Milverton Sun, 20 Aug 1908, p. 1

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H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer or @ Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO Che “It Shines For All.” Sun, emcee Licenges Strictly Confidential MILVERTON - ONTARIO Yol. XVII—No. 29 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 1908, Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Your Bank Account Your Best Friend SYSTEMATIC SAVING, even if it be poly, ab 00 a week deposited in a strong chartered bs e it will rest at highest cocoa in noy rates, is the first Opens an Account in the -00 -00 $ 1 Savings Department of | $1 | I te Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up | Reserve Fund and Badisised. 000.00 PRINTIN fh, See Hee ee sich as... Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Etc. DONE NEATLY AND $1,000,000. Profits, $1,241,532.26 PROMPTLY at— Inerest allowed on Savings Accounts from date of deposi, and compounded FOUR times a year. No delay in withdrawal 7s MILVERTON BRANCH, A. J. Cundick, Manager. The Sun Office h + Our Only Terms : CASH AND PRODUGE SUM, lest! $V. ONLY 4 DAYS MORE | te WHEN THIS PAPER REACHES THE MOST OF ITS READERS, THERE WILL ONLY BE FOUR DAYS MORE UNTIL THE LUCKY FIVE WILL BE DECIDED. . . es i} To Those in the Contest GET BUSY To Those i. ™ Contest woke Collect all the checks you can, they are || If you do not wish to compete, help transferable. This trip is going to be a|| some friend.. A little, kindness costs delightful one, and everything on a gen- || notking, When we are acting so gen- erous scale, ° : : erously, why can’t you help some friend. NOTICE! All checks must be left at our office not later than 6 p. m. Wednesday Evening, August 26th No checks will be given out after August 25th.:<When the checks are all in, they will be handed over to Mr. Hasenpflug, Reeve of Milverton, and the five having the greatest number of checks are the winners. Tie your checks together with the total amount marked on the outside. : : 5 THE TRIP The Lucky 5 will leave here on Tuesday, Sept. Ist, and arrive in Toronto about 11 o'clock a. m. All the first day will be spent at the exhibition, afternoon and evening.. On Wed- nésday, the morning will be spent in sight seeing around the city. One of thejmem- bers of this firm will also take the party through the largest wholesale houses in the Dominion, at ten o'clock they will leave for Hamilton by boat and enjoy a delighful sail of two hours on lake Ontario, Will have dinner at Hamilton and have a two hours sail back to Toronto, being in plenty of time to get the evening train home. ALL ABSOLUTELY FREE : Specials for Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday We will offer some extra special values all over the store. We have just. received another big shipment of pictions Glassware, Etc., all onsale at the lowest prices we have ever quoted. 5 . . ° . . . Pp s 1 SCHAEFER & WHALEY. - ie a few holida: 3 LOCAL NEWS} Milverton’ Civie Holiday on Friday, ie ust 28th. Mr. Jacob Eydt, of Berlin is spend- his ‘holidays at home. Eight English families have been] uewing acquaintances in and about deported from Degeronto. Miss Jennie White is at present/ rs. (W. visiting her aunt; Miss Robson, of Ayr spent a cfu days wi her friend, Miss Annie Whal The “tive-mite race with prizes to the value of BRA dollars, will be a winne: Regul mietion regarding schools hav: egern| issued by ‘the eaten epettay, . Angus Mekinnon day morning for ae his duties as teac! left? Mon- e to resume urday, after a n Berlin and Wate: The Misses Rosa ae Parrie went Toronto week’ ‘holiday Trim last Saturday ° ys ther; Don't forget that Holietreua' photo studion will be open on Mfily ton's bi ivie Holida: Mr. B. Wilton, of Str siford, spent a short time in the village Bs t week before proceeding to the Everybody that has ieee crations of any kind ai to put them up on Civie Holida: dee- Sunday, was the: guest of Me dome Daten Miss M. E. Fear returned on Satur- day to resume her duties as teacher in the school on \the 16th of Elm: Miss Ida Schaefer, who for the fat month has been visiting friends in Spagare Falls retanbede home _ last reek, ae Elliot, of Berlin occupied the pulpit oe the pte de church on Suny day, «Spence officiating in Berlin. Mr. F. W. Brigden, of Toronto who been visiting with friends here mus in Blyth. last we returned home Ruby pose of Guelph who ertrude Enge week, returned of Mr. exhibi- See his ‘An average of 25 knots by the .In- domitable, on her st_-two Years, has disposed | bi of oe por to J .H. Schimidt, of the Di tosed to call on Richard Roe. the new shoe man, in Weitggl’s block | @ny address i ada from the pres- next door to the Deering agency. He|ent t January Ast., has an all-new, up-to-date stock at|for one dollar. Subscribe now. is his intention to ha in that part Miss Nellie Senet who has been 1 Wisiting at “Two Ma d several of the qieléisie etnies PASS ments. ane Fane persons gett mee for a ans fs on Guenther, “Mitton Coutts Coutts, Bert North Bruce, ee es a recently, they decided x election, ag Alex. bright light through his bed-room ape ~ is running as an|window. There were thr S Tndependent. five loads of hay, six loads of :wheat the magazine seotion of the Satur-|one load of barley and his entire stock Grobe contains a picture entitled “A|of implements completely destroyed Taine berr; ate) along with t! n. The Will he (of interest to the peo-| partly covered by insurance parts as the picture taken PEt is the fruit farm of Mr. J. L. Rae and|, pro? letter postage in cities has mer residents of this place wing persons ne James A. Gorforth, of Mitchell met with rather a serioud ace: ory is told by Mr. Li. Hughs,| last week, after spending some time| Prof. Harper's famous Kazoo Band on Thursday. He was up a thirteon|tspector of Public Schools in Tor-|-with friends in Michi and the Milverton Juvenile Band wi foot pees doing some painting |onto, of an amusing incident that! One hundred and fifty dollars will be ‘0 splendid features of the Mi when he became overbalanced and| took place in the experience of one be expended for prized t rton Civic Demonstration, Aug. 28%) jum, an In ee en asl/of the lady teachersewithin hi m-Day, August 28th Whenever King Edward and En a M0 . fires He iactiaye aoutined to utsrbeme cand Pet care ee Kelterborn, of Welles-| peror William meet they are oblig: it will be some ‘time before he. oan|tor “she: rather aRGRR Gah , made ashort call on his son|by etiquette to kiss. Ho: ng Seatic: which he appe red at school. nat Jacob, ee on his wey to Goderich.}as he approaches the ordeal mu ote to| “The excursion to the er yeh be Oh aarrens s aues The advertising merchant is the|she sent t sah 4 -$10,000 t- one who does the business-in- these| his panther, ask muetiaGiie beeenae itn Bose Aug 18th, seeured an oe ARAL $1 i days of push and enterprise. There| ated. The next day she was the ree'- ers between Goderic and wards the building of struct are more newspaper readers to-day| pient of the fotlos wing reply from ton ee Or ee than ever befere in the history of.the| mother, |“. no rose don't ral. degrees: of frost are re-|se) Wien. Gains ens tnee ik wor’ Thé. newspaper places your| smell ‘him, learn him.’ ertee from Manitoba, However a {Tee Site. Phe Government intima: c Segeae cre Gh tHe Eger: OL wave’: ig Alwayd due tagescun® anf thet tule zaronid be that Guel a aeey Wnt ne ponte and knowing] 4 meeting of the Honey Exchange | ¢} the wblnen? tolkeakasthin cite ng chili} Would be called upon to do. The bu: beds GHA Te Wea e. wide= Committee of the Ontario Beekeepers’ as ing, atin pL a : awake merchant who asks him to ss “Mt Shirley Foerch gt Miss Fannie] parties cares to assume the addition + seine and si i ae oe sow who have visiting Viola lays of sharp competition calls fo merman for the ae ten days.| "5, as 3 Mitchell, “August 17.—Mr. eras pigilanse You foan's keep a ets aed “Testerday tor pliers hones ie wiewho recsived-0 suusthike aboes 2 Sat two Weeks ago, succumbed’ to aie A. Mahaffy, Calgary is look- b arelbe gave a lecture in theleffeets of it early Bunday’ morn fora miniter for Crossfield, Alta. Methodist church Monday ae ng on # his ~home, ot O anioeeatel eo : did onseciated -atationa: (Hii: ah haracter.” ‘The latter part of his an. He was ‘at the time of h augmented charge 80 miles north of : igh d’asourte was Gitiaehentede oy vers death in his 60th gear, and has ji Calgary, on the Calga id Edmon-| the local Soaeaen willy be greater| There was a goo Lagan township for y e. n| The peiiment also made that hip built to fepresent “the moving from th. concession <0 prices will be ruling higher in the fi or graduate is at present preferred’ Salary $900. improved | S°hools ne opening on Ed- fi -| Holiday. School children free to a and| cide: aj EB. dressed’ the Tb Solomon Grosch, shear, buy t draft, oe, saree who also carries a tall line of H Sanderson, local C.P.R.| m: Sa qe all of Donegal Gas Indian| g Hea countries. The mowieNtiee hos nm) the qoucrme pgs for this year producti L ) extracted, 0. Lea doz. No. 2 ightning wiped out an Indian fam- ily in Quebee. Coal for threshing. purposes ce by Ham: ae lots ae sale. to = Whaley, Milverton. Liss Bertha Miller returned wetetoeee short visit to Bly Mr. Apply ”/ THE CANADIAN BANK cnat HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO spent a Sate re (Walke: nee es Baden-Powell will B. E, WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager robably be at the formal opening of the Torente Fxbibition. Miss "ale Kerr was of ‘the Miss Ethel Bucheriand over Sunda are agai, their po: ar fhe r Mo Warden Hasenpflug was on an cial visit to Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. Hasenpflug accompanied him Mrs. H Rose and son Wellington eturned home from Ber! Miss Ella Smith ea a inccBat: sending a sce of aos "hela WM. MAYNARD, te Mr. Hartmier left on Satu: day ie pene where he will fesume his duties as teacher on Mon- day. | o big parades, morning and even- ing. One of the best features of Ci 1 performance: net earning of the C.P.R. for Mr. ©. A. Finkbeiner left on Mon- day for a three week's trip, taking in Toronto, Belleville Montreal, and a number ot The C.P.R. harvesters’ excursion on Friday was well patronized, and five coaches harvesters areee through here en route for the W. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brigden, proranty “opene Sil mday wit! ae Miller. % Mr. Mr. Brigden Epiaelied the Evangelical chureh Su evening: Mr. Frank Roe, who has been re the R. ornin Thedford, where he will relieve tha agent thi ‘or several weeks. Strathcona, before sailing for England on Friday. last; wired $6000 ad, 4 uetéonal contribution. towards the relief of sufferers by the great fey ae "Master Edward Loney, of Carthage ed seven years. fell from a horse a which might hava proved George Cline, local of ae R, has been spend a Week's holidays in London, ‘amilton and other western points, returned on Saturday night feeling invigorated. Ait ‘the age of 102 Mrs. Mary \Mac- acnelalmeteier ana ts heve Wena cousin of ir stl id, ded near Brockville last w She had lived for pees yeaae on the ‘farm before she die We making a spe ei The Milverton Sun offer— will be sent to aa = benefit of the long t Burn Bess ig a Vis fests church on If you are in need of a new walk- ngrwearing Fleury ae Wilkinson or if you want a riding plow, of light a good ho Deering repairs. On Monday morning, about ‘m. Turnbull's barn on the ‘ineardine Revie’ an “to ad- “Does it pay rs. Sands had United” Stated and other exporting retail 121-2 to 15 vents per pound; Tesla, yutlecie #2 $2.25 0 comb, wholesale, ide 50 duties as teacher. e OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England || SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts be opened in the names of two or more Persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor. Manager, 4 STRATFORD BRANCH No formality or delay in opening SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Large or small sums may be deposited or withdrawn as desired. R. Ey Ranney Manager; * Head one $ aAVINGS DEPARTM ar non notice. ers discounte out char MILLBANK BRANCH: The Farmers Bank of Canada (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) Member of the Senriae Ee, veered & The Toronto W.R. eats General Manager '—Special giegii given to this depart- Interest lees from dati R iimes a year. Money may b: Money forwarded to depositors by FARMERS’ Goose A SPECIALTY—Notes of responsible farm- ted. Sale notes collected and advances made thereon. CHEESE nega wl any bank cashed or taken oh deposit with- Open ee Nights during July and August from 7 to 9. ig Hon i TORONTO leposit at cot rates, and 2 withdrawn R. G. GRIEVE, Manager Willie poncere is spending = [oe days with friends in New Hambu W. eir spent a few ae Mr. Se ok | with oe in Listowel this week. I. the Musical neal tin Aga evening of the th. Mr. E. Rumford, of Forest is at present visiting his sister, Mrs. G. A. Barth. Mrs. of Tavistock is i. Wm. Appel, Shae Bs sreecni iafting her brother H.C Hasenpflug. Roache, of Farquhar ‘re- tmrned on Saturday to resume her Mr .K. Litt returned’ on Tuesday, after spending. a few days with| nu Ree in Cobourg. ler, lumber merchan’ {arent we busin wn turday las Mr. se avers of Brantford aid Milverton a business trip the fpexiubitiasst thie wesle Mrs. 8. J. Grosch returned home ri wiolesaly - to peu per pound,| in Toronto dine the Canadian National to $1.78 per dozen. Exhibition ess trip| to eply | the loss of a kind tubing’ and lov first serlons of wheat [rst As mips pas Ww cGvaaienn Jot spent ‘Jesmsay’ ‘a friends in Glenallen. ing feature of the Civle Dem- susetetion will be the fireworks, Don't ai tend . Mrs. Ed. Kalbfleisch and ‘Lisimer, of Mitdmay’ are visiting at J. Kalbfleiseh’s. ©. Rock, of Brodhagen and two sons spent Bhenany in town calling upon The Sun will be sent to any: address in Canada from now until January 1909 for thirty cents. Mr. George Schmetzer, of Linwood d_a very valuable mare killed by lightning on Saturday night. Mr sand 's. Conra =. and family, of aula as are ing a few days at ‘Mr. J. Kalbfteen We regret a learn that erat Wm perans. has been to th: use on account of iliness Stale pas ia hree daughters, father. The funeral wil be held esday, pies h * leaving at 2.80 p.m., for eeetiee cemetery. Additional Locals on Last Pr ge

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