s Cana da’s hig hy eee busi- ness training school. Three departments — Commercial, +] Stothand = Telegraphic. italogui ELUoTT & MCLACHLAN, —Princiracs been proved in me it burned the the globe then follow- rads the tothe round. no fur- being done. Does ‘this tern riko wa d broke ee ig prove that Lightning Rods are |* sears oe a they | of considerable may be obtained fr Ss i w. Schmidt, Andigestion gfe trouble fs but a symptom of, and not Milverton. 2 true disease, We think of Dyspensia, leartburn, and Indigestion as rat ymptoms, only of a eertaes nis specie | jeas—nothing else. ate asion of shat now, ee obula Si Biomech rough th rgial and highly. vit ecomplishments were eve: ch distress, bloating, biliousn: “Tablets oF Liau gr your ftwhat it can and will do, We ell Bi nok co recommend Dr. Shoop’s |:: ‘Restorative |: THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. 24 SHOE POLISH S.J tell you, Boss, people Bout. th Polieh ‘Be tao that they, Ps no each night to It’s easier for me, too, should ge the ‘nif Tet in tee » + GRAND... Military Review): ss eaabiine GODERICH CAMP THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1908 | snow stontes RETOLD $ GENERALNEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Thirty-one from Milverton took i the Stratford Her: te excursion e Detroit on Saturday Ade 5524 on June Sth Gl sent to any aliens in Gaed year for $1. Health is| the only stiches that a mar ought to set value on, for with- en are let their estated be what they will. s Debt is the beginning ue slavery. erediton is wor: creeped for mre many Se person, Papi ce aero ae “aignity and can! spurn it with a AL little emai may save you sald by all druggist Fee! papers Taye; at: the assessment sp) ould be published ofthe Court of Re. jes the vio is being adopt women should try Dr. Shoop's Night EGnrge dlitess sent ing, healing, iciaaD oy suppositories go direct to of these weaknesses. My 4 for Women” contains roan valuable ints bo-womerr and it . Racine, Wis. ts ‘a ail if, | Ask the Dootor tn strlotl ee i Ang = questions you wish answered. Dr. Shoop’s 1 Nigh Cure sold by the Public Drug Store, J. Miller, of Burgoyne, shot a got his gun and ‘o-Chapmam’s farm. Bruin eked ee 100 Ibs. and was fey evening Mr. W. m_with Southampton Bea ‘Piles are ore i aviel with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment tex as a eonvineing test. Simply ad- ly would not ws it tree uniess Iwas certain that Dr. Shoop’s 03 ment would stand the eal ber it is made expressly and a swollen, painful. bleeding or itehing piles either ernal ar internal. ‘Potatoes have taken cid iy the market, the supply tol rasaithiy: vea dozens of farmers some for sale, We have several who refusad $16.00 p im their barns last winter, who would now be willing to sell at half the pris if they could secure buyers. — Elmira Signet ‘a stop any p ply "ent: * periods get instant help, 20 Sold by the Public vvote ~ in has ever Dre nat from their sau Pa and of ‘hen “Thursday, dune 25th Bots In connection with the Western Ont military pate being held this year at G erick aap Mitislen Wil tx tan gar che GUELPH to GODERICH on the above date, when the whole encamp- ment of 4,000 men will engage in a Sham Battle and Field Day on the banks of Lake Huron ani Riv Maitland. ‘There will sightseers, who will have a grand opportun- ity of witnessing the Greatest Military Spectacle ever seen in ntario SPECIAL TRAIN will leave Guelph at 8 turn wer will Jew ve Goverich fit 10 pam, “ick ets 0 ret regular train on June RCBEOCRE A AND PAR sat Plenty of time to take in the be er | ¥ ia every facility for .m.. June 25th. Re-| P' as Child 85 Walkert one feels dull and spiritless in or early Uae he they call Fever”. But ron Telese wil phealunty and quickly change all ssing symptons. anes you ‘sty reaching’ tl al ion, frees slu omgiah livers and brings new life, strength ‘Test it aj dew days and ies of the Prettiest Town in Canada | 1c, One hundred qind, fitty-nine. rail- roads in Canada s and the United State: reported 418,000 idle cara om April|°™ 29th. This is nearly one-fifth of all the line making the r The Mureitess ‘Sun nd and eekly =e 2 Hobe: 4: said an. interested cae listener. ‘Long e1 ae turned frem up the the siorning and da an t kly check- To prove it I w iM-cooll a rua) trial and dress Dr. Shoo; a Ww I sure- | said Leree ejar 50c. Sal dby Public Drug]. re. anywhere in 20) © twa In} the amiable way a sees Say shone: beg oe to find ¢ the “Tis. all alon® o’ «cthese hast; on riages,” opined one caustic nie entleman, _ Who has i been much knowed cach other for =. mat> nm year.” ‘Well, that geem Jong enough,” agreed the lady listener. your plan successful when ried 1” to conclusions!” said the iently. “I understood er then, so 1 “aidna marry er!” As the miley slow-spoken man window to re- ion, his Gas ish Fa Hie a great fietters heading ‘ther man. St ho it,” said the mild-eyed ting ‘aecldent nation, begin Parionce: theyll att with thelr open, bat not from amazement, ol” nee fee = ther. ‘No, si mild-eyed man.; “it'g $0 that oe ees time cd stop for breath they can burst into the middle of your story to tell about the n San “Byancisa the earth quake me anid 0: ker “My sister and her hus- hare!” said the mild-eyed man, re as he clambered out over the other man’s 7 > Dwarf Fruit Trees Hortioulture. rees. The ide: arried to F trees, witht white blesome fruii sigh eat tavcary took the matter up as venture, shi ti mako it Capectaly vdeaizable | gardens or as ue pect to oh Mage nea on an ave ff a the bi ig immeasur- The Orchard’s Significance John Burroughs. rd, more tham: almost any other cee. tends to soften and hum- domestio lool the rawness and wil h building site for help it is , maternal cpple- aren ng tho new ‘hose, ‘Tha ground, the turf, the atmosphere m several stages ineed. For sale by the Public neare ie had a from’ it ‘empered the elements ted all the genial and beneficient influencés in the landscape around. pace. SSeS The Victory of Struggle uggle is more important than mak TORONTO FAIR, 1908 How to be One of the Lucky 5 1.—Buy your goods for cash or produce at this store and save your check. 2.—Get all the checks you can from your friends. They are transferable, 3—On 26th August, 1908 return all the checks you have, neatly tied in a parcel with your name and the tot- al amount plainly written on the outside. Hand them to C. Hasenpflug, Reeve, who will add them up, and the winning ones will be decid- ed on. 4.— Only checks dated from June 22 to Aug. 25 are of any use. 5.—Only checks for cash purchases, or produce are of any use. Our Store The leading general Dry Goods store in Milverton An up-to-date stock of General Dry Goods, Cloth- ing and Groceries, We make a specialty of Ready-to-wear Goods for men, women and children. Five people are to get an ABSO- LUTELY FREE TRIP to Toronto Fair which in- cludes for two days ‘Hotel Bill one of the best hotels of Toronto Railway Fare, Two Admission Tickets to the Exhibition Grounds Why We Do It These Free Trips are given not as a Fad of Fake Scheme, but the plan is based on hard com- mon sense and sound business principles. We believe thoroughly in the Cash System. It saves us many dollars in useless accounts. We had far rather give away a large amount outright than to lose more on useless accounts, for in this way we get the benefit of the advertising Cash means great saving to ourselves in buying, so we are giving 5 Free Trips to Toronto Fair Who the Lucky Ones will be They will be the 5 people who have the greatest amount shown on our checks up to Aug- ust 25th, 1908, POINTERS 1.—Get in the contest at the very start. 2,—If you do not wish to compete, help some friend. A little kindness costs no- thing. 3.—Our goods. are the very best and prices are right. You are a winner from merely buying. 4.—When we are acting so generously, why can’t you get some checks for a friend ? 5.—Depend upon it that absolute fairness is guaran- teed to everybody. No fav- oriteism whatever. We want the store to be more favor- ably known than ever. 6.—The trip will be a de- lightful one and everything on a generous scale. 7.—Before August 26 our checks will be prized as if they were pure gold. Get all of them you can. 8.—Get going. y.— Produce counts as cash, Remember the Date This Free Trip Plan starts on dune 22nd, and closes on August 25th, 1908. Schaefer & Whaley, - Milverton SUMMER “A Big White Loaf” Have you got a as we are showing one of the finest stocks in the county. E. KNECHTEL Milverton’s — Up-to-Date — SUIT? If not, call in and see our stock Is cee ape THE BAKER AND 0 THE HOUSEWIFE J EWEL LOU It is known everywhere and considered by every- one to be of the highest uniform quality of blend- ed wheat flour manufactured, A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU MAKES THAT ~ ~< KIND OF BREAD! Pfeffer Bros. Milverton f Tailor Mr. Husband - NO HONING Do you realize that the little wife spends the | biggest part of her time in the kitchen ? Do you know se can save her hundreds of the carriers available ‘for servic on c =-NO GRINDING e The Razor of Perfection—Everlasting Shaving Comfort NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE Carbo Magnetic Razors have revolutionized razor making —they are tempered by electricity, which is our own exclusive secret process. @ meee tempering adds carbon to the stool; whereas Sousberttg BY. sed fe steps a day, and at the same time make her ex- ceeding. happy ? 5 You believe in system—you believe in having the necessary conveniences for your own work, then why not get the conveniences and secure the system for your wife’s work ? A Kitchen Cabinet actually reduces kitchen work by half and saves innumerable steps. It has a place for every ar- ticle needed in the preparation of a meal, where it can be reached instantly, without taking a single step. e have a choice line of these step savers. We invite you to call and inspect fine c. R.Honderich&Son_ iture Dealers Apart from the saving of tha very large sum of money which would bave squan sending an army @ well—and we remember 5 it id a] the made of widens and the say. exhamstive report tary laplay? The ae passion that was made by the chemist appoin- | of pl has been ‘taking hold of late, and with | ted o occasion. who estimalted & > come. snttigient Anvply for conservative + esti- | j fire, which is the life of steel ‘Your dealer will deliver to pe aCARBO MAQ- NETIC razor on 30 days trial without obligation * on your part to purchase. UND | DOUBLE CONCAVE ron “(GenGverneres | txrma weavy ecanoe $2.00 $2.50 fight is ‘the ‘tinest jtest of sf can, fight a battlé when’ he’s : Winning" Geotige Elliott ‘ban . ie mani who will Leona @ greater vie- We expect connections will be oe ce defeat than he. could in vie~ i nr ‘Ser or rwoIN ee with the new marl beds in a MATIN ONE ‘ peter eee RENEE or war. inst ers e new’ building in which The of Christianity kneel Peyoun n prayer pe seit ft. e: venke the building mill 7 closed in te the brickwork ‘fin! eee iy Maple ices an sathest