oe ae ELLICE COUNCIL. © WESTERN RATTLESNAKES, pSOOUNGIE AEC The Court Re t the: infeeasting? Cazes histo” Rathiechalas'| aoe at eeay a heme tke ane In Central British Columbia. inst., pusuant to adjournment, the The Milverton Sun} 18 PUBLISHE! EVERY THURSDAY MORNING B i . : the previoous meeting were ‘prised at reading an The sun Printing Office | from the pen of one of your vealer, eclovied. as. rest ow Kaotlan af Main Street, - —_milvertoa, Ont| Who claimed that there were, no Try | Patrick Finnegan’s appeal ageinst the }. z probably he yas ‘correct as far as his jessessment of Mr. John Murray re observati were concerned, for - of SUBSCRIPTION RATES fe tag Pies of magnificen een dis- on 11, as being assessed to Public : 45 i i EE 28 oe i ar >| ee _ (=p) o>] > | > pl ws Z| (=p ie! ae _ Zz >] DM & & & = 8 5 £ 5 & ei 1 8 g a 2 & z tances; and man; . “Queen, $1; six montha 50 cents: tnree| ety froe from, them, but its equal taken up an dheatd. ‘The court took in arrears: will Dellableto pay: $1. 560 per year. y true eee = distric far x Ks cts os aXe aks chs ks. iy } Ha 3 Are 5 BS 2 g 5, 5 3 8 t. Ee 2 § e™ ° 8 = Pad ves (Si) aE CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES of them; and in this res) Mos. 3 Mos. Mon “ses © Bay © 3a %43"| he wrote some, time age, fom Nova 2 33 4 é: 8 | Bootic, in Telehis opinion that there [ed by Mr. Brickman that the appeal| 4 rth of 2 ttlesnak mn a Murr: tine for first insertion and| son River. ‘This is a mistake, natural |ment! as a Public S.S. of UB.S. No. 4 Bight ii ton i bechusse rau Seat ater enough in one not familiar with this 1 Ellice and Logan be dismissed.—Car- HE essential pre-requisite of a rational patriotism, is an in- == telligent acquaintance with the history of one’s country. : Therefore, it is the duty of every citizen to acquaint themselves with the history of Canada. Pe On ee u whore along the north bank of ¥ ews ining appenis of Mr Finne re along the no o remaining appedis of Mr ,- wilt aferenateattetstt Kemloope Lake (a rive igan left on the list were all dismissed. | ¢ about 18 1 opt ties 1ong) and the Thomp- t , from Kamloops to where +, ae for contract advertisements must hg Praste ats ‘but they x be in the office by noon Monday. ite aged e olay Fnemerouy, certs : 5 : favored 1 localities, 0-6. anak 4 The First of July being Canada Day ought to instil us with me MALCOLM MacBETH, ‘Publisher and Proprieto ' patriotism, which no other day in the year should equal. rom Ashi A few yi BS her took homestead near 3 THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1908, - | rancher took, UP . possossed a hog - The first Canada Day was celebrated by Canadians on July 1st, 1867. This s ee pit fron hie a boric being the 41st celebration of the first of July, and th " i nake ; Our Greatest Treaty idler; this gentleman siaes postive : ig ae acs ‘ ps & © country prosperous with only 2, it to rtain knowledge this |48, a raw we Ou; ae the Phi Hitines as a Bog Rilled teanty: three “attleenales 3 lew acks, we ought to feel proud of being Canadians. We have had a few 1e coast li een tho United States, from the St “Lave: tks to have biled ma ake y more po dah z lean years, but they have always been a benefit to the country, in that, they taught ren iver to ri * i < + * ¢ ‘heli ald gaat a3) ede a kige pam acai eeagie us economy in good times, so much so, that if we should have a number of hard In the year Eightee Hundred and} ynder his bed, it had made its way * . waive there wore fortyrelx forts, big} into. the house through a knot hole years, we would still be a great distance from bankruptcy. ot a ~ ‘the " ‘number fro rac Lead Woe ~~ Pooks which was ae eee 3 a mt the same (num for summer use. our’ r . sts Akon: Cane mek ieee vaiieetaken, forian ‘ With the country looking prosperous and the future bright ahead of us, have At Fort Niagara alone there were ae fatalities from their bite or sting at ona time six (thousand troops. Al- ; thou f tw we not much to be thankful for and ought not our patriotism to be greater than of ORT AREER AHS EP Ne Nt Ee Nhe Ae Ne Ee Ee Ee Nhe Ye Ee NE Ne Ee ES Ee EE EE EE NET OEP ES EE EE Ee Ee Ee Ee a EE ee ee . are very peasihics wwe bad on the Great Lakes] deaths from this cause—one a child |;y and Albrecht Baumbaé n hundred craft @evoted to the) who was gathering peas in her fath-\| jot 22, con.5; Nicholas Neeeeseiar rmer years. art of fighting—this in the interest] er's garden near Vernon, and the Ue bas te eee rte aoe fo years. ee, r that ts lady near Ashcroft, who Jan as M.F. on lot 4, con, 2; Wm.) 4 D In one little battle we “hed with ‘ from the ver of her . F. on lot 4, con. 2; IT S GR AT T our WBritish cousins, an Lake \Erie,| house to pick a flower and was bitten Bat edt as 3.0. on Whf. lot 1. E. 0 BE CANADIANS 4 mod Perry, aie math ot] on the finger—i ch i nd . Tye as MF twenty-seven, captu six British} assistance was secured, but to no mae bene 33 oh 434 on cons. ce 9:14 ships and killed ‘eles hundred men.} avail. Cater Moho on lot 28, con. 9 * A iittle before this the Britis’ de- je thastiaah odes oe vt. | $ It should be the duty of every Canadian to have some show of patriotism. stroyed ten ships for us and killed CANADA IS POPULAR. mart 4 two hundred Americans. oe what better than a national Flag. x ftom Wee, of Bihtesn Sundress Information Eagerly Sought by People | ry Kenney as and Twelve wa Great: Britain. 12; John Fletcher tered. both sides got busy, A 3 Gree Ml poet earamess na sani epg busting ea ahi in, and ap- | f° on : ertown, Conneaut, Erie, Pi Batok ‘Cleveland an troit were shipyards where hundreds of men| J°S! Engeland & Son will, on Saturday, June 27th, give for every $1 purchased in Dry Goods, Clothing and Gents’ Fur- wore working night and day pouilding pi war ships. ha address “rent ‘0 4 i Minent, but the statesmen of the time| business men i eer ean : Berth : 10 Z nishings, a flag, valued at 15c, $1Ze 50x30, FREE. said there was nothing Tike “prepared-| F788 po V4 Torm the advantages of- stg PA 2 mt Daniel ness.” In Canada things were much| fr feat cpa rune a OR cag C the same, and thore were threats that [ala aie ries a hae gh ot, con. 7, 6: 6 4 ae, : Perry's famous message, “We have] Fransry Of the ritial apne. ed, [ger as J.0. on lot 2, con. 4. 3 I’ve lots of reasons 1 wish I tnat the enemy snd hoy ae aura] MG 0 tee Samo hall times ths [Court edjourned co meet could state ® > re) ze of England, Ireland, and 8 tha 29th inst. at the Towns ; ath 1 i si t- Suddenly, but very quietly, two! jang put together. In this vast agricul- Why I go to Engeland’s to buy men in Washington got together and tural coun’ e ulation is abo JUSTUS KREUTER, inj Clerk of Court.|% of late, 4 pm. the council went ag ¢ sion wil th When on the street I hear Tenders were received of three conerete culverts with | 4 people say, eel superstructures—1 a { He has bought his suit at En- , \ | Of! ried on. the . road 12 a b fighting ito know it was neither] Jand stretches away in one vast plain |10 and 11 « < z geland’s to-day.” 2 sonar dur of | 2%,2evel_as the sea for a thousand | 1 across Whirl Creek at con. roa Rush wrote out a memorandum of) miles, and in its natural state the |and 15, lot 18as follows— c ggreement whieh he healed An Ar-| land was covered with a rich nutri- |Quipp for 8375 3 O'He “So | ious grass and was the home of the |Crowley for $360 each i 5 eet Mec wee ls cee one side Dutfalo and the” beaver, Gener. sic ea ABGD 088 ‘o let us all go with a hop - sh 7 s ing, # i . ef Goat Rent Greokvsiznts Bina nce Gee ahs Same eee oe To Engeland’s when we want £ ee and Seventeen. Here is a Ganata’s great wheat province, and | ‘Tha ‘counci 3 | to shop. the Scotchmen there have made it|very carefully and awarded th - | Se The Naval Forces henceforth| famous for Clyde horees and short | tort yer » A A 1 tract for the th Iverts to Mr. . : mathe: ape ah as Rete horn cattle. The southern portion of Sanat ia tor the surn of 87 ea, | The boy . Seo ae aoe : ‘ ath ve ee a ol-| Saskatchewan ig an open country, | “Complaint being made that water] $+ favorite haunt, lowing vessels on eave | sy ae rolling than Manitoba, | courses or award drains on con. roa x “2.—On ‘Lake Ontario, one. Yessel, po a great cattle ranching cour |g and 7, lot 30, ere: sot at -proper ee I always get th ds I want,” wot to exceed ong hundred tons bur- ere the cownow reiens stipreme. | repain the council deputed Mr. Le ao ys be ater nasi ; den, carrying not jor: th uty Ba Set an portion 0) is with power to act and ito le the| &, 7 hi Wen ‘and one eighteen-pound cannon. als cattle country, but of late years | +, +4 a the Upper Lakes. two ves-| the farméts’have been making a bril- Startin ‘MeDonuell. complained. thal | $t WE WANT YOUR BUT- t3.-On e iin of same ace and armed in Hane success pf winter wheat known | rhe award drain onside road 20 and | Sp @ like way. “Alberta Red.” —awnsvwarmue. 154° Gon. 8 was in poor repair. The as an ne rice > 4—On Take bara patt one ves- Etsnt Reeve was instructed to look after | $* TER AND EGGS. ..... ¢ nding store Te Tz: | oe hk Kh he eh eh he che che che he Ke chs hs sh ohs chs ha chs chs ha os che vhs cha cach bis hacks chs ates chaos cha hacks chs cha chs chasis sha chic che cXicKecha cha chs hash cks cha hicks sda sbacla cls Asihesls Moats sheaha cds dust * # : ’ "4 * tet ae — size pnd armament. said-omplaint. & 4 . other ee vessels to be Petition of Mr. M. Crowley and| © g nt onca dismantled, and. chain eS others re drainage work was con-|% 4 gel of war shall bs buily or armed a- ered and’ it wag move ar, | Se long the St. Lawrence River ‘on the Henry and seconded hy Mr. Ehgotz| ¢, a ¥ Great Lakes.” that the request of the petitioners be - -~ This agreoment has been penouts granted an dthat John Roger, O.L.S. | kept for minetyrone yea of the town of Mitchell, be appointed | wh fect was stop work at once i Engineer of nship to exam- 5 the fortifications and cause disacma- ne Lar ate, and report.—Car Sad b> ment along the Great Lakes. an yelaw No. 528, appointing John | &, a Beeers ie te sstesent| perenpine went to visit the stake, bot | racer pruciicar to-essmnine, the "ares 5 will continue for alltime. Both par-| at first the snake refused to let him = 4 ties are satisfied, and in fact, so nat- : urally has it-been accepted, very few e The The i le know of its existen by > i Hore is an example that, our, friends & People’s House of t Bet might we! m2) size. - Tf those forts ou the frontier ho 4 Store Quality # been maintained, and had the ships of & war inuéd {orsail up and d 4 it would hayé beon a positive mir- Ba 6 Teg ole if had (mot been fighting. Perrrn rrr rr rrr rr rrr tt et tt rr ee tr ne nt tt tor re q bly they wovld have fore oe bs be bt bt be he ae a) al be he a ee a Me ek a a ea le lb : ny info @ with England, before this. W. e had several dispute: Roe ee a z bas nada, when it would dkave been desoribed in said petition and to make It May Be Law, Is It Justice? easy to opory hoetilities af t his report thereon was read theee —-- TRY THE SUN had been’ han Men. who times and passed. The council arose. Hattiston ‘eihone see tote pistols Sind reasons for using a JUSTUS KREUTER,| Judge bridge say: says dep ty Tee cok them, and the at have big z rarer. the e promised Ge OR LAE turning oifiers an. p yell clorks-ave ‘ CRason, i pa ae ne, . = Ee tae oS ee tans “All wen ena a, Stat in ine A Needed Reform ality he has quashed ‘the tee option GOOD JOB WORK BREE ad OO Ts Ps insane the porcupine began to quar- = bylaw in, Howick Township. seems r% a. r rel, killed the anita: ante family, ta us that the judges havo all the Bryo0’s Combliment to PremierLaurier| and took possession of their land, : pow: Land. wa pall, this «tree ow ei 01 ry. ernment by i ; Ambassador oe the Way Hom More proof that Lydia E. Pink- = paid at possibly a pe nere Hie will be to BE yr Mae Be ths Covell lise hates sont ath _ | har wi kings, like the Isrealit. ‘ coabibtione dbetcarmbd Gr auatte neteifetctcrs ieaator ta ol Of thea sick women. : 0 ve than ever the great abilities of that| occurred at Tarvey. A farmer at that.| ,- W189 M- Lyte 335 Ontario St., Hie iota shone Low uares and ar @ sreat man, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Al place recently 80) fi horse he had | Montreal, writes rs. Pinkham: = oa Ges val ie pply of us recognize the fact Sioe the} had for several years i a farmer from “‘T was in very ae health and doc- to 8. 1a eye Milver! 4 b friendship of nations Ws dargely based Hanslope.. The horse was taken tored for months, receiving very little par akantrnteny upon the friendship’ ‘of individuals] Hanglope and. was placed hela | Benes. aL aedrieet eh seanlon ee pos eek a fi at is why I am glad that the Unit-| for the ni . but after pres had | Bervous, subject to dizzy spells and |help pf lawyers, Se i ed States sends so many anen to Can-| get in he broke bounds and made the | Ptinful periods each month. out a request fo 0 dcr ‘ em to be in, endless demand, and ada, and that Canado nae s0| cross-country journey of a dozen miles A friend suggested Lydia EB. Pink- |at the eae ottioe 60 will ‘he e there are piles of the most beautiful any men to the United States. And] from Hianslope to Turvey, where his |ham's Vegetable Compound as the |olaim for damages, and it, will: have squares here in all convenient sizes. the fostering of ese friendships| former owner found him on Sund: ltl’ icine for me. I procured a attention, The contingent ee ceo x 1 fact means the continued. “tiondship of nat morning quietly grazing in hi a ttle of this remedy and tak- |be a misdemeanor. Also it~will’ he CLASS ~ tsa perfectly simple matter. to fit a fs be mead a ca foattoend , and before i finished, I felt | possible fot plain. oe foi baeOle fant “our Foor withe aera Sin iarnatee Cond, oped, thaugit. tere ts: tig aintty NS oe 50 better that continued its use |io go before a court of enuity and ‘ ig: ismatching— Hie OTe eee two nations, for| Profitable cropping means clear cul | 84 gave it » thorough test, with the |be heard without regard to law and some are seamless—fine borders all Canada, will, T belleve, always he am ture, ‘There is no profit in weeds. result I am to-day well and a much | precedent and attorneys quillets and : MANITOBA round and they cost less than : Integral part of the British Amare. sera Hen CESS Se rg pepper min Pade ce ares ae eR SASKATCHEWAN made up ee ¥ * ore % i cap and cas: 2: . . . PERE ES Badly Sprained Ankie Cured | dizsiness or nervous troubles.” sarees pees cepber rem cae) ALBERTA ; FA —_———- ~ ‘ a No Needof Suffering From Rheumatfem Tires, youre 60 O2F daughter ACTS FOR sick WOMEN. orn wwe ; GOING Bases Think of it, a complete carpet in one piece This a AilabaRe Ao wilowrsgainteantindys | Cen He Rau S ce sbi] fans Vegetable ton ap fade (aegengonee nee f. 4 tt at any price from 00._to $50.00. t terribly for two 4: y p Oo fi Yo become ehdni, the pain eam at- Gus Sad wa alopeie CainuEs? es from roots and herbe baa been the | _ Our fomily wore ai Rai born and rats ne ee Sites ne 1, ae ye : Suallings, of Butler, Tenn. told us of | Standal male éd in Towa, and ha’ er |. Aha ore Age) aati epa teen Chamberlain's Pain Balm,’ We went and has positively cured thousandsof | !«in’s Colic, Cholera, and. Diarthoon VERY LOW RATES fro all pent -Come to White’s and S$ ain's Pain Balm, ‘The relict . from | Chamberlain's Tan vant’ and got # | women who have been troubled with |Remedy, made at Des Moines. for) | Ranging (Winnipee andyetura $32.00 | * ee. bully which it affords Is alone worth Dottlo of it and bathed her ankle ttwe | di Fon ulcera: |years. We know how good it is from |] Heit Sued’ tora Northe Wat points, ; many Viatiepc ite coat Pass gates Raia ion tired teien and ‘she wentito sleep | tion, fibroid rs, irre; long! experience. in the siees of i. In] | TOURIST SLEEPER Waites 04 % Aart fe i Texal, the TOURS Sree ene of anal otatiding tbls Hnlatnt shostd fn fad bad a good night's rest. The ic pains, backache, that bear- | ("014 lite w. Poriimeorecaeae ft Riera joa Cara wil be ran uses Sten : writer's life was saved by the promp' , ® liniment should bel ext morning she was much better | ing-down feeling, flatulency, Meee etic vomeda. Wevare new on-| | sreopea aly th bedding, R WHITE & co t ds t be discouraged un-|and in short time could walk tiound | tion, dizziness ornervous, aged in the mercantile business at | | through ewe cclaedpait is . e - e til you have given it a trial. Many|and had no more trouble with her "t you try it? - |Nareoossee, Fla., and have introduc-| | before orsapion eae cavslaid : sufferers have been surprised and de-|qnkle.—E. M. . Brumitt, Hampton, invites all sick |cd the remedy here. It has proven] } in free ‘pomp bletc Ask near? The Fat Furniture Store ighted with its pain-relioving qual- |», 25 and 60 cont sizes f ‘women to write for advice. | very successful and is spoaigo ly ent C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to | East of the Post Office, Tties. 25 and 50 cent ales for sal ve thee: se cent sizes for sale | She has ousands to growing: i ‘in favor.—Ennis Bros, This | § 6B. FOSTER, District Pees. Ait.. C.P.R., Toroate all druggists. . ; by all d-uggists, health. Lynn, Mass. | remedy is for sale. = al arogalett = :