H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer of <—®> Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO se ISSUER OF... Marriage Licenses Strictly MILVERTON - ONTARIO Vol. XVII—No. 30 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 1908, Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher JOB PRINTING se Suh as ss Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Etc. DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY at— The Sun Office Interest on Savings Accounts compounded FOUR times a year. Special attention given to Promptly Collected. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS Bought and Sold, ———=A Good Habit to Cultivate—— Sai) hitb Series The Metropolitan Bank independence is then regularly depen esmhones archi mal ane sepes Savings Department of Capital Paid Up, $1,000,000.00 Reserve Fand and Undivided Profits, $1,241,532.26 allowed from date of deposit and No delay in withdrawal, FARMERS’ BUSINESS. MILVERTON BRANCH, A. J. Cundick, Manager. 78 SALE NOTES 3 LOCAL NEWS} 2 Put ‘up your flags on as Holiday f Tou want the best bread, buy ‘Weitzel’ The \secret of education lies in the pulpit.—Emerson. Listowel’s ‘tax rate this year will be ARS four mills. hes, ,jplums, tomatoes, jae are arriving daily at Mohr's. gnes Balfour, wa Buffalo, is her 1 iend, Miss Lottie M. been \engaged a8 improver on Gatche, we regret dup with an! attack HH acres regular BQ cente.s pound Saturday 4 p ‘or $1.00 at of the ca of walk Our Only Terms : CASH AND PRODUCE costae] QW THE W 31st, we wish to wind-up our dise prised as you have rarely seen it. On SATURDAY and MONDAY, Summer selling. We wish to clear out all broken lots, odds and ends here and there. order to make room for our big stock of new fall goods IND-UP AUGUST 29th, and Here you will find desirable merchant- We are just closing the largest August busi- ness in our history and we now have decided to throw all profits to the winds in You will have an oppor- tunity to pick up a lot of rare snaps, lots that are too small to advertise, but you will have to come quickly for these lots won’t last long. Men’s Suits for $4.38. Do you want to buy a good ser- viceable Be at a little price, .20_ only, Good Tweed and worsted silészanostly dark pattern, well lined, trimmed an made. Odds and ends from our regul= lar selling lines up to $10 for .38 Boys Suits “Such Values as these can only be found now and then.” only, Boys strong Tweed 3- sess Suits well made and trimmed, good fall and winter weights, Sizes 24 to 32. Regular $4.50 to 5.50, clearing at. $3.75 1o only, Boys Fine Blue Serge Suits, the pants have donble seats and double knees and the coats double el- bows, sizes 28-33. Ragular $6.00 value fe . $4.5 Ladies Hose 5 Dozen only, Ribbed Cashmere Hose you will find extra good wearing pusnee in these. Regular 35c pairs 25c FOL. 1.5 cscncssvesvcvccvccecncevccyeces Table Linen “You cannot buy this linen for less but you can easily pay considerable more elsewhere’ 100 yards Bleached Table Linen, full 66 inches wide in new patterns. Regular 75c ayard, clearing for...... S5Se Ladies Night Robes “An extra saving” 3 Dozen only Ladies Flanneleth Night Robes, trimmed. Regular 6oc, clearing 45c Men’s Union Underwear “New goods at easy prices.” 5 Dozen only Men’s Union Shirts and Drawers, Regular 65c garments, clear- ing for. 48c Natural Wool Underwear jo Dozen Mens Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, Penman’s and Turnbulls make, sizes 34 to 42. Regu- lar $1.25, to $1.50 each, clearing Absseeecessseeeee $1600 a garment in Ott- ere us © quanintances in Milverton and Morn- Scheonhals. Port » is at present visiting at the Rev. 0 of Iverness, Beotland, ‘will abe jn. Donnelly’s Hall, (Newton, pees ae peat 11 g’clock a.m. an My. A Riddell, n.1G. Mornington ofthe Glencoe Transcript, is spending village, renewing ol Hanna, Lottie Hanna Hull, who have been holidays in Milverton dto Toronto or two Be week at the residence of Mr: Henry Miller. * tra" De Sanky, whu_-xeceatly died, gave all his royalties on the sale to the Nofthfie'd hese to over half a erteher, on Saturday On Sunday next Rev. W. J..8 i m two interesting sub- erage in the of assessable value the On- $5.53, whereas the rai!- 58 t f American automobilists near inte where nied paid $150 to settle the Aourists arrested are rassed by continue paying more money for identic: READ THIS OVER The prices below are named for people who buy by value—A walk through our store and a look at the price cards will convince you whether or not it is good business to joods. Our Goods are not sold on Long Time nor do we figure on long profits. 3 pore Grain Bags, good weight Boys ‘ants, clearing at P Gieealiy- Pillow Cotton, good quality 12% and 15 paweliogs clearing at Wire Hair Rol. Hair Frames ED Eee Comite the latest) craere: size Teekie Bath Towels x Butter Dishes o—eac! 2 Sisls Sewing 5 oe 3 ie Berry Di Granite Pie Plus Granite 6 quart | Milk pant Hee our Extra Special Values for 5c, 100 _and 15c on our Notion Gounter ppm Jom edt zane 25 Envelopes This Store will be open oS Thursday until 9 p m. Gloses Friday, August 28th--Givic Holiday @ want your. produce - - We will use you the very best ie pinse or Miah eaaeest Shela ve It ae easily stopped. eth eeilye with "the finger, andthe Gisappear. \It rarely e_the- Gey we that’ « nerve; which plays a important part in the sneezing, lies under the Jip, and i. paralyzed by the ‘pressure jon the The ‘Farmer's Mavocate, of Lon- don, says that p) ight- is Brislin, of Walkerton, ae i Mrs | of sa union. On ar will sto: hi If you see it in the Sun it's Apply Harvesting ‘in au section of the ares about completed. satisfaction iguaranteed at jurgman spe: ae a. few Gave test week with friends in Berlin. oa Lot Be iss Clara Riddell, Nellie Davidson, of Kearny ~¥., visiting her cousin, Mrs Jobn Munro. ‘iss Laura cree of Toronto’ at’ her home i Manover, is at present ithe iguent tt aise Florence. ‘0 | Rothaermel ies Emily Bur rgman, who has been ending es holidays with friends re eae Berlin, returned iday. Nettie ete of Cadillac Mich spent a sonple 3 last week with Mrs. Lae oth . Curtis has returned from pent several xeter, is don.| spending @ few days visiting ro. brother, Mr. Schmidt, of Waterloo. days this week visiting learning rinting, should apply at this office. Mr. Will Ward B. A., wife and family, Toronto, are at present visi siting their aunt, ar Elva ree ford, jar eS woling: friends — na and Mornington at present. M Ts. George ber ei pa ae family, of Ellice Mr. a) bide Doerr, o| pion heavyweight pi feated Squires, Sydney, on Mon whi ence Manitoba ne British ee If you are in need o! or Wilkinson nt want a riding plow, of light that it be an! “neludeat Any SOE ei your next grocery order: THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1807 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund,- 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England Every e ili re COUNTRY BUSINESS vel ie faci ety forded to farmers and transaction of their banking business. Sales notes will oe ee or taken for collection. A ts be BANKING BY MAIL “su may te opened by mai, and Onies deposited or withdrawn this way with equal facility. i . 5 WM. MAYNARD, STRATFORD BRANCK B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Manager, SAVINGS ACCOUNT is the best investment for idle funds. It offers absolute safety, and pays interest four times a year. R. J. Ranney, Manager, (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) Member of the Canadian Bankers’ Association & The Toronto Clearing House ssesee Head Office; - TORONTO W. R.ATRAVERS, General Manager SAVINGS pain jie Aree es ave to this pn ment. st allowed from date of de, at current rat id LR times a ae Money may be wit Peabegels notice. Money tocwaded to depositors by Gere EULESS. A SPECIALTY —Notes of responsible farm- ers disc notes collected and advances made thereon. CHEESE pet any bank cashed or taken on deposit with- Open Saturday Nights during July and August from 7 to 9. MILLBANK BRANCH: R. G. GRIEVE, Manager iy mn whieh onid. aot mare as fa urlyere citi the cam- penses as is es money ex- a hall. on. | pen Paes in hiring a * Owing to the overcrowding o} op "Penitentary iz has e middle of | te: milliners panne. faa ay about Is are a valuable protective very woheaply, and + of galvanised sein Nine fateailds at. No; @ very efficient Henning] rodding \a seventy-foot standards, ‘staples, ‘a specialty of su er font, #0 fittings ined n \the same Beri od 50) Gata nats ats description: ites that 3,000,000 are offered up every ie ses hes! tar ir af female anity. eae 23 fa the weakness of hotoan y. . ills. tipping” system has come ain in a novel form. eomahip steward was dismissed for iti m-the passengers, He bro action against ie company for os oe fhe judge ruled ileged It ae eter Moe the steamship; co! Bec tier eile staode ays alas ed aye a ‘Yes, we maiz nee the least rd (papers ito continually note provonens they make, "giving them | e ‘puffs, and for ee a 3 ya een litte ete., nicely apes slasses to learn that Y. newabaper is < pee pnrerny ee: the same as a ye re or a grocery, run ee = vig fob le antes Coder Stai qT verton Met! ry. “Hi silver pllection ‘will 00}, Mr. that one dealer feria 800,000 wings of every | j yla tastiness of Hine all better order of 2 rast as eat jars aoe vat Moh: great neti are taking Sorhege of the offer of the Sun to Janaar 1910 for $1, Miss Edith O'Donnell, of Waterloo is at present visitin _ cousins, ¢ $1.00, per] Mrs. 8. H. Pugh spent several days i week visiting friends in Strat- . Engel, of Waterloo spent 7 reve in nine > village with his father ir. on Sunday with his iter, M Epworth ash: pat set ie bod: Ch larvest : esday August Seon placa pai raviateas [ee Mr. Richard "Burgman, ind refreshments Verton, was Gra: Ebersol,of ittban See hares cakes where they will fends tate Reld, prinvipal. of the 100) Be i hi to be the est of the bey yet eat a the market. Ho has .used it in Pennsylvania, and has ete seores of testimonials as to the ef-|son of Mr. ficiency of is work. Mr. pee he i * | dh is ine sete, giving tat Tasticulare with] rdgart Ares ind will be, pleased a bors h anyone g to make a xe the arene: of Labors ing,.: Dep ne, Miniter sre recently installed in| nominatio Pfeffer Br pa ng dev: Th ‘he p Be sae a hopper opened in OBITUARY tnont of the ‘ca r wheat down to the is with orofound sympathy that An auger-like Sots paces) leer we schon e ae rd: he clevetene G where it is ‘carried ae Bt e bi Through the ad nid ery a car ee Tbe saad an in less aes three hours re ore 601 oe : laos well kept lawns aid trowel eda, d passed tle| part of his “carta BOS h| farm eo Re ates wrought oe ae wing a tora ova eis trifling as compared to| new thesinerensed value where these things | xist. in the minds of well, whieh wl tend to the good of the community in |i years «to nae “A trial by those pris are oe Aaa will tha ‘oronto. His second family ne oe cee Y a , eS sbilk 1m, of Cargil rian, SamiaTaag aie we