H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer of —@ Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Che “It Shines For All.” Su WL OT Ft «ISSUER OF,..... Marriage Licenses Strictly Confidential MILVERTON + ONTARIO Vol. XVII—No. 23 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1908, Maleolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher HOLLEFREUND’S Photographic Studio Has Re-opened / Aull line of Fancy Mounts that Adi sa he) teeth water to look in ina seen * the $1-°° 0 get yonr good opinion and we ae do it by being honest and giving work that will please, even if we hav take y in a dozen different ions, find . tld, as is boy: than turning ypu atisfied. Give first and surest way to ii a R Hollefreund, Mitverton. in this line Capital Paid Up Interest allowed on Savings current Opens an Account in the Savings ent of Profits, MILVERTON BRANCH, A. J. Cundick, Manager. now to save, Your Bank Account Your Best Friend SYSTEMATIC SAVING, even if it be only $1.00 a week deposited chartered it will interest at The Metropolitan Bank Reverve Fund and Undivided > $1,241,532.26 Waa date of deposit, and compounded FOUR times @ year. No delay in withdrawal ™ 3 LOCAL NEWS ca ooo. ve seh see it in the Sun ite town lots to 8 Whalby, Milverton. Miss) Minnie ihn, trend Taino and aS City, Micbieep » ee Nellie! Little, of Ys Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pfaff spent for sale. Skgbry Pfeffer bes. been vis- e eg in wood, tha guest of Miss Sada Nalemith a oae The Satisfactory Cash and Produce Store 5. &W. ONE OF THE LUCKY GET BUSY OUR JULY SAVE YOUR CHECKS SALE ed in just now. The lines we have advertised this week are the Betis: IN NEW GOODS. The goods you are interest- goods you can use right now, and no household can afford to overlook these offerings. July. Watch our ads. every We are going to make things hum during week, then “ don’t forget to cave yout checks—get all you can, THEY ARE TRANSFERABLE. :: 50c Checked Voile 19c Best Value ever offered in this line of goods. whole: 82 yards only beautiful Checked Voile in two patterns, sold everywhere at 50c y Hand Drawn Linens “The Genuine Goods Never Before so Low.” There are about 50 pleses inthis lot Pure Linen Hand Drawn Work, e giving ‘a Don't 't miss this opperetatey Wwe piokes up this little lot last week from a large je at a discount, because the lot was small. aight discount of 20 p Ladies’ Long Gloves y pay more for the same goods elsewhere P dozen pair Ladies’ Long Lisle Gloves, very fine quality. We secured these at a reduc tion, we-pass them to you at a big serie Reg, 75 pait. While they last per pair The Little Items Hand Mirrors, ea 6 qt. Granite Di Suspenders stiactied, pai Val. Laces and Insertions, yard Lisle Tan Hose, 'p: Watch for our Notion ad next week, ! RICH : CUT : GLASS eecnitety S the Highest Grade Goods at the lowest prices ever named. Made of the finest white crystal blanks, beautifully cut and finely finished. This is one of our extra specials for July. is A FEW QUOTATIONS; Round Nappies For Fuits, Ice Cream, Eto. 12 only, high! Hi sittin star and fan cuttha with hab 7 1. 45 ‘sa reg, each $2, July 8-in. Richly Cut Bowl One of the Biggest Values , 3 1-2 in. deep, 3 large whirl. ing eae * diagonal fan and basket cu ting, scalloped edges, reg. $6, for. 3.78 We want Your Produce. Round Nappies For Bon Bons, ihves: Etc. only, Hesiiel scl ed designs. Mek cleascte lar value $2.50 each, July sal Sugar and Cream Setts 5 setts only, fan cut designs, star potter, cut handles, good size, reg. $5, ‘Maslin, tplendid Washers, yd, Ree ee ee a Oc 1.85 3.75 Free Trip Checks on Produce SCHAEFER & WHALEY % | wooni between See Mamie’ and ‘Sadie Naismith eras y Tueady for a two months’ tour of Scotiland. Mrs. Benjamin Johnston. bh: turned attar a three rece else is es anaes distirict: Chapman, of the Bank of waiton Stalt Sea Present enjoy: "Me 8. J. ae eS Fetumed, ‘fiom fo Wineivea, He. reports | a he west this poe returning August 8rd will be $17.25. Mr, and Mrs. family are at present visiting Mr. ¢nd-Mrs.(John Schosnals'at: Port Al- ber Sater Wilfrid Buhdsoho and sister Bs a fewdays last week in mith fthelr uncle Mr. M. No. Mer ans Mrs Louis eens of Toron- i resent visiting at the at sidenca of tis Terieere parents, Mr Ean Mrs. 8. ‘Boyle. ‘ Wm. Fessitthe assisted ‘the against Owen Sound last Mon- Mr. sok MeMitien has, been elected to.the presidensy. of the Britidh Mort aa in ead of the Hone Pieman eres, Hon. NeJannas Mevibestty, apes ae ate en ete fill the yeeaney on the board of dir- mdly game base P ad at Millbanie on 7 Sena afte eal team and ithe The utmost’ rool evhiled Chrougbout the ga:ne na tie each side ‘scor- ( ilvertor Rueben, Jones’ chesnut zelding sprang a surprise on the ra talent at Ste atford on Mon t hy. Serge the n D aged Gute Only stow Kua jeetice Oharlle, bale thing up. his sleeve. Marth Schade’s horse ing on the while stand- trees in Mr. Dunbrook’s 'S property and he claim . werd three dollars. not ears to fight the aatiter and paid ne annual sermon to the Orange- will be men, of Mornington district reseed ‘in Gtage Subroy: by the Rev. C. F. Washbur 2th aly ‘Oreugerient ie meet at the hall at 10.30 am. All bers of the ne are cofdially invited | ta come to the hall, The county pounell evidently Jatend ‘good B aes & Tron Wor line between Jacob Yundt, ion was made of thi on and Township of 4 balloons left So caine on aye @ Wvor! Mornington. m pants, suffered great hardships from the hig haltitudes in which the bal- loons travelicd and also Chas. A. Coly and G. L. Bumbaugh! as passengers. which land- es Moffat cotly over the oi cheat being F then at an altitude of mt t si team in their | fri Th resulted in s win for 3% be hor theners by a sore of 2-1. M 5 | Sons. sts Romer sc! 10 and the|decided io. take no further chances dh ne ease wae dropped.— oe has bad both barn and hou: thoroughtly rodded by Jas. W. - old couple from pei 1 ofd | Guelpts wn co tm the ‘Chic-|* s{iveek he etemey or do home here on “Satur ates Exally Sungei spent Donia: nm Day with frends at Waltor iss nsley left for, ee in ‘Markdale on. Tuesday. se spent Dominion. Day | at alton with Mrs. J. Norti and South nis oe angemen will celebrate: this year at Listowel. Mr, Jal. Stevens took in the Dom- inion Day» celebration at Wroxeler. Misq- Anti tmier spent a week ssid jeits in Linwood and. Berlin. ce Spencer spent, Dominion Dey “atthe, his brother, Art, of Dun- her few ane last week with thos in jvill Me and Mrs. C. lapent.. Domiplon, Dag. with. Me. ain H. Beese,,of Blyth, Henry Louise Miller of Essex is ‘Gen nding ithe holidays at her home in Milver Mrs. pee Klen and Jake are visiting friends in Ground Milverton: Miss Pearl Coutts arrived hor i ran screened ist ck and sons Charlie and with & ‘relatives in Par! Miss Melinda, ite is. at present Visiting her sister, Mrs. Rev. ie inate Miss Sanderson, of Hampstead, Is isting ‘her “brother, Mr. Wim, San- v iderson, of Milverton. Mr. nd Mrs: J. Kalbfleisch spent Inab’ week. with ee daughter, on. Reis in Wro Sis. Mflnjs Tertmice is spending a couple of with her nouaini Aas ienindh “Aleen® Mr. Solomon Creech opt McKay & Grosch. Owen Sound. apelin Tay at Ris home in. MilvertG a few days i Rotini of e guests of . Seigner oyer Dominion Day. ier took in the ex- Falls on Saturday guest of the Stratford nm. ed ie Beacon. The Stratford Beacon’s excursion to urday wes lerge- five hundred ta people Mill- ‘A large number of young from Milverton attended ithe hark garden party on Wednesda ening of last week, Me. Dan ‘Ress. who accompanied the St. Marys fire department to Acton on Domititon Day won 'tife ied in the two mile foot race. Captain Money, the ncthn Adjutant of the 28th Ri vill bein command of the company for F Quebee whieh owill Mr.-Albert Burgmann “vised at his rday. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager rates. Accounts WM. MAYNARD, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to he made by any one of the number or by the survivor. 14 - Manager, STRATFORD: BRANCH delay in as desired. BANK(OfgH No formality or SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Large or small sums may be deposited or withdrawn RJ. Ran ney Manager, TO opening leave about the 17th or 18th.. Mr. and ee Geo. s obson arrived at fohn Dobson’s. on Tuesdhy noon on their way hor Stier spending a month with dnd dalciter in Tyan Mr. eo ree esa barn struck twice bt Ariz. ho his oy wenthine has midt. W. J. Spence. will preach in Christ chureh, to ig L.O.L rethren of the vic- inity and others are cordially invited -|to be ‘present. ‘Tho Diger football club, of Berlin, fwho defeated Milverton. put Strat- ford Intermediated ou the run- aing last week and will naw go into fe, tho finals with the of the Owen! Sound-Dundas series Hea men. like the. fon. ‘Thos. ‘Bal- On July 18th . Aion train will G. lin he run on the leaving t 8. 5 with 10 gents added fare from Milverton The Milverton quartette composed of W. Guenther, A. derson, C Hern and 8. Spencer along with ebster and Rev. J. Spence 5 will assist in the eusical ‘part af the 0| tirorrsim alt a garden party to be held at Henfryn on Thursday even- ie . K. Loth who had between $40 cee 859) talon. from hi coupla of wei again let his ecovetousness get such control of him. e Notice is hereby given that I have soured a studio elry store any other day du lite Wepaearentp Fake bus‘ness for me. Cr mvineed of the fact thut f yon can: obtain Alesteelass photos at fie inane Sia tices fro ne. A. R. * | Hollefre ball league ‘has been formed winning team. This wil gon Pp yet time for the boys and some in- Ml, efesting game: no doubt = n' fi A’ 2 2 . Bi . ie Havas duly eeu Royals vs. inate? ers; Aug. 6th, Bisons vs. Royal Been Office ; Re SAVINGS DEPARTME Tadato principal FOUR by cheque Se notice, mail on r ers discounted. MILLBANK BRANCH: The Farmers Bank of Canada (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) Member of the Canadian Bankers’ Association & The Toronto Clearing House Bewec General Manager terest alow ti aed ‘as te of barat) at current rates, ane iimes a year. Money may bs withdraw Money forwacdet to depositors ty FARMERS’ anges A SPECIALTY — Sale notes collected and advances made thereon. CHEESE CHEQUES—On any bank cashed or taken on deposit with- out charge. Open Saturday Nights from 7 to 9, - TORONTO cial attention given to this depart- Notes of responsible farm- R. J. GRIEVE, Manager pre- Mrs. Chas. oe is at ent vi xeter. ng at her hor gates M eorge Schmidt, of sone Demian Day with his totter Mr. J. H. Schmidt. Tho friends of Mr. Jas. Torrance. MIP.P., who was threatened with pneumonia will be glad t» know that = is able cs > about again David Seller, of the 14th sou Ss Milina had his barh struck by light ing’ in aie “recent atonal But as : the build redded no damage was done, Rev, ©. Pfeffer, of Salut called 2 on his nephew Mr, Schm‘dt ona day last week wii on ‘his way home from camp ing at Neu- stadt, Service in the Methodist church on Sunday at 11 a.m. and-7 pm. Rev. F, J. Oaten will preach at both ser- ices. Longth of service in keeping with the hot weather, Luckhardt Mr. Samuel of North . two ribs are factured and his right ankle sever- out, A’ special train over the G.T.R, will leave St. Marys for L istowel on July. 0. pm. ilverton man and He hem, had—fifty. cents. Tha sequel to this epfeode was inact: od in the Stratford Bolloe Friday when the. two men up for iat at the next court ‘of com- petent jurisdiction Monday was one of the warmest haa hed since sprit 400. c= Soa train will leave intel ai 8 be ng Ke a Brunner Gifford, Mil Milveton, Cathay MONKTON, Mrs. Parker, of Woods idhg MMe Mister line Teun, vaomitates isss Lizzie Rennick, who bas been living) in Toronto is now home with her parents, "MF and Are, Von Ren nick. Mr, and Mra, Wm. Martin, of At hens rues Mr. » G. Web ». Sunday head sallliner at Weber “Be 's left for Brasels Shrine ath Westgai it ot Altwood, preached ¢ ‘0 the Orangemen of Monk- ‘on in ‘the Presbyterian church on Snday afternoon. His ‘sermon was the rise of roteatantisna end of Orangeisin with some sound advice to the ‘on the observance of the coming cele- bration of the 12th of July. He also shewed that no true Orangeman ca noble be anything bu ta tne and christian, Mr. and Mrs. Fergusson left on Monday for a short visit to Brooks- dale his former charge. okra Fe KERR-GILKINSON une is the rilk mull and canried a et of The wedding was es the close rola- room, ns, Moorefield, Lucan and Listowel were FP rides 2 z z bees a eo se silk waist and a white hat to ie happ; uine good soaking oe t the. Realty ad \ "SPSS gah Se ae nT GPR. ee eek Re La ERR el FR Ry ey Ee Pr OT ee GED Mig ye ee I Te Ree a Sn pe ole PL we! BO ae