Cee. BT eg eee ee ites Sey FROM GIRLHOOD TO MIDDLE LIFE All Women Need the Bich, Red Blood Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Agtually ‘ram girlhood to mi fe ath Jai ;pepnines SL wey bs depends on blood. is poor ay cue sn aoe : Tanai nd nervous. If her blood supply is irregular she suffers. ae headaches and backaches and. ott her unspeakable only W every stage of a woman's life Dr. wie Wams’ Pink Pills, a a “6 the pills Pr ‘they seem 10 aver against, the. troubles which so many women suffer, Dr. Williams’ Pink, Pils do not act in the bowel They Sue a the edanie that ‘actiially. make 1 and strengthen the nerves. Theva” why FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE Happenings in the Emerald Isle. of Interest to Irish- men. Irish leaders ay tat Irerand will ob- tain home rule by A_ railway “enpoyen named George Walker was mn the line. near Guildford. Dr. Flanagan, of Sligo, has been ele! &d° upopposed, ‘a medical officer, of SL r year. james. Philipps, an employee, was caushed to death in a. factory a His clothing caught in Hie ateam SMbies College, Londonderry, will be- come what is for all practical purposes, a conslituent college of Belfast Univer- named Barry was killed by Poisono es when he descended me The pit of a rates farm at Sto A man baa over, a football = game, near vito County Antrim, a youn an ni joseph Manse dropped dead on the At Balleghidetect six women a charged with having assaulted a postma: stolen from his bag four Seid iets, Mr. Charles Gabbett Mahon was recent- ly Snot ne me wounded when ee one farms at Dysart, a few miles rag Ennis. The death of oe Cunmaheet oc- curred at his res! ee, North st., Skib- bereen, recently at the: Besos ‘ago of 103. year's. A Belfast man, who ran in front 0! ecu of 9 cents in the aolar have | bee hi Lisbel- THIRTY, YEARS IN THE ‘WILDS. Richard Payer Writing the ee of His Repleeins in South Am The South American explorer ee out any financial backing an stiontific men usually are, He was well draughtsman and water colorist, and he Portuguese language before leaving for Brazil. With this equipment he plunged into the wilds of the Amazon b a giving part of his time to teaching, but long ago the subventions of the State of Amazonas and the demand for his collec- tions in Europe enabled him give all Hs time to: his Tite work. Payer has crossed South America in its an broadest part from ocer an four mation, Nimbagor headaches: Keckectes, | wamway car waving Wis hands te SR Oe pene Paglia ait ata Giarsace ties who was knocked dawn, died 9) covered most parts of the Amazon and a short time al tio Drains woe cones ond Margaret Ann Hindley, |The basls of his work was the study Poeiae fine win oe the world for) mother and daughter, were killed at) anq collection of plants, and many = his a Getty fhe Pe ood and | Glazebrook Station, near Warrington, ede tn paved ns utenti gular salienenione assing twain, other-fields he gave almost equal atien- alors ac at 50 cents a box | ,, ren valuable sheep belonging lo Ftan-|ticn, He was especially interested i 82.50 from ‘The Dr. MoGeown, of tonhamilton, were) studying the economic uses of plants and Williams” "Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, +1 IN DANGER, Ancient lady (about to lecture a tramp fer his good)—"My man, were you ever Tame (hurrying away)—“Wow! 1 Yorgot this was leapyear.” Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator ia Plescont to take; sure and roying tee with best resul MUSIC CRI CRITICS. ooney—“Faith, Ot ag oe stenis is : eee 1M ‘tom Cal Donohue—“Fer peaceful ind.’ A ae Bile cones iene sey Balsam loosens cough: Not # grain of opium in it BORROWED LIGHT. mats a slar as an after-dinner Speaker, isn't he?” “start He's a regular moon. beeomes: brighter’ ‘the fuller he eer “Ey Things bon In time. Keep the rmelee's . Vegelable «Pills a pelee’ thar any other for the purpose, TROUBLED. effectual in Many have tried it AEG AR meselt, bia” iiheler’ and pain on the chost ‘consumption, but are bad, signs. | and ql Little Causes worried and killed by dogs on his farm at be ates ere ters & Smyth, drapers, Keady, has bee! hovalied a Justice of the Poise tox ihe County of Armagh. 5 year's emign ation from Ireland to thie United Slates will, tis. said, be the lowest in fans eats nd hardly reach half that at ey Harbor salary Belfast. aged’ 47, living at Glebe, neat rook, suffering from ill-health, cut ec tillers, died of apoplex; foothall mateh at Belfast on rive, which took numer Rees aeons nearly lary, numbering about 11,0 given to the men, mills. rally de- 4 verdiot of sesidantat: drowning sas 9 ils de- slruction 16 simple causes hot dealt with returned at a! lest at Whil Gien ardson, whose was found lake near her home. Branch welsh, for supplying meat of h Mr, Palrick Wa tiers, of Meas. Wat-| He The Sect Board, Mr, Fatiell, has been granted an i of $125, bringing his oe ees 6 ae of| of enthu a large ty contadl for the manufacture of a p} elathing: forthe Royal Irish Constabu- has Athlone woollen Coal Island, ed the ‘body of Miss Rich- At. a recent me¢ling of the Longford U. od is credited with valuable suggestions concerning {he-collection of gums and rubber and their ioe Hs studied all the forms of the I courses of the rivers, and every ineown thibe he Many vise to the world’s fair at St itiful map of hich the dis- Bas p was the ony Richard Payer, - base isting ns-of the northern hall-of Brag Many thousands of plants collected by Payer have been sent, living or dried, to Europe, and are chiefly to be seen in the botanical gardens of cnet of Landon i of the g Eieehs number 6 drawings of rides capes, plant: which | he ae in water colo rior to modern natural colons een tie ndered vigorous:old He sii aS nd the food that he will live to read the history ¢f his.life work that he is now preparing. he ANXIOUS MOMENTS FOR YOUNG MOTHERS |< The hot weather months are an anxi- cus--time for all mothers, but particu- arly for young mothers. They ave the ™m fatal months i youn Onater, ‘hi and often before the without warning, eother Tealizés that there is danger the little one may Fie beyond aid. It is t ‘abled paint na g Pholographer—*You are all right now,| Tn the ity named. County Dublin duly. of avery mother to use all renson- except your expression, Please look| turyin; eter) “Bully’s. Acre,” able pi Tang it, man, I can’ rin dew: eh an’ Tim trying Jo itald my knees legether When't ences, and when pay es I forgit to smile,’ so as it won't show. nlion to. my. pile 1 forait alt about “my mainham, the stone is to “ "Corporal William, Proby, died 28th July, 1700. Langford Guard’ ans a-position as. wardman in un‘on at a salary as sito ‘Libby’s Veal Loaf * Russian seaman, whom he ejected fro is made of the best} n'hoter at the request of tie manager, 7 The local Governme! i ood hes Sanc- selected meat; tifice BH} gicnod a “er 827 500 to: vations and see tary at Greystones. With a view to promoting the si Irish meautantutes tn Athlone, 6 dept tation hes. boen appointed by the loca! branch of the ed Irish League to cnfer with the Killenure, farmer lelagh, @ named Michael Kirwan-was ser Jured by falling from. @ he was standing, when of ag penetrated his st eedom of Belfast Jagged piece as Mr. Henry Harrison, propri ietor of the ommercial Hotel, TER was drowned tn the Por! Faaagerestug t Barry, Judge Owen’ ayarded. M Aalteneil, Of. Bridgewater Her hus- band, a barman, was murdere ally prepared and even- ly baked by damp heat in Libby’s Great ite Kitchen. The natural flavor is all retained: When removed from the tin it’s ready to serve! Tt can be quickly pre- pared in a variety of stylesand nothing makes a better summer meal! In the home; at. the camp; and for the picnic Libby’s Veal Loaf is a Il of contentment! Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, wards. |h> completion Of the Portadown and Benbridge water works, which are being erected at a Total: cost of $384,770. the the Mic indignation fs felt in Ballymoney, ntrim, at the wholesale poi ing at ods whteh as taker: place within the! past weel Over a dozen animals, pa valuable, have heen done away with, *'The Marquis of Queensbeury has be- come a convert to Roman peers ‘The tile Marquis, who die 0, vas notorious in many ways, ae iy. as th inventor of the st of phan ring glee 3 his ni AL stig of of the Tyrone capnily: Council aia Lyons, who had atended 31 meetings out of 33, was pre- spector for the district between Mullin- gar, Galway and Clifden. result of the recent disaster to ereby. five men perished, set Goventtgts subsidiz= most ancient Teeible tomb are havng some | ® ailneutty in finding a man willng to the per yearewith « ages and the new Carnegie lib- p sale of good health. pectedly the Medicine ¢ + Broekville, Ont, sa A es Tudge—“Remember, are Boch Welell ine doula whole Natty and nothing but the truth.’ Witness—Juige: I'm tryin’ my durn- edest to do it, but that pie eet | 2b ol a lawyer over there won't let 1 ‘Through indiscretion in eating green fruit in’summer many children become ibjeot (@ cholera, morbus edused by r- tating acids that a lining of the ines dangerous purging cate system the drain. mt of the ah a siulers. “under In suc! h ce fest and a Kelloggs | § ft will: cheels the ins fnrdmton ang. ave Ween lle, GATHERING MATERIAL. “Aw, me good man,” affably spoke the foreign tourist, putling his head out through, the.enr window. as the train stopped at a T awsk the name of this nepal he ‘Tule village ". “Rubberneckin?" quer: he rude na- tive on the station platform. “Thanks,” rejoined” the © fo ttt in. his notebook, oda Bar stowia this ¢-uniry! fst. jotting its down y ja div ‘end basis within NASAL CATARRH PRODUCES DEAFNESS A IN PE-RU-NA, Arless, 401 City aa nee “geen ‘Quebec, 1s an old g pf wide acquaintance, ha ihe thirty-eight years inthe Rencrar aie fice of Montreal, ae record which speaks for itself. Concer: ning his use of Pe eEUnBs see letter eteen, below. i ane MR, R. J. ARLESS, my_ hear years ag» by’ b posed to and sudden chases at Aempera lave been une apaluice Widtuave teat 1a recommended as specifi in the head and throat—all to no pur ut three conftere in office to try Peruna. 5 h ten boltles of Peruna Proved im hearing: dhrough the nostrils. Tam Manutvetured by Perung..Drug facturing Company, Columbus, US. ——*- WEEKLY Lait taerks LETTER. attison & 0, Toronto, it anks Canadian public, ‘and a decr 35:700,000 for. tho z i 2 loan! month this. time-Of the. year, oes ot stated that this is a but the ear! n. Tuk oti” aoe ‘aes prices quole ates. bee of si shipping, mines Crown — Rese iskaming 3 per 5 per per. a Ny eat and Ci aoy ions from mines which the eat month. iS oe expected vd beginning in July. ake are: Crow emiskaming 44-4 ew: Bh, buyers 60 days, 30; LaRose, sold up Cobalt mines ‘may given. properties “ have evidence a! valu Saati A catlle drive took place from a farm on. the Rodney le, near, Castecrea, Ms woh is he eleven. months i. driven on to ihe public road and’ scattered, subsequently recovered and vestared ti the farm’ by the police. Mio‘ed ‘with nasal |, Act wo. uch degree thot dk-attected ing. “This was cena some twenty ateatment oS any’ ics. for rote th years ago I was induced hesitation, ad results « af an; failures, I gave Peruna a. tri am appy to state that after using cight or much im- and in breathing Manu- Ohio, A. their weekly. market letter, report as follows? ee for fer S Dee called when in lor standard coxpora- th ms. We doubt if the present eondition States wa a8) ants the : chine i nly no more prom- ising Bice conaitions “nye “existed far ny years than are now genéral throughout Ciside ay the. United Cobalt shares have advanced general- ly. The. expected. dividends *on a num- on rea: cent. are among ote recent have not teretoto ular dividend payer Ih ‘apparenily, good. au- ihoeity (nak Telkewey will b¢ placed-on Recent carnings-appear to warrant from is to declare guatte r- the new was pores in should Me until the a Dut were io 8 a ie from Fits, Ej a? Danco, Nervatie roubles ox ot one a8 _ehould write 70 King street esi ial aa of soit Hit Cure = postage an hes KIDN gett Ns. at eaarstiie sy ot SARE SP i inging ene aaah ge Kaslat en Cleggan and Bol WILSON'S FLY Kill them all. ROMANCES OF~AUSTRALIAN- MINES. nee © ot Rich Coolgardie — Un- spectors’ “Find, In the ao of gold digging and gold finding many a romantic fai fame and fort First they foun that which to them was more precious than gold—namely, water, ey found a natural well, known. to “th Wtered tri u fay away country as estat ee ing their side turned their horses sat oul started prospecting the country around. Ford picked up a half ounce nugget a and before night they had g ‘ounces 0! 4 NEWS or see weeks more surfa: rn til ras Te uppiles had given unsel con- r discoveries, they returned to civilization, laid in a fresh’ stock o) provisions and hastened ‘back 10° theit E! Dorado, Within & few dayséot their return they happened upon the reet that made Cool- ef 500 ounces of oe to the nearest mining’ town, e: his find to the mining warden, put in aim: fo of the land’on which this marvellous discovery had been made urted off to the eld aut Salk a party that numbered 150m nine years of its, history. 134,000 outiees: ot gold, valued at £530,000, Almost as sensational ‘as. Coolgardie londerry and Wealth of ions. “and. The Londonderry was discove party of unsuccessful pro Speotore On dhe Srey Sha die Two-ot them picked up some rich soarch ine outcrop of a ree! 000.was secured in a. few Nema Sites “THE a FOOD” ackage of “THE rize -d in every pack- fureody. tant ES’ GOLD WATOHES, ponlo has been found ino se eal “NEW FOO The Cards give the Ander the Bholee of the following artic’ Boys’ Nickle Watch. “Our Pride” Gold Nib Fountain Pen, Buen Orvany ustaes Patkern, Four Pyfable Cover, One Yard Square, Da- ae ing, Solid Gold. Siacoant ‘Covers, Two Yards Long, ge Open Selt Cellars, Cut Glass, Steriing ilver Top. Cold Mast Fork, Silver-plated; Rogers'} Best Make Nec Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place for, n ck Comb, Tortoise Shell, Set Ladies’ Bo Ra Briliants, net Ring, 10k Gold, Place for Ewo ini w lot of prizes have been placed nthe packages : 1 wele en- ally-gondieted tour rty N on— cal nee pa It Will Prolong Life—De Sota, the Spanianl, lost’ his life in the Wilds of a Whither he went for the pu: ose hes * and Tm aay rina of re exist in that itenans coun'ry Dr, Thomas’ ee cite Oil al petuale youth, pains pu h Take the young old heir: Yass the aged into ie nee be fs BROT BOE pee the talkative wih; “they bis “Oh, that Deobonly acooun ls old, gentleman, gueried=the y: rit, join sa ine “WA ounts ae what? “The, contented and apy 1duk you usualiy wear,” the other repled, we heat of the Tropics cheeks, Ib takes away tho energy. best tonic to brace you system. 1b ant to take. said, angr nl nate in, what they get than ot Te ula annoyingly. “You ae rw" she You; for instinee, got me; ut ae only you,” yest £0 wearing ane Diy ng shout i corns when # 95 cent Lottie of Hatlaway's ‘Gen Clive wil fenve thom? Give itva trial and you will rel it, TACT NOT HYPOCRISY. y people are so ignorant of all the properties of life that they have no other idea of tact than as cies of hypo- crisy, and neyer fail on opportully to haracterize it as such, But to nind capable of the least discrimination te hwo areas wide api the poles, For ct, saying nothing at all «about tho pit, cries: “Ah, how pleasant it is “n thi hae airectia ec The ray , attempt won them } — ace ‘Y-SIX Blue Cards} 5 to10 1) brush, at: sna, seloot You Won’t [Mind Warm Weather if ae eat Shredded Wheat. It does not clog the system or tax the eee machinery. Every par- ticle of Shredded The Trusts and Guarantee Company 43-45 KING STREET WEST, ep Halas: DIVIDEND NOTI Notice is Hereby giver a hal lt rerly, 10E. for the ral ah a ing June 30, 1908, At se Rate “oft Sa PER CENT, Per Annum gine! y been declared upon tl Capital St el ae and the same wi ea yable rat the offices of ite jompuaiy, oh and tae ea and the Transfer d from June 20th to June idth, both days inclusiy JAMES J. WARREN, Managing Dirootor. =1P AN 60 For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Ete. 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto strona LYMAN BROS. & CO.,. Tor Montreal; LYMAN . KNOX CLARKSON, foronte, SATIONAL DRUG CO., London. FOR FUN OR FOR PROFIT} You ate a farmer, you cultivate the soil} you grow at wheat, oats; you raise Cattle, oe ‘ou are intered ed ta veu are master of all you su Farmers are the n people in-Canada to-day, pie you are gelting Ten. Not ‘Drought Oh, a leak in your costs department. .Eoonomy begins pase 8 ee. on the farm and reap.« harvest of saved time, money, and For the odd message in'o town, to the post-office, to ithe store, for’a hurry-call to. the doctor, the Bleyele saves. ime’ and SAVES: THE MORSE; aoe ee oats—a bicycle won Sty Silver Ribbon, Cleveland, Branttord, Rambler Bleyeles aro all Duilt for servioe and satisfac ion Frame mode's CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Limited, west TDROHT Os ana TALO Qi! MAKERS OF THE WORLD'S BEST siovaieb, Imperial and rigid and Cush anand ‘tion in J. PATTISON & CO., | 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 | INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or-margin, Cobalt orders executed for cash, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, PEACHLAND, B, ©. ai CLEANIN a wea |GADIES: e wswrraei SSeS T aunbeo mE SE tponchiand, ee AGENTS WANTED, A reliable mau, ovary city and town in Canada, with waterworks to 20 8 patent article nee He lage e, hotol and Public balding. Hustlers King 8 WO CROF, Fair finance ix it not? Bate tind fmprovod farm land from $1 good market and HS the AW. | katohowan, 3 Sells at 8 ‘or the a day. Write at once for Cole, Owen Souud, Ontario. Particulars, Goo SIBLE. lable INAUDIBLE AND INV. : il mson, ete © —Farmers’ din fac s grace Mr. Thamson, wi ih Lent head, com. mences: 10 wh to hims next him Richins! Sap” . naan wp; Tian no! in’ tae you.” 22 A Pleasant M ore are ssnie pills which ie us ‘others “pur po: y ede painful interna he patton D inis rouBles“and perp diminishing 4, ne + HIS MASTER'S Voice’ VICTOR-BERLINER GRAMIPHONES “on might All prioos and stylos from $12.80 to $2.40, Write, ma. | for free caialogue. Dept, D, "ils have | TORONTO GRAMOPHONE COMPANY 264 Yo Torento. stale fi iil (Nate motion ee ee Eres EXCURSION N trial of them Hub of th wep" Southern trition Britien freshen y tow unple ° is mild and: soothing, will'prové this, THEY: offer pene, 10: ha dyspeptic, “Luck never mannges things just anne ty eo Kestenay’e. Bo Deeeahiemet nn ne soa mt favored oher way ae dy but is {he troubly now? thet pions hs a sore tial ad sings has strict in Domain mosquitoes or frult pests, Dey air bel just ope: atlway, ots. Opon praltla in Gest-han growing, stock ral india °0) ig, ploasurd, and try bo, experiment Brtptonset! bus Seat aston to yen or; roowionsal at ots fish are par oxcel: for businoss, fru! anixed fastalng, mln a ommunaclets | of Black Wateh EEAUTIFUL V. lie; act nate allows occasion for one. The Big Black Plug ALLEY LAND €0., Bt 7 sitet Colas Bt., Winnipeg, Baa 3978