H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer or —® Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO he “It Shines For All.” xD XS , as 2 X00 ROO ay. es WK. LOT rig venISSUER OF Marriage Licenses Strictly Confidential MILVERTON - ONTARIO Yol.. XVII—No. 25 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1908, Maleolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher The annual meeti worth, League of the Milverton Me- ‘ ‘ Satie aia es ale ae Sean it Systematic Saving Paves the Way |] | m"ts."sanrs" success ing, year were ap fo One = acquiring the “ ” for future busi- i -—Albert Bee coe task bs ee ai Pi 2nd. ‘Vice, Missionary Hevartwsnte Miss A. Ducklow. mat ee Social Deffartiment —| —Mr. de 4th. Vice. Literary Department— Mr, Robb. Giresident of Junior League Dept. —Mrsy Rev. Correspondingt and aenening Seey. —Mrs. Fred Prueter. Treasurer—Miss oa $1.00 |] wie macs ton NOW to save SYSTEMATICALLY. THE METROPOLITAN BANK receives deposits of $1.00 and upwards in its Savings Department. Interest all FOUR times a year. ‘of banking conducted with satisfaction and security. ng for FARMERS’ BUSINESS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. 176 Organist—Misa E. Jabnston. Oppuaybeigye | Reeapve Fungiang Uagiyiaea Do Your Boots Pinch ? If so, look out. for a tiny corn. it before it grows big. (Pat- Rss is the best Try “3 MILVERTON BRANCH, A. J. Cundick, Manager. “Putnas The Satisfactory Cash and Produce Store 5. & W S. &W. ‘— ~- ONE OF THE LUCKY - DEAD EASY If you half try you can bea awinner. Get your friends checks. Remember for the month of July and August, we are not only selling the small needs of the home at little prices but we find our stock too heavy in many lines, and our fall goods are now coming in and we must have the room. You will find the Red Price Tickets all over the store. es Representative Valucs from a Store Full of Bargains Silk and Net Waists Prints, Ginghams & Muslins 14 only Silk and Net Over Silk eee wat ye pal fopner Waists, all new, up-to-date styles, in ‘AABLE 300 yds, best English Prints cream white and black, all nicely trim- in dark and light patterns, reg. 12 1-2 med. See the table of waists at from and 15c yd. About 400 yards check 25 to 50 per cent. discount. and stripe Ginghams and Chambrays, reg. 15c yd. About 200 yards Fancy a Muslins, reg. 15 to 20c yd. All 10¢ Dress Goods “Get your girls school dresses now” the above to clear at. Extra Special 25% discount on all Ladies’ Skirts all Men’s Sum About 300 oe agate and fancy Snes lothing tweed dress goods. Our only excuse for this remarkable reduction is, we rr 4 on.all Straw Hats must have the room. These goods sold 20 on Ladies’ Lawn Waists regular from 35 to 65 cents yd. 1 Summer Underwear, Hosiery, etc., go- mostly all good patterns per yd. Cc ing at big reductions. Big Money Saving on the Little Things Buy your little needs of the home here, we make a specialty of notions. Al- + ways look here if.a notion item is a needful article in the home you will find it here at a small price. Compare this week’s prices with what you have been paying. We will have a shipment every week during July and August of new notions. Fancy Work Baskets a 15c | Wood Novelties 15¢ Fancy Back Combs deen 15c Large size Red Handkerchiefs 5c Cushion Girdles... ea, 15c Potato pases 10c Cushion Tops ae ee 15¢ A Good Whisk 10c Granite Wash Busins_... ... 15¢ | As reat Clothes Brush 15¢ Salt Boxes Pees 15c ail or Sink Brushes ... .. 5c Porcelain Cuspidors 15c | Glass Vinegar Bottles... ... 15c $+ 5 packages Pins for 5c | Shaving Brushes ... ee aad 15c 12 Thimbles for 5c | Glass Goblets . 5c Hair Barrets as 15c | Wood Curtain Poles 10c Hair Rolls sata pee 15¢ * =: BRING US YOUR PRODUCE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES ALWAYS PAID Free Trip Checks on Produce Toronto Exhibition will be big- ger, better than ever. : SCHAEFER & WHALEY | Ep- : $ LOCAL NEWS 3/"x 2 If you see it in theSun its so. Sun from now until Jan. 1909 for 40 cents. 1-2 gal. o jara sear per doz. at Abie Sota’ tor dale tos ehaley. Milverton. Mr. Willie Hasenpflug, o} Apply er, spent a few davs at hishome last week. Mis Claire Engeland of Se is at. present visi apace Shanty ath ‘Austin Hasenpflu; Iter enter resent. visiting with friends a n Ofilveicton Mr. Norman Kalbfletaet! of Wroxe- ter is spending a week with friends in Milverton’ and vicinity. The football club's promenade on Exhibition Park on Thursday night netted the club about $5.00. ‘Tha Jongest: session in the history as brought to a close om Monday von its 286th 4: day. Miss! Pauline Berger left on Tues- ing at her home in with withi friends and relatives in London. Miss Sel left Tuesday peak a spend frie month — visiting isa Carrie Merk! inger and Miss Merklinger. of Waterloo spent Sun- day with the Beton Se mother, Mrs. David’ Merkling Mr. H. F. Gadsby of the Moronto Star, and a former Stratford boy, has accepted the Canadian editorship of Collier’s Weekly. Mr. James Steele, barrister, Strat- ford, has been appointed to the vacant registrarshiy of North Perth and will andi Mis. Asie Schoenha’ oe Beatrice K+ a for the at your thas ——— eat School in London, has 5) Searnily passed with h i eeting of te Milverton Musical Society held Cook’s hall ion ssn abel for read and adop' sale from Ju ie 8th, in which prices See posters for the butter patrons of be held 30, ider the advisability of giving the manufacturer t inereasa in price of makini r. cNaught M/P.P., of Toront a majorit; 6, Q in the recent provincial election sect Mmalority of over 2 ore votes tha: majority ‘f the 19 Jasccdedtal = Mberals in the province. German Lutheran Sunday 8, r amusements of balloons started from St» Paul, Minn., on Saturday last in an effort to surpass the world’s dis- tance and endurance records landed fant prizes, comi Blooming miles whan of St. Paul. on Saturday morning. low plnees, sasnmed the api streams were flmost and overflowing their banks. Those who were unfortunate enough to bave hay out had it well drenched, but many had finished, the weather pre- vioua having been very favorable for haymakin bank, the ho Santa Rosa, California, who hai sa much to joni: we of Teeswat- ased 5 \well'and to learn Sf inf Perth Beg School, iss J, E. Riddell is visiting with friend in Hopeville. iss Mary McKinnon is at present visiting friends at Clinton. Leuella (Appell of Tavistock is visiting ‘her aunt, Mrs. L. E. Pfef- ler. Miss C. Riddell is spending a few —— ing with friends in Wood- sock. fle Gertie Fear of Brussels is the guest of Miss Ruby Alexander this cel Mr. John |A. Hoffmann of Berlin ig at preserit visiting at Mr. Martin Taylor's. Mr. Frank Hocking of the Sun staff spent Sunday at bichone 1b ae G, Weir of Drumbo, is sysnd- mg the holidays» home Milverton. Mr. Fretchell of Listowel spent, Sunday, with his sister, Mrs. Chas. Wad Horses For Sale—Apply to Geo. Coxson, Masssey-Harris Ageat, Mireeion —84, Ms. and Mrs. Fred Chowen and chil: acantias Stratford were guests of Mr. Tas. R eel Mr, and Mrs, oc Ward and daugh- ter, Ruby of Linwood, visited their aunty Mrs. Jas. Ridde It is said that thieves, and house-breakers from continent, are swarming towards Que: re ‘ear, of Brussels, late of Milverton’ public school staff, is vis- iting friends in the » village this week. 6 members of the Women’s In- stitute intend having | a piew'e in Mz, Millar's gaa. ou Thursaay, uly 80th. Miss Lucy Zimmerman has return- ed home. after spending a week with her cousin, Miss Denstedt of Glen- alk ae and Mr. pend- summering Mr. And Mrs. Sam and Mrs. F, Fi G. Barth and son Haro mi rs, iA! have returned from Fi where they have been visiting rs. nts. Stewart and son Sear of darted spent a fejy hours on day with Mrs. C. Spencer, while en route for Wellesley. Ida be rtrd a of Chesl | accompanied Lee r aunt, Mrs. Merk. Jinger of Han‘ spending the holidays with bee * dioehee here. With. the installation of the new filter beds in. ‘Toronto's waterworks the. citizens are looking for apse thin enough t Drs Merchant, principal of London nm bo ioe se ohiot decanter ot eyablie: ana: epee ato and inspeetor of Normal schools in Ontaria Mr. Horace Williams i ee West vis’ aes Mrs eee fron him Eat toe West has agreed wi The Neace ae ‘ootball team having defeated all the towns in the sur- Bee striae are out after larger and Friday penis will tokio the Milverton W. F. Mrs. B, Schmidt and M fates ge of Baden, Mr. Vettlanfer of iol Tpaibert of Reed Cit, ‘h rk of Chies 8 at the home idt. odist nd 7, and Mlibane “ee bate em ng in the North Mo: Inter Presbyterian Sie am., anal tha na 45 is celebrating ach! the Ex tutte will sing. All Mr. I. C. Black, Teacher of Mus in Almerica. Mr. Burbank during the last thirty years has given thousands new varieties roots to: the world. even is the 1e spinel: required twelve years in. perf it is fodder, food a grow on barren soils whe else will. Mr. Burbank is still young in’ y ing only about fifty, and will undoubtedly give us crea ti of Tina ty ne arent a six months’ trip in ‘oceeded to Oakland, xalitorniat whieh ia situated agronl_ the bay from San Franalsoc. Tha fatter town Mr. Dobson says is baal rapidly. rebuilt a steel struc- tures; bricked, tend above ,three atin in height. agriculture, and in fact in progress any kind. Much of the land pass- a} of r quality and lacks in for their wets ates “ott awa. of flowers, fruits and re y , in which do not ex- {lat est r tility 0 of OF. Goer Mr. and Mrs. mi the ing in Burns ehureh on Sunday speciatly pleased hoir, making particular mention of the Male Quartette, who salection. “Me. | Black “has ‘ in choir Yate. in Stratford, Pen }.| broke and Soven prisoners awaiting trial in porgate gaol made a sensntional gang yeldom u: corridor, -|brokd a hole through the wall ae ting: themse! res into the yard. From ern and southern states. |here they got out over Te. ater sat ome on Jan. 2nd and’| wall: stopped at Salt River Veliey, : a peri ‘ Sn Apzonn Im a town league game on Frido” Pash th $12 ‘i and dis) of thi i Ku pas “evening the cattle besides, retaining vebeve. oo | Royaly and Bkeatins wok ancl tho re growing cattle. He is also pasturing | SU1t.was a tie: ‘an “unfortunate at the nt time abo sidont happened inthe fourth whiobi are not. fed — a i mnt st iain how Bi Susann’ Miia, nese, The opposi Sinaivoer: Balogh and Wei je MeNavght, ne 1c of thet ure. io was one tant advocates of |< t in measu portance £0 the sity which “esents, |Ait presel bbe fe jatatting a bill to be submitted m ions to in |regulate and guard the purity of the Mr. McNaught proposes were taken. & Bryant and [en HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E, WALKER, President ALEX! LAIRD, General Manager Deposits of $1 and upwards are re rates. WM. MAYNARD, Manager, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ceived and interest allowed at current ‘Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor. 4 STRATFORD BRANCH “BAN Weinvite such R. J. RANNEY, Manager, Milverton Branch K OF HAMILTON Money placed in your care, temporarily or otherwise, by relative, friend or organiz- ation, should at once be deposited In a Savings Bank— for your _own_pro- tection. trast deposits. Member of the ened ‘eee Head Ottice RAVER‘ added to principal FOUR by cheque without notice. mail on reques ers discounted. MILLBANK BRANCH: The Farmers Bank of Canada (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) SAVINGS Pea iso ap teacs attention given to this depart- Interest allowed from date iimes a year. Money mi FARMERS’ BUSINESS A SPECIALTY —Notes of responsible farm- ‘ale notes collected and advances made thereon, CHEESE CHEQUES—On any bank cashed or taken on deposit with- ut char} Open Saturday Nights during July and August from 7 to 9. kers" ees & The Darga ing House... - TORONTO S, General Manager of deposit at current rates, and ay be withdrawn Money forwarded to depositors by R. G. GRIEVE, Manager ail are, visiting Mrs. ‘Ou put i deference to the wishes me Day this ye nie The date val bo fixed later. Mikado's Government. pre ves faith in the, imi a Vancou' ae to Can nade ve Heknilton. aTyunes. so as to tion at Quebec this month. The aking great to handle the: thousands who will vi it tho ancient capital on that casion. on Tuesday. (The wheat is a neur when day we would like to suggest that iz, 3 sed for the beautify: hwalm and Miss Norrie of Robt. Mor- ers, Thanksgiving held on Mon- mami andar Recently it refused prss- ver to cra return i teats from Great Britain to Qhebes |in. y induce, Mile mine. The heroic act attend’ the. ercentenary Sebi preparations Fall wheat, eee is considered early on July 14th, yet Mr. Dan Cairns, Routh’ End, reapad 12 acres nice event orap and will yield aa above | ho Milverton will ee aelng civie holi~ not cele any club or some suc- unt them, and sportsmen . |with guns aie killed hundreds., Mr. Scott Coulter of Millbank visit- e@ his uncle, Mr. Henry Curtis, sunday. Lay Patrie, whieh opposed vineial 1 during the giving its strongest support to r-|government of Sir Wilfrid Laurier Who says that the days of chivalry aro gone ? The papers the other day a mine tngineer at the pro- eo s g § FE 5 © “2 accomplished, and he fell unconscious. That was a eed worth recording. Tho Twelfth was a day Jon the hotels ane Goamuenety: Gere ays than one. In the firet | plabe eatea wane, ce reer multitudes of Orange visitors to, feeds 8 put, Be this, in two cases additions to the proprietor’s tamailies, n| figures out that there re iv ign: pee that there jaway in that section during the ad society, but in the interests of ithe twenty-five years enough people villag®. asa whole a pio-nle in lcomprisa a town of 3,500 nhabie Then ways and means | tan =| No Gieitlige oF grouse ma, be aay. shot "in. Ontario this? year. Grocers throughout the Province an spoeninscounnll has assed ar a t a new vegu- overnment prebibitiog the shooting! or taking of these birds for ond year from September 15th next, a the open season by the game tit i lawa extends from Sept. 15th to Dee on July Ist, and ing rigorously |cember 15th, this means that no for‘ The usual discounts allow- | partridge or grouse can legally , shot! this . @ action is taken becausd of the increasing scarcity of pe species in the province. wen Sound still act! Rae aiete sputation for rowdy! bo in . {to take a defeat graciously. lose, they always either snob the is hee ings or the pala team. 8 |has been the history of the ee for tho past. twenty-five years. ¥t were followed to the train and pelted with stones—e nica bunch—truly.