ee RIE age et see The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1908 ed almost type E, |ing to Th This woman says Lydia or nanns Vegetable Compound ae Jk ‘A Lalberte, of 4 Arti Ie St., Quebec, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: «For six years I hare been dootoring ter and Midney tro trouble, but te) Lydia is E. Pinkham’ le Compouns d 1 E Eintham rn Vegetable Com- relieved me of all these distress- standard remedy for female ania positively cured thousands women who have been troubled with aes tion, fibroid tumors, Weak Kidn it to. woak kids orves. are age cart, and the ey be Dr. Shoop & Restorative THE PUBLIC ORUG STORE. he “Heart, and the |, GENERAL NEWS CULLED Ge ALL SOURCES It is expected ‘the Canadian tha ee of nex! joubt Teron aed like to as the main ears in Kingston K It.was as out in the ood and | by the Aylmer Express. was solid oak, 45 feet ae ean oh was worth. $150 was on the Government rage at Bost een imes tells of a mission to reply, out.” Patri will depart in easy 20 amin- utes if one of Dr. '8\Pink Pain Patios is (taken. Span, ain always8 means con- Pare: bie. Peake nothing else. Beasihs eee tae ie, alsa called” pine son Tablets—quick- safely coax this blood pressure away from pain centers. Painful with women get instant re- Sold by the ts in England in Beesios’ rords with tar have shown tha roads so treated are much less and also oa face baat regults were achie- whey, the roads were in ‘good condition’ and ithe surfacq had been ‘orn toa compact, smooth face. The fae is forced against the surface in of fine spray and has tio the depth sts! tight skin Avhich urine ly- fallen rain rapidly, ae speedily dries when a storm is ovei Tt has come to light ‘tha: considerable old ‘hay here and ghar fron t nad some farmers have fro A tons. They would not sell ie for 20 ton because they thought it would go higher and wanted more, Woday they camot get more than $9 r it. and it may bea long time fore ek isierer- wy Some however, do ni @hert:they ave bad. a has always been it will continue. ‘An very same individuals when they come to buy, w pane: Ei ings about one half of their va’ Of course A? one. ought to get drunk FARMERS TAKE NOTICE fore baying elsewhere for carry a com- plete assortment of seeds for field roots, Arrhege and and flowers, et I. D. ATKIN Seed Merchant, Milverton BOLD CLYDE No. 4133, Vol. 3 This Pure Bred she Stallion wit betas or reste this ign ton. Fee $10} ¢; rnin, Beaistion te 2 Marte both in foal. Robt. Fleming = Prop.|i but when o man in a responsibla fattiong having the: livek ot pachaps 4 of le in his hands, \gets for liquor, it mies criminal Recently, a itelegrapa operator from ered the employment of ‘at Mackeys, east of North as found intoxleated while ty. not only. lost his job. wat was arrested and sentenced to. a leipeaates ent, You hat railways and services. unless Iti does not ay in the Sa age sense td fool with it. asain sta(tisities have ae ‘e- pared bytes Provinolal Searotaty ta oe vy ortinetions the num! liquor. licenses in the province of On- tario i The passage of loc: na total reducti nses removed op tion in 1905-6, 34; 1906-7, 140 ; 1907. j re ns apart fr 1_op- tion, 1905-6, 113 ; 1906-7, 55 ; 1907-8, i prostrates the nerves. In the nte tonic to off-set hot weather Nerve and resaion. You will feel better within 48 hours after begin- such a remedy as Di Its prompt a hen ‘using estoraitive. Dr Shoop’s Textgrativg will. sharpen a Li a me ee Fah % gans depend upon, a few days and li¢ Drug Store. an, Synopsie of Canadian North-West * Homestead Regul tions NY even numbe: ston of Dominion ands in innioba Saskatchew xcepting & 6, not Teverved, eatende ay ‘person witb ad of m ity ° any male on ty ‘over | Mm Tha movement back to the land is bettermenit. Bu et: problenY of employment in the coun- was not unlike the problem yment in 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter | willingnesd to we n section of 160 acres more or less, p for the want of ability to Applention $ for entry mast be made in per- e -partioula, of wi ut son by the a ‘at 4 Dominion Lands | this incident has another si It te ca by proxy that the man or woman who may, hower sade ai a cy brought up pn a farm has ane oe one. byt e fat er, “Sot er, eon, i ini daughter, brother or sister. of an Intending Manich: waht ne ar laden Stora a the’ rentdence {77 tendered useless by migration to urn" least six months’ residence] tha city. Things are, comin, far- wpon and ciltivation of the latd ineach year inesa way, erioulture Re hot Fee: A homesteader may, if he 0 desites | pe oe the required residence dutien. by, tiv- i the farm land owned by him, not ‘ca than elghty 80 acres in extent, is homestead. He may also oy ‘with father or mother, on Seinin vonditioas,. Jott owaarenip tatasa will not meet this requirement. (8) A homesteadet intending to perform nf teakdence Gutiwein secordaned: sith, the re while ving with paren! farm- ‘W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior Nis B.Urenthorised gablgnitan athe c- vertisement will not bepald for, Men e farmer engrossed by toile tay not-always appreciate. these if he salgratos “te the city -he will soon mis: Frealizndie. loss. —Tnronto ‘Stare that Hougs of Commons will prorogue by fe at-| mei of ‘emarkably tine stisk of timber| long ands 20/20. ing bi I blame thing simply wore ty ai t there’ is 1 Sanveotis Bod fs the Pub- ‘bau a of hope jand. posaiit- “ According Ointment mer Large jar Drug Store, Mr. Jol clon ees to | tific. It bromeaitty m of s ca’ ed aye many years ment. That tired, eer, sev The roar coo Farmers’ Institute ms, in oft fai Jand, balla. Joplements, and_live at ml for swollen, pe ing, piles, other external ot internal. ued - imm of the Centra feature is ¢ were similiarly a! st Fri regiments, —Goderich’ ir of a waterfall is enti uces. lengarry, itt is said, take (up the ex to the report of Oxford county, ¢ oe inful, bleeding by the iki han a spring freshet. ford Express. ately > nison. fo is wholly punitive « dom redemptive in its rats of New wi produe- irely by the bursting of ‘millions of air bubbles. — Tha Suez canal, which is only nine-|__ Miss the dis-| ca. from Ep eva to India ae nearly 4,000 miles. county councils of Leeds, and the East have st by, se Gren- ase. 10 was and iis the (Bur- of Industries, the average value ounting sane sethantes puts. ay average pe! {Piles are easily and auickily check Jed with Dr. Shoop’s Magic Ointment. all's a aut sete convincing els Sim) imply ad- sure- Magic Re- made expressly and alone ‘or itch- Pablie hn Lints, of the Elora road says it impossibl —Clit- Tha Ontario Governmerit swill pro- gee with the ruraliz the prison to a nae and thes inmmeeens a ‘k out in the? Barge pels projected reform. nker worm along si thods rehabtt t f scateby: i the dir rect since oe Scotia orienta ffeot riday ithe several infantry 26th, 27th, 28h. Barb. of re real soldiers of the king. ‘ Star. woopsiDE. Too late for last week. ' Mr Christian Schmidt. o at Rete sent undergoing a treatment for rhyematism in the miners] springs at @ |(oreston, n, which hope will prove successful in rendering relief. rs. Joseph Lies, sr., Mr. leischauer and ‘Mr. John Kaufman, of ‘Wellesley, spent junday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. eee u @ the storm on Tuesday last ere blown down, slight damage was done sch te Zion church and the schcol ,house east of here was badly wrecked, :part part of the ceilings and the (chimneys ere blown off, carried ac: e rand and dropped in the tery, oving several ‘he monuments teacher este) in Walker ae sD POOLE. Large left on Tuesday to a a. well-earned ¢ holiday Vancouver and other Western points. Mr. Wallace Donaldson of spent July Ist ome of his uncle Mr. fees Miss Emily Large has om. a weeks’ Stratford. Master Silas Smith of Wellealay ia sens his cousin Mr. Wm. May! ome ii David Chai- returned visit site friends in "rhe Boole.t eootunlt eae are meso quite a name for themselves this year, witining gamevatter wim. trom ean the neighboring towns. On ‘Wednesday evening the mpstead boys pla he return match here and after a well-fought game the Poole t in came out victorious wining by 1-0. On Friday nigh 10th, the Newton team play ‘th< : pat match ber ————_—_——. WELLESLEY. Too late for last wee! snd Mrs. bees of T water ‘© Pie guests of PRES ahr ‘Fleise maven who ha Mr. John Ratz moved t n (last y and has taken chase of the @ of Ratz & Fleis me terrific storm raged triet last esday and abla dama se ae orchards, woods, “ss n= ces, barns. et & Kerra has the contracts of ing the cement sidewalks in our age and is making good headway. sais ae baer held last porate de Pian dieses tow ait: here 0 arid’ Clarence !|Schaul who were a mp with the Harrlabori: hand reforned. home| bits eek. ‘Over Thirty-Five Years 1872 there = diarrhoea, avin intantow bas treatment, and rs_mainay ined ral beginning WE their opie ‘on dy they } wr medicines t the greater prot waya be deposed po most severe and danger ‘or sale by all druggists. Postestant Fiats ate ten at w Eva ‘Attr Daan wid op prick? atsclecenroh os few i the our people took in excursion to Guelph. Mesers. J. Hanna, X: Dabme, and A. tr aS tor No. 4, Ellice, on Friday evening Jas and report a time ‘A severe storm passed over our burg on Tuesday, Me Mrs. Samuel Attridge and lay with Henry Sage, Hamp- tar, Effie, spent Sund: te a Mrs. tead. Bee. Yames Sage and sister, Miss Emma Sage called on friends here recently. Me. muel Henry, jr., of Don roectoadl work with agakee Daina Hanna. —_.—— Take a Vacation _Now is the twee take vaga- jelds end the sea: forget to take a betfle ‘The Shoes, Tub off; ‘will say, Preserves the sivesa a4 SHOE POLISH Perfect Dressing for Ladies’ Driers relelt or soll the daintieet odoaler gare of hie reputation say anything else is as good, ant ou Eoearees a 250. tine and Bob all druggists. peenepn mack had: ae the Bar are not enough. \_. is Your Corn Troublesome ? Why not cure it—orredicate it with ‘Putnam's Corn Extractor! No pain Jor sore—“s ut ’s” is a guaranteed succeaa try oa gamo f Teft on “Thorsday for her lew ave i \ FERNBANK. Too late for last week. Marie Crawford is at present visiting with her friend, Miss va Strachan, of New 2 number me here took in he excursion to Gus and (report an enjoyable nn, of Milverton, spent lash week visting with her brother Mr. Keri Mr. Joe and “Miss Eva MoAllister spent part of: last woek with friends in Teeswater, Miss Magwood visited with cia wes Fleming over Sun- day. nvitations are out for the Kerr- ng which is to take th. resting game of foot- ball took place here on Saturday even- ‘ng on D. J. Fleming’s flats when a visitors eleven by a score of (2- The game was fast throughout and was tively. free from rou} play. Hawke scor about fifteen minutes pore McDonal Shortly after bacl town Tanner, Ament; righ wing, MéDonald, Davidson ; lett wing, MeDoneld, Kirlfland; centre, J. Don ley. ea eee ee HAMPSTEAD. Too late for last week. Mr, and Mrs. Jos, McMillian have re- turned from visiting with friends ai iListowel. Mrs. McMichael and daughter, xeter, who had been visiting with the former's daughter, Mrs. Tavish' have returned home. Foot bell as again been revived in these parts and games have been played pith: Sia kesteore SAU. Coote teams. The statute labor is finished here he ravel was obtained from the ¢ownship pit at ‘Amulree. Miss Maude pabonti. of Strathroy visited last week her aunt, Mrs. A. Naess A. Hart has returned ffom trip to the Wes! t Mr. McGillvaay a student of Knox college, who has occupied the pulpit ureh here duntag the ‘month of Rev. Mr. Lynn, of Berlin, will again have charge for the month of July. Mr. H. and Miss J. Hart ‘attend-d a picnio at Sebrineville on "Tuesd vy. Jno. MoDonald of Nithnure Jos a yaluable horse. through drowning BG Benin) tii some? arllueaounitable vay got into a wall in the with the se resu ma Davia Murray of Pal- aio visited friends here re- M merston, turned be c. P. R. Excursions Commencing, on Ju the C. ee les began the operation of; 61 ml new branch lines as follo From Linwood on the Suelo ie Goderich’ line to Listowel; 16 rom Saugeer near eee ton, on the “Owen Sound’ section, to Hans passing through Priceville, Durhaca and Allen Park; 27 miles. Emb' fa seohioa of bouniey tncoulh mblahighoy pass, who have been looking forwar to the opening of these i consider oe having a ithe Tine: Vain aged oc Tunetion to ton. The Walkerton, it ‘on August Ist. from Hanover to is expected, will open FLUE-CLEANING —a dirty, red et es FLUE-CLEANING ‘THE FLUE DOORS Situated “ singly” over feed door —on some furnaces. Situated “doubly,” same distance from — each other, same distance from feed door—on “ "” Furnace. “SUNSHINE” ADVANTAGE: Operator can easily clean every bit of Sot ou of radiator. THE OreRATion Fire put out, smoke-pipe, pulled down—on some Lipa tisiou Fire stay in, smoke-pipe sta) ul Sun ine” bee “Sunshine ine cl dir "ear of cing te house.” r - =. M‘Clarys ~22 ee LONDON baer Agents, Milverton Newton, Ont. BEDROOM FURNITURE! ae —If there is anything you the ses ger arge au stock and we wil vou how well w 4@rEVERY ARTICLE IS GUARANTEED C. Honderich & Son Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Calling Cards Mr. Merchant Do you need anything in the print- ing line? If you do, send in your order, and we will supply you with @- as neat a job as is to be had in the county, and at moderate prices. Cav-THE SUN Is Your Chest a agen 2 Tightness and wien ng means your trouble ik” Scltaes P rain. draws out 5 The penetrating e Nerviline Treatment bets all others, try ii —— hecgs lugs to the West News i Huron ajid Bruce counties have long pesia diinious for the number ofp eople they have sent ‘out. to Weatern Cant aah Sxodus fron Bribe still contin- ues Piri to €. M. Bowman, M, P.P.. dent eons who was in the city Saturday. “In one ‘polling _fobiatvision: Bruce township” ‘he “it | wa Sorin aintnge ti Sait campaign, that thirty men whose names were on the voters’ list, made yp iin 1907, i in the fishing industry on Lake 'Hur- on, : eo a Are You 8h psiloc Nervous ? ‘9 horrors dete and into one life— poo! tho SpfoAnet “6 poor ion a poison ystem. There just eure for this terrible _condition— man drive out poisons—then, comes vitality, endurance power. Ferozone does all health. Take Ferrozone and bealth is yours. 5Octs. at all dealers. SUMMER NECESSITY This is the season when Thin Clothes are a Necessity When we make a garment for you, there is no doubt as to its fit and quality, Our summer fabrics for excellent suitings and cur summer ideas for cutting and a them will ensure satisfaction. E. KNECHTEL 3 Milverton’s — Up-to-Date — Tailor + NO HONING--NO GRINDING , The Razor of S TROURLES Shaving Comfort NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE Carbo pint, ipa Razors have revolutionized ri —they are tempered » which is Our OWN exclusive | WO secret process. whereas tempering by |f the carbon fire, ly used for which is the life of steel. Your di youa CARBO MAG- NETIC ae al ra! gaye ona without abilagton on your part to p WoLLow @RouND AS ILLUSTRATED: $2.00 DOUBLE CONCAVE FoR EXTRA eer or rwoin = ‘BEARDS cage J. ROTHAERMEL & SON|JAS. S. LOCKIE, - pepe