ee weet le ra Ne Se ek oa RODD) tafe in arlinnte a tnt, hog i talc dts ANS. thy obra oth * lime Sytem Ri Alas Coe Oe ots es A SHADOWED PATH: +444444+4+ ¢ $4-444444444445444 was searching for a home, not a lodging-house—and there was some- thing about all these vulgar little suburban rooms, with their line and plummet arrangements » fur- niture, their tables covered -witl gaudy oilcloth, their stiff chairs, t |their mantelpiece” crockery, and rosewood-framed prints, that dis- er. “T could not write her,’’ she thought; .‘‘the Sua tags call, ting more and more out of the re- ae high road, till at doe nae OHAPTER XXI.—(Cont’d). i saouning g bonnet, rend Aer tee again, for f will not be browbeatem- by ‘able, salle under 4 Masi ars him, Wie better than fh A basen Pe to one of houses situ: separation\again fo me if yo! “{ dare do ony, Bul 1 I Led never | it name it again,” she answered, in Ww uisky . voice. “sul, papas, Mr. “Mnglord ina these my. last is on, the ‘subject to you that any evil quences which may ensue from piel which hi had fallen on the’ ter, and walked out of the room Me desolate shambet. That cnlght her herd never Tested 6 pill ie aia not take her an hour to pull the y ess, and ran on till she was fairly out of breat! night—she care for the pitiless pelling of the storm E28 $s she did so, the rumbling ot distant wheels indis- Helly heard. during tbe et ss of the we stop, handed, pullin “London,” ‘was the reply. All, “right,” "aald tho. guafd, “Now, ma ae il!” exclaimed the coachman, lon a woman outsid ‘a ie idea night “To an inside seat, mace ‘ou can” get up et 2 inside fills; but it’s not likely til @ election’s over we shall haye iy gers. kk sharp !’’—and suiting the action to his companion’s- wo: the guard ity. Ling ere her departure was even dreamed of, she found herself © excitement confusion wou follow the frst knowledge “of her departure. “She has laid her plans well!” muttered the member between his teeth, ‘Where the devil can she e gone t—she has taken no clothes, no jewellery, no anything. She ‘one have it—she is sure to be found at Miss Ridsdale’s. Colonel,” he ad- led, to one of his fC mgt you post up to town for of ploy wnybody you hoger: # minute; inguire along the road if anyone bie a her. not be far al » for it Mk rain- » Mr. Mazingford flung. hints are his pote and galloped off © county ‘town—where the free Nadauentent electors, being been ny ely utes after, was whirling “off> ivowets tho metropo penkia a ae hie 4 ctory ih constantly Yeats in, there is no pearance, she Soper no di! meaty. searching those ef hun of tabiett of furnished, ia gings ; st flo pe the Strand did very well fo or alg, w days, it was far too expensive ais sey to suit Judith for a per- favorit it Watwoth a species Shillings ther it she "uneeremontoitl left the ct et yuers she soa aie rat fare no every wearily she wandered along]. the dreary Walworth Road, which ran pros each Bee au shops jutting rawers, and arin to aaa the .| bottom one—and speedily that lost, er; | acoustomed to the peculiar shade of light, she saw the apartment was chimney Spo! ped, called out for the coachman to | 3 e:{Some. gentleman's mansion; and 0 do. you want to go fot" he'de ns selon serge lodging-hanting, ul: f red Pe and the windows were There co lodgings to let in fe an ae but she could find nothing to ee still keeping out of the Fegular et @.tof these ids Sonrutebed their o| Truth was, poor clas soul, she ing. al course still further’ Evie from ie don, she found herself, as a few ‘ook her fancy more than any place had seenssince she left home. ¥ |The cottages on each side were ten- anted, she saw, by a poor, low epaous chimneys, and queer 0 an few trees too, grew by the way- a : sery Garden within. ‘Well, this, is all very romantic and pretty,’’ she woman standing on the door-step if ‘she would allow her to wait till the rain was over “Certainly, ma’am,” answered the proprietress; and leaving her a post on the threshold, she asked Judith if she would not walk up- stairs “No, thank you,”’ was the reply; “] ‘will wait in the passage for a mh een till the shower is over. e eet passed away so. spun and the sky grew so much Bicker: that ore Mazingford yield- ed at length to the old woman’s entreaties, and groping her way Ge a dark stair-case, finally emerg- ed on a still darker landing place, pasted (following | © e low room ying the entire breadth of the house, and lighted by two Sadee 8, ich must eee ieee glazed, judge g by the bull’s-eyes in the p: aa dirty green of the glass, Laer a century and a half ea er What between the state the sky and the style of the aaaines Suaith could scarcely at first dis- inguish objects through the gloom, but as by degrees her. vision -got old-fashioned one, very strangely furnished. wer the e there hung a print of more closely shelf was suspended a small ivory rucifix, very elaborately carved, theschds tipped with gold, while on mney-piece itsel some China vases, of a better de- Gf gentlemen’s houses—a. tortoise- shan box, a faded water-color por- trait, and a couple of feather fans, were arranged with more taste than could have been exepected in such a region Pursuing her investigations still further, she perceived that two rickety mahogany tables, “propped Up against the walls, were covered with shells, ivory’ boxes, Russian punch-bowls, some Chinese paint- sage on rice pepar, a grass fan, a bird or two, and a thle nia ese articles told own tale intelligibly enough 5 bas e print, and the cru- cifix, portrait, and the | fottolse. ahell “box audith brought back her gaze to the Sr ob at mentally confessed herself puz-|4#+44444444- ale 3 “You are looking at the picture, 4 : ‘ 4 ma'am,” said the woman at last, Be uohiaing how her visitor’s eye rest- ne hJed on it; “it is faded and stained | 3 oll Hy arm + now— paint it was the picture of as|+ e good and hand aw He od ever sent on the earth.”” pes ees take it down?” asked Ju-|St+++++++4+ +++ +++. thought; “but pretty. as it is, 1/4 y| than anything else,—an j| information that the mate previou ae eerie a © room, and seription than any usually seen out] }); dith; and freee forth her hand ae broug ight, sabe miniature nearer se BYMMER COMFORTS: : er. It was that of a very lovely} Comfort in summer is as import- girl of two or three and_ twenty, | ant to egg- pecs as Seay in with long nt curls, and latighing| winter, and in order to provide not} the} when I last saw her,’’ added the | fowls must not be crowded and yen= woman, in a low tone—‘“with Iines |tilation should be induced as much as posible without allowing a oe ae ee dred Desai draught to flow over the birds: at life was not an overly happy one—|™6bt. On very warm: nights an hut God i Feed tee to luieeslt open shed will answer They may say what they eke about} The importance of having shade | this wplicioe a nd that, not getting|in the poultry yards should not b to Heaven, but I am just-as sure|overlooked for birds of the danger that she is with her Saviour at this|breeds, especialy those that’ are angels; and the woman took the|apoplexy and the poultryman can- picture from Judith, and wiped and | not afford to lose his hens when pre- replaced it on. the mantel-piece, by | vention would have saved the fowls. way of a finish to her. speec i Whien she chose to exert herself|the way of the welfare of fowls. no one znd @ greater power of win-|When warm weather sets in, poul-| ,, Hai e's history from | the heated term will be suificient to ig old woman, who had, a appear-| show the presence of these enemies with her as Ja s-maid| of the birds in such numbers that one will gaze in astonishment at the number, Before the warm days ai Deipaiegac’ ies vcie sauerae ne Taree cristina sOOROuRnTE Vand cht was the whale cause of [cleaned prayed wit & i exter pebien: igoutlanad=-aver-- breathed | mination and Sveky SARC ANE ee ease Kindlier lady; and they would Little food should be given, the relations interfered, Fle would wou ueos Stink they have: the Tung bbe fen the ohildren goo cbapal, and elds. and-capediallyrwtion the: days Bee ee toh teoses them go to are hot, for much food is conducive church; and so the end of it was, to beeing their digestive organs, they grew up nothing much, and ®) dif any food is given it must not wen to their place of wor! hip be: of the fatting kind, green food fot a period of fifteen ye Pine aister aodselie vere ot ait feta religions, ma’am,”” she sai t ing the live fowls tot d apeas of coops arrive when the tem- against her; and the end of am ‘all perature is up to 90 and 100 with the was, ma’am,’’ continued the old fowls crowded so that they can hard- woman, ‘“‘that her heart was brok- breathe, let alone move eroudy nm among them, and she died. nd how many are void of water had left her Rolrices long before a coopst It is really astonishing |" that to pach a mate of a foreign to think that any human eing vessel; but when ake. was so ill, I! would cend a live bird to the market Went back at her own request to! and not have a care for its eiplare ‘un of their mother’s faith —and ed with their father’s when she was a cirl, and her hear turned to those who had orb eees then, She gave me a crucifix, and'Qeath when fowls are so shipped, ali ae rest of the little things you! not to mention the loss in weight of them ever) those that survive Treat the fowls as if they were se since far her sake.”’ Further, Judith, by dint of judi-| , cious cross- ue OUTE, elicited the and you vill ind that it will pay you in the long rum, not only in dollars Liga AOS been. drevned, | Ine Ten oe ta the satistaction of teh os erga the curiosities rowing that you appreciated their efforts to nets you earn your living by making them comfortable while they are working for you that his widow “eta ed to make ‘a living” by washing. From this pune er ine state of her finances nsition for so skil- fal a diclomit as Judith Mazing- WEEDS. ford, and errs that the wo- man found it hard to make all ends| ‘The Agricultural eels exten- meet, and having assured herself sion bulletin for May of the State at there were no children or, University, Col sabes Ob Aa se ery poly treatise upon weeds by house, she boldly suggested to the! Vern Asistant: Profes- a the DeSEEely. ee letting her sor ae ‘Hortionlnre: Weeds, he says, bed un sitting-ro ‘: ‘she feeaenn et ‘you | ways, first oeendine his idea of ave His thought of. taking lodg-| the beautiful and second by the crop 8 ge se Tswant quietness, and so do you tat i and if you like to give me this Foon POS eer eee oe for my books and papers, a aaa other to sleep in, I will conclude! ed herself, took up her abode in can offer, namely, fifteen shillings | per week, including attendan : And io tee fens eer I. say, tly clad ae wie id so, for a’ be ut a long story short,” Ju-| sense of peace came to her heart in dit! ney the Tale desae finally struck | the old apartment, such as for years a bargain; and next day, Mrs: Gil-| previously had never visited it, more, as the ex-member’s wife call- (To be Continued.) eyes, and rich color, and smallltueuries, but necessities, for ,|omting mou ie hens, poultry houses and. fowls}! e was different from that! should be inspected daily. The| ers, only you were afraid of: hav- loss, the second being*the loss that]. ‘ough people. Now] receives the more common estimate |! weeds are dealt ith in hick rela | tion to e, to the crowd- [ing of cultivated rplatie to the sbi iy ariitpial mathona bywiaah tne Ge" : a tribui ao of weeds can be checked. cesful measures in destroying |2. * spreading | ed i weeds is always better She destroy~ ing them. aha |also, that avis states that strong. win the conditions e ‘is farm of weeds and. cheapest way to kee) | check is by methods of tillage that increase. the produetiveness of the bot i; yy 4 A system of rotation. a potatoes, ete., upon the landy 7 infested to the greatest extent pos ble. ‘The growing of clover and al- falfa whenever praciical, because these crops occupy the soil well and | 46, cut. several times a year, ¢ bce of their smothering proper- keen the land conrtattly at. sak growing some crop. Avoid fal- lows. When one crop come start another immediately, for you Eee Ea may be ae if you don’t start one tro gir re Stimulate the soil to a vigorous a ee n by means of thorough aiiiies and liberal use of fertil- izer. If the cultivated plants make a vigorous growth, there will be aoe nae and less chance for the eeds in raany cases hagebeenih a ‘Gleseing in disguise. They have fought we héw to cultivate the soil, covered the face thereof. FARM NOTES. This is the season of the year that we hear of attacks from ‘perfectly quiet’’ bulls. If it is thought desir able to i the bull ae: e run of the pasture lot, see it that he is given no sci 26 injure any- Fe id ay It cannot be disputed that it costs less to put a pound on a small hog than it does on a large one. When a BOs Bh § 250 or 225 pounds, he ed able gain. After this, by winter feeding as usually practiced, the | of third 100 pound costs nearly three times what rst one does, and not less ae eviae that of the sec- ond 100 pounds, This is a matter that every hog-feeder should eare- | gl¢ fully consider. Our statements are not made by guess or at random, but can be backed by the Tonia of carefully conducted experiments, adding to these results a reasonable allowance for weather exposure. of a,good gardener will be subjected ) the pull-and-thrust motion be- ‘ore the éeason is through, many ten tuenieed times-or, in other words, "| twenty times in a minute will more than a thousand times in : hour, and, alone for wey, inter- bi ten-thou- sand times in a wee! nt 16 cuts and mellows the soil easily, there will be more comfort in using it than a heavy, insufficient implement. The MUGGSY GIVES A. pe A BATH AND CATCHES A THIEF wth of wo will be ibs difference before. the Brat branches Sieesaten in ale breeze ; But Fike a contrast all this is to to ihe bape into espe rown—‘‘I say, Green, you are e known me now for five years, to securnmodate me with a lo ey of 8 5. Brows "Can $1? Why not?” Laziness is a habit that grows i lose. ough of Tus pakies, to foal certain she dbidant peed ing to ty | e! fs ly to look lie ta The first, Taar ro Hr Waite: TaRRIGR ANE PAINTED BLACK SPOTSON Hid t TAKE Ts, ON. THAT jeasveRy Cur PREIS OER EHD 145 F