week when~a-new opeta house was opened with the usual gious funelion, the local journal, Bes- arabian Life, made cof ne re- marks, for whieh the ditor den benimiced Wp enone Ge 6 “Robbers” 7 Generosity AY, Billy, I ‘preglate ever so Tmuoh your ' mein the ce oe od Weer too decent a feller to be kept sucker” which represented “Are you goin’ to the picnic?” asked Buy, See under the influence of the ker,” perfect relations had been; established, i bAs Maar My 4 Yiu a Nie THE “RORBERS” GO A-BERRYING aut We ag hy le Hy his bie sorrow- ‘Ma re rn ‘tg "il never sy feopest OF if cae EG a secret, 1, fa Tel-g ose tl x shen tt Vgc Reechtats pt oe ‘ve. 01 . < HL Cle it if yor there “on ne Y “afternoon ier a Bhly elcred that important ARTIN FOUND THH BERRINS | rae he sie wr ‘Wa era sr Billy's nfcemalion the ittle oh ad- vice, 8 eR ing after- ook He te ve ods, with a, ig bucket un i jure @hobed, i @ any numb of berries! Aj fagt that they Were in buckel vi seem to Impress Artie. jo} 8, et he ail-and hasten . se pn sh! ' its a ihe ot ‘th ar an ad a the under the ere sep with. delight at the suc- ene’ ee ee “tes fellow, an’ he de- an fae 4 of UR depts Weaing ay aan ath rad ae 8 did agree wit Savers, London; etsive. business in Germany, have decided that all their clerks, from the: o' acquire & German. Tuition is given in that language during business hours. fake their turn in “going to school.” The railway shortly to be Stations of Berlin are provided with automatic and, on presenting it wilhin two days to a SU orien es sila | will be paid back in retuen for the ‘um brella. A man eighty years of age and a wo been married enna nt. They pistted to turn the corner of the same street the ‘same time, walking in sppoatts dition and bumped into eacl and fell back. It was Deacon Jones oe Elder Save é By 3 z & ade EH So 4 g Fc af ih to inquar’ de way to d Mebbe y lepot, ya has come jon’t, ee one Tut yourself. jo sah, ed, in from tas ‘fet and can't find your “So-called. Eten” said the and ter looking at the other for a moment Y PASSED BY disdein, “when a pueson gits in my way on de strest: I ginerally-removes him.” “So-called Deacon, I ginerally does de hand on you, sah, ed for lites tty bid T lays ; eid jf 1 Jays my hands on you you “ea? “al” “You step off de walls, pusson, and let me pass.” me you do de same,” ‘They stood and glared at gach other for 30 seconds and. then 0 ue and the other to the it ae mn on, and a bloody tragedy was avert And it was all becm eacon Jones had heard that Elder Davis had said that owed $3,000 back pew rent and El- der Davis -had heard Deacon Jones while passing tho contribution box. JOE KERR. The Chick Yeu « are rid to my ey. Party, = Soreeror meantime, egatherium ogee en oe wkaaeety age tha | ese Pent THE ATTACK. : for defense that they respected their adversary, gain the os trumpeted Rene hy an imme! ‘snarl, {t stepped from side to side, seek- Hing a place to atten 1 Now that the they ssa thelr moths saw the foe, hatred,. throwing trunks. aloft and shaking tusks threat- epingiy. But the tlger was too wary to vance directly upon those — sharp tusks. ng {te tall and snarling in counterfelted dis: ae it turned as thous! make its way! back into tho forest, But n paces had {t retreated, than with a rt he eye could scarcely fol- shot ee tae es If ov ot fiendish satisfaction. raged mammoths a me KI; heir comrade's aid, ai age tiger was ental through in for ity bi ck of the Mammoth, and before they ula call, their friend was far away. aeptanetary they wer ing by the ‘thick olldany gehee crawled ee the" bri aa made by a limb nae ‘me sah mk form fhe Heat ckina’ GF & west: Leap cites screened them from the view of any ai ig below. fhe heavy tread o} moths were heard no’ longer. caves Lion @ silent. much ay the terrl seurrying and overhead caused thom ror. Much reiteved were The ne. A of «er Ge Fe tere nd that the oa of monkeys mischievous cre: tures peered at the boy an and girl from the sides. ‘Then one ©: others ‘thet the Human’ Being frlends of the Link, wh Ps * treo d_have tease the boy and na had not some ‘one else put in an appearance. taken to DE she came to Sastre the reaso! Gr dletoroaome Ey “ADVANCED ‘TOWARD: EACH OTHER" -Outang. “Sho assured Ray and aymond ey, haa. no further calle S08 alarm, “a gia where she ue me ae of. tit time. Here the twins “amused them- over- pea eae akg pve little fellow in its tolls. Realizing that interference was hope- fang fled w! my children, oa-Constrictor much rob In her grief she did not observe that she had far outdistanced ‘the boy and rl in her filght. In trutl ESC AT AUERE ar™ a, for vownu Chapter IX => AN INTERRUPTED. FROMG,) ~€] MSO! trea T can't go another step!" et ea ~ at flung: ‘Don't a An, si need run any Pe mona, "ben Hy ee oa- ae, again situ cae SATE ae Sena reply fo {0 hia sister wares - : bey ary faa Only tb! next, ‘Adventures haye been following (oes another so oat oe wer sien ave had time edd Teaving such a sr the Haste of the woodpecker than a mile of forest, hey abruptly emerged ais plain. A strange sight met their 2 ing toward each other were two rh, although it reptile, When two creatures , must surely bum neither appearing to not! 2 Ey times "and the curiosity oft the used tothe, highest pit ita hel ‘Friend. the. wood) king volunteered een. th “That the turtl ye Jonny Gi the ethe| ylodan. th of thelr ii the. world, know; a proud is each of we {hat there Is quit ny, them, Ri they are fond ao ae 3 put at the neue ness dress ke ihe eth past, oa er will ake aut since opie te Sit peak, it seems ea 6 vane the ceremony ETS robabiy ° Semark Ker Wi eal ts woes yecker rat-a-tap en this “music voran, J and ES clumsy were, th Raymond. wero convulse ment. As the th a prise. ae at “Human beings!” he wuttered, - was the first to recover fro unning forward, he tend ound @ rude arrow, —$ ‘ORMATION. Little Chunks q. Knouieane About Most rything. Some of the a ids of Greenland. at believed to be a mile and a haif-in thiol ness, A cheque for $10, written on a strip of BITS OF I leather, has been presented and cashed ata ae ‘burg bank, In Persia the man who laughs is con- sidered Weriinats, but free licence is le merrimen| Criminals. in Buenos Ayres who ‘sentenced to lon, rms of penal servi- tude are trequentiy Nelasei on parole fer certain '$ each <0 a that their private Hee will n When the telephone ate are overland Robert P. Pe! Sioux, Towa, who has just celebrated his ninety-fourth’ birthday, aa ae in the city police for seventy-five 's, and claims the r ited Stal Miss. ed Schaeffer, a wellandwn leader of New York soviely, has just paid | Su he Mahomet. at her resi The Prince of Monaco possesses one of the. most Naluable collections “of -akto- sin the warld.:"An entire wing'of Hit Highness palubeset-Mon eta ta served for the display pot documents writs | m Naval exper i put down the active life of a modern’ battleship» at abo een, A hundred years ago battleships sted almost six times tis long, and were on active service nearly the whole time of their commission peated Sy as the oldest Hnugicipal officer in the Un- | ha: re- | tom = et OPERATIONS ON ANIMALS PROVIDING A CANARY WOODEN LEG. with A Recent Instances of Animal Surgery {a London and New York Which ~~" Proved Successful. One of the Pe ed al Ne Zoological Gardens, which stands 6ft, high and i DS. 49 emia with pars legs. He was en and by the authorities, and placed ig a sling, which fitted his body very comforlabl; * stand a his re ) and indulge in that sgating” eis which ut visit the Zoo so mucl Gelight to contemplate, One day latel; cab drove of to the Bellevue Hosultat, ‘one of the best institu. tions in New. York, and a gentleman a pped out and Subsequent roduced ten, ex~ but, as tho Saree — a face pantronine te the fun { the hospital, is insistence eventually Stevatitd upon i surgeons to acce} THE SHOULDER WAS SET, the leg put into splints and then band- aged, and the kitten was given a bed in a tenton the hata where the little crea« lure remain cure w pletely ettectod. A pretly canary belonging to a lady residing ee neighborhood ‘of Hyde ne fell “fi its perch and broke its The 18d) a Japanese tooth- pik, slit the thicker ue, wi a knife, 3 Pi the broken leg, with several wrappings f fine fore the leg was healed the canary mé as lively ag ever, and was not only able to bop’ ob out the cage on its wooden leg, but to jump from one perch to scatie ithe out ever missing its pai running into the ae oe upon the marble slab and 1a WAITING ae enn ‘A newspaper man who had heard of this story and doubted it called on the | doctor, and got him grow to be tre’ When the operation was all over it shook its head vigorously and bounded awa urge of recent years, influenza, aac a female elephant last winter, the selzure was a very bad one, the animal uflerin nse agony. Very rastic treatment was considered. neces- ' ni phant, pekabo NALA ES Dressmaker (standing off and admiring new dress }—"What a beautiful Mt!" Cus- er—“Yes; and what a beautiful fit my. ain will have when he sees the bill.” He (resolutely)—“Now, Maria, we must talk seriously to your father about our engagement, and make him toe the man "She Nereus aren lear, but Ym afraid you'll be the mark. ‘how: fe pie ne as ‘acco! ang the snow rand ico and oat ee the. three were fu Eyeltor- became sepa) ate we rst time in tl fie were it por- sith 8, the third playfellow wi hav / heen ‘lost not only to the Pete vei to Overy one else. It happened One after: ins foot when the boy stole away with LEHOUGH the st showa but. A two of. lows,” in v reality salts oe Ricas of tiem. But tho third was only a Koy, an theretor, ig tgrdatin 4 ut Tho do the Win 5 ‘hey'vé gown . ABa ng ea Bs Be a Hig ty now rolls had tho. three. com ef TAFLLLOWS 2 Dnly his chums, Up the snowy mouns Big ane he Shimbed. lth noun such x08) ways were forbidden ¢ der the. 8 Of ow ins however, peswncupg with ‘him that? “agterntnng he wished ouly his chums t etl y £ the a ee the boy giant Rave Halt M9, iy h he silppe oni ; So ce Ey Sot thes os