Milverton Sun, 9 Jul 1908, p. 3

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cH PME TUTT CONDENSED. NEWS : of Tr Tried to Burn a ‘Store Full | “of Women. oe A ta eft at Wella mdon. is paid off $60,000 of its bonded indebted Creosote block havements will be giv> en iv te} in ao :1 did not know this the saleswoman whirled around to tell him he mus ‘must ut ye ‘o her L has Ss been d the St Clair “River near Sarnia. in} Ce blaze, an ‘then athe Founced Liston. a desperate fight, ari ‘they Likes births, oh marriages, & ‘Two White Star steai Se neeel from Liverpool le across Niagara is sugg "ns mi ‘one of the sales tie, ee I} the falls. “ tren:to teats ae soe curtains. The nwo youn! sal round Loa Dendld a hen ce Parte | Sahin: -foot skiff. ise of the cing. Ae S it ig against the rules of the they, tiled Ma Sit White of Delaware township is ea and thinking the man presence of several have been roughly handled. Bs Fashion Hints. for those who spend. their mornings in their bedrooms. . This ‘does pak os that many French misusé this Pretty gown Oy Dospan their toilet d Two Canadians were fined $15 each by cnited. Slates. officers for fshing in Niagara. River without a lice The Departinent of Canals announces ected the Col Arthur on Henry. Scbillinj Chict of Police Randall of Guelph hns teen condemned to pay six dollars for conllseating some short-weight butter on {he tar he oot survey of the Otta- Ww Bay ship canal plazes the Seer of the work al ninety four to & hun- ned sillon dol including land damages. Inlay Jed to ae meek Mena wear, it is a While. FADS AND FANCIES. ihe nesticeo « or flowered mull is find- ‘great with mil yan just now. barred ma- the, tes cada Garou. : Osler will be a candidate for the le ae Rec‘orship of Edinburgh Univer- foot of the Be "ite. to grow more more popular es lime goes on, wud they are seen ai aps ‘to the greatest advant- en the and sily, The daylight: bill, which proposes. to encourage has been approved e House, of Comm em- "ge a select commit- trial trip_on the € her sistar ship) the | Tndomitable, making just imdor 27 ka combination with sill Dae 'pral alain resents mnany charm: “Fie makin ming, since the} ¢, adjacent coun- a grasshopper it and some a fear eres raft ies in Michigan pine, it, i and skirt are ‘ail of the same sign) fecha auerislicnt tthe gxicavagant note that so often ohecacten r dress, Appa earments to. lescen the mourning in i wea- theemay. be Bilound te great variety. Re- nls te yolle, le sole, nun’ and lawn. athers fre. mol. considered ALLU 0 ere feet ae Nie a tt in Pathe Sane: throwing a ¢apital offence Two hundred d scores. destitute. tornado m Minnesott s lion escaped at Reading and was eaplured hy a policeman, who elubyed. 1 Into. a eorne > persons were a head nm eps Missouri Pacifie near Man Who Offered Sit ae at Winni- peg Has Disappeared, pateh from Aang 6 + Re Brie GS ia eauie here. end’ stared © publish advertisements offering al- idns sen persons are homeless s ag a result of the ore 's veil- Ss Be ons ay 4 i ight se nls were trapped oy Eibreidere, Sak ne, Danide conitaite | y ap AS “me 23 Rapa 1 oe AL Elidony Ma.s.a two found a box of strychnine pills, swal- ee lowed several, and died in thirty min- ao ules. A. DIVER KILLED, ‘he United Stales Treasury's excess of r PITS expenditure over receipts for the “fiscal Age A E. Pike Attempted year just ending will approximate $60,- Double ae A de: lespatch from St. John to Turn a The ‘Health Depariient “eeparls thet svore than 60 per f the children in Chicago, public schools: ate physically 1 ote Coote Mamagena, an “Indian boy, has finished ears in the Elk Rapids High School without missing a day or being late. mes Gilman, a rancher, near San Jose, mentally ‘imbalanced for seven many versions ‘that almost as iyis of woman can be K. he tunic fala is trom four to six inch the bi fi shore that he was burt, and his Meter Harry and another man swam to him ¢| and brought him to lend. few minites later, Internal hemorrhage was the ¢ bitlen by a snake, Joseph Liffic, held by the New York ai ron Fe eneeee of murdering Alber} gonR Sage of conto, is said to have ad- ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. anitted. seaming sant sed, “The reat aim of cae Child a gp und or squai Sceieties,” Bede cording to Shee a outline Ss the dr hemeless and friendless chien ae the it is worn with, 0: e Platoon. extend | 10 of A e ce, whei ing to the bee ite ‘a effect nd to spare, as ll dainty own Pe ight living that will ‘out in lotus rahe shantung silk, woven y . ia with the new bright ¢ a |enship. If y : frer 1d would you be GENERAL. The Shah of Persia has proclaimed a general amnes a ts spreading at an alarming role in tha. mi ‘ppins Is jee of Portugal is ‘sullering pate hack of dip! Thousands of Persons anions ind starving as (he Tesult of floods ‘in wth Chia, acne ae- Tho Gra af the work of the Duma during the session. Lis reported from Brazil {hat hun- good people to off eds of persons have ‘been ‘kil'ed in ol these laysaiken lite ches, ighls in. Asuncion, Clilldcen Reve-a babpy knack of quving|. Batavia away lonliness and “flooding & house Ee vi AS sunsh ze 20. that the benef tis 600 live: i ; eg the unbroken: hy not try this sovereig: insurance: firms: 0 ea0ane. of reat that otherwise would remedy for the blues ” ie se) eels Pe FRainionaee ae SUE % “4 0 in King Tesourceti find an Jamaica, pina oe fied for "nn ar immery m PUL NOT, GET INORG, ft undted aia conver ‘arieties . “shat Yusovo, Russia, where the explos’on 02- ho | stantly sah overturned a ned -Loats, « ‘ fourteen bodies tot Tininigrdint .Ends Lite BH Laudanum- at Fort William. bowel Ub} Asdespatch from Fort William, Ont: or cy Despdndent at the non-succcss f 4 five-weeks’ search for work, William Robbins, a new-comer from Englund, pleommaly ‘suicide: by» taking an over- in of Jaudanum on ‘Thursday morn- ner i ad vee i¢ spattered allen, which, sold’ers were token suddenly in in, ‘on hina, as the result, itis betioved, of an attempt seemed al wi foteddte peisdning: mare del ghiful the real French morning ante Beart Ea €. P. R. STATION ROBBED. ‘Dynamite Used on Safe and Building Damaged ‘at East ieee A aegagae from East Selkirk, Man., 5 - By i pletely wrecked it, an 8 | the building cons’ pgerahly. ane Algiers bout b _ Nervy Chippewa Man Accomplishes the) isc ts sa : ‘ Feat in Safety. Te ie Niven aay ‘sequently. the safe-cracker ers had no 5 4 H ‘previous atlempt was. a ee ee cas ane arilied despatch trom Puls pele ont., struck out to a ak and within a rae . boat hi oP fast t time, showing. their net ; More vga jo had| minutes friends is a on er ay him up and taken ate to ‘te fe ie ei a 8 cgtsabinel ie Nis ee y The was the plun; - or san sh, of hei je is from Leech is 45 ak old, ae about 1 years aneticre ¢ eae a 7 ihe ap i in He anal se ns teen ORCHARD. ESCAPES GALLOws. : abroa se wl lew Ol Tapids fipetla ek Uses he aud | Mis: Sentence: figheg {0 Imprison- mucke tho fight on Wednesday, It is} ae will repeat. it, i ft pagenited, on party dropped ia ceasing We See Orchard, ly ee ae a a ls ADA. cal ck and Be factory is to be ereck | great damage | Jy ¢ a ecient boats from, bei ‘ing carried OveF | gy a men ange Dunn and Me | pro} ran ie Lachine ‘Rapids in an rnwall Canal | yp; re the uso of axl ght in Britain, | ¢, a Leg’slature has passed | s' ars, recovered his sanity after being }.and Wolfe @ expressed: his parte A at They Will Fight oe tee World’s se < | scntal although the “ a ig eae fom aie ce fon Sa a: aR rr, nee vie, ‘stoneining whieh should misery are desertions, the burden of fhrown unfairly upon the Ee is simply erpelliney | He, effort ese expens énomtable is: discovered in Pe result of | gc! oy, altheugh’ s0 "young, gaged ai er What is needed for this little fellow ‘s not a eformatory, but a gcod home in seme quiet coun'ry district where he will be under firm but kindly inf. ences,” MAD DOG STARTS SCARE. Galtle and Swin e Died of Hydro- phobla in SNCHaie County. A despatch from says: “An: epidernic oun! amongst, the any and ‘the danger is 50 ig causing farmers Ws ve been lar no one ne been able r kill the dog which start ‘ouble and the community is aes a state of terror for fear of the chil- NEW POSTAGE STAMPS. I. | A Special poses Issue on Sale This y Week A seman from Oltawa says: Special postage stamps to be issued ceammenor ation tepeentenary on art's! Jaro larger than the oraina to alk of adequate prscontlalion ot historle scenes, portraits, he de- siainaiion, ja" ug grey, piclure of the of Wales; one-cent, green, portralls of Champlain and Car: and e-0en us we e sentation of LHabitaton’ de Que Ww, Dicurés of Montealr ; mauve, picture of nt, picture of the Parliament of the west of the old Tegimes twenty-aant, green, picture of a courier du sois with India Result of Explysion Ag ‘leveland St A despateh land. Ohio, wa customers followed was not he ee Mine after the fire fire. pias: - gt ion which H ignlied the othe os TWO STEEL COMBINES. Mar- A-sdespateh from? London sayar “Ao: lo ecrdin; Iron . ands Journal ee ‘English and Scoltish steel ‘This amalgamation, The Journal declares, will soon. be established. © it will consist att he prineips American, serman, an and’French s| un'es, and Meroe. conmpelifion,, both here and ekewhere, iitPe stump in po say De expec result [fo tagonism of santavecebln ives, an- SWALLOWED Binge OF BONE, e North Bay Man Expires inv HubpYtal 9t Port Archur. A Serials: Fate Novth Bay St y rin tty hos} n Me eee Sw alowed ne penonaes intes-}> bya widow =n intebntent was made Port Arthur. sins s fo ee FIVE KILLED BY TORNADO. A ete on Tha Guadelo wpe Ca ‘these | 3vere @. a lots are ‘lfered at 430 on the same yf jones — Offered at $15 thrown aie daily. iorpalions “teyond is a formers have lost. Pe and Fi gs} © Ske sccond pi he 93, in| di ee inf Se Oe. si says: Five girs and a fecwen tis boy $3.5 as Steel Trade}Dub Co., wa Aine ane fats, thar ry the 40 in: fines 00 40" fon THE WORLD'S MARKETS ‘TNE LEADING BREADSTUFFS. » Toron!o, July ee coils cals Sols plete o a A eat trom ‘Ottawa sa ys! W. A. ireen, aged 21, of mDAtuevatt, Nova > Ontario Wheat—No. 2 white, red or ne Wheat — aera quotations at Georgian ey ports, 1 green, fe 2 northern, NBL oe No. ake ‘Daseh 3. We 3 yellow offered at 78¢ to roe, 3 Bane NO. = Bass No. 2 tits pal int morning and 30 to BSc. ‘4 om poted. pomnnleed to Shirley Bay. ade mer ‘ne a yoann sailed across the ye_No, 2, ‘hohe offering; quotation pathetle ae at ns, e a merry party whch jeft/Ayl: on the return ae - “ine let rmoon the | recovered, cuicknent —No. 2, nominally quot! | pw EXPERIENCE FOR A LION. in bulk out Quick Wit Saved” a Woman's Lite : t tations for deliv- i » shorts, °819;" quotatio ene tea spec fe apt: ee of ‘the Belgian’ army, seconds, $5+ ‘ong Dak fi winter wheat Satan sold es oat se fe COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter—Creamery prints, 22¢ to 280; mery solids, dhey to 22c; dairy bits, choles, 290 to dairy prints, or Fe san must tel! Sta teh ‘said. se ee, “that ati these “Cas THE FORMATION OF HABITS. Wien Tames nas characteiied ~ tuleae oer rough the ary, 190; iy tubs, 180 to 19¢3 lec Ibe lo a cl neve 1840 ms ae for large, and ats for. twin: feet. Eggs Quolatons are 17c to 18¢ per dozen fo $2.10; hand- trate mission stations This young wom the forest 19 piek up dead Links for fires 80 ans—I Leite 2, ip her oe > | {egeoie, sleeod, 82. an Hone; per . ine as. she + Dela-| around: an ‘eno in ear lots on track} large lion in tie pal batt and: U instantly faca to face in ‘inoomtortgbly) PROVISIONS. Por! ac pten cut, ee to $22.50 per bar- | bend! vel; $18.5 Lard-—Tierces, xe. tubs, 12¢; pails, RK oked and Dry Salted Meats—Long c woman that. he she, tur Se} youd probabl, ead her life. “She gaye one pull at a cord and her gown Ry oe and et from top. pottom, whipped: it off her shoul- ders, pa High through ‘he air, end the 5 ‘a.mop over the Montreal, Spring srhoat atents, synod ‘pal nts; 85 to shor straight si lers, we otk eis $6. 10 to $5.50 nitirely new experenice He was blinded, bat ., fe sprang. out of fled like 1a) 1 knows just Hope tg Pabeted ed with him. Cornmes around his r bag; millfeed, On bags, $20.50 to $21.50; sore sn io 5 th 24; Manitoba bran, in bags, $8 to B23; — ©. $25, gown Ane together inlo the bush t© hunt for her garment. cee cslonishment was creat of the girl in. te ue short » cut -mess, iat ony oy oii 1@. go He wee later ee tithe dee for some. dis- abatiolr dressed hogs, 80. $0.75 to $6.95. eese—Eastorners are quoted a and westerners: 186 to 483(c, othe 6 Tram acrase-Ahe water. oz, No. 1, 1734¢ fain also that she had no desire what- the ever to meet anothertion, Finest enna Paeled at 280 ols le Week ‘amounted packages, “anaeren with 17,- ory package for the corresponding ‘ws of last ‘A PITCHED BATTLE. Biohiy -Most Hotrod Kitted! in Fight, at The ‘tehting whieh took place al "Tab: riz, Persia, on T , according to. re- pas at have! Just come to. hand via 6 dimensions of 8 ee UNITED STATES MARKETS, Minneapolis, July 7.—Wheat — July, $1.06; Seplember, 817404 No. 4 nerd, 34; No: 1 Northern, St0%4; Now 2 nominal; No. : The inhabitants & mie, a of Tabriz & sitick-n, few om 2% to 3! men venture Agee on the streets, a trnek No. nS while, 78%. Gus 56% 3 BOMB ‘THROWERS IN INDIA, wh: ie Sig all tak, SBonieyPeed 0 —_ mailing, $8 lo 630, . #on track, ste.» Canal freights, Let Be to New Prominent Persons Arrested in Connec- tion With Calcutta Outrage. A despatch trom Coleus says: Seven haye nade in connect'on with, the outrage se the Konkara. aN ation on. June 22, when was thrown into a. compartment of a aay in, seriously ¥ Sant 70. B20 ropean York, Milwaukee, July —%+—Wheal—No, b Sgatyey vers! to $118; 0. $1) No. Nod cash, "70 to ‘The; epee 7030 a nae July seit ress) a firm; Collega and Dr. Brojoral Gosh, a famous. $20 to lavas NO. 8 At Teast dno of tt 4 aid a) CCUPY || ae 81. ss peat ‘afloat. ou important positon in Andien pein SaaS LIVE STOCK MARKET. 200 MEN PERISH: IN MINE, 'y 7.—The few good ex- porters were sold at 86 to $6.25, per cwt. ead bulls brought $4.75 to $5.10 per picked byleaire, wana was, Bee Al $5.60 loads wee sochanged Sner ewl, Medium lets or: a ‘cattle, et 25 to. $4, 5; choice cows, $4.40 to $5; common cows, $2.50 to $3. © $2. x bulls, $3 to $4.25; canners, $1.50 to There Re, an anaiity oh feelers, 800] the ‘Tragedy’ in Russia Was’ Caused by Ex- plosion of Gas. Wo, European eee je de. i nesday evening. in wh‘ ch a tee ate “ hun= been covered, ali of whom ae ‘ally burn- aware ihe eons of ™ 0 ‘short’ thal Her und be | yy th: Te ill a riper sho’ did the thing that pee nd. the young waman was not anxious | will He! 's. cielo blaze trails, _ hr 1 our Characters $0 K what was at skei and even unnatural, , ssh of least resistance which we follow insen- ‘sibly, whether bare tt or no. ‘This ‘being’ so, : the distinctly jet inn eee ane ‘ely 9 be ease ee eon ‘pers youth, i pei and steach- e are all crea- Sires ‘of ae ist i is a dispensation that” sala te Teli! thn that the math is. ol ce fingers olen. a to, aie hamscit by a his Uh he trouble with most bad aie is er Cal for a day or two, and a new cok years, or ae rk of weeks on an one is un Soke Mito Ee here the pies ot peace, three’ {ror oes ie area i She nail ine igi irty years ney not eon for.) pais by body will incest “aenandy es fous low Heir easy beaten. pathway. What is true dfs de phon, bev a ts 9 of the. mi all ils Asta wel ine hab ot fou ‘ying wt Pe » for ah what ib want ed it will develop ns ‘tw irra whiny adult we are all Vectaiied thie in the a 0 righty ite eat iy t ena it deal a wi a between Those mien ae ‘alter the bpamhtoms of! physical disorder move ‘muents tvill Merten veh the cause hes | received proper’ tréatment THE FILTER DANGER. As the heat increases, more water fs. jespatch ie rc *pulehabiieg says: }druntk list and. so forth, Whose‘ germs/diourish in polluted wate! * It is a dangerous error to ane on ie nousehold ftiter ind a Be ris Be dan Ray ter, Dr. Andrew FWwileon the editor Heath, and many ne pa the recs, gnized germ propegating 01 rare nly one filter, the ecto oylinder fier ec wil eign el by ‘he su nbede Snghn ters i ie filter for the laboratory of. the ‘ches The hovsshold filter, with the a confidence it gives, wath the re} it gives some’ limes, is a Papert mt should be supplanted by the simple boil ing process. Boiling kils germs, ders them guile ess oP, fore, ae graveyard rather: then a ea tl and, Wing away your cheap filter, y inte Bat i: gta ‘boll your water os $48 SP he OFFENCES AGAINST 'THE BYES, first offence stata the eyes is sea ws a e poate the: vel ae pen sgh it applies to dite Ha, right far coin si hp it ing? Be bs gests 00] con, ine bretetichate cs won Penang eee ve sts per 10. $4 per cwt, Other ard ce We oe ‘There is great excitement ibe an fl c Calves were wile a le sheep and lambs. were, unchan were a Le re, roa anaes sbeen called to. prevent disor for, sekets, sed, and $6. 4 per cwt. for Foulune ‘T+ w-thin the» years His. ame me is" Fair Shes nt Cake) his name. zat me AUTOS-KILLED, SINTY-TWO.._, Tait Boy ih theleircus; sternly to 0 hie. ‘One Year's ae s the Roads of i Massachusetts. uncle}—“Don't laugh like that, uncle; pebble will think ‘ing ‘s is “the fitst time you aeyeny rer been in, a place of aniusé- ment you. recognize me, sit? cea ee apes eloped. from. on Auto: ‘on, an caoenenatl formed ‘in —‘Now; Tommy, shall w Grandpa- Jessen the’ dangers attend: | and have awalk, rs Seo. Teas “a1 SS oaulonouhng, ot ih this] and the cows and the “sheep and " mania ware aut les| birds?” Tommy = (wearily}—"By all. no! ‘ition 640 | ‘means, cig enrmest” that would ‘toma ee ‘ae 25 nogluei lige ing ol. id. a a S 8 ‘A dissin from deaaiahy peculi os ident, baal hie tt eee es | Hart

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