Milverton Sun, 27 Aug 1908, p. 3

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“DEAD” WOMAN REVIVED. Resuscitated After Her Life Had Apparently Fled. na Fe BREADSTUEFS. ene CONSTABLES HELD AT BAY eat Teed eget No. 2 white ad re, Italian Opened Fire on 1 Fire on Them With CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. igen MARKETS THREE DOZEN MUST DME Many Condemned to Death By Russian A desj aminer as a =a of carbolie acid 82e to. 860 ae 2 mixed, Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own | poisoning on. Tuesd: night, and anitoba, eat — Nominal at * Courts in Two Days. aad Othes COuGtEeY ermission. for the removal of her|$1-17 to $1.18 for No. 1 northern, Winchester Rifle, : peel jody given, Mrs. Eva Washkiewis-|Jake ports; ether grades at propor- eee e te ees of this city was later revived b A despatch from St. Petersburg says: There were ten more death sentences in Russia on Wednesday, five at Vilna, two at Warsaw and | i, three at Lodz. On Tuesday re were 26, a sinister See. Two ie mea were sie The others were convicted ef train robberies a murders, ere were two ecutions .on A second unsuccessful attempt was made on Tuesday evening to assassinate the Chief of Police of Pyatigorsk, M. men emptied their revolvers at the Chief, but failed to hit him. f| police shot down oa of the revo- vee ae but the other two es- Bedeisatal top Tcherdyn tells of an armed. collision between the in- habitants of two neighboring vil- .|lages over the ownership of a piece of disputed land, in which two men Tuesday at Warsaw, one at Tiflis| were killed and’ several seriously and several at St. Botersburg. wounde the bed is ea has when it is : HEALTH aired, unless also warmed by sun- shine during the time Seeereed to tl ir. At nea when the body the “ARTHRITIS DEFORMANS.” This is the name of a Cres Be ease of the joules which i frequent in wom in mete and generally delkiee itself be- tween ee ages of thirty-five and fifty-fiv ly pres to nearly every joint in the ne peculiar characteristic of this complaint is the symm ‘st to suffer, the middle finger of the other hand will renew act throw of the waste matter ebaried the night before. The sisceptible body of the sleeper” soon rounded by a dense and highly poi- Sonous atmosphere, the accumula- tive effect of which cannot Laas but be ane injurious. The skin, like the lungs, is eon- tinually brosthiieaait ie Tory tere sitive to external influences. Hence {arises the noed for air baths as as for water baths. The entire body should be exposed to fre y day for'as long @ time as you Gen makers “aude bea soul be very thoroughly ventilat. SICK-ROOM RULES. Never whisper in an. invalid’s ‘oom. To most people it is intense- ay irritating. If you want to say 7 | @nything that it is ce eae pa- 4| tient not to hear, go into another room to say it. Don't allow household annoy. ances to be spoken ick Poon ule decries ‘hoala be discussed, member that when a person is|P lying on his back he is deprived of the protection of his eyelids from the light; therefore, blinds and eur- tains sh fact in view. mpmnsel a as an incurable disor- der, it does not directly threaten life itself, and many ee, from it live to ae old a; The mischief don to the ieee arcing, the acute eee BSP tha, form of swe! ular and e a length of the attack, and treatment therefore becomes of great import- inflamed ~ joints should~ be Shey direct SPIDER BITES. The question whether the bite of aving: again raised, the French scientific journal, La ature, through a physician, that pure if practicable, apply a little Batuentic lotion. majority of cases a large spider causes nothing m than asligtilocalintaton: —_——* COTTON SPINNERS’ Are to be Reduced Five Per Cent. WAGES. in Lancashire, A» despatch from Manchester, England, says: Ti ashir is unwise, as tients suffering from this disease are already below par, an every advantage of nutrition. The patients do ae in a warm, dry cli- in good weather aMioutd reatment, relief of pain may be hot fomentations of the immersion of the joint in water as. hot as can be borne.—Youth’s Ooms panion. THE DANGEROUS FEATHER BED Few people seem to know the rea- son why medical ee condemns the use of feathe: It is because Eadilies beds are er for- meaning and condense moisture. The body matter as tea will simply atmospheric moisture. The feathers retain the waste matter during the day when O- ite ice cs this effect will at once be| whom would be immalliately ‘affect. ed-im the event of-a refusal to ads the demands of their captive elled to cease work, which sy ud greatly 3 increase the number affec van SES FADS AND FANCIES. A novel bracelet is of heavy. an- tique filigree, gold or silver, Sraad where: the setting appears. © The ay usually is of jade. Shrewd fashion prophets of Paris are enninhe to predict that next year will be one of reat simplicity in ee hats and gi With the ahentlt o wn and such} © other audacities imal xcluded, the directoire style is alt the all ie, Sopauseing mode of the The United States Governmen has petitioned for a rehearing of the oa is ui ive Standard Bi Com; of jiana, which fined | $99, 240,000 ae Judge Landaie. IRE IN THE MAYPOLE MINE: Seventy Miners Entombed at Wigan, England, ee eae atch from Wigan, a a The worst fears have been fealised in the explosion eas oc- ~ curred in the Maypole mine on Tuesday. The entombed miners number about seventy, and it is im- possible that any of them can have survived, ~ Efforts at rescue, how- continue unceasingly, Thirty ies were discovered on Wednes- day in the workings, but the fumes from the urface, but all were so blackeued: and mutilated that identification was impossible. t will be impossible to make a feornta examination of the work- ing until the fire has been subdued and the air purified. When the 5 party descended on morning the sight that met their eyes was horrifying, Not far from the bottom of the shaft eighteen bodies were found, fr fahtfully tee legs and arms bemg blown off, and heads batter- ed: atinost Hesoge recognition. The no hope that anyoue sak Ee an out alive. The Boers eee: brought to the surface. Nothing else will convince them of the hope- lessness of waiting. The | Si bas Va warms the bed, the feathers ji uld be adjusted with this b Nisame perio n!factures increased to the extent of Recent Events. CANADA. Fernie fire losses by insurance companies execed $1,500,000. London electors will ils on’ the unday street car questie Barnum & Baile; circus train was wrecked in British Colum! R. station at Windsor Wee broken into and $600 stolen, nadian sheep-breeders’ object He tinted States quarantine regu- lation ninedeichs are offering to support the Banque de St. Hyacinthe of ontreal. ame Warden Tinsley has ex- pressed the opinion that the net- ting of minnows is illegal. f the Fr aie The damage done by forest fires ae eee is estimated at near- Vv $5, 000,000. Pears are entertained that there will be great. distress among labor- Prof. W. Muir Edwards, B.Se. of McGill, has been appoint- sit; way - Commission: will an Sunday in connection with rail- air ev-| 8, St. Thomas citizens are opposing the proposed construction of a race tack by n. Fark eiee, Colonial Secretary, t a message of sympathy with ee pes fire sufferers to aw P. Graham, at Peterhoro", ‘declared that i Trent tion. National Transcontinental Railway Commission have received tenders for the construction of 576 miles of roas he Maritime Board of Trade has passed a resolution in favor of run- ning rights over the I. OC. R. being EP Re “insurance company any further usiness in London’s congested business district because of the inadequate water supply. ada’s imports show a eateaee of $39,915,809 for first fc $350,000. GREAT BRITAIN. ie Lusitania in her VES Rage ve iowtee the ree cord by about four ons: issionaries and workers from all a great missionary conference to be held in Edinburgh in 1910, was compelled by ee tide to give up his at- tempt to swim the ae nglish Chai nel when within a mile of his goal. UNITED STATES. Experiments are being made at Pittsburg with an ozone water pu: Twenty-five negroes were lynched ited States given to the operatives, 200,000 of| sixty days. trunk in a ravin swe aval merchants wi Habit |sonville, Miss., fought a duel with pistols. _ Both will die. Rev. James D. Phelps, Treasur- er of Syracuse Univeral commi ae classes during the coming win- Ca fe a lecturer at Edmonton Univer- . e consider hat is work ‘of necessity | the Elgin Driving Asso- i Canal must be pushed to comple-|% parts of the world qillvake getea te in the last) i, ers in the house, saying that she wished to say good-bye to them, as = S & oy &. 3 ry ° 5 Bs eo 5 a so = 5 B 5 < Wright went to the houso. Dr. Wright, it is alleged, pronounced the woman dead and gave permis- sion for the removal of the body. Boon afar his departure, it is said, another Physician revived and re- stored hi by tionate value; ats Ontario, new, 39¢ 0 40¢ outside; old, nominal, at 45¢ to 46e 3, 46c. to to 45¢, lake outside; Manitoba No: 46}4c; rejects, 44346 ts, board- | Por’ , Barley—| —New No. 3 X, 55c to Bic; No. 3, 58¢ to Ry ye—New, 65c to 70c bid outside ; - pold, 0 stocks. Co rn—Nominal oat 86%c to 87e for kiln-dried ny Bran—Quoted at $16 to ey per i $2 Bhorte—$20 to $21 iat ee in bulk fon in bulk outside; in bags, outside ; in 8, eee aa be TWO MEN ME MET | DEATH. Fell on Their Heads and Neyer Re- gained Consciousness, A despatch from Renfrew, Ont., says: While engaged in loading attendance could arrive, He was 45 years o age, and unmarried. Chas. McGhean, a prominent far- ow when he was struck by the hayfork, Knocking him from where he was standing, and falling on the barn floor on his head. He w: His wife died eg ey QUAKE IN CALIFORNIA. Over a Hundred Chimneys Thrown Down at Eureka. A despatch from Eureka, Cal., Three sharp earthquake pee kc Gasiad eae than a hundred chimneys, shattered about: forty plate glass windows in the business broke much ¢ and sharpest shock t was almost ae severe as the one felt here on 18, 1906. At 3.08 another | pahien shook me experienced, fol- red by a third at 5.30 Sa e_earth- nae left: a big fissure half a mile lon; ANOTHER CA (NOE VICTIM. Miss Margaret Copland, of Mont- real, Drowned. A despatch from Montreal says: Miss Maragaret aoreeate ae this city, was n esday near St. ted suicide at Utica, and he lost his hold. Even : then per cent. of 08) the: lad-dived~ several times; but ig! mines along the eras are idle, on account of the low water in the 1 fivage wusiodik “Oficals “taps eer tapestries, paintings and sta- -y. valued 80,000 as being| fics entered. The United States has given Hol- land a free d to act against Venezuela so long as no military occupation of HOM takes plage, GENERAL. “Japanese spies have been arrest. on Peter the Great Bay, south Be Vindivostok. Turkish Grand Vigor has renaeet ithdraw ti n c. of the Young Turks will meet in Geneva 0 consider th 4 question of deposing the Sul- ot is hinted at Berlin that King 8 visit to the Kaiser may Anglo- oe under rebu It in an standing Turkish Cabinet has siterale seriou be through the death of Redjeb Pasha, the War Minister. Count, Zeppelin, the airship in- ventor, is preparing to build three giant balloon halls, besides factori- arters for wor illing 300 we ae latter’s men and wound- ju ing 5 BEYOND CONTROL. Forest Fires Continue to Do Great Damage in British Columbia. A despatch from Cranbrook, . says a bush fire near Kimberley , and is running nerth towards Skookunchuck Creek. Sullivan and Kimbe made everything so dry that fire-fighting is very diff- iy to find his eee and finally became exhausted, and when he mandhied: tHe shore wad pickea hy up Miss poniends 45) x recovered. a teacher in Prince Albert, School. eS nae D AUTO COLLIDED. Man and Wife killed Near Minne- TRAIN AND in on the Minneapolis &St. Louis Railway. Two othe: prove Hee RIG stuck BY “BY TR AIN,. Ten-year-old Boy I led and ine mother Injured. A despatch Som secu thu, |® Ont., says t anley, ae 2 We oe af- miles from here, on ie ral Edwar McLeur, aged ten, ae ® killed, and his grandmother,~M: Dowell, in- man was brought ie by. special trai RAVAGES 0 OF CHOLER! A. von Its Way I Down Black Sea es Jong Caucasus Coas A despatch fro) says: The centre of virulence in the cholera. epidemic day. ra_is now wor! its way down the Black Sea along the Caucasus coast, om ‘Bt. Peterburg osr eee ; ei akon $6; ters 85.40; $5.30 ; Salen ates wheat t. pat= ents, "gs. 30 te i eee PRODUCTS. —Large, 13¢ to 13%; aie 19% i) 13%e. eo Butter — Wholesale quotations are esac prints .. + 250 to 26e do solids .... + 28¢ to 24¢ Dhiry aes choice .. "+; 93¢ to 24¢ do ordinary + 21e to 28¢ Dairy, tubs 2le to 2c Inferior . Te to 18¢ Egas—200 to ie per dozen in case Poul — Spring chickens, live weight, 130 to 15¢; fowl, 10c to a ducks, 10c to 12¢; “dressed, 2¢ high- er. Honey— Strained, 10c to le per pdund. Bea picked, $2.10 to Potatoes—60e to ‘800 per bushel in farmers’ waggons PROVISIONS. Pork—Short cut, Ace ao per bar- as mess, $19 to Lard—Tierces, as Taba 12%; pails, 12e. moked and Dry Salted Meats— bacon, 11% to 11%, tons. and cases; hams, medium and thus clear light, 14% to 180; to lle; rolls, 10% ‘a lle; breakfast bacon, 1c 15%e; g) e te less a smoke UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, Aug. 25.—Wheat September, $1. oud es $1. Le De- cember, 98%c; No. 2, 57¢ to 58¢; at 88ce to 88 ec freights for No. 2 yellow, patents, Ie; gins. ns—Primes, ud to $2.10; hand-}- $2. wai and graded good other points report tions. vie Company, referring to the har- ;|vest reports in general received by him, said: n meats, out of pickle, Hieocesfully. garnered and Hast: hich ae now come. ing was started at principal point $ o| The A despatch from Parry Sound says: Constables Haystead Kerr, of Bying Inlet, arrived here cn Wednesday, having in charge| ope Frank Sporanco, an Italian, ae- cused of burglary and robbery at Key Harbor Junction, ©: and rae we far had eluded arrest. On Tue with an auto- matic rifle, the constables replying | a: h revolver shots, as the atanta had ‘emptied the rifle, Knight ss and ran toward him, and on leptin atts he shot him in ine and | thig leg, panouna @ flesh wound in the he was savagely attacked sas the clubbed rifle and had his He stuck to his ae using. his revolver remain on the battle- Shortly Shenae Madigan a field, | returned with assistance and both rom the injuries. Spor- three Italians “NOE FEAR OF FUEL FAMINE. NEGRO USED THE KNIFE. Big Stocks are Feins Held in the| Captain of res Barge Stabbed Wes at Quebec. A despatch ro Paiactsee says: There is no danger of a fuel fam-| 4 2 tae, from Quebec says: tabbingwaffray took place in St. us in the west nese winter, accord- Rosie on Tuesday night about a nie ing to advices being received: tke in dealers .throughout,. the they having taken the precaution order before the crop movement Wholesalers here believe ee as are ample for all. Harvest- fore thrashing, eeperialy. on light! fou: lands in southern Manito! round sonilae one Manager Black of the Ogil- “It is safe to say that 20 per cent. of the wheat has ere the en- ree from danger of agh: e balan last. the Province on Monday oe STRIKERS REFU SE PAY. Ignore Nets Issued by the Rail tb y Company. A de pectin from Montreal says: Canadian Pacific Buffalo, Aug. Rete wate greater number of these were ay hugher ; No. 2 red, a 0. 3 éx-| We company claims una tra red, 97¢; No. 2 w 99¢; No. | sufficient men are now engaged mixed, 98c Gorn Higher: No. | the neck shops to keep them i: 3 yellow, 84c; Nu. 4 Mo. Rye Ne. gt track, LIVE # 0 MARKET. Light export cattle Pap $4.50 e is a fair de- $5 p sont ace Seeiae 2. 5c fe $3.50; Dale $2 to 84; easee pe es falves were quoted at 3 ae ee per pound. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Aug. quiet demand. white, 48¢; No. » 2, A7e, Flour was fair. BeCc- onds, $5.50; winter wheat patents 85; “Straight PuLuF $4.30 to. $4.50; do., in bags $1.00 $1.65 to 1. a Bantobs. tran $22 “ ae dosh $25; Ontari middlin, B85 ‘$24 to ‘a shorts, 296 per ton, including bags; pure grain to and milled ran, nisl, $30 $32, e1 grades, $25 to $28 per ton, rovisions—Barrels, short cut mess, $22.50; creme $11.50 8, dry salt long 12%e to 13¢; kettle rendered, 13¢ to 1274 hams, 12%c to 14c, accord- ing t ares breakfast. bacon, ide ne 15¢; sor bacon, 5d fresh killed Sheek “aressed. ee ; live, $6.75 The butter ea eae is ey, finest creamery bein: noted i: a jobbin, yess ote ee en. corresponding date last year. Si gee eS Government engineers have re- volcano near Tainpico. e ees, 150,000 bar- perted that the oil rels per ee are P audiesuoae that under ie system of government Turkic women a obtain greater reedom, ;| ing al y and ;|gradually secured. Y New General ansaer 25.—Oats are in Manitoba, No. 2 c, and elpets “jed, 45¢ per bushel, ex-store. s i (choice ‘spring whost patents, $6 to $6.10; 0 $2.10; extras, Sine see and 24¢ to 24%. firm under a are good sae Selected stock 230; . 1, 20¢, and No. 2, 16e per doz. Ie ance due t ight. ty fe car men. While there are plen- , More metal wor! cheudiacotieme company 1 4|further contends that there has been no anterisctaee with the train and no trouble whatever is ervice, anticipated in handling the Western The company on Friday is- sued notices ae the men to draw '|their pay for the work they had done this month, but, acting on the |™ instructions of the union, the strik- ers paid no attention to the notice. ae W. €. SRAUF APPOINTED. for Lake Superior Corporation. patch from Sault § Marie, says: ©. Srauf of Char- lestown, W. Va., has been appoint- ed to arrive this week to take charge of the ee industries of the compan; rauf was formerly General Manager of the Kanawha & West Virginia Railway. he TRAGEDIES AT AT QU’APPELVLE, Two Farmers Killed ae a Few iles of Each 0} A despatch from se irs Sask., says: Bulyer Stoudt, aged i, was kicked to death by. his team n a runaway accident on Thursday. Rudolph Deutcher, a farmer south]; whicl aneryea canal. bi eh a sie and is ~~ at, see os seems that the two Barat it fatal. The Bigelow is in ort with a cargo of coal which is’ Pend discharged here. ig a SIX BURNED TO DEATH. Children bate Their Lives at Col- lax, Washington. pee front Colfax, Wash., ing from a fi their home on Wednes- Four of the dead were The other two children of W Fe in-law. Belrouse, resw lestroye day night. children of Schultz. were rothe 2 attending a theatrical per! ares, The two eldest. Schultz girls tempted to rescue the children, ut ost the way to the door, and were fetes to drop the -babies to make heir 01 ie cause’ of the fre isa mystery. SIX BURNED TO DEATH. Terrible: Result of the Race War in Tennessee. A. despatch from Knoxville, ‘e s: On Rich Mountain, several miles east of Jellico and ear the iad mining section, a negro shanty, lay mornin, Rane of the inmates had morning The burning is supposed to have been the wor e white miners and mountaineers, ili objected to the negr feeling has been inflamed in seve al of the mines in the Jellico is t. @ | trict Coon re ear GAVE LIFE FOR TRUST. Express Messenger Sorenson Killed erin, A despatch from Winnipeg says: Otto Sorenson, a messenger in the employ of the Western Expres: pany, was killed by robbers, cal lying indicated that he had had a terrible struggle. The robbers fled in terror after killing their man. of here, was thrown out of his rig the samé day and killed. He leaves_a ee ne two children, who live in St. ‘THE RBTURN OF PROSPERITY 8%c-to 9%e} pure Tard: i Deposits By Public in Canada Show an In: crease of Over $7,000,000. expateh leer cOlinwacaayl: ‘The’ bank statement for July was issued on rsday night. The changes tae ‘last icant. _ | hopeful character Ts On the aia hility side of the ecunt the notes in circulation show a decrease a $1,456, ne e Domi ‘a= Hon nt has fs en Speiiged by $5, oe 0, while the balance due to vineial Governments has aeveaed by $1 oer et by the public, payable on demand in Canada, have in- oreased by $3,978,000, anid payable ‘79. on notice, $3,7 arded as clear ertienee ‘that the Canaan Public are Bob risking ac- yin is re- their money in speculative ventures. Deposits elsewhere than in tn_the month of $9,056,000. The total liabilities for July are Ae 328,349, an increase of $9,584)~ 099. Turning to the assets of ion pent pee $3,250,000, yr agencies in the United States are increased b: 5121000, and from ks in foreign countries by $9,082,000. Call sho} anne: in Janada have decrease 083, ~ 006, and clsewhere ee in oer, have seni by $2,159,000. ent loans an aa aa seduction of $9, The iat ets ami crete ne nae 411 ae Pe Sone ‘with $926,017,629, ae RY Y arent

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