~ whicine! eae “A Big White Loaf : IS WHAT PLEASES THE BAKER AND ALSO THE HOUSEWIFE J EWEL FLOU MAKES TH. AT ewe KIND OF BREAD! ed wheat flour manufact: ured. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU It is known everywhere and considered by every- one to be of the highest uniform quality of blend- | Pfeffer Bros., Milverton week owith’ friends Miss Edna has returned ho acouple of weeks with relatives here. Li fact that they held Jat year's cham- pions figh Scho mica to pass, FOR SALE ELLICE COUNCIL. NEw VENBERED BRICK HOUSE, three} The council met at the [ownship states diets son aatanenandwoodsned dows | Hall, on Monday, the 27th ult, pur- Tot, hard and soft water. ae Se suanut to adjournment. he mem= further particulars apply to- ers were present, and the reeve MRS. EDWARD THOMPSON in the chair. The minutes of the two 23-6t lverton, On: eetings, “Court Revision,” on the assessment of By-law No.526, known as “The Kuhryville Drain by-law of COMMERCIAL 1908”, and one special, wer ne ound correct, and adopted. reeve stated to the council that te Fall wheat ‘oak vente -$ 80°80) had ans appointment made to’ mest Barley per 45 45| the reeve of Mornington, on town- oats 45 45} tine, respecting some job to be let, 12 70 70| opposite lot 16, concession 16 Ellice, Flour, ie Bk: + 2.65 2 65] and asked the council to permit him +20 00 20 00| to. leave the board for a while. Monee four perowt.... 285 2 85. coutheil ioe Shorts, per 2. itt was move' h pe 4 00 24 Mel tees %| deputy reeve do sign all orders seve ence. Carrie Se counoil instructed the cle +12 00 12 00/14 gate Mr. John Kelly, the collec- 919} tor 1908, and request him 19 19/name his sureties, i order that hi bonds may be executed at the proper STRATFORD MARKETS. | time. Mr Wms Habnel Dreaented an 7 m7 |account of $5.00 xtra travel, eal patents: Te Fy occashioned by the removal of bridge ey [by Andrew Hislop, Searls ot 7 70 wie Creek drain, on-eide roa 45 49 land 26, concession e eoonet Apples per bag. 1% Wiis Potatoes 90 Butter 22 Eggs 19 ‘i payment Se ih 90 | turing the reev Clerk’s patios ae ee eee Posting of a ad VOTERS’ | List, 1908 eco a tet ‘eeve was instructed and te obtain legal advice on the matter. MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF MILVERTON COUNTY OF PERTH. otice is Hereby Poised that I have: tranemitted. or delivered ts the the 27th day of Jure, 1908, and ains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and any issions or other errors are found therein to t: i media te ‘oceediny 0 have the sa errors correct rding to law Dat at een: this 27th a at day of June, W. D. WEIR, Clerk. At t tender Clerk’s Notice. be the eet Posting of }a Voters’ Lis: VOTERS’ | usr, 1908 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP of ELLICE COUNTY OF oe Notica is hereby g given that I have’ eopies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the Uist, made pursuant to iAct, of all per: appearing by last revised’ Assessmenf Roll of the sai municipalit entitled te in the said municipality at elections for members ie Legisla mbly, and ici and that the said list k on the 15th day of July, 1908, and remains thera for inspection. leo upon to diate proceedings to havo the said errors corrected accord: in fed, ne Rostock, this 20th day of July, 1908 JUSTUS KREUTER Clerk of Ellice. Miss ‘oy Mr. m., e wee or, ncil. after Soe ae the rers, awarded by" Denstedi, authorizing the council to p On motion of Mr. He M on the said drain enry,. che authorized econ’ Andrew Hislo lop for $19 ruts Mrs. E. Camphy B. Fink ie her Rolidays at her r Mr. Schmitt, Wellesley, dual ene with his brother, Mr. ‘a ee following persons ee fer he bridge across East Black Cr dealt on side 10 and 11, concession From Jacob Jundt for ' Peter Polry "Dan O’Harra aned Mr. M. Crowley. "Neal Crowley " John Gaff Mr. Dan O’Harra being the low rest derer, the council awarded t! contract to Dan O'Harra and rowley for $230.00 The council adjourned ta on day, August 81st 1998, for general business. F. KREUTER Clerk. pg MILLBANK. Mrs. Johnston and children, of Ottawa, are visiting friends at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dugal and shildren of Waterloo, spent Sunday at endear s visiting bell. » of Hamikon, i is spend- home here. ot to 00. eek $325 B62 meet Mon- Mayberry, 472 Betai Cialniers, 462; James Connell, Jee ae cay ndidate, 5 Sr. 4th.—requfted to ‘pass, 528-Priscilla Yost, 650; Marmerst su Fleming, 642; Carl Opper, 540, To 4th.—required to pass, 480—Helen Donaldson, 629; Martha Busco Riley. 481; Herbert Lee ace Jr. 8rd.—required Sane J. Shearer, i David Piet 498 ; Hliard cee © Kipfer, to _ pass, | in Miss Lily Kalbfleisch, of pee a ow days with friends here. Gie: are called on Hee here on Sat- w a “Jehn Zoeger, of Toronto, is ing friends and relatives here. pani LABORERS’ ern Harvesting tar as poaaibis the un- fa: ‘Ss ee ticket to Winnipeg is $10.90, mt Winnipeg to points where ati Miss Emily- Large was the guest of her friend, Miss Maud” Sune Z od cauapette, in the "Classic City” last we the concert Admis- Miss Minnie Connell, of Cleveland, ybody welcome. is visiting at, her home here. f° Wm. Miss Margaret Magwood: retarne spent to her home in Stratford after holi- daying with friends in ‘this vicinit: good head- \ Last Thursday evening the Poole way. with’ their butcher Shon, beside football team played the return mateh {Weber and Bettket's “stor with the Milverton eam,| Harvesting a in full sw g, and und were defeated by a score of |haying ts Considering the fact that Milverton |. Owing. to the hot. spell our black- ad on her regula team, |smiths are kept on the move setting it is a wonder that the se tood | wagon and buggy tire close as it did. The Poole team]. JM. Cornelius McNamara, ex-reeve instead of feeling discouraged over |of' Doanie, called the result feel lant over the {J. T. Gill on Eriday.: Bist ult. three children ated ef is _a sister of Mr. Neumeister, 557; Eva Riley, 5185] posal of the ladies. He certainly des- iOsear Neumeiister, 482; an i rves the patronage of t eee Et lara Manz, joys who rqni To —required to pass, 30 and pull down sign cards a: Fiorella Connell, 664, Leott: mischief, had bett por ss ; Louis Sehwint, 54 er (here ‘has been < ert Opper, 482; Ernest. Witt, 481; | an 510; Laura |tival i pete “117; Geo. | Court Ro: gat Ni ers, 447; Bena Spenlor, 440] Monkton, and Geo. B: Mantony Tress: Chalmers, 378; liver Yost, }urer, were let “delegates to attend rthur Manz, 872; Clara Fetter |the “High Court meeting, whieh Edial Albrecht, 2 ets ati London on the 25th of AM J. MORRO Alugust, and Miss Lizzie Broughton, Y Saisaainde of anion court Idlewild No. 672, i RE ines Sag was elested delegate to attend the above mentio: i Court.. REM TON: ‘Any one in want of a aaa “Mrs. Wm Mitchell left onan ex-|Piece suite, mahogany finish ar ded visit to friends in Detroit, {Severed wit the best of silk and : worth $25 will be sold for $16 cash. (ayer ‘Any one wanting picture post cards re visiting her sister Berger bas manufactured a Redghwald ‘ wooden trombone, Mr. C. Hannel, of Stratford, spent | P: McDermott toinetimes treat the vil - F, Tank, of Millbank, sone x Sunday aii the home of Mr. Wm.|ten, of Strathroy, are visiting her : sister, Mrs. rT. Wilson, of New York, spent| Mr, Edgar Wilton. #yelved home a ae pee here, the guest of his|0? Monday night from the Quebec water Mires JS Leki ereentenary. He is looking well, A large number from here attended | *"4 enjoyed his trip. the funeral: heute “3 ibson, | oy y 7 7th, line Wellacley on Saturday last, | Hosen fine are eee ser tn Mrs. Gies and Mr. ee oF Lite |. poet Ney gh PinOk: 6k Brows Some go off v el : Tuesday for Moosejaw, Sask., where Stethe RSE aie et eee pie he will spend a couple ef eisai the Mrs, P. Ruthig. y Robertson, blacksmith, r. Norman Kalbleisch, of Wrox-|9f Eden Mills, spent a few days at Ber Eiient a fey dapat att tne haine bis hone in the village since our last of Mr. W. Reinwal Se Wal fen “otBonin i” (he “Miss Bessie Inglis, of Listowel, who friend, Miss Clara | has ying with friends pe cue as US Jin the village ,returned last Monday. Heldsan: Mone ‘@ were treated to an open air oanet meeting was held-on Mon: odncert om “Monday night by some _™ nd M W. J. Zoeger, spent | Visi ze ay a neij 2 an Linwood. Se nthe Rock and Miss Annie iy Maine eikeak Soherbart, Gar Bradbigonaeiaite vi h friends in Bright ae antes James Elliott, on Monday. rook he C.P.R. has had the water tank the CPR, water tank left on the ROtb ult. EXCURSIONS ‘The thermomenter as degrees in the shade on Wednesday. 29th ult., 38 d in the 25,000 Men Wanted for West-| iu in come places. eres in the have moved into Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta | 20Ftb, of ‘R. track, and oeci- the Canadian Pacific Railway will] Pied by Mr Sodas A tetters run special second class exeursions | Mi. and ie sn erry visited from all Ontario station: t 8 tee oa Bien nn Benne wiles) of Benni ase ae jott on Tuesda: MONKTON. — 8 May White's sister of Mr. Joh _ ho a visit kton, Mr. The eeuice ae =e dies’ id of Knox Church tend piving another ice cream fes- T. alts. fos cream par- in about John Dimsn, "chigt Renee AS ie posal get the same at J. ies ae child- bla a@ great rush. Se aM OR Mr. Ralph E. eppS ECON left last inte The painters, who were working on Mrs. ‘Smith and her daughter. Mrs. pobre “Waleott and the pees ie, of Durham, seit - and a number of our willager fended the funeral of he - la f= e issued Reem women ‘but n oh child- . ving dates a) ae Unas. Pinder is spending, @|"“Rugust lath and. Sept, tk a denders to iepeiaiak on Monday, Ae i eo ee tee MERIPOH Fai aeatlonpyin the ster tate bet eheo at Ord, at 2 pm. will be re- in Stratford. ete Tia cee hae ae by: the undersigned fort Iss Olive eeeliors spent the past ad arcs aN construction off the Freeman Drain week with triends in ‘Atwood. joufe-Barmia, line, | ‘Sept. 9th, from in the Township of Mornington, th 3. Johnson. spent Sunday: in ee Bee Toronto-Sarnia line, | Work to be completed by the Lat Woodstock, Sad South: thereat Coe Cate | Recduihee- 4608 plans, speci- Mrs. Inman, of Tillsonburg, spent |", fest "oan eon LL. from | fications ‘eto., «i seen he & couple od ‘days at Mr. J. Lowr; Stations east of to-Nort LG ae ote Moorehiend, fidiawel. spent | Bey line, to and iuluding Kingeton, “The Neate MeKee st ee a, For the three excursions in August ee) McK ag |Special trains will be run from all |S! Bacsyts visiting their sister, Miss TE. Speen ot he Tf you are in any [and should’ name jondsmen in Mr. and Mrs. B. Omond, otHoling doubt as to the day of the exeursiog {the tender. The lowest or any ten- spent Sunday at Mr. W. Hamilton's. [f'n sour. district apoly to Inet [der uot necessarily eo eee aot Mitventon, spent |GPR. “agent, who will also’ farnis CHRISTIAN Yost, unday wil oS ‘in pee io . a times off special. trains, or write to ee iss H. Johnson is spending a few fistri 3 OREO e daya with friends in Geek ae C. B.. Foster, District (Passe gar, CwP.R., Toronto, Newton, July 27th, 1908. Tenders Wanted Homestead | | Regulations ASE StH gimbered section. of Dominion Lands in feast Sehm: STRAYED from the premises of M wke, 9th line Morni ree oth, 7 sheep and 6 lantber A one ‘teat mat leading t O thelr recovery will greek. H. A. HAWKE, owt. P.O. chen Se one-quarter Seah and secs more ovens Application for entry must be gon by the applicant at “a jub-Agency and ie si made Domiuion Lass for the ey by pron in He naeacy pikers MotRee won, salt conal Degen oe ulster oti ae intending homesteader. Dorms <ayat a wponaad ciltiva F three years, gis cutlie’ tetldencd Noti law, ni the land ineach year | 56, | ae Kuhryville Township of ‘Ellice ice is hereby given that a umbered 52 ae Drain ‘oration o: A.D, 1908, a Peneelet as the byl: of 1! by the Mao Council shi “The «Hecla” Furnace with Fuse after 20 years’ use The wags ‘Ribbed Fire Pot Furn “as any eet style of fire ee _ you and as i gan fire, heat that would o1 “Hecla’” Furnace witieat Gan Bel Se dee Furnace is the only Joints. « These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron parts together at white heat = making an indestructible joint. Joints are permanently airtight. loose or leak. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. Fused Even — they will not work used on the “Hecla” iating si It will save fuel for - It extracts from oes ok ee Sora ea ile Ne Sete 2 WO " 1d of Berlin, ve visiting at the latter's and Banud! Speedy recovery. wei of Mr. ‘ennicott,, ia “uty 27th a honor af their oo Mr. Bs way, tis dicghincand tat husband Mr. and Mrs. Schneider, of Chisago. SEES SEI II IIL TEESE SE I a ge CASH «st PRODUCE & On account of the unsatisfactory re- sponse to our appeal fer money during July, we find that the only way we can finance our business in a satisfactory manner, is by doing a strictly Cash and Produce business. On Saturday, Aug. 1st we embark on that basis. Thanking the customers who so kindly responded to our appeal for money, I remain, Respectfully yours, W.K. LOT Issuer of Marriage + Licenses + | IE REREAATR EAR IAI AA RIR IIIA ARIA IIIA AAI A PICTURE OF YOURSELF E. A. REA OR OF YOUR FRIENDS is much more appreciated if you take it with es own camera than if taken by a stranger. You mi easily have a camera of your own and have all the pleasure and enjoyment that goes with it. . . . CATALOGUE FREE FOR THE ASKING CAMERAS from $1 to $25 Druggist and Optician, next to the Royal J Hotel, Market Square. STRATFORD § © John Horne on Suniay, the 2nd inst. r. Willian’ Bettger jr. was out to Willow Grove church “on Sunday cere + Pfeifer and children of sirathroy. Webe: r have commenced shipping live fowl and are paying good prices. ur and Mrs. Schneider and Mr. . J. Longeway, of Chicago, are visit- ie jatters paren Mr. an Peter Longeway, Logan. They ‘were also the guests of thelr eos Mrs. John Mahoney las ‘iss Violet ately ~Viaited cher aunt, Mrs. Wm. fartyn, of Mitchel, on ‘Phursdax evening. Mrs. Edwin Reitzel, Mrs. Bellger over yh are pee hin pmeidureples ‘trouble of lat eee HESSON, f re Lantz, sr., of Strat- tord spent Saturday at his home here. R. Hosea returned to her nie, ‘in South River on Thursday. Miss Edith Miller, of ues was the guest of her friend, aes for a few Ae “ot inat ane MeGillis, ot Pe is spend- ing a few days a aples”, and also renewing old squatntamees in, this vicinity. Mrs. Buckley and daughter, “Mar- | eee oe Ble ‘a, are visiting at eZ ‘Forest: er accompanied by " Se “cousin are spending the. wee ek at. Deemerton. Mr. James F. O'Grady entertained of his reteee Miss Kin: e (We are sorry to report the ilies of Mrs. easel iy, and gvish her KENNICOTT. A large party was give and Mra, P, ant tone fonday_even- nee Ngee oo Gibson, ‘and 7 months. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Calling Cards Mr. Merchant Do you need anything in the print- ing line P If you do, send in your. order, and we will supply you with — as neat a job as is to be had in the county, and at moderate prices, CawTHE SUN Canada’s 1S MOST STRONGLY MARKED BY THE INCREASE OF ITS Growing Time TELEPHONE § The Bell Telephone Go. of Canada ‘affords Service with 100,000 Subscribers v Soe E: Exch: ion costs. only 5% to euakegt SPECIAL oo for Rural Line Connection, Over 300 Rural Systems now connec