It Is the Simplest and Yet One of the Most Far Reaching Things Imaginable. INT SPORT 70 BRONZE-WINGED PIGEONS. _ tard Soup of Kangaroo > [QUEER AUSTRALIAN GAME ALWAYS LOSING WEIGHT Native Pheasants and Quails—The Bus-| Work and Weight—Results of Worry and Study—Experiments With” - Tail. m the billabongs and creel There i means only that the “ bess yuntry ‘hat best pis? ts | cart takes life on the wo be obtained sons ducks | fly. we men call th} and teal are to be ety Aer in the rang- | maci took it, that his isthe tl es beiween the Murray an ur are | life & wie they seek ie conform, Tumbidgee rivers the “native pheasant,” | V! to ’ tous! with the most sae’ apprehensions re MADE WITH SCIENTL FIC PRECISION. Prisoners. THEY ESCAPE FROM AN ENRAGED CAVE BEAR pe pee world that which they | or mal mn, is ‘This ite fine table bird. quite equa in’ my'| Specting his h sd ist of that Ie} C.inion, to any English pheasont. ft! Or, should eS Nie a horror of stout of Aes ne is very shy or tts easy to obtain. 1] ness, and: sl he appear have 80 clei consciousness of th€| knew a man who Mepi_o few dlood-| gained in weight to the same extent, he ft may be that thiere are those .who,| most high that it expressed a ounds for hunting dingoes, says @ wrlt- ee pondingly depressed at the idea Christine and do not know it; it's'| terms Of elationship, and so taught man bee ae Lond He go into| that he may become a modern tain tha! are those who re not [to m al and a clear faith | tp, there were mallee hens,} As a fact, how ver every person’s. isans, according to the simple\in humanity, a c onscloysnese of put she-ogs ‘on their tracks and canter | weight, says the London Daily Mail, var- Ten fo of Christianity, worth of character, that led him to s@| after . The uld sometimes | jes not merely from day to day but from a 5 Sagi clea mtort oe we te in Dae et and to giV€| rise in an open space in the scrub, and | hour hour ‘and indeed from minute delusion that they belo: fe in sin have known him to bring minut ini any other meal in- is followers. EN THOSE WHO OPPOSED HIM. | brace of them when shooting from t 1 seed SYNOPSIS OF PRECDDING CHAPTERS Organizations, sharches 6 , was a life lived for the sills. we are eating or drink- t make Chris! tien tho Alar yalues and on, the highest lev- shooting might be had at aoe a ar <a Josing weight more or ruments for {i bore the vehicles | gis, A life that ever rele us how te a large water holes if it were possible | Jess rapidly, provided we are in bi alth. for {ts expression. Ono might have his nes more an f ig worth Ing seen, and in) If a man v sure he is below his stan- name emblagoned in the largest. possible | than the sheep, the eaveagan th ‘the pos- summer evenings excellent sport is ceed he” may be jusifiably letters on the offielary or Nain | sesaions, the: toiler peace ih tools, And|oblainable by waiting for ae Nodes 5 loss of age beyond abership of the church heh atill be} so he ay not only character in| wing: pigeons, which at st fly. to that which takes place in normal cir- ‘a stranger to Christianity. | himself, but that all sight have the | water. also a small eat, ig cumstances is a sure indication of dis- ere ate Nip Ne to ee by right ee the freedom, fullness, and joy lek Esyel fae to be shot in New Soul ments ela nd -cafefully ereet- bor iif ee oF harvest, There they Sip ‘Any ailment, even what is called “a the historic aggueecy of the variot ene ‘essential elements of such a char- heat, i. e., take merely the 8 | common cold,” tells speedily and marked- ie Accounts of ife and word of Jesus,| acter are few and si We readily | otf with a stripping Seta leaving | ly on bodily me 8 ny wi Usually pro more for him than he | yecognize {ts faith a God, not in any nee raw. 1 have ki ngoveelatiore which take place under nt in the glalmed oe Ree who yet are utter) narrow or dogmatic sense, but make a capital bag s without dogs.| normal conditions are regular, depending rangers. {0 rif; who, while bil] consttousness of the . infinite in fe ‘Australian game bird, however, | as the} fe the one direction on, y eto his reputation by alll working for good; faith in son intake. of food and drink, and in the act « Be nd pi os goodn faith THE NATIVE BUSTARD. other on exer¢ aid aes on natural loss | Femme csvel rones ee HIS CHARACTER. }in high gaol. of all eopiely ‘viol hrough perspiral fino ay And prec iat 1a ae rae ie hs tenchet called the kingdom of hea- tough as itis there called, = As the result of Faiertneala made with a sae aren eae ay, 7 wil is now very scarce excep! fentito® preeta to ; Ups oe they Invite ‘men to become the dis-| “Whoever turns his ke foward these | in tho extreme back country. At -one See ew ee aaa phere arated. Erarigdh ee othe Giples of the reat ce with all thin ‘out on life with time it was oath enough in Victoria, Beak heivarecs teauth Breeden, on, an ane. dyad aise le'r powers are erecting barriers and| eyes of faith pres a e, whéever seeks | though now rare in that State, but. Smee sroaings culls. i y you can-| the ends ily, whoever | the back blocks of New South Wales t| ENGAGED IN ORDINARY WORK. Chapter X! ‘Ay lan unless you will go|gerves the eternal propaganda of righte-| was plentiful a few years ago. SER toe pe a cae roless Ou | oulneep) reac: 206 brothers qoverevel were, neveretie'ess, difficult 10| say 335 pou ma @ ounce a har (co Sane mee OAR Co ihe ring yourself » Bacon t these and of Christ, atk on Top, but, curiously enough, wilt Star breakfast, he has gain pound = going to find out who shot 1 other notions, ei pon him. 0 drive quite within 12 ounces, but by noon he loses 14 ounces Sub arrow,” said Raymond, Bate mes ete eres ot ue net im with that spirit, de- oa Vi fave seen mi ny § 1 from a bug’ | of this, only immediately to make it up eclaion, 28 he started Ti] oe te choose to live kind ‘of | gy towarc © Darling River. They a lk boldly into the for- ee ee, Wes ‘a ‘tne a tac ae ‘te were Ay abe i pains tala io co its | capil table inde, olen larger than. the | 2 es » whieh brings idly into the fer: ich his fol- | work, to strengthen awe selt with its | bigges' key one could buy at Th Ray followed, a few st in thi Byers hy raiaantored fo make disclp-| rotives and dynamics, auuiened English Christmas market. The flesh eitintes ica oS ee peat aid owt | rear. ‘Do be careful, Raymond” oe Beet intricate and difficult affair of withvits’ high gains, fo pay its price,|of the breast is brown. and tastes like} chier meal of aa day puts on 2 pounds pleaded. intellectual propositions, ritual, and or-| {o follow this path, is to be a Christian, | wild duck perl, joked the ¥ fetching Ta ap We to his mi There was really need of this warn- ems, Christianity ult stando in the | because It an and bro-| stralian pe a hardly its. equal. | ram we ing, for at this moment an innocent- orld gs on the whole synonymous\with| ther to’ all men. rs arid plains, looking vine which lay before ais ‘the highest in character and conduct. HENRY F. COPE. THE S. 8. LESSO INTERNATIONAL .LESSON, JULY 5. Lessqn I. Israel. Asks for a .King. Golden Text, Prov. 8. 15. THE LESSON WORD STUDIES, yioset on the text of the Revised ion). ume tudy cers in the imperial troops. Probably ties pater r, in’ view of Solomon's f taking isracilles for the higher foreigners for ys datetut prophets and associal with reg ml Bomp and independence’ of Jehevah (Hos. 14. 3). They shall fia telprehia cb aS a personal bodygual who preceded the royal tai, tee jnessengers in peace and 12. Captains of thousai ~ fit. ties—Local officers in the military or- ganizations of the country, The divis- were roughly madé according fo nembers, but on 16 eee so that a RS wes a “thousand,” @ énialler 01 hundred,” and “on. rp yund—The - royal lands, which would be very extenslie, gn fertile, "0 make his . jots—Royal a morers and visti. jculture and herd ne i these oreupatins were all unproductive Runners were used by orice "tne Bs certain parts, and the rabbit #, bau tous, “I remember an plat ter, who was ruined by rabble, pavihie that he had not much lett, but he would they THE HUNDRED THOUSAND fore they. too may become extinot in tim Bik hes not seen the rab- sandy back country bit ae ous number whic 1 have are trapped and} \, Jose several Bowne is tho lower clas the of the Darling would creat ‘he! enor: ae ‘he ertion Hs is at. ae lightest just before: break- touching variats to the matter. Eustace Miles once told av audience that he liked to lose six pounds in playing a tennis match—a statement which was received . with amazement. But as a fact he once lost. 3 much as eight pounds, and several times seven pounds, though the exertion has more frequently take hi more then those in loss of rent due to physicial ex- is sometii thein mn the goldfields of Western AU-teet and al. his heaviest immediately af-| was stretched taut, and siral'a, where there is little or no water. | ter wiing tothe gr: They must be able to fly great distances,| fore he coul lass t igh rise two strange for one never secs them about the des-| ,, mere 1s a, bi Gore chee the nen figures had dashed from behind oppo ert OUnEEY { West Australia in the| 4 {ons put the loss varies from 2 to | site tree ere upon him, They ot weather, : 3 id him no violence, however, inas- Imported hares are very numerous in| #,P oe according to idiosyncrasy and ‘a thinly wooded hillside. Here they rh seme have no effect, he brutally Rew the pika against the side of the eave, kill~ ing 08 instantly. “Ob, how could you do it?” gasped Ray. “Do what?” asked fe eusniae, as ee it were th joke in the anwhile, upon a fire in the middle of the cave, had been broiling meat, cut the two passed the implements and weapons of, Bona taba RAY AND RAYMOND ARB INVITED TO ENTHR THD CAVE Aiscovered him, Immediately the But Raf risked 3 great delight brought ith an arrow. — * oe ed B to me pea tell his mother to tau. what meal she wished from the ne ox. Th jour boys and girl i minute ‘where his friend: ned up just in time to excape claws. of the em arrow sticking Sorte tes aS os esr Bear showed tl : four climbed gees ths upper erase of the tree. Below the be: 4 upon his hind lege and tore the bark of the tree into shreds, emittt For ibe 5 is fury. ‘hen, finding ‘that nothing was plished in this way, he stretched great length at the oh oe the tree and prepared to walt until his enemies de scent ‘Noon passed and then the afternoon approached its close. Still the bear kept watch. Rat had, in some mysterious fashion, retained” his 4a fulness 10 the Peeps Mages and a sur-| 9m. to Israelites they indicated @ dis- FROM FOUR TO SIX POUNDS. much as both were struck dumb when. stone, which hung from’ bone pegs wild scramble. He had but one arrow ey of his early life as helper in the loyalty to Hens wah. : pain: Mr. Burgess could give some still more| ‘SY obsenved Raymonds Clee em stuck ts Ue gah alow La abernacle and of his laler years as ghters—The need of their ser-| shearers had Ag come, ie said, to eat| striking figures concerning the amount ‘aymond now advanced, extendini @ Cave-people had eaten ruler in Remah (.°Sam. 7, 17), dispens-| Vices was especially unreasonable. be | vermin! Hee a loa an altarnplrg:to!|" ie Rant ./OAn's Wwe me. ArImaeyY mela. Sie posulbly could, they bar- justices throughout: the country (| Cause occasioned byt yhim of the} Twenty or. thirty years ago the = ‘wim the Channel, Notwithstanding the| PS.) «, Hiondentiiy Setar, mess with 7. 18), ae the functions of who could well have” employed | country squalters, in order to destroy|targe amount of food he took while in ‘The Cave-children took his mand. immense rocks and tree limbs, ‘on behal Je (I. Sam, | ™2 for all of these dut ngaroos, ised to dig huge pile a ihe the water he lost nearly one pound @ mae suspiciously, Then, with flung themselves down upon skins 9), and standing ‘as the prophet «f lumers — Compounders of spi rners of their ido hour, atest Surioaty, ausy felt his pv leep. : and ointments, the use of which at this ‘a if li iT the’ $3 " whi niga s. ay 4 Joined the group by ut no slumber came a Pew! or ere wah Ss time of our t yards of calico along their wire fences| “One of his plucky efforts, which lasted | ™ents ee a phere ron 3 study for this Quarter which includes | {we was upon as an effeminate} and then drive the Kangaroos into the] little more than fourteen hours, pulled is:time, and she:was also inspected Sire eat the ‘of Samuel's life and the | MxUrY. thirteen pounds Gil :him.ohtle-another, |: WAR manltost: Jaterent. Stcciuaesty iain. on » ippabpatihant dua véekly yeers Ot the |< 16-0. le'servante—Courts favorites ending over twelve hours Hie another, | “and, indeed, without WishIng 10 @p- ee ne the | ot ial dt aha p: a sounds coming from the flerce animal: hore tel, “The Anatcrats for [HNO were especially hateful because for sit by twelve erccntig: Singing at a this: study, are to be found in the first | {22 ™ ‘ ere foretgners. e} | Pus Daldly this ass Jaws stagger. sent hl eles 2 ighty convulsion, 14 books of Samuel which were | {.0eY bad ho interests 3m common with ° | in the loss is relatively small coi bat eettaeba ae aa Chapter XI 7) ar aecconaed key, He oneal ane, ‘The books received thls RA oa aa ieee 1a eine. Svan tachi twelve pour | ane, oe. te Sra EN mage ower ores CAVEEBAR. 1 5 CoA a: rowenta Dance” abate = name from uel, not as an indication @ more formal levy swim he took more than strokes, 2 ¥ Dear, ' Oo ae att iecause he is fcr defraying the great expenses of the each of which brought into play the mus: art vari pepe pen i ot ar ted ae. WAR Site GREE GG Ee tc cae fe central f figure. throughout much. of | seh ia cles of arms, legs, back, chest and nec s Ry et tp ge re Bet are ] tery: ‘afte per! they cover. Their riains. On the path welght has been lost with 3 E he. ai! uthor is unknown, but it is generally | 1 men—One of the earliest much greater rapidity. Some years back faces mea em wn receding fore h green that Aid alae Phen ie beta Pought that te mmeluded in his work [manuscripts reads duende! insleed, This a famous runner was carefully trained for] fran Jaws, ‘The girl's rather hos thelr feet. breakfast consinted Ga pauls twee ath pent geveral ver et dating back | Wou a prohable an attack on Deerfoot’s one hou ete ete 4. OG ee ining from the evening the leaves of the trees were already Yale reign - an ps, roading as er Pacies ure already : : and as a result he had never been beeper Sehgerpy ~ gto, extort hi of i began to vet the col earlier contanperary propnolle records | been mentioned. In Paris the Animals are oie in Pit for baller condition oan when he started to] St eca bones Cipaet tn wt eeu nuts tool Beams iatacass ach bie, teataceeaee, oral traditions. If this be so, the And yo shall be his se Commercial Purp: we ues iy BOD PAROS Wee a, Siew lar ‘skin bag hanging in the corner. and Raymond chattered. Dernes Catan Tnetieliy Topeti. |The summing up. The royal agers Parislens have! eee ee chute ein ie splendidly ft as he peal inaae of polished ti teeth Gi Then ave-Man. grasped: 9 huge : tion of stories differing in their detai!s ce Pepe reaches ay theii ry | {he rat. into ommodity. “In | Was he los six or seven pounds in his nals bes ok at club, and, slinging his bow over hit Stee ders knowledge of | £ milies ie es their ayn ey hi > tae run. Nor is this a Bosakitely iso- in shoul rode forth to the hunt, ft iramaition from the jose [The end ts si wee oy ere i eh sone (5:9 Med ‘cage in. point sinoe another runner | :Pracelets. adorned’ oes, So 1, yee mak selaet nel ener a His Share Had Gone wal liferol the confederacy. to the cen-| 1% Nay—Notwithstonding all the good an ‘once lost five pounds in little more tha Nth ete Booka Pare dg Sas his 0 ony. hin HN gamekeeper pounced coat the tratized national life of the kingdom is|*¢9sons to the contrary, ‘They had al- half an hour, despite the hike’ all WnICly | eee ee ea uy and Dire: followed, chatting in doy who wi jensable to understanding of|ady made up their mind: it hehad been train thiematives, able: to Somrgres AH Se ince Ray had be- imhexe ave private «round, and Pe vintory ond the reading of some| 20. That we also may,be like—Israel’s | qesh, In the J rorning.the ones-onty re|': Even, S.dea? ‘of exertion within the] Creature hey ee and prbaos d re coral necklace upon it Sei k PE cared ati ee ae 2! 4 of Israel, such as that by Wade|Simful habit of copying her heathen | main, white and polished, ‘These nIy Te | capacity of well nigh anybody is am im-| {yrat sounds miade by. these tw ins eee i eee: li,” replied ‘or by Otley, and of the articles “Judges, | >*e! was early developed. Une men in cher e, Once a| Pertant factor in reducing weig ural sounds made by. these two litte pecome quite devoted to her, Some ery elh” replied. the boy, pie cc? ind of,” “Samuel,” ‘er appro.| All the nations—Not only the {| month - there. & e fay Glasacak easy to lose aboutitwo pounds by taking | SOvO50s: DOr the aitepse bday ha hig? stance , behind trailed ttle | Berry, ia aah sof td stream, i ones in Hasting’s Dictionary of |©HeS such as Egypt and Assyria, but the| rats, ‘This is done eerans ot gee in| & turn at a home exerciser, while a brisk ploveg. Capt ens Hove Toe oh ae uintnomee eae cere ea Fag alpee aserize bi ile, recommen nyone | djoining Canaanite tr sn eictle iscetem uae ernen rile vm py| Walk may involve a loss of three or four feat dived Denn and drew | Suddenly Rat paused. “tm 4 “Wishing again, are you? I thought! es to make a more thorough | ttminaling influence was. even more that lime are sleek and plump, and nee iport-talled vate, at as te a, RY antag {8 © a her fofonerte Oe Meee cneiite oe " he explalne 90 ity ot this period, Tteas Ie Mig ia jude os aes in excellent cond Ven, ‘The i SEY enentos to ind eee baad Prine were wat ter En, net Tad raphe a ie grading ine Dain Pelow the eh hi, toog” snipe! oy the 6 nor Ras i * jeckoning. t follow, he le hon ther Seat Verse 10, All the words ot Jebovan—-|Deltles—The threefold functions’ of” the skin ar Se ‘neae ang) iralion, Arthur Nigutisball telig as s tae oueetrsupee the forests Migross a he stole’ down upon Ge GOS ha ERighe his abe “had goo by Yong Which be iecetved in private consulta- Sb ruler—(1) to administer internal} while another colony of rats pS steel) that he used ae milk six miles out ana} comparatively open space, and then up mith discharge an arrow the oxen ago.’ Won, wit iairs, represent the poople on| duced 4 x miles back and so get off four pounds pan Sasi} 0 the pound, eople—That is, to the “El. |W iine pag a na to be the leader i in the first spin. To keep it off more ex- | {he prison, and again “sunequently, 0} until hey gained a foothold on h's nar-| acres of the tropical jungle back of his acre as ira ‘whe pats ats beonles three Bat te ihe pee lone all BERENS CRS ercise was necessary, coupled with that a comparison is nade. If there | row shelf mountain then | hul on the mounta’n shelf and hat there ue A ee tans se nese |eitee DOL tthe _ostentation and aioe ABSTEMIOUSNESS. i in eless [charged tho vara Konakes wilh 0] plunted pineapples, “peanuts, mangoes Eh ‘ TENTIONS spear fashioned of har and with | and pota'o: That hu d of him a king—For the 1. He rel d then im the ear: GOOD INTENTIONS GONE WRONG. stable eoripanions had his = spear fas) Aa ’ Ua sats tusben cae Be dot AL - Yenovat Notice he pitti Sine Re ; ia rea ese nis) etal cnthis ts the verdicts erdict tror| ihe wotnt herdcned inno fine. He ha outa few orange and / simplicity} Twas midnight, and all was still in} (p, : ie was captured finally and’ examin- | lemon See arobablys: Fete ane verse 8 and or fhe Feal reason the Ik Hebrew thought and language. | the hy uddeniyeth : knees before his ea tbaaane begged for i ae ar cuttings Tito aR ig ene PLO Sh eat feaings ith th ngs. the houses Suddenly the door-bell rang,|q good dinner. Instead he received a ed: Th was found that the wild, China: slol@'al nights eee ie epic weiaticrs wat Gn a a (eee ear was well-| good hid gy which deprived Dim of h jan did not have leprosy and he was | temes below » him. * 4h, he manner of the king — The|38 the quaint terms of talking er ee | Seen ew) Eppetite for several days, a broiight ON CRUSOR, 7. Ulet 10. go, back, fo his serie onthe kept no, en! mals; all the b Wor w Veustom” or = mpei 2 Kings eure. smeone ne.ded services, he con- roa t all the wasting which was Heanee . s mountain, grubb'ng the jungle oe 17 2). 1g some ambiguilly 68:10 ‘Go yo every man unto his cily— ea ‘and. he sae en, down the Aon ingul jar fact Sere with the pro- vi as of Papal ikoumank” Ss From that day until the Chinamans hd sone with. his: own Bamuel's attitude here, According to 1 this was a set form for Diatiainy a CR and tae, x 2 e known to all jockeys is that ‘Thirty Years ot Sol body was found a month ago, lying 's_ the asionas: ‘hat had gus- im; (sa solani and council or assemb); cae i cline Temkin “aia mene when eh sapidly 8 single email |: aE ste 8 de sol ‘of his own making inside tained 6 f pantie . K rs lig ae will put on one pound or} 10 have not been io Ae the! his hut; no man is. known lo hay i ry gets ginse of lig Pp pout h ‘i ah = wo pounds Title. ata ‘on the island of Hawaii,| s;oken with bim ond few had seen him, GUARDING THE BANK OF FRANCE. “She has retired,” said the worthy |- OP ies bene in-bodily weight | may ‘not think it-a matter of moment} Tie tex ass se or an tnx ¢ol tector seve We gory Ines ‘explanatt f * a ners * nay therefore take place in exceptional | that the “wild Chinaman’ of Papaikou-| him a wide } owned | fishvoned out xl a se of wht as oan Vaults yee Once Lae ie Water ahs - for bok — the man, hand] circumstance yet portend’ nothing | manka” is i, Likes many: worthy} tne land which. ne hd JO cone d made} r 60 that they might not choose blind! eep' Out Thie f vi sage & e-paper package, | that need cause the slightest alarm: folk, Ah Chow, did not have his name mpl He never came vgs. of Rta net i. a TG PS areen ee eee Psi eens Bee ree eee ich p = sngwens and. buds) only when certain limits—limits which in pruned much in the: newspapers until| down off the 3h uuntain and ae aa whic =a propel a dart several hun> nek: to! Ie the manner’ of the | of Feance is now guarded every hight ee, gny given case can be diuseverca by a| after he died, but that was it of |white man nor Kanaka cared to ned. foe Mingdom: and wiote it in the book, ana [by »soldiers. Aes Paiiee ecenet dca man ors and: the. doctor! few'e xperiments—are passed that the ab- the papers and not of Ah Chow. to see him, bpse eit Robinson | Crus Eo ane perolg It in the book and | True the officals at the French ta sone ar, Some admirer. of pncrmal ts fn icated, They soy dawn “Hb that Ah Chow| H's body was stombied on by a stran-| Chow had. lived on. his dizzy shell, of ng it bis sangin and’ setting apart| resorted to a ery noyel method ‘of tg ¢ supposed, had brought her a} ~ A proof of the importance of a real Joss 10 the islands: thirty years ago as) ger who. lad yore up the Tnountat rotk h'gh abo even with mn sight. these customs es opiautitionel tecting their He walked into the kite of wWelght is that m convict prisons such Soontract lab ion. | without knowing thal danger was po-| 0f the civil'zation that: spre eight of the mongreh, . Per ps his ac- is consisted-of engaging masons to the! package £08: das of alee? anda | Gebataan pgs eee he pi anteadets Whe i aerohigie ne hen ase 0 ies quiescence ive feluctantly when | Wal A ihe dcoke oh ike mectaee apelin t al! intruders. n stronger Te pe, 1 : Till recent years there was no infallible ted-his ral men from the te saw the delermination of the people: | liar with hy. raul mora ag focn as] “An indignant gook stood before him means of discovering whether he wns go hearest_plontalion Pork up do tke We gO See pelt helped formulate the *manmer of the those receptacles. ‘The waler was then| she Seemed. Tee meysattae or tre cite i Teron (gat inle shen sree taay-coudennitcbe ed, Lanta Ruts Seah oer in urned on and kept runni rt he 'y Move 5 Ce et Te et Sek | wits Velie was Jdvpie ates aay Jn house where sme varmint puts ia were able to defeat iill the known pile of wood was tie anal year eto a man enjoys d6ing th personally ond, as the representa. | Would. be obliged to work in a diving i ee it was burned where it lay, with the)» thing he doesnt have to tive of Jehovah, was, unftiendly to th sult and ‘break downa cement wall be- Au i a al ee Ponta cneseiond hut which hed for thirly years been the} 4°, weal A RS of the’ elders and th le could oven begin to plunder the Pgs ie ae CE eee nts teal. in eotd Ia TONES eet maint bi ital He. will” taker Ales ebricas seam ettie, ede afl ol other cial ate ae ‘ ens strange man mu-t have known the ap- |r" tare en aos ata 70,000 : cases, the doctors discovering too late nu roach of death and. vaberaiehy laid i Vek contain enor able rob Sn See al ives, Se OAL ee = ee ee that they had been “done.” But now a| Eighteen years ago the reporl, spread h ow in hs doin to ally ld einen King Neate soe aS ‘pce PAS kee | masonry ven mids he paul beeg® rothy, a se ie convict who complains js put the | about the Country thereabouts that the i ed about and} Sta! Listes orore| nat school-teachers, as. ere Crone 4 yeun scales, and the result decides whether he | lnely Chinaman was “a leper and a reader i eas that Ihe wald man] lass, are longs } fer his charlola, and 10. be fash Next ling he calls just ae him tho co'd ae to work or goes into the infirm. | posse was sent up jountain to bring te a ed high up. on, thé moun'ain,| Mon nS os of ie never hes achance | Either ms and dr’ Treen i Harrow, one of the four greatest public Souk abe he is a vegetarian,” a1 The eight of every man is ki Tot ne weirs ; ‘ Banc eid bet eet ated Hs aie Brean fet Pay top sae is i fi ” an- wi of is known, | lokai, the Hawaiian leper colony. n tremendous and long ecnt nue Onbuge je mel ‘bun a 8 oom ill eh he | king’s personal retinue, or his off- | schools of England, was founded in 1571, swered {he unabashed Dorothy, Asince itis taken when he is admitted to | Chow fought the posse wilh boulders pee Ah Chow ehal cleared about two the Mott i ‘ oe