Fevers Wedding ;,. Presents Brides —Before usted your wedding presents, aa and inspect our new a: emis stock of ses including Silverware Cut Glass Chinaware Come in and see this stock, we are always pleased to show goods whether you buy or not. Cive usa call Eyes tested free of charge. P. H. Bastendorff Jeweler and Optician. : Milverton, Ontario. 3 Trinity Garden Party ae best Rania: ay ever elven by Tri chur is held on Brecis vieiss on Cockwell,, 12 son known oe an friends misaae to patie: ‘oe eraras were ees Tho Milverton Musical nd fur- nished excellent music end lots of it. ae by Miss oceeds amounted to $175. pat a i ea Unpublished News— eaders of a local newspaper casionally have reason guently the new: is highly decrenitiog to kind that would to relations. Gpsepaten ding The July “Rod: and Gun” he epee; Tot only. of Canada, but opening article. of “Rod and Gun and Motar Sports im Canada” published: lor, at Woodstock, of the great explorer’s be found entrancing reading. equad interest to sportsmen, if of less importance 4o the country, is fine story of “The Trail of the Kawar by H the trip he took north count try wth his father and mather and tells of the joys experienced in camp- utiful lang uatze, ss Repattian iy is asl nown it eporersstton, out it fron ai ncatbeeiy that never ith » and Division Co prints. pe sensitive about being mixed up in a law suit. by agis- @ think that publishers, power In their hands. the considerate judge. offenders. that, these should stand full length in the nd the publish- ada” will Anterest a i hd lor may fairly assume that he js but may prove. .the eure fas uch Haoing “his duty to 3 ait bat Seat pe eae) Mapes eer, | disr eregerd their solicitations ‘that it i zh eastern and |@ Te he patie.” western fishermen pitas teres Kern cut mer the pep think about. many other ca inte Sa papers of interest to sportsmen and sicmietON. the whole number is one worthy of the hij is igh position the magazine h Patrick Doherty Wins Judge Ermatinger bas handed out visited in Monktor . James Erskine. and Mrs. Ferdinand Miller vis- riends in Monkton on Monday n, the guest in Monkton on % ‘lengthy judgment in the case af we oherty Vv, 8. (0. 1, Logan, which | Monday afternoon. soaps Rie he recent, | Mr. William Ryan of Mitobell paid county court sittings at Stratford: [Monkton a business call on Monday. The action was brought by Mr. sero fen beteincn en, DaEriaper, col Sonliarcngiy Sebo iie toae ices stratford was in Monkton on Sator- Ee boy ten years of age, against any tl leg. -His Honor has foun was negligence on the t the school board, as the platform in ques ould have tion was eceerete. and she been: protected by a guard of some kind. conteibutory negligent part ey, but His Honor finds that, ortipaatty laintifis Perth's Fine: Prospects correspondent, 26, say er ones in view for this yea, Ivxuriant vartsres sleek, venta cattle and a ity mark are some of the vines Perth county = tell about, and it is scarcely to be won- dered that the dwstrict is tepltne in ¢ now. ere the The Globe's special writing: f was plenty in Perth's mows and tl -|in Mitchell ‘visiting friends a. defence ee, ue action was |* se on sei It as baa Cig of t ‘The Monkton Stars played in Wil- low Grove on Monday night. It was a every interesting game, and no goals were scored on either side. Wate the ‘Times for the Monkton football sched le iss head milliner for Web- er and Betaes is spending “a. week potore leaving for her home in Wingham Mrs. Gideon Weber and children, nd Miss Schuler are visiting in New Hambur Mr. Wm. Bettger of the firm Weber and made "2 busl- ness trip to Berlin this Mr Fee raged ld up with ‘an attack of typhoid fever. We 1 a splendid rain on Mon- day eveni: all “interested. in lawn tennis will plea in the public brary. on Rieadey eventig, July 74, o'clock. Mr. Gilfillan, manager of the Ster)- ing bank here, is in Sebringville this week, West; ave ‘of Atwood, ml 1 the Presbyterian al Orange SEs ‘Srono, “ei Bindage aly Sth clock M are cord- ially Spvited, to attend this service. Take a Vaeation wi is the time 0 take a vapa- nis i valet certain tot be dbtained on railroad trains a home o1 arom awitbout 4 1h eee eae by all drugs ces of Castaic aint thin. yan vat grea ern it, is stated iby avthgritics, inereaset its last year's Ah eat utter. ‘ott M visited the Misses Mr. and Mrs. Jdbn Stephen and family visited on Sunday of and Mr. S der are spending a few days with | eir ba, Dost is holidaying ‘ith irs. r wi friends ii samen pretta J. Ast act Sebring: tended the ise fiven by the Mises vio last wee! Harry Seats and ‘her daugh- ace by | Miss Ordilvia Vietor, are waning frjends inwood. Noted for Stylishness ececcccece bs ‘We are showing a line in both Tan and Patent Leather that for elegance of appearance and per- fection in finish is without a peer. Our lines will captivate you at sight. _ We carry .a full line of Boots and Shoes of every description. | @eeecccece jooman é PEFFERS. in Jones returned to Fort oe a mele Mrs. ‘Henry Freeborn is visiting sce aus trends in Fort William. m here are attend- ing ‘ne eee in Atwood ted large number of Ai led. _ Mr. ee le oe fs peeve ‘All ix report a good t! Boy’s Life e Saved My little iors ae = old, hi: wy. Wahad ve mn give, nd believe the lives of She children each. year. Giva it with castor ofl according to the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For sale by ail druggists. ee TRALEE. The following i is acne report = the 10, | building’ was u Mrs. Henry Buck of Russe wah x; y{chell are visiting at le = OXFORDS: = Mornington. Percentage required to 40; Ethel Quinn 65, Clark Wright ¢ 63, Thos. Armstrong 68, Thos Mackey 61, Frank Hanley 5! i iteenaen 270: OT, May Jack: cil Jackson 51, Mary Cum- McWatters 80, hon- ert Cummings 65 —Evelyn Burnett 68,. Mag: gic Cummings 62, Mary Scott 61 WILLIAM BURNET, ‘Teacher. HESSON. Miss Johanna Moser, of Berlin, is spending) a fo weeks with relatives in this viei ar sionally a person -gets into] Misa R. C. Hosea and Mr. Peck, th ice Court who little desires ae South River, were the sone of b the|Mr. J. Gatehene on Sunday. ence in covrt| Mr. and ‘Mrs. P. Helm, the victim than the | trs.“A. Schuan of Erbsville, Mr. an Moser, of Bamberg, Helm, of St. tho guests of Mr. Jos. day. ang Clements, were . Helm on Sun- ras. Kehoe left for his liome near Monkton on Monday. arn raisit ook place at Mr Wm, Kennedy’s on (Tuesday after- noon, and was largely attended. The evening a every one, present seemed to enjoy. Ge SS Over Thirty-Five Years In 1872 there was a ere 0 H. Reeves of wished}, light- | gists out at an. ways be depended upon, even ‘in the m8) dangerous cases, For sale by all druggists. NEWTON. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell spent Welinesday at ‘the home of Mr. ‘?. Rennie, Croashill. Miss M. Crawford of Fernbank is wits! her friend, Miss Eva Strach- ‘s. Wm. Mitchell-is at present vis- iting. with friends in Berl rlin, Waterloo and Stratfore to hear of the ill- neas s Mrs Te Tabbert, but hope Mine neo: ‘Mitchell spent ays with friends in Wellesley Mr, Geo. King of Linwood spent hen at the home of Mr. John ‘Tabl a few ue ore: Yost spent Saturday in ae it for iss Bleda Le ata i holidaying wt friends an Str: shag. son = one spent here. . sunday with his family Mr. Jno, Dunbar and family ‘of Mit- Mr. Jas. Dun- r. and Mrs. Hildebrandt and fam- Kae Gowanstown spent Sunday at tha home of Me. B. -Mill pa sae Se ee Dairy Output Short, Notwithstanding) tthe splendid pas- tures which we have had so far this leas than for tho eorresponding period yea eceipt: cheese in trontreal last week were 76. 183. near 28,000 lens (than for a yea Bates receipts, idiot: Bend: Ka ae in excess of 1907 ficient to offsel 8 now prom- ised we should, however, soon catch up. Vino shortage in dairy output is not local, Weddel’s Colonial Dairy Pro- ie in whicl ate farmers should cing! mar of the Boat deieciat states, WM. ZIMMERMAN st a jon, lines ty) the itish market. Brit pRIe ney re Chamberlain's ‘Colic, wee! h population is HH ati in keep satel) on ue development which is é he most OLD LADY'S LONG JOURNEY. To Join Her Boy In Canadian West PR, she will be! met by: her Sai ikatchewan, as }, Surrounded grandchildren, she will pai ante. ae ‘ate i in days of | Bese, iy. TPR the. ond ot Some abd thle is tite ime rrangeme! have now r Mrs. Russell to travel yin the care of the Salva- Russell, as she is known, are coming fi “Fancy me going to Canada—a young sie ke like me! The others here say Bae Ped got 1 Blenty of cee and as my boy wi ing to Canada vn ida Cas oy i sea. I trust to fate. God’s will be done, and help me through my troubles, an as gi further than re vefores ie bless you! why should I be ai ee. ies sey. son went as th ago he asked me to go with ond But 1 Bg aeeg fy money would be better stay at home. Pree a wih as e daughter before I sail, won’t they? und I shan’t be of much oe Ho m put as lived withthe family for five years, know all the childrei seven i AN AMUSING NOTARY. Old Quebecers Tell How Legal Fees a a wiaiees Ss fe ABEARRAAEE ve SE EERE phan re THE RIGHT HOUSE ME At the beginning of the present year, we announced that credit would not be extended over six months. This was done purely for the accommodation of our customers. That time limit has now expired, and we request a settlement of all outstanding accounts either by cash or note on or before July 15th. If we cannot get our accounts in promptly after granting this accommodation, we will be compelled, in our We would kindly ask our customers to receprocaté by helping us, now that we have helped them. The response of this request determines with us whether it is satisfactory to carry on a limited credit business own interests to go into the cash business. * or the establishment of our business on a purely cash or produce basis. Hoping for satisfactory results to this appeal, I remain, Yours sincerely, Issuer of Marriage WwW. K. LOTH Bal «. Licenses .". MILVERTON, ONTARIO BARRIER BAIA IEA IEICE TEA. ICI TEE TETAS EIA TCA IC CIE TICE, CARMUNNOCK. Several from this vicinity took in the excursions to Guelph and Goderich last’ week, and report having a very pleasant trip. Miss Bertie McNaught bas return- ed from Toren’ a ‘ a i e © "we :e |‘A Big White Loaf” | IS WHAT PLEASES THE BAKER AND ALSO THE HOUSEWIFE Mr. (A. L. ae has returned to Milverton. Wa regret jo learn that Mrs. John Heriry is ill but trnsi that shewill MAKES THAT ‘ee ae he each Res ae oa JEWEL FLOUR KIND OF BREAD! of our estimable youngi ladies was united in the. holy It is known everywhere and considered by every- Were. Increased. bor matrimony t Gearge rs i ‘this older generation PES ADEE. cha at. Suouvacrk’ tek ph i one to be of the highest uniform quality of blend- tell a number of ‘am eroud business men. ‘The people. of ed wheat flour manufactured e y wg Mi, ; z bs former potaey “ lack Penfold then! an Abts hag wee life, A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU tarial instruments were not always| On Friday evening nee last week quite eaiggrts especially ae “y Miss: Lisele and sere ae en- re tertained' a, number of their friends arently "thirsty spells. At sucli |i ty in honor of their sister, Pfeff B Milverton thtes i Ys ema that his id Mies ‘Lotte: of Ttset aa te er TrOS., < © beyo. the ms per, and he would conti ibbte on Shor Bee tte lat dienity. me COMMERCIAL. tio mifwoald there, a fi mis oe aes seal be up: | Fall wheat per bishelnnw® 78 75 i M01 en the jarley per bushel. tame to deliver copies. Some of ats, 40 40 ¢ clients were in the low habit—In| Peas | 80 80 inin ) ‘about the: feos they: gn | S0Ur Per owt Be OBS Bea See wag ee cicey “300 3 ao no hel for it, em would. quietly Docket the coin, evita xe but silt insinuatin the same time that bo such a miserable fee nothing Tan 12k 124 but indifferent deed could be Bio saci img Mad god, skere per pound 5 18 18 ne?” he would say. “You | 45, ‘ know my charges; one dollar for a 90 3 deed, warranted; half i 12 00 12 00 ogee far a fair one, which maj wee 18 18 well, and for a third-class Bui aus but a titd-clase ne T can. |B 1% 16 recommend. You can only e: te hays your money's wordt: at at STRATFORD MARKETS. : ee is good for any- | ra) Wheat. 80. 80 Batley... # «| JULY SALE OF MILLINERY Enforce Lord’s Day Act. Sie ‘50. 50 ix ; : Th t of has de- | Apples per bag... 7 90 ALL TRIMMED HATS IN STOCK WILL cided that the Lord’s Day Act is ap- b> Leh ea te 90 ae aay tee LL BE SOLD pleats : ee ey Sete and | Butter 18 20 R! DURING THE REST OF THE tit is ty Eggs... 16:17, SEASON, COME EARLY FOR FIRST CHOICE... . the. law to enforce it. i 0 ‘or opinion ld not lied, inasmuch as its enforcement entrusted the “AI General of the province,” and the Yukon not being a province i “Sig The Deputy -Ministe: pointed out, however, Mas nndse ibe interpretation act the Northwest Hitories and the Yukon are s ied provinces, the attorney-general for ih ‘is the Aepineye General of the inion. is consternation, in Dawson ‘There over this decision, as it is contended at wit Aas) the mining and navigation tnareta tt suspend work on Suni Bay: Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Would Have Saved Him $100.00 save me a ie dollar Creve Sold b; Milverton, Mps. K. Sproule, Miller’s Block, Main rane H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY HEATING LAWN MOWERS } W have a very large assortment of Lawn ‘Mowers. Our stock is complete and we can ~ supply you with any size you may desire. They range in price from— . $3.75, $4.00, $5.00, Call and see them. PLUMBING Redpath’s-Gran’d Sugar $5.50 Per Cwt. Prime September Cheese { 18c Per Pound Fresh Limburger Cheese - 25c Per Cake Pure Family Lard Park & Blackwell’s in Ib. bricks, 15¢ per Pound $5.50 :|§ Jewel Flour $2.80 Cwt. $ H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Prodi Re anh pill.” ¥