Milverton Sun, 20 Aug 1908, p. 5

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x Made exclusively from of Ontario hard winter THE HIGH AND FINE REPUTATION OF “Jewel” Flour Is DUE TO HIGH AND FINE QUALITY. toba hard wheat, perfectly blended. . , »..- PFEFFER BROS. the choicest selections wheat an No Honing— No Grinding know from daily expe- snding 2" eth Safety, with the certain tax of new blades, or the ordinary COAL and GROCERIES —Soranton (the famous Coal” al- ways on hand, A full fresh Groceries in stock. bulk or by the barrel. J.G. HAMILTON, Station Store - Milverton. knowledge that your razor ‘will be ready for instant use ¢ next time needed. ‘ Carbo Magnetic razoris the only Taser anaes alll; inteed to do this. Thirty se ‘of study on the Bip ogee r 8 | fe have your barber use gic onyou. Give us your n. orcail and see “the “Carbo agnetic” razor, and we will stat Speporicen. for test- ig Gicas “rasore without obligation i tto tegether wrth ake free booklet ‘ Hints on Shav. ing.” ) TI illustrates the correct razor position for shaving every part of the face. Ww. F. FINKBEINER, Agent, Milverton H. MOHR'S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Vinegar hite Wine and Cider Vine- gar for pickling, 40¢ per gal. XXX W! Patent Medicines All kinds, Butter and eggs taken in exchange ven Spices eppers, Mustard Seed, gwder, Curry Powder, Green Timerick ‘ixed Spices, Red Fruit Jars Redpath’s Granulated Sugar $5.50 “per 100 Ib, sack, 24) SHOE POLISH dase cont at the "aioe. ‘Pole Srey. [nue that they ask me each night tobe Sint J It's easier fc a 790 should ‘see tite amilo f° get in The Noted for Stylishness. eoccccccee We are showing a line both in Tan and Patent Leather that for elegance of appearance and per- fection in finish is without a peer. Our lines will captivate you at sight. . We carry a full line of Boots and Shoes of every description. H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce WM. ZIMMERMAN ‘The Shoeman Canada’s Growing Time IS MOST STRONGLY MARKED BY THE INCREASE OF ITS Exchange connection costs only 5% to 10c per day t TELEPHONE SERVIC The Bell Telephone Co., of Canada affords Service with 100,000 Subscribers SPECIAL INDUGEMENTS for Rural Line Connection, Over 300 Rural Systems now connected An Extension Set on your Desk 3% cents pet’ day For: full The Contract Dept. Particulars. ea Consult S. PETRIE, Local Manager to connect wi ue the "AS 1S3114M. The Messrs Chas. Froehlich and € D. Koehler returned home last Sat rday, after spending a week with their northern friends, and enjoyed thelr trip very much. ng season begun, and the apentiva owners are all cater- img for the farmers’ work. ‘A very heavy electric btorm passed three head of cattle struck by -light- LES POS SEES under a laxge poplar Maes Sok Monday, all the ‘eashes 3 ‘being present, feel greatly refreshed after their holi- da M Mose Gascho, Joseph Bast J Foster John: Doeppke, Dan Bieinman and Erb, all went with a har ee exe) assist in the getat hanvext ¢ialassa the West. The N jouri Lutheran chureh he:d ual mission festival on ae st, when three services jwere Rev. eas of rel and is, of Kurtzy ee services for special mission sues " was $75.00 Mr. Chas. be rade ‘was: home for a wee! vr mo} ‘oronto this Anak the Shas secured a position as coatm Western is For Men. 000 ‘Harves Good W: ‘ages Offere reparations have earnest for the ts any oat ont pany Pe aca tcast ‘oosejaw; trains and the at 1 V's wor fields, laborers are issued tickets back ‘to the Ontario starting point ma_all-atations siiccwest OF Toronto, Aug. 18 19, 9 from Stations south-west of Toronto, and 620, 22 27. Sep from st important ex snd on. thie dates epecial traix , OF donger Agent, Toronto for full in- formatio} os et.” TRALEE. ea neuiber Falls 01 lay. M. Burnett is sick fonda: Samia the fever. Nee Wr right, from Pet- a £5 visiting her uncle Mr. Mrs. John Tse and spendin few weeks Rising friends in Gienalied: Mr. ee Burnett spent Sunday in “WMr. and Mrs. John Small and Mz. Thomas Adam spent Sunday at Mr Joseph McLaughlin’ iss Edna’ Kaufman’ in visiting at L, Smith's. DONEGAL: Miss Lizzie Thomlinson, of Aitwood, Bundayed with Miss ida Danbrook. absence of the pastor, who js taking his vacation, Rev. M isher, of Lambeth, a former pas- x is preaching here. His many old friends ‘are pleased to have him back ‘with ee Mr. an ner, Ethel, Tnitad RE ne ne. Vigond's ar aes School re-opened this week, and Mr. Belfry is back, looking well after the -holid Nie gee Mrer Staughter. who spent ‘their vacation at Mr. W. 8. ;chann: me to Forest it for some time by Mrs. M. man left for the West will spend a month with his son, Andrew You Feel Biue as Indigo are Cea ee suierey— bad ver zone. You’lJ try it to-day. 50c. at all dealers. Soi CARTHAGE. . School re-opened in ou! Monday with a very fair attendance. We are pleased to see Mr. Geotae| Bell out, after a severe attack of la_grippe . Dr. TJ. Johnston is pending 2 SOE of wells ee Miai'Ker¥ returned to uate heme iy |Fernbank, Friday . M rs. Ingram, of i Aoareine. is holidaying with hér sisters, Mrs. A Glenn and Mrs. G. Lin a Phas Gle; of) Liste is a |Suest “at present of the Misses ‘hain The Canadian’ Paciie Railway Com- pany, opened. its'new line from Han- over to. Walkerton on Monda july. 1st. Four trains will run ally Owen und e| Baden, spent a ‘A special. meeting -of the townst a council and police trustees was a ranged ee rig Bones “coud Christho!m, inorder to settle the lice village affairs. Mr. MoBrid Waterloo, a atrer the interests of the tomnship. and Mr. E. Cle BE Bem loiked atiey “the Struateer interests. rs etude ne M. s Are Needed And| om here took in|&*™ ha exouraien oToronto and Niagara _ OXFORDS: with|! is Mrs. J. McCutcheon is spending her|© nae Sp her parents, Mr. and nm ihe not care pheiery | tion, dizziness or nervous wey don’t ee MILLBANK. Miss Adeline Bonn and her friend. Miss Ethel Brown, of Toronto are former's home. eph Murr, erieaeist ane Seer daugh- ter, J. Ament for a few days last week. a 's Bon a e Murr, of Watering: was visiting his sister, Mrs. Ament last 2 ake Mr. Joh Ament je, was visiting gf wall las ta ate meted Mice Parent ere ing in London for a few days thi ae Thomas Dobson, of’ Pillbury. will occupy the pulpit of Grace chureh next oe at Mr .R Apea: Babunday Wasnhnont p and son Gordon are eS ao in Mr .and Mrs. Indianapolis Ind., Br W. San ith his Sothee Ter er ae family, of re visiting at Mr. oe 8 visiting ae Leben nd Mrs: H. ‘Thonias, Linwood pent cee with Mrs jomas. g spent a few days with friends in Stratford. N onn, of Toronto, accor be her friend, Miss Brown, g their vacation at her re Mr. and J. Livingston, w days with friends here. Mr. {Albert McKibbon, Toronto, is pone ne acquaintances in and around and Mrs. Witte, of Baden, spent with their daughter, Mrs. Curtis is vee her sister. ‘8. _W, Coulte E. Ritter, of Cambridg is spending a few weeks wit eC, . Smith and returned and re- the Methodist church on Tuesday evening Our junior baseball team- went to Wellesley Tuesday afternoon and the senior team of that place. seore was 11—5 of Wellesley. Never mind e| Viees are oe ‘Crossbill al Dangerous Usually it comes with a cold. Being is negle slight it cted—but the seed "|Get Catarrhozone now, to-day. Dates of Fall Fairs MILVERTON 25 re proof that Lydia E. Pink- nd a han sve Peers. Compound cures Mes John Scott, 489 Grand Trunk St., Mo , writes Mrs. Pinkham ; ay oan) very vies yun down in a Rees oie felt aa pent sometim« “Lydia E. Pinkhanys cums Com- mm} Pinithans'e Vegetable “Compound fo all women's ailments, mowing what it ne for ‘ACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. dia E. Pink- .| bas doi write he Mee Soarice: to ite. She has thousands health. at present spending month's holi-|s 00.) and little son, forme: PEFFERS. storm of Saturday night last was one that wi. alarming. The b: $hat bis barn had been struck wu: Ve flames. hed full control on ible to save anythin, sting has progressed rather owing to the recent heavy ary slowly, airs ns, Miss Margaret hand eviel °. Davidson has resumed € No 5 school lett Oca for re ena in Haman rehie Hol can aot engeee * os tne harvesting — w: Jo Campbell, of Renee n rs .Jean Coleman, of Crosshill called on friends here last week Mr. Henry Squire and his sisters, of Attwood. spent a couple of days recent- siting. in this vieinity. Smith, the tea man made Mr. J. bis annual call here last week. } ——— ROSTOCK. is progressing slowly Harvesting t th en Distoy, lo Rev. R. Peters will ocoupy the pul- (ened: cutting, me pad if the weather ;| Bit, in the Methodist. gManshe next thras tava n have this year's S| Sabbat erop joused . Z ae me: a number attended the Mr. . John Eggert, of Me- given by Rev. F. Donel in Killop, have been area village and vicinity ber in the Evangelical church on last, Rev .Mr. Burn of Tavi- stock, officiating . nuimber from the village attended the Diehl—Buch wedding at Mr Buch’s, of Wartburg on Wednels day, the 12th ins iss Maud Kreuter. left on Fri- day for Toronto. by different ministers and stude ‘Mr. (Henry Baumbach; after an ab- Nex v pence of . has returned to vie £ Mi the village and vicinity, si nity of hea jobson| of the remaining itary, ae county who will] this timx Mr. Baumbao hhas trav preach b nd evening ser-| extensively, hav ng | hee countri ng A capaped eiaeue voting industry number and nd varied mie Thea ane ne relat whi young peopte spent st. Bias, citi here of ie ae Mrs Henry Da! Mr. C. enki fared and improved his dw h The new of thre. Jaane nd will soon be compteted. CROSSHILL. Morris nd Mrs. Taease er. has gone to Brantford, she intends’ to fearn milli Mrs Fred Bender is spending a few se “at her home in L'stowe:. Erb is confined to iB y yet to be cut School re-opened eat Soule ay. Miss ned to re- evan Grainger ha: gume ‘her duties as Leno Miss ya Danbrook is cagand ng a few days with friends in Trowbridge. The Presbyterian church, Atwood, hich has been im the handsiof the painters and paper-hangers for the past few weeks, is now nearly finish~ ed. They expect to Rare it ready service next Suni Mi izzie Tomlsekon; of Atwood, spent Sunday with Miss Ida Danbrook Ohrogle, piacrhne$ Cured y fa ber has fob many years been Before taking th eremedy was a constant su! He is now sound al ell,and “although sixty, years oid, cando as much wo man. Sold at all druggists. Greatest in the Worla , here will be upwardy of 9,000 animals on show at the Canadian Na- tional ane Toronto this year, horses 1, 750 sheep, ‘850 gyi 6,600; poultry , 1.400 dogs and 500 or eouy of live animals. bei trues Funeral of A. J. Bailey The funeral-of the late A. J. Bailey at Stratford, took piace on Sun day at 2.30 p.m. esidence then -to ndale » instead of Win What It means, Heading off a Risk s Damper with “ordinary furn Gas is liable to puff out of the front door of any furnace unprovided for shine” Furnace has ‘Auiedane (ia Damper directly connected with for it to escape up chimney (sce illustration), but heat Whiat does *Sunabiae” Gas Dales mean to ne Householder? b ie” coal account? fear having to keep check-draft indefinitely closed to “let off” gas— when there's two-thirds parts of heat-energy to one part of gas passing up shimney—aeah can with all safety be opened, and coal saved for another day’s dut Toronto Montreal Winnipeg J. ROTHAERMEL & mec ne Agents, Milverton MeClary’s 4a Ss. es: - Agent Newton, Ont. Clearing Sale of Go-Carts and Baby Carriages Owing to limited Hour space, we are unable to carry over our bal- ance of Go-Carts and Baby Carriages, so we have decided to sacri- fice the entire line at cost and below. You Cannot go Wrong on These Prices One only, Go-Cart, eed body, leather hood, regular $22.00, for only... $16,00 for only $7.09 One only, Go-Cart, reed body, One He ay ee ors white lace top regular § 5.75 regular $20.00; for only... eetede 814. One only, Reclining Go-Cart, Leather Hood, .00 3 only a ie ts a nae at a 85 alia $10.00, C.R.Honderich& Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. New Fall Suitings and Overcoatings a2 Our new fall stock has arrived, and it will pay you to call in and inspect these goods before buying elsewhere, A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED $ E. KNECHTE Ghe Old 9 Reliable +++ PLUMBING MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS é SSF ORE 0 _ Harvest Tools, Binder Twine, Paris Green, Screen Doors and Windows ONLY A FEW. Coal Oil and Gasoline Stoves WHICH WE ARE SELLING CHEAP -} CALL AND SEE THEM HEATING ~¢ < JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON +++ vo! pallbearers were J. ‘A.D Hesson, S. Roberts Robt. Larm pointed the funeral. Makes as salay Swear To have his favorite corn stepped on. Putnam's Corn Ext hours—no pain—costs a quarter. Try Putnam’ Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Calling Cards , Mr. Merchant Do you need anything in the print- ing line ? If you do, send in your order, and we will supply you with as neat a job as is to be had in the county, and at moderate prices. ‘<a (iv-THE SUN PUUVUVCCVUVe.

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