Milverton Sun, 16 Jul 1908, p. 4

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6. T R. Time Table. WPeffers, going south, 9.12 1.04 p.m. 4.44 p.m.; going B00 wa m., 11.12 a. m., 7.01 p. m: Taree going south, 9.17 a.m. 1,10 p.m. ; ‘going north 755 a.m, 1108 a.m., 6.56 p. m. Milverton, i panae ae a m, 1.16 p.m, arte 749 a.m. 1058 a a8 Pp. x aoe going south 9.27 a. m5 1.20 i, going perth TAR fe oe "40.50 a. ' 6.42 p. The Milverton Sun - \ ISPUBLISHED — EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ee ee Reeser: The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont ‘SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; Rte onths, 50 cents; three months, 25 ‘gents, Ea nea ince, Subscribers in arrested wil belisvlets pay $1.50 per year. CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Eight cents per line for first insertion and four cents per line for each subsequent Inser- tion will be charged for all transient adver- ents. feiipbe janes pt Nehld and charged. ao: bein the ofice Hy noon Monday. Hastings council adjourned to meet ‘| St. “Clements, July 11h, 1908. Advertisements without specific directions | S°°™ 3) nates for contract advertisements must east of ETinwood nek the raat to uni near Seipe’s and of again the first Monday in August, t the Tp. Hall, Crossbill, Ce p'olock! a.m. PETER F, SCHUM Tp ol Clerk. nT tas Bont Neglect Your Cold — You: may sislike taking sotalae = best cured ut coughs ar medicine. and’ $1, 00 rain all dealer: MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprieto American Catholics Business Cards Dentistry. The mi LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- ia: entiate of Dental Surgery and Mem of Royal’ ‘College of ‘Dental Surgeons of On graduate of Toronto Uni- talty.” Houre 0 2, above the Sovereign Bank, Milverton, Medical. '. PARKER, M.D.C.M., Hone uate and Gold Medallist Trinity College, also Gold a ey ‘rinity Oatyardisy vena. 0 Dr. Egbert, Oice in P Drug Btore, lephone Sahay with Poole Brunner, Moserville and Rost Veterinary. RR, Veterinary Surgeon, of Ontario Veteri is by tele- phone or otherwise promptly ‘attended to, Societies. LODGE, No. Se ML C., Milverton, | ° meets every Monde evening on or be™ fore full moon of ever MILV. ae 478, FE. @ HA Visiting brethren, always welcome, r, O. R., 8, H. Pugh, Reo-Secy. Li een Lavery every F night at heir hall over Public Drug brethren always wel- oe inkbeiner, N.G., a K,Loth, Piece, Pa ‘Fiokbeiner, Hs Bec Notary Public. lortgs idavits Village Clerk. Office in the Woir block wer the Sovereign Bank of Can Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. modation and large stabling “Silver Star i 2, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1908. WELLESLEY COUNCIL. baer Ge genta of the board mt, ‘A. B. Robertson the ona meetings were read and con- firmed. Cor espondence, bills and secounts werd Maree Th of public school section, No. 4, , ap- pea re this council with certificate, from C. D. Bowman, 0. ing the distance from sep. Bie 4, to the Bose on te pat lot number 2, con. re) wale 6 603 ft. in a straight hie sea from said school 4 ft., the western section of the town- stip of Wellestey Brenner, west half lot of con. 12- 38 acres west 2 to herstotore instead of addi) ps ep. » No. 4. ‘Action not announ- Moved by W. Hastings, sec. ordeys in payment of theisame, as follows, viz; W. Chalmers, gravelling, $28. oof Saw. lassey Co., pcnlies = s}road machi Kool 5. lay C 4.85 Crowley and MeDonnell, ons count of the Geo. Brenner drain, 1,000; John Gies, putting in 8, 3.005 b 8.00; Tot: $1, 305.25. Car Moved by cA. P, Dammeier, sec. by W. Hastings, that this ouneil. here: by ratity the action taker tt retavel ini the Tig village 0} EEE 2 CS ee a GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil large somp ‘ood stabling. Best brands brands of liquors,and cigase, Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, | oe ESSERE Oe aa QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, Schummer’: ‘s unicipal council of the town-|° ‘Al conservative _ estim: of ative pre the Caitholic Coch eon ah hial oy in catholic population, 1,225,882. on 8 current year lic sees will be built and dedicated weekly in the United States. Over Sooere Years iin = rrhoea, dyse nbarlain’s thoea Remody_w: use. It proved more s y other remed for thirty-five years maimained oe record. From a amnadl beginning t ven in the rand dangersus sades. For sale by all druggists. The Amusement Question In a regent letter to the Montreal Grenfell, the Labrador ches on amusements as Christians a pete ee in distasteful flavor of Pharisaism, and wero. be robbed of n those things whieh; . active, to tha pavers t G ae as. 5 bimeel? pos as Sebati “bappy a0 the day-is in Your Back? heir ‘The be Accommodation, for, commercial travellers and other: e sample tom aly te cant en = and Cigars a' rm etles, George r Paul ea Legai MORPHY & CARTHEW, opera Ca ey Ete, Solicitors for the Ban! of Hamilton, i have been aber of the firm will ilverton every Thurad B, Mi J Mt CARTHEW, cause a ceminanl Makins @ Hanley Barristers & Solicitors Stratford J.C. Makins ~ W. J. Hanley Spring Term Opens April Ist, Contral Business College Canada’s s Geiss busi- ness ng school. Three depai — Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic. Catalogue ELLioTT & Hea PRINCIPALS eis RODS halt |blue prints. pri ed er damage Does nat prove ed ‘Liettning Rods joa of penne itey apa: and dhe Ontario} ; A Domintor, Bank a oredi this | Moved by {A' t a letter from iD. 0. to the r Any Gases be ‘experience pain ao fer’ existi 0 meet them sonkey and Ball represent- - 0. 4 and solic! ited a |Democratia Part: Cash and One series, Seas ae Gri lated Sugar for 2c. with = rd in SPECIALS Should you purchase $100 worth of Dry Goods, you will receive 2 lbs, Granulated Sugar for 2c. Should you purchase $5 worth of Dry Goods, you will be entitled to 10 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for 10c, The larger your purchase of Dry Goods, the more Sugar you can buy at a cent a pound. 12 bars 0. K. Soap Ibs. No. 1 Green Rio Coffee Ibs. No. 1 Roasted Rio Coffee Z GROCERIES | Oranges We Want Your Butter and Eggs----Eggs 18c Trade This Week Every dollar purchase made in Dry Goods, Clothing and House Furnishings, we will sell 2 Ibs. of Redpath’s Gran. Sugar for 2c. nn ° N o x the spine, and then put on a Porous Plaster. In these remedies you ‘will find wonderful and the back or sid rinsy strain: Jeni poche and Nervili tne fee have qual, Refuse substi Jennings Bryan on Friday he nomination of the presidency mora than enough to nominate. Canadian Pacific Ry.|2 t taind wood present, urged the council o hurry &s. railway commission settle question oa Faron tai at a Sea station, to it locat won't i fasten: a the ais traffic. ‘hereupor ry we Hastings, that this council take ave Grand Ter-Centenary Celebratio: JULY 20, AUG. 1 Tickets|*: FROM MILVERTON To of age 3 th QUEBEC ‘::: ar iis SINGLE FARE(: Return|: és + ’ Faun ’ Fa RI) toed. . ’. % ¢. EE RE RE SEE RS SEP EP RES A ES OEP NLP NEP LLG ALS SES EP AEE AER SEP OES EP EP SRE SEP NE SEP RE AEP NEE EP RE AES SRE EP AEP RE AP RP NRE EE SEP ES SEP AEP LS AEP EP AEE EP AEP EP AEE EP EE ET NEP EP OEP OER SEP AER NES AR NEP STON EL Ne Ee OER Ee See Nhe She Nee she aye ake ake nee ake ake Me Nee Nye eee oe eee eee ee eye eee ENGELAND & SON The House of Quality 3 Ss ks aks aks as ks aks aks aks fos asp asf asf asf ops fs oesf asf aca ssfs spss ne ce Insurance nates Increased Wt the meeting of the Supreme Court of the Independent Order of Foresters, held in Toronto recently, iver ilustaation of the increase we amber joining at the age of EF pie taking $1,000 insurance. old, rate 67 cents per ¢nonth and d new rat ia'$1.12, an increase of The members at different din the same propor- of Le options suggest di his ined, but ‘te oe of the -policy ea it the sam proportion of $1, ‘000 8 as the rates the! [00 uly 18 to 25 macs 32% RETURN LIMIT AUG, 3 ed ndings Bd blind ends. ro- re- | the white light of hope, valk A Railroad Man's Prayer Tha following is a text ieee of “arail- pasted on the witch’ engine in the Northern Pacific yards in §& fane;— “Now that I have flagged agro ee The) tho safety v: make all the ons with. the link off love, and. Jat am, Bible, aes sil:- awit @hag. cloned he main lino into-the Ve ever, k along the line show that I may make the run of lite orithiout: stop. i the T foveal a sign tha) PEAT and receive tial chaste for eternal “happiness.” — ost. ebetige te re eH et Do You Feel Used Up? You're discouraged and played o1 TRY THE S and squares here in all convenient sizes, It’s a perfectly simple matter to fit a room with a rug. 0 mismatching— some are seamless—fine borders all , round and ae cost on than ne BP made a 5 Think of it, a complete carpet in one piece at any price from $4,.00;to $50.00. Squares ad Carpets. Seem to be in endless demand, there are piles of the most beautiful Moved by John Reidel, ac Tetons rete a the treasurer, of LA SPLENDID TRAIN SERVICE | t the, nest bas iti uD Ae ose i nen ne " orders in inet Jocali gs fete PR er ate 7 Reidel, that the airs motity c of diteh on ‘the ‘n, ighway, cas Huber'’s NORTHWEST ae are by the Gay cotien tokete at bus rat oer fall ntormiation eee <b sre nae Ww. Schmidt, - - Milverton, |? corner, western section, also. of the tdlangts i to $4,- 000 and ‘uditors from 82 500 to $2,- 000. The Tactful Lamp at the wlarlor there were, three Girl, the ~ [Two is company, ne less ara run as they ough Prinoton Tiger. parlor Lip pane he, HP is why the ihm went Lag scarcely enough energy to Picea le lood is toad like, indian Eubtar not like steel se ured the Ged feeling. aa ou bia hd can’t ich mi : rozone tng king—full’ of umbiti bom thin, nei Come to White's and See. ‘rozone R. WHITE & co. Tans ® nest rr and you't feel- ike. energy— jon—ever Store BR

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