The Milverton Sun), 2" From | manele Correspondent 0 ag Montreal. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ‘Trish and Danish are in dimished Ar. supply and advanced = 9 ‘ 3 an. Sas, ae ee Engeland’s Store News A.M, P.M.| Main Street, - Milvertoa, Ont ear of checking the dema: ne <5: ’ A » 981 408 ; tisrest ight improvement on t : ee iy SUBSCRIPTION RATES e ; tae Werte - On ar, $1; six months, 50 cents; three Uy 0. 2 months, 8 cents, in advance, Subsesibers Walton 841 81 jf arrears will be Hable to pay $1.50 per yea: iinwood CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES ommen : and le want ' . = nada with her “limit; : a . Time Table. ce Year 6 Mos. 8 Mos. Mon less resources.” Talkin; 5. $8 i 0 ) i Betiors, going south, 9.14 am , 1.07 | #7 coun ao % ao Se nal this morning “only ‘. { HO IDA oa 4.59 pam, going north 8.00 a, |i inet. 5 2 $ |pattry 400,000 cwts. came in from z 9 9 : L soda aun, 7.01 p.m; 3 Sune. Is that a , Eight cx sere line de Nat peers and {sper line for each subseque - ; Newton, going south 9.20 a.m., 1.18 tions seiltbe cha ged for all transient adver-| not to be. Almerica s om. 4.45 pms tise ent va ile Canada eee: = Se afar attmsta tae] esther ee este Bh THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED C, will be inserted until forbid and charged ac-|the production of bacon, the States z m. : Fea itr ceo tees aa Soa A Ss reader seared stands tae ee “ane, = 9.26 ast | cordingly. have awakened from the letharg: = - "e "| Changes for contract advertisements must s which they too were falling awhile . 149 avin, 10.58 a.m, 649 p, be in the office by ay. ack, and considerably increased eb onner, going. sbsth 9.82 1 heiebhiguialt tg chiacaneiry: 27 pm., 4.57 p.m, going nortiiy| attention. hen, js the reason for Canada going 743 a.m., 1050 © m., 6,42 p,m, a ae ie of the trade? We have been tol MATS ilisher and Proprletor, people who know, that, Canadian Doneee gelfing so bight class, in 2 if g prospero' Business Cards THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908 |years. that they. or care ab hhosrfeedi ng sods breeding: and again t Dentistry. oe That Canada is making great strides these days is attested to by the DR. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- entiate of Dental Surgery and Member | fact that surveyors are now striking of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of|out the route for the new pene rand Bridge Tor ves Hudson Bay. Soon the scream eS ec aaa z taicy. A half Office | the locomotive will break the silence ahene ae Las tie above the Sovereign Bank, Viritver ton, preke npecherns wil iderness, | rival does, and sell his has echoed only the ery of the wild beast. Medical. F, PARKER, M.D.C.M., Honor Grad-| Joe" Clark, the popular editor of| f ea a aca Toronto Saturday Night, was the| mer: Trinity. University, Toronto, | Successor other day given a cordial invitation to Dr. Egbert. Office in Publie Drag|by Mr .Wright to accompany him out Store. Teleph fenicaugeatinn vite Poole t a i is flyi achine. Branuer, Moserville and Rostock. ever the lake in his flying machine Business, however became so urgent at the office, that Mr. Clarke was Veterinary. compelled to forgo the exhilaration | ing out oe tnd the! elled g ‘or her in bacon of climbing the air sha! Sian Scheseee W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, SLES ean Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin: : ary College, Toronto. iTreatsall diseases} The Insecurity of Private of domesticated animals, Calls by tele phone or otherwise promptly attended to. ti f = ceping up a regular supy wh s Goldwin Smith cai i sand pities We seem hardly to havé an|if Canada lets the opportunity pass Societies. adequate idea of the Great Charter.|her of building up a splendid trade a ern Tt ay ‘8 to be taken for an or-|in an ae of universal _ constunp= t MOLT EETON LODGE, No. | dina ti tion & A, i ae eg Milverton, a ontents of the sta A Faithful Friend 5 Se meets every 1 sfonde ay evening on be:| book. In fact it i ion of ore full m of every month their | the free constitution of England, “I have nsed Channa’ Cholic, Block: ~ Visiti -|bodying and concentrating the von Remedy since n always welcome, W, G, LIVINGSTON, | ti i of En nglishmen| jt was first i i W. M., W. tnd consecr fre i 4d a fi : iti irthrig! in dang J. ZOEGER, SECY. ©, 0. F., No, 99, Milverton, meets aubject, says; tne whole of the con: ‘ age ve bec! every second and iat Tusnday, 0, very da SE a eee e WITH THIS NEW FASHION BOOK 8 o’clock, in their hall over | (ommentar: Visiting aa ener eee story of gland] says HS. Nishols of 2 na SHOWING HUNDREDS OF THE ee [eine 0 be lon inuation.|for thirty-five years he knows i VERY LATEST STYLES FOR ALL Under the Great Charter all private is age ek a speak of it. to)Sold by all druggis : OGGASIONS =..<..2 3 ee Getting Back at an Interrupter| ph F : Atay privat 7 At the recent provincial elections Don t Miss It fF. Secy., E. Finkbeiner, R. Secy. is y nat i y}among the new a Cote y i followers of Mr. the peop! ly by thi » of | J. slleville. He has . Notary Public. is Province, e i minent figure on poli CALL AT OUR STORE AND. ASK n hut the do dress ici ms ion of O: WEIR, Notary Public, Aue: Lieutdnant-Governor, with bi ario, has de i TO SEE IT nty._of ‘and|of veto, and the Gov : te i the provi with his disallowance, Price only 20 cents with Free Pattern _ Hotala. an a million| echauadid Constitution was not rem= rs and tacticians, having ‘been brought in their party] tig a deadplook out “of “which ing with some heavy items of expen- ure. t| Mr. Johnsom has a rather ponder- ous style of delivery, and, on this eeasion, was to sees interruption, w! EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John othe Proprietor. as liquors f w what ‘you are talk- Ritter, prordatan ave at 3 QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont, | dpini we have been heard, and| wh i Be = man : i a dation, for, ea ha fla’ i wht i ‘The best accomm Ww. ct ide | op asked va - - —— travellers and other: esample|security f rivate most” poii F y deal ‘ : mn : rooms, Only the es W ines, Li-| free access to redress wont: eas e i i The ie r quors and jelasra et the, be be eeepc ery have been allowed ito pass. be r e time ry . stables. George F. Pa yprietor. Bystander is dealing, mot with|skin a skunk.” The bi f >. § oe tha spetial Cobalt eas i 2 ies ete People’s = = , as : fs A re i ved. the fresh y el es who had , ‘i 7 PR stokes aes been th ie shot, hastily Store : , : : & his way out of the building. ; et 3 ~ -——— es - Rot ‘" ‘s £ q P sae 9 » f Hi foney to i he ~ one ‘The speaker ee suddenly, and you LosingMuscularPower u 3 HL B,MORPHY, 0 Je A Verse. In we ee th The First Sign of Mental esis The Folly of Suicide e “Makins @ Wenley|' The Warning of General Goldwin Smith TRY THE SUN " ag 7 wor! gold produced > heat, no doubt, is due the > Barristers & Solicitors Breakdown but eines. t jeen|special increase in the mumber of : ; FoR = done : ; te Rang es ee a gradual decline, although for sev-[euicides. But the general increase may : ‘ - Stratford - Ontario See ee that ane ae eee Changes in the nervous system, it was in the neighborhood put down, partly, to helghtened : : “e0oD JOB W ear of Fine fra eit | ily en- J.C.Makins - W.J.Hanley ~ | S?8¢ - than a cigarette, the’ Pe a man approached, Tae Laks pol- =e eee Ue Ai xorie ina’ but oan ye 40ll Tae “its nice sepa aponless. oe ee ial 1st the hour” of the: tattoo this evening?’ | aicceree ike i sttnes an EY BOON ‘If the gorgeous gentleman heard he paid no attention whatever fo the|¥s not what it ought to ‘ wan from Toronto, who repeated his] Ycur friends might motlnes ligt ees eh iekness of speech, or that your|®£ mining yielded only 47 per cent.|but only a ty of suffering con- iffly and adjusting his is deci failing. < [of thetotal output, while 58 per cent |tinued or qnereceeaBut there ‘are also Ciaad a’ Oa 4 a ie sanoslet Ae unif formed one stared at These | gym toms may grow worse| came: from robably a good , i the interro; poston a id said i in icy but ve wickly if 4 me ‘raining schoo Three |{bigh-brea_ ton pe wn't you "go, awayt Cawn't you : re ti : sa a| ee St wares he I in be we're at messt P ‘way as thoroughly |pmends. The wheat fields of — the|éri rench wi 3 two a : s alling an orderly he directed that/and permarently as by the use est, in prods ugtion, of wealth | an@_ despairis apr a0 AS ape abhacly 2 Catalogue free. the person be removed, and the| ci rozone. Teav gold mines far be-|sommit suicide bet aaa th tone of room with a i ‘i is remarkabie remedy, which he ind; ai epee 's from the compact, en, : oats ase aa ibe fi cured tens of thousands of Canadian|make i saying “that 7 mrs sea acted SO! cy & in, withdrew “without eee e, increases enormously the ian mnditi cerca ona ate Pe ian the|very well om Guestion answer sy mo power, stimulates the _forma-| riche sits ever. ‘ead! De el . Fen i Cha The girls and ve wh |with what — Trouble” ene Foe ee a iat = hey'lt soon n find the source of : Sine globe and] U m | on a si, 80) wi ttack of th yen lca 1h fe 01 et “properly equipped ; lightning rods before they Gates aged or burned by lightning? Tc ore x wike ace with