Rheumatism } Thave found a tried and tested cure for Rhew in the City of agrediont: With ism is ‘Oubhelp. We sell, and in Dr Shoops Rheumatic Remedy THE PUBLIC ORUG STORE. The Milverton Suu THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1908 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES The cherzy crop this year is @n ex- tracrdinary” lata one, thousand let were drowned ina flood that washed out the town th Makoto: in Abia, Minor ees ‘ederral e a publie building in $5, Cy for a public balding in .Mit- ZS village of Lucknow, Bruce a conservative majority of 2a the recent flection. There was a time many years ago when Robert taham who is still a resident was tha only conservative voter insthe ver 8 g COAL and GROCERIES —Seranton ee stgist Coal al- A full bulk or by the barrel, J. G HAMILTON,|" Station Store - Milverton. lo Mr. Mista Regan ate Taga tedder yy of “wee, e of tha peach ine fell and sence fright thee were separated from and Mr. Regan was seriously injured. Railway to give rovinces an FARMERS TAKE NOTICE Before buying -blsschis ior eds, plete assortment of si field roots, se ie and flowers, et I. D. ATKIN Seed Merchant, Milverton and peotus has been issued of a distillery Tobe locatal theta. ranger Ste ory a ilure in Wit ‘ton bul ight in Winr- ton. ‘place bread talk it oh Wothetn Trelescor For. = Tek “Aimer! Tinted sasedenele lessor some of our country riecisan Sunday epee rene ask on western Rajlroad. ‘Ai five storey bri and steel building, 1! t wide by 150 feet long, weighing about 6,000 tons, moved a of be a block. The job will cost $50,000, and will requ’ hree months. The house is to be rolled alona on railroad fron by means, of hand jac! The ieee are the competitors of the Elma Agricultural Society for the Field Crop Competition, 1908, Oats is the grain chosen. Name 0. Lot Con. wm. mn Newry 11 a3 Alex, Struthers 1K 17 9 John oach 8 14 Wm. Morrison A vaeeat) Wm. 11 pincers 1-2 22 11 BOLD Pa aE wes, Ballantyne ‘Mwiod 22) 259 18 13 No. 4133, Vol. 31 rts “R. pees! 19 13 This Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Alcs, ey rik Caer met gaat fot tare this season at|"°yonn” Morrison, ‘Newry, pets: hoe 6 Con Mor ington. Fee $10} 7. second fruit crop report just Reduction Tor # Mares both in foal, Soe ta teetiiantcot Robt. Fleming = Prop] Asticviture re @ falling off a OXFORDS Noted for Stylishness. eeccccccce We are showing a line both in Tan and Patent Leather that for elegance of appearance and per- fection in finish is without a peer. Our lines will captivate you at sight. We carry a full line of Boots and Shoes of every description. t gr w: not secured, the case f ‘ Ay is likely that the majority of the the bei oj ly varieties of pea ed everywhere, while late varic- ties are reported to be scarcely me- ium. In the Petierotel plum see- tion of Ontario RS is a (prospect below the av- erage, while eherr es romise to be rop, with few Sas anv injuried from insec' ts. couraging’ the prospects grapes, and there is every prob ity of large crop. CAll Bhow, for od. The Hanover early closing _ bylaw will be rescinded at an early eae the council owing ‘O Fred Deutachman Fair who did not y and mea was (strenu- ously, opposed to. tore pen in the face of ys alow ne pase hi e heard the case last. Thu le of Chesley ‘ppested for ‘ores will now be open every cven- @ except Sunday.—Hanover Post. Tb is thought! that fhe Prince ‘of to H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Redpath’s .Gran’d Sugar $5.50 Per Cwt. Prime September Cheese 18¢ Per Pound ; Fresh Limburger Cheese 25¢ Per Cake Pure Family Lard Park & Blackwell’s in (lb. bricks, Jewel Flour $2.80 Cwt. ; Uni ies will also send their best! ships. The:oceasion will thus iva them an opportunity ‘to make comparison! with the bet pr t, and 7 ily armed cruiser afloat: arries cight twelve inch guns, each forty five ft. long, and capable of firing ani eight hundred ty pou! uns tha fight or. “eft, ihe 6 dar to canimence a suspend fire, H. MOHR /, Highest Prices Paid for Produce bb, VEYOHETEDSEFSEFEEES OSES i Wed- © | undertaken ou The Wiarton Echo says that a pros | sei a an malady oa 1 and beari: The Milverton. Sun and Weekly Farmer. will be in Canada for ene = for $1.60 ; SHORT STORIES RETOLD 3 hos been officially | announced. thet fhe seceholders he defunct} General Alndrew Jackson’s colored ‘ki Loan Co., wi ion divi- | bodys: was as! after O! dend! of 40. per sane Hickory’s death whether he thoug’ ane, Liberals 0 2 fue ps ase oo five naminatel Dr. Sylvester foyer | promptly replied, “f ain't ju ot eestor ae Were candidate for the iD ae a8 is the | ores Good man” “Well, then, f'n @ very & ma’ “Well, en, e ee pee antes ad such a Bood The Duke of Norfolk. Lord Rob-|sure he has gone to heavent” rtsand a distinguished party sailed | depends sah,” the old dar on Friday last press of fed, “on wl land for Quel be present at|to go to heaven or whedder the tercentenary celebration. want x. Ef he did, he’s dar but if he didn’t all de powers 0! dar est, an Englishman in the gan & Gra: aly and i chants at Stratford, fell from a. Thursday and received such dniurlee 6a have re- ee in his ment of Agri- oxttre | is making lee to ee de- institutes. are are cereals, foods.and methods of cooking them. AX deputation made, up of lamber- men waited upon Sir Wi lumber. ‘As things stand now, lum- ber is rmit ome to -Can- ada, free of duty. This is good for everybody bu lumbermen. TI enough 2 + enough not ness couldn't make him go = 3 — tir f seeing that everlast- kore nycouaht = for break-|on a boarde fast,” © eum “and I int tani ty areake fu thaapalaay about 1G e of his fellow-vietims ap- change.” “It’s oo mackerel,” res- ie ponded the landlady grimly, and there will be no change.” en fi heaven's sake” resumed the bold , order tip girl to bring it in tail first for a wh They were walking under a very littl umbrella, and she liked it avell to want a legs spread of alpaca. nd seemed rae Sears and she finally remark- | said ed. ven and without a note of eames ‘Charlie, TM carry ge umbrella i will Tet me! et “oh, Walkerton Telescove. rade returns published by the government show thet ‘he revenue for the current ‘yea extent likely to ‘total eighteen or twenty millions dollars less than th eceipts of last The revenve depend’ a good deal on ‘the Customs duties ‘collected on. Bate goods ull seeaunes school lesson helps are gotten up with |and when times are adain sentiment | curtail their importations, an surpervised | sumers \purchase less goods. m_of | com: depends rgely on the rs in Canadian |@rops, and the generally poor crops more than | of are mainly responsible istic ‘American jingoism. or the lessened purchising power o: o firm of contractors is| consumers. And around this fac about rte o unidertikca what is said to be [centres “the dull times and’ falling hee enue, Crop appearanc th for present year are 1, and indi- cata an early return of commercial ae q Farming World gives a wart iat "that at (he present time an Am oriean concern, through their sales- men, are, ing in County, ‘Ontario, and probably elsewhere Canads a, working an old game ane a co half the price, and or. the first crop Be fruit “bat tie oduce, and a pe yen be genet, moulds always be on the out- arpers. Fraudulent t be t the concerns with Which they: deal. WOMAN'S BACKACHE 1S, Te quickly call rganis: ets | attention to trouble ae genie It ule sable other symptoms, such as ss, headache, pains in the tolne Sweet in the lower part of the , that a woman’s feminine ism/needs immediateattention. LYDIA E. PINKHAM | VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. J. A. Laliberte, o! -, [erie Street, i gabe ss) iS ‘Mrs. «Por siz years I have been doctoring for female weakness, fee a kidne; trouble, Dut | in Tain p egetable Compound I Thave found a eure. “Iwas continually bothered with the Pin FA \.- For thi = een toh rsiay antcrand displaceme tion, fibroid tumors, market prices }% ‘for tl in such cases the one sure remedy\| vi bear. | Ameri “1554 known as The Peffer: v third ae be: ‘final ELMA _COUNCI tL The muntofpel “council of the town- shi of Elma met in the, See hall, et on Saturday! July 4th aoe reeve ilton; deputy-reevg, ich mona ; counellorsy Cleland, Coates and Scott. nutes of last meefing ened and signed by thet Teeve and clei & ae mmunication was read from ipal Association for tha betterment of consumptives also a communication from Makins and Hanley, solicitors, for lent pe cacetting of the Moved b: a ee — that tha court of revision on bylaw . No. lam-1908, be now opened w the reeve be chairman of said court. ried, “the court of revision having closed motion of Clelan Richmond, couneil then met for "engral busied Moved by Coates — Richmond tilat Bylaw No, 546 of He eae tes— Reott. Se Bridge Co., be. 1,00, veins wanes in full for Jand river on the hed No. yt of the township of is The oY el Drain be rain Bylaw 1908, be now opene uit and that the reer e be chairman ot urt.—Carried. The rt of revision eri pa on saat of Richmond — Cleland, council again met for Seo busi- with my arm? Won't way all the same?” “I don’t know Charlie; Tom Clark always knows whatt to do with his under an umbrella with Mary Martin” a ‘4 yan speaking of his) own iitieal rompects tells the following “The * Walf an hour later he made as an uninvited n out of the ie — ‘After he es he mum~ t ted out. his‘third appearance. dhe wv and gathered his sca bled to nnimselt—"l matter em don’t want m¢ In New York’s Mexican ¢ colony they were. praising in- COTES ee rete rail, whe had just given ey 000, 00 ¢ e the was poor hi mself.” said a Pe once saw a tramp on t the grating above the ovens. tapped 1 ter,’ whined the tra inhalin’ my breast tells of trial rT hat city, wherein ‘an a 2 od to give certain testimony against the def nt, a fri asey’s ordinarily rich brogue had lately been rendered more than ally unintelligible,’ by reason accident to which he feelingly ee in the course of his mony. ° had been frequently called upon a repeat his answers. evidently made under which requests of taking of mony proc “Don’t ‘revaricate," sonata the judge, as the witness seemingly returned an incoherent Sauaue thon oF 30 questions. sternly prevaricating, with three of yer hon or’d front tathe invoked out of; yer honor’s head!” When the Prince Wales who upon ear 23 S & inent American poli in the towh at the time, ‘desirous of dined an in- he Fy 34 3 ‘who Bappened to and offered S 2 Sine: coated ot the inspeetion, no American said to his gui , isn’t the Prince to be “'seen replied. the coal-begri raid his features nil about his me the oie ‘he’s ‘partioulas eee eh we tor. "Have a tai pate one till or get pent ee aw: Tha officer “laughed heartily, and ed on to another topic. An bour Jater, ag he was tbe , ship, the American encountered the cap- tain, and the officer who had «sted as thereupon left his side. e yar oo seve wine quired “the <a) “AL but tue Lae how unted to isee, ceaponcled th other, wand that's the Prin “The ‘Prince. ¢” ephoet the baer nts ou" ve, been witb him the last hour. “Was that ‘the Prince #” roared the ican. “Here, captain, just give bim my compliments presen! and me tell him I’ve on shore to kick myself.” In 1905 it 907 it was seven years th creasa of § f the dair: Tho census authorities ‘sstimated the manufacture of dairy b' at $22, -|000,00 and the ponsumption 0 in Canada. at $35,000,000, ‘otal value of these dairy last’ year was $94, ure, ‘he felt sure, was well the mark. en years there was no con- loved by Cleland— Scott —tha Scene aud Henry bs paid the qum ot part payment of contrac of the Gilkinson Aes ereennlat as Always the elean and quick dust route in ‘‘Sunshine” Furnace — via grate, to pan, to dust - pipe, to dome, to chimney, to open air. LONDON Agents, Milverton kines ash-pit to dome, thence to chimney. When big pipe damper is opened, all dust.in ash-pit ascends to dome; then, when , direct drafts are opened, all dust passes up chimney. M‘Clarys : J. ROTHAERMEL & SON|JAS. S. LOCKIE, - Where Shaking is Respectable A Draft iar dome, pe oe dust aera sa shaling/ tate. Only ane rt above the fire, Great ite and Into operator's fa In “Sunshine” Furnace the SJ legitimate dust outlet is pro- vided. It’s a great big dust- pipe running straight from Write to us for “Sunshine” testimonials received from your own VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, N.B. eas ted Agent detiba bt by Ont. me: anes certificate.—Carried. Moved by Scott — Coates— that Robern MeCourt, be paid the sum of 150.00 as part payment of the con- tract of ie McCourt di i Moved Coates — Richmond — that Chas. “Henry be paid t by Coates —Cleland —that . 550° of the Powaehp of Ain taseaet Away wit! be done with che, nd stoma ach dizziness, and. Puoae mess. we has been found— se Dr. Hamiltons Pills and enj hea hey, cine whole system, act as t mic. me for children. ation: Sa and me: Sold in 2! boxes by all dealers. $94 Millions From Dairying “Iman address before the Agri tural een eof Parliament require in visit to ou! assorted 8 please BEDROOM FURNITURE! exes “If there is anything you SB the Bedroom=— Furniture line, just pay large and wellaon show sth ho 2 — 247 EVERY ARTICLE IS GUARANTEED C.Honderich & Son and we lhe! it fweek Mr. J. (A. Ruddick, Dairy Com- missioner of Canada, gave some inter- esting! figures in ad nerease, of the! airy the last ten years. Rw dick M explains that shrinkage of expo ensed milk in 1900 was $29, 700,000. exclusiv the milk use Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Calling Cards Mr. Merchant Do you need anything in the print- ing line? If you do, send in your order, and we will supply you with as neat a job as is to be had in the county, and at moderate prices. Caw-THE SUN ,000.. ‘The importation dense mille in hab practielly nd the Canadian manufactur- pert, business. BER te Takea yeeetion Now is the time Yo take a tion, get out into ne ool yd mountains end vi oi gy but do not forget ae © or tle berlain’s Colic, pole al th you, eave home on EO: mats Dy al rarnaalat. is no doubt as to its Milverton’s SUMMER NECESSITY This is the Season when Thin Clothes are a Necessity When we make a garment for you, there summer fabrics for excellent suitings and cur summer ideas for cutting and ies, them will ensure satisfaction, E. KNECHTEL Up-to-Date fit and quality, Our Tailor Shoe Polish Awise dealer will always show his honest desire to . NO HONING Carbo Ma cret The Razor of Perfection—Everlasting Shaving Comfort NO R. AZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE tie Razors have revolutionized razor making —they are tempered by electricity, which is our own exclusive Pl © NO GRINDING, fire, ¢t ly which fs the life of steel, ‘on your part to purchi HOLLOW @ROUND ‘AS ILLUSTRATED used for ‘Your dealer will deliver to you a CARBO MAG: NETIC razor on 3O days trial without ouyleation asi DouBLE cone: EXTRA HEAVY BEARDS $2.50 tempering by |f the carbon SET or TwoIN LEATHER CASE $4.60