COAL and GROCERIES —Scranton (the eat Coal’ al- ways on han line of fresh Groceries in fee Salt in bulk or by the barrel, J.G. HAMILTON, ~»' Station Store - Milverton. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1908 censed at the FARMERS TAKE NOTICE Before buying selscwhere Sow spring seeds, Atkin, and ae ie eeds. We handle the very best brands, viz: Rennie’ and Steele & Briggs. Lin: Meal, Oil Cake. Headquart- lent. e also carry a com- plete a: ent of si for field pe preci ebles and I. D. ATKIN Seed Merchant, Milverton e ee BPSe EA inet anti dive Aihigns onal No. 4133, Vol. 31 This Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion will stand for cee) this Lot 16, Con. 2, rnington. Reduction for 2 me both i in foal. Robt. Fleming - Prop facturers. ne tenotee sccta eye and tearing the flesh. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canadian Gazette, has bee: the world into the s in whic! e recovered hi some five years ago whe now look fo: per to aes years of hard wv m, a6 ae than anyone else to undertake t z BOLD CLYDE : | RAY Shoe Polish Don't be deceived by imita- tions, It means long life | | | ! | | -OXFORDS ‘Noted for Stylishness. eecccecoce We are showing a line both in Tan and Patent Leather that for elegance of appearance and per- fection in finish is without a : peer. Our lines will captivate you at sight. - We carry a full line of Boots and Shoes of every description, WM. ZIMMERMAN| 2's ious leadershi side of Quebec, can only be re-vitalized by of the leader. Whe nth or first fo be don mind this fitful light is cast around and vassal and wi tion. Plumed helmets ancient barbarism. antique learning, pale with ir dauntl hardihoo¢ spans the boldest sons of ee a For a Bad Cold healing Pine. essences ness; but everyone, exepet misty. dauded. Herald: would be the GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES |° She: Woallen, Meoutastgzers: are Li- Federal Government because Sir Wilfrid Laurier refused to raise the tariff to entirely exclude ample protection to all honest manu- Fred Hunkin, of Usborne, was the him, piercing his | eve: surrounding says The plete uretecne nm seemed evident. The est medical experts of Canada, Great Britain and France gave him ni mn prescription; “No drugs, plenty off rest, and simple food.” In other words, by leading the “simple the Canadian Prime Minister los severa re Rudyard Kipling should have en’ for a German spy in ec! Eineohashire in) his Nemesis in the done to stir up the him, is last from his var- ious lieutenants in the Provinces out- when in fact rank and file of the Liberal party ly was, Rel the pres- ther the a year a work that ought The Old Regime The pageanta and ceremonies eloquent black-robed priest, the shade of its forests, priestly ves ae d fastnesses of steeped in we. close breath of the cloister, here sp the Nothing os 80 gaacls as the in Catarrho- ill the breathing organs caling: soothing vapo yr that ary colds are cured in te jolutely stiré for Catarrb, and in hroat trouble it works ‘like a rm. rman- ; ent cure or bronebits ina “toad trouble.” Not an, exper 2 a temporary ealiet= tat H. MOHR’S ata pascenters.— Get <Catarthoe RELIABLE GROCERY ND BAKERY Redpath’s Gran’d Sugar é $5.50 Per Cwt. - ~~~} Prime September Cheese 18¢ Per Pound -Fresh{Limburger Cheese — 25¢ Per Cake Pure Family Lard - Park & Blackwell's! in i1b. bricks, $ : ound Jewel Flour $2.80 Cwt. H. MOHR zone” today. 25c. and $1.00 5i grants to Separate Schools included im this amount. cone in’ ‘health ee is Highest Prices Paid for Produce, reat ose lig cra aunterioes Sonat Grant County Clerk of Waterloo ae mount of th q loo gets ‘Woo $1,168, Wilmot sin, " Wellesley, $1,619, North | Dumfries $912. In ice or ee ee SS Be eta cdeetater egigetlaas aed The August “ “Rod and Gun” In the aistinetive fashion which bas gained for “Red and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada,” published lor, Woo' , Ont, of the August number dea achting. ‘Ait a time when everyone's houghts are upon cool waters, this fine account, finely illustrated, of the Royal Cape Breton quadron is most appropriate and will oe read mings passed fai lizatjon, its care: makes one wish for the experience. in New Brunswick, dipousied’ by: that nanos fishing 0. oA cognizant, throug e shold: prove partioufarly ‘useful | to both resident and visiting sports- men. Whatever opinions may be held about dogs in deer hunting the paper entitled m them, are worthy of eee ie whole is amongst the best of many Ea a Most off the old superstitions re- F yan that warts’ are produced on one’s igohe mouth buen by asteful s and ‘ace of the toad are glands which secrete a fluid to moisten the skin. In the spring of the year toads go to pools and ponds for breeding ni i t are laid in strings ter wound t quatic or sub- merged These eggs hate after a while into tadpoles or “pol lywogs,” much resemblin ad- poles off the frogs. These so-called after a while lose their inn forelegs, whi disappearing. osin| they finally breath entirely by means popular belief that “it is raining toads.” The township of Huron suffered great damage ‘from the wind storm of July. ands of acres of grain were destroy- ed; ten barns were wrecked, implements were demolished and live stock injured. Fortunately no lives were lost. 7, of oedige tea ‘been so oan th relie the patteting of women or received so many gen- uine testi Lydia E. ith by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Com} seiccee ever) one you meet has either been bene- fi it, or has friends who have. lal tory at Toads Hatch From Polliwogs Ses a found a ete Soe 4 Story of the Trip of BY Cc. A. me ey the ee set sail, pre- far ecord. peaunatiy lowered down and travel- ed over the lake ni oe ‘elverage alti- tude ot about a We eautital cone Michigan. One trip withl our drag rope splashing in the waten every onee and aw! balloon travelling in about the same ‘out some up above this, into contact with the big = above us. 6 waves slapped our rope they would turn the basket around and give us. the impression that we were different direction, but 03 € | judging; from where we lan we went across the lake in a north- ‘| western direction. ‘At eleven-fifty we sighted ee and it was here that we met our first great danger; Peete caught our =a, giving us an aw- ful yank. ame looked down to discover that w ad wral id tree ich held into the basket. We t! an pleas of about 1,000 feet for som At ey avenanty some one hallooed \d asked us who we were, a display of fireworks, we here as- nded altitude of a six- PRE feet in order to com ing in contact with gun aie thess balls of fir A o-thirty we were sailing in twe an altitude of about pee out feet, this was rather col in the xoune looked very level as is always the al the country wag very (At thrree-thirty com 3 were going Nort! rae the songs Ap ie birds distinctly, well as the rippling of ‘the swift- iy flowing streams. At four-fifteen, we saw a farm- er and ai im wher re were, informed us that we were near as @ great sur- ught we were at four-thir- directly over Saginaw, e messages there. we released the Cerrier pigeons a had wi atehedi these , they starting off travelling divectly north. this time we were sail tifude of, about seventeen hundred and fifty f (At five meiptive jought he would take the “Capt cin eight es going orth. We. lead ed could net be sure; tried toas Hem, but could not make them hear u i earn: Kart Stabe Be sailing over the middle of Lake Huron, jur fraceiments told ne that we = repping rapidly. at the bag had contracted, so in We PAu ae bras Pe order to ayo was not so unpleasant as one should imagine. We soon sighted land 01 the East side of the lake and were very glad indeed to see sun wea shining, rightly, . and “a5, we came and heav: Se es eee it expanded 1 and we ai an alt! were at this time Reavelling, rapidly towards the East. We di be 5] now it lool es aa ough aly pete of the ba’ twenty, we- decided ; Ws ew out our anchor-and Caren ortiek e sighted a fire | ing at an ae ua! |safe; try the “Chicago” in the World’s Championship Balloon Race RESERV COEY, CHICAGO long at a very lively clip. We sailed into the corm rn. ripping the roof off, on we went teari wn fences. We slammed g ying a ea thirty-five feet behi in the ‘ou! now and ises. Captain was fortunate pe for about to enjoy their unusval visitors. As runnii ass, altitude, harometer and funehi whi eggs in her apro Tietia rabuie Syne 8 ae gave rted out, en the farmers, and Monkton, Ont. Mr. White only the barber, but also one of tha pilluea’ in the ehatch and. a ae big man in his community. night he invited us to Spee ie Thess & people are ee warda the United States and thir Mets = ee uch Ba ‘ e Stars aed ripes as they their native fee ‘Alghough ay Pat heard of the 4th of July being a big holi- day with us, they did not know what we were celebrating. Mr. wave OLD G landing there with! him, which I More, haspitable people could net ba found han these Canadians. For Ser asian estes and good ol joned ham tte Gertie Mildred "Waite, ind to ne he pa them postale the mex! awe invennadele ‘ish it were in ay howe 0 de- scribe to you my beautiful trip ae ‘oss Lake Michigan. It certainly was loroius. The beauty sant sensations that a bailoonist enjoys more, sat ‘or the clos@ calls he js likely to‘bave. What is sport iwi element of danger moved # uid be a very tame and unattractive pastime were there no ri nected with it. one enused: by was from the rain, eausing this to cut id | the ea: r paste the Chicago the raft ever built a vi Ee 5 & man) off the Aego! ane only nee Zens ined Ponti wero. navigation has been thoroughly: solved. Gained Both in Strength and yi cight Another case 1 That ares the FERROZONE winter,” writes Mrs. Cross, of TAKE NOTICE IF YOU INTEND BUYING A STEEL RANGE BE SURE IT IS THE “|? Kootenay or Sask=Alta “THE AGENT FOR THESE RANGES 18 J. ROTHAERMEL & SON, JAS. S. LOCKIE MILVERTON. NEWTON WHO WILL BE PLEASED TO QUOTE YOU PRICES KOOTENAY and SASK-ALTA STEEL RANGES are sold by reliable men only. They are never peddled through the country. sask-atTa ana... SAVE FROM $10 to $20.00 McKINLEY ROCKER EXACTLE SAME AS_CUT in solid quarter cut oak. One of the most up-to-date, as well as complete chairs on the mar- ket, usually sold for $10,00. Special $6. 65 Weare offering it for only GOODS DELIVERED FREE C.R.Honderich& Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. Western Fair Greatest Live Stock Exhibition of Western Ontario Full Programme of Attractions twice daily, pene Kemp’s Wild West Show. Best of Music. Fireworks Each Evening. ATHLETIC DAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 14th Come and enjoy yourself at London’s Popular Fair. REDUCED RATES on ALL RAILWAYS Prize Lists, Entry a Progiamimes, and all information ven on application W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. LONDON, SEPT. 11-19 SUMMER NECESSITY This is the Season when Thin Clothes are a Necessity When we make a garment for you, there is no doubt as to its fit and quality. Our summer fabrics for excellent suitings and cur summer ideas for cutting and —_ them will ensure satisfaction. E. KNECHTEL Milverton’s — Up-to-Date — Tailor of the heart. erally out of order. es dest ae Sr and hi a bad doct ve week. gai looked and felt a nee bette: had us i of fifteen pounds. Ferrozone rebuilt my titution, and made me a new woman. I consider Ferrozone worth its weight i to every wei It cures quickly and saves big R. Cross. ‘mans doctors’ bills. No ‘onic ‘so sere in, ‘so helpful, 80 rozene yourself, 50c. per bom at aN dealers. The Toronto Star says ; ery- where farmer#ar od giv- , is at present ceasing car was re] of this weight! we shot up into the air again ond ail wing ac the bigh prices of teed: set ticular and the low prices tuling: ter pork: e NO HONING--NO GRINDING , The Razor of Perfection—Everlasting Shaving Comfort © NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE Carbo Magnetic Razors have revolutionized razor making —they are which is our own ceialusive ‘secret process. fire, ( used for which is the life of stech Your dealer will deliver to you a CAR! MAG. NETIC razor on 3O days trial without obligation on your part to purch: DOUBLE CONCAVE FOR SxTAA Hi Str or Two In ACATHER CAGE 84.60 flagneti¢ WAG)