Milverton Sun, 30 Jul 1908, p. 2

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vitue’ Dance, aeces es oe oa elo: Wi ‘Librarians and Library Boards will do Library Library and Supplies. Equipment Information sent free of charge on application. Library Bureau of Canada EOUTED, 79 BAY STREET, TORONTO, ONT, PERSIA’S POOR SOLDIERS QUEER MAKEUP OF THE SHAW’S ARMY. Source of Revenue to Governors of Province — Payment of “Blood Tax.’” The Persian soldier, in torn clo- thing and barefoot, is more like a i For all recent counter upon-the Parliament, te size of Persia’s fighting hosts, it is diffieult to arrive at accurac; ficially’’ the Persian 105,500 men, but the actual “‘stand- ing a ’ says the London Globe, are quartered in the larger towns and on the frontie The intantee sf Sree yan eight to eighty battalions, each of only half the battalion is called up Dial heii a caduioed’ aomaitiars The mast called up often receive no pay for six eee and thus in every Fenn sia: PIANO B Send for free catalog, No. 75, — town the soldiers are forced to le or to become beg r ere are no proper bar- racks in most of the towns and the men live with their families in pri- There is no paeres aoe and there is no practi i tion in rifle in a, many men cannot handle a rifle at all. used ly are the erltols was rejected ’803 and sold to ; but there are also Peabody and Martini rifles. er, the men serving use nearly always guns with percussion caps and ramrods. THE AGES OF THF SOLDIERS WILSON'S FLY PADS — 80LD BY — DRUCCISTS, GROCERS Ans CENERAL STORES 10c. per packet, or for 26. lil fast & WHOIe season. Kili them all, No dead files Ing about when used ae dirooted: vary very’ much; there are unde- The to the ‘Opvebiots of the provinces. On his appointment a Governor Se ea ee he wishes to get rid of the and to have a The apcel +t means ; deputation waits upon the enenget asked to name a sum which shall induce him Bet if Farmer Knew much Papen varwe gine to saw wood; pum r, grind feed, &o., Ha would not be able to-supply ihe domend Cut this ad. out and send to us to-day, and w ‘will send you our free catalogue, he could save by usin (Name. ‘Address ‘Tho Oanadian Fairbanks Oo., Limited, Toronto, Ont | Montreal, weave: Vancouver, ack-ofall-Traden Gasping ‘ene | ote Curabieriand Street Sra birest way an Elevated Station. Ideal Location Near agente Sho] Oentral ees New, Mode n and Absolutely Fire Proof ‘Transiont Rates ; 2. mato $2.50 with Baths and up, Jovnit. Koni for Booklet, the Management a HARRY P. atten R, Fim'ly of Hotel Imperial F yc Woodward KNOW HUSBAND Every Wife Should Know of Hus- band’s IRAE aL Affairs. self out in dread ee eel of such requests. ing year creases the alscomtert: of her m it will find her unequal to wie struggle. It is not sordid in e least to discuss money matters fee tee lage. uch a necessity as food, since it is needed for the Pavehned of that _ and Soy other thing we need. : ata eS ive Hellpwer: s Corn Cur trii ten corns fron one oe a Test | without any pain. pela it has done once it lo “Finst Mother (Geading letter from n at college) her ‘3 letters a ad 1 ihe to bank be what you will, and go where ae you i A Ane or more delicious ae tl cannot get a et: ‘tha: erbijan prov- ince in Northern Persia while forty he Arai sake nors of Kershan to contribute the maintenance of twenty ers. ‘ew provinces, like Yedz and Kashan, furnish n as soldiers, as the people of those re: gions are distinguished by extraor- aay cowardice. THE ARTILLERY BRANCH is similar to the infantry, but the men are much better trained an baer, consists of 6,000 men, yet only 2, n are on ser- vice, and they are iS battalions, each a from 200 to 250 men. e men, horses an nas guns are all managed by independent officials ; thus the horses are in the care of a General who keeps them not near the guns in the arsenal, but in some place where the forage is cheap. The horses are not trained to gun firing. The projectiles are kept in the arsenals and ee they are not charg wder is ae le in private Se Falls, and is o ery poor quality. There are Shout also nearly one thousand. obsolete guns, o! can ie infantry possesses no proper- ly organized system of transport. 1, *S FINANCES. cast &o, towns. Thus when the word goes round the countryside tee a@ regi- ment has to be a town, ;| then the sfilagere stay at Aine un- til the soldiers have been m a_sold: vee of excellent ene allotted to sold and sometimes for as much as 23, 200 or £3,200. Everybody wish- es to become an cer’s pay is fi ily after his death, thus there are many detachments of ninety men with twelve officers. PERSIA’S CAVALRY is regular and irregular. The for- mer pompelies the Ispahan Caval- ry 500 men, scones by German latentiaes _-|Teheran Cossacl baignie Russian instructors. 0! ‘his brigade ai well trained There are ae consists of only 24,500 men, whol the centr: sa fours ‘ot revenue | ; "| shipwrecks. foot soldi-} One - | can exchange it for a which scarcely « hundred |, Sometimes they are quartered in the provinces. The mount itia supplied by thy arious prov: special organizatio: ment is varied; although ib can squipbad for war with the Wonet gun, which is stored in the arsen- acorns to the lists the mount- ed militia numbers 25,000 Bo but not all of me are called ‘Some of these irregular cav- aie iene EES ESS espec to tribes northeas ae tat as they have nothing s mmon with the Persians and are often at enmity withthem € | the a anther a cannot rely BE upon the rthwest ie ese anne apan ghans and in northwest Persia to- ward the eine vest irregular cavalry is formed aS the nomad tribes of ral region, for eee can fur- ee nea Wy 100,000 well armed horsemen er, they can be induced to take the field only when their own interests are involve At all other times they prefer to ate "itack the peaceful caravans. = Hi 8,293,000,000 FRAD MISSING. Half of Fi a s Di: What becomes of all nes money that is coined is a question that is now pontine France because of a report rmaune, Director of the Mint, published recently. This document asserts that 8,293,000,000 franc ($1,658,600,000) ‘of money has disappeared from tion in the last hundred y BF. The present gold coinage of 1 copper to The: to make nickel coins in 1903, In the century from 1803 to 1903 15,916,000,000 francs. this there is a deduction to be made for certain issues demonerized and for light pieces recoined. han half of this has disap- actual circulation in France have been made by the State in 1878, 1885, 1801, 1897, and 1903. Correct- 000,000 francs, leaving 8,293,000,000 francs unaccounte r. Various so are advanced to account for this discrepancy. Part ‘of the loss is coueioes due to use of the precious metals in the arts. Part is due to great calamities—fires an: ‘A very large part is caused by exports of go! But taking all these factors into consideration there mnae = vast sum unaccounte of it has doubtless been Hinaeded some n. | hidden and forgotten, some lost out- ight. SE geese A CONTEST WorTH ENTERING. pa bie Annuity of FIFTY: TWO OLLARS is offered by ORANGE MEAT Eeoale eile one sending in ¢ number of the | bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack- ages before May This means that the winner eal receive Dollar EVERY. WEEK, or FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS every year, as long as he or she lives, or they CASH PRIZE cf SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. Besides the above there is a sec- ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED Parnes also other Cash Prizes as follow Ten Me ee DOLLARS e: Ten Cash ee of TEN DOL- eae oe Prizes Cash Dobtits each, and N- DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL LAR each. The only condition attached is that you cut ont the bottoms of the ORANGE MEAT packages and end them in to ORANGE MEAT, iran mueebabeen She sui package counts equal to Three on ght, should be above prizes if you start inmediatly and_ get your friends of TWENTY of ae Bfty guns of the “‘Uchapius type, and}. D it is surely worth trying for. Mo’ Hrs ie marry Robert, I swear that never set foot i your ho eos ughter—‘“‘Please ne that ot in writing. I'd like to give your promise to Robert for a wedding present.”’ A Cure for Fever and Agu uals Ss veuetenle Pills. compounded for use in any climate, and Nee will Be found to preserve ltheir powers in any latitude. fever and ague they act mn the secretions and neutralize he Dolson "|which has found its way into t system through drinking water or food and if used as a eae fevers are avoided. -Minister—“‘I made. seven hearts happy to-day.’”” was that?’ les.” ‘That. age for a €en- coined | 01 ula b back to 8 the se to lose all ear’ ey Sc itelimatae of the money in|, ‘are| and ie | and THE TORTURES WOMEN SUFFER Gan be Relieved by Keeping the Blood Supply Rich With Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, woman needs a blood building fading regularly just because she maturity to her blood, its richness s gularity. If her blood is poor and watery 5) r and nervous. is irregular she suffers from head- aches, backaches, sideaches and the other unspeakable ieiers which only women know. Some w: men have grown to expect ue suffering at regular intervals and to bear it in topes silence. But women woul Pee much of this ery if they took box or two é Dr. Williems? “Pink Pills to help them over i rio. These Pills blood. They help when mare makes her blood supply. have ae this for thousands of women throughout Canada, why not for yo Mrs. Josep Kinney, Gilbert’s Cove, N. 8., says:—‘For ten years { suffered from nervousness an those troubles that make tes lives any women one oO! imost constant misery. At times I ‘would eonfined to my bed for weeks. spent sleepless nights and ae courage. I tried sever- but they failed to give relief. ae doctor I there was coined a total of about|C°¥ ‘om net} + not enna ee 15,283,000,000 frances. Mor. enjoying ate “as T had not Ses for ten years before had 0 eine of this trouble anes tue used ‘ills once since that idee for the after effects of la aes ays felt that I cannot too si ly recommend. Dr. Willige J Pills to the many women who for as I did You can get these Pills from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 Se aba or eset oe from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Sob BABY’S VALUE. She isn’t ae a fortune, and she hasn’t an, Her wealth is Ae Hae shoes and pinafores and fro ig, blue, laughing e: In oe and grass, sue Be flowers, and bees and butterflies But when she comes in tired from play, and crawls up on my‘knee, She’s worth a ee millions to er mother and t She oe among her dolls and toys, esn’t seem to ¢i If meet is hee in ee Sliceks and locks and curly She toddles up to Be and, like a dainty fay, will writ ‘A cheque drawn on love’s bank with just her glances sweet and right. nd when she puts her soft arms round my neck and coos in glee, She’s wie woconaten fuyllpns to mother and to m eee ee her, on at night, and cosily tucke The wealth of Osseaté ‘oul’ '% buy the dimple in at peek-a-boo, She Sade me a fortune with each archly-spoken coo. And though she has no ied ee! I m sure you will ag: She’s a fortune, more itis mpHEY) to her mother and t eas Just the Thing That’s Wanted.— A pill ope pee pen oe stomach and pounded that aa, Aeeedieneee of it p erve their power to act upon Mis iitesual canals, ©) expert sciontifcally prepared as a laxative an alternative in one. The optimist invests in a box of n| polish and gets busy with the dark side of life. te ‘will toll,” when blotenee ae troubles. contend,” Said the lawyer for e aoe that a tomato, fie well eee could not have caused a black Bee , But it was in a tin, your ianor? Pleasant as ean : nothing equals 3; the nam m Extermin- ator. The greatest yor destroy- er of the age. 5 See eee es CHILD LABOR IN SPAIN. fe goes ve child labor is be- pain. Under the sea oe auildoe Bevween 10 10 = work more thi oe a “ay in industrial esi ish. ments, nor more than eight ae @ day i 0" heen perce forbidding the ea iloe: ment of b joys under 16 and women or arsenic epee are among te foe wats len field: - See nLy of the Tn Bile rings of cunt air and) TF you fees eon yinivar eroding and | And as blinks her raguieh eyes |2 oW- | fac FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. What is Going on in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld « Scotia. A’ pure white crow was shot the. other day in. Borthwickwater dis- othe family Bible of James Ar- mour, the father of ‘‘Bonnie Jean,’’ was sold in Glasgow and realized $50. A little son of Mr. Alex. Hender- son, grocer, Montrose, fell from an attic 40 feet, and was none the worse. There is a movement on foot to restore the West Church, Stirling, which was built in pre-Reformation times, A robin’s nest has been built in Fechney Industrial School, Perth, ae to noisy machinery and belt- the employes of Glade 4 Coin t|} Glasgow, were entertained by the firm to a complimentary excursion recently. The merchants of Hawick held their ae ans recently, when over 1,200 travelléd by trains to W hilley ay. t is whispered that the Clyde steamers are flourishing this sum- mer, and showing a great increase of passengers. During the past six years Wem- yeé School Board. spent close on $150,000 in new buildings and $40, 000 on salaries. Dundee police superintendents, inspectors and detectives have got their pay increased to an aggregate of 81,580. $16,480 has been spent on the pre- Auld Brig 0’ Ayr, proceeding in a way. k is see satisfactory A link with the old ferry days of 6 v|forty years ago in Burntisland has gone with Meg death of Spe ie olson, at the age of 76 y The Scottish oil trade, ends of late years had a severe struggle for existence, is able to show profits of $50, sO over those of the Scarce “The smallest British-made watch low in St. Vincent street, Glasgow. It is in the form of a finger ring with a border of diamonds. The Lord Provosts, of Glasgow, a Dundee, | Aberdeen nd Perth have been invited by the Biectanent of Sweden to spend a fortnight there. PILES CURED AT HOME By New Absorption Method. suffer from bleed- send me your address, of this home treatment free for rial, with rences from your own ete if eee Immedi- ate relie! manent cure as- sured, Send mx others of this offer. to Sum 8. Box Windsor, Ont, mers, ee “Te looks very snbet. like rain to- day,’ remarked a mi handed a epee oi milk. “‘Yes,’’ agreed the latter, ee ore: into the jug, “it usu- al In the causes at infant mortal- e destroyers of child life. effective a reme Dysentery oda many littie ee ee be saved. Cordi: e given with safety ee the see child, as there is no in- jurious substance: in ii He et ee surprise on yourself sit down some evening and count the nave of white lies. you have told during the day, and_trritable, take eqreand blood tonfo; you by the time you have used a \op:betiies, “alidealers. Charitable Man (to former blind hav reco’ beggar) —“What ! ered your sight?” Start the Day Right by Eating SHREDDED WHEAT | for breakfast with milk or cream and ‘a little fruits It is a muscle-building food, easily digested by the most delicate stomach. Puts Vim and Meat se tired nerves and weary brains ¥ ALL GROCERS 1053 WHEAT P AN G0 For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Eto. 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto | WHOLESALE LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronfo and Montreal; LYMAN CLARKSON, ‘Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG CO., Londo PRINTERS A CAMPBELL PRESS “wo EE noOTrTron 43x56 inch th cost $2,500, Will be Sold for $400 Cash In make room for larger and faster machines. It is in good muomng oe as it has just been thoroughly overhauled by a eee machin The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited 73 Adetaide St, West, Toronto, EN ee A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St.; TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for: cash, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, MANUFACTURERS | “ INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND i Ideal Manufacturing Premises IN TRUTH BUILDING Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Spree System, Lowest Insurance, Most Central Location, Four Lar rge € Freight Elevators, 8. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St., West. THE arder City Col {No Personal Liability) Authorized Capital, DIRE CTORS. Arthur. Dinn's, Contract» A sp cclant AS. Wigmore, Mgr. Holmes Electric and Dobclon Con V oceans | Fred. ng, Con miracary ‘Seoct reas rbert, Arch t ¢' Cy Toll ys earn este Sri Centeuany: : A. Tighe. Miner BANKERS. The Crown ae Taronio. - the-s mas’ Bclectric Oil, py e, who hates Sees walked on. But she remembered, aug when she ; contracted a weak there was) another gustomer fo for Discs Oil. | Jak “Fader, a shentlemans’ half “fallen troo de coal-hole! Tsaac- ip re cover ofer t Lenick. mein soln, vile “1 » oliceman: n, i sue us for tamages. AUDITOR. Henry Barber, Toronto. roperty consists of 40-acre Claims immed ’atel; ad joint ae “now famous HARRIS. MAXWELI Ep and upon the sime nate aed fee ment should prove equally $e lo ‘the public. ee te wents ae share, shar OPPORTUNITY of investing in ons al the ost prom es ising properties in the di ‘istrict. ~~ Fer full. puree appl; eee HENRY F. DARRELL, FISCAL ‘AGENT, No. 8 Colborne Street, Toronto. ental All prices and silos ff $: 49. Write sae free cata A girl’s aes of a beau is a young man the doesn’t want any of other girl to get. The Mild Climate ot Virginia ie ian: Da tne i Eee re ing informatl ue Oo = ‘ive : Ly eee

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